Origami from napkins: beautiful ideas and techniques. Ideas for decorating a table with products using the origami technique Do-it-yourself origami from paper napkins

Set your guests up for friendly conversations beautiful design table. Napkin figures can help you with this. Make exquisite swans, fans, beautifully wrap cutlery and guests will immediately understand that they are at a holiday with a real hostess. This will endear you to you and they will “respect” your tablecloths and dishes. After all, with such delights, you don’t want to overshadow the efforts of the organizer. For new ideas for figures, consider the origami patterns from napkins on the table specially collected in this article.

Flower napkin holders

The Lotus napkin holder is easy and simple to make. The categories of colors from napkins can be divided into a large chapter, since there are a lot of different folding methods, for every choice and taste. A very interesting way of folding paper napkins into a lotus flower, which is a kind of napkin holder. It looks very chic, but we’ll show you how to make it in the instructions with photos. The technique of creating these flowers using origami modules is called.

To get started, we need to prepare napkins, 8 napkins for the base of the flower and 24 napkins of any colors; it will look more realistic if you take white and yellow napkins. We will also need a stapler or dry glue; it glues quickly and does not soften.

We make modules on a base of green napkins. Fold the napkin in four, fold it diagonally. Fold the side corners like an airplane and fold the ends under the bottom. Fold in the center. We make 8 of these. We fasten them together with a stapler with the pockets facing up.

We make the same modules from white napkins and simply insert them onto the curbs between two fastened base modules, and so on layer by layer upward.

In fact, you can continue this until the bud closes. Or insert napkins of a different color, twisted, for example, into rolls or fans. This way you can also make a pineapple napkin holder.

These napkin holders will serve original decoration festive table and they are simple to use functionally.

Bouquets for the holiday

To set the table for a holiday, make each guest an individual rose in a glass. Take napkins of two colors. To make a semblance of leaves, fold the napkin diagonally into a triangle and place it in a glass. For the bud, fold the triangle of the napkin in half, and roll the note into a roll, as in the instructions in the figure below, and insert the “leaves.”

You can decorate the table with a rose from a napkin, although you won’t be able to use it. We cut the napkin into 4 parts, take a pencil and begin to wrap the napkin roll onto the pencil, but not all the way, leaving a piece. We crumple it with an accordion, remove the pencil, roll it into a tube, take other parts of the napkins and repeat the procedure, wrap our rose bud with petals.

When you think there are enough petals, twist the ends that we did not change into a spiral, take a napkin, carefully make a hole with scissors right in the center, pinch the napkin near the center. And insert the rose stem there.

Light vase

Such napkins serve as vases. You can put, for example, sweets, treats, cakes and other confectionery products in them. The photo shows examples of folding fabric napkins, but you can fold paper ones in the same way, the main thing is to take them bigger size, not the cheapest.

Lily. Unfold the napkin, fold the corners into the center and repeat with the resulting square. Then turn the napkin over and fold the corners again.

Now, holding the corners in the center with your fingers, turn the corners out from under the bottom with the petals facing up.

Herringbone. We take napkins from the pack and do not unwrap them. We divide the napkin into 8 corners, bend the corners in the center at a distance from each other. Fold the sides inward and turn the corners into the pocket of the previous corner.

Swan from a napkin- a symbol of grace on the table. Fold the napkin diagonally. Iron the fold line. We unbend it and fold the two sides to this line, like on an airplane, turn the napkin over and fold it again in the same way. Now we fold the resulting figure across corner to corner and bend the narrow part upward by one third, this will be the head. Fold in half lengthwise. Now arch our swan’s neck, head and spread its wings.

Video on the topic of the article

If you decide to surprise your guests, impress and turn an ordinary feast into a real holiday, then this can be done quite in a simple way. Decorate the table with masterpieces made from napkins in the form of various animals, fruits and flowers, fan shapes, boutonnieres or Christmas tree decorations.


Setting the table with napkins is an entire art that has its own laws and rules, as etiquette experts say.

Original compositions and crafts, the choice of decoration complexity and the right color transform any dining table into a festive one.

Be guided the following rules when choosing napkins:

  • You should choose enough big size source material. To create some of the simplest shapes, you need a square shape of 35x35 centimeters. If you take on more complex elements, then you will need materials measuring 46x46.
  • For this job, choose multi-layer paper products that will hold their shape better and longer.
  • The density of the material should be 17-18 g/sq. m. and above. This will allow you not only to create works of varying complexity, but also to use them comfortably.
  • The color scheme can be absolutely any. Make a choice in favor of plain napkins if you plan to make complex origami or figures with clear geometric lines. And floral, abstract and some other compositions can be made from napkins with the desired print.

You can also use rectangular napkins if for some reason you were unable to purchase square products. They can be given required type, applying folds. It is worth noting that an ordinary dinner does not require complex, elaborate serving schemes; light compositions are also suitable for this.

You need to remember that before you start working on figures made from paper or cloth napkins, you need to wash your hands.

How to fold it beautifully?

Often guests at the holiday table are greeted with napkins in the form of roses and other blooming buds, sometimes these are simple neat figures, a dog, a modular product or paper compositions folded several times, into tubes, cones, candles and much more. Let's look at some decoration options. It is important to familiarize yourself with how to do all the work step by step.

Animal figures

“Peacock tail” is a simple product for which you will need to take a napkin and fold it diagonally. Next, you need to bend the resulting figure into an accordion. Turn the product down with the narrow edge - this will be the middle of the composition. The long edges need to be lifted up and secured with a paper clip so that the figure does not fall apart. And now the “tail” is ready.

“Swan” is one of the most popular, graceful and beautiful figures, and, oddly enough, simple to perform.

Turn the napkin into a triangle by folding it diagonally and ironing the fold line. Unbend, bend both sides to the resulting line, as when folding an airplane. Then turn the napkin over and fold it again.

Flower and fruit compositions

The most popular and varied is origami made from napkins in the shape of flowers. Let's consider several schemes.


There are a great many options and types of roses made from napkins. Let's look at the simplest way to make a flower for serving.

Fold square napkin diagonally, begin to roll the resulting triangle into a tight tube from the fold side. Don't go all the way, you need to leave a small triangle that will become rose petals.

"Lily - water lily"

The diagram of that flower is the most complex of all provided, but no less beautiful and original. Choose a large square napkin, fold all four corners of the napkin towards the center and repeat the process two more times.

Next, you need to turn the figure over and bend the four corners to the center again. Pull upper layer corner up, shape and pull out the petal. Do the same with the remaining petals and turn the shape over.

Next step: fold all the corners and turn them over again. Next, repeat the procedure with four corners. A lotus can be created in a similar way.

"A pineapple"

Creating a fruit composition is a more labor-intensive process. Consider a pineapple pattern made from paper napkins:

  • We form blanks. To do this, fold the triangle and bend the left side of the figure in the middle, do the same with the right side, then you will need to turn the napkin over.
  • Next, you need to bend both protruding ends upward.
  • Bend the right side to the left - you get a triangle. Place the napkin face down and straighten it to form a boat.
  • It is necessary to make eight such elements for the base and fasten them with a stapler or paper clips. This will be the base row; subsequent blanks are not fastened together.
  • The next step is assembling the pineapple. Take a bowl and cover its entire surface with a napkin. Place the base of the future work on the bowl - the first row. And from above six prepared elements are inserted into it, which are attached between the edges of adjacent figures from the base.
  • The last stage is rolled napkins, which are inserted on top, imitating leaves.

New Year decorations


A necessary attribute of the most important thing winter holiday– Christmas tree and Christmas decorations.

For the manufacture of festive table setting in the shape of a Christmas tree, you need to stratify the napkin into eight corners. Next, start bending the corners in the center, keeping an equal distance between the folds.

Position the napkin so that the smallest folded corner is at the top, and fold the right and left side inward, creating a Christmas tree shape. Then turn all the corners into the pocket of the previous corner.


Simple scheme snowflakes that closely resemble the shape of a flower.

It is necessary to bend the opposite corners of the napkin towards the center and repeat this step again. Turn the resulting workpiece over, holding the central part. And also fold the corners towards the center. All that remains is to carefully, still holding the center, straighten the edges of the figure.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the quality of the material you are working with. While working, napkins that tear easily can ruin your plans and mood.

It is also worth choosing origami for children in accordance with the rest of the table setting, the theme of the celebration and color scheme interior

Start practicing origami from simple to complex, then this activity will bring you real pleasure.

Beautiful table setting is an art. In addition to knowing the correct location of each device, it is also important to be able to create beauty out of nothing. For example, turn a simple napkin into an exquisite flower blooming right next to the plate. For many housewives, this seems like a difficult and even impossible task. But in reality, all this is much simpler than it seems, and everyone can master the Japanese art of creating flowers and animals from paper.


Napkins are used both in Everyday life, and on the festive table. They can turn any meal into a luxurious meal, even if there are no special dishes on the table.

When creating beautiful figures from napkins, not only correctly selected patterns play a very important role, but also the quality of the material. Napkins come in different types: thick, thin, single-layer, or consisting of several layers. Sometimes they are completely replaced with more expensive and high-quality linen towels.

When choosing napkins that are easy to make shapes from, you should pay attention only to those whose density is higher than 18 g/m2. m. Such paper does not tear when you try to bend and wrap it. In addition, when unfolding such figures at the table, you can be sure that it will not tear or be damaged even after use.

As for sizes, it is better to choose wide napkins. You should focus on the complexity of the figure that will be created in the end. If these are some light creations like a primitive rose or a fan, then you should choose a napkin measuring 35 by 35 centimeters.

Patterns can also be different. The napkins from which the table shapes are made can be either plain or colored. The more complex the composition, and the more small details it contains, the simpler the material from which it is made should be. Here it is better to give preference to completely plain paper. And for light, neat products, you can take bright patterned napkins, in which the print will serve as a decoration for the finished figure.

How to fold it beautifully?

When working with thin paper napkins, it is important not only to choose the ideal material, but also to learn how to work with it as carefully as possible.

Animal figures

Fine crafts in the form of animals will decorate any table. And if you make them together with your child, you can get not only a beautiful decorative item, but also a pleasant evening with your family.

The Japanese art of origami teaches how to create complex compositions from paper. You can roll the fabric in the form of a dog or crane figurine, or you can make a frog that will even be able to jump. But such crafts are far from the simplest, so you need to start with something easier.

For example, by creating your own origami from napkins in the shape of a swan. This table decoration looks very graceful, but is not as difficult to do as it seems at first glance.

First of all, you need to carefully fold the napkin diagonally and run your hand along the fold line, smoothing it. The edges of the napkin need to be lifted and pulled towards this fold in the same way as they do when folding an airplane. Then you need to turn the craft over and repeat the same thing, only on the other side.

The resulting workpiece is folded across. The corners should touch. Now you need to bend the narrow part upward, making a swan's head out of it. The neck will turn out if you fold the figure lengthwise. The last stage is the formation of the wings, which need to be pulled out and carefully straightened.

Flower and fruit compositions

They look no less beautiful flower arrangements. You can create amazing plants and flowers from paper.

At the same time, creating such a miracle takes much less time than creating an exquisite swan:

  • Rose. One of the simplest flowers is a pink bud. It is made from a napkin folded in half. It is then bent into a neat triangle, which is then rolled into a neat roll. This must be repeated several times until the pink bud becomes very small. Then you need to take out small leaves, while trying to act so as not to damage the rose bud.

  • Lotus. This composition consists of several napkins. Eight squares will be needed for the base, another twenty-four for the edges. All blanks are attached using a stapler, which does not damage thin paper. Eight napkins are used to make neat pockets into which white figures are inserted. This modular combination should be carried out until the napkins run out.

  • A pineapple. The figure of a pineapple is made using a similar principle. You just need to attach the napkins, moving not to the side, but upward. And the colors, as a rule, are chosen differently. For example, green and yellow or coffee.

Beautiful flowers are suitable for serving a holiday table for any occasion.

New Year decorations

The most obvious decoration option New Year's table- This is a Christmas tree made of napkins. To create such a craft, you only need green napkins and a step-by-step explanation.

Do Christmas tree from paper in several ways. For beginners, the simplest of them is suitable.

To create a simple Christmas tree, you first need to fold the square in half twice. The edges need to be carefully folded so that there is some free space between the layers. After this, the napkin must be turned over and its edges folded into the center to again form a neat triangle. The result is a neat Christmas tree that will serve as a great decoration table.

If you want more, you can additionally decorate it with sparkles.

Creating shapes from napkins is a fun activity for both adults and children. If you beautifully put all the preparations in a napkin holder or make complex figures and place them next to the plates, you can make any meal more solemn.

Galina Karpova

Dear colleagues, I want to tell you about how such a simple, ordinary, in general, thing as napkin holder, can become a real decoration festive table. Of course, using my favorite technique – origami.

I present to your attention master- manufacturing class napkin holders« Lotus» .

All it took for this beauty napkins:

1. Large green ones – 8 pcs. (33x33 cm)

2. White small ones – 24 pcs. (the most common, the cheapest)

3. Large yellow – 1 pc. (33x33 cm)

Napkin holder refers to modular origami. First, let's make a stand out of green napkins.

Quad folded napkin fold diagonally.

From the top corner to the center, bend the sides down.

Turn it over. We bend the small corners up.

Fold in the center outwards. The module is ready.

Let's make 8 of these.

We form a petal and connect them to each other using a stapler.

The stand is ready.

Let's start making the flower. From white napkins We make exactly the same module as from the green one. White modules need 24 pcs. We begin to collect the first row of the flower.

On the second row, I realized that the stand was too wide and there was a hole in the center that was too large, and the small white modules did not hold on and jumped out. "pockets" green modules. In short, I removed the white modules and tied the green ones in a circle using a regular needle and thread.

There are three rows of white modules. The flower is ready.

You can get creative with the middle. Here I cut the yellow one napkin into 4 parts and twisted tubes from them diagonally.

Here the tubes are twisted on the side and folded in half.

I made it here "accordion" diagonally.

Napkin holder« A pineapple» made also from the same modules.

Only The napkins here are all thin, ordinary. In a stand made of green I took 11 modules of napkins. Each row of yellow and orange napkins also consists of 11 modules. Total - 90 pcs. napkins.

Both look good napkin holders very unusual and beautiful. But they are, so to speak, not only for beauty; they can be used for their intended purpose.

Many people do not realize that regular napkins you can do a lot beautiful crafts. The material will help you create decorations for any holiday without extra costs.

The craft will take a few minutes to complete and even children can create it. younger age. Kids will love making appliqués from napkins, and they will help adults remember their childhood and colorfully decorate their room.

But how to make crafts from napkins with your own hands using scrap materials?

Special serving

Ordinary paper napkins can be found on every table anywhere in the world. A rich imagination will allow you to create many different shapes from a napkin.

Origami is popular, with which you can make many swans or wonderful flowers. You can find many ways to create jewelry from paper, which, thanks to the great possibilities, will allow you to create a wonderful craft.

On the Internet you can find many photographs of crafts made from napkins on any topic. Often there are figures made in the shape of flowers.

Examples of creating paper flowers

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts from a regular napkin:

  • A green napkin is laid out in the shape of a triangle;
  • Place it in the glass, leaving both ends outside the glass;
  • The yellow napkin is folded in the same way and twisted to form a tube;
  • The underside bends and the flower straightens;
  • The resulting rose is dipped into a glass with a green napkin.

Pocket for various cutlery:

  • The napkin is rolled into a tube from any angle to the center;
  • The tube is bent into two equal parts so that the holes remain in front;
  • On the opposite side, the edge is bent towards the front.

Children's crafts

Let's look at several crafts for children made from napkins.


Children will have fun creating different shapes together with their parents.

The following supplies are required for the dandelion:

  • PVA glue;
  • Paper;
  • Napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • Dye;
  • Stapler.

Making crafts from napkins is an easy task that even children can do. The stem of the future dandelion is drawn on the leaf. A ball of the required size is cut out of a yellow napkin, which is secured in the middle using a stapler.

Using scissors, cuts are made along the edges towards the center, and the resulting flower is glued to the paper. The green napkin will be the dandelion leaves that stick to the stem.

After the glue has dried, you need to straighten the flower by bending and pressing all the cut edges on a yellow napkin. The result is a fluffy flower that will delight adults and children with its appearance.


To create a craft you need:

  • Napkins;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • White paper;
  • Pencil.

A butterfly is drawn with a pencil on paper. The necessary pieces are cut out of the napkins so that they match the size of the drawn butterfly. This will help develop motor skills in children and will be to their liking.

The resulting parts are glued onto paper. The craft will be colorful, voluminous and will decorate the room.



For the craft you will need:

  • Colored paper;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard;
  • Napkins;
  • Pencil;
  • Stapler.

Draw a branch on cardboard with a pencil. Using scissors, the body of the bird is cut out of paper of various colors, which is glued to the cardboard. The green napkin is cut into small pieces and rolled into small tubes.

The resulting tubes are glued to the outline of the branch. We cut out a ball from a red napkin, which we fix in the center using a stapler.

The edges are cut and the circle is glued to the body of the bird. The edges are straightened like a dandelion to create volume.

Decorating a room with napkins

You can create many different flowers using napkins and a stapler and scissors. To make a peony you need several napkins.

A short instruction for crafts made from a napkin:

  • A circle is cut out with waves along the edges;
  • Using scissors, a cut is made towards the center;
  • The middle is secured with a stapler;
  • The cuts along the edges can be straightened in any order.


Can be cut from cardboard beautiful numbers and decorate them with napkins. A number is created from cardboard and pasted over with paper. You can cover it with newspaper and coat it with primer. Next, corrugated paper is glued onto the figure.

We create flowers using the peony method or another method. For one flower you will need several colored napkins. You will have to spend some time on the activity, but it is worth it.

Circles are cut out of colored napkins, fastened in the middle and spread out along the edges. Flowers are pasted onto the number in random order.

The created craft will serve as an excellent decoration for any holiday.

Photos of crafts made from napkins
