Pearl rubbing: features of the new product, technique and subtleties of application on nail polish and gel polish. Pearl manicure Matte pearl manicure

Beautiful and well-groomed nails are an indispensable component of a girl’s good appearance and taste. The art of manicure is developing very quickly, and the trends in nail design are simply countless. There are also more classic options, for example, French manicure. But a pearl manicure can be both everyday and formal. We will look at its features, application techniques and designs.

Design features

Pearl manicure is quite unique as it is suitable for any occasion. That is, “pearls” will not be provocative for work, and not faded for the holidays. It differs from the inconspicuous design of nails for the office with a slight shine. In addition, pearl nails are a real hit of the season. The trend gained such popularity thanks to a variety of rubbing and application techniques.

Today, pearl manicure is not just a special polish with sparkles. The nail beauty industry has gone much further, therefore, in order to create beautiful nails with a pearly tint, special preparations are needed that provide a wide choice of color palette and texture. Like any type of manicure, pearl manicure has its own design features. It is worth remembering a few simple rules to get a beautiful result.

  • The basic version of nails with a pearly tint is light varnish colors. Therefore, you should remember that white, nude and any other light shade always reveals all the imperfections on the nails. And the shine will only emphasize them. If you decide to try this manicure, carefully prepare your nail plate.
  • When choosing mother-of-pearl or pearls, you need to carefully consider the treatment of the nail. The surface should be as smooth as possible, without burrs and overgrown cuticles. With such a manicure, all such flaws will be clearly visible.
  • This coating is ideally diluted with painting or decorative stones. They can be just as neutral or, conversely, bright to accent the nails. It remains fashionable to decorate not every nail, but only a few fingers. This is a field for your experiments and specialist skills.
  • In addition, not all fingers can be pearlescent. This shade goes well with velvet and matte polishes. Just like the previous recommendation, don’t be afraid to choose other colors and add some “zest” to your manicure.

Color combinations

The first thing to remember is that pearl manicure is not only white. Of course, the most popular option is a light color, but there are also many other successful shades. Color combinations can be divided into dark, bright and almost white colors. Let's start with the classic version. Light colors include white, pink, nude and yellow. And also all their shades. You can mix these colors in your design, making some nails pink and the rest white. Or use the ombre technique that is popular today. A separate item is translucent nails with light glitter.

In bright colors, imagination has no limits. You can choose absolutely any colors and achieve a pearl effect using manicure rubs. Don’t be afraid of bright solutions; such colors with a shiny coating look very beautiful and not at all vulgar. The palette is huge - from poisonous and acidic colors to scarlet that never goes out of fashion. By the way, it is bright varnishes that sometimes acquire new life thanks to pearl colors.

The last category is dark manicure. Shades from black to dark green and dark blue. Pearl dark manicure has earned special love from girls. This is because often just dark or black varnish is very provocative and is not suitable for every day, but rather for a certain image. Pearl coating smoothes out this effect a little and allows you to wear this design both during the day to the office and in the evening to a restaurant. If you are still afraid of using too dark shades, you can choose a gray color, which is just between light and dark shades. Again, with a little shine, even such basic colors will sparkle in a new way. As you can see, the palette of pearl manicure is limitless.

Now let's talk directly about rubbing, so popular among ladies and modern nail designers. Essentially, it is a powder that is applied to the nail surface and rubbed into it with quick movements. Rubs also come in different colors. The simplest option is colorless, which gives only a slight shine. Next come all sorts of colors from white to black. They are designed to mix polish colors and the pearl finish itself, making it easy to combine two colors on one nail. Metal rubs are popular this season. Agree, gold and silver nails will look very original and interesting.

Popular techniques

The previous sections mentioned some techniques for creating pearl manicure. Nevertheless, it is worth highlighting 3 main ways to create such an effect.

  • Pearl polish or coating with micro-shimmer particles. It should be noted that the pearl coating is precisely small particles, and not large sparkles.
  • Rubbing is the most popular technique for creating a pearl effect. It is a fine powder, which is the finishing stage and is rubbed in after the nail polish has dried.
  • Another popular remedy is false stones a la pearls. They come in different sizes and shapes, making it possible to create designs and decorate your nails. The only important point is that this is a more complex technique and is not suitable for everyone due to the additional volume on the nail plate.

Having familiarized yourself with the main methods of obtaining the effect of a pearl manicure, you should proceed to the step-by-step instructions for creating such a nail coating. To do everything right, you need to remember a few simple rules.

  • Until the very stage of applying varnish, standard nail preparation takes place: sharpening and creating the shape of the nail plate. Remove cuticles and apply nourishing oils.
  • Degrease the nail and apply a base.
  • Now, if you are using ready-made pearl polish, then move on to that. Remember, you need to use several layers of varnish so that the texture is dense and the color is well conveyed.
  • Working with pearl rub works a little differently. First, the base varnish is selected and also carefully applied to the finger in several layers. While the varnish is not yet completely dry, proceed to the pearl powder. It is picked up with a special brush or sponge, scattered onto the nail and little by little begin to rub into the nail plate. You yourself can control the process of contrast between pearls and the main color. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to remove excess powder.
  • Be sure to secure the finished product with a finishing agent, which, in addition to its immediate function, will add a little more shine to the nails.

This instruction is suitable for both regular manicure and gel polish using a UV lamp. Several more rules are added to these rules in the case of using decorative pearls. For a high-quality manicure with stones, check whether your specialist has experience in this field and go to a trusted specialist. If you try it yourself, then start with simple applications. So, pearl manicure is not so difficult to do. If you're afraid of experimenting, start with a simple light pearl polish and add more complexity and variety each time.

The article will tell you about mother-of-pearl manicure, a nail art technique in demand all over the world, which allows each representative of the fair sex to show their individuality. You will learn the basic principles of applying special coatings at home, receive direct advice from qualified nail artists, and also be treated to a large number of examples to help you develop your unique design.

Features of pearl manicure

The pearlescent design of nails is one of the most complex and capricious nail art. It requires careful attention on the part of the fair sex, because any mistake will automatically appear on the final result. In other words, while using the technique, you must closely monitor the condition of your nail plates.

The technique is based directly on the use of special varnishes and so-called pearl dust. It is these materials that allow the finished nail design to demonstrate such a bright and alluring play of light. The main advantages of the technology include:

  • Practical for everyday wear. Whatever design option you choose, the shiny effect of pearl dust and special varnish does not wear off even with constant water procedures.
  • Easy to apply. The procedure for decorating nails in the mother-of-pearl version does not require learning any complex techniques or skills. The entire process follows standard consumable distribution steps.

  • Acceptable price. Many well-known companies are engaged in the production of special consumables for creating the design discussed in the article. Consequently, you can easily surround yourself with coatings with an acceptable combination of price and quality.
  • Manifold. Today you can achieve a pearlescent effect from almost any color scheme. All thanks to the abundance of pearl powders and special varnishes that you can easily find in any specialized cosmetics store today.
  • Ability to create combinations with other decorative elements. The mother-of-pearl design option can be combined with a large number of additional decorations, including rhinestones, stripes and much more.

Note! Try to create a pearlescent manicure on nails of medium and long length. Since this design option visually shortens the plates, it must be used very carefully on short nails.

How to properly do pearlescent manicure

Whatever image you want to create, be it a nude manicure or the pearlescent nail art studied in the article, try not to neglect the generally accepted canons for creating a stylish and high-quality image of nail plates. The beginning of creating any manicure is the selection of decent supplies and tools. These include:

  • Trim manicure kits. Scissors, files, nippers and many other items designed to clean nails from excess skin growth. In addition, these tools will allow you to create a decent nail shape.
  • Buffs. Tools that allow you to polish the surface of capricious nails. They smooth out dents and build-ups, and eliminate any roughness.

  • UV lamps. Equipment designed to work with gel polishes. If you do not use these coatings, then you should not purchase these lamps.
  • Tassels. To achieve a stylish look, you will need two types of brushes: wide and thin. The former are necessary for uniform distribution of coatings over the surfaces of the nail plates, and the latter for the formation of a stylish design and other design nuances.
  • Degreasers. Substances responsible for cleaning nails from any contaminants, including increased fat content, which can affect the integrity of the formed manicure.
  • Base Coats. Transparent or plain varnishes that act as a base for the subsequent application of visually attractive design elements. They should be chosen only among branded products.

  • Varnishes with pearl base or regular varnishes and pearl powders. Basic consumables that will allow you to achieve the desired shine on your nails.
  • Finish coating. A transparent varnish that helps organize a decent level of protection for nails from external negative factors. For classic coatings, fixatives are selected, and gel polishes are coated with topcoats.
  • Additional decorative elements. If your design requires the use of rhinestones and other decorative elements, then also do not be lazy to purchase them at a specialized cosmetics store.

Having decided what supplies you will use in the process of organizing your nail art and having purchased everything you need, you can begin the procedure. For this Try to take into account the following fundamental steps:

  1. Steam your fingers and prepare them for processing in a special warm bath.
  2. Responsibly perform a classic manicure, giving your nails an acceptable shape and removing excess skin from them.
  3. Treat the capricious plates with varnish, and then clean all the nails with a degreaser.
  4. Apply base coat in two layers. Each layer is thoroughly dried.
  5. Create the desired look using pre-prepared pearlescent varnishes or pearl powders. Dry the finished design thoroughly.
  6. Apply decorative elements if they are included in your thoughtful design.
  7. Secure the finished look with a finishing coat.

Fashion trends and ideas for pearl manicure

When implementing a stylish look, try to often pay attention to examples of nail design that have managed to please a wide audience of representatives of the fair sex. Next, we have prepared for you several interesting solutions that are guaranteed to have a positive impact on the formation of your individual design style.

For short nails

In this case, you can use classic natural shades without additional accessories. This manicure is created for everyday wear.

For long nails

You can experiment with different shades of color by adding a large number of small, medium and large rhinestones. Your combinations may also contain other decorative elements.


When creating a white manicure on a mother-of-pearl base, try additionally using blue rhinestones. At the same time, it is advisable not to make your nail art too pompous. Just a few stones are enough to decorate the image.

Note! Pearlescent nail design requires the perfect nail length. Even the slightest difference between adjacent nails will greatly affect the overall balance and appeal of the look you recreate.


A stylish design option that will suit young girls with medium-length nails. It also does not require additional jewelry and easily fits into any everyday look.


Multifaceted and stylish nail design that creates an attractive shimmer. Ideal for everyday wear and one of the most practical.


To create the most expressive effect, it is best to use pearl powder. Pearlescent varnishes are not able to provide the same attractive effect.


A bright and charismatic design option for marigolds. It will definitely appeal to a young and dynamic nature who is prone to experimentation. White round rhinestones can be used as additional decorations.


An excellent solution for any event. Allows you to create a festive and at the same time discreet image on your nails that will attract the gaze of everyone around you.

With rubbing

This combination is expressive and authentic. At the same time, in the process of its implementation you should be extremely careful, since with a very high intensity of rubbing in the dispersion powder, you can lose the charm of pearlescent nail art.


An excellent solution for shaping everyday manicure. Mother-of-pearl consumables make the familiar French look even more interesting and attractive.

Gel polish or regular polish – what to choose?

The mother-of-pearl design of nail plates, like the same manicure with glitter, can be done with regular varnishes and gel formulas. In both cases, the representative of the fair sex surrounds herself with a solid list of advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, in order to ensure proper practicality, you should familiarize yourself with all the characteristics of both consumables in advance. And it is about them that will be discussed further.


To create truly unique looks, try to surround yourself with as many variations of polishes as possible. At the same time, practice shows that conventional coatings can provide their consumers with the widest possible variety of shades and textures. In the assortment of any stationary cosmetics store there are much more of them than variations with a gel base.


The price range is also more attractive for classic products. Moreover, by comparing several branded representatives of both coating variations, you will note the fact that the cost of gel polishes can be several times higher than the price of conventional formulas.

Application procedure

The procedure for high-quality distribution of coatings over the surface of the nails in both cases is carried out using wide and thin brushes. A distinctive feature of the procedure is the drying stage. In the case of conventional formulas, this is carried out outdoors, but gel structures require the fair sex to purchase ultraviolet lamps.

Without their directional light, it is impossible to achieve a decent level of polymerization. The cost of such lamps is quite high, which is one of the main reasons why gel bases are rarely used when organizing home manicures.

Neutralization of formulas

Removal of conventional coatings is carried out using solvents and clean sponges. The procedure for treating all nails does not take more than 3-5 minutes. Gel coatings cannot boast of such practicality indicators.. It takes from 15 to 30 minutes to remove them. This is exactly how long special compresses need to soften the polymerized structure.

Resistance to external influences

When considering practicality indicators, pay attention to the resistance of formulas to external factors. And in this case, all the advantages belong to gel polishes. These consumables make it possible to form a polymerized coating on the nails, which copes well with sudden changes in temperature, direct sunlight, the influence of household chemicals, physical damage and many other unpleasant moments.

Duration of wear

The high strength of gel varnishes is also reflected in the durability of the coating. By demonstrating skill in the coating process and using gel consumables of decent quality, you will provide your nails with an attractive appearance for a period of 7 to 30 days. Conventional coatings can guarantee the formation of an attractive appearance only for 2-3 days.

Effect on the condition of marigolds

Another important factor is the additional capabilities of the products. Unfortunately, ordinary varnishes can guarantee only a decorative function. Gel formulas have a more complex effect. Their structure contains a large amount of useful vitamins and microelements that nourish the nail and restore each of its layers.

We also note that qualified nail technicians do not recommend using regular varnishes as a permanent coating for nails. When used in this way, they can damage the nail plates and lead to splitting, brittleness, loss of color, and many other problems.

Note! Today, pearl manicure is considered one of the most popular trends in the field of nail art, but this was not always the case. A few years ago they talked about it as an anti-trend.

Useful videos

In the process of learning this or that nail design technique, try not to neglect additional information. Only on the basis of a sufficient amount of data will you be able to avoid various problems during the application of coatings, as well as provide yourself with relevant ideas for implementing trendy design variations.

Next, we bring to your attention thematic video materials in which competent nail art masters demonstrate vivid examples of manicure with a mother-of-pearl base, and also provide reasonable recommendations for implementing the design style at home. In fact, you will discover a lot of nuances that will help organize your individual nail design.

Don't neglect the opportunity to pamper yourself with an exquisite look for your nails today. Use special powders and varnishes that allow you to achieve a pearlescent effect when performing any manicure.

This version of nail art is almost always an impeccable result, as well as a manifestation of individuality and special charm. Develop your own design and go to your nearest store for quality supplies. Create unique images based on trendy variations in nail designs.

For a long time, pearl manicure was considered outdated and associated with cheap varnishes from underground passages. However, today pearl shimmers on nails are back in fashion. Such textures are produced by different cosmetic brands; choosing the right shade is easy. To achieve success, you will have to learn how to carefully apply the coating, because any streaks or streaks are noticeable on mother-of-pearl.

Selection of fashionable mother-of-pearl shades

Today, mother-of-pearl nails in delicate pastel colors are especially relevant: pale blue, pink, golden, cream. Pure white polish with a slight metallic sheen also looks impressive; it is especially beautiful on tanned hands. Enamels in lilac, turquoise, lilac, lemon yellow or mint green tones harmoniously combine with pale skin. They all look very gentle and unobtrusive; even the brightest color is softened by the addition of pearlescent pigment. Additional nail design is not required, but some decorative elements will be quite appropriate.

Light pastel polishes are suitable for spring and summer. In the autumn-winter period, the time comes for more saturated shades: black-gray, deep blue, emerald green, crimson, warm red. An unusual option is bright pink or cyclamen varnish, but it is suitable only for the most daring. The chosen color can be combined with gold or silver; this duet is especially good for a festive manicure.

Nails coated with pearlescent varnish are suitable for business attire and evening wear. They do not require additional decorations; pearl shimmers are beautiful in themselves. If desired, varnishes can be combined with matte, glossy textures containing small golden or silver glitter.

Rules for preparing nails

Before you paint your nails with pearlescent polish, you need to carefully prepare them. The pearl coating mercilessly highlights even minor defects: nicks, roughness, scratches. Thorough polishing of your nails will help get rid of them.

  1. For manual processing, nail buffs with very fine grains are used; machines for home manicure are also suitable. First, the surface is leveled with a cylindrical nozzle, which carefully removes the upper stratum corneum, then it is brought to perfection using a soft cone made of dense felt. This treatment does not damage the surface, guaranteeing impeccable smoothness.
  2. The nails are given the desired shape. Round or slightly pointed nails, reminiscent of tonsils, go well with pearlescent coating. You can shape them using a delicate glass or ceramic file that does not separate the ends. The plates must be the same length. It depends on personal taste; pearl shimmers are equally beautiful on both long and short nails.
  3. Manicure completes the treatment of the cuticle. A liquid or gel with fruit acids is applied to it, after 30-60 seconds the softened skin is pushed away with a wooden stick. If the cuticle is too overgrown, it is carefully cut off with nail scissors or nippers. A pearlescent finish requires perfect nail appearance; excess skin at the base looks very untidy.
  4. After treatment, the nail plates are covered with 2 layers of a leveling protective base. The varnish will lie perfectly even on top of it. You need to apply pearlescent polish on your nails very carefully in thin and even layers. For a flawless manicure you will need 3 or even 4 approaches. Only then will your nails look perfect and resemble real pearls.

Subtleties of applying varnish

To accurately distribute the varnish, you need to dip the brush into the bottle and then place it in the center of the plate. First, the brush moves to the cuticle, carefully outlining it, then moves to the tips of the plates. Movements should be smooth, without unnecessary pressure. The first layer dries very quickly, the second is applied on top of it. The ends of the nails are carefully painted with the very tip of the brush with a small amount of varnish. Some varnishes have a very fine texture and can be applied in 3-4 layers.

If your nails are narrow and long, you can cover them completely with varnish, making 3 broad strokes: in the middle, left and right. It is better to paint wide and short plates with a slight indentation on the sides - this will make the fingers look more graceful. Accidental smudges are erased with a special pencil or a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.

Most often, the plates are painted in one color, for example, white, lilac or pink. You can try a fashionable gradient on your nails by applying several shades of the same color on them, from the most saturated to the paler. This nail design is suitable for a party or relaxing on the beach, this technique can also be used in a pedicure. For everyday wear, a calmer color, combined with the main range of the wardrobe, is suitable. Shades that replicate the shimmer of natural pearls look very stylish: grayish, soft pink, soft brown, peach, white.

Varnishes with mother-of-pearl quickly wear off and chip. A thick layer of transparent top will help preserve the beauty of your manicure. It is applied to a completely dry coating, otherwise the brush will leave unsightly stripes and stains. For those who love an unusual manicure, you can try a matte top coat; it will dull the shine of your nails, but will not hide the delicate pearly beauty of the coating. You need to refresh the top coat every 2 days to maintain a flawless manicure. You can see some great designs in the photo.

Additional decorations

Nail design doesn't have to be too complicated. There are a lot of ideas on how to make a stylish mother-of-pearl manicure yourself. You can complement the delicate pearlescent shine with artificial pearls attached to a drop of glue. They border the cuticle line on several nails; it is not necessary to decorate all the plates. Small sparkling rhinestones, transparent or painted, also look beautiful. However, you shouldn’t get carried away with decor. It is good for a festive manicure; on weekdays, stones, pearls and rhinestones look too provocative.

A bright and bold option is nail piercing. The plate is drilled with a special tool and a small decoration is inserted that is in harmony with the style of the outfit. Ready-made decorative elements can be purchased in specialized stores. Jewelry made of silver metal is suitable for mother-of-pearl: flowers, hearts, stars, animal figures, thin chains.

Nails coated with pearl varnish can be decorated with painting. Stylized curls made with thick enamel in white or another light shade look impressive. It is better to place the drawing on fairly long plates, placing it vertically or diagonally. This technique visually stretches the nails and makes them more graceful. It is worth decorating 1-2 fingers on each hand. For those who do not know how to draw, ready-made paper stencils will be useful.

Pearlescent nail polish is back in fashion. Those who have not yet tried the variety of pearl shades should try on the most current colors; among them there will certainly be an ideal option. Correctly selected shades will draw attention to beautiful hands and make the image romantic and feminine.

Pearl manicure is a very delicate and sophisticated variation of nail art. It is suitable to complement absolutely any look, both everyday and intended for festive celebrations. Its peculiarity is the predominance of pastel colors, although in some cases bright options are also allowed.

Pearl nails

To create such a fashionable novelty as a pearl manicure, stylists offer a variety of solutions:

  1. Smooth is the easiest way to get this type of nail art. To do this, use pearl nail rub, which can act as an independent coating or be applied on top of the main varnish, which is taken as a background. In the latter case, it adds shine to the nail plates, making them more feminine and elegant.
  2. An extremely original design solution is the image of a pearl shell on the nails. Combined with the other fingers, which are coated with a delicate pastel polish, the overall picture is truly unsurpassed.
  3. It is allowed not only to use a coating of the same color and texture, but also to combine it with any other varnishes. The composition can be made in either a similar color scheme or radically contrasting, when dark and light shades are combined, or bright and restrained.

Pearl manicure for short nails

Those with neat nail plates will appreciate a manicure with pearl rub on short nails:

  • although shortened nails have a small area, the use of rubbing will give them an indescribable shimmer and make the image spectacular;
  • for such a length, the ideal solution would be a light color scheme, for example, a snow-white, nude, light gray coating;
  • bright or dark options are also allowed, but they are recommended to be applied with special care to avoid a sloppy appearance;
  • Pearl manicure for short nails can be complemented with catchy shiny elements such as rhinestones, foil, sparkles. However, it is recommended to apply them in limited quantities so as not to overload the image.

Pearl manicure for long nails

Pearl rub on long nails looks truly unsurpassed. Their significant area provides the opportunity to implement all kinds of ideas:

  • the rubbing can completely imitate smooth, delicate pearls, both in color and in the structure of the coating;
  • for evening looks, a rub containing metallized particles is perfect; in this case, the nails will become very shiny and attract maximum attention;
  • The addition of such decorative components as rhinestones or multi-colored stones is welcome. At the same time, they can be laid out in a variety of ways, for example, along the hole area, making the design laconic and at the same time sophisticated;
  • Another option would be to do a pearl manicure, in which one of the fingers is completely highlighted with rhinestones. Moreover, they can be uniform in structure and color or laid out in the form of original compositions.

Manicure with pearl rub

Stylists offer fashionistas manicure ideas with pearl rubs, which are extremely diverse in terms of both color choice and design:

  • white nail art is the embodiment of purity and innocence, so it is often used to complement holiday outfits;
  • a design made in pink tones will provide the maximum opportunity to bring to life the association with pearls. A coating of this tone will make any woman’s fingers tender and graceful;
  • An original version of the marine theme will be a blue pearl manicure. In addition, it will fit perfectly into winter looks due to its closeness to the cold color scheme;
  • If you want to make your bow bright and unforgettable, you should turn to red. In this case, pearl rub will give the nail art an indescribable shimmer;
  • a universal solution will be one that will fit into any image and organically complement a variety of outfits;
  • The gray design will make the look elegant and seasoned. This is an ideal solution for visiting the office;
  • Black color will add depth and mystery. In this case, the pearl coating will give the nail art new and unique notes;
  • a French jacket made with pearls remains unrivaled in order to convey the femininity and elegance of the fair sex;
  • to diversify the design and add some zest to it, you can use all kinds of drawings;
  • rhinestones and pearl rubbing are a very harmonious combination. Pebbles will additionally highlight the shine of the coating;
  • Nail art can be not only glossy, but also matte - this is one of the latest stylish trends in nail design.

White manicure with pearl rub

For young girls, white nails with pearl rub would be a great solution. However, if desired, this type of design can also be used by older ladies:

  • the nail plates can simply be coated with iridescent white pearl varnish, this alone is enough to get an exquisite design;
  • The combination of snow-white coating and transparent rhinestones looks great. In this case, the stones can be laid out in the form of certain shapes or completely cover any of the nail plates. In the latter case, combination with white beads can be used;
  • Rhinestones can also be multi-colored; this option will be appreciated by lovers of bright notes that can decorate traditional, discreet nail art.

Pink manicure with pearl rub

A pearl pink manicure will look delightful and romantic:

  • The nail plates, covered with soft pink varnish, are associated with sea pearls, therefore they fully justify the owl’s name. This design will ideally complement airy, flowy summer dresses;
  • pearl pink manicure can be designed in the lunar version or in the form of a French manicure;
  • A common design for nail art is in which some fingers are covered with pink rub, while others contain an imitation of a seashell.

Blue manicure with pearl rub

A pearl blue manicure can be a universal solution for any time of year:

  • in summer, nail art can embody a nautical theme, especially if one of the fingers is decorated with an image of a shell or starfish;
  • in winter, pearl blue manicure can be combined with openwork frosty patterns covering the ring finger;
  • the light blue shade combines perfectly with rhinestones, which can be used for decoration in limited or, on the contrary, abundant quantities.

Red manicure with pearl rub

Lovers of bright and memorable looks can continue to stick to their preferences and choose red pearl nail color:

  • The peculiarity of this type of nail art is that the pearl rub somewhat mutes the bright red color and makes it more restrained;
  • the saturation of red color can create an effective contrast with the negative space, which can be used to design a hole or fill in figures located in the middle part of the nail plate;
  • a combination of red design with sparkles or rhinestones will be very organic.

Nude manicure with pearl rub

It will give your nails a mirror-like depth and will attract the attention of those around you with a nude manicure with pearl rub. Fashion trends are pleasing because there is a place for naturalness and tenderness:

  1. Nude nail art with pearls does not force a girl to wear clothes of a strictly certain style. This technique is very light and free, so many fashionistas choose it.
  2. This design goes well with different nail decorative elements. Paintings, rhinestones, and dotted designs are suitable. All this will look perfect with a nude manicure and polish.
  3. This nail design option is very feminine, so it is suitable for. A pleasant shine to your nails will make a girl stand out from the crowd.

Gray manicure with pearl rub

Although many people think that gray pearl manicure is boring, it is not so. There are several design options with this shade, and they all look great:

  1. Pearl rub looks great on nails painted with gray varnish. The calm shine will create a festive feeling even on the gloomiest day. This manicure can be complemented with small rhinestones arranged in a pattern.
  2. A gray manicure with pearl polish looks good if you paint one or two nails with pink polish. These two shades harmonize well with each other.

Black manicure with pearl rub

Many girls appreciated the nail design with pearl rub. It looks incredibly luxurious on black varnish. Such images will appeal to girls who are confident in themselves. This design is ideal for evening wear:

  1. For a more colorful manicure, you can supplement it with stones taken in large quantities. They form patterns or completely cover the nail (but only one).
  2. The combination with metallic or gold tones, which are used to draw different patterns, looks very elegant.
  3. There are absolutely no restrictions when choosing an outfit. Incredibly impressive black nail polish combines with a red velvet evening dress.

French manicure with pearl rub

French manicure, which is created using pearl nail polish, is very popular among girls. For more interest, you can use these ideas:

  • make a manicure in natural, sophisticated colors, used both for the main part of the nail plate and for the tip;
  • A contrasting nail design with a colored tip looks good;
  • To make the manicure look intriguing and brighter, it is complemented with different stones.

Pearl manicure with a pattern

A beige manicure with a pearl rub or a design of some other color, complemented by a pattern, will look unsurpassed:

  1. Various geometric shapes are in fashion - both simple and complex.
  2. Various feminine and romantic designs combine beautifully with pearl manicure - these include elegant patterns and flowers.
  3. prints with little people, animals, butterflies, balls. Creative drawings are also relevant. You can create very interesting paintings on one hand, for example, maintaining a single plot.
  4. Feminine designs with bows and lace also look great. This kind of manicure is ideal for romantic looks.

Pearl manicure with rhinestones

A manicure with pearl rub and rhinestones looks very stylish and impressive. This is a very bright design option that every girl will like. There are the following design solutions that diversify nail art:

  • using stones on one or more fingers;
  • formation of different patterns and designs from rhinestones;
  • decorating a certain part of the nail with rhinestones - for example, a hole or tip;
  • filling an entire nail with rhinestones - but in order not to overload the design, you can do this with only one finger.

Matte pearl manicure

Matte nails look very beautiful. A pearl manicure with a design looks especially impressive in this design. This type of nail art is suitable for both everyday and festive looks; you can choose a wardrobe to match it without any problems. When using the rub, you should remember the following nuances:

  • it is required to use bases that smooth out the relief of the grooves on the nails;
  • saving decorative pigment is not recommended;
  • You cannot apply excessive pressure when rubbing in the powder; movements should be circular and progressive.

Pearl wedding manicure

A wedding is a very important holiday in the life of every woman. On this day, the bride should look great. A gentle manicure with will help complement the look with a beautiful white dress. If desired, it can be supplemented with an elegant pattern. A French manicure with a touch of pearls is especially relevant to the bride’s look; lunar nail art and lace look unsurpassed.

Pearl manicure (see photo) has long been considered an anti-trend in the nail industry. But this year everything has changed dramatically and now it occupies a leading position in the list of the most stylish designs.

That’s why it’s time to learn a little more about it and look at the best manicure options with pearlescent coating.

Features of mother of pearl

In reality, this is a very complex and capricious manicure, and therefore you should be extremely careful with it. This is due to the fact that such a coating is very demanding on the condition of the nails. So, for example, if the nails are not straight, and there are small wounds on the cuticles, then mother-of-pearl will enhance the effect of the imperfections, and they will be even more noticeable.

Also, this design needs the ideal length of the nails, since even the slightest difference between adjacent nails will be very noticeable.

Please note that pearl manicure is contraindicated for short nails, as it makes the nail plate even shorter.

The best option is medium length and a classic shape (soft square or oval).

New for 2019

The nail industry does not stand still, and therefore creating a pearlescent effect on nails is possible in several ways, which can be easily repeated at home.

To do this, you can buy special varnishes (gel varnishes) with a pearlescent effect or use special pearl dust.

By the way, due to the use of such dust, this manicure is often called pearl.

It allows you to create a stylish design on your nails in a few minutes without unnecessary complications. And, what is most important for this, fine-grained powder is suitable for varnish of any color. In addition, you can independently choose the intensity of mother-of-pearl and even apply it only to part of the nail, if this is provided for in the design.

The main advantages of pearl dust include:

  • Does not wear off during water procedures.
  • Easy to apply.
  • Lasts a long time (about 4 weeks, subject to proper application technique).
  • Low cost.
  • It has no contraindications and does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Does not harm nails.
  • Has an attractive appearance.

Fashionable shades

Of all the variety of colors, the most popular this year are pale blue and light pink. Pearlescent manicure in such shades turns out to be ultra-fashionable.

The nude palette also remains relevant. The colors that will look most advantageous are:

  • Mint.

  • Peach.

  • Ivory.

  • Pistachio.

  • Caramel.

  • Lactic.

  • Creamy.

A delicate manicure is obtained by combining mother-of-pearl with white varnish.

If you are not afraid to be the center of attention, then take a closer look at a manicure with black polish. The result is a truly luxurious design.

What does the pearl design go with?

Images of models at fashion shows have proven that mother-of-pearl design is perfect for any look, both everyday and festive.

This coating can elevate any evening outfit, adding elegance and sophistication to it. The main thing in this matter is to choose the right manicure technique so that the iridescent design is a bright accent in the image, and not a demonstration of the lack of taste of its owner.

Pearlescent varnish looks good in tandem with:

  • Hand painted.
  • Matte finish.

  • Glyantsev.

  • Stamping.

  • Small rhinestones or crystals.

  • Acrylic sand.

In the photo below you can see several interesting manicure options with pearlescent shimmer.

Stylish manicure

Classic design

Are you not ready for unusual and bright designs yet? Then we bring to your attention the best manicure ideas with pearlescent varnish in a classic design.

Idea No1

We bet on the game of textures. Create a monochromatic manicure, rub in a little pearl powder and mark the main focus on one nail. Sprinkle it with broth or powder. The result is a very beautiful design that will be appropriate in any look.

Idea No2

Mother-of-pearl coating with lace. For this manicure, it is best to use a dark varnish as a base, which we will add with rubbing. But lace can be done on one or two nails.

Nuances and techniques

In order for such a bright manicure to be harmoniously combined with the image, fashion trends suggest combining it with other equally popular techniques.

When choosing an iridescent design, you need to take into account the woman’s age.

Manicurists suggest combining mother of pearl with:

  • Lunar design.
  • Gradient.
  • Powder technique.
  • Veil.
  • Broken glass.

The photo shows a pearlescent manicure and design that will be in particular demand in 2019 among modern fashionistas.

If you doubt that you will be able to create a stylish mother-of-pearl design in 2019 yourself, then especially for you we have prepared not only photos, but also a video with step-by-step implementation of this manicure. It describes in detail all the nuances of such coverage.

Many women wonder how to look elegant without looking like an office worker. The secret lies in the fact that the image should leave room for a touch of negligence. This could be a slightly disheveled hairstyle, stretched sleeves or an unbuttoned shirt. At the same time, the remaining elements of the bow should be designed in a classic style.