How to wash a faux suede sheepskin coat. How to wash a sheepskin coat at home. Washing outerwear made from artificial materials

Housewives often ask themselves this question, because any clothing, including sheepskin coats, needs proper care. A sheepskin coat gets dirty very quickly, especially if it is a light shade. The greasy pockets, sleeves and hems of such a sheepskin coat look very repulsive.

Cleaning natural sheepskin coats

So, what to do if men's or women's sheepskin coats made from... genuine leather, dirty? Wash this item in washing machine Absolutely forbidden. Why?

Leather or suede when in contact with water and washing powder becomes inelastic and brittle. In addition, detergents and soaps wash away the protective oil on the leather surface, causing the sheepskin coat to become woody.

A natural product should not even be wetted again. Rain, of course, is not very scary for her - high-quality sheepskin coats are usually coated with a special protective water-repellent composition. However, if you do get wet, try to dry your sheepskin coat as quickly as possible, but do not use heaters or radiators for this.

Instead of washing your sheepskin coat, you need to take proper care of it. Suede fabric and leather are best cleaned by dry cleaners. Just make sure in advance that this dry cleaner actually cleans outerwear in good faith. You can also take care of it at home, for example, remove the stain with a 40% alcohol solution or ammonia. High-quality leather is quite difficult to spoil, so try to immediately buy good outerwear - you can buy a natural sheepskin coat.

Washing faux sheepskin coat

So, if you can’t wash a natural sheepskin coat, what to do with an artificial one? Most often, polyester or acrylic is used as a material that imitates tanned leather. Outerwear of this type can be washed by yourself, since fake fur and leatherette are absolutely not afraid of water. After washing, such a sheepskin coat will not lose its desired shape and appearance. Use the information on the washing instructions for faux sheepskin coats on the label.

If the sheepskin coat manufacturer allows machine washing, follow these simple rules:

  • do not wash the sheepskin coat completely - if one dirty spot appears on it, it can be removed with a regular damp cloth;
  • When washing, never use strong detergents or powders intended for cleaning woolen products;
  • be sure to select the delicate mode on the machine;
  • the maximum temperature when washing sheepskin coats should be no more than 30 degrees;
  • It is better to set the spin mode to the most gentle one or turn it off altogether;
  • it is important to wash off all the powder as best as possible - for this there is an additional rinse mode;
  • after washing, the product must be laid out horizontally so that the water drains from it; you can gently blot it with a terry cloth;
  • Now all that remains is to dry the sheepskin coat at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. To prevent the product from becoming deformed, hang it on hangers.

So, if you want to tidy up your sheepskin coat and wash it in a machine, first determine what material it is made of. If it is a natural product, it cannot be washed. If it is an artificial thing, follow the instructions above. In any case, dry cleaning is the safest option.

Sheepskin coat is one of the universal types of winter clothing. However, she may lose her attractiveness appearance under the influence of various environmental factors. There are usually many questions and disputes about washing it.

Is it possible to wash a natural or artificial sheepskin coat?

You can bring your outerwear into proper shape different ways. It all depends on the material from which the item is made. There is no single method, since there is a huge range of sheepskin coats on the market. They differ in the quality of material, color, presence of fur, accessories and other parameters. One reliable method is professional cleaning in specialized workshops.

ATTENTION. It is not recommended to wash natural sheepskin coats in a washing machine!

Cleaning natural and artificial sheepskin coats differs radically. Moisture is harmful to natural materials, and spinning can deform them. Cleaning products must be used carefully, as they can leave streaks and stains.

Washing faux sheepskin coats by hand

Artificial materials tolerate contact with moisture well, as they are made of acrylic or polyester. They can withstand temperatures up to 40 C and do not deform with light spinning. Therefore, washing an artificial sheepskin coat, unlike a natural one, at home is quite simple. It's best to start with dry cleaning. To do this, you need to remove dust from the sheepskin coat with a regular vacuum cleaner. Next, you should unfasten the elements made of natural fur.

Choice of product

It is necessary to prepare warm water in a basin or bathtub with a suitable detergent. A special solution for artificial leather is ideal. If this is not available, then it is better to use a non-aggressive cleaning agent.

REFERENCE. It is better to use gels, because... under influence washing powder Scratches may appear on the skin.

Washing process

It is recommended to keep the sheepskin coat suspended or lay it out on a horizontal surface on a wet cloth with the fur facing inward. The skin is wiped with a sponge or a piece of soft cloth without the use of physical force. Upon completion of the process, be sure to rinse with cold water using a shower or ladle. Therefore, it is better to wash a sheepskin coat with an assistant. You need to wash without touching the fur, but if this happens, then the cleaning agent from the fur must also be removed with water.

Washing faux sheepskin in a washing machine

In general, preparation for washing a sheepskin coat in a machine is the same as when manual way. Before loading the sheepskin coat into the washing machine, you need to remove everything from the pockets and fasten the zippers and buttons. Many cars are simply not designed for such bulky things. You should check in advance whether the washing machine can withstand the weight and dimensions of the sheepskin coat, so that problems do not arise during operation. When wet, the product gains heavy weight. In most cases, all the necessary information is on the machine body or in its instructions. Wash sheepskin coats separately from other items.

IMPORTANT. Small buttons and other accessories can damage the washing machine. To avoid unforeseen situations, it is better to use special bags. This will help protect your car from scratches.

Selecting a product and mode

Machine washable features:

  • It is better to give preference to liquid gels rather than dry powders. Powders with high foaming are especially not recommended, since in the future it is difficult to remove;
  • It is recommended to set the wash cycle to delicate. For example, " Handwash", "Delicate wash" or "Bulky items". The name will depend on the car model;
  • Temperature no more than 40C;
  • It is better to turn off the spin completely or set it to no more than 300-400 revolutions;
  • It is recommended to include an additional rinse.

After washing, it is better to dry the sheepskin coat in a hanging position. Remaining water can be removed with a brush or towel. You can even wrap it in a terry sheet, which absorbs moisture well. The pile must be combed so that it does not stick together. Also, if after washing, the item has become less bright in color, you should use a spray to restore brightness. You need to dry your sheepskin coat outside in a well-ventilated area using a hanger. Using a hair dryer or battery for drying is strictly prohibited. After drying, it is not advisable to store things folded. Optimal storage in a closet on a hanger. It’s better not to experiment with washing sheepskin coats, but to use the advice and recommendations of people who have already done it.

So, there are many features that need to be taken into account when washing sheepskin coats at home. We hope that this article was useful and will help you keep your favorite clothes neat.

Choosing winter clothes is always a difficult process and quite often, in pursuit of the aesthetic component, lovers of beautiful things forget to think about how to wash the product. If everything is more or less clear with a fur coat and down jacket, then washing a sheepskin coat raises a lot of questions.


In almost all respects, the sheepskin coat is superior to its competitors in terms of winter clothing, and its only drawback is washing, but this is also quite solvable. Shiny stains, stains, random drops and other contaminants upset the owner of the clothes, but there is no need to despair, you just need to carefully study the methods of washing sheepskin coats.

It is worth understanding that sheepskin coats are divided into several types depending on the quality of materials, texture, presence of fur and color, so there is no single correct method and you need to look for the right approach to each type. It should be immediately noted that It is prohibited to wash sheepskin coats in a washing machine, especially if it is made from natural materials. The skin requires careful treatment, and only a responsible approach to the matter and numerous expert advice will help get rid of its stains.


Suede is the most popular material for making shoes, accessories, hats, gloves, and sheepskin coats. She looks expensive and has long term service and is particularly soft and velvety, but very difficult to wear. Suede quickly wears down and begins to shine from dirt and stains.

Dry cleaning

There are two ways to clean this product. The first assumes dry cleaning using special products:

  • if the stains are fresh, then semolina, which is applied dry directly to the contaminated areas, will help remove them. Most often these are sleeves, cuffs, pockets and collar. After application, you need to put on a regular textile glove and lightly rub the necessary areas in a circular motion. During work, you should monitor the color of the grain, because when the dirt is pulled out, it becomes dark and then it must be replaced with a new one. The process must be repeated until the problem goes away.
  • in the absence of semolina, you can use medium-sized salt, but in this case the intensity of movements should not be so strong, since the salt can damage the delicate material. However, you need to understand that salt, if not properly cleaned, leaves stains and unpleasant marks;
  • cope with greasy spots in the form of a crumb of bread, which is rolled into a ball, and then thoroughly rubbed into the skin. The procedure takes a lot of time and is repeated several times until the suede is clean;
  • most simple method It is considered to be the use of a simple eraser or brush made of rubber or bamboo. Problem areas are simply rubbed over, after which the dirt needs to be shaken off.

Wet cleaning

Wet cleaning involves using water or liquid cleaning products. It is used only as a last resort, when contamination cannot be removed using the above methods and heavy artillery is required in the form of serious chemical components. Before you start wet cleaning, you will have to steam the skin a little and comb it thoroughly with a brush. This can be done over boiling water, but you shouldn’t bring the thing close, you only need a little steam.

Stains that have become thoroughly ingrained and saturate the skin are extremely difficult to clean off, because You will need gasoline or kerosene for this.. Such substances should be worked with carefully, and they must be applied to a small piece of burlap, and then wipe the stains in a circular motion. This method is only suitable for dark skin tones, while light skin tones will be damaged already at the cleansing stage.

For light skin You will need ammonia (ammonia) and plain water. The two products need to be mixed in a ratio of 1 to 4 and applied to the stains with quick but careful movements, after which a solution of water and vinegar is applied, where 1 tablespoon of the second component per half liter of water.

An effective cleaning agent is a mixture of milk and soda. For a glass of milk you will need a spoon of soda. The solution is applied to a cotton swab, which is used to wipe off the stains. Manipulations with clothing do not end there. Required places wiped down soft cloth, soaked in vinegar and a dry, clean sponge.

Excellent removal of dirt, even quite old ones, powerful steam generator. After using it, you will have to brush it again to remove excess dirt and give the product a pleasant appearance. At home, it will be quite difficult to wash a felt-tip pen from a sheepskin coat. At home, you can use a solution with alcohol for these purposes.

Light material

Leather Products Light colors get dirty much more often, and it is even more difficult to wipe off such stains, but even in such cases there is a way out. Yellow stains are removed with water and peroxide mixed in a ratio of 1 tablespoon to 1 teaspoon.

Greasy traces are removed using starch or talc, which is placed in unclean places and left for a certain period of time. The components should absorb the fat, but they will have to be changed several times during the process.

Artificial materials

Working with faux suede is much easier, and this is where a soap base comes into the cleaning process. Regular shampoo, shower gel, cosmetic or laundry soap diluted in slightly warmed water and applied to the suede with an absorbent cloth. The main thing is during the washing process control the amount of solution on the napkin and remove excess in time. It is advisable to wash off the soap base with a clean towel that absorbs liquid well. It’s a good idea to blot your skin with a completely clean and dry cloth. good quality. When drying, avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

After such washing, stains that are difficult to remove often remain and several unusual products come to the rescue. Glycerin, borax, ammonia and slightly warm water are diluted in a cup, where a tissue swab is subsequently wetted. The suede is wiped with light and unobtrusive movements, which is then wiped with a towel and sent to dry. Paper napkins will help to avoid streaks by regularly passing over the washed material during the drying process.

Cleaning in a washing machine

When producing sheepskin coats, the material at the factory is treated with tanning agents to increase wear resistance and softness, and washing can completely destroy this structure, which means destroying winter clothes without the possibility of restoring quality. However, this rule applies only to natural ingredients..

You can wash artificial materials in an automatic washing machine. An artificial sheepskin coat can be washed if you follow some recommendations from experts.

Care instructions are located on the inside label of the product and It is important to pay close attention to this issue:

  • for hand washing, you will first have to clean the suede from foreign debris in the form of dust, threads and fluff using a vacuum cleaner or a special brush. Next, dilute in a medium container soap solution based on a cleaning agent, lay the item on a flat, hard surface and begin wiping it with a sponge in smooth and consistent movements from top to bottom. It is important to control movements so as not to leave abrasions, because it is impossible to get rid of them, and to remove the solution well from the surface to avoid streaks and soap residues;
  • drying takes place naturally at room temperature without special heating devices (fan, air conditioner, battery, heater) or bright sunlight. The product must be placed on a wide plastic hanger, where the hangers and sleeves will be in correct position;
  • with washing machine everything is much simpler, you just need to follow the recommendations indicated on the product label.

Winter is a time for warm and voluminous clothes. Caring for outerwear is very different from usual; even simple washing can easily ruin things. Is it possible to wash a sheepskin coat in a washing machine without harm to the product and the machine itself? To choose proper care, we need to pay attention to whether the thing in front of us is artificial or natural.

How to secure your washing machine.

Harmful consequences from the wrong approach await not only outerwear, but also the washing machines themselves. To wash a sheepskin coat in an automatic washing machine, you need to find out the weight of the product. In many washing machines You just can’t wash large items. They may fail under the weight of things; pay attention to the weight of the maximum load.

Massive buttons and other decorative elements can damage the washing machine drum and scratch it. It often happens that small parts fly off during washing and get into the machine mechanism, causing failure. To avoid this, use laundry bags, they will help avoid damage and better preserve the product, and you can additionally turn things inside out. Also study all care labels, they indicate all the information about operation.

Caring for faux sheepskin coat

Many are convinced that washing a sheepskin coat in an automatic washing machine is like throwing money away. Of course, if possible, it is better to avoid washing. If not properly cared for, an item can easily lose its shape and lose its luster.

General washing tips:

  • in the modes select “delicate” or “hand” wash,
  • temperature no more than 30 degrees,
  • use liquid powders or special gels,
  • do not use spin, or select low speed.

Before washing, be sure to remove decorative elements from the item. To completely rinse the detergent, you can set the extra rinse. You cannot use the intensive spin mode, only a low speed mode of up to 300 is suitable, and it is forbidden to turn on the drying mode. After draining, you can wrap the sheepskin coat in several terry towels and lightly squeeze the item through them so that they absorb excess water. This must be done so that the item does not become deformed on the hanger due to the gravity of the water.

Dry the sheepskin coat on a hanger with hangers at room temperature, without hanging it near heaters or radiators. The pile can be combed with a fine brush, if there is fur, you can also carefully comb it with a comb so that it does not crumple when drying. Many products are quite large and become heavy when wet, so be careful when loading them.

Must be washed separately from other items. If your washing machine is not designed for large volumes, do not wash in it. Due to the high load, the machine may simply break. After the sheepskin coat has dried, you can apply protective water-repellent agents. They need to be applied after every wash, no matter whether it was done by hand or in the washing machine.

Why can't I use washing powder?

When washing, washing powder can greatly harm the product; it is difficult to wash off and leaves streaks and stains. The powder foams a lot when washed and is very difficult to wash out in the future.

Caring for natural sheepskin coats.

Natural products are usually made of sheep leather or suede. They cannot be washed in washing machines, even on delicate cycles. The item cannot be wetted, so dry cleaning or dry cleaning is used. Even with hand washing, after contact with water, the item will definitely deteriorate. The wool shrinks a lot, and the skin becomes brittle and also shrinks a lot, cracks and breaks.

Don't experiment with folk remedies described on the Internet, old stains will most likely remain, or new spots, stains, and whitish marks will appear. Natural things are usually expensive and require special care, so as not to spend money on a new thing that you accidentally ruined, it is better to turn to specialists. Don’t forget to study the dry cleaning reviews, check the products they will use and whether there is a guarantee that your item will not deteriorate.

Water-repellent films.

Most products are coated with a protective layer to extend durability and ensure comfortable wear. Films protect the product from external influences, such as rain and snowfall; also, with such a film, the item becomes dirty more slowly. To check whether it is present on your sheepskin coat, you can drop water on it, the drop should roll off. After removing dirt from such items, do not forget to reapply the protective layer. You should purchase the product in a specialized store.

Careful storage.

After the sheepskin coat has become clean and dry, it must be carefully preserved. It is optimal to store it on a hanger in the closet; it is strictly not recommended to store the item folded, as cracks and creases may appear. Do not use synthetic or polyethylene covers for storage. To provide protection from dust, covers can be made of cotton or linen fabric. Temperature no more than 25 degrees.

The air in the room should not be too dry so that creases and small cracks do not appear on the skin. All buttons must be fastened. You should periodically hang your sheepskin coat on the balcony, this should be done in the evening or morning hours, Sun rays may damage the skin. For moths, use bags with lavender, citrus peels, or special “store-bought” bags will do.

No matter how expensive and high-quality a sheepskin coat is, over time it loses its original chic. Beautiful outerwear begins to shine in the most visible places, unsightly stains appear and it’s time to clean it.

There are three ways to solve this problem:

  • wash it yourself
  • clean contaminated areas,
  • entrust your treasure to dry cleaning professionals.

A natural sheepskin coat is more difficult to care for than an artificial one, but by following certain rules, you can maintain its beautiful appearance for quite a long time.

Washing a sheepskin coat

When answering the question whether it is possible to wash a sheepskin coat in a washing machine, it is necessary to clarify what type of clothing we are talking about. A natural thing You can’t get it wet, the skin warps, becomes brittle and shrinks. And in this way, artificial water can be restored to purity with virtually no loss.

But some lovers of natural sheepskin, who no longer feel sorry for throwing away their sheepskin coat after an unsuccessful experiment, still manage to wash it in an automatic machine on a delicate cycle detergents for wool without spinning. But everyone unanimously complains about the loss of color.

Dry cleaning

The most common and effective methods of dry cleaning at home are using an eraser and sandpaper. Store-bought suede care products will also help. Using an eraser, we carefully wipe the contaminated areas, centimeter by centimeter. This procedure can be carried out using fine-grained sandpaper - “zero”. Do not overdo it, otherwise rubbing may occur.

Wet cleaning

Here are the three most popular “wet” recipes. You need to work very quickly so as not to wet the skin through, because in this place it can warp.

  1. Dilute half a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and medical alcohol in a glass of water. Use the resulting mixture to treat problem areas.
  2. Ammonia is diluted with warm, or possibly soapy, water in a ratio of 1:4. Wipe off dirt with this mixture and immediately clean water. Dry quickly with a paper towel.
  3. Tea spoon baking soda dissolves in a glass of milk, a cotton swab is moistened in this mixture and the entire surface is quickly treated. Tampons are changed as they become dirty. Then we repeat everything, but this time wetting the tampons in a solution of a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water. Hang out to dry. This method is suitable for light-colored products.

It is worth keeping in mind that ideally you will not clean your sheepskin coat using these methods and the effect will not last long. At the same time, there is a risk that stains will remain and the stains will not disappear.

Washing faux sheepskin coat

Modern substitutes for natural sheepskin are made of polyester, acrylic and eco-leather. These materials are easy to wash and do not lose shape or color. Individual stains can be removed with ammonia by lightly rubbing the stain.

If you still want to wash your faux sheepskin coat at home, we offer some simple tips:

  • wash better with your hands, but if there is no categorical prohibition on machine washing on the label, you can do it in the machine,
  • the water temperature should not be higher than 30 °C,
  • You need to use gel-like products for delicate items. Regular powder will leave White spots,
  • wash on the “Delicate Wash” or “Hand Wash” programs,
  • Spin speed should not exceed 400 rpm.
  • It is best to dry on hangers in the fresh air.

Fur, especially long fur, must be carefully and carefully combed so that it does not get tangled or tangled.

Do not forget about prevention, which consists of regular surface treatment with protective and water-repellent sprays, which are now offered in large quantities. Carry out this treatment every time after self-cleaning - this will consolidate the effect.

As follows from the above methods of cleaning a sheepskin coat at home, the most reliable and safest thing is to take the sheepskin coat to a dry cleaner, where they have professional methods for removing stains and restoring a beautiful appearance.