Evgeny Rudnev: life after the project. Rudnev Evgeny Evgeny Rudnev. Biography before the project

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  • Evgeny Rudnev’s birthplace is the Far Eastern Russian city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Zhenya was born into a family of students - his mother was eighteen years old at the time of his birth. Probably, such a young age was not conducive to preserving the family, and Evgeniy lived with his mother Lyudmila Valerievna until he came of age. The woman subsequently remarried and gave birth to a second child.

    Zhenya grew up as a sporty child - he was fond of snowboarding and went to the weightlifting section. With age, his preferences have changed somewhat - now Evgeniy likes to go to the cinema, enjoys fishing and electronic music.

    By the time he finished school, Rudnev was dating a girl who went to get higher education in St. Petersburg. Evgeniy followed her and entered St. Petersburg State University, mastering the specialty “International Civil Law”. The guys broke up after finishing their studies at the university. Rudnev was unable to apply the knowledge he acquired at the university in practice. For some time, the young man served as a manager in one of the fitness clubs, then offered exhibition stands to clients. Of course, Evgeny Rudnev did not take these positions seriously - in his dreams he saw fame and a career on television. With these thoughts, he plunged into the field of DJing (he began writing mixes in the style of Deep house), and in his free time he attended castings for various television projects. Thanks to his tenacity and perseverance, the guy got on the air of several television projects.

    On the personal front young man there were no special achievements. He believes that the main reason for his failures is serious attitude to romantic meetings, communication with the opposite sex. According to Evgeniy, he parted with all his former passions without quarrels or insults, but he did not talk about his previous relationships doesn't want to be with girls.

    The guy’s first crush on the project was Tatyana Okhulkova. The guys immediately began to quarrel over trifles. The first reason for the disagreement is the sausages that Zhenya gobbles up in too much large quantities. Tanya also complained about the lack of attention from the young man. However, the “war” between the lovers did not last long and after a couple of days they made peace, announcing their intention to create a couple. A three-day stay in a VIP apartment did not bring the expected rapprochement between Rudnev and Okhulkova. There was no tenderness, kisses, intimacy in their relationship... To understand the situation, Rudnev’s mother, Lyudmila Valerievna, came to the project. The appearance of the older generation briefly calmed the situation. Moreover, Lyudmila Valerievna later joined the list of project participants. Meanwhile, Okhulkova led a free lifestyle, going to clubs in the company of friends. Evgeniy actively immersed himself in the social life of the program. Of course, against this background, a conflict broke out, during which it turned out that outside the perimeter Tatyana was “having love” with another guy. Of course, the girl was kicked out of the project.

    Zhenya saw off Tatyana Okhulkova with tears, but soon turned his attention to the spectacular mulatto. The hasty check-in of the guys into shared apartments raised certain doubts among the show participants. Everyone saw this union as a benefit for both lovers (Wife was about to meet her mother, and Liber was opening a dance school).

    Despite all the rumors and speculation, the guys still live together. Dreaming of a family and a child, Evgeny Rudnev repeatedly asked his beloved to marry him. However, the temperamental mulatto constantly refers to her unpreparedness for life together.

    At the end of 2014, the wedding of Liber and Zhenya finally took place. Now the guys are going through a crisis in their relationship and are trying to find a way out of the current situation.

    Evgeny Rudnev’s homeland is the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in the Far East. There, in one of the cities Sakhalin region, On October 11, 1987, Zhenya was born into a student family.

    His parents did not live together for long; after the divorce, the boy stayed with his mother and lived with her until he came of age.

    Lyudmila Valerievna, Zhenya's mother, remarried and he had younger sister Sonya. As a child, Zhenya was fond of sports, participating in snowboarding and weightlifting.

    After receiving his school certificate, Evgeniy followed his girlfriend to St. Petersburg, where he entered the State University (St. Petersburg State University) at the Faculty of Law, with a specialization in international civil law.

    He did not find a job in his specialty after graduating from university. For a long time he worked in a sports club as a fitness instructor and as a customer service manager in a company that made stands for exhibitions and presentations.

    Evgeniy does not talk about relationships before the TV project; he believes that this topic is too serious to discuss in front of cameras.

    An ambitious guy wanted fame and strived for everything possible ways appear on television. In November 2013, Evgeny Rudnev passed the casting and ended up on a television project.

    At that time, he did not have any specific sympathy, but soon Tatyana Okhulkova attracted his attention. With her, he began to build his first relationship on a reality show.

    The guys sorted things out all the time; there were many reasons for scandals: from sausages to “magic”.

    Even Evgenia’s mother came to the project to help the guys establish relationships.

    However, Tatyana continued to attend parties and clubs with her girlfriends, leaving Rudnev to yearn alone.

    It soon became clear that the girl had a boyfriend outside the project, and she was escorted out of the city apartments.

    Evgeniy was not left alone for long; his neighbor became his new passion.

    At first they talked about friendly sympathy, then the relationship grew into true love.

    Although the guys’ life together was difficult, quarrels and misunderstandings more than once put their feelings at risk, they continued to remain a real interesting couple.

    One day, Eugene made up his mind and proposed marriage to Liberge, she agreed, but the wedding was postponed several times.

    They registered their relationship on December 12, 2014. After marriage, the financial claims that existed between them only worsened and after six months of marriage they divorced.

    Now Evgeniy is working, has resumed playing sports, has met a girl, Lena, with whom he is building his relationship outside of the project.

    They met at fitness when Evgeniy worked as a trainer. The young man is completely satisfied with his current relationship, and they are planning children.

    Before the television project House 2, Evgeny Rudnev took part in the filming of the television programs “Dinner Party” and “Temptations”.

    In addition to sports, Evgeniy is interested in electronic music, creates mixes in the “Deep house” style, loves fishing and relaxing in nature.

    The guy runs Instagram, where he posts photos with his beloved; you can often see shots from the gym.

    Eugene born in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk into a student family: Lyudmila Valerievna, his mother, was only 18 years old at the time of her son’s birth. However, the young family quickly fell apart, and until graduation, Evgeniy Rudnev was raised by his mother alone. Since childhood, Zhenya has been fond of sports, including weightlifting and snowboarding. And now Evgeniy loves electronic music, in his free time he goes fishing with friends, goes to the cinema, and relaxes in nature.

    Then Lyudmila Valerievna married a second time and gave birth to Zhenya’s sister Sonya.

    In 17 years Evgeny Rudnev left Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk for St. Petersburg, where he graduated from the law department of St. Petersburg State University. Zhenya has a diploma in international civil law. However, before joining Dom-2, Rudnev did not work in his specialty: he was a fitness instructor and also a customer service manager in a company that dealt with exhibition stands. However, Evgeniy was not satisfied with either the first or the second job: he dreamed of a career on TV and fame.

    To begin with, Rudnev became a DJ (he created mixes in the style of Deep house), and at the same time actively attended castings for many television programs. Thus, he appeared in “The Dinner Party” and “Temptations”, and then ended up in “Dom-2”.

    As he says himself Evgeny Rudnev, he takes relationships too seriously, that’s why he had few novels. Evgeniy claims that none of his exes can say anything bad about him, just as he prefers to remain silent about them. The longest relationship was with a girl - Zhenya went to St. Petersburg to pick her up, but after university the couple broke up.

    Evgeny Rudnev on the project "Dom-2"

    Evgeny Rudnev I came to the project on November 2, 2013, and not to anyone specifically, but to all the girls at once.

    True, he soon made up his mind, choosing Tanya Okhulkova, who by that time had acquired the reputation of a frivolous girl on the reality show. As one would expect, the relationship did not become simple, starting with a scandal: Okhulkova immediately “turned on the star” and began to humiliate Rudnev - Evgeniy gave a tough rebuff. They spent 24 hours sorting out who was right and who was wrong, and as a result, Zhenya was assigned the role of a bright and extraordinary young man.

    Some time passed, and Zhenya and Tanya announced that they were a couple. With all the ensuing consequences, including moving to city apartments. Only the reunion did not help calm Okhulkova’s ardor - the scandals not only did not end, but became almost daily. This time they shared not the sausages, which Zhenya, in Tanya’s opinion, devoured too greedily on the day he came to the project, but the topic of “magic”: when in a relationship you can switch to it, and whether it’s worth doing it at all.

    In the city apartments, a conflict had also brewed over the fact that the restless Okhulkova went to clubs with her friends, while Zhenya was taking the rap for two, immersed in the social life of the project. In the end, it turned out that Tatyana had a boyfriend outside the perimeter, and the girl went outside the gate. The departure was accompanied by Evgeniy’s burning tears

    However, Rudnev did not grieve for a long time, rather quickly switching to Liberzh Kpadona, initially presenting this relationship as exclusively friendly. They settled into one room so quickly that the project participants came to the conclusion: this is a fictitious couple created for the sake of living in a city apartment. After all, just at this time his mother came to visit Zhenya, and Libi had to attend the dance school she opened.

    Be that as it may, the couple Rudnev and Kpadonu are still together, Evgeniy is literally obsessed with Liberge giving birth to a baby, and now the guys are planning a wedding, which should take place in June 2014.

    On March 20, 2014, a cheerful entry appeared on Evgeniy’s VKontakte page: “We’re going to the registry office... happy!!”

    At the same time, Rudnev works as a salesman in a store that sheltered many participants in the project, “Staircase to Europe,” and writes batches of poems about the participants of “House-2.”

    Member name:

    Age (birthday): 11.10.1987

    City: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Moscow

    Education: St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University Polytechnic

    Family: divorced from Liberge Kpadonu (December 12, 2014 – June 16, 2015), dating his girlfriend Lena

    Height and weight: 183 cm, 81 kg

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    Read with this article:

    Evgeny Rudnev’s homeland is the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in the Far East. There, in one of the cities of the Sakhalin region, on October 11, 1987, Zhenya was born into a student family.

    His parents did not live together for long; after the divorce, the boy stayed with his mother and lived with her until he came of age.

    Lyudmila Valerievna, Zhenya’s mother, remarried and he had a younger sister, Sonya. As a child, Zhenya was fond of sports, participating in snowboarding and weightlifting.

    After receiving his school certificate, Evgeniy went to St. Petersburg to pick up his girlfriend, there he entered the State University (St. Petersburg State University) at the Faculty of Law, with a specialization in international civil law.

    He did not find a job in his specialty after graduating from university. For a long time he worked in a sports club as a fitness instructor and as a customer service manager in a company that made stands for exhibitions and presentations.

    Evgeniy does not talk about relationships before the TV project; he believes that this topic is too serious to discuss in front of cameras.

    The ambitious guy wanted fame and tried in every possible way to appear on television. In November 2013, Evgeny Rudnev passed the casting and ended up on the television project House 2.

    At that time, he did not have any specific sympathy, but soon Tatyana Okhulkova attracted his attention. With her, he began to build his first relationship on a reality show.

    The guys sorted things out all the time; there were many reasons for scandals: from sausages to “magic”.

    Even Evgenia’s mother came to the project to help the guys establish relationships.

    However, Tatyana continued to attend parties and clubs with her girlfriends, leaving Rudnev to yearn alone.

    It soon became clear that the girl had a boyfriend outside the project, and she was escorted out of the city apartments.

    Evgeniy was not alone for long, neighbor Liber Kpadonu became his new passion.

    At first they talked about friendly sympathy, then the relationship grew into true love.

    Although the guys’ life together was difficult, quarrels and misunderstandings more than once put their feelings at risk, they continued to remain a real interesting couple.

    One day Evgeniy made up his mind and proposed marriage to Liberzh, she agreed, but the wedding was postponed several times.

    They registered their relationship on December 12, 2014. After marriage, the financial claims that existed between them only worsened and after six months of marriage they divorced.

    Now Evgeniy is working, has resumed playing sports, has met a girl, Lena, with whom he is building his relationship outside of the project.

    They met at fitness when Evgeniy worked as a trainer. The young man is completely satisfied with his current relationship, and they are planning children.

    Before the television project House 2, Evgeny Rudnev took part in the filming of the television programs “Dinner Party” and “Temptations”.

    In addition to sports, Evgeniy enjoys electronic music, creates mixes in the “Deep house” style, loves to fish and relax in nature.

    Photo by Evgeniy

    The guy runs Instagram, where he posts photos with his beloved; you can often see shots from the gym.