Removable fur collar camouflage 8 letters crossword puzzle. Removable fur collar. fur collar without a fur coat

fur collar without a fur coat

Alternative descriptions

A snake of the subfamily of boas with bright coloration

A snake of the boa family that lives in the forests of tropical America

Large boa constrictor

African people

Nationality in Zaire

An ordinary boa constrictor, from the skin of which ladies' handbags are made

A very long narrow scarf made of fur, ostrich feathers, lace, tulle was especially fashionable in the heyday of romanticism and at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

ostrich feathers

fur cape

Feather scarf

Long scarf in fur or ostrich feathers

Cap fur coat

In the second half of the 19th century, this garment became popular, which resembled a snake from the boa family, reaching four meters in length.

The skin of this snake is valued for its beautiful pattern.

Long narrow women's scarf made of fur or ostrich feathers

Boa constrictor living in tropical America

Boa family snake

scarf snake

common boa constrictor

Fur or feather scarf

The snake as a scarf

Feather cape

Boa constrictor or scarf

Snake and women's scarf

Scarf made of fur, feathers

Handsome among the boas

snake scarf

Scarf "from a snake"

. "serpentine" scarf

Ostrich scarf

. "snake" on the neck

tree boa

Extravagant scarf

Scarf Verka Serduchka

This snake can be worn around the neck

Marabou feather scarf

Ostrich feather scarf

Feather scarf or boa constrictor

Scarf around the neck of a beauty

large snake

Women's scarf

Feather scarf

Shoulder "snake"

puffy scarf

Romantic era scarf

. "snake" around the neck

Both the snake and the scarf

. "boa constrictor" on the neck of a fashionista

Kind of scarf

Large South American boa constrictor

Women's wide neck or shoulder scarf made of fur or feathers

A snake of the subfamily of boas with bright coloration

Boa family snake

People in Zaire

Large South American snake of the boa family

. "serpentine" scarf

. "Snake" around the neck

. "Snake" on the neck

. "Boa constrictor" on the neck of a fashionista

J. is not inclined. the greatest snake on earth, Boa constrictor, not poisonous, but devouring rather large animals, even humans, crushing the bones in front of them with a bow. Tails, a fur gut worn around the neck by women

And a scarf and a boa constrictor

Shoulder "snake"

A very long narrow scarf made of fur, ostrich feathers, lace, tulle was especially fashionable in the heyday of romanticism and at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

Scarf "from a snake"

Scarf or boa constrictor


Boa constrictor with beautiful skin

The trend of the new cold season has become a removable fur collar. The latest designer collections showcase new clothing lines with such stylish accessory. At the same time, stylists say that the choice of product does not have to be from natural fur. Fashion designers offer trendy bows with detachable collars faux fur. However, choosing an unnatural option, stylists advise bright color solutions. Juicy purple, burning yellow and grassy green are the most relevant colors.

When purchasing a detachable collar made of natural fur, stylists suggest paying attention to products such as mink and fox. However, individual designer models perfectly combine combinations of beaver-mink, fox-raccoon.

What does a detachable collar wear with?

So that the image with a detachable collar does not look tasteless, you need to know what to wear it with.

The most successful combination with a removable fur collar is considered. In this case, the collar must be worn depending on the style of the coat. Cropped straight fit street style best worn with an asymmetrical collar. To do this, a fur accessory can be purchased with a special strap, which is adjustable in height of the fastener. On an A-line coat, it is better to wear a detachable collar made of short or moderate pile. Such an ensemble is considered universal. Under it fits both a skirt and trousers. A massive, long and fluffy detachable collar will look great on a business-style coat. Such an image acquires independence and individuality.

Except fashionable coat Detachable collar can be worn with business suits in men's style. Such an image will preserve the femininity of its owner, and the men's suit will add convenience. Velor and suede tank tops also look great paired with a detachable fur collar. In this case, the fur accessory acts only as an ornament, but at the same time emphasizes the social status of the fashionista. And if you wear a detachable fur collar on a casual turtleneck or blouse, then your look will quickly take on the look of an evening bow.

  • fur collar without a fur coat
  • fur collar that "lost" a fur coat
  • well. unwilling. the greatest snake on earth, Boa constrictor, not poisonous, but devouring rather large animals, even humans, crushing the bones in front of them with a bow. Tails, a fur gut worn around the neck by women


  • outerwear, part men's suit Belarusian and Polish gentry of the Sarmatian Baroque period, a fur coat without sleeves or with short sleeves, covered with a bright fabric, with a large fur collar


  • outerwear for men and women, knee-length, front closure, sleeveless or short puffs, with large fur collar


  • long-brimmed caftan with fur collar
  • old Russian men's and women's outerwear, summer, open, free-cut, without a collar and buttonholes, with long sleeves tapering to the wrist; kind of ohabnya


  • the upper men's ceremonial clothes of an aristocrat, trimmed with fur or completely on fur, with a large turn-down fur collar and sleeves folded down from the elbow; was in vogue in the 15th century. in Spain


  • m. lat. honor knight; from the associates of Charlemagne. It's distorted. palatine, dignity, honor of some German vassals. Palatine, wide, fur female collar, with the ends lowered in front


  • well. chuechka, long, cloth caftan, careless cut, chug, armyak; Moscow and other coats or coats, without a hanging collar, with a careless, slanting collar (velvet, fur), sometimes with black cords and tassels
  • in Russia in the 19th - early 20th centuries. - male subject outerwear in the form of a cloth caftan without a collar
  • cloth clothing of a zipuna cut, without a collar, with a cutout at the neck and a deep wrap to the left, trimmed with fur along the edges