Make a Christmas tree toy from a light bulb with your own hands. Detailed master class on making Christmas tree decorations from light bulbs. Pendant manufacturing stage

Every day of this year brings us closer New Year holiday. And there are probably few people who don’t love him. What is a holiday? Still, these are not delicious dishes on the table and the opportunity not to go to work, but high spirits, the joy of time spent with friends and loved ones. It's time to start creating good mood! Finish all the important things and start preparing for the holiday. Pre-holiday chores will help put you in a good mood, and this includes decorating your home for the holiday. Handmade crafts are lively, warm and create the atmosphere of your home. Today I will tell you what can be made using old, “burnt out” light bulbs.

To start making crafts from light bulbs, prepare:

  • light bulbs different sizes
  • paints (watercolor, gouache or acrylic)
  • 2-3 brushes
  • small pieces of fabric
  • glue (in tubes, it’s better to take supergel, it dries quickly) or a glue gun for hot glue
  • acrylic varnish (available in craft stores)
  • if there are plastic eyes
  • twine or thread
  • braid
  • scissors
  • sparkles, beads, rhinestones

Several methods have been invented for making Christmas tree decorations from light bulbs. One of them It’s very simple: apply glue from a tube to a light bulb and sprinkle it with glitter. You need to hold the light bulb by the base and carefully turn it so that the glitter evenly covers the entire glass.

A light bulb smeared with glue can be dipped in glitter, the excess will fall off, and those that are stuck will stick well.

Keep in mind that to decorate the light bulbs you can use not only small sparkles, but also stars, snowflakes, hearts and any other small decorations that you have.

Light bulbs of different shapes and covered with multi-colored sparkles will decorate your Christmas tree this year.

You can hang these beautiful toy light bulbs one at a time, or you can make a garland out of them. And there is another idea: stick light bulbs in a circle on a rim made of wood or thick cardboard and you will get a New Year's wreath. it can be decorated with bows, fir branches, beads or tinsel.

Second way is as simple as the first one: we paint the light bulbs with a brush and paints, and then on the dried paint we glue stars, flowers, Christmas trees cut out of gold, silver or colored paper. We make loops from the braid.

We use the same principle to design the light bulbs shown in the photo below. We just paint the light bulbs White color. Glue on New Year's stickers. If you don’t have such a mesh with beads on hand, you can replace it with regular gauze. Glue a piece of bandage onto the base, and don’t forget to secure the ribbon underneath for the loop. Let the glue dry. After this, apply supergel to the “bandaged” base, sprinkle glitter on it or stick small beads on it.

Third way Decorating light bulbs for the New Year is also based on gluing various decorations to the glass of a light bulb: beads, seed beads, rhinestones. The loop on which the toy light bulb will be hung can be made from soft copper wire.

And here fourth methodSuitable for those people who have recently done renovations and have some structural paint left. Do not forget that you can add any liquid color to this paint and then the toy will be the color that the paint acquired. Take a popsicle stick and carefully apply texture paint to the glass of the light bulb. Irregularities are welcome! Then, when the toy is dry, continue decorating it as you wish. If you want to paint a “face” on the toy, remember not to apply structural paint to this place.

Fifth method making toys from light bulbs consists of coming up with an image of the toy and the ability to draw a little. You must figure out in advance what the future “masterpiece” will look like. Maybe even draw it on paper. The fifth method is to make a thematic toy, an image toy, a mood toy. You will have to carefully draw the faces of the toys and try to give them a good mood. Make “hats” from pieces of fabric, gluing them to the base. Don't forget to secure and glue the twine for the loop under the hat. If everything works out, these toys will become a real decoration for your home during the New Year holidays.

Such a curly and “well-fed” angel can also be considered a themed toy. If you look closely, there is nothing complicated in its manufacture. And drawing a “face” will not be difficult.

And such a garland of snowmen in multi-colored hats is also not difficult to make, if only there were light bulbs.

In any case, there are never too many snowmen on New Year's Day.

And these attractive cooks, aren’t they a miracle? But they are very easy to make.

And if cooks seem boring to you, make a tribe of savages or a flock of moles with shovels out of light bulbs, as in the photo below.

Savages and moles are not your thing, then maybe penguins will do?

The cute little bee is a light bulb painted in black and yellow stripes with wings. You can also attach a mustache made of soft wire to it.

The light bulbs shown in the photo below are painted in several layers of paint. First they were painted blue, and then after drying they were added white and vice versa. And on top we have already drawn snowflakes, stars and a Christmas tree.

Method number six almost the same as the previous one, with the difference that in that version the toy is only drawn, but here additional details are glued on. These funny snowmen (boys and girls) are made from small light bulbs. The noses can be sculpted from plasticine or made from colored paper. Multi-colored hats are pieces of fabric glued to the base of a light bulb and tied at the top with twine.

The variety of snowmen is amazing, but you can come up with some of your own characters. Hand sticks glued with hot glue (from a glue gun) look impressive.

You can come up with your own image for each light bulb; there is no limit to your imagination.

We draw and paste everything that comes to mind, as long as it is fun and funny.

And this toy got a quite decent nose, but the eyes had to be glued on in different sizes, because there weren’t enough of the same ones.

Method number seven very simple and does not require special skills and large quantities time. It consists of winding thick threads around a light bulb. Everyone who knits has a whole basket or box of leftover thread. So use them. The toy lamps will be multi-colored, because you probably have more than just gray and black yarn! And the tip of the thread, both at the beginning and at the end of the work, must be secured with glue.

Eighth method. Paint the light bulb as described above and dry it. Cut out a picture you like from a napkin or a magazine and carefully glue it to the light bulb using acrylic varnish. When the picture is dry, soak the brush in acrylic varnish and cover the entire light bulb. And in the photo that you see below, the light bulb was not painted, but simply wrapped and pasted over top layer colorful napkin, and then covered with varnish. And next to the left is a light bulb, which is painted with golden spray paint, and the stripes are applied from glitter. To make these stripes appear, do not coat the entire light bulb with glue, but only those places where the glitter should be.

Ninth method Turning light bulbs into toys requires perseverance, ingenuity and skill. If you are such a person, try making such toys or invent your own.

Beautiful New Year's toys made from old light bulbs? Why not! No one will understand what these are made of wonderful toys, if you don't reveal their secret.

Light bulb toys: master class

Option 1

Now let's look in detail at how to make such a beautiful Christmas tree toy from old light bulb.

1. Cover the light bulb with acrylic paint.

2. After the light bulb is dry, draw on it with a simple pencil muzzle.

3. The last stage - paint the face acrylic paints and attach a hand-sewn “hat”. Instead of a hat, you can decorate the face with cardboard “wings” and curls made of thread. Then you will get such a cute angel.

In general, options for decorating Christmas tree decorations using acrylic paint are limited only by your imagination. If you add plastic to the paint, you can create cute and funny characters with arms, a large beard and mustache.

Option 2

How to make a Christmas tree toy from a light bulb, lurex threads and yarn:

1. Pick up beautiful threads with lurex - they will shine and give the toy an elegant look.

2. Tie the light bulb with thread using a small hook. To do this, 5 air loops are collected and gathered into a ring. First, a fabric is knitted from single crochets - this is how the bottom is formed.

3. This is what the toy looks like from below:

4. Then the entire toy is tied with a fantasy pattern.

5. To make the toy look complete, attach a bow, and stick rhinestones in the space free from threads. The toy is ready.

Christmas decorations A light bulb in the shape of a “candle” will look great as a tied toy, especially if you choose contrasting threads and rhinestones:

Option 3

Golden New Year's toys from used light bulbs:

1. We make a hole in the base of the light bulb for the future loop.

2. Immediately thread the wire into the resulting hole. If you first paint the ball and then thread the loop, you can tear off the paint.

3. We hang the light bulb and paint the ball with gold spray paint. Naturally, you shouldn’t paint a light bulb indoors - the smell will spread throughout the entire apartment, and you can’t get rid of it by weathering. It is better to carry out the entire procedure on the balcony.

4. After the ball has dried, add a ribbon. Ready!

Christmas tree toy made from a light bulb- beautiful homemade Christmas decoration. Such original toys can decorate your home and create a special festive atmosphere. Where do we usually put burnt out light bulbs? The answer here is clear: of course, we throw them away; as a rule, in a year more than a dozen possible bases for beautiful Christmas tree decorations. We offer several options on how to give them a second life.

If you haven’t saved the old light bulbs, but you can’t wait to try to bring our design ideas to life, then be sure to buy them in the store, their cost is low. To understand how to make a Christmas tree toy from a light bulb, you will need one incandescent lamp (by the way, you can choose them in different sizes on the market, which makes it possible to make many different ones, interesting toys). If you have a lot of other materials at hand, then they will also be useful for New Year's crafts, and you can find ideas.

Christmas tree toy made from a light bulb

You can make sure that Christmas tree decorations made from light bulbs photo it looks very original, and you need very few materials to create it, and even more so, special skills or abilities. In addition to our glass base, we will also need acrylic art primer, white acrylic paint, napkins with a festive New Year's pattern, gold acrylic paint, glitter contour, satin ribbon, PVA glue, auto varnish.

As you may have guessed, we will make this craft using the decoupage technique; we have already used it more than once to decorate various objects, which then become a real decoration for your interior. And if you do everything, they will tell you about the intricacies of the decoupage technique.

The glass base must first be coated with primer; for this you can use a regular brush or do it with a sponge.

When the primer layer has dried, you need to paint it with white acrylic paint; for this it is better to use a sponge. To speed up the drying process, you can use a hairdryer, but if you are not in a hurry, then just leave it carefully in vertical position on a rack so that it dries evenly.

At this time, start preparing napkin motifs. Those girls who have been doing decoupage for a long time know where you can find many different napkins with beautiful, festive patterns. Of course, you can also find a pack of napkins with beautiful design, which you will also need for table setting. There is a large selection of napkins sold individually at craft stores, so head there first to get an idea of ​​what it will look like. Christmas tree toy made from a light bulb, ideas will definitely come to your mind when you see a bright Christmas drawing.

You need to tear out the motifs you like from the napkin (carefully, but so that there are beautiful torn edges). Then separate the outermost layer (third). Using PVA and a brush, the motifs must be glued to the base.

Now we need gold paint to paint over the entire background. Next we will use a glitter contour. Using glitter you can draw snowflakes or checkmarks.

After two hours, all the elements will dry, which means you can proceed to the final stage: the toy must be coated with transparent autovarnish.

We will use satin ribbon to create a loop; it must be carefully glued, and you can hang the toy on the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree toy made from a light bulb: ideas

If you have artistic skills, then you can decorate many light bulbs and create original Christmas tree decorations. Simply paint the base with colors of your choice and then varnish it. You can use this base to make a snowman that will take place under the tree or in the center festive table. But you also need to make a stand for it, for this you can use plaster or plastic: you need to press the lamp into a damp plaster cake, then remove it, and leave the stand to dry.

The glass must be thoroughly washed and degreased (for example, with alcohol), then applied with a spray can. white paint. Glue the lamp to the stand using glue. Leave it for some time to dry. Using putty, you need to glue the branches on the sides.

Next, you need to apply a thin belt of putty to the base; it should be rough. Make a carrot out of orange plastic and glue it (this will be the nose). Color the millet grains with a red marker and glue them on as buttons.

The base should be painted with black paint and a pom-pom with a fur outline should be made on it. Use a black marker to draw a mouth and eyes at the end. You can decorate the snowman with a woolen scarf.

Using paints and a glitter outline, you can decorate the light bulb with interesting, bright motifs: make stripes, zigzags, circles. It’s very simple, you don’t need any special drawing skills, so encourage your children to do this kind of creativity.

You will turn out very beautiful Christmas tree toy made from a light bulb, photo master classes They will tell you about every step of its implementation. Can be used for decoration various materials For example, very meticulous work can be done if you decorate the glass base with beads, forming a New Year's pattern, you can use multi-colored sequins and other materials. And there is also a simple original way- wrap the base with threads, they can be taken in one color or several. Here are our excellent tips, you can find on our website.

Don’t rush to throw away burnt out light bulbs! They can easily be used: for example, to make Christmas decorations.

Let's coat the paw with a primer (I use a universal primer)

And paint it with white acrylic paint

We will select suitable napkins with small motifs. Cut out the motifs and separate the colored layer from the two white ones

Let's cut off the drawing along the contour. You can simply cut it out, but then the edges of the napkin will be more noticeable.

Glue the motif onto the light bulb using PVA. In narrow places of the light bulb, it is better to cut the napkin with wedges to avoid wrinkles

If there are still folds, try to lift them perpendicular to the surface - then it will be convenient to remove them. In the photo this fold is marked with a red arrow.

If the napkin is not enough for the entire diameter, do not be alarmed, all this can be completed. My forged grille doesn't fit.

After the glued motif has dried, carefully cut off the folds with scissors and lightly sand the surface to remove small folds.

Take acrylic paints and a small piece of sponge.

Mix the paint to achieve the desired background shade. Usually the background is light and the easiest way to achieve the desired color is to gradually add the desired tone to the white paint.

Paint on with a thin brush in the right places. Now the forged fence on which the birds sit is level. I also drew a trunk for the brown branches - it turned out to be a tree

To fill the voids, let's take another napkin - we are interested in snowflakes on it

Pulling out snowflakes

And glue them to empty spaces

Wait for it to dry, lightly sand it with the finest sandpaper and varnish it

We decorate the light bulb base with silver lace. I attach the lace with a glue gun. First, the first row - I align it to the bottom.

Now the second row - I align it with the top part - so that the very tip of the light bulb is covered. First we glue the bottom part of the lace.

Along the top part, along the entire length, we make cuts. Insert a wire, ribbon or lace - so that later you can hang the toy and also glue it with hot glue. Fill the entire top of the light bulb with glue and, overlapping each other, secure the cut sections of lace

We decorate the lower part of the light bulb with glitter. It can be attached to varnish or PVA glue. It is better to coat the top with varnish so that the glitter does not fall off

Light bulb toys New Year with your own hands: master class in step by step photos, interesting ideas and video.

DIY light bulb toys for the New Year

Dear friends! In this article we continue the series of master classes for children and adults on how to make beautiful, original things that give a good mood from old waste materials.

In the previous articles of this New Year's series of master classes, we learned how to make wonderful Christmas trees from a variety of unnecessary things, as well as a garland from candy wrappers, and today we will make toys for christmas tree from burnt out light bulbs. You can read previous articles here:

New Year is one of the most wonderful holidays, for which people prepare especially. The focus of such preparation, of course, is always the Christmas tree. They buy Christmas tree decorations for her outfit. Adults and children have great fun making homemade Christmas tree decorations. And they often use unnecessary things that have served their useful life for this purpose. And we again return to the environmental problem: let’s not litter trash containers with burnt-out light bulbs, but give them a second life by turning them into Christmas tree decorations.

The Internet offers many interesting New Year's crafts made from burnt out light bulbs. It can be crocheted and knitted, sheathed with fabric, painted, or decorated using the decoupage technique. Perhaps it’s even difficult to list everything possible types finishing

DIY light bulb toys for the New Year: a toy using waste materials

The master class is conducted by Vera Parfentyeva, a reader of "Native Path", a technology teacher, the head of a children's creativity group, a participant in our Internet Workshop of educational games "Through play - to success!"

Today we will make an original Christmas tree decoration from an old light bulb. And for finishing we will take waste material.

Toys made from light bulbs using waste materials: materials and tools

To work you need:

- burnt out light bulb;

- tea leaves;

- grape or other small seeds;

- PVA glue, titanium glue, brush;


— gold spray paint;

- bows from wrapping gifts, flowers, etc.

Toys made from light bulbs using waste materials: a master class in step-by-step photos

Step 1. The first option for decorating a light bulb is made from tea leaves.

Do not rush to throw away the tea leaves after using it. Spread it evenly on paper and leave it on the radiator overnight to dry. You can also use tea from disposable tea bags.

Step 2. The second option for decorating the light bulb is grape seeds.

Pour boiling water over the grape seeds or boil for several minutes and rub on a metal sieve to remove the sticky layer.

If you don't have grape seeds, then you can prepare other small material.

Step 3. Prepare the base for decorating the light bulb.

Cover the glass of the light bulb with pieces of newspaper and PVA glue in several layers, thus giving it greater strength. And the glue, thanks to these layers, will better hold the next layer of decor.

Step 4. We collapse the light bulb and create a texture.

Lubricate the pasted surface of the light bulb with a thick thick layer of glue. Roll the light bulb in prepared tea leaves or grape seeds.

Step 5. We finish making a Christmas tree toy for the New Year from a light bulb.

To make the light bulb look like a Christmas tree decoration, you need to apply a layer of PVA glue to the base of the light bulb and wrap it with linen twine. Paint the entire light bulb with gold paint from a can.

This is what you get.

Step 6. Make a loop and a bow.

Tie a bow. Tie a string to a bow. Glue the bow to the light bulb using titanium glue or hot glue.

This is so unusual New Year's toy for the Christmas tree it came from an ordinary burnt-out light bulb.

Creative task:

— What options for decorating light bulbs can you offer? Let your imagination run wild! 🙂 Make a Christmas tree toy that your imagination suggested to you!

Good luck and success in your creativity! A few more techniques for making toys for the New Year from burnt out light bulbs will help you.

Light bulb toys for the New Year: decoupage technique

Toys made from light bulbs for the New Year using decoupage technique: tools and materials

- PVA glue, glue brush,

- napkins for decoupage with New Year's drawings,

- white acrylic paint,

- acrylic contours for decoration.

Toys made from light bulbs for the New Year using decoupage technique: step-by-step description of production

Step 1.

We cover the glass part of the light bulb with white acrylic paint as densely as possible. This is the basis for decoration.

Step 2 .

After 10 minutes, apply a second, thinner layer of white acrylic paint to the glass part of the light bulb.

Step 3.

Cut out from New Year's paper napkins favorite patterns and designs. Glue them onto the light bulb using PVA glue.

Step 4.

We decorate the light bulb by drawing elements and signatures using an acrylic outline.

More details You can see this master class in short video below.

Light bulb toys for the New Year: painting with acrylic paints on glass

Using this technique, you can make a snowman, a funny little man, or an animal out of an ordinary light bulb.

Step 1.

You need to prime the light bulb with a thick layer of white acrylic paint.

Step 2.

After 10 minutes, apply another layer of white acrylic paint, but thinner. We are waiting for the paint to dry.

Step 3.

Draw a picture on the light bulb with a simple pencil.

For example, if it is a snowman, then we draw a mouth, eyes, hairstyle, mark with a pencil where the nose will be - a carrot.

Step 4.

Let's color our drawing.

Step 5.

We decorate the base of the light bulb. You can sew a felt cap onto the base for a figurine of a gnome, a snowman, or a little man. You can wrap the base with decorative cord.

Nose - carrots can be made from salt dough, felt, orange fimo.

Step 6.

If necessary, then glue additional handles, legs and other parts to the light bulb. It is better to glue with a glue gun.

Some interesting videos master classes on making toys from light bulbs for the New Year with your own hands using this technique.

How to make a snowman toy from a light bulb: a technique for painting with acrylic paints on glass

You will learn how to make a snowman toy from a burnt out light bulb in this video from the Handicraft channel.

How to make a penguin toy and a girl toy from a light bulb: a technique for painting with acrylic paints on glass

How to make a Santa Claus toy from a light bulb: a technique for painting with acrylic paints on glass

Light bulb toys - a wonderful way to create and use waste material, a way to give a second joyful life to something we no longer need. We wish you inspiration!


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