How to visually enlarge your eyes - makeup for small eyes. Makeup to enlarge your eyes - the real secrets of makeup artists Makeup: how to properly enlarge your eyes

How to do makeup to make your eyes appear larger is of interest to girls with naturally small eyes or those who have the problem of an impending eyelid. After all, a more expressive look always attracts the opposite sex and perfectly complements any image.

For several years now, large eyes have been considered one of the main criteria of beauty. And even those lucky women who are naturally endowed with this distinctive feature are not exempt from the need to highlight their eyes with the help of properly selected makeup.

An image with an emphasis on big eyes will suit almost everyone. Before determining how to apply makeup to make your eyes appear larger, you should consider their shape:

  • eye placement is considered ideal;
  • wider than expected;
  • eye set too close;
  • convex;
  • round.

Besides, you need to choose the right basic cosmetics. These include:

  • shadows for highlighting eyelids;
  • eyeliner and pencil to highlight the eye contour;
  • mascara to lengthen eyelashes;
  • pencil for shaping eyebrows.

Before you start directly applying eye makeup, you should use concealer. It can be used to hide dark circles and other imperfections. Correctly selected shades of concealer will help brighten your look and highlight your facial features.

If your makeup includes powder and foundation, when creating a correct and natural look, you should choose a concealer that is a shade lighter than these products.

To achieve the effect of an expressive look, it is also important to choose the right foundation, since the wrong complexion can ruin the impression of even the most professional eye makeup. The tone should be selected at most a few shades lighter or darker than the natural complexion.

Shadows for enlarging eyes: color palette

When choosing the color scheme of shadows, you need to pay attention to the shade of your eyes, skin type and hair color.

There is a misconception that when creating an image with a large, expressive look, it is necessary to give preference to dark palettes. There are several suitable colors for different eye colors:

Choosing the right color palette


Preferred shades


Beige, black, yellow, emerald, gray, lavender


Violet, copper, golden, lilac


Grey, black, peach, blue, pink, brown, steel


Suitable for most shades, makeup using different shades

According to makeup artists, the maximum effect can be achieved by using a palette of different shades of the same tone.

Like applying makeup alternate shadesto make your eyes appear bigger, and do emphasis on expressiveness of the gaze

Hue Saturation



Below the eyebrow line, the inner corner of the eye and the moving part of the eyelid


A fold that appears from the movement of the eyelid

The darkest shade

Outer corner of the eyes

To create a memorable image, you first need to consider the right combination of makeup with the chosen clothes and the time of the event.

Eyeliner and pencil: which colors to choose?

Most girls prefer black in makeup, both pencil and eyeliner. However Makeup artists recommend doing makeup using bright shades to make your eyes appear larger. Blue, green or purple eyeliner will do the job perfectly.

The lower inner eyelid is emphasized with light shades. To choose the perfect shade, you should not be afraid to experiment with color schemes.

First of all, it is necessary to abandon thick arrows or a thick line indicating the eye contour,- such a trick will lead to their visual narrowing. You can experiment with thin, graceful contours and shaded, selected tones.

How to shape your eyelids to make your eyes bigger

You can visually widen your eyes with the help of proper makeup. To do this, you need to know the rules for designing the inner and outer corners of the eye, the upper and lower eyelids.

Upper eyelid design

A correctly emphasized upper eyelid plays an important role in creating the ideal image. Thanks to this, your gaze will become more open and clear. A layer of shadow is applied to it more highlighted than on the lower eyelid, but don't overdo it.

Light colors should be applied under the eyebrow– this will visually enlarge the look and add femininity to the image. The main color should be applied and shaded in the center of the eyelid; the movable part of the upper eyelid should be made one tone lighter.

Important to remember! Transitions between shades should be smooth, and the applied layers should not be excessively thick or greasy to avoid pilling and shedding.

To make your eyes appear larger, if you have a problem with drooping eyelids, you must adhere to certain rules. Stylists give the following tips on how to do makeup correctly:

  1. Basic shadows. Designed for application to all parts of the eyelid.
  2. The emphasis in light colors is placed in the center, the place where the eyelid is lowered is slightly darkened.
  3. The inner corner of the eye and the line under the eyebrow are highlighted in white.

How to make up the corners of your eyes

For any shape and color of the eyes, without exception, to visually enhance the look, It is recommended to highlight the inner corners of the eyes with a white shade or the lightest tone from the palette chosen to create the image.

In turn, owners of drooping outer corners of the eyes should highlight them with brighter, but at the same time, lighter tones - this will help get rid of the “sad” image.

Lower eyelid design

On the lower eyelid, eyeliner should be applied in a thin, natural line, starting from the middle of the eye. The second half must be decorated with a white pencil or light shadows.

It is recommended to paint the inner part of the eyelid with silver or pinkish shades, avoiding white, as it will spoil the naturalness of the image. With the correct application and combination of tones, the look will be revealed, and the makeup itself will give a fresh and natural look to the girl.

Mascara for adding expressiveness to the eyes

When choosing mascara to increase the volume of eyelashes, it is not recommended for everyone except brunettes to use black. Ideal and natural looking eyelashes are a few shades darker than the shade of your hair, so a brown tint would work well.

Mascara should be applied along the entire length of the eyelashes. If the effect obtained is not enough, you should paint the ends after drying.

If a girl naturally has straight or slightly curved eyelashes, you can use special curling irons. A mascara that adds volume or has a curling effect is perfect; the main thing is to choose a product with a brush that separates the eyelashes well.

If you have long eyelashes, dry mascara is a good choice to set the look; it will add brightness and correct thickness.

How to shape your eyebrows to make your eyes look bigger

When it comes to how to do makeup to make your eyes appear larger, eyebrows play a primary role, since a correctly adjusted line gives an open shape. For this procedure you should:

Gently blend the eyebrows outlined with a pencil along the bottom with a brush.
  • Use an eyebrow pencil to carefully outline the lower part, making a border with the eyelid;
  • use a thin line to highlight the end and mark the top line, not reaching the base a couple of centimeters;
  • Without going beyond the outlined boundaries, use a brush to distribute shadows over the eyebrows;
  • carefully, using a brush, shade the edges, which will help create a natural look.

When highlighting your eyebrows, it is important to use a suitable shade of pencil and eye shadow that matches the color of your hair, otherwise you can completely ruin the desired effect of your makeup.

Common mistakes when creating makeup that enlarges the eyes

Creating an image without the help of professionals, Most girls make several common mistakes:

  • Applying a thick layer of mascara. This manipulation makes the eyelashes heavier and lowers, thereby making the eyes smaller.

To make your eyes look bigger, use lengthening mascara.

To enlarge your eyes, a mascara with a lengthening effect applied in one layer is ideal. It is important to ensure that there are no sticky eyelashes or lumps. We should not forget about the need to highlight the lower eyelashes, the main thing is not to overdo it.

  • Applying dark eyeliner to the inner eyelid or too much eyeliner on the lower eyelid will cause your eyes to narrow.
  • Precise lines highlighted with shadows will highlight all imperfections, so to enlarge the eyes, you should resort to shading the color scheme.
  • Ungroomed eyebrows with a line that is too thin or too wide are the most common reasons for a completely ruined look.
  • Arrows aimed at unprepared skin will also negatively affect the integrity of the image; at the same time, they fade and are partially erased within a few hours.
  • Excessive emphasis on bright lips - to complement the image, the shade of lipstick should be chosen close to the natural tone.

Without sufficient personal skill in creating makeup to make your eyes appear larger, it is recommended that you either train and get better at it yourself, or seek help from experienced makeup artists.

Pro Tips: How to Do Perfect Eye Makeup

When creating the right look, it is important to pay attention to the advice of makeup artists who will help you achieve the maximum effect. Some of them can be highlighted:

  • Eyelashes will be better emphasized by curling them in the corners using a curling iron and be sure to apply makeup on the lower lashes.
  • Well-groomed, clearly defined eyebrows, maintaining the correct distance between them, will perfectly highlight large eyes.

The best eyebrow shape is smooth, with rounded lines. Excessive bending should be avoided, and it is also not recommended to make a shape with a highlighted refraction.

  • The most common secret on how to do makeup to make your eyes open and appear larger is to use a white pencil or light-colored eyeshadow.

The easiest way to do makeup to make your eyes appear larger is to use light colors. In particular, light shadows should be applied under the eyebrows

They should be used to paint the lower eyelid and the inner corner of the eyes. In this case, you can try lilac, light golden, light green, peach tones.

  • The eyeliner should be slightly shaded - this trick creates the effect of shadow from the eyelashes.
  • Before applying shadows, you should prepare your eyes - soften and moisturize the skin, which will not allow the shadows to fall off; it is recommended to use powder.
  • When highlighting the moving eyelid, the shadows should be applied in a thin layer, leaving the outer corner of the eye without makeup. This will help create a clear lifting effect.
  • Before moving on to the eyes, you should eliminate any imperfections using powder, foundation, or concealer.

Adhering to these rules, any woman will eventually learn how to do perfect eye makeup, highlighting her strengths and skillfully hiding her flaws.

How to do makeup to make your eyes appear bigger - in this video:

Another video about eyeliner makeup to make them look bigger:

  • Makeup for visually enlarged eyes: tips
  • Arrows that visually enlarge the eyes
  • 3 eye enlargement products

The task of making eyes visually larger is one of the main reasons why girls turn to decorative cosmetics. And solving it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to know the basic rules and some tricks. The first step is to follow our photo tutorial for creating makeup that makes your eyes look bigger.

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Makeup for enlarged eyes: photo instructions

Start your eye makeup by applying a thin layer of eyeshadow base. Distribute it with your fingertips over the entire eyelid, and then blend it towards the eyebrows. If the base is too sticky, making it difficult to blend the eyeshadow, go over your eyelids with a fluffy brush filled with translucent powder or nude eyeshadow.

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Darken the outer corner of your eye. To do this, use a barrel-shaped brush to blend matte shadows of a dark shade in the corner of the eye and extend them slightly onto the orbital line, and also blend towards the temple. Add this shade to the lower eyelid, filling it one-third full, starting from the outer edge.

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Having collected the shadows onto the brush, do not rush to transfer them directly to the eyelid. A large amount of pigment on the brush can create a spot in the wash that will be impossible to transform into a beautiful haze. Therefore, before blending the shadows, remove the excess by running the brush along the back of your hand.

Add shadows, gradually increasing the color intensity. This way your makeup will look as neat and beautiful as possible.

Using matte shadows of an “intermediate” shade (darker than the skin color, but lighter than the previous shade), blend the edges of the dark color on the moving eyelid and emphasize the orbital line, then also blend it towards the temple. To make the shade as soft and smoky as possible, use a fluffy natural brush. Apply these shadows all over your lower eyelid.

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To achieve the effect of enlarging the eyes, make the shading really wide - both in the direction of the eyebrows and towards the temples.

Add shimmering shadows to the moving eyelid. This will not only give your look a healthy shine, but will also help make your eyelid appear larger.

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Shadows with a shiny texture are best applied not with sliding movements of the brush, but with pressing movements, imprinting the pigment of the shadows into the skin of the eyelids. If the intensity of application with a brush seems weak to you, add a little shadow also using your fingertips.

To make your makeup look as voluminous as possible, you can use multiple colors of shimmery eyeshadow in this step.

  • Apply lighter shadows to the inner corner of the eye.
  • Place the shadows a little darker, but with strong shimmer, in the center of the eyelid.
  • Blend even darker shadows, but also shining ones, closer to the outer corner of the eye.

This will help make the transition from light shimmery eyeshadow to the darkest shade of matte eyeshadow as smooth as possible.

A light pencil on the mucous membrane will help to significantly increase the size of the eyes. Fill in the entire lower mucous membrane with a pink or shaded eyeliner. Do not use a bright white pencil for these purposes; it will look unnatural and will not help achieve the desired effect.

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Long eyelashes also help make your eyes look bigger, so apply eyelashes from the roots and add a few clumps of false eyelashes to the outer corners of your eyes if desired. If your eyelashes are naturally straight, be sure to use .

Learn a few more tricks that will help make your eyes bigger from the video tutorial by beauty blogger Olya Red Autumn.

Take care of the skin around your eyes

Swelling of the lower eyelids is the first thing that makes the eyes appear smaller. Therefore, we advise you to start your morning with special patches for the area around the eyes. If you don't have these on hand, you can use ice cubes. They will help relieve swelling and moisturize the skin in this delicate area.

Use concealer

Another common problem is dark circles under the eyes, which certainly make the eyes appear smaller. A highlighting concealer will help get rid of them. Choose a moisturizing concealer that is a shade lighter than your skin tone. The yellow pigment in the composition perfectly hides and neutralizes the “blueness”. For added effect, set your concealer with illuminating powder. Remember to apply concealer in a triangle shape. We wrote more about choosing and using concealer in ours.

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Don't forget about eyebrow makeup

Eyebrow makeup is another important part of your daily beauty ritual. Some people need to draw them completely, while others just need to “comb them” with gel. The main thing is that the eyebrows look neat and well-groomed: beautifully designed eyebrows will help your eyes truly open up.

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Emphasize the mucous membrane

One of the main tips for enlarging your eyes is highlighting your waterline. To do this, you'll need a light eyeliner (like NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in Milk). Give preference to light peach or beige shades; they will look most natural. By lining your eyes in this way, you neutralize the redness of the water line and visually enlarge them.

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Curl your eyelashes

In makeup that enlarges the eyes, you can’t do without a curler. Be sure to curl your eyelashes to create the effect of a more “open” look, and then apply. Don't forget about the lower eyelashes, they can be lightly painted over. But choose waterproof formulas to avoid the “panda effect.”

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  • In evening makeup, do not be afraid to use false eyelashes (we wrote how to do this correctly). For a natural, but at the same time bright look, separate bunches are suitable, which you can glue to the center of the lower eyelashes. This way you will create the effect of large “doll eyes”.

Add a little sparkle to the corners of your eyes

Don't forget to add a sparkling highlight to the corners of your eyes. To do this, you will need light-colored shimmer shadows. For the most dramatic effect, use a cream highlighter (with cool or warm undertones), apply it to the corner of your eye and set with a powdery texture, such as glitter shadows.

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Draw neat arrows

If you like to use arrows in eye makeup, to make them appear larger, draw the arrow as close to the eyelashes as possible. Avoid thick and massive arrows that weigh down your look. We will tell you in more detail below what types of arrows will help to enlarge your eyes.

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Draw the crease of the eyelid

An essential step in eye makeup is to work on the crease of the eyelid. This way you will add artificial shadow, deepening the eyes and visually enlarging them. Choose matte eyeshadows that are several shades darker than your natural skin tone.

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Choose blue shades

A blue liner or a thin arrow drawn with azure shadows will play on the contrast and visually “whiten” the white of the eye, which will immediately add brightness to your look.

The task of decorative cosmetics and makeup is to transform the face. Eye makeup is very important because it is what people see first. There is a whole arsenal of tools and techniques that the right combination simply must make the eyes noticeable and attractive. A correctly executed application technique will help to visually enlarge the eyes and make the look more expressive.

What affects the visual enlargement of the eyes?

Correctly selected shadows

The time of mother-of-pearl has passed; matte shadows and natural makeup are in fashion today. With a light shine you can only emphasize the brow area and the inner corners of the eyes. And it’s better to choose shadows that have the same texture.

Combination of shades

Many manufacturers offer a professionally selected palette, so all the main work easier to do with shadows from one set. If you do not have sufficient experience, seek help from a consultant. Samplers are like shoes: you try them on, take them off and choose again.

Pencil and arrows

From season to season, the arrows have changed radically and unpredictably, but they are the ones who give the look sensuality. Only by emphasizing the eyelash row, you will indicate the shape of the eyes, drawing long lines, you create the effect of almond-shaped eyes. There are many methods and devices for application, but arrows have always been, are and will be.

Shaped eyebrows and eyelashes

Correctly done eyebrow architecture will not only add expressiveness to the look, but will also serve as a worthy frame for eye makeup. Ungroomed eyebrows, even with the most luxurious makeup, will not look harmonious. A worthy completion of every make-up is the design of eyelashes. Invoices or own, they make your eyes wide open. You can slightly curl your eyelashes, but you shouldn’t apply too much mascara, because we remember that naturalness is in fashion.

Concealing dark circles under the eyes

Circles under the eyes are not always a sign of lack of sleep and chronic fatigue, but they are annoying for many women. By highlighting certain areas, you seem to remove them from sight, making your eyes shine even brighter.

Maintaining facial proportions

You can draw eyes only taking into account your own proportions and natural data. different from the makeup of round “owl” eyes. Minimal lip makeup will help keep the emphasis on the eyes. And you should always remember about age, the older you are, the closer to natural and unnoticeable the palette should be.

Ways to enlarge eyes

Differs from brown eye makeup in the color of the shadows. First of all, you should choose the right palette that ideally suits your color type.

Young and naughty girls can afford both bright shadows and natural beauty, which involves complete absence of makeup. But you can only enlarge your eyes with the help of nude shades, which seem to match the color of your skin and visually widen your eyes.

There are many techniques for applying shadows, but one is always at the top - shading using the ombre technique. She's the one ensures a smooth and imperceptible transition from color to color.

Operating procedure:

  • Apply for the entire eyelid and under-eyebrow area base coat and light nude shadows, blend everything thoroughly.
  • Use "fold technique"– the basis of makeup for the impending century. Dark shadows are applied with a brush exclusively to the crease line with open eyes. Place dark shadows on the brush and lightly tap along the crease line.
  • Thoroughly shade all the transitions, they should be practically invisible.

This way you will get incredible depth and expressiveness of your look. Let's look at the photo step by step on how to visually enlarge your eyes using makeup with the correct shading.

Without beautiful wings, eye makeup will never look complete. Arrows can be drawn with shadows, pencil or special eyeliner.

To visually enlarge the eyes, shadows are ideal, since shading will help create the desired effect.
And shadows are the easiest way to draw beautiful arrows if you have not yet acquired certain skills.

Take a dark shadow from your palette and a flat brow brush. Carefully walk along the upper contour of the eye, gradually increasing the width of the arrow towards the outer corner. If you want to draw a thin arrow for the cat eye effect, you should remember that you need to draw the free edge of the arrow only with your eyes open. Lightly blend the arrows.

There are many life hacks that can be used to create perfect, even, and most importantly, identical arrows using a spoon, credit card or thread. Especially colored arrows look impressive using liquid eyeliner.

For green eye makeup, the most beautiful arrows will be grassy shades; for blondes, light blue or dark blue ones are suitable.

Using the lightest shadows or light powder, you need to highlight the area under the eyebrows and the inner corners of the eyes. Apply shadow under the eyebrow follows the area under the very bend. A few light movements and your brow looks even more raised and your eyes even bigger.

Gently apply the same shadow to the inner corners of your eyes. Do this with your eyes closed, but blend to avoid too obvious highlights.

Use a white or pink soft eyeliner to outline the waterline of the eyelid, this will open up your eyes even more. But do it carefully a white pencil, and even one with mother-of-pearl, can not only ruin your makeup, but also work in the opposite direction and make the eyes small.

Cream concealer can cover dark circles under the eyes. A nude concealer will not cope with such a job well, so you should take care of special correctors that ideally mask and neutralize darkening under the eyes.

Eyebrows and eyelashes

Eyebrow shaping is its own separate culture. But without it, the look will never gain its expressiveness, just as without beautiful eyelashes. If you use mascara and your eyelashes are not thick enough, You can use this lifehack: Apply a small amount of baby powder to a fresh layer of mascara and cover with mascara again.

Video on how to make your eyes look bigger with makeup

Blogger and makeup artist Elena Krygina tells and shows herself, how to make your eyes look bigger with smoky eye makeup. A bold, but such an effective technique will make your eyes not just big, but certainly noticeable and beautiful.

The author of the video is not a professional, but a girl who is interested in all the new products and makeup techniques. Story about all the necessary materials and techniques for their application goes in parallel with doing eye makeup.

The makeup artist explains and shows on the model how to enlarge narrow small eyes using makeup. Literally in a matter of minutes the girl's eyes are transformed using shading techniques and false eyelashes.

The makeup artist explains and shows the nuances. The technique of shading the crease does not work in this particular case, so the makeup artist uses other methods of lightening and darkening the eyelid with shadows in beige-brown tones.

The author of the video introduces the latest innovations in the beauty industry – metallic colored eyeliners. Several makeup techniques for blue eyes create playful, romantic and businesslike images for the blonde model.

What are your secrets for making your eyes look bigger with makeup? Write your comments, we will be grateful.

Each of the girls is not happy with something about their appearance. Fortunately, you don’t have to go to a surgeon to change your appearance. Since ancient times, any woman has corrected her appearance with the help of cosmetics. Whether it was a Japanese geisha or a Russian beauty - it doesn’t matter, everyone had their own ways to make themselves more beautiful. Today, many girls are not happy with the size of their eyes.

They may seem small and inconspicuous to them. What is this - reality or self-suggestion? Doesn't matter. A solution to this problem has been found. Long live cosmetics! In this article, you will learn about enlarging your eyes using makeup.


If you are the owner, then you, like no other girl, need to monitor the condition of your eyebrows. To make your eyes appear more open, trim the hairs from the underside of your eyebrows. Of course, there is no need to overdo it. But the less hair you have under your eyebrow, the bigger your eyes will look. It will be ideal if you create an eyebrow shape that matches the shape of your eyes and your face. In this case, it would be desirable that your eyebrows remain as thick as possible, but there are no hairs on the upper eyelid.

Use products to disguise defects

In any step-by-step photo of makeup to enlarge your eyes, you will notice that the first step is to neutralize all possible skin defects. This also includes bruises under the eyes. Under-eye circles also make your eyes appear smaller. In order to avoid this effect, you need to paint over the circles with a pink-orange corrector. Based on your desires and capabilities, it is possible to use products of more flesh-colored colors, but in this case the effect will be less noticeable.

The right combination of eye shadows

When doing makeup to enlarge the eyes, they use two different shades of eye shadow. One is lighter and the other is darker. Light shades include beige, white, peach and other unobtrusive colors. Such shadows need to be applied to the entire moving eyelid, the inner corners of the eyes and under the eyebrow. good for using them in makeup to enlarge the eyes. You can also use highlighter. But if you already have wrinkles in the eye area, then it is not recommended to use pearlescent shadows or apply too much highlighter.

For daytime makeup that enhances your eyes, it is recommended to use darker, more natural colors. For evening make-up, you can use all the colors that best suit your look. Dark shadows are applied to the upper corners of the eyes, above the crease of the eye socket, as well as on the lower eyelid, but not further than the level of the pupil. The shadows should definitely be shaded well in the direction of the temples. Pay attention to the step-by-step photo of makeup to enlarge your eyes.

Drawing arrows on the eyes

Makeup arrows to enlarge the eyes can be drawn using either eyeliner or liquid eyeliner. The line of arrows should be as thin as possible at the inner part of the eye (closer to the nose) and smoothly thicken towards the outer part (closer to the temples). It is not recommended to make an arrow that is too long towards the temple. It is better to make it shorter, pointing its tip slightly upward. It is better to bring the lower eyelid only closer to the outer corner of the eye; you don’t even have to bring the arrow to the middle.

Take care of the condition of your eyelashes

Long eyelashes not only visually enlarge the shape of your eyes, but also make the look itself deeper, more expressive and seductive. Not everyone has beautiful long thick eyelashes, but that’s not a problem. After all, nowadays there are false eyelashes, it is also possible to extend these eyelashes, and in addition to all this, you can achieve gorgeous eyelashes using just one mascara.

Before you start applying mascara to your eyelashes, you need to curl them using special curlers. Thanks to this procedure, the eyes will become even more open and larger. After this, apply mascara to your eyelashes, trying to move the brush from the very root of the hairs to their tips. Now wait until this layer of mascara is dry enough.

Now coat your eyelashes with powder. Yes, yes, with regular face powder! Once this step is completed, apply mascara to your eyelashes again. Everything is the same - from the root of the eyelashes to their tips. It is worth painting the lower eyelashes, but do not overdo it. Apply as little mascara as possible to the hairs below.

Don't be afraid to use bright pencil or eyeliner

Incredible depth of look and enlargement of the eyes can be achieved with the help of such bright colors of pencils and eyeliners as purple and blue. The eyes magnify anything that is bright.

Choosing the right lip makeup

If you would like to draw attention away from your eyes, then don't be afraid to use bright shades of lipstick. Otherwise, when you focus on full-fledged makeup to enlarge your eyes, then use a more neutral lipstick or even lip shimmer. This will highlight the upper part of the face.

Makeup to enlarge brown eyes

In order to visually increase the size of small brown eyes, you need to know only one little trick: use light or creamy, beige shades of eyeshadow on the moving eyelid, the inner corner of the eye and the area under your eyebrow. With dark shades of shadows, you need to set the size, applying such shadows to the center of the moving eyelid, bringing it to the outer corner of the eye and even moving it slightly beyond the eyelid line.

For brown eyes, the secret of drawing an arrow is also suitable. It should be thin, drawn directly along the eyelash growth line, and closer to the outer corner of the eye, the arrow can increase slightly in width. But in the case of brown eyes, it is better not to draw the lower eyelid at all. When it comes to applying mascara, don't forget about your eyelash curler. Use a mascara whose brush will have the effect of lengthening your eyelashes. It is also recommended to apply it in two layers, using face powder for more volume.

In the article you can see makeup to enlarge your eyes with step-by-step photos.

Big "anime eyes"

As for makeup that will completely enlarge your eyes, you should pay attention to the makeup that was previously done by Anastasia Shpagina. Being a brilliant make-up artist, Anastasia literally painted a new face on her face. Of course, such makeup will be difficult to repeat the first, second or even third time. She once received the nickname "anime girls" because of her love of makeup and big eyes. Some people think this kind of makeup is too scary, but one cannot help but admit that the girl blogger has excellent skills in applying makeup and even make-up.

And that’s all that could be said about makeup, which is designed to enlarge your eyes. After studying the article, you learned some of the secrets for creating makeup to enlarge your eyes. Now all that remains is to practice your skills, improving your skills in creating a successful and correct make-up. Using these tips, you will become one step closer to the dream of an ideal appearance; now you can forget forever about the small eyes that you didn’t like so much.

Have fun creating makeup to make your eyes bigger!

Leading makeup artists confidently say that proper eye makeup is one of the most powerful tools in creating a spectacular appearance.

Most often, using cosmetics, you need to make your eyes larger, and your gaze deep and attractive. Despite the fact that modern decorative cosmetics have truly magical properties, they must be used wisely.

How to make your eyes look bigger with makeup? There are several techniques that make it possible to visually make your eyes larger at home. To achieve a high-quality result and avoid the most common mistakes, you need to act consistently, taking into account the recommendations of professionals.

Makeup products and tools

When starting to apply makeup to enlarge your eyes, we will prepare the necessary minimum of cosmetics, as well as the tools for applying it. You will need:

  • Brush with elastic bristles, sponge;
  • Foundation, concealer;
  • Eyebrow pencil;
  • White cosmetic pencil with glitter or pearl;
  • Palette with shadows, applicator;
  • Eyeliner in gray or brown;
  • Lengthening mascara

Eye makeup with golden shadows

How to apply makeup to enlarge your eyes

The order of steps when performing makeup matters. For example, the eye contour should be drawn before applying eye shadow - this will create a smoky background. Eyelashes must be colored at the very end to avoid particles of powder or shadow getting on them.

  • Preparing the face for makeup;
  • Eyebrow shape correction;
  • Highlighting some areas of the skin around the eyes;v
  • Applying eyeliner (optional);
  • Applying shadows;
  • Eyelash tinting.

Makeup for enlarging eyes with green shadows

Makeup with silver and blue shadows

Preparing your face for applying makeup

The first task is to prepare the face for makeup. The presence of makeup residues on the eyelids and dark circles under the eyes is unacceptable. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse your face of traces of yesterday’s makeup, and then eliminate any possible shadows under the lower eyelids. For this purpose, experts recommend using a concealer with a creamy texture, which is specifically designed for thin and dry skin.

It must be remembered that concealer should not be used to cover the entire area under the eyes; it should be applied to those areas where darkening is clearly visible. As a rule, these are dark, arched depressions under the lower eyelids. The cosmetic product must be applied to them pointwise, then shaded.

There are other ways to eliminate dark circles under the eyes. For example, in some cases you can use foundation by first warming it in your fingers, and then use translucent powder. The use of a concealer stick is also allowed, but its use must be very careful to avoid excess makeup and dry skin.

Makeup for enlarging eyes with eyeliner and light shadows

Eyebrow correction

Light and expressionless eyebrows not only blur your appearance, but also add age. Therefore, you should definitely pay attention to your eyebrows. It is important to remember that the eyes appear small under thick, low-hanging eyebrows.

Hence the rule for makeup that enlarges the eyes: eyebrows should be as high as possible! That is, you need to try to increase the space between the eyebrow and the upper eyelid. This can be achieved in two ways: by plucking the eyebrows and tinting them correctly.

You only need to pluck the lower part of the eyebrows, being careful not to distort their growth line. For the most harmonious look, you should strive to ensure that the eyebrows follow the line of the eyes. Also, don’t get carried away and leave a thin string of hairs – it looks unnatural.

If the eyebrows are sparse and light, you can limit yourself to drawing them. An eyebrow pencil or shadow is suitable for this. It is advisable to choose a color close to natural, only 1-2 tones darker. Eyebrows that are too dark will distract attention from the eyes and make the face look rough. You need to draw the eyebrows along their growth line, using strokes of medium length, lightly pressing the pencil. You should strive to give your eyebrows a regular, slightly curved shape - wider at the bridge of the nose and narrower towards the temples.

Eye makeup with a smooth transition

White color is the main secret of makeup for enlarging eyes

And now - the main secret that will help make your eyes bigger and your gaze truly sincere. You will need a white cosmetic pencil and a brush with stiff bristles. You can also use opaque white shadows with pearl.

You will need to lighten some areas of the skin to create the illusion of wide eyes. This should be done with uniform movements, tightly shading the intended fields without gaps. Only then should you shade the paint.

  • First, you should lighten the skin under the eyebrows - apply cosmetics to the fixed parts of the upper eyelids. Only the areas closest to the temples need to be painted.
  • Then fill in the darkened recesses at the inner corners of the eye with a pencil, moving towards the nose, without touching the bridge of the nose.
  • Draw a pencil line along the inner eyelid under the eye. Makeup artists call this part of it the “water line.”
  • Using a brush, blend the bleached areas, trying to hide the transition lines.

Further work on the eyes will only enhance the illusion of an open look, however, white eyeliner is the key to making the eyes look bigger.

Eye makeup with false eyelashes

Eye makeup with a transition from light to dark

Eye makeup with blue glitter eyeshadow

Eyeliner to enhance the effect

Makeup artists do not recommend using black eyeliner when doing makeup to enlarge your eyes. It turns out that black color makes the look harder and visually makes the eyes smaller. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a product in brown or gray shades. First you need to remove excess paint from the brush to avoid getting an untidy stain. Then apply the strip to the upper eyelid, starting from the center and moving towards the edges.

If you need makeup for the evening, it makes sense to paint over the lower eyelid as well. It is important to try to make the bottom line start in the center of the eyelid and widen towards the edge of the eye. Now you need to connect the upper and lower contours so as to repeat the natural shape of the eyes at a distance of 1-2mm.

You can do without drawing the outline at all. In this case, you need to skip this step and immediately start applying shadows.

Applying shadows

With the help of skillfully applied shadows, you can most effectively enlarge your eyes. Experts recommend purchasing a palette that contains at least four shades of the desired color - from the lightest to the darkest.

How to choose the right eye shadow color depending on your eye color? There are universal combinations that can be used in various circumstances.

  • Blue and gray eyes will be most effectively shaded by brown and dark gray shadows.
  • Brown eye color will become richer and brighter if you use green shadows, greenish-brown, or a shade of coffee with milk.
  • Green eyes will successfully set off shadows of all shades of brown - from yellowish to terracotta and chocolate.

However, it is important not only to choose a shade, but also to apply the shadows correctly. You need to start with a light shade, gradually moving to a darker one. Apply the lightest shadow to the center of the eyelid, and the darkest to the outer edge and upper crease. Then you should shade the product to get rid of sharp color transitions.

Eye makeup with yellow, green and blue shadows

Eyelashes - finishing accent

To get the effect of enlarging your eyes, it is better to give preference to lengthening mascara. However, it is not enough to apply it on the eyelashes in a thick layer. It's important to do it right.

  • It is unacceptable to leave eyelashes stuck together. In order for each hair to be separated from its neighbors, you need a brush with fairly sparse bristles. You should also remove excess paint from the brush before applying.
  • To evenly distribute mascara over your eyelashes and lengthen them as much as possible, you need to start applying color from the ends. Then apply a second layer of mascara - starting from the middle of the eyelashes. And only at the end, paint over the eyelashes completely - from the base to the very tips.
  • After coloring, it is advisable to curl your eyelashes; this trick will help visually widen your eyes. There is a special tool for this procedure. You can also curl your eyelashes with a curved brush while dyeing them, however, such work requires a certain skill.

We have described simple techniques that will help make your eyes larger and your gaze more sincere and open. As you can see, makeup to enlarge your eyes is not difficult to do; the main thing is to stock up on the necessary tools and high-quality cosmetics.