How to wipe your face with ice cubes. How to wipe your face with ice cubes

It's no secret that human skin is the fastest subject to aging. Or maybe it seems to us, because it is just in front of everyone, unlike the internal organs, which age just as quickly, but in view of their internal location, you do not see this.

This fact of aging is especially unpleasant for a woman who always wants to remain beautiful, desirable, delightful and amazing. Any woman wants to always look younger and more graceful than she really is.

That is why when the first wrinkles begin to appear on a woman's face, the woman panics. Immediately, she begins to go to extremes and use various masks, creams, serums and other means aimed at removing wrinkles and preventing new ones. And there are those who immediately resort to the help of plastic surgeons just because they want to quickly reduce the first mimic wrinkles.

As strange as it may sound, one of the most effective ways to remove wrinkles is ice. Of course, the mere fact of frozen water will not be enough here, however, ice with the addition of various herbal remedies, such as string, chamomile, plantain, sage, green tea, St. John's wort, nettle, mint, lime blossom is quite capable of giving excellent results for facial skin. At the same time, the method is recommended not only by folk healers, grandmothers and other underground figures, but also by high-class cosmetologists.

The people have always used ice for the face as a cosmetic product. Especially in the morning they wiped the skin with this remedy. Today, cosmetologists are also advised to replace washing with plain water by rubbing the skin with ice.

The fact is that melted water is biologically active. Skin cells that are stunted and lethargic from environmental or age-related dehydration are saturated with melt water, then they straighten out, and the skin subsequently becomes smoother. And such a short cooling of the skin with ice helps to increase blood flow to the face, which improves its metabolism. This procedure helps to improve skin tone, elasticity, helps to narrow pores and smooth out wrinkles. This alone helps to prevent the aging process of the skin, connective tissue, thanks to this procedure, a natural blush will appear on your face, and the skin of your neck and face will rejuvenate.

How to wipe your face with ice cubes?

If you want to reduce wrinkles on a fading face, then rubbing your face with dandelion ice cubes will help you. To prepare it, we take half-blown dandelion flowers (about half a kilogram), skip them on a juicer. Add to this juice a large spoonful of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil), mix well and freeze.

To prepare other ice cubes for all occasions, we recommend that you do this - boil clean drinking water (although it will be even better if you use mineral water), add the weed you need to this water (depending on what effect you want get), cover the container with hot infusion with something dense for about five minutes, then you can open it and wait until the solution cools down. Pour the resulting infusion into a container in which you will freeze, and put this container in the freezer.

It is advisable to use ice cubes for rubbing once or twice a day. Wipe your face with ice cubes in a circle, along the lines of the skin, without necessarily bypassing the skin around the eyes. Take small breaks, because skin contact with ice should not exceed five seconds, otherwise the skin may turn pale. You need to wipe it quickly enough, but with frequent breaks, you need to wipe it so that the entire cube melts - quickly running the cube over your face several times will not be enough. After the cube has melted, you do not need to wipe your face, because the infusion should be absorbed into the skin.

It is very good to wipe your face with ice in the morning, because it helps wake up the skin and tones it, removes circles under the eyes and swelling. And in the evening, with the help of ice, you can even remove makeup from your face, especially if you have sensitive skin around the eyes.

Ice face massage

It is especially recommended to massage the skin of the face with ice in contrast, after a hot compress or a bath. Then you need to take a soft towel, dip it in hot water, wring it out of the water and put it on your face. The compress should be kept until the towel cools down. Immediately after removing the towel, wipe the skin with a prepared cosmetic ice cube along the massage lines of the skin. We do it gently, so that the cube even glides over the skin. After the massage, you need to blot the skin with a soft towel and rub a soft and nourishing face cream into the skin.

It is good to do this massage once or twice a week. However, you should not do this face massage with ice when it is cold outside or when you spend a long time in the cold air. You should not get carried away with ice and someone who has blood vessels very close to the surface of the face.

If you do not believe us that ice really freezes skin aging, then you can believe the experiments that were carried out by experts. For a whole month, two women at the age of twenty-seven took care of their faces. One of them did this by daily rubbing her face with ice twice a day. The second one just washed up. The results of the study showed that the woman who used ice helped her face slow down the aging process of the skin, while the second one had the same effect.

However, we remind you that the use of ice for the face is not recommended in cases where it is cold outside, when the skin is severely dehydrated or irritated, and with severe vasodilation on the face.

Take care of your face from the very youth, then it will please you much longer.

A lot of ways have been created to improve the condition of the skin of the face, eliminate all kinds of defects, irregularities, wrinkles, and make the skin supple, fresh and as attractive as possible. But did you know that all this can be achieved if you periodically wipe your face with ice cubes? Even Catherine II the Great washed her face with ice cubes.

Cosmetic ice has been used by cosmetologists in salons for a long time, but recently procedures with ice, such as cryotherapy or cryosauna, are extremely popular, especially in the hot season. Rubbing ice cubes on the face can be used as an alternative to moisturizers, and you can create your own version that suits your skin type. How to wipe your face with ice cubes, how often, what effect can be achieved and recipes for frozen blanks by face type - you will find all this in this article.

Is rubbing ice on your face good or bad?

There really isn't a consensus on whether rubbing ice cubes on your face is beneficial. Each skin is individual, and each has its own needs and predispositions. Someone thinks that ice rubbing does not bring the desired effect, for someone - on the contrary, the skin is noticeably transformed, and you no longer want to change this method. However, even the opinions of experts are divided on this issue, so it’s impossible to say for sure what prevails in the application of such a procedure as ice for the face, benefit or harm. If we talk about the disadvantages of this cosmetic facial exercise, then there are opinions that:

  • washing with ice is stress for the skin;
  • after such washes, the pores close, and the use of the cream becomes meaningless, since it is not absorbed properly;
  • after the use of ice, the vessels narrow and delay the secretions of sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • if you get too carried away with rubbing with ice at night, you can get insomnia, because from such a temperature difference the nervous system is activated and it will be more difficult to fall asleep as usual.

But ice procedures have undoubted advantages, the list of which is quite large:

Since even experts cannot say for sure whether it is useful to wipe the face with ice, we will accept two postulates as true:

Firstly, every girl should pay attention to how her skin reacts to certain processes. What may be beneficial for one type of skin may be completely unacceptable for another skin.

Secondly, in every case you can not overdo it. And short light ice rubs on the skin of the face, which bring a charge of positive emotions and nourish the skin with useful components, will perfectly charge you for a cheerful morning.

In addition, if you freeze not just water, but make ice for the face with herbs or fruits, each time the skin will receive various vitamins and nutrients.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to know how to properly prepare and use this method.

How to wipe your face with ice cubes?

You need to understand that there is a risk of harming the skin with low temperatures, so if you decide to use this method, you need to know all the nuances. You also need to cook the cubes correctly, for this, check out some tips.

For dry skin, nourishing and soothing ingredients are required, decoctions of plantain, parsley, St. John's wort, mint, chamomile, and dandelion are suitable. And some berries, for example, gooseberries, mountain ash, sea buckthorn.

For normal skin, fruits rich in vitamins are more often used to create additional skin immunity or moisturizers. Suitable strawberries, raspberries, watermelon, peach.

For oily and combination skin, it is best to use matting ingredients. Green tea, grapes, grapefruit, cranberries, as well as herbs such as St. John's wort, calendula, burdock. Ice with lemon is perfect for a person suffering from excessive fat content. For drying, a certain amount of vodka or alcohol is sometimes added, to eliminate acne, the water is salted.

  1. Do not hold the cube with bare hands, use a glove or cloth to avoid frostbite on your fingertips.
  2. About whether it is possible to wipe your face with ice every day for you, your skin will hint to you. After a week of daily procedure, observe how it has changed and whether you feel discomfort, itching or.
  3. And the last thing that is important to know: you need to wipe with circular, light, massage movements, but only along specific lines.

ice cube recipes for face

Since we have decided that ice cubes can be extremely beneficial for some skin types, let's look at what result can be achieved using such a frosty method and how to improve the appearance of the skin using ice for wiping the face and recipes based on it.

  1. Parsley

From parsley, you can make a decoction or juice, which is great for aging skin, for whitening both freckles and dark circles under the eyes.

In order to prepare ice cubes from parsley for the face, you can use both dry herb and fresh leaves. In any case, we fill the finely chopped grass with boiling water and heat it additionally over low heat for another 10 minutes. Proportions can be used differently depending on the problem and skin type: start with a less concentrated solution (for example, one tablespoon per glass of boiling water), and later you will understand what concentration is best to prepare for your skin type.

Ice with parsley for the face can also be made from juice. To do this, squeeze fresh leaves, as you understand, there should be a decent amount of them, dilute with water as desired or use concentrated juice, freeze and use for health. This juice can make freckles, bruises and even pigmented areas less noticeable.

  1. Green tea

Perhaps the simplest and most popular remedy for home skin care is tea. This is explained, of course, by its availability, versatility and ease of manufacture. Green tea ice cubes for the face have excellent tonic, rejuvenating and relieving swelling and bruising properties.

The method of making tea cubes is ridiculously simple: brew tea as usual, while adjusting the concentration to suit your preferences and skin sensitivity, cool, pour into molds and freeze.

Green tea is suitable for all hair types and can be great for tired and dull skin.

  1. Black tea

I must say that black tea is in no way inferior to green tea, and ice cubes based on it can also be used to restore, tone and tighten the skin.

Black tea gives the skin an even tanned color, which is hardly noticeable, but there will be a clear feeling that the skin has begun to look better. By adjusting the strength of the tea, you control its coloring effect.

Both black and green tea used for cosmetic procedures must be of high quality, because we want to saturate the skin with useful components, and they can hardly be found in low-quality products.

  1. chamomile

This herb, which is very common in our country, is the second (after tea) universal remedy for the face. Combining with any type of skin, it nourishes dry skin, and eliminates excess shine from oily, as well as fights acne and wrinkles. So girls of all ages and all types of problems can wipe their faces with ice with chamomile.

The easiest recipe for making chamomile ice cubes is to freeze its infusion. 2-3 tablespoons of dry chamomile leaves, which can be found in any pharmacy, pour a glass of boiling water, cool, freeze in forms, and you're done.

Wiping the face with ice cubes with chamomile with a less concentrated infusion (1-2 tablespoons) is recommended for owners of dry skin, 3-4 tablespoons can be afforded by those who want to get rid of oily sheen or inflammation.

Face ice for wrinkles

Ice cubes will help tighten and tone aging skin, the properties of various components that make up ice can both prevent and delay the appearance of wrinkles, and even completely smooth out small wrinkles.

  1. Ice cubes with herbs for the face, fighting wrinkles.

Lime blossom, dandelion, mint, or a mixture of them, take in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons, pour a glass of boiling water, cool, separate from the sediment with a sieve and use the resulting broth for freezing. Wipe the face with the resulting cubes in the morning and evening (according to sensations).

  1. Flax seeds.

This tool helps to smooth out, so it can be safely used to make ice for the face in anti-wrinkle recipes. Pour 1-2 dessert spoons with a glass of boiling water and leave for several hours. Separate the infusion from the sediment and freeze, after pouring into molds.

Of course, there are actually many more recipes for skin ice cubes. Share in the comments which recipe you use or tell a story about how your skin reacts to this procedure.

Be healthy and remember that you are beautiful at any age!

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about the use of ice for the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, and as always, in the article, you will find many useful recipes and tips. After all, water, which is not a secret to anyone, is the source of life on our planet. It can have different forms and states, among which solid is recognized as one of the main ones. It's about ice. It has unique properties, showing a healing effect on the body. To do this, of course, it must be used correctly. And the ice itself must be of high quality. Its huge deposits are concentrated on glaciers lying on the tops of mountains, and also closer to the poles of our planet. But in order to use the ice for your health and beauty, it is not necessary to go there. It can be prepared at home, and even endowed with special properties, thanks to certain natural additives.

So, at home, and in the cosmetic field, in principle, ice cubes for the face are widely used. Face ice is very easy to make. It is also called "cosmetic ice".

It perfectly tones the skin, restores youth, gives the face radiance, freshness, eliminates puffiness, helps even out color, and so on. Daily use of a frozen special liquid smoothes out any creases of the epidermis, and also very effectively blocks the appearance of new unpleasant defects.

The desire to preserve beauty and youth pushes to search for more and more new methods of dealing with various skin defects. But, as practice shows, it is better to prevent their occurrence than to neutralize the consequences later. can be used for both purposes. More on this today.

Ice for the face - what is the use?

Washing with plain cool water, which is often resorted to in order to improve the skin of the face, is in many ways inferior to the occasional use of ice.

Firstly , with the help of the latter, you can conduct an effective healing facial massage, during which the skin temperature drops sharply (but not to critical levels!)

Against this background, the blood vessels that tightly penetrate the soft tissues narrow. Further, when the effect on the skin of ice ceases, it quickly heats up to the temperature of the external environment, returning to its former temperature indicators.

As a result, the blood circulates even more intensively through them. It rejuvenates the skin, significantly strengthens blood vessels, improves skin tone.

Secondly , procedures with ice for the skin of your face have a number of other positive aspects, including:

Saturation of soft tissues with healing moisture

When ice, which has a temperature of zero degrees and below, interacts with the skin, it begins to slowly melt, water from a solid state turns into a liquid one. Now it can be absorbed by the skin if it is dehydrated. This helps to regulate the water-salt balance of the skin and maintain it at a sufficient level.

Nourishing the skin with vitamins and minerals

If the ice contains not only the basis of all the basics - water, but also additional components (such as, for example, tea extract, cucumber, berry or fruit juice, a decoction of herbs and flowers), then this allows them to freely penetrate into the skin cells along with moisture, compensating for the lack of certain substances in tissues and, as a result, allowing cells to work and perform their functions more efficiently and smoothly, which also affects the condition of the integument.

Increasing cell elasticity

Occurs due to the improvement of metabolic processes and accelerated skin regeneration. And elastic skin means more opportunities for its resistance against the formation of wrinkles, edema, mechanical damage, and so on.

Skin tone improvement

As well as improving her ability to self-heal. Due to this, pallor, lethargy of the skin, its dryness will disappear very quickly, the density of the epidermis will noticeably increase.

Skin softening without loss of elasticity

It becomes more silky, pleasant to the touch, even velvety. And all this thanks to the simple procedures with ice, prepared on the basis of available natural ingredients that do not adversely affect your skin and your health. The contours of the face will be tightened and will retain their shape for a long time.

Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect

Some components have just such an effect on pathogenic microflora and fungi - they destroy them. This helps to avoid many dermatological problems that might otherwise arise.

Reducing oily skin

Narrowing of enlarged pores, normalization of the sebaceous glands. The latter, as a result of this, produce much less special secret (subcutaneous fat), which eliminates glossiness, clogged skin pores, eliminates the problem with black dots, blackheads and pimples, inflammation of the pores, and so on.

Rubbing the skin of the face with ice has a positive effect at any age. At the same time, you don’t need to make special efforts to this process, just as you won’t have to bear serious costs, time or financial!

How to wipe your face with ice correctly and effectively

In order to benefit from wiping procedures and have no side effects, you should know: how to do it correctly. If you use such a remedy as ice for your face at home, you should be aware of the extreme importance of its complex effect.

The fact is that the skin of the face, and it itself, may not have a completely healthy appearance as a whole, even if their individual defects are practically not noticeable. And to get rid of wrinkles, tighten the face, restore its healthy shade and natural blush, ice cubes will help.

Facial massage with ice should be carried out carefully and carefully. Do not put pressure on the skin, scratch it. No sudden movements.

The entire procedure, its duration, should not exceed 1.5-2.5 minutes. And if you feel that the tingling has begun, end it earlier.

After the procedure, do not dry the skin for several minutes, but do not go out into direct sunlight or wind during this time. Then, pat your face dry with a quality cotton towel or natural, clean cloth that absorbs moisture well.

Use ice, as far as possible, with different ingredients, for example: fruit or berry juice, cucumber, herbal decoctions, and so on. Ice with one component should not be used for more than 3-4 times in a row, if it is possible to change the active substance to another.

After the skin dries naturally, or after gentle wiping, do not neglect the use of a tonic or nourishing cream on a natural basis. They will help to additionally nourish the skin with the substances it needs and will not allow the moisture that it just received from the ice to evaporate.

How often can ice be used on the face?

For the greatest positive effect, use ice treatments regularly. So, you can resort to them daily, but after a week of procedures it is better to give the skin a rest for 1-2 days.

Often they are performed twice a day: in the morning and in the evening, shortly before bedtime. If using ice in the morning, do not go outside for at least 1 hour afterwards.

The effect of ice on your face is noticeable almost instantly. Pay attention to the fact that you should especially carefully wipe the area around the eyes with it. But, the skin there is thinner and more sensitive, therefore, do everything very carefully! And what else should you know about the zones in order to perform the procedures of "ice therapy" correctly?

There are basic, so-called "massage directions" on the skin of the face, which must be taken into account!


Start moving ice cubes from its center to one temple, then from the center to another temple. After that - starting from the bridge of the nose, ending with the hairline


Lightly move the ice in a circular motion from each nostril to the central areas of each of the ears. Further - from the corners of the lips to the same points on the ears and from, approximately, the center of the chin.


With light, smooth movements, move the ice cube from the bridge of the nose to the wings of the nose. Repeat these movements repeatedly.


First, draw a cube from the upper corner to the outer, and after that - from the lower corner to the inner.

Wash off the ice or not?

This is a fairly common question that worries many. The answer to it is as follows:

- If only frozen water is used to wipe the face, without additives, then it is not necessary to wash it off after cryomassage. It is enough to let it dry or, if the face is not completely dry, blot it with a towel.

- If additives are used, for example, cucumber or fruit juice, and any others, then after massaging with an ice cube with them, it is advisable to wash your face with water, the temperature of which is slightly lower than room temperature, after 15-20 minutes, after which - blot it with a towel and apply cream.

Ice cubes for the face - recipes for skin beauty

Ice for the face, prepared with the use of essential oils, has a calming effect. Such ice for the face perfectly softens, smoothes, refreshes the epidermis on the skin of a person's face. The oil, which is later used to make ice cubes, is selected purely individually, but it is best to use several of its types in combination. So, the most popular and effective combination: rose, mint and geranium essential oils.

How to cook! Take a glass of non-carbonated mineral water. She must be cool. Drop a few drops of each oil into it. Stir thoroughly, all components should form a dense homogeneous mass. Pour liquid into molds.

Molds can be purchased at the store. They are sold specifically for the purpose of making ice cubes. Put them in the freezer for several hours in a row, until completely frozen.

If you decide to use other essential oils for making facial ice (which is also allowed), stick to the following proportions: 3-4 drops per 240-260 milliliters of pure water.

Ice cubes from calendula or chamomile

They have an almost identical effect to parsley or tea, but they also have their own "horse". What is it?

The fact that like chamomile, that and calendula have very strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, antifungal properties.

They are appropriate to use for fungal diseases, acne, various dermatological ailments. To make ice with one of these medicinal herbs, you should first of all make a decoction of them.

For a glass (about 250 milliliters) of water - one and a half teaspoons of chopped herbs. Any of them, already prepared, can be purchased at a pharmacy. Cook in a water bath for 15 minutes, strain, cool and pour into molds.

Ice cubes made from cucumber juice or parsley

They are also used quite frequently. With their help, they lighten the skin, eliminate freckles and even pronounced age spots, smooth wrinkles, and narrow excessively wide skin pores.

The use of a cosmetic ice cube from, plus everything, has a beneficial effect on completely different skin types: both those with high fat content, and overdried, normal, and also combination.

To prepare ice cubes from parsley, you need a decoction, or fresh juice squeezed from this herb. Freshly squeezed juice from cucumber. You can use a juicer to get juice.

For a decoction, take a bunch of greens in a glass of water and cook it in a water bath for about 15 minutes. The decoction does not need to be diluted with water, it can be frozen immediately. Juices are diluted in an approximate ratio of 1:1!

Green or black tea ice cubes

Cucumber and parsley nourish the skin. The same applies to tea. But first of all, it tones! Tea is able to literally "revive" even the most flabby, weakened, dull skin.

But, pay your attention right away: black tea, when used for 5-7 days, can create the effect of a barely noticeable tan, which, by the way, disappears 4-6 days after stopping the use of tea cubes.

Otherwise, black and green teas, in their effect and effectiveness, are very similar, almost identical.

For 250 milliliters of pure water, you should take 1 teaspoon of tea leaves. It is poured with boiling water in a teapot, infused for no more than 10 minutes, filtered, cooled, poured into molds and frozen.

Their shelf life is no more than 2 days. Further, they will not bring harm, but they will not show a particular pronounced effect. More precisely, the result will be observed precisely from cryotherapy, but useful substances, on which a lot also depends, will lose their strength.

Fruits, berries - for making ice

Raspberries, strawberries, cherries, citrus fruits are often used. But, you need to be careful with them, since they are not only capable of provoking the development of allergic reactions, but can also stain the skin.

At the same time, in the absence of side effects and proper application, they perfectly refresh, tone, nourish the skin. Juice from fruits or berries, using a juicer, is not at all difficult to obtain. Further, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4 (juice:water) and frozen.

Which ice is best for dry skin

For her, ice with: a decoction of yarrow, mint, chamomile, sage, parsley or dill, lemon balm, rose petals, linden will be optimal. You can also use berry juice.

Which one works best for oily skin

Wine ice is a great solution for such skin. It is prepared from dry varieties of natural wine, in a ratio of 1:1 with water.

And yet, for oily skin, herbs should be used: calendula and the same medicinal chamomile, chicory, mint and lemon balm. Tea ice is very useful for excessive oiliness of the skin of the face.

What ice to use for normal skin

If taken from juices, then this is watermelon, grapes, peaches, apricots, juice from. Herbs: St. John's wort, sage, plantain and so on.

In principle, 90% of all possible options are suitable for normal skin, both from those considered today and from any other possible ones.

Sensitive and thin skin - cosmetic ice

What's right for her? This dilemma haunts the owners of such skin. It is best for her to use chamomile, calendula.

Ice prepared on their basis should be used with extreme caution. And first of all, because it is possible to injure thin skin integuments mechanically, or even “burn” them with cold, which, as practice shows, also sometimes happens.

But, you should not worry, because if you follow all the recommendations set out in the article, everything will be fine, in 99.9% of cases.

Ice for the skin around the eyes

In addition to the fact that in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face it should also be used with extreme caution, there are no other recommendations regarding its preparation or use.

The skin around the eyes is extremely delicate, thin and sensitive, and therefore, it reacts very positively to the use of ice, because it is able to quickly restore elasticity and, in general, absorb most of the nutrients.

It is very useful to use ice cubes for the face, the recipes are all simple and affordable. But before using, I recommend taking into account all contraindications.

Who should not use cosmetic ice

Naturally, there are certain caveats to the use of ice cubes. Among them, in particular:

The possibility of developing an allergic reaction to any of the components of the "frost remedy".

Wounds on the skin that are mechanical, thermal or otherwise.

Large vessels that are close to the surface of the skin should be avoided.

Do not use ice on children under 13 years of age.

If you suffer from infectious colds, the use of ice should also be stopped until complete recovery.

Ice can surprise you with its results. Try it and you will be able to restore health and beauty to your face.

Home cosmetology is very common among women. Maintaining beauty for a woman is very important. Rubbing the skin with ice is a useful procedure. Ice recipes are very diverse. Someone freezes a lemon, someone berries, and someone just clean water.

Different frosts bring a visible result. But to achieve it, you need to know the correct, effective recipes for preparing cold.

What are the benefits and harms of wiping the face with ice

Rubbing with cold - health and beauty benefits. However, the procedure has its pros and cons.
Benefits of rubbing ice on the face:
  • Improves complexion. Cold normalizes blood flow, due to which the capillaries expand.
  • Narrowing of pores. They do not clog dust and dirt, which means that the possibility of acne and other inflammations is reduced.
  • Removal of edema. Bags under the eyes are easily eliminated by rubbing cold cubes around the eyes.
  • Pigmented spots are not so pronounced. Due to the active blood flow, skin cells are renewed
  • Elimination of shallow wrinkles. The skin becomes firm and elastic
Cons of the procedure:
  • Cold wiping is prohibited for people who have purulent inflammation on their faces.
  • If a person often suffers from diseases of the nasopharynx, then the cold can provoke an illness.
  • The procedure is contraindicated for those who are allergic to cold
  • Thin, sensitive skin will endure the stress of the cold. This can cause redness and breakouts.
  • Open wounds are a contraindication for the procedure
The benefits and harms of wiping the face with ice have been identified by professionals in the field of cosmetology.
If there are contraindications, it is better to refuse the procedure. In case of doubt, the beautician will answer all your concerns. Competent whether his patient is allowed to resort to wiping the skin with cold. He will advise recipes suitable for a specific type of epidermis.

How to wipe your face with ice cubes

How to wipe your face with ice? Not everyone knows the answer to this question. But the procedure will give a positive effect only if it is carried out correctly. How to wipe your face with ice cubes?
Beautician advice:
  • You need to carry out the procedure twice a day - in the morning and in the evening
  • Remove make-up from skin. If necessary, wash with a special agent (gel, foam, etc.)
  • Frozen composition from the nose in a circular motion to move to the temples. The duration of massage movements is approximately 5 minutes.
  • Drying with a towel is not recommended. Droplets should dry on their own
  • Finish off with your usual cream.
Important! In one place, the cold cannot be held for more than 5 seconds. Hypothermia of the skin is not excluded.
You can wipe with ice not only the face. The neck and décolleté area is also susceptible to this type of procedure. Especially if the skin is aging. Rejuvenation will not take long and the result can be seen after a couple of weeks of daily rubbing with cold.

How to make ice for your face yourself: popular recipes

There are a lot of recipes for the preparation of compositions for freezing. Those who first encounter the desire to try this procedure are lost among the variety of cooking methods.
How to prepare ice for the face? Everything is elementary, the main thing is to choose a cold recipe. Below are some of the most popular options.

Parsley face ice

Parsley face ice is one of the most famous recipes. It is useful for any type of skin. It will be most useful for aging skin. Toning and rejuvenation are the main advantages of this recipe.
To prepare the broth, parsley (about 50 g) must be finely chopped. Fill it with 0.5 liters of water. Put on a slow fire, boil for 5 minutes. Cool the broth, then strain it. Pour it into ice cube molds and freeze.

green tea ice

Tea ice for the face improves skin tone, relieves dark circles under the eyes. Ice for the face from green tea is prepared quickly. It is necessary to pour 1 tsp. loose leaf tea 1 cup boiling water. After it has cooled, pour the liquid into molds and freeze.

Lemon face ice

For the face, ice with lemon, experts recommend using for people with oily skin types. This recipe will relieve problem skin from rashes, redness and other troubles. Mix the juice of one lemon with clean water in a ratio of 1 to 3, pour into molds and freeze.
Advice! Skin with abundant acne will become cleaner if you resort to the procedure 3 times a day.

Ice for the face with aloe

Ice with aloe for the face with dry skin type. It will be hydrated and smooth. To prepare such a recipe, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from aloe twigs and mix it with clean water and freeze in molds. The ratio of juice and water is 3:1. Skin prone to allergies and irritation, such wiping will also be useful.

Cryo-massage - how much is in this word ... But what is a lot? Bad or good? Did you know. that wiping the face with ice cubes is not at all a useful anti-aging procedure, but quite the opposite? If not, then this article is for you. I will try to explain why doing facial massage with ice cubes is harmful, as I understand it myself.

When my skin stopped looking like it did when I was 17, I got a little hysterical and started trying every possible means to keep my skin looking youthful. What I just have not tried during this time. And one of the first life-saving procedures that came to my mind was an ice cube massage.

Rubbing with ice will help keep the skin in good shape and delay the appearance of wrinkles. And if cryo-massage is done daily, then the skin will be like that of a baby all its life. But everything is not so simple and unambiguous

Here is the information I found on the topic:

They say that even Empress Catherine II herself rubbed her face with ice in the morning and there was no one at court fresher and more beautiful than her. This, of course, is tempting, but let's not forget about some of the nuances. I don’t think that the ruler of the Russian land every single day, during the working week, got up at dawn and ran to work without enough sleep. Or sitting at a computer, or walking around a gassed city, or experiencing the whole gamut of emotions that fall to the lot of a modern woman. In those conditions of life, with a good ecological situation, it was much easier to preserve the beauty and tone of the skin. Especially the royal person, who had everything she wanted at her service.

And besides, judging by the real eyewitness accounts, Catherine II was a very ugly and very plump woman, but out of fear and respect, everyone admired her, and court artists acted as a photoshop.

Now you can read about rubbing your face with ice cubes on any women's site that brings knowledge to the masses. What kind of recipes are there: they freeze ice cubes with wheat germ, herbs, basil, fruits and more. Mineral water, infusions, decoctions of herbs, oils, and simply frozen in ice petals of herbs or flowers, vegetable and fruit juices, milk, and even frozen aloe leaves are used. And special smarties (sorry for the sarcasm) Freeze green tea bags. Once I even saw special kits with ready-made plastic bags of liquid that you just need to freeze and use.

What happens to the skin when ice comes into contact with it?

It seems to us that if you wipe the skin with ice, then it comes into tone, in fact there is a sharp narrowing of the capillaries. Vasospasm impairs skin nutrition, causing dryness and flaking. Also, do not forget that the skin of the face is very sensitive to temperature changes, and ice is still ice. In the cold season, we do our best to protect the skin from the effects of frost and snow, and here we create unfavorable conditions for the skin with our own hands. Don't you find it strange? Respectively, rubbing the skin with ice cubes is a serious stress for her.

It is worth going to any site of cosmetologists and casually talking about wiping your face with ice cubes, as they will immediately tell you what due to vasospasm, a disease such as rosacea can be aggravated. This is the same ugly network of thin capillaries that worries women around the world. From a sharp temperature drop, the vessel may simply not withstand and burst. We get an ugly micro-bruise. Not quite what you expected, right?

Still, such manipulations contribute to the narrowing of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which, in combination with dry skin, gives the result directly opposite to what is desired - the skin begins to lose elasticity and fade prematurely. Perhaps for oily skin this will be useful in terms of reducing greasiness, but elasticity will still decrease.

If the age is no longer adolescence, and the pimples are no, no, and they are poured, ice will also be contraindicated. As well as those who have herpes on the lips or have a tendency to sinusitis and sinusitis.

Another consequence that many are silent about is the danger of chilling the facial nerve. Yes, the likelihood of such an outcome is quite small, since you touch the ice to the skin for only a few seconds. But once a year, as they say, the stick shoots. And the fact that nothing terrible happened to your girlfriend does not mean that everything will be all right with your face.

Of course, not everything is so bad. So let's move on from scarecrows to positive effects.

The only thing to consider here is: The benefits of rubbing the skin with ice cubes are based on the benefits of melt water. TALOY! This is not frozen tap water. This water is dead. To get melt water, we need to either find a clean glacier somewhere, or collect clean snow.

Second, if you think that wiping your face with a cube of frozen herbs, you are doing your face well. That is also nonsense. Make an infusion of these herbs and wash yourself with them - then it will be useful.

But I promised to say about the benefits: in some cases, ice will help relieve swelling, on this, perhaps, everything.

Of course, there is a lot of evidence for the positive effects of cold on youthful skin. But cold, not ice. People who work in cold environments, such as a store or warehouse, often appear somewhat younger, but this is the result of the overall effect of cool air on the body.

Yes, after a massage with ice cubes, it seems that you are so fresh, cheerful, your skin is elastic, but this is nothing more than self-hypnosis. It is better to take a contrast shower and wash with cool water.

To improve the tone, you can massage with your fingers, wash your face with decoctions and apply herbal compresses. And leave the ice for a non-alcoholic cocktail ...