What does 30 wedding anniversary mean? What to cook for a pearl wedding

A pearl wedding is a serious anniversary of life together, three decades together, this is a considerable period that the family has gone through together, which has strengthened relationships and made people truly close to each other. By the 30th anniversary, spouses usually already have adult children, and most often they already have grandchildren, while they are still far from old age, and the relationship is experiencing a second blossoming.

Traditional gifts

According to tradition, guests give gifts made of pearls or their imitation for the 30th wedding anniversary; you can choose pearl-colored products, covered with mother-of-pearl, or decorated with semi-pearls.

Pearls are a noble material, and jewelry made from them is suitable for any woman, but men will have to give associative gifts, because men usually do not even wear cufflinks and bracelets with natural pearls.

Marine-themed gifts decorated with shells in which pearls grow would also be appropriate.

Watch a video from a world-famous pearl jewelry factory about how pearls are grown and mined:

What pearls can spouses give each other?

It is much easier for a husband to choose a gift for his wife for a pearl wedding, of course, if the wife loves pearl jewelry. For your wife, choosing a traditional gift will be much more difficult.

What a wife can give her husband:

The gift may not be pearl, but related to the spouse’s hobbies and hobbies, but it can be beautifully packaged, take pearl-colored paper, choose suitable ribbons, and additionally use semi-pearls with an adhesive base to decorate the packaging.

What a husband can give to his wife:

When choosing a gift made from natural pearls, you should go to a large store for it. jewelry shop or a well-known company, because there are now quite a lot of fake pearls on the market, which are made from painted plastic.

What children can give to parents

By the 30th anniversary of marriage, children have usually already grown up, matured and started their own families. On this day, they come to visit with their grandchildren, who can draw a portrait of their grandparents, which will definitely make them happy. Children give parents more serious gifts. These can be either traditional pearl-themed gifts or something that will come in handy in life and be used every day. In the latter case, you can add pearls when decorating a gift, or complement it with a beautiful themed card in which decorative pearls will be used.

What do friends and relatives give?

Family friends and relatives invited to the celebration can choose themed gifts that are intended for the home or garden of the “newlyweds”. Gifts can also be related to the joint hobbies of the spouses.

Whatever you choose as a gift, be sure to pack it beautifully, using fabric or paper with a pearlescent tint, tie it satin ribbons, and add a string of faux pearls for decoration. Complete the gift with a bouquet of flowers; callas or lilies with a faint scent of light pink pearl color are an excellent choice. At the same time, if your wife’s favorite flowers are roses or dahlias, then you should choose them.

On the 30th wedding anniversary, a man traditionally gives his wife a necklace of thirty selected pearls. Each bead symbolizes a year lived together. The gift is presented with words of love and gratitude. The necklace is traditionally accompanied by a luxurious, originally designed bouquet of callas. The calla flower, shaped like an open pearl shell, is also a symbol of the pearl wedding that took place 30 years ago.

What to give your wife for a pearl wedding

On the pearl anniversary, 30 years from the wedding day, men give their wives Jewelry with natural pearls:

  • rings;
  • pendants;
  • bracelets;
  • pendants;
  • earrings

Fur products embroidered with pearl threads or artificial pearls are in trend.

What to give your husband for a pearl wedding

On the day of celebrating 30 wedding years, a woman can give her husband a collection set - a tie clip and cufflinks with pearls.

Car accessories decorated with artificial pearls or pieces of mother-of-pearl are considered a good gift.

Gifts for such a significant date as 30 years of marriage are selected expensive and with meaning. Fishing enthusiasts will be pleased with a new spinning rod, photographers will be pleased with a professional camera, and home craftsmen will be pleased with high-quality power tools.

How to celebrate a pearl wedding

The pearl anniversary of 30 years of marriage is celebrated among friends, relatives, children and, possibly, grandchildren. The celebration, as a rule, is held outside the home, filming banqueting hall. If the anniversary date falls during a warm period of the year, tables are reserved in a cafe by the water, where spouses can traditionally throw pearls or coins and make a wish.

According to tradition, light shades prevail in clothing. There are a lot of pearls and mother-of-pearl in the jewelry. Men's suit for the 30th wedding anniversary, as a rule, it is made in any shade of pearl color - ivory, cream or white. For women - in pale blue, light blue or soft turquoise tones.

The dining table for the pearl anniversary of 30 years of marriage is decorated in nautical style. For serving, trays and plates in the shape of sea shells are used. Fish dishes are served on the table in the form of edible pearls. Traditionally, to celebrate 30 years of marriage, a meat or fish pie is served.

What to give to friends or parents for their 30th wedding anniversary

On the occasion of 30 years of marriage, friends are presented with memorable gifts. As a rule, they are small and medium-sized household appliances:

  • hair dryers;
  • multicookers;
  • bread machines;
  • mixers;
  • Food processors

Gift packaging and cases are decorated with imitation pearls or artificial mother-of-pearl, emphasizing the importance of the event - the 30th anniversary of the couple’s wedding. There are no restrictions on gifts. An original surprise will become gift Certificate to visit a balneological resort or a trip to a sea cruise for two. In a good manner it is considered to give lush bouquets with sincere congratulations friends who have lived together for 30 years.

Liana Raimanova

After thirty years together, which the spouses spend in marriage, the third anniversary of the family is the pearl wedding anniversary. The couple have been together for a long time, they have furnished their home, raised children, and they already have grandchildren. After thirty years of marriage, the couple have learned to understand and appreciate each other, peace and mutual understanding reign in their family. After all, only friendly and loving hearts . The closer the anniversary date is, the faster children, relatives and family friends need to decide what gifts they will give to the celebrants on the day of celebration.

What to give for a pearl wedding? For example, a brooch with pearls

Many people think that pearl anniversary At weddings, it is customary to give gifts with pearls. But this option is more suitable for children of spouses or their relatives. In addition, spouses can give pearl jewelry to each other. Therefore, a gift for friends on their 30th wedding anniversary should be a little different from other gifts. You can think about more useful things around the house or find something completely unusual.

What can you give? married couple for a pearl wedding, except for pearls:

  • Modern gadgets or household electrical appliances. This is the most universal gift, which is suitable for any type of celebration, including a pearl wedding. Household appliances that make housekeeping easier are an ideal gift for a couple over fifty years old. The housewife does not have unnecessary electrical appliances in her kitchen. You can buy your spouses a multicooker, an electric meat grinder, a coffee maker or a microwave oven. Give something that the hero of the day does not have, so that they will enjoy using your gift in the future.
  • Order a portrait painted in oil. Finding a suitable artist will not be difficult; the main thing is to carefully study the portfolio of potential candidates and the prices they offer for their services. If you are not sure that you can choose the right photograph from which the portrait will be painted, buy a certificate from the artist. According to it, the spouses themselves will be able to go to the workshop and participate in the painting.
  • Textile gifts. Despite the fact that it is not entirely original, textiles still do not lose their popularity. Textile good qualitynecessary thing on the farm. Spouses will be happy to receive from friends good bed linen, a beautiful tablecloth, silk robes or a blanket with original embroidery. If you want to do emphasis on the name of the anniversary, look for mother-of-pearl textiles or things with images of pearls. Nowadays personalized dressing gowns for spouses are very popular. They can be terry or silk, and on the back you can order any inscription, for example, congratulations on your pearl wedding.

Textiles as a gift to friends for their pearl anniversary

  • Pet. Before you decide on such a gift, think about whether the spouses love animals and whether they would be happy about such an unusual gift. As a rule, people closer to fifty years of age spend a lot of time at home, which means that they will be able to devote the right amount of time to the animal. Spouses, who love pets animals you can give a purebred puppy or kitten, parrots, an aquarium with fish, a hamster, a guinea pig.

An original gift for a pearl wedding: a pet

What can spouses give each other for their 30th wedding anniversary?

Traditionally, spouses can start their day by presenting gifts to each other. Since the symbol of the anniversary is a pearl, gifts should be associated with it.

According to long tradition For the 30th anniversary, the spouse should wear a necklace of 30 pearls or any other jewelry with pearls.

Gold necklace with pearls, Primaexclusive(price on the link)

Give it to your wife along with the main gift gorgeous bouquet or a box of your favorite chocolates. The spouse can wear pearl cufflinks or a tie clip on this day.

Besides traditional gifts spouses can please each other with more practical things or antique items. If you want to truly surprise your partner, purchase gift Certificate for a parachute jump, paratrike flight or tickets to swim with dolphins. Such a surprise will be remembered by both of you for a long time.

By the 30th wedding anniversary, the children of the spouses, as a rule, are already adults and self-sufficient individuals. Most often they live separately from them with their family. Therefore, buying a good one for such an important holiday for their family will not be difficult for them.

Gifts from children to parents should be family-friendly and sincere

It is best to choose things that will remind the celebrants of this every day have a wonderful day. Therefore, it is worth giving the family the following for their thirty wedding anniversary:

  • Photo frames with flash drive. Digital frames with a special built-in screen for photos are very interesting and unusual gift. Favorite family photos are uploaded to the flash drive, and the photo frame itself begins to broadcast them, changing frame by frame. You can upload photos from your parents’ wedding or other memorable photos to a flash drive. They will surely like this innovation and will delight them every day.

As a gift for parents for a pearl wedding: a photo frame with a flash drive

  • Can organize a banquet for the celebration. It is best to organize a holiday for the younger generation. Let you take on these pleasant claps, and let your parents rest at this time. After all, this is their holiday and they deserve it.

Organize a banquet as a gift for parents on their 30th anniversary

  • Give a tree seedling. This is a great gift for gardening parents. You can purchase any seedling that they lack: an apple tree, a pear tree, a plum tree, or a small oak tree. If the pearl wedding falls during the warm season, the whole family can plant seedlings together.

This is a wonderful gift that will grow before your eyes and delight your parents with its fruits.

Original do-it-yourself gifts for the 30th pearl wedding anniversary

There's nothing more beautiful gifts made with soul and with your own hands. Can be found easily different ideas for gifts for anniversaries, which are easy to make at home. You can come up with a suitable option yourself, for example, if you already have some talents. For those who couldn’t decide, there are training master classes that tell and show in detail how to prepare a gift with your own hands, for example, making a bouquet of sweets for a pearl wedding.

What gift can you give yourself?

  • Prepare special medals and certificates that will have the name “ Best parents", "The best married couple", etc. It all depends on your imagination. Commemorative medals and the spouses will then keep the certificates in a visible place; such a sincere gift will remind them of a memorable date in their family life.

DIY gifts for a pearl wedding

  • Make a family book. Studying a family's pedigree is quite a responsible and time-consuming task. It is possible to compile a family book only up to the fifth generation. To create this unusual gift it will take a lot of time, so start researching your family tree long before the anniversary.

Handmade gifts will be especially valuable for anniversaries. After all, the main thing is not the cost of the souvenir, but the love and attention that you give along with it.

26 March 2018, 18:02

And now exactly thirty happy years have passed since the wedding. This period is very significant for both spouses. This round anniversary suggests that husband and wife are made for each other, their relationship is strong and inseparable.

We went through a lot together: joy and troubles, pain and resentment, moments of happiness and disappointment. You can admire and be touched by such a period. This couple is an example to follow, because not every family is able to carry their love through many years. Which means they deserve it Special attention and it's time to think about what to give for your 30th wedding anniversary. And of course, Darlike will help you with this.

Why is the thirtieth anniversary called the pearl wedding?

The thirtieth anniversary has a wonderful name - a pearl wedding. Pearls are a very expensive piece of jewelry; they symbolize perfection, love and purity. It is created slowly, gradually turning into a delightful pearl from year to year. Likewise, a family union grows stronger over the years, relationships become more harmonious and by the age of thirty they are a treasure for modern world, therefore comparable to pearls.

What can you give for your 30th wedding anniversary?

Pearl wedding- a wonderful occasion for a magnificent celebration. After all, the husband and wife lived in marriage not a month, not a year, but three decades, and this deserves due attention. As a rule, family, friends and relatives are invited to this anniversary.

Those invited to the celebration should prepare words of wishes in advance (we have them) and a special gift that will remind the heroes of the occasion for a long time about this wonderful date.

  1. According to a long-standing tradition, pearl products are given as gifts on the thirtieth anniversary. For a woman, choosing jewelry with this symbolic stone is as easy as shelling pears; the following are suitable: a necklace, pendant, bracelet, earrings, beads or ring. Any fashionista will appreciate the surprise. For a man, choosing pearl items will be much more difficult, but perhaps it could be: a tie clip or cufflinks.
  2. As a gift, present lamps, a chandelier or sconce in the shape of a pearl, which will illuminate the family nest and remind you of the wonderful thirtieth anniversary.
  3. A wonderful surprise for spouses will be figurines or figurines in the form of a shell with a pearl - the most symbolic gift. The interior of a married couple can be decorated with: paintings with images of pearls, photo frames with elements of a beautiful stone, custom-made medals with engraving and warm wishes, a decorative mirror or a watch made using a precious stone.
  4. Not only pearl products are given as gifts thirty year anniversary, but also things that have the color of this stone are all mother-of-pearl, from dishes to furniture and household appliances.
  5. The dishes can be made of any material, the main thing is to take into account the color when choosing it. It would be good if pearls were depicted on it: sets, sets of dishes, a teapot, pots.
  6. You can choose high-quality bed linen with pearl prints, a blanket or a bedspread that will decorate the family bed. A good present would be pillows or blankets, terry personalized pearl-colored robes, which will be useful in any family.
  7. Pearl-colored household appliances that are sure to delight married couple. It would be good if you put stickers on it depicting the miracle of the stone. Perfect: microwave, juicer, double boiler or bread maker.

On this exciting day, the spouses accept congratulations and gifts from guests, but they must not forget about each other. On this day it is customary to exchange surprises among each other.

What to give your wife for her 30th wedding anniversary

A loving husband should prepare a present in advance for his beloved woman, which will delight her and be remembered for a long time.

  1. A luxurious bouquet of a woman’s favorite flowers will be a traditional addition to any gift.
  2. As a rule, on the thirtieth anniversary, the husband presents his wife with jewelry made of natural pearls: a necklace, beads, choker, bracelet, pendant, ring, earrings, brooch or hairpin. Such a gift is a win-win option.
  3. On this day, the following would be appropriate: a commemorative figurine, an original vase, a custom-made frame, a photo album with memorable photographs, a jewelry box with elements of natural or artificial pearls.
  4. You can give your wife pearl-colored accessories and items of clothing: scarves, stoles, bags, underwear sets, dresses, sweaters, trousers or some shoes.
  5. If you doubt the right choice of gift, or simply don’t have time to look for it, then the ideal option would be a certificate in a pearl envelope: to a jewelry store, to a household appliances store, to a lingerie department, or to a fashionable clothing store.

What to give your husband for 30 years of marriage

The wife, in turn, should thank her husband for the thirty happy years they have lived together and give him as a gift: a clip or cufflinks with pearls. But few men will be happy with such a gift. Therefore, you can choose any surprises related to your husband’s hobbies.

  1. You can give a gift, sticking to the marine theme for a fishing lover and active rest Perfect for: inflatable boat, folding chair and table, fishing rod holders, spinning rod.
  2. Dear ones will be a good surprise for your husband wrist watch with engraving, original bracelet, figurine or piggy bank.
  3. For a car enthusiast, you can present the following things: a set of fragrances, new seat covers or orthopedic covers, a steering wheel cover, a navigator, a video recorder, a radar, a mini-vacuum cleaner.
  4. If your spouse is interested board games, present him with: chess, checkers and backgammon self made. Such a gift will pleasantly surprise your loved one.

The thirtieth wedding anniversary is a very important event in the life of the spouses. And it depends only on you what the holiday will be like for your family. It doesn’t matter what kind of gift you choose, the most important thing is that it should be given with all your heart and sincerity, in addition to warm wishes.

30 years of marriage after marriage.

It is not for nothing that pearls were chosen as the symbol of this anniversary. After all, just like this one gem, the love of the spouses was built gradually. Year after year, they left only happiness and family comfort in their relationship, crowding out everything negative. And now their love is like pearls - it contains all the best.

According to a long-standing tradition, on this day the couple went early in the morning to the nearest body of water, each with a pearl in their hand. They threw these precious stones into the water with the wish that their marriage would last as long as pearls. If there were no beads appropriate for the occasion in the house, the spouses took a coin each. The main thing is to make a wish for a happy and long marriage. According to another tradition, spouses placed a pearl under each other’s pillow and looked at the “gift” in the morning. If the pearl was light, without spots or color changes, this meant that further living together will be happy. If flaws were discovered, then attention should be paid to family relationships and each other’s health.

The couple celebrates their 30th marriage anniversary on a grand scale. Be sure to invite parents, children and other close relatives and witnesses. Since the element of pearls is water, the celebration is celebrated on the seashore or even on a cruise. An alternative option is to go out into nature to the nearest body of water. Seafood is a must on the table - mussels, squid, fish.

Gifts for the thirtieth wedding anniversary

For 30 years after the wedding, spouses are given any gift. Before buying a gift, it is advisable to carefully clarify what they dream about. Gift options:

  • pearl products: beads, bracelets, earrings, rings, hairpins, handbags, clutches, watches - for the wife, cufflinks and tie clips - for the husband;
  • household appliances: coffee maker, multicooker, blender, etc.;
  • decorative elements: figurines and figures with pearls, inlaid boxes;
  • Memorable photos and videos: spouses will enjoy old photos and videos together, presented in a frame or in the form of a professionally made video.

Gift for husband/wife

According to tradition, on this day the husband gives his wife beads made of 30 pearls as a symbol of the years he has lived. In addition, any jewelry with pearls is presented to your beloved soulmate. You can slightly change the theme of the holiday to “sea” and give jewelry with a blue or turquoise stone or a dress of the same color. The husband is presented with cufflinks, pearl tie clips, a spinning rod and other accessories for fishing (if he is interested in fishing).

Gift from guests to spouses

To include a symbol of the holiday in the congratulation, guests can jointly order a cake decorated with “pearls” with the anniversary numbers - “30 years together.” If you don’t want to get attached to the theme of the celebration, the spouses will be happy with any gift: small household appliances, decorative elements, etc.

Gift from children to parents

The celebrants of the day will be most delighted to receive a gift made by the children themselves. This could be a collage with a parent's love story or family photos. A good option- a poem or song of your own composition about your family. You can arrange a date for your parents in a memorable place - where they met or first confessed their feelings.

Congratulations, toasts

Those celebrating the anniversary will be pleased by words spoken from the heart. Options for congratulations:

Our dear...!
Today we have gathered to celebrate the 30th anniversary of your marriage. Your love and family comfort are not an accident, but the merit of your many years of work. You have become an example of what true love exists. So continue to be an example for us. Just be happy together!
Dear anniversaries!
Let your eyes always shine with the sparkle of happiness, like pearls shine. Health to you and prosperity to your home. May your dreams come true. Continue to walk hand in hand and further - this is the only way you will preserve your happiness. Happy anniversary!


Suitable for entertaining guests competitive program. Options for games for the feast:

1. “Why”
This competition requires a presenter. He must come up with and ask questions at a fast pace to each of the invitees. Those who did not have time to answer or did not come up with anything better than the duty “I don’t know” are eliminated.

Example of a competition
Question from the presenter to the first participant: “Why do women open their mouths when they put on makeup?” The first participant’s answer: “Because it’s more convenient for them.” Question to the second participant: “Why is it more convenient for them?” etc. It is not necessary to conduct a logical chain of questions and answers to them. You can suddenly change direction and ask a topic completely unrelated to previous questions.

2. “And I recognize my sweetheart by her knee”
A competition for any man who came to the celebration with his significant other or for the hero of the day. You need to recognize your beloved by the knee. The participant must be blindfolded, and the lovely young ladies must be asked not to laugh.