How to celebrate New Year in France. New Year's traditions in France. Traditions of the New Year

New Year in France

The New Year in France, celebrated by the French in accordance with the Gregorian calendar, occurs on the night of December 31 to January 1. But in some parts of France, Christmas holidays begin on December 6 - St. Nicholas Day. It is on this day that the French Father Frost, Père Noel, brings gifts and candies to good and diligent children. Wearing wooden shoes and carrying a basket of gifts on his back, he arrives on a donkey and, leaving the animal outside, enters the house through the chimney. He puts the gifts in shoes, which the children leave in front of the fireplace in advance. Per Noel's companion is Per Fuetar - a grandfather with rods, who reminds Per Noel how the child behaved during the year and what he deserves more - gifts or a spanking. In some provinces, Père Noël brings small gifts on December 6th and returns again on Christmas Day with larger ones. Petya Noel, the child Jesus, can also bring gifts.

According to tradition, New Year in France is celebrated with friends, while Christmas is celebrated with your family. On December 31, almost all European countries celebrate St. Sylvester's Day. France is no exception. On this holiday, the French walk very noisily, eat a lot, have fun and wait for the arrival of the New Year. The French go out into the street fancy dress, they are called Sylvester Clauses.

New Year in France is celebrated in a large group of friends in restaurants and cafes in the city. The French love to have fun. They joke, dance in cone-shaped hats and shower each other with confetti. The New Year's lottery is a favorite pastime where you can win a chicken or turkey.

Festive table

Everywhere, smoked ham, game, salads, pastries, fruit, sweets and wine are served on the table for Christmas. But the menu varies depending on regional culinary traditions. In northeastern France, the main dish is often goose; in Burgundy, turkey with chestnuts. In Britain, buckwheat scones are traditionally served with sour cream, while Parisians prefer oysters, lobster, foie gras (often prepared as a Christmas log) and champagne. In Provence, 13 desserts are served at reveylon - this is an ancient custom symbolizing Christ and the 12 apostles. The most famous and must-have dessert is the Buche de Noel Christmas cake. (bûche de Noël), made in the form of a log.

For the New Year, the French set luxurious festive tables, which serve traditional French dishes: blood sausages, baked turkey, goose and pigs' heads with beans, peas, chestnuts, beans or lentils. For dessert, they make a one-bean pie. Whoever eats the bean becomes the “Bean King” and everyone must obey him.

Christmas decorations

Festive trees shining with lights stand in apartments and on the streets. All cathedrals in France host Christmas evening celebrations. concert programs. The main Christmas service takes place, of course, in Notre Dame de Paris. In addition to the Christmas tree, the symbol of Christmas in France is mistletoe, believing that it will bring good luck for the next year. In addition, the French simply adore flowers - they place them throughout the house, in bouquets, one at a time, and always place flowers on the table. Also an element of decoration is the kresh - Christmas manger - a model depicting the scene of the birth of Christ. Usually the layout is filled with human figures - figures of saints - santons. Previously, French artisans made these figurines over the course of a year; and in addition to the holy family, shepherds and Mary, figurines of local dignitaries were often created. The figurines were bright and colorful, immediately eye-catching, and their molds were passed down from generation to generation. The figurines were sold throughout December at the annual Christmas markets in Marseille and Aix. They are still sold today in exactly the same way.

history of the holiday

It dates back to the ancient pagan ritual of burning the Yule log. Starting from the 12th century, a tradition arose in France on Christmas Eve to make a Christmas log - Buche de Noel - in the courtyard of the house from fresh wood (usually cherry wood). With certain ceremonies he was solemnly brought into the house. The head of the family poured oil and heated wine over it, and the whole family offered prayers. Little girls set fire to the log using wood chips left over from the previous year's log (according to legend, the ash and wood chips left over from burning the Christmas log protected the house from lightning and the devil's tricks throughout the year; therefore, they were carefully collected and stored). It was considered important that everyone involved in the process of lighting a new log had clean hands. Gradually, the tradition of burning the Buche de Noel died out, although today it is still followed in houses with fireplaces. But most French people decorate their table with a small model of the Bouche de Noel, and decorate some dishes in the form of a Christmas log. So these days, Buche de Noel is a festive chocolate roll decorated with sugar figures and leaves.

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Where to celebrate New Year

This holiday, as already mentioned, is a family holiday, so it is customary to celebrate it with the whole family. However, unlike the Russians, who are satisfied with New Year's Eve sitting in front of the TV at home, the French rarely go this route. Usually New Year in France implies the need to go to a comfortable restaurant or cafe in order to live the moment of the change of year there. Of course, the French start preparing for this in advance, and booking a table is very important here. In France, you generally need to make a reservation for everything, even on an ordinary day; if you want to come to a cafe, it is better to call them in advance and inform them that you are coming, so that they will be waiting for you. During the New Year, the excitement is even greater, and it is impossible to do without agreeing on such things in advance. Usually, every French family has its own favorite restaurants and cafes, so every year, as a rule, they visit a certain establishment that can please them with its cuisine, service, maintenance and everything else that creates a truly New Year's atmosphere. If you have arrived live in France for permanent residence, then you may be invited to celebrate the New Year in one cafe or another by your French friends. Solve this issue in advance, since the French are scrupulous in such matters, it is important for them to know exactly how many people will be present at the holiday.

In addition to restaurants, nightclubs are also popular in France. Moreover, each such establishment is always transformed for the New Year. For example, it is in the order of things that windows are painted with New Year's scenes to lift the mood and create the necessary atmosphere. And of course, elements of the decor must also include a New Year tree, as well as a nativity scene. As in Russia, New Year and Christmas in France are usually celebrated together, only in a different order. So the combination of symbols of both holidays is a common thing.

An interesting feature is that on New Year's Day the French and those who have already arrived often wear pointed caps, as is customary in the United States for birthdays. As in Russia, firecrackers, confetti and streamers are popular in France. Having sprinkled each other with New Year's tinsel, the French feel that they did everything right and continue to feast, since a feast in France is a very important component of celebrating any holiday, and especially such a beautiful one as the New Year.

About the New Year's table in France

Naturally, it is very important what to put on the holiday New Year's table. This is important for everyone, and especially for the French, because they are a nation of gourmets, the French can talk about food for hours, and even more so they will not miss the opportunity to eat deliciously on the occasion of the New Year holidays.

A mandatory decoration for the New Year's table is baked goose. There are many recipes for such a dish; different regions of France have different recipes for holiday geese. In addition to whole baked goose, which can be served with apples or various spices, various goose dishes are popular in France. You can safely put goose liver in first place; the French like it from almost all parts of the country. If desired, the goose can be replaced with turkey or duck. Baked pork head is also a common attribute of the French New Year's feast. Some people prefer to bake a whole pig and eat it with friends and family. Some people prefer blood sausage - also, by the way, a favorite dish of the French. As you can see, the New Year's table in France is varied and involves a large number of hearty and hearty dishes that will be etched in your memory and make the holiday happier.

About table traditions in France

While we haven’t completely left the topic of cooking yet, let’s talk about exactly what New Year’s traditions are associated with different dishes.

The first thing that comes to mind is bean pie. This tradition is common in different countries, but in France most often such a pie is baked and served just for the New Year. The composition of the pie can be any composition, but it distinctive feature is precisely the bean. In fact, a “bean” can be anything, including coins or any little things that are baked into a pie. You just need to make sure that it is not too hard and dangerous for your teeth. The one who finds the symbolic "bean" is considered the "bean king", he is served the most delicious pie and cake and is given other privileges during the festive dinner, as well as following all his instructions.

An interesting point is the tradition of baking a pie, or rather a roll, in the form of a log. Log pie is present on the table in almost every French family, so you can’t pass it up. Initially, it was a real log, which was taken out of the oven and kept for good luck, then the tasteless log was exchanged for a tasty one, which took the form of a chocolate roll. On New Year's Eve in France you can buy such a “log” in every store, so if you come, don’t forget to buy it. Or, if you like creativity, then bake it yourself. Having a “log” on the table will make your feast truly French.

Traditions of the New Year

In addition to these traditions, there are those that do not relate to the feast, but are also accepted throughout France.

2) Clink glasses with a wine barrel and congratulate her. It is believed that this will make the next year fertile and happy, and your future wine will be of even better quality. This ritual is accompanied by a long and lush toast to a wine barrel, and only with the best wine! All this is funny, regardless of whether you believe in the effectiveness of such a ritual or not.

3) Decorating your home with flowers is another irreplaceable New Year and Christmas tradition, which is very typical for the French, who value everything elegant and sophisticated, including flowers.

4) We have already talked about the “Christmas log”, which is actually a cake, but there is a tradition associated with a real log. It is taken out of the stove or fireplace, and the coals are placed in a bag and worn as a talisman. It is believed that such a log brings good luck and wealth to the home.

About New Year and Christmas symbols in France

Main New Year's symbol In almost every country there is spruce. It is this tree that is usually decorated for the New Year and admired for its festive appearance. In France you will find many decorated fir trees, both natural and artificial. There are more of the latter, since the French love and value their nature. But Christmas trees- this is a tribute to pan-European fashion, because it is a real and traditional French symbol winter holidays is not a spruce, but a Christmas nativity scene. Let’s not forget that Christmas is a more important holiday here, unlike in Russia, where we have the opposite situation. So if you decide come to France on New Year's Day, you can find a huge variety of nativity scenes, that is, images depicting the events of the Nativity of Christ. Most often, this is the Baby himself, lying in a manger, and other figures that are directly related to this event - the Mother of God, shepherds, wise men, and so on. Often, among the traditional and biblical characters, there may be characters from a much later time, including fairy tales and fictional ones - this is quite normal for French nativity scenes. As for the nurseries, they are exhibited in every home. You can buy a manger, but you can also make one yourself. Very good option For many French parents, a way to spend time and prepare for Christmas is to make a manger together with their children. During this process, children can be told about the spiritual content of the holiday (which, unfortunately, is often lost in Western countries), and not just read a boring lecture, but present the material through their own creativity, that is, in the most exciting way. The French generally love spending time with their family, and even more so at Christmas. And the joy from mutual pastime begins long before the holiday itself - and thanks to this lasts for many days.

About Santa Claus in France

Santa Claus in France is Père Noel, he puts gifts for children not under the tree, but, as a rule, in stockings or shoes hanging over the fireplace. A little information: today, not every French person has a fireplace in their home, and shoes and stockings, which used to be hung over the fireplace to dry, are now almost never hung there for that purpose. However, adults, and even children themselves, are sure to hang such wardrobe items in the right places on the eve of the upcoming holiday, so as not to be left without a gift. By the way, according to French beliefs and traditions, a child receives a gift for the New Year only if he behaved well during it - at least more or less. Otherwise, in his shoe he will find not a gift, but a symbolic rod. Père Fuatard also travels with Père Noël, who distributes rods to those children who deserve nothing more. Compared to the cute Russian Snow Maiden, this is a very sinister image, but it perfectly symbolizes justice, and also, of course, motivates children to behave well and not upset their parents, then Père Noel will give them what they really want. Most often, small gifts are given for the New Year, without the “help” of Père Noël, who mainly gives gifts to children and adults at Christmas.

If you want to come to France on New Year's Eve, it is better to think in advance about how to do this in the best way, purchase tickets in advance, and so on. Of course, on the eve of the holidays, travel packages become more expensive, as do the cost of housing in France. But if you decide to book everything in advance, then have no doubt that on New Year’s Day you will be able to come to France and celebrate this wonderful holiday at the highest level, and keep the memories of it in your memory for the rest of your life!

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As a child, it always seemed to me that the New Year, like Christmas, is celebrated the same all over the world. However, later I learned that each country has its own characteristics of celebrating these holidays. We will talk about them.


For example, New Year and Christmas in France are celebrated somewhat differently than in Russia, since their main emphasis is on Christmas, which is celebrated on December 25th. And of course it is family holiday. None of the local residents celebrate Christmas in restaurants, bars and other establishments, so the owners close their establishments on this evening, which tourists do not like. On this evening, as a rule, the French stay at home, decorate the house together, and cook. Unlike Russia, where festive table constantly stocked with absolutely any dishes; in France, everything is served consistently, observing traditions. First comes the seafood, usually oysters. But since oysters are not a very cheap delicacy, they are a special dish for many. Next comes the main food - duck or turkey. Chocolate cake is served for dessert. Well, of course, champagne accompanies the whole festive evening. Since children have not reached the age of majority, they receive gifts in return, which are placed under the tree by their parents, Santa Claus.


Unlike Christmas, which is a family holiday, New Year for the French is a reason to go out. All establishments are open on December 31st. All restaurants and bars are packed, so the owners dishonestly take advantage of the situation by raising prices several times.


At the moment when midnight comes, strangers begin to kiss each other, thereby confirming the status of cheerful and sincere people.

I wish you to visit France during the New Year!

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Residents of France also celebrate the New Year, give each other gifts and decorate their homes in a festive manner. But there are traditions in French celebration that are very different from Russian ones.

Symbol of New Year and Christmas holidays

The symbol of the New Year and Christmas holidays in France is not a Christmas tree, but a festive nativity scene depicting the scene of the birth of Christ and green mistletoe branches. They decorate the entrance doors, and a festive table cannot be imagined without them.

It is not Father Frost who gives gifts to children, but Pere Noel. And his transport is much more modest than that of his Russian colleague; it’s just a donkey’s worth.

Père Noël comes twice a year: for Christmas celebrations and on St. Nicholas Day.

There is a common feature in Russian and French traditions - naughty children are left without gifts. In France, pranksters and naughty people receive a rod in a specially prepared shoe.

The French love to traditionally set fire to the Christmas log..

On this occasion, the whole family gathers around the fireplace. The father, sparing no oil and cognac, waters the log, and the children receive permission to set it on fire. Then the cooled coals are put into a bag and carefully stored. After all, these coals are considered a talisman that brings nothing but happiness and good luck.

If in Russia January 1 is the day of tracking, then in France it is the day of gifts. The French present each other with cards, toys, jewelry, and books. This tradition has been preserved since the times of the Roman Empire, only the gifts have changed.

January 6 is the last day of the New Year holidays. This is the French custom. After all, the sixth day of the year is the day of Catholic Epiphany. The French serve a festive cake with a hidden surprise in it. Until the 19th century, the surprise was a baked bean, then a small figurine began to be used as a surprise. The person who received the surprise also received the status of king of the holiday. The coronation of such a king took place. The crown was made of cardboard. At the coronation, the king received an even larger piece of the pie. This tradition has survived to the present day.

Ceremonial parade

Every year on New Year's Eve, a traditional parade takes place in the capital of France. People from many countries come to it. There is a stunning show on the streets, full of colors and contrasts. It is organized by actors, clowns, magicians, musicians, in general, artists of various genres. The duration of the show is two days.

The festive procession starts on Chantilly Street and finishes on January 1 at Trocadéro Square near the Eiffel Tower.

In the southwestern part of the country, city and village residents take to the streets in the evening, light many torches and march in a friendly procession to the vineyards to pick a few bunches of grapes at midnight.

French New Year's table

As for the festive French table, it is full of abundance. The table pleases the eye and stomach with an abundance of fruits, salads, meat products, various sweets, and of course, it cannot be complete without wine.

However, in different parts France and various favorite dishes. For example, in the northeastern region it is goose, in Brittany it is flatbread made from buckwheat with sour cream, in Burgundy it is turkey topped with chestnuts. And Parisians hold goose liver in high esteem, as well as oysters. New Year's holiday drink - champagne.

The most revered dessert by the French is called Bouches de Noel. This is a cake that is baked in the shape of a Christmas log.

As in Russia, in France on December 31, the head of state addresses the people with a festive speech. This message is broadcast on all channels at 20.00

New Year is my favorite holiday. This is the time of meeting with friends, feasting in restaurants and cafes. A traditional dish is goose liver foie gras. The French do not think about their budget when the New Year comes, as being greedy or saving at this time is a bad omen.

France has always been able to create an amazing festive atmosphere on this magical day. The French gather relatives at one table. There is a solemn farewell to the outgoing year, and then a cheerful celebration of the New Year.

It is worth noting that the New Year takes place at the same time as St. Sylvester's Day (in memory of Pope Sylvester the First). The pope remained in office for more than two decades, he was credited with many good deeds, and therefore he was exalted to the ranks of saints. Dad died on December 31st. It turns out that the residents of France not only celebrate the New Year, but also pay tribute to the memory of this holy man.

The celebration continues with colorful fireworks, walks, and friendly conversations. The French, like many people on the planet, have fun, give gifts, drink champagne and expect all the best for the coming year.

Since childhood, the New Year has been the most beloved and long-awaited celebration for every person. This is a holiday of the Christmas tree, the sparkle of lights, home comfort, pleasant memories, hopes and magic. It is celebrated in almost all countries of the globe; the New Year in France, Germany, Denmark and other countries is slightly different from our celebration. It is widespread and is accompanied by street processions, masquerades, songs and dances.

Curious how the New Year is celebrated in France?

The French call this holiday St. Sylvester's Day, all because his day falls on December 31st. Residents of France celebrate the New Year with the whole family, but not at home. It is customary to celebrate the holiday somewhere in a nightclub. The windows of these establishments must be painted with thematic drawings, patterns and During the New Year's dinner, residents of France put on bright pointed caps, dance, throw confetti or streamers at each other and joke.

On the gala night, it is especially crowded in the center of Paris, in Montmartre and the townspeople take to the streets of their city, and, raising a glass of champagne to the “new happiness”, go for a walk along the elegant night streets. On this night, the boulevards and avenues are filled with people hugging each other in a friendly manner and congratulating each other on the holiday.

No one in France can do without the lottery. This is a favorite pastime of the French, thanks to which you can win chicken, turkey and even a pig.

The festive table is traditionally decorated with mistletoe. This plant is believed to bring good luck. The French prepare turkey or baked pig's head, beans, peas, chestnuts, nuts, lentils, sweets and cakes made from milk. But the most important New Year's dish for the French is goose liver.

According to tradition, housewives prepare a pie for dessert and put one bean in it. The person who gets a piece of pie with a baked bean in it is called the “bean king” and on the festive night everyone must obey only him.

On New Year's Day in France, just like here, it is customary to give small gifts to your friends and family. It can be any elegant, stylish, funny, original or just nice little things. For example, in 2002, the French, after the introduction of the euro into circulation, gave their friends and relatives packaging and new pan-European coins, the cost of which was equal to 100 francs.

New Year in France is unthinkable without Santa Claus, but here he goes by the name Père Noel. This wizard enters every house on a festive night and leaves gifts for children in their shoes.

New Year trees, shining with colorful lights, stand in every home and on the streets. Clay or wooden figurines called santons are usually placed near them. In addition, the French decorate their homes with flowers on New Year's Day. They place them one at a time and in huge bouquets, and always put flowers on the festive table. Every French family has a model describing the scene of the birth of Christ, it is also an element New Year's decor.

All over the world it is believed that the French are a loving nation. However, in New Year's celebration they prefer not to kiss at all. Instead, they eat and drink to their heart's content. Traditionally, all winemakers always clink glasses with a barrel of wine, congratulate it on the upcoming celebration and drink to the future harvest. And since only the lazy do not produce wine in France, you can imagine the fun that reigns in this country.

The French stop celebrating the New Year only on January 6 due to the onset of the next holiday - Epiphany.

Now you will know how to celebrate the New Year in France: noisy, fun, bright and friendly.