Scenario of the concert program dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Scenario of a festive concert for veterans of the Second World War "Dedicated to the Defenders of the Motherland" (Defender of the Fatherland Day). "Dedicated to the Defenders of the Motherland"

Pupils of the secondary school in the village of Yablonovy Gai

The girls prepared a concert program for the male population...



Scenario dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland

"To you, with love"

1 "Adults and children" - choir

Youth: good evening lady(looks at girl)ladies and princesses, .... and especially ...
Young woman: Especially…? Knights, gentlemen, gentlemen MEN-CHI-NE!!!

Youth: Children's art school and the creative team of the secondary school with. Apple Guy invites ... you ... to a festive concert dedicated to .... and

Young woman: (interrupting him in a low voice)Pasha, do you remember what day it is today? Have you forgotten from joy?

Youth: (displeased, in a low voice)Do not interrupt! ...I'm already worried! …So there it is!

(important) There are many holidays in the world:

Teacher's day, Christmas,

And what about today, answer -

What is our celebration?

Young woman:

In the new millennium

There are many reasons for this:

February again, the twenty-third

Day of all real men!


Today is such a wonderful day, the day when the beautiful half of humanity forgets about their small, trifling problems and turns all their attention to us: strong, smart and brave!

Young woman: Pasha, isn't it time for you to introduce me to the audience?(edifying)

Youth: I ask you not to order, after all, today is my day.

Young woman: That's why I love February 23rd - it's because March 8th will definitely come after it! So do you pretend or not?

Youth: Well, tonight is hosted by the inimitable………..! Loud applause!... And I will command the parade: ………….., in person!(The girl is unhappy, he takes her by the arm, in a low voice)Dear, do not be offended, after all, today is my day!

2 "Aty - baty" - Soloists and choir(in auditorium)

Girl (marching)

One-two! One-two!

Deleted head.

One-two, one-two

I'm scared the hell out!

One-two! One-two

It knows old and young

In the Russian army, a soldier -

The most valiant soldier!

Youth: Yes, I didn’t expect, I didn’t expect ... Well, how do you feel in the role of a soldier?

Young woman: And what? Cool! ... I would definitely join the army if I was drafted!

Youth: Of course, it's easy to talk when it doesn't concern you!

Young woman: Are you hinting that we should serve in the army, not you?(with indignation)

Youth: No, it's me, figuratively ...

Young woman: Come on, let's talk about this topic.

Youth: And on the stage, for the first time, will perform………….! Meet!

3 "Oh you, Grunya" - Soloist

Youth: (announces next number from backstage)

4 "Rainbow Shines" - Ensemble

Young woman:

We congratulate all men

With such a wonderful day for men! -

Rich life pictures,

Happy, difficult, long roads!

Youth: Alina, when did you first fall in love? And to whom?

Young woman: Wow, it was so long ago I don't even remember...

Youth: Looks like you've been living in this world for a long time! (with malice)…

Young woman: But what is not in you is for sure!

Boy: (sighs) And now a young participant in our concert Eryashkina Daria will sing about her first love

5 "Simple song" - soloist

Girl: Anyway the word "woman" is much nobler than the word "man"

Youth: Why so? Sounds pretty much the same.

Young woman: Listen ... The word "woman" coquettishly caresses the ear with a soft French "g" and no less gentle English "u".

Young man: (thinking) So what? There is also a bit of French in our word.

Young woman: Yes Yes? - “mu-u-man” - This word is hopelessly corrupted by the first two letters of “mu-u-u”. Like it or not, but in a serious way, it does not set up.
Youth: And you don't have to call us the corrupted word "man." Call simply: honey, hare, cat.

Young woman: Good. Persuaded. Galina Tyusina, a graduate of the Children's Art School, dedicates her number to all the sweethearts, bunnies and cats sitting in this hall!

6 "Angel" - Soloist and choir

Young woman: Dear men, I decided today to tell you only warm words, congratulations and give smiles on behalf of the entire female half. After all, you protect us - all those who need your strength and support.

Youth: Yes, yes, behind our back you feel calm and confident in the future.
Young woman: And no matter what they write and talk about today and no matter what criticism our Armed Forces are subjected to, we must admit that we still cannot imagine our life without the Army

7 "A soldier is walking through the city" - Boys and young men (dance of girls and girls)

Youth: May all defenders of the Fatherland
Today they are celebrating in full
Let all humanity be proud
Let the whole country be proud
Young woman:

That young guys are brave
The country is ready to defend!
We wish you joy and glory!

And never lose heart!

Young woman: What do not talk about the merits of men, but without us, the fair half, you, ... how to put it mildly ..., I don’t want to offend anyone, ... but without us you are nobody!

Youth: Do you think you can manage without us? Yes, you have all the conversations, all the thoughts only about us - loved ones!

8 "Boots" - Soloist

Young woman: pupil kindergarten"Alyonushka" for all the men of this hall brought a whole bouquet field flowers! Oh!

Youth: And where did she find them in icy February?! …Wonders! ... Meet: Nastya Seliverstova!

9 "Bell" - the youngest soloist

Young woman: Yes, we give all the best to men! When we are in love, our soul blooms like a flower! Here we are - refined natures! Not like you - sometimes you are so callous and indifferent!

Youth: Don't generalize, dear! We can be gentle and romantic too! For example, yesterday I heard such sincere songs about love, about a blossoming soul, and, you know, even shed a tear.

Young woman: It is necessary: ​​he shed a tear!

Youth: True, these songs sound in Ukrainian, but they are painfully beautiful! Let's go listen?

Young woman: Let's go and listen!

10 "Oh, the water spoke clear" - Trio

Youth ( announces from backstage)

11 "Kvitka soul" - Duet

Young woman: While some girls are weaving wreaths and guessing on the water, others are not wasting their time. They have their own art: they knock on spoons!

Youth: And how they knock!

12 "Rustic Spoons" - Junior Ensemble Young woman:
Men, life without you is empty,
There are sad examples of this.
For you all our beauty,
We do not lose faith in love.
Lipstick for you
We perm our hair.
And in high heels
We hurry to those we love.

13 "Failed Date" - Ensemble

Youth: I heard here that “song birds” - songbirds of Yablono-Vogai will not be translated in our area!

Young woman: That's right, we have a girl, a songstress!

Youth: On the stage Uchevatova Lada with the song: "The nightingale sings"!

14 "The nightingale sings" - soloist

Young woman (announces backstage)

15 "Shores" - Ensemble

Young woman: In a beautiful name Man
Gathered courage and become
Ability to think and dream
Being inspired for no reason
And let the words intertwine
About the only, beloved,
Whom nature has named
Beautiful name - MAN

16 "Mama Don't Tell" - Duet

17 "You're a brake, Vasya" - junior group

Youth: Well, they stuck to one Vasya, huh? I do not understand! There are so many great guys around!

Young woman: That's it! What did they find in him? He has nothing on his mind except for computer games!

Youth: We would pay attention to Zakhar Giyasov! A purposeful young man: he plays the piano, sings songs, and even enjoys English!

Young woman: So I say: the girls will miss the guy, for sure, they will!

18 "Go down Moses" - soloist and choir

Young woman: You know, I'm sure a man is not capable of creating beauty on his own.

Youth: I agree that no artist or poet can do without the Muse, which often has a physical form. That's why he needs her so much.
Young woman: We wish, dear men, that your muse never leaves you.

Youth: And we want Him to always be next to a woman - the only, loving and unique!

19 "My Heart Will Go On" - soloist

Youth: (announces from backstage)

20 "Sky" - soloist

Young woman: Happy Defender of the Fatherland
Congratulations my dear
And let life change
Only you are always with me
I wish you such strength
To conquer the peaks
Be the master of your destiny
And make all dreams come true!

21 "When you believe" - ​​Duet

Youth: If you believe, then everything you dream about will come true. That's what Daria and Alena sang for you in their wonderful song.

Young woman: It is impossible to live without faith at all. Without faith, one cannot love, one cannot trust, and one cannot wait. But thousands of girls and wives are waiting for the return of their boys, friends and husbands.

Youth: Waiting for trips, business trips,

They are waiting from the army, from some parties,

And we are glad that always and everywhere,

You are in our destiny.

22 "100 days before the order" - grade 11

Youth: This wonderful evening has come to an end.

Young woman: Our large and friendly children's team tried to express all their love in songs, dances and jokes.

Youth: We are glad that smiles and tears on your faces always sparkle in this hall. And it's great that adults and children understand and love each other. And so it will always be!

Young woman:

I wish you happiness with all my heart
I am your big holiday,
I wish you joy and strength
May the Lord always keep
Youth: From the enemy and troubles,
I wish you victories in life
May February 23
Together: Everyone will remember forever

23 "Valentines" - choir

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Municipal Autonomous Institution

additional education ZATO Seversk "Children's School of Arts"

Scenario of the concert dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

in Children's School of Art “Ah, come on, boys!”


piano teacher

Kolesnikova Larisa Vasilievna


Holding concerts “Ah, come on, boys!” in our school is

traditional event and dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. AT

the concert is attended only by boys studying at various

departments of DSHI. Parents present at the concert accept

active participation in competitions, thereby being involved in a joint game

activities that contribute to the creation of a festive and friendly atmosphere

Target: instilling in students a sense of patriotism, love for the motherland and pride

for Russia, respect for its defenders.

1.To educate the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.

2.Develop cognitive activity, the ability to operate knowledge.

3.Develop ingenuity, thinking, imagination.

4.Build a positive attitude towards military service

holding outdoor games, relay races, performances in the team standings.

5.Expand knowledge about the heroes of the Russian army, about glorious victories

Russian weapons.

6.Educate on positive examples of national history.

7.Cultivate a sense of teamwork and mutual assistance.

8.In involve parents in joint activities with children.

Equipment: projector, screen, laptop, pianos and necessary musical

tools, chairs.

Event progress

Good evening, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to our

Defender of the Fatherland, popularly beloved holiday, professional

military holiday. Although this holiday has long ceased to be just

professional, and turned into a holiday for all who served, who serve or

will serve, because to stand up for your Fatherland is a holy

man's duty. Moreover, this year we will celebrate the great

holiday -70 years of our Victory in the Great Patriotic War, 70 years old

peaceful sky above your head!

Today we will go through the difficult roads of the war years, remember

victory of Russian weapons, great Russian heroes and commanders, we will go through

sacred places of our military glory. And our boys, for good

traditions, demonstrate courage, resourcefulness, dexterity and skill

get out of any situation.

We dedicate our concert to all the defenders of the Fatherland. Let's

Let's get to know our members.

We invite everyone to the stage! You have to tell about yourself by answering

questions and do it quickly and concisely.

Let's start the quiz!

1.What instrument do you play?

2.Do you play sports?

3.What ice cream do you like?

4.How are you doing at school?

5.Do you listen to mom and dad?

6.Are there animals at home?

7.Did you learn the notes quickly?

8.Do you like to play with the score?

9.What kind of music do you like?

10.Are there any favorite pieces that you have played?

11.What piece would you like to learn?

12.Can you ride a bike?

13.Do you play computer games?

14.What is your favorite computer game?

15.What did you do at home in the cold?

16.Your favorite colour?

17.What holiday do you like the most?

18.What did they give you on your birthday?

19.And for the New Year?

20.How often do your wishes come true?

21.Would you like to win a million?

22.What would you do if you won a million?

23.Do you read books?

24.What movie did you watch at the cinema?

25.Do you go to the theater for performances?

26.Have you been to the museum?

27.Who brought you to a music school or did he want to?

28.How many quarter notes are there in a whole note?

29.Is it the first time you participate in the concert “Ah, well, boys”?

30.Do you like performing in concerts?

31.Has anyone come to cheer for you?

32.Do you play music every day?

33.Do you compose music?

34.What are your favorite plays?

We open our meeting with a song! Listen to a musical greeting from

our talented boys!

The vocal group of boys "Vivat" opens our concert

Well, we are marching to the sound of the march!

L. Knipper. Polyushko isp. Egor Kazakov Chikantseva L.V.

Friendship in the army is a great value. Not without reason in the Russian army always

there was a rule: die yourself, but help a comrade out.

Auction of proverbs about the Russian soldier and friendship

I read the beginning of the proverb, and you unanimously say its end:

Do not have a hundred rubles, but ... (have a hundred friends).

They are greeted by clothes, but ... (they are escorted by the mind).

It's hard to learn... (easy to fight).

Business before pleasure).

Disappear yourself, but ... (rescue a comrade).

old friend... (better than the new two).

Smart fighter ... (well done everywhere).

The soldier who ... (does not dream of becoming a general) is bad.

There are many songs about friendship. Let's recall some of them.

V. Shainsky. When my friends are with me

B. Saveliev. Song of the cat Leopold

A special quality of the character of a Russian person is kindness, skill

love and appreciate everything that is bestowed by mother - nature. Here we are with you

rejoice in the beauty of the world around us.

Ukrainian folk song "Oh, the hoop burst"

Emelyanov. Puppy

A. Gedike. Dance

In the film "Officers" one of the main characters says: "There is such

profession - defend the motherland." Like a baton passed from generation to generation

generation heroic glory of our grandfathers and fathers, soldiers of the Armed Forces,

defended the independence of the Motherland with weapons in their hands. current generation

Russian soldiers continues this baton of selfless service

Motherland. And we remember the glorious path of the Russian army. You will be shown

images of various battles and battles in which Russian troops won

victory, and you have to determine.

Quiz "Glory of Russian weapons" (slide show)

1. The battle that finally liberated the Russian lands from foreign

invaders. Enemy tactics - closed wedge - pig (Ice

2. The battle of the XIV century, which became decisive in the struggle for the unification of the Russians

3. This battle became general during the Northern War. In honor of the victory

Russian troops through the streets of Moscow passed not only the winners, but also 22

thousand captured Swedes (Battle of Poltava June 27, 1709 ).

the terrible one I gave near Moscow. The French showed themselves in it

worthy of victory, the Russians have acquired the right to be

undefeated” (Battle of Borodino on August 26, 1812).

5. They were the first to take the blow of the fascist invaders when the country

did not yet know about the treacherous attack (defenders of the Brest Fortress

6. The painting by the artist A. Deineka depicts a mournful and

majestic feat of Soviet soldiers who gave their lives under

defense of this city (Defense of Sevastopol, 1942).

7. This battle was the largest tank battle in history; in him

involved about two million people, six thousand tanks, four

thousand aircraft (July 5 - August 23, 1943).

not easy. During the operation, about 80 thousand people died and 274,184

people were injured, that is, more than 15 thousand people were out of action per day

soldiers and officers (1945 - battle for Berlin).

Dm. and Dan. Pokrass. Our Cossacks are going through Berlin

And what could be more precious for the Russian people than its roots, folk

songs that contain age-old wisdom, which was collected bit by bit

generations of folk art creators? Let's go back to the origins.

N. Toropova. Baba Yaga

Russian folk song "Will I go, will I leave"

R. Schuman. Father Frost

Russian folk song "On the pavement street"

Russian folk song "Lady"

I. Parfenov. Juggler

The border guards are vigilantly serving, protecting the inviolability of our

borders. And now you will have the opportunity to play this role.

The game "Border guards and violators"

Participants are divided into 2 groups. First - border guards who carry

their service, they are on patrol. If the border guards raised their hands,

this means that the border is open, and local residents (the second group) can run in and

run through these gates. But as soon as the word "Patrol" is heard, the fighters

give up, and those who are inside the circle will be temporarily detained.

Let's see how reliably our border guards guard the border.

Ivanov. Danube waves

ON THE. Roman - Korsakov. Song of the Indian guest from the opera "Sadko"

Historically, our people for centuries had to

fight the invaders. ancient legend by the mouth of one of the conquerors

warns: “I punish both children and grandchildren - don't go to war

Great Russia, it stands for a century and does not stagger, and it will stand for a century without moving.”

The names of the defenders of the Russian land sounded menacing to the enemies. courage and

courage, perseverance and mercy - these are the qualities of the true defenders of the Motherland.

And you need to know your heroes by sight! Guess who it is?

Quiz "Defenders of the Russian Land" (slide show)

1. George the Victorious.

2. The great Russian commander who served 50 years and did not lose

not a single battle. He considered speed and onslaught to be the basis of tactics in battle.

What is the full name of the commander (A.V. Suvorov).

3. He became the first full knight of the Order of St. George. Him

devoted poems to A.S. Pushkin, G.R. Derzhavin, and the famous fabulist

I.A. Krylov, during the life of the commander, composed the fable "The Wolf in the Kennel", where

in allegorical form depicted his struggle with Napoleon.

4. The most famous Soviet olk ov about kid, Marshal Sovetsk og about

Union, to team ing troops ami in b itv e on d M about squay, in the crust P leniya on the

Berlin ( G .TO. F uk s)

In many countries visited Russians co lda you, and everywhere faithful help n ik om im

was not take off.

Sle blowing b lok ourg o conc erta is called "We are for m ir!" (slide).

E.K olman about vsky. X from yat ru sskie in oyny

V. M Hurrah Delhi. B wow enwald naba t

To of course about , b I am t and happy natural minutes in t RU bottom soldier t sk oh life, to otor s

on dderzhiv ali b the spirit of our warriors ov. And what else zhno soldier that? Courage and

rep yeah well wife, but this about more not all. Need savvy a, to about torus wow you this hour us and

about demonstrating here.

The game "All do hear it says: "At ra!”

With pomo shchyu prompt Azok guess ite words a, in to from about ryh sv teaches conscription and victories n oh

pobe bottom combination ! So on let's say:

destroy wind blowing. (U ragan)

grue zovik trucker ov. (Fura)

snowy b urya. (B Uranus)

su X ofru kt . (TO hurricane)

G lava clock R about ssii. (TO urants)

G pewter boron (Cap a)

true dolubivnoe nasek ohmoe. (Mu rave)

trees yanny sk azo chic hero. (B Hurrah tino)

japanese snout ar. (Herself paradise)

before mike for dogs and. (TO onura)

Ukrainian mu sonic instrument ment (bandura)

the most bookish olny pre dmet . (Liter a tour)

Good afternoon! From all the beautiful half of humanity, congratulations to all men!

Together: Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

1 Presenter: -
Who do I want to congratulate? -
Men sitting in the hall
All those whose role is special -
We have always known this.

2 led. Who strong his shoulder
For the fragile substitutes,
All those who protect the Motherland,
And protects us.

1. Song "What does the Motherland begin with?" (Chorus)

1 led. Our dear boys, men! Congratulations on February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day! May your hearts be filled over the years not only with courage, but also with kindness, love for your neighbors, compassion for the offended. Let the fire of pride for your Motherland burn in your souls!

2 Vedas. Soldier of the Fatherland. Warrior of Russia. At all times, the attitude towards him and his military work was surrounded by a halo of patriotism and glory.

2. Song "When soldiers sing" (Chorus)

1.VED. Who is your dad? What is he? With such questions, our cameraman Alexei Efimov and journalist Avanskaya Natalia went to the junior high school students. And here's what they found out.

3. Video "Our dads"

1 Ved.

And now relatives and strong,

Kind, brave and beloved

Come to congratulate the kids

2 Ved.

Meet Tonight's Littlest Artists

4. Word to the kids (Short stay group number)


A long time ago, the holiday was established ...

What can I say, the tradition is strong.

We congratulate men again -

We wish you peace and good!

Congratulations to the dance group ""

5. Dance "Rhythm"

Vedas. (Olya)

There is a reason to congratulate you

On a February day, in the middle of winter.

Just because you're a man

We are proud to be a defender!

6. The song "Russian guy"

7. (Polina) Three girls were dreaming in the evening

Scene "Bad grandmothers about real men."

Ved.2 (Ivanova Nastya and Alya)

And today we congratulate those who wear shoulder straps, those who once wore them or will wear them in the future. And more of those. whose friends and relatives wear or wore shoulder straps.

Graduates of our school also serve in the ranks of the Russian army.

9. Slideshow (names)

There is such a profession - to defend the homeland. This profession was chosen by: (names)

And it does not matter at what point the soldier is serving, it is important that each of them honestly fulfills his duty, serves his Fatherland.

Their relatives and friends sit in this hall. We congratulate them all and give a song

10. "Home" (Grade 9)

11. Ved.

Soldier on vacation

War Dance "Squadron"


And now let's make way for a joke -

We can't live without her.

It's better with her in difficult times,

Why don't we joke?

12. Joke "Army education"

Under sunny skies
Under the warm rain
Under the snowy blizzard ringing
You serve, guys, we will wait for you,
Just write us letters more often!
13. The song "One hundred days before the order" performed by girls


How many songs about the army are composed,

How many songs about the fleet are composed!

We are supposed to remember them on a holiday,

Yes, and we also do not mind singing them

14. The song "Boys-cadets" (7th grade girls)


Remember more often the parental home,

It is not easy, but the work of a soldier is honorable:

You serve, guys - we will wait for you,

Only do your military duty holy!

15. Scene "Military laws of nature"

16. And again on the stage the dance group "Constellation". Meet! Stage dance.

Ved (Olya)

Motherland is the land at the threshold,

Where you first learned your name

Motherland is a big road

The one you walk with others

17. Song "You are my Russia"

1 Ved. Everything can be native land! Feed with warm, delicious bread, drink spring water, surprise with its beauty.

And only she cannot protect herself... Therefore, the defense of their Motherland is the sacred duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water and admire its expanses.

1Ved. For many centuries, Russian people have had to defend the freedom of their Motherland more than once. The people remember their legendary heroes-defenders.

1Ved. What a pity that all of them together and each individually cannot be said that we have not forgotten them, that we remember them. The graves do not hear. They don't see graves. But the living must hear, see and remember at what cost our freedom has been won.

18. ("Nabat" - loudly, then quieter) Vika and Dima Khmelev

Reader Quiet ... Hear: as if somewhere

The heart of our planet is beating...

This is the power claiming over all,

Time marches across the planet.

Reader Quiet ... Do you hear?

These are not thunderstorms, this is life speeding up the run

And along the rails, soaring up to the stars,

Our new age roars.

Reader And suddenly: wait, don't rattle!

You see - scarlet granite and flames.

Hold on... Give me a moment.

This I tell you, Memory.

Reader Well, wait, look, obelisk,

Read the names and dates:

It's here that the battles took place

Once upon a time there was a war.

Reader Here once, for formation formation,

Years have passed - soldiers:

forty-one, forty-two,

Forty-third, fourth, fifth...

Reader I know - you rush to the stars,

I know - you make the Earth more beautiful.

Just descend to this stone from a height,

Stop, bow, put flowers...

The most modest bouquet of daisies.

Reader And taking a moment from eternity,

Here, by the stone, in the crushed grass

He took off his hat to Memory

The deafening century of the 20th.

Reader 21st century - with powerful hands,

Everything can destroy and build up.

Time is powerless if Memory meets,

Holy memory on your way!

Vedas.We will honor the memory of all the soldiers who fell in the battles for their Motherland with a MINUTE OF SILENCE

19. Song "Lord Officers" (Chorus)


Our dear men, boys! Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, let us say one more wish, the last and most important thing - may the sky above your head always be peaceful!


Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

We sincerely wish you:

Be calm and patient

Protect the motherland and women.

May courage always sound in the hearts,

Let a bold gleam shine in your eyes,

Let the song help you in your soul,

You, men, we wish you the HONOR TO HAVE!

20. Song "Aty-Baty" (Chorus)

This concludes our concert.

Thank you for your attention!

Scenario of the concert program dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

21.02.2014 12.30

Fanfare sounds

Lead 1.

Let's take a look at the calendar sheet
Today there is a special reason:
It's February 23rd
So - your holiday has come, men!

Lead 2.

Let this day be a pleasant surprise
will present lovely gifts,
We wish you joy, love
And celebrate the holiday cheerfully and brightly!

Lead 1.

February 23 - An important day for our entire country! We proudly call this Day Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Lead 2.

This holiday is one of the most revered in our country. After all, defending the Motherland, home and family is the honorable duty of every man.

Lead 1.

On this day, we congratulate real men who will emerge from any, even the most difficult situation with their head held high as a winner!

Lead 2.

We sincerely wish you good health, inexhaustible vitality and peaceful sky above your head!

For you ________________________________________________________

Lead 1.

We are gathered here today

To congratulate you men.

And on a day so memorable for us

We wish you all.

Lead 2.

Good health always

After all, the years flow like water.

Let them not be carried away by the current

All your faithful aspirations.

Lead 1.

We also wish you good luck

You are lucky with us, and that means a lot!

After all, we sincerely wish you

Success, happiness and love.

Lead 2.

May there always be a place for feat,

May courage and strength not fail,

To make life bright and interesting,

And certainly brought joy!

On the stage ______________________________________________________

Lead 1.

Oh man, you are our hero
Our faithful defender of the Fatherland.
All our people are proud of you
The strongest, bravest and bravest!

Lead 2.

There are only hopes for you,
Only you can defeat everyone
You are fair in every way
For you only victory success!

Lead 1.

Let the military theory

Will never become a practice

Nice in personal life

Brilliant strategy and tactics!


Will be brought to life

Plans, undertakings!

Happy Defender's Day!

Peace! Prosperity!

Congratulations to you _______________________________________________________________


Military, students, businessmen and workers -
Profession and age are completely irrelevant:
You are men, which means that the family is a strong support,
Reliable protection for the people and the country!


Even in the army, even in business, everywhere men are the best,
Capable where necessary, you show character,
We wish you happiness, joy, kindness, well-being,
And congratulations to all of you on February 23!


Always have faith in yourself,
Health will be as strong as armor.
Let there be a home, a successful career
And the joy of the coming day!


For you _________________________________________________________


The most valuable thing in our life is peace, tranquility and stability, and therefore it is no coincidence that Defender of the Fatherland Day has a rich and glorious history. Whatever the name of this holiday, it has always been a symbol of courage, selflessness, dignity and honor.


This is the day when we congratulate our men - active, strong, responsible. Men who protect their families from difficulties and hardships are responsible for the present and do everything possible to make the future happy. We wish health, happiness and prosperity to you and your families!


On the stage ________________________________________________________


February harsh rules our world,
And gives a truly masculine holiday,
We have the opportunity to congratulate men, -
And we are glad for such an opportunity!


A man is a knight, a master, a warrior,
And in deeds he is glad to prove himself,
Indeed, each of you is worthy
High ranks, all kinds of awards!


We wish you warmth, health, happiness,
Less trouble, interference,
Let the bosses appreciate
In all cases, success accompanies!


Congratulations to you _________________________________________________


Day after day passes unnoticed
And the beloved holiday comes to us again,
Let off warm congratulations the snow will melt
And in winter, spring blossoms in the hearts of men!


Your courage, energy and strength
All problems help to solve,
Congratulations, and all of Russia is with us
On this holiday, wishes you happiness from the bottom of your heart!


We wish you stability, good luck,
Happiness in life and brilliant victories.
And, of course, earthly love in addition,
May your joy last for many years!


On the stage_________________________________________________________


You are men, and peace is unknown to you,
After all, for everything that happens - you are responsible,
This holiday is glorious - truly masculine,
So let's welcome him!


On the beautiful day that February gave you,
The wishes of all cannot be expressed in words,
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for everything,
We confess our love to you, we are proud of you!



Warrior, peace protector, soldier -
There is no better title for a man,
And say congratulations
On your holiday there is a reason for this.


I wish you victories in life
All success in business and good luck,
You are a man, there is no doubt
The most that neither is real!

Lead 1.

You are a man, which means you are a protector!
Your family hearth and peace,
Like a strong granite wall,
You shield yourself from adversity.

Protect all who are near and dear,
And surround with your care,
To be a reliable support for the family
And to overcome any misfortune -

This duty of all real men
You carry success through life.
On your holiday, I wish you only happiness, -
You will take the rest yourself!


On the stage________________________________________________________


There are, there are thousands of reasons for women,

To not imagine life without men.

Us, their strong hands will be able to save everyone,

Take away any trouble from Russia.


They are in all positions of responsibility.

And all problems, even complex ones, will be solved.

We must now confess our love to you.

Without you, a man lacks warmth.

Let many years pass, but we repeat again,

Thank you, thank you we say.


Congratulates you ___________________________________________________


Today is a holiday for men
Reliable, smart, loyal!
Women have many reasons
Congratulate them first


Who will protect them best?
Of course husband, father or son!
Who always idolizes them?
Again husband, father and son!


Who is better to keep silent in an argument?
All the same husband, father and son!
Let's congratulate them
Men of all our dear ones!


For you ___________________________________________________________


It's not easy to be a man in our century,
To be - the best, the winner, the wall,
A reliable friend, a sensitive person,
Strategist between peace and war.


Be strong, but... submissive, wise, gentle,
To be rich, but... spare no money.
To be slim, elegant and... casual.
To know everything, to do everything and to be able to do everything.


On holiday we wish you ... patience.

In solving your life problems.
Health to you, love and inspiration.
Successes creative and every success!


For you___________________________________________________________


February twenty third
We congratulate you today!
From the heart, all the blessings of the earth,
We bow to you!

Long life, bright days,
Lots of warmth!
Shine of your dear eyes
And love, like the sun-eternal!

To no longer have to
Fight, defend.
So that in a world without war
You could have stayed!

If there is a parade in the tank,
I took a rifle, which means in a shooting range!
And we do not need awards
We are for world peace!

We wish you happiness, well-being, success in business for the benefit of the Fatherland!


Dear men, be healthy, happy and loved! Happy holiday!


All the very best to you!

Soundtrack sounds

List of concert numbers

1. Song "Holiday" - choral group

2. Dance - 6 A class

3. The song "Great-grandfather" - the ensemble "Droplets"

4. The song "My Russia" - Klimova Anastasia

5. Dance "Sailors" - Ensemble "Zabava"

6. Song "Seagulls" - Khalina Anastasia

7. Shirobokov Nikita - a poem

8. Dance "Tango" - 10 A class

9. Song "Russia" - Atrepyeva Ksenia and Khalina Anastasia

10. Song "100 days before the order" - Begmetova Lyubov Anatolyevna

11. Dance of teachers

Fanfare sounds, then the announcer's text:

“We are rightfully proud of our beloved Army,
And we believe: glory will not cease these days!”

Phrases sound:

I, the commander of the regiment, swear by faith and truth to fulfill my military duty.
- I, a private, swear to protect my land from enemies.
- I, a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, joining the ranks of the Armed Forces, solemnly swear to be honest, brave ...
- I swear on the honor of an officer, to serve and defend the Motherland.
- I, the son of the working people, swear to serve my country with honor.
- I, a citizen of the Soviet Union, a faithful son of the heroic Russian people, swear that I will not let go of my weapon ...
- I solemnly swear allegiance to my Fatherland - Russian Federation. I swear to fulfill my military duty with dignity, to courageously defend freedom, the people and the Fatherland.

"Oh, roads" - P. Chkalov (flute) - 2 minutes.

The command “Left, one, two. March step!" The guys leave with a marching step, the girls go to the opposite backstage.

"Oh, roads" - continued.

Sounds of a galloping horse, stopped. A woman runs out - a hussar.

Well hello dear. I have the honor to introduce myself, Cornet of the Mariupol Hussars Alexander Andreevich Alexandrov.

The classic waltz of the 19th century sounds. 4 dancing couples come out, 1 couple on the proscenium is talking.

Freedom ... The precious gift of heaven has finally become my lot forever.

She: They say collegiate adviser Durov is looking everywhere for his daughter Nadezhda, who enrolled in the Konnopolsky regiment under the name of Alexander Vasilyevich Sokolov.
He: Yes, yes, it is true, and she has already been in many battles with the enemy.

A uniform, a saber, a pike, a helmet with a sultan - all this is very clean, very beautiful and very hard! Hopefully, though, get used to it!

She: And what did the emperor say to that? I suppose he sent her to her parents' house right away?

He: On the contrary, he left a brave woman in the Russian army and allowed him to introduce himself by the name Alexandrov.

I'm already used to my shackles, state boots

She: Oh, and is she not afraid of bullets and cannonballs?

He: A woman in the army... with a weapon in her hands... on the field of fierce battles...

The saddle was my first cradle, the horse, weapons and regimental music were the first children's toys and amusements.

My fate is decided.


I was with the sovereign, saw him, spoke with him, the greatness of my happiness amazes me, delights me.

Squats on one knee.

Oh, sir, from this hour my life belongs to you.

Announcer: Her example is the first and unique for the Russian army.
Nadezhda Durova is the first woman to join the ranks of the defenders of the Fatherland.

The command "Step march!" Sounds. Soldiers are marching down the proscenium. Sounds music "Oh, roads" and narration.

On the roads of war through swamps and burnt areas,
Step by step, the country strove for victory;
On the roads of war, people gave their lives,
So as not to hear the cursed word "war" ... (Konstantin Korneev)

Kurbashi at the Devil's Gap!..
- On the horses! ..

The Regimental Commander and the Soldier run out. (An excerpt from the prose "Officers" Vasiliev B.L.)

K- What year?
S-Second, comrade commander.
K- So, immediately - to the courses?
S- So the Komsomol ordered.
K- Did the Komsomol order you to marry too?
C- This is my personal question.
K- Wrong. Marriage is a matter of your honor, not a question.
S- What?
K- When you ask a woman to give you a hand and a heart, you internally give yourself a word of honor that you will serve as her shield and support all your life.
C- Well, it goes without saying.
K for life. And life can be long. Even with our profession.
C- What is this profession? The military is not a profession. It's just a service.

The music ends.

K- And how long are you just going to serve?
C- Before the victory of the world revolution
K- And then?
S- After the victory, I will go to teach. Here the teacher is a real profession, comrade squadron commander.
K- And I, imagine, all my life I was proud of my work. And my father was proud of him, and grandfather. Others were proud of their nobility or wealth, and we were proud of our profession.
S- What kind of profession is this?
To defend the motherland. There is such a profession: to defend your homeland.

The command is "Left. March step!" Soldiers are marching down the proscenium. Sounds like “Oh, roads” in the background and narration.

On the roads of war, the era freezes,
Falling silently into burning dust,
And on the burning shoots of road moss
Forever freezes military reality. (Konstantin Korneev)

"Rio Rita" - E. Nedorubova (1 verse and chorus).
4 dance couples come out.

The song ends. Rio Rita sounds in the background. On the stage - guys and girls from the 40s. A photographer comes out with a camera.

It was the middle of June...
- That wonderful middle, that wonderful June! ..
- Which then so wonderfully deceived everyone ...
- And for a long, long time then, scientists comprehended the causes and effects ...
- They argued, even cursed.
- Who is guilty?
- What to do?
- And how to figure out that this will never happen again,
- But all this was much later, but now? (an excerpt from B. Vakhtin's story "One absolutely happy village")
Photographer - And now I will ask everyone to smile.

All extras line up for a photo. Rio Rita ends.
Sounds: the clock is ticking, thunderstorms, rain... The extras disperse, leaving a couple.

Guy: No.
Girl: Why? Why didn't you tell me anything?
Guy: That's right.
Girl: You have a reservation.
Guy: I'll text you.
Girl: You don't love me...
Guy (turns his face to her, look at each other): I'll write.

She turns to the camera, wiping her tears, stands next to him.

The guy leaves. The girl puts on a cap.

Photographer: Can't you smile?
Girl: No.

Her father appears, he is in a soldier's uniform, a cap in his hands.

Dad: I forbid you!
Girl: War, dad.
Dad: you're a woman!
Girl: I graduated from nursing school.
Dad (softer): You're the only one with me.
Girl (turns her face to him, look at each other): That's why.

The girl turns to the camera, the guy stands next to him
Freeze at attention, photo.

Photographer: Can you smile?
Dad: No!

The wife runs in, crying.

Wife: Well, where are you going? Well, where are you going? You are an old man!
Dad: You heard that everyone who is able to hold a weapon...
Wife: You have already won yours!

Dad looks at the camera, the wife turns her face in fear to the camera. Freeze at attention, photo. Dad puts on a cap.
The command “Step march” sounds, soldiers are marching along the proscenium. Sounds music "Oh, roads" and narration.

A crimson banner splashed,
crimson stars burned,
a blind blizzard covered the blood-red sunset,
and heard the tread of divisions,
great march of divisions,
iron tread of divisions,
exact tread of soldiers! (R. Rozhdestvensky. "Requiem")

Announcer: Rota rise! Get dressed in uniform #3 in 45 seconds! Time has gone!

Sports demonstration performances - "Buturlinets".
The text is spoken.

The lieutenant-paratrooper of recruits will accept,
It will look into their souls on the very first flight.
Throats dry, heart down - swing.
Just shout - Mom! The boys have done...
- I can't do it anymore! I won't go and that's it!
But "Forward!" the command sounded authoritative.
Something in them will wake up from fathers and grandfathers,
And blue berets will be worthy.

An excerpt from the song "Airborne Forces" by A. Buynov sounds. The command “Step march” sounds, the soldiers march along the proscenium with a marching step and stop.

Life goes on.
And the day begins again.
Life goes on.
The rainy season is coming.
The rising wind shakes the big loaves.
This is your destiny.
This is our common destiny... (Requiem by Robert Rozhdestvensky)

"Serve Russia" - Y. Sorokin.
The extras are on the stage. Leading out

1 - Good afternoon, dear guests, veterans of the armed forces, present and future defenders of the Fatherland!

2 - Hello! Thank you for the peaceful sky above your head, for your work, for your valor, for your courage!

1 - Dear men, we sincerely congratulate you on one of the most important holidays of our country.

Together - Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

The crowd leaves.
Ensemble of drummers.

1 - Dear friends, the Head of the Administration of Buturlinsky congratulates you on the holiday municipal district Nikolai Alexandrovich Chichkov.

Congratulations to N.A. Chichkov.

1 - 2015 was marked by a bright, significant event in the life of our country. On May 9, we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The culmination of the whole celebration was the Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow.

2 - A great honor fell to three of our countrymen - Vladislav Meshkov, Sergey Vavilov and Alexander Lepashov - to become participants in the Victory Parade. Vladislav and Sergey are present in the hall, we ask them to come up to the stage. Alexander is mastering the honorary profession of a military man and could not be present at the celebration today, but his parents are present in the hall, we invite them to the stage.

1 - From the administration of Buturlinsky municipal district, in gratitude for your excellent service in the ranks of the Russian army, high patriotism, courage and active citizenship, accept a memorable gift - a wall clock with a symbolic farewell message "Serve with dignity for the glory of the Fatherland."

2 - Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Rewarding. Photo for memory.

2 - Thank you, please take your seats in the hall.

1 - So it was and always will be. Again and again, young people with a warm heart will stand up to defend the Motherland, those who choose to serve the Fatherland as their fate, those who live on earth with love for Russia. Today in the hall there are families of guys who decided to devote their lives to serving the Motherland, protecting its peace, and entered the military educational establishments.
This is the family of Roman Chuperko, a student at the Galician Border Institute of Russia.

2 - We welcome the family of Alexander Lepashov - a student of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after General of the Army V.F. Margelov.

1 - Our applause to the relatives of Ivan Repin - a student of the military institute of railway troops and military communications.

2 - Thank you for patriotic education children, for future officers - reliable defenders of our Motherland.

"Motherland" - Y. Sorokin
"Forward, Russia" - ensemble "Constellation".

February 2 - 23 - a holiday, fanned by the courage and valor of the Russian army, unites all generations of citizens of our country - young and old.
The youngest participants of the festive program congratulate you on the holiday.

"Young soldier" - "Forget-me-nots".

1 - Russia - like a word from a song, young birch foliage.
Around forests, fields and rivers, expanse, Russian soul.
I love you, Russia, for the clear light of your eyes,
For the mind, for the deeds of the saints, for the voice resonant like a stream.
It will hardly be forgotten and forever remain holy -
The land that was called the Motherland, if necessary, we will protect with our hearts!

"Beyond the Quiet River" - the ensemble "Perlivnitsa".
Dance "Winter" - ensemble "Droplets"

2- On a wonderful holiday for men,
On the day of strength and glory of the country.
We wish you good happiness
Health and also love!

1 - And we wish you a clear road,
May there always be luck
Congratulations to all dads today
After all, the country is proud of you.

"Song about dad" - studio "Constellation" (jr. gr.)

2 - Today, people of different generations have gathered in the hall of the regional palace of culture: our respected veterans, who, as the famous song says, "ploughed half of Europe like a plowman", veterans of the Afghan and Chechen wars, participants in hostilities in "hot spots", their younger comrades, who guarded the borders of the Fatherland in peacetime, and the youngest who have yet to go to the service. We call all of them soldiers, putting in this word both love, and pride, and anxiety for them!

VIA - "Do not rush to bury us"
VIA - "Soldier"

1 - A Russian soldier walked hundreds of kilometers across his native land, freeing it from treacherous invaders. Snow-white birch groves, golden wheat fields, chamomile fields and the heavenly blue of Russian expanses. Our hard-working soldier fought for all this.

2 - A person is unthinkable without the Motherland, the region, the place where he is born. And if there is a Motherland, Fatherland, where we live, where our ancestors lived, then we need people who can protect it.

"What can be better than Russia"- G. Prikazchikov.

1 - The Red Army at the turn of the 30s of the last century was gaining its power and strength, and on the other side of the border, ordinary fascism was already bleeding Europe, planting a "new order": Czechoslovakia was torn to pieces, Belgium was captured. The fall of Paris shocked the world! The Nazis plundered Europe, burned and destroyed cities. The military power of the army of Adolf Hitler increased unprecedentedly, and soon its tip turned out to be directed at our country ...

2 - But they failed to break the Soviet army. The battle for Moscow and Kursk turned out to be beyond their strength, Leningrad survived, and the Battle of Stalingrad entered the history of heroism. All this is stored in our history. Nothing is forgotten...

"Cuckoo" - E. Nedorubova

1 - Thank you, soldiers, for life, for childhood, for spring, for silence, for a peaceful home, for the world in which we live.
Today we glorify the defenders of our Fatherland (including future ones). Speaking of defenders, we must not forget those soldiers who remained in the earth forever, the soldiers who gave us a peaceful sky above our heads and the opportunity to live and enjoy life in the 21st century.
In memory of the defenders of the Motherland, of those who died on the battlefields, we declare a moment of silence.

moment of silence

"When we were at war" - ensemble "Zabava"

2 (behind the scenes) - For many years there has been silence on the battlefield,
The storm passed and the apple orchard woke up.
And yet, the soldiers did not die in vain.
And in order for someone to survive and return.

"It's good that you came" - RDK Choir.

"Heart in the snow" - T. Petrukhina.

2 - To rush into the fray, a man

And the first is protection of the native country,
The second is the debt that the ancestors bequeathed,
He commands all men:
Risking yourself to protect women
As in the duels of Pushkin's time.

1 - To sing a song, it is known for a man
There are only two good reasons:
And the first is love for the native land,
Which entered both flesh and blood
And became an inextinguishable star,
The second is love for a woman. (R. Gamzatov)

"Territory of the Heart" - A. Mashin, A. Chukhrova

2 - Oh, how beautifully women write about men:

You are my light and spring flight,
Solar magic ray...
All doubts melt like ice ...
I need you, my best!

After these words, I think any man is ready for a feat!

“You are the best” - I. Bezrukova.

2 - In peacetime, many great discoveries glorifying Russia were made by real men. Circumnavigation, underwater expeditions, testing in the air, on land and on water, peaceful conquest of the depths of space.

1- One of bright examples - the first manned flight into space.
Yuri Gagarin, a citizen of the Soviet Union, exactly 55 years ago was the first to make a space flight around the Earth, thereby opening the era of space flights.

2 - To this day they surf spaceships, and to this day our astronauts dream of sweet grass near their home.

"Grass near the house" - studio "Constellation" (St. Gr.)

February 1 - 23 - a holiday for real men. At all times, the most valuable thing in our lives has been peace, tranquility and stability, and therefore it is no coincidence that Defender of the Fatherland Day has a rich and glorious history.

2 - He has always been a tribute of deep respect to all who have served and are serving for the good of our Fatherland, guarding our peace, showing nobility and dedication.

1 - May this holiday be always peaceful and joyful!

"Potpourri" - ensemble "Rodnik".
The ensemble is on stage. Leaders come out.

1 - Among worries, among smiles,
Such as in the hall, kind eyes
I say "thank you" to life
For every moment, for every hour,

2 - For a ray of sunlight,
For the joy of the day.
If only you were immortal
The land that nourished me!

1 - And the witchcraft of white birch,
And maternal eternal call
And the cry of a baby in the cradle
And laughter, and joy, and love,

2 - And the sky is blue without edge
Above the golden field of rye...
We congratulate all of you people
With this great happiness - to live! (I. Rovnyagin)

"Walk, Russia" - the ensemble "Rodnik".

1 - We wish all men to achieve their goals, courage, fortitude, professional success, health and happiness. May peace and understanding reign in your homes.

2 - Happy Holidays! Thank you for your attention. See you soon!