All ages are submissive to love (women's story). Tatyana Belaya - all ages are submissive to love All ages are submissive to love stories

Love for all ages…

"Love for all ages;
But to young, virgin hearts
Her impulses are beneficial,
Like spring storms across the fields..."

After a cold winter, spring always comes. Nature awakens from sleep.

She stood at the window, through which the soft warm sun was shining straight into her face, and pots of flowers were placed on the windowsill. bright colors. She was “aged” and spent hours of well-deserved rest with her flowers. She was distinguished by her calmness; I never noticed her being irritated. Moderately strict and not too demanding, she patiently passed on her work experience to me. I liked her. We had very a good relationship, like a student and a teacher, like the older and younger generations. She had an only son, and she failed to establish a relationship with his wife; and she, who had dreamed of having a daughter since her youth, gave all her mother’s love for her daughter to me. I was her favorite.

She lived a long, measured life happy life. At a young age, she met her husband Gregory and they immediately got married. He turned out to be extremely kind, sensitive, attentive, and most of all silent. At first he fought, and after the war he worked as a simple tractor driver drilling oil wells. Life was difficult and hungry. We worked a lot. Grigory played the harmonica well and fluently. They lived together with a feeling of happiness for almost half a century. The hard times of war and the hard work of a tractor driver were not in vain: over the years, he began to get sick more and more often. His relatives made every effort, but they still could not save him, and he left this mortal world.

“We live an age-old moment... a moment, and only... and in a moment we lose ourselves on a short path.”

Time flies inexorably fast. The years go by, and as always, after summer comes autumn, after autumn comes winter, after winter spring will certainly come. So spring has come...her spring...her seventy-fifth spring...Unexpectedly not only for us, but also for herself - a new love comes... She falls in love with a man of the same age. Her beloved widower, a strong man, is more restrained in showing emotions. Hot, fast, he was the first to like her - a rather slow and calm person. Their meetings were filled with flowers, dates, sighs.

She, like a young girl, ran to him on a date, completely forgetting about her age-related ailments. “In the rain of passions they become fresh... and renewed, and ripen... and powerful life gives both lush color and sweet fruit.” It was the same feeling that makes young people glow.

She spoke about her love without any embarrassment: “This is a gift from God! This is the last happiness in my life."

During the sincere conversation, I saw how tenderly they looked at each other, how affectionately and shyly Ivan Ivanovich smiled, how reverently he touched his Valentina’s hand. Looking at these beautiful, spiritually generous, sweet people, the last thing I wanted to do was call them “elderly.” Such courage to live! Such strength of spirit, sincerity of feelings, love!

He called her “dandelion” and protected her not only from hard work, but also from unnecessary worries.

He said: “A man should soar over his nest like a kite, covering his beloved with his powerful wings. And always keep your beak and claws ready from your enemies.”

The whole neighborhood was staring at the lovers.

If anyone thinks that fiery passion is not characteristic of older people, then he is deeply mistaken. Elderly people can also experience bright, very strong feelings for each other. For many, this gives a powerful impetus to life and puts off old age with all its problems. Believe me, now I know this for sure, I saw it!

Now my heroes are in heaven... “But the age is late and barren, at the turn of our days, the dead trace of passion is sad: like the storms of a cold autumn.”

They say that stars are pairs of lovers who found each other, and even after death their souls remained together, giving life to a star. Each star shines with its own unique light. Some glow with withering fire, others shimmer with many colors. Seeing the stars in the sky, I warmly remember these kind old people in love, dear to my heart...

This is such a simple and such a touching story.

Psychology of love Ilyin Evgeniy Pavlovich

3.3. "Love for all ages…"

A. S. Pushkin also wrote that “all ages are submissive to love...”. And indeed, a person loves someone all his life: in childhood - parents, educators, teachers; V mature age- wife or husband, their children; in old age - grandchildren.

The teacher tells

First grade. We go through a medical examination with the children. We go from building to building in pairs. Igorek is paired with me. Let's go and talk... And then he tells me that when he grows up, he will marry me. I laugh it off: “Igoresha, I’ll already be old!” To which he replies: “Yes, and I won’t be young anymore!”

This year... First grade for the fifth time. Young admirer - Egor. He loves going to school. Performs written work, calls me over and whispers: “I tried this for you...” At home, when she refuses to have breakfast, my grandmother scares me by saying that she won’t take me to school. Eats everything. And then he complains to me that he eats everything for my sake.

However, A.S. Pushkin meant erotic love, love between a man and a woman, which occurs among adolescents, young men, and mature people at any age. For example, Johann Wolfgang Goethe fell in love with sixteen-year-old Christine Vulpius when he was eighty years old. True, A. S. Pushkin assessed love differently in his youth and in old age:

Love for all ages;

But to young, virgin hearts

Her impulses are beneficial,

Like spring storms across the fields:

In the rain of passions they become fresh,

And they renew themselves and mature -

And the mighty life gives

And lush color and sweet fruit.

But at a late and barren age,

At the turn of our years,

Sad is the passion of the dead trace:

So the storms of autumn are cold

A meadow is turned into a swamp

And they expose the forest around.

As M. O. Menshikov wrote (1899), love in adulthood, from 25 years old, rarely arises with youthful ardor; She's much more balanced here. The rapprochement of the sexes at this age is most often decided by bodily need and spiritual sympathy: the correspondence of tastes, characters, habits, etc. This is the era of marriages of convenience, as marriages should be, if the word “arrangement” is understood in the moral sense. If, for example, in at a young age woman ready for various kinds adventures and adventures, then a mature woman craves stability, love and understanding.

At this age, the mind takes a significant part in bringing the sexes together, and therefore it is not so easy and reckless. True love again becomes possible at the beginning of sexual decline, in the era of “second youth,” when “gray hair is in the beard, and the devil is in the rib.” In anticipation of the menopausal crisis, the woman is again looking for hobbies, the man is again capable of madness. However, society has a negative attitude towards love and sex among old people. American psychologists and sex therapists even created a special term to denote this attitude - ageism.

Late love tastes bitter,

There is sadness and wisdom in it,

How strange... but again it excites the blood

All that has been silent inside for years...

Svetlana Rodina

What difficulties can stand in the way of love for mature people?

Established habits. According to statistics, marriages entered into when the spouses are already well over thirty, on average, break up twice as often as earlier ones. This is explained by the fact that each spouse has household responsibilities, which sometimes do not correspond to the lifestyle of people who have lived without a couple for a long time. And if young people are more “flexible”, then older spouses have their own habits that have developed over many years, which are more difficult to get rid of if the partner does not like them.

A woman will have to cancel her usual get-togethers with single friends, a man will have to cancel going to bars or going to the bathhouse with friends, and both parties will have to plan their weekends according to their tastes. It is much more difficult for established personalities to “get used to” each other, but if both partners are ready for dialogue and searching for a compromise, then the problem is completely solvable.

Grown-up children. There are situations when children get used to the loneliness of their parent and selfishly take advantage of his position, “throwing up” their children. It is impossible not to take into account the material interests of children, the division of property after the death of a parent, the right to which the new spouse also receives.

The Guinness Book of Records recognized the oldest newlyweds as Frenchwoman Madeleine Francino, 95 years old, and her 96-year-old chosen one, Francois Fernandez. Their romantic story began in 1997, when Madeleine asked Francois to fix a garlic press, and the sly man asked for a kiss as a reward for the work. It must be said that the acquaintance took place in a nursing home in the town of Clapier, where the lovers live. In 2002, on the eve of Valentine's Day, Madeleine and Francois decided to legalize their relationship. This was not the first marriage for both; Francois’s first wife died, and Madeleine divorced her first husband.

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Belaya Tatiana

Love for all ages

Lucien received dear guests. Unexpectedly, her former classmate Yulia, whom they had not seen for ten years, came to her, in company with the famous TV journalist from Moscow Elena Vinogradova. Elena was the same age as Lucina’s daughter. The hostess addressed her on a first-name basis and treated her Moscow guest to fish delicacies of the Tyumen North: lightly salted muksun, planed nelma and black caviar.

Lucyena Borisovna! “In a Moscow restaurant, my entire salary would not be enough for such a treat,” Elena turned to the hostess. - I'm just dying of bliss. And I’ve never tried stroganina at all.

Eat, baby, don’t be shy. Friends from the North do not forget. My husband and I were born and lived there most of our lives. What brought the famous journalist to our city? - asked Lucy. - I always watch your documentaries and talk shows with great interest.

I planned new project. A series of programs under the general title: “All ages are submissive to love”! In all my previous works, the heroes were quite famous people- film and theater artists, singers, showmen, deputies, etc. Now I would like to create a series of programs whose heroes will be ordinary people. Ordinary people, with extraordinary people love stories“,” she added with a smile.

Oh, Lenochka! - her interlocutor sighed with obvious regret. - Now on all programs - crime, militants, detectives and talkative deputies. Dumb Brazilian TV series too. ABOUT true love All have forgotten.

“I had to travel a lot around the country,” the journalist continued. - From strangers, especially on trains, I heard such romantic and sometimes dramatic real stories love. Then the idea of ​​a series of similar programs came to mind. I myself am a psychologist by profession. And, to be honest, I really like to understand the psychological repercussions of human destinies. I had some very interesting heroes planned in Tyumen. Their story lasted for many years and only recently they were able to connect. But my "Juliet" was hospitalized with appendicitis. And, apparently, the business trip is cancelled. The editor-in-chief will kill me,” the woman grinned.

I practically don’t know anyone in Tyumen. So, I accidentally met Yulia Valentinovna at the hotel. She came to you and took me with her. Tomorrow, I’ll probably return to Moscow.

Extraordinary stories, you say? - Lucienne thought. - I could advise you one hero whom I know very well. Not even one, but two of his unusual love stories, which happened thirty-two years apart,” the woman suggested.

Lyusyena Borisovna, you will simply save me! - Elena exclaimed.

Well, let's leave Borisovna, I don't feel respectable yet, but I can tell you about the hero and his stories.

Julia, do you remember our Stason? - she turned to her classmate.

Of course, I remember,” Julia answered. - By the way, I wanted to ask you about him. After all, they were inseparable with your Shurik.

They are still inseparable. And they work together. Stas is the general director, and Shura is his deputy. Although this is how they are listed according to the staffing table. But in fact, they are completely equal partners in a large, extensive business.

Lena, do you have time? - Lucy asked the journalist. - You can’t tell about this man in a few words.

I have a lot of time. “I have all your attention,” she answered readily.

Julia, on the contrary, was in a hurry somewhere and soon left.

Actually, I will only outline the stories themselves. But I want to tell you in more detail about the person who may become your hero. I would like to tell you how his character was formed so that it would be easier for you to understand him and his actions. I’ll say right away that he is a complex and extraordinary person. Married for the second time. Strange as it may seem, again for love. Only his first romantic and even tragic story could become a worthy plot for a good novel.

His name is Stanislav Georgievich Obolensky,” she began her story. - He is now, like my husband and I, fifty-five years old. His life is so intertwined with ours that don’t be surprised when I talk about us too. Suffice it to say that his only son Yura, who is almost thirty-eight years old, still calls me Mama Lyusya.

Lucienne, you're right, maybe twenty-eight years old? - Lena asked.

No, I wasn’t mistaken,” she objected. - On December 12, Yurochka will turn thirty-eight years old. But, everything is in order.

On September 10, 1949, sons Stasik Obolensky and Shurik Radchenko were born in two young families on the same day. Families lived in the same house and even on the same landing. They were very friendly with each other and it is clear that the boys grew up together. At that time, arrange children in childcare facility it was very difficult, therefore, when the kids grew up a little, they remained under the supervision of Stasik’s grandparents.

Before the war, Baba Sofochka and Grandfather Moses had five sons, but only the youngest, George, returned. And the old people were only glad that they seemed to have two grandchildren at once.

Grandfather Moses was a true Jew. Worn long hair, beard, and as long as I remember him, he always preferred black clothes. On special holidays, he even braided two thin braids in front. He and his wife spoke only in Hebrew. It is not surprising that the boys quickly learned this language.

From a young age, old Moses instilled in them that a man should be strong in both soul and body. Smearing snot and tears, complaining and sneaking around is a shame! And two tiny future men learned to endure bruises and bumps, swallowing tears, but without roaring.

Grandfather Moses had the gift of foresight and was a psychic. He knew how to see the essence of a person at one glance. My Shurik never learned this,” she noted with a smile, “but Stas inherited this gift with his genes.

My grandfather predicted back in those days the collapse of the communist idea. And when Stas grew up, he began to give his grandson business lessons, being absolutely sure that his granddaughter would live under capitalism.

And the grandfather also told the boys that a man should have one wife for the rest of his life. A woman should be protected not only from hard work, but also from unnecessary worries. He said that a man should soar over his nest like a kite, covering his wife and children with his powerful wings. And always keep your beak and claws ready from your enemies.

Stas's father was a passionate fisherman and hunter. He began to take his son with him very early. Despite the protests of Elizaveta Romanovna, his wife, Georgy Moiseevich literally carried Stas with him in a backpack when it was still difficult for him to travel long distances. So our hero’s upbringing was the most Spartan.

The story of connecting hearts from two different families. Interesting story which makes you believe in romance and relationships.

Although many people believe that Valentine’s Day is not our “bourgeois” holiday, something prevents me from agreeing with this...

Mommy, is that you? - Leshkin’s voice came from the room.

Who else?! - I answered with difficulty pulling off my boots.

“I need you as a woman,” Lekha continued, not paying attention to my dissatisfied tone. Leshka is my son. He is nine years old. I’m raising him alone, and I don’t have time to babysit with him. Therefore, Leshka is actively getting used to the role of a “real man” - with all the attendant nuances.

Like who do you need me? - I asked again, just in case, hoping that I heard it right.

Well, I’m speaking like a woman,” my child was embarrassed.

Well, well, how can I help you... as a woman? - I entered the room.

Mom, explain what it means: “All ages are submissive to love...”? Submissive - how is that? Love enslaved everyone, and they submitted?

Not really. This means that anyone can fall in love, regardless of age... What are you reading?

Yes, they gave us poems at school so that we could learn them for Valentine’s Day,” the son muttered.

Wow! In my time, poems were taught for Defender of the Fatherland Day, and now the hero of the day is Saint Valentine! Speaking of lovers... My thoughts imperceptibly slipped into a different direction. “I wonder where he came from? I’ve never seen him here before,” I remembered today’s meeting.

In the morning, leaving the parking lot, I lightly hit an old Volkswagen, and a guy immediately jumped out of it. “Well, now it’s about to begin,” I thought sadly, put on an innocent face and prepared to “beat on pity.”

Sorry, it’s my fault,” without giving him time to come to his senses, she went on the offensive.

I’ve been driving recently, but I have to park somehow... And it’s so narrow here,” she rattled, looking at him with puppy dog ​​eyes and “wagging her tail.”

“Well, go ahead, hit me, I won’t even resist...”

Let’s say,” the man answered menacingly. - But I can’t, I’ll just let you go! You must compensate me for this somehow,” he nodded towards the scratched wing.

How many? - she asked doomedly.

The man thought about it. “He’s assessing the damage,” I decided.

Yes, on such a mess, my scratch looks like a daisy in a flowerbed - who will notice it?

“Five,” the stranger said mysteriously, “and a cup of coffee.”

Five? - I widened my eyes.

“I mean five home-cooked meals and a cup of coffee,” he clarified. - Moreover, we are neighbors.

“Yeah, that means he’s not married,” flashed through my head. “And he’s nothing like that...”

I batted my eyes coquettishly, but, looking at my watch, I realized that now was not the time - I was late. She apologized again and, promising something vague, got into the car.

“Mommy,” my son’s voice brought me out of a state of deep thought, “you know, it seems to me that I’m already conquered...

I'm sorry, what? How conquered?

Well, I’m conquered by love,” Leshka sighed.

Soooo... Interesting... Isn't it a bit early? - I asked.

Well, you yourself just said that age has nothing to do with it,” Lekha noted logically.

And who is she?

Leshka seemed to be waiting for this question. He quickly moved to my sofa and rolled his eyes dreamily:

- Girl...

Well, this is understandable - on this point I could relax.

Her name is Alice. Isn't it beautiful?

“Very,” I nodded.

You know, they only recently moved to our city, and right into our house,” Leshka continued enthusiastically. - Isn't that great?

“Great,” I carefully supported my son.

She lives with one dad, they don’t have a mom!

How so? Where did she go?

Alice says that mom left and got lost...

Funny story! Is Alice in your class? - I asked just in case.

No, what are you talking about! She's only in first grade. But don’t worry, she will grow up,” Leshka reassured me.

I hope,” I smiled at my son and stroked his head.

Mom, I want to congratulate her on Valentine, but I don’t know how. So tell me: what does a woman need?

I laughed:

A woman needs attention. Give her something she loves...

What does she like? - the son was surprised.

Well, how do I know if I've never seen her... Does she have a sweet tooth?

Certainly! “All the girls have a sweet tooth,” Leshka declared categorically. - Let’s make her a heart-shaped cake?

Only if you help me,” I agreed.

Leshka, to tell the truth, has always had a sweet tooth himself, and therefore he reasonably expected that I simply could not refuse him such a serious matter, and that he and Alice would then eat the cake in half.

I baked the cake on the eve of the holiday, but Leshka did not dare to go on a visit without me.

Well, what took you so long? Let’s go faster,” he met me at the threshold.

Where? - I was surprised.

How to where? To Alice! - Leshka blushed.

I realized that I had to help my son in such a delicate matter, however...

Is this convenient? - I doubted. - Her dad won’t mind?

No, I called her recently - they are already waiting for us,” Lekha fussed.

We went up a few floors and called. The door swung open almost immediately: a pretty girl with an angel-like face stood on the threshold, and next to her... the injured owner of a Volkswagen!

Happy Valentine's Day to you, Alice! - Leshka said solemnly and handed the cake to the girl.

Thank you! - she answered no less solemnly.

The children held hands and retreated into the room.

Wow! - I smiled. - Congratulations! And I am Svetlana...

Well, let's celebrate my name day then?

Half an hour later, Leshka, stained with chocolate, appeared in the kitchen.

Mommy,” he whispered in my ear, “if you also submit, I won’t mind!”

I had to agree - not to upset my son over trifles!..

Zhanna Svetlishcheva, Crimea

Having placed the worm on the hook, Patrick waved his fishing rod and cast the bait into the middle of the river. The homemade float swayed on the surface of the water and froze, reflected in the mirror surface. Having stuck the rod into the sand, the man stretched out on the grass, basking in the sun.

The autumn nights were getting colder. And after autumn comes winter with cold icy rains, snow, and angry frosty winds. Usually, at such a time, Patrick moved to a large port city, where he stayed until spring, “earning money” by playing in taverns, taverns and taverns. But Dion did not agree to his friend’s proposal, but put forward a counter proposal: to go to Forest Corner to Leia and her adoptive parents. Give the accumulated savings to the good old people and survive the winter on the farm. Sanriza, after listening to her comrades, said that she would go to Kituk, a port in the province of South Askor. Why, she did not specify. Dion immediately became bored. Then the woman invited everyone to follow her.

What will happen after Kituk? Where will we go next? – Patrick asked.

The ways of the gods are inscrutable... - the viol avoided a direct answer.

And they again obeyed her whim. What was it about this woman that she captivated with one look, one word? What made two adult men beaten by life - a cunning swindler and a persistent mercenary - obey her? Patrick couldn't explain it even to himself. Some kind of mystery shrouded this woman. Mystical frightening power was felt in every movement, look, even smile. Sometimes she looked at them as if they were foolish children. Often the look expressed the wisdom of a hundred-year-old man, who had seen a lot of things in his long life that others would never know.

Patrick, who is attentive to detail, has long noticed that Sanriza constantly restrains herself, as if communicating with fragile creatures or weak cripples. He suspected that the violin possessed a power far superior to him and Dion combined. And that massacre on the forest road, which she did not want to talk about, was carried out by Sanriza, and not by the mythical squad of robbers, to whom she “fell” as a “victim.” And the miraculous recovery from a fatal wound after just a few hours?! Sanriza did not explain this either, getting off with jokes and omissions.

Patrick was distracted from his thoughts about the mysterious viol by a splash. Opening his eyes and standing up, he saw a dark-haired head moving along the surface of the river surface. Toffee! I decided to swim and scare away all the fish for him.

The man's thoughts turned to the girl. This young seductress had long occupied his imagination. Toffee persistently besieged him, like a stubborn enemy besieges a fortress. Loving glances, sweet smiles, innocent touches, seductive poses, wreaths of wild flowers, languid sighs - everything was used in the unequal battle of the two sexes. On her part - the entire arsenal of female temptation. With him there is a dull, hopeless defense, undermined by mental and physical hunger.

Two demons fought in Patrick's soul: the demon of lust and the demon of conscience. The first one said: “Take it!”, the second: “You can’t!” The eyes noticed all the bulges and roundness of the girl’s body, filled with juice. My mind kept saying: she’s young, fit to be a daughter.

Daughter... His little girl would be eight now. Half the age of Butterscotch. How old was Alfia when they first met? Seventeen! True, he was barely twenty then. Stupid, cheerful boy in love... Where did you go? All that was left was a disappointed, hardened pretender...

My thoughts were again interrupted by a splash, and then a frightened cry. He stood up and looked at the river. There was no toffee in sight. Suddenly she surfaced somewhere in the middle of the river and screamed. There was genuine horror in the voice. She floundered as if she was fighting off someone, and screamed heart-rendingly.

It was as if Patrick had been hit by a spring. Without hesitation, he grabbed the knife, held it in his teeth and rushed into the water. With several strong strokes he reached the drowning woman. Fortunately, the river is wide - a horse can jump across it in a few leaps. But as soon as she extended her hand, the girl disappeared under the water, as if someone had pulled her leg. Patrick dived in next. An oblong shadow flashed in front of his face. Clutching the knife in his hand, he rushed after her. I saw a silvery sheen and a long fin running down the back. Without hesitation, he plunged the blade into the elastic flesh. In response, he hit him in the gut with such force that he was thrown out of the water and almost knocked out the breath. His eyes went dark for a moment, but he managed to notice that his eyes were wide with horror. grey eyes and Toffee's pale face. She immediately grabbed onto him, almost drowning them both. Patrick twisted, freeing himself. With great difficulty, he tore her hands from his shoulders. He grabbed him by the chest and swam to the shore, dragging the half-conscious girl behind him. When his feet touched the muddy bottom, he stood up, picked up the trembling body in his arms and, staggering, walked to the shore.

Having got out, he collapsed on the warm sand, catching his breath. Butterscotch, clasping him by the neck, did not open the hug, trembling slightly and whining like a puppy.

What was it? – Patrick was amazed, finally coming to his senses. “Now I understand why there are no fish in this river.”

I... I... - Butterscotch even began to stutter from the shock she suffered. - I was swimming, and it... it grabbed! And to the bottom! I was so freaked out! I thought I was going to die! And I... And me... I haven’t been kissed yet! – she suddenly roared out loud.

Fuck you! – the man laughed. “I found something to think about on the verge of death.”

I love you Pat, I love you! Why don't you love me?! – the girl continued to shed sad tears.

Yes, I love you, just calm down!

No, you won't kill me!

Patrick looked into the tear-filled, sorrowful eyes, looked at the trembling blue lips, wanted to laugh it off, as usual, but suddenly leaned down and covered the girl’s mouth with a kiss. Toffee froze and even stopped shaking. Long-restrained passion broke through the barriers and flooded the man’s body and mind. The seductive girl's body lay obediently in his hands, ready to accept and surrender. How can I resist here? Spitting on all the taboos and moral principles, Patrick crushed him under him, showering him with caresses and kisses. And now the fear left the girl’s eyes, giving way to joyful excitement. The legs opened, accepting the desired male flesh, the lips parted, releasing a groan of the first pain. She tensed, but did not push away, but only pressed harder, closing her eyes, clutching her shoulders and holding her breath. Patrick tried to restrain himself, to be gentle and affectionate. The first intimacy is the most important. You can scare and instill disgust for the rest of your life. And he didn't want that. Who knows, maybe this baby will become his destiny? His second beloved woman. And she will give him a new daughter, and maybe a son...