DIY Halloween crafts: good spiders, witches, cobwebs. How to make a spider web from threads for Halloween How to make a spider web from paper for Halloween

I'm often asked if I know how to make a DIY Halloween spider web. Now I answer everyone - I know and will tell everyone.

We will need

To make our cute one, we will need a hoop (hula hoop), yarn of any color, scissors and possibly tape.

By the way, I didn’t have a hoop. I used the remnants of the pipe after repairing the sewer system.


First we need to make the base of our web. To do this, you need to attach yarn, threads or ropes to the hoop (whatever you find for your web). I pulled on 6 pieces of light yarn to create 12 radials on the hoop. To prevent the threads from slipping, they can be secured with tape.

I knitted the middle with a piece of yarn.

Next, let's pretend to be spiders and weave a web. You need to cut a large piece of yarn. Fold it in half and secure it to any of the beams. You need to move in a circle, wrapping the thread around each ray. When you return to the beginning, the thread must be secured and cut.

When the whole web was woven, I decided to secure it. I knitted each intersection using threads.

To remove the cobwebs from the hoop, simply cut the warp threads.

I just threw the web onto the curtain; it stayed there even if it wasn’t secured.

The woven web can be placed wherever you want. At first I wanted to hang it in a corner under the ceiling, but the ceilings are very high. I didn't want to bother with a stepladder. That's why I hung the cobweb in the niche.

DIY web and spiders

A web with spiders is a simple and effective room decoration for Halloween, especially if you are planning a party with guests and you need to create the appropriate atmosphere.

The most obvious option is to reel it in the form of a web wool threads on the wall, fixing them with pushpins. First you need to secure the warp threads (diagonal), and then wind the thread in a circle.

You can attach a spider web thread to a plastic disposable plate, populate it with a cardboard spider and hang it on a chandelier.

The basis for the web can be the crosshairs of any sticks, for example, thin branches or ice cream sticks.

A web can be cut out of paper or oilcloth using the same principle as a snowflake for the New Year.

You can either buy ready-made spiders for Halloween as a decoration on a web or as an independent decoration, or you can make a craft with your own hands. It could be just a figure cut out of cardboard or a three-dimensional version.

These cute spiders can be made from the same plastic plates. The materials you will need are chenille (fluffy handmade wire) and eyes for toys of different sizes.

But such a not only funny, but also tasty spider can be made from lollipop and chenille:

A more complex design is the glamorous spider made from a decorative mesh shaped like a bubo.

You can make such a cute spider with your own hands from two foam balls different sizes.

And another version of a spider made from a ball, this time wrapped in acrylic thread.

A very simple to create, but impressive looking spider - made from a black ball with paper legs. It may well frighten a guest who enters the room!

Halloween crafts from toilet paper rolls

Rolls (tubes) remaining after use toilet paperexcellent material for children's creativity. From it you can make figures of any animals and birds, and for Halloween - monsters, mummies and bats.

To create such mummies, you don’t need anything other than toilet paper and eyes. Wrap the roll with paper in any order, glue on the eyes - the mummy is ready!

As for creating monsters, here you can fully express your imagination.

The same applies to making witches, ghosts and bats - no instructions are needed to make them.

Well, if you don’t have any extra rolls lying around at home or there isn’t enough material to fulfill all your fantasies, use empty juice boxes as an alternative.


An original decoration for your Halloween room will be a craft in the form of a candlestick. Making it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Take a glass container (jar) and stick thematic figures cut out of paper (witch, bat, pumpkin, spider, cobweb, etc.). Place a candle at the bottom of the jar, light it - the lamp will effectively light up.

You can apply a drawing with a marker, and paint the container with any color - then the lamps will glow different shades and will look monstrously gorgeous in a dark room. Boooo!

You can wrap the jar in gauze and glue on the eyes - you’ll get a mummy lamp.

Wrap the jars with thread and plant spiders on them - again we return to the theme of the web.

Fairy lights

A holiday craft option that offers unlimited scope for imagination. After all, you can hang anything on a garland!

Paper ghosts.

Skeletons, black cats and bats.

Skulls and ghosts made from felt.

Faces of monsters and witches.

Balls made from threads in the shape of “sugar loaves”.

Paper pumpkins.

Ghosts made of threads.

Or made of fabric.

Halloween wreath

A wreath on a door or wall is very popular decoration Houses. Nowadays such wreaths are made for many holidays - and Halloween is no exception. As a blank, you can use a circle made of cardboard, plywood or a foam circle - they are sold in handicraft stores.

You can make such funny monsters if you tie a lot of tulle strips tightly in knots on the workpiece.

The web can become great decoration space for a holiday like Halloween, a decoration for a horror room, an addition to a school project about spiders, or an item that creates a special atmosphere while reading the book “Charlotte’s Web”. There are many different ways to create a decorative web, differing in the degree of complexity and the materials used.


Yarn web

    Prepare the necessary materials. Determine the location where you will attach the web and measure it so you know what size to cut the strands of yarn. Remember, the larger the space for the web, the larger the web should be. Yarn of any color will suit you, but more traditional flowers will be white or silver.

    Cut strands of yarn to create the base of the web. Cut two strands of yarn: one to create a vertical, the other to create a horizontal; they will connect to each other in the center and form the basis of the web. The length of each thread should depend on where exactly the web will hang, so determine the required thread sizes in accordance with the chosen location.

    Add more threads to the base of the web. Pull an additional thread from the corner of the web base to its center. Do this for all corners. As a result, you will have eight rays of the web (the main threads of the frame).

    • Eight beams should be enough, but you can always add more beams later if needed.
  1. Interlace the warp threads with a spiral twist thread. Start from the center (where the vertical and horizontal warp threads originally crossed) and braid the warp threads in a spiral. Each time you encounter another warp thread, tie the working thread to it with a knot so that the resulting web holds its shape.

    • Leave enough space between adjacent turns of the spiral to create the effect of holes that exist on a real web.
    • If you run out of working thread, simply tie off the end and then continue weaving with a new thread.
    • The threads must be taut so that the web does not sag.
  2. Trim the loose ends of the web. Trim or tie up loose ends of the web arms and generally tidy up the web. The web will be ready when you finish braiding its base with spiral turns of the working thread, reaching the very edge of the base

    Add spiders. Attach store-bought plastic or plush spiders to webs, or make your own from pipe cleaners or similar items.

    Chenille wire web

    1. Take three white or black pieces of chenille wire for each web. Chenille wire is a plastic wire with fluffy fibers woven into it.

      • If you want to experiment, you can try other colors of chenille wire.
      • Suitable wire sets can be found at craft stores.
    2. Form the base of the web. Twist two pieces of wire together exactly in the center, forming the letter “X”. Then screw the third element there, thereby forming a snowflake.

      • The rays of the web base should be evenly distributed in a circle, leaving equal spaces between them. This will be a kind of frame for your web.
      • If you have trouble twisting the wire, you can simply glue it together with hot glue.
    3. Fasten the working thread for weaving the web. Secure the end of another piece of chenille wire about an inch from the center point of the base. It will become a working thread for weaving a web in a circle.

      Weave the base of the web. Each time the working thread meets the warp beam, twist or braid it once around the beam to secure it in place.

      • Try not to pull the wire too much while working, as this may cause it to lose some of its fibers.
      • Continue to weave around the base of the web, moving in a spiral. Each time you run out of one piece of chenille wire, simply wind a new one to the last attachment point and weave the web further.
    4. Add the finishing touches to your web design. After completing the last turn of the web, trim off the excess ends of the wire with sharp scissors. You can complete the design of the web in two ways: different ways which are listed below.

      • Leaving the small tips of the rays of the web's base sticking out will give it the jagged appearance often used in cartoons to depict spider webs.
      • Use a working weaving thread to create a smooth outer edge of the web. So she will acquire complete appearance, as if a very neat spider had worked there.

    Web of knitted napkins

    1. Prepare suitable knitted napkins. Doilies knitted in the round from cotton threads using airy crochet patterns are very reminiscent of cobwebs. If possible, choose napkins that look the most like cobwebs, but don't worry too much about it.

      • Napkins can be found in grandma's old things, or purchased at a thrift store or craft store.
      • If you used old, used napkins, wash them first.
    2. Paint the napkins with black spray paint (if they are a different color). Lay the napkin on a flat surface and spray it with black spray paint, going over it a few times to get it completely black. Let the paint dry, then turn the napkin over to the other side and paint too. When finished, hang the napkin to dry.

      • Choose a well-ventilated area to work with spray paint, and be sure to cover your work area with cardboard or newspaper to avoid getting paint on the surface you placed the wipes on.
    3. Attach the napkins to a base in the form of a sheer curtain or large piece of fabric, such as a sheet.

      • Place the napkins at some distance from each other to create the impression that different spiders have woven their webs. Sew the napkins or glue them with hot glue. Attach as many napkins as will allow you to ensure that your decorations look beautiful.
    4. Create the illusion of threads stretching from spider webs. Tie the end of a black floss thread to one napkin. Stretch it from one napkin to another. Don't go overboard with the number of threads you use, just add a few threads here and there to create the effect of a stretched web.

      Hang a curtain (or fabric) with cobwebs. Use the same floss threads to hang the curtain (or fabric) with the web, as if the spiders themselves had secured the curtain when they were weaving the web. The fabric with the web should hang in front good source lighting, for example, on a window, directly under a ceiling chandelier or on a backlit screen.

The wonderful, terrifying and unusual holiday for our country, Halloween, is inexorably approaching. There are those who won’t even notice how the night of October 31st flies by, and there are those who are already starting to think about their costume, watch makeup master classes, and decorate their home with themed decor. If you are planning a party with friends at home or just want to add a little mysticism to your interior, then this article will be useful to you. We found ten examples of how you can decorate your home for Halloween without much expense or artistic skill.

Bloody candles

Making such a scary decor is as easy as shelling pears. All you need are two types of candles - white and red. Cover the table with newspapers or sheets of paper and light a red candle. When it gets hot enough, tilt it and start dripping wax onto the white candle. Do this until the white candle is sufficiently covered with red wax.

Door with a face

This decor will especially delight children. If you do not want to traumatize the tender souls of your neighbors, decorate the door from the inside of the apartment. All you need is double-sided tape, paper and a little imagination.

Gauze web

A very simple and at the same time effective way to transform a house from a beloved and clean one to one long forgotten and abandoned by everyone. Make an imitation of a web from gauze. To make it even more convincing, you can put artificial spiders on this gauze.

How to decorate your house for Halloween: bloody prints

If you don’t have the time or energy for a complex decor, then dip your hands in red paint and run it over the window in several places. It looks terrifying, as if someone was dragging the victim somewhere, and she resisted. Some specialty carnival or art stores sell red hand stickers that leave no marks.

Ghost town

You know, at Christmas it’s popular to make festive villages with a bunch of glowing, cheerful houses and then put them on the windowsill. Why not take the same idea and apply it to Halloween? let the houses be completely black and empty (or with mini-candles inside). Blanks for creativity in the form of wooden houses are sold in the Leonardo hypermarket or at the Crafts Fair. All you have to do is take a brush, black paint and carefully paint over the entire tree.

Legs up

With sausage balloons, long leg warmers or tights and a pair of shoes, you can make the entrance to your home intimidating or at least surprising. We advise you not to hang your favorite shoes on such feet so that they do not disappear. Just in case.

Halloween Decor: Ghosts

Good-natured Caspers will appear in your home if you inflate white balloons (without the help of helium), hang them from a chandelier, for example, and cover them with universal gauze. It's up to you to decide whether to give your ghost a happy or sad face.

Bottles come to life

Agree, it looks creepy when inanimate things acquire essence. Don't throw away wine and lemonade bottles on the eve of the holiday: they can be turned into Frankenstein, a mummy or a witch.

The same can be done with banks.

Horrifying portraits

A fun and easy way to transform your home for Halloween is to decorate your family portraits with paper. You can cut out eye sockets from black cardboard and cover the eyes with them in portraits (this is for those who like scarier things); for more impressionable people, cardboard witch hats, mustaches or a Batman mask are suitable.

Window monsters

We have already suggested using windows in decoration. In addition to bloody prints, you can populate them with funny monsters. Cutting out these paper monsters can be fun for kids and can be art therapy for adults.

Whether you decide to decorate your home for Halloween or not, we wish you a relaxing and stress-free night before All Hallows' Day.

Quartblog Digest

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- “Kvartblog” continues to actively prepare for Halloween. We have selected a number of ideas on how to easily and time-consumingly fill your home with the sinister and funny spirit of this holiday.

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Description of work: The work is designed for children from 6-7 years old

The purpose of my work is: development creativity in older children preschool age through artistic work.


1. Development of creative abilities in children, originality of approach to problem solving, ability to freely navigate the world around them;

2. Improvement fine motor skills hands;

3. Formation of skills and abilities to work with various materials, fixtures and tools;

4. Developing accuracy and independence.

Progress of the lesson:

So, let's begin! For work we will need:

1. To make our web: a base, it can be anything, a hoop, a plastic tube connected into a ring, of any size. In our case, it will be a plastic tube connected into a ring. We will also need a skein of twine.

2. For our spider we will need a skein of black yarn, a skein copper wire(why copper, because it is very soft, it can be given any shape) and a small skein of any colored yarn.

Let's get to work and we'll start with the web:

We take our ring and tie a twine to it in any place convenient for you, then fasten the second end on the opposite side of the ring.

Then, as shown, we make rays from the center of our ring to the edges.

When we have at least eight rays, we can return to the center of our circle and stretch the twine so that we get a spiral.

After you have a web, we need to disguise our ring; to do this, we wind the twine around our ring using spiral movements, as shown in the figure.

And this is what we got:

Let's start making our spider:

We will make three twigs approximately 20 cm long from copper wire (the length of the legs depends on the size of your spider; the larger the spider, the longer the twigs).

Now we carefully push our metal rods into our skein of colored yarn, as shown in the photo.

We take black yarn and wrap it starting from the head, not forgetting about the legs of our spider

On the head of our spider we leave small slits for the eyes, we bend the legs so that the spider looks like a living spider.