Conspiracies for any disease. Conspiracies for diseases of the female reproductive system

Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

Specialist in village magic. Conspiracies, rituals, love spells.

Articles written

Diseases are the cause of discomfort in a person’s life. Mild ailments pass quickly, leaving no consequences, but severe ailments can cause serious complications, transform into a chronic form, depleting a person physically and mentally. If treatment traditional methods does not lead to recovery, use the power of prayer and magic, thus the disease will disappear under the influence of higher powers. Remember that it is much easier to prevent all illnesses than to waste time, effort and money on its treatment. A spell for health effectively and for a long time supports the vitality of you and your loved ones.

Rituals for pain - features and types

IN modern world According to statistics, many diseases are becoming younger, the number of patients with a variety of diagnoses is increasing. Growing pharmacy chains, an increasing range of medications, and many years of medical knowledge do not reduce the popularity and demand for pain spells. The secret of success is sincere belief in complete and speedy recovery, because the spiritual powers of the body, which are activated under the influence of a magical ritual, are limitless and, at times, turn out to be stronger than medications and traditional procedures.

Several features of pain conspiracies:

  • used to treat the illness of one’s own and a family member or loved one;
  • if there are no special recommendations, a spell for pain must be pronounced on the waning moon, it is during this period that every word of prayer, every ritual is endowed with special power;
  • if the ritual is performed in another lunar phase, it should be repeated at the most appropriate time.

What are the conspiracies that relieve pain and illnesses?

  1. To eliminate any disease. These are universal rituals; they can be performed for any pain and pathology.
  2. Protection from disease. Such a ritual is preventive in nature - it is a shield that protects the body from pain and dangerous consequences.
  3. Rituals for specific ailments. Exists great amount magical rituals, the action of which is aimed at treating a certain type of pain.
  4. Ritual for a child's illness. Children's rituals are placed in a separate category, since the baby is not able to perform it on his own. In this case, the necessary actions are performed by the mother or grandmother.

Protection from pain and illness

Create reliable protection The spoken prayer will help:

"Our Lady, Holy Mother of God, protect, preserve the servant of God (servant of God) “name”. Restore her (him) health and strength, beg Christ for recovery. Amen."

The optimal time to read the prayer is before dawn. The ritual helps to cope with one’s own illness and disease loved one and a child.

Universal rituals

Ritual with the clothes of the sick

You will need the patient's T-shirt, in which he slept at least one night. It needs to be taken to the forest or park. You need to read the prayer when there is no one nearby. Then the thing is burned. As soon as the shirt is completely on fire, leave without looking back. Try not to talk for a whole day. It is strictly forbidden to perform the ritual on Monday, Saturday and Sunday.

Words of prayer:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christ walks on the sinful earth, heals people, and raises them from the grave. Lord, raise me too, your servant (your servant) “name”, deliver from pain, turn me away from death and return to me the strength of life, prolong the earthly life of your servant (thy servant) name. Amen."

Conspiracy for all pains

The pain appears suddenly and can disrupt the measured rhythm of life. The ritual effectively and quickly eliminates discomfort in the heart, back, joints, throat, legs, stomach, and women's ailments. A prayer said at dawn gains maximum power.

“Our Jesus Christ, bless and protect! You are the creator of the earth's firmament, heaven and water, the creator of me - the servant of God (servant of God) “name”. Strengthen my body and spirit, deliver me from pain, illness, do not leave the bad things in my heart, in my bones and veins that were - let them pass without a trace. Amen!"

You must read the prayer seven times and repeat the ritual throughout the week. This ritual will help heal the child.

Rituals against female diseases

Universal conspiracy for women's health

To achieve a complete recovery, it is important to follow all recommendations and carry out the ceremony as accurately as possible.

Before dawn, fill a half-liter container with purified water and lower the cross made of silver. Leave the container on the window, and a day later, again at dawn, tie your head, cross yourself three times, pull out the cross and leave it on the window. Hold the container of water in your hands and read the prayers “Our Father” and Saint Panteleimon three times, then say:

“Women’s ailments, sink into the damp earth, hide in a deep hole, where you sleep, whistle, and play forever. And don’t come to God’s servant “name” either day or night, either seriously or in jest, leave forever. Amen!"

Repeat the words six times without letting go of the container of water, when finished, cross yourself three times, sprinkle the body with sick water, and drink the rest throughout the day. You need to drink three sips at regular intervals.

Ritual for infertility

The main purpose of a woman is motherhood, unfortunately, an obstacle to this is a common disease - infertility. The ritual, like others, must be carried out during the waning moon for a week. Success is largely determined by faith in the effectiveness of the ritual and strict adherence to its algorithm.

  • The ritual should be performed every day; breaks should not be taken.
  • The optimal time to read the prayer is just after midnight.
  • You need to light two candles purchased in the church and say three times:

“As our Most Pure Mother of God was strong in body and spirit, women's ailments I didn’t know, so I, God’s servant “name,” did not suffer from torment. May it always be so. Amen!"

At the end of the ceremony, the candles are blown out. On the last evening of the ritual, each candle burns out completely.

Spells for skin diseases

Universal spell for skin disease

For the ritual, you will need to purchase a red cloth, for example, a scarf, and for twelve days, while wiping the affected skin, say the words:

“Go sick beyond the gates, take the rash beyond the swamps, find your yard, your home, your throne. I remove the illness from myself, in a word I cleanse the body and blood, so that the body and blood are clean, white, and have no ailments. Amen!"

Then, on the last day of reading the plot, you need to go to the gates of the inactive cemetery in the afternoon, stand at the entrance and say the following:

“I came (came) to the city of the dead, where the dead are fast asleep, I remove the disease from my body, and send it to you in the ground. I’m giving away the illness, take it, put it in a coffin, hammer it with a nail, so that the body and blood are clean and white, and have no illnesses. Amen!"

Afterwards, you need to throw the cloth with your right hand towards the cemetery, leave without turning around, and remain silent along the way. At home, wash your hands with running water and only then can you talk.

Plot for skin rashes

The ritual will help those who suffer from rashes, including herpes. You need to do the following - run the index finger of your right hand over the foggy glass, and then over the affected area of ​​the skin, while you need to say the words:

“Clean and transparent glass found dryness for my illness, let it dry up, go into a tree and give me water. Amen!"

Say the words three times. Positive results appear after a few days.

Spells for the most common pains

Universal conspiracy

The ritual is effective against a wide variety of pain, concentrated in all parts of the body. With your right index finger, draw a circle around the sore area of ​​your body and say:

“I appeal to you (indicate the organ that hurts or part of the body), don’t feel pain, don’t get sick, don’t torment the servant of God (servant of God) “name”. As the Moon wanes in the sky, so does my illness recede. Amen!"

Say the words three times; if the situation does not improve within several days, repeat the ritual twice.

Illness is something that unsettles a person in life. Mild illnesses are incapacitating for a short time and do not have serious consequences, but severe illnesses are debilitating not only physically, but also mentally.

If you cannot cope with a disease with medication and believe that you can defeat it through magic, try reading a spell to get rid of diseases, perhaps this way you will reprimand your disease and it will go away.

Heal with love and the power of words! Be healthy.

Tell off the disease

A sick person's T-shirt, in which he slept without being washed, is taken and carried into the forest or field. There should be no one nearby at the time of the ceremony. A conspiracy against the disease is read above the T-shirt, after which it is burned. You should not wait for the thing to completely burn; as soon as it ignites, you need to turn around and leave without looking back. The most difficult and important thing about the ritual is that the author should not talk to anyone throughout the day. Under no circumstances should the ritual be performed on Monday, Saturday and Sunday.

Conspiracy words:

“In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
The Lord God walks across the sinful earth, helping people, raising them from the grave.
Lord, raise Your servant (name) from his sick bed,
Death's bed
Save from bodily torment, turn away from death,
Bring me back to life in your name, in my deed,
Extend the life of your earthly servant (name). Amen".

Throwing disease onto the water

On odd days, go to running water (river, sea), without combing your hair, without eating, and without talking to anyone along the way. Approaching the water, cross yourself three times and say in a loud voice:

“Get out of my body, trouble,
Illness, disease and torment.
Dive deep into the water, to the very bottom,
So that you will never rise from there.
Never return to my body
Stay at the deep bottom.
Sea roots
Let them be a treat for you.
You will live out your life there,
No longer know the human body.
May my words be strong
And things will be smooth sailing.
What she said, what she didn’t say,
Lord God will help
And my illness will overcome.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Don't forget about the payoff

Getting rid of the disease

Spitting over their shoulder, they say:

“Just as Judas lost his complexion after his death, so I will lose my illness. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Conspiracy for serious illnesses

Take 9 aspen splinters, set them on fire and say the following words into the smoke:

“Dym Dymovich, you are the godfather of fire,
Do a good service for me.
From this day, from this time
Let all illness and infection go away from God's servant (name).
Go, you sick man, to the old gate.
Go to a deep grave
So that it ruins you there,

Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Perform this ritual outdoors or near an open window.

To get better quickly

After midnight, go outside, look up at the waning moon and say:

“It’s a month, you’re walking high,
Month, you see far away,
You wander through villages, hills and forests,
In houses, bathhouses, courtyards.
Take away, month, the illness of God's servant (name)
Where birds don't fly
People don't walk, animals don't know the road.
Mother of God, take the blood of the sick
And grant me good health.
For now, for eternity, for infinity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Perform a similar ritual every other day throughout the waning moon phase.

Conspiracy for the treatment of female diseases

This ritual helps to cure almost all female diseases, the main thing is to do everything exactly according to the instructions. At dawn, pour clean water into a half-liter jar, then place a silver cross in the jar. Leave a jar of water on the window. The next morning, get up again at dawn, tie a new scarf on your head, cross yourself three times, take the cross out of the water and put it on the window, and take the jar in your hands and read the “Our Father” prayer three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon, and then the spell :

“Women's diseases, go into the damp earth, there find yourself a hole in which you will sleep, whistle and play. And don’t go to God’s servant (name), neither in sleep, nor during the day, nor in honor, nor in jest, do not swim, leave forever. Amen".

You need to read the plot six times, then put the jar down and cross yourself three times. Sprinkle yourself with enchanted water from head to toe, and drink the remaining water within 24 hours. It is prescribed to drink water in three sips with breaks.

A spell to get rid of skin diseases

For the ritual, you need to buy a red cloth or scarf and wipe the sore spots with it for twelve evenings in a row, reading:

“Fight night and day, servant of God (name), stand strong. Go, you rash, to the swamps, go, sick, through the gates, into your yard, your home, there is your place and your throne. I take away the illness from myself, I cleanse my body and blood with my words, I return the illness to the deceased, so that my body is clean and white, from now on there are no sores. Amen".

Before leaving the cemetery, leave gifts there for the Mistress

On the waning moon, on the 13th day, go to the old cemetery, where burials are no longer made, in the afternoon, stand at the gate and say loudly:

“I came to a dead city, here the dead are fast asleep. I remove the disease from my body and send it to you. I’m giving you the disease, take it, put it in a coffin and kill it. Let my body be clean and white, so that from now on it will not have sores. Amen".

A red cloth or scarf is thrown into the cemetery with the right hand away from you. After this, you need to leave the cemetery without looking back, on the way home, remaining silent. You can talk only after you cross the threshold of your home, where the first thing you need to do is wash your hands with running water.

A spell to help with a child's illness

If a child is often sick, follow these steps to strengthen his magical protection and immunity from the negative influences of the external environment.

Take spring or clean water, pour it into a transparent jar, in which put a silver item, preferably a cross, for a day.

This is one of the simplest and most effective methods

After 24 hours, read the water spell by taking a jar of water with both hands and going out into the middle of the empty room:

“May this water be transparent, healing, pure, to my child, the servant of God (name), kind, like the thoughts of Christ. It will wash away misfortunes, illnesses and grief, and give peace and health to the sea. So that angels would fly from heaven onto the water and sing sweet songs over my child. So that his sores were washed off and dissolved in spring water. Forever and ever. Amen".

The charmed water is given to the child, three drops per pure form or with the addition of any other liquid. This should be done every three hours. This water is also added to the bathing water; it is sprayed clockwise on each corner of the room in which the child is located. You should also moisten the threshold and window sill with the charmed water.

Our great-grandmothers knew dozens of useful conspiracies and rituals for women's health. It is necessary to perform rituals to get rid of chronic diseases on the waning Moon, but in case of an acute illness, do not wait, do it right away. Sometimes women's diseases Even innovative, expensive medicines cannot overcome it. And women, in search of a way out, resort to magical rituals. Indeed, conspiracy is often effective means, which helps cope with thrush, mastopathy and other unpleasant diseases.

In this article we will look at several conspiracies that help get rid of female diseases in general. We will consider conspiracies for specific female diseases in other articles. And here we use those that can help when you are sick and you don’t even know the diagnosis yet. You can forget about the disease and get rid of its symptoms only if you believe with all your heart in a favorable outcome, if your heart is filled with love and only bright thoughts are concentrated in your head. You should not turn to magic if your soul is heavy, when your heart is filled with grievances. Just an excess negative emotions and leads to the emergence of terrible incurable diseases. Therefore, if women's diseases persistently manifest themselves and do not let go of your body, think about whether everything is okay with your soul? If there is no spiritual harmony inside, no good attitude towards the world around you, and a lump of anger is twisting thread by thread, think about the fact that all this negativity is directed against you. Think about the meaning of your existence, about the place you occupy in life, and try to cleanse your soul of negative emotions and thoughts and only then turn to higher powers for help and resort to magic.

This will help if you get a cold

If a woman feels unwell in the area female organs, but does not know the exact diagnosis, then it is worth using just such a conspiracy. You need to take living water; spring or well water is best; when you come home, immediately fill a glass of water and read the spell three times:

“Water maiden for all living things to live, as in the world you will not be able to survive, so I will not know the torment of women’s pains and ailments and walk healthy forever and ever Amen. Amen. Amen!"

Then drink water and think about how the water penetrates the sore spots and heals them.

For painful periods

If you feel unwell during menstruation and you do not want to use traditional painkillers, and you absolutely do not want to visit a doctor about this, then perhaps this particular conspiracy will help you. But it needs to be done on the day before menstruation, that is, one day earlier than menstruation begins. If the cycle is not regular, then still do it on the expected day before the start of your period, you can do it for several days until your period starts. Stand in front of the icon of the Mother of God, place your hands down your stomach, close your eyes and read the plot three times: “Mother Theotokos, just as you did not endure the torment of women, so Mother, save me, the servant of God (your name), from women’s illness, so that I will not be sick or grieve under my hands did not ache now and forever! May I glorify you, Mother of God, forever and ever!” Then cross yourself and say three times: “Amen!”

Get well soon

Also, in situations where you don’t know the diagnosis or when treating a certain female illness, you can use this conspiracy, it helps you recover quickly. Wash the icon of the Mother of God with water, collect this water in a vessel and read the spell on it: “Mother charged it with water, worshiped it for health. Amen!" Then, after you have washed in a bathhouse or bathroom, take water into a ladle or other vessel, add the charmed water there, pour it on top of your head and say: “As the living water rolled off me, so will my illnesses and ailments leave me with drops of water.” (name) forever and ever Amen!”

Treating thrush with a spell

Skeptics will say that this is self-hypnosis, but the fact remains that prayers work and women recover. Since diseases have their own specifics, appropriate spells are used to treat them. Every woman at least once in her life has encountered the symptoms of thrush. It is very difficult to get rid of it and if the treatment is not completed, it will appear again and again. Symptoms of thrush cause great inconvenience to a woman and a feeling of self-doubt. All medications that doctors use in treatment are unsafe, so women are increasingly inclined to use prayer for treatment
Thrush, or as doctors call it vaginal candidiasis, is caused by Candida fungi, which lead to disruption of the vaginal microflora, as a result of which inflammatory processes develop there. The first signs of thrush: whitish, cheesy discharge; regular itching in the perineum; nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
A conspiracy is a certain set of words that are endowed with magical powers. Basically, such prayers took decades to develop and were passed on from generation to generation. Official medicine does not favor the use of traditional medicine, much less conspiracies, in the treatment of any disease, but it happens that they remain the last hope on the path to recovery. The magical power of the words of prayer and its effect on the human body has long been proven. To get rid of thrush, the following prayer is read for seven days during the washing procedure:
“Switch from shameful deeds to clean, transparent water, and the water flows far beyond the high fence into a wide, clean river, so that the slave (name) will get rid of all shameful deeds and be healed. Pure water, now I’m clean too.”
Immediately after the first ritual, you will notice that the symptoms of thrush become less noticeable, and on the 5th day of the ritual they begin to disappear. Using such a conspiracy, you can remain absolutely confident that these manipulations are completely safe for your health. A conspiracy against female diseases sometimes turns out to be like Lifebuoy, which helps to swim out of the abyss and cope with an unpleasant illness. Do not start the disease, do not let it progress in your body, hoping that the body will cope with the disease itself. Prayers will set the body in the right mood and help launch the mechanism of self-healing.

Treatment of Mastopathy

Mastopathy - every representative of the fairer sex is afraid to hear such a diagnosis. Painful sensations in the chest during self-examination terrify every woman. Naturally, at this moment the most terrible thoughts enter women’s heads: “What if it’s cancer? If I die, how will my children, parents, and friends live without me?”
But there is no need to panic before receiving an accurate diagnosis. After all, mastopathy, detected in time, responds well to treatment and does not always develop into a malignant tumor. Sometimes use folk remedies Treatment with parallel reading of a prayer for mastopathy is often enough to forget about an unpleasant diagnosis once and for all. The procedure will not bring any difficulties. Before the ritual, prepare a bowl of warm water, over which the plot for mastopathy is read:
“Heat, go under the cauldron in hell. There is a place for you, there is a gap for you. I charm the breasts of a young woman against 12 ailments. You, evil firewoman, calm down, pain, calm down, go under the cauldron, to hell, to the underworld. My word is firm and strong. Word for word, whisper for whisper, sculptural and tenacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
Now we take a cloth, which we dip in the charmed water and apply to the chest in the form of a compress, so that the prayer affects the seal and begins to work. It is recommended to carry out such a spell on water every day until the pain begins to disappear.
There are still a huge number folk ways treatment of these diseases, but the use of enchanted water is the most accessible of them and, as eyewitnesses say, effective in attracting higher powers to solve the problem. Next conspiracy read during the waning moon.
“Baby-baby, disappear from me, even to the water, even to the cow, even to the mare, even to the devil. From the white body of the servant of God (name), from the white bones, from the red blood, take away the abscess, remove it. Amen".

In this article:

This can happen to absolutely every woman. Myoma appears in at different ages, but most often before menopause. This benign tumor, which causes a lot of trouble. Among them are pain, burning, tissue proliferation. If fibroids are not treated, they can develop into a malignant tumor. This is precisely the main threat of the disease. A conspiracy against fibroids will help protect you. Every woman over 35 needs to know it. It will help you stay healthy and happy and lead a normal life.

Myoma is a benign tumor

We live in an age of advanced technology. Many secrets of past years are revealed to us. But, unfortunately, the exact causes of the formation of uterine fibroids are not yet known. Most common cause is hormonal imbalance. It may occur:

  • after childbirth;
  • after 45 years, menopause;
  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • due to the peculiarities of nutrition and environment.

In any case, the disease develops quickly. The most affordable treatment is complete removal of the uterus. Sometimes all female reproductive organs are removed if they are also captured by the tumor. In itself, fibroids are not dangerous, because they are benign formations, the growth of muscle tissue.

Dangers of disease

The disease is accompanied by severe pain. A woman may have only one focus of growth, or many. If there is only one, only the lesion is removed, this is a serious abdominal operation. Recovery takes a long time.

To prevent this from happening, you need to check with your doctor.

Very effective way- folk conspiracies that help against fibroids. It is very important to react quickly. The advanced form is dangerous - it can lead to uterine cancer. ethnoscience successfully fights the disease. Be sure to try this method, because it is safe, proven and works for everyone. You don't need to be a healer to speak to fibroids yourself.

Effective conspiracies for fibroids

They must be learned by heart. No woman is immune from such danger. There is a method of fighting against fibroids.

Important: if your diagnosis is old, more than 2-3 months, then such conspiracies will not help.

They act only in the first stages of 1-1.5 months. Any doctor will tell you this period. In later stages, you need to contact a professional healer.

Conspiracy on the mirror

To ward off illness, you will need a new folding mirror, a church candle and holy water. All this must be bought without haggling. Buy candles only in a church shop. Water must be collected from a source; they do not pay for water.

Don't forget to leave gifts at the cemetery

Place a mirror on the table with a candle in front of it. Drink a sip of holy water. Let the abdominal area (where the uterus is located: below the navel) be reflected in the mirror.

“The Mother of God walked, got tired, sat down on the ground,
She took out a handkerchief, wiped the sweat from her face,
The pain and illness were erased.
She got up from the ground and walked further -
All her sickness and pain went away.
It doesn't hurt anywhere else.
Nothing else bothers me.
So it is with the servant of God (name)
The body doesn't hurt
Doesn't whine, doesn't tingle.
The keys are the locks to these words.

Close the mirror and fill the seam with candle wax.
It will need to be taken to the cemetery and buried there in the grave of a woman with the same name as yours. This way the disease will remain there forever, and will no longer harm you. This method treats the early stage.

Egg spell

We perform deliverance rituals on the waning moon, on Women's Day

Used if you think that the fibroids are caused as damage. Then you need to roll it out with an egg. To do this, take fresh egg. The fresher the better.
Say the text of the conspiracy against fibroids 10 times while rolling the egg over your stomach in the uterine area:

“Just as a tumor once attacked the servant of God, let it recede at this very hour! Go away, painful pain, wet and burning, dry and viscous, go away, tumor, away from my insides, from my stomach! My words and thoughts are firm, may it be as I say! Amen".

The egg will then need to be taken to the river and buried there. Don't break it! Otherwise, the disease will return to you again. A woman must do this herself.

A woman can remain healthy and happy at any age. There are many dangers; uterine fibroids are just one of hundreds. Practitioners of healing magic have solutions for all ailments, illnesses and illnesses. Some believe that women's diseases are the result of the evil eye or damage. To prevent this from happening to you, protect yourself.

How to stay healthy for years to come

Practitioners advise you:

  • Check with your doctor regularly. You may not know you are sick. Regular examination is best done once every 6 months;
  • If you are engaged in magical practices, especially black magic, then always put protection on yourself. A “rollback” from your ritual can hit the reproductive organs hard;
  • Use talismans to protect your health: Star of Lada, Lunnitsa. This Slavic amulets that protect women's health;
  • The strength of the fibroid spell depends on your experience. If it doesn’t work out the first time, try another plot.

Remove fibroids at a late stage

You won't be able to do this on your own. If you have already started the disease, then there are only two options:

  • go for emergency surgery;
  • go to a healer.

The healer will give you a treatment for the disease, this may take 1-2 months. Decide for yourself what to do. If the disease is caused by damage, then it is difficult to reprimand it; it clings tightly to you. On the other hand, surgery will help get rid of the problem entirely. Both of these methods are time-consuming, painful and expensive. It is better not to bring the fibroid to the stage where you have to completely remove the uterus and ovaries.

Traditional medicine knows the answers to all questions. This method was used to treat patients even when there were no modern drugs and research methods. They have been tested by thousands of women who managed to maintain health and life.

Conspiracies for diseases of the female reproductive system

Conspiracies for irregular periods

Just as day replaces night, and night replaces day, so the servant of God (name) would give way to one another, without any interruptions. From now on and forever and ever. Amen.

A day is similar to a day, a week is similar to a week, and a month is similar to a month, so the month of a servant of God (name) would be similar to another month of a servant of God (name), the second - to the third, the third - to the fourth, and so on throughout life. Forever and ever. Amen.

The spell is done on the new moon, in the evening, with the windows widened. The person being spoken to sits facing the window, through which the young moon is visible.

Conspiracies for lack of menstruation

Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Jesus of Christ, order the servant of God (name) to give blood on time, not to know sorrow. From this day and forever and ever. Amen.

I cross with the cross, I open the blood of God’s servant (name). Every month it takes her to expire, every month she gives away blood. Until that day and hour that only cherubim and seraphim know, but they won’t tell us, they won’t show us. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done before the person being spoken to goes to bed in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Spells for bleeding between periods

Viburnum-viburnum, give me your juice, tame the flow of blood from the servant of God (name). So that she doesn’t bleed in the future, she doesn’t suffer from bleeding. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done before the person being spoken to goes to bed. A bunch of ripe viburnum is placed on the table in front of the woman being charmed. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker takes a bunch, squeezes it in his hand so that the juice splashes into the face of the person being spoken to. You can't wash your face until the morning!

There is a hut on the Okiyan sea, on the island of Buyan. In that hut sits a thin old woman. She closes the blood of the pullets, ties the blood flow in a knot. Stop bleeding from the servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at noon. A red rope is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker ties three knots on a rope, one on top of the other. After the spell is cast, the rope is burned and the ashes are buried in the yard under a tree.

Conspiracies against severe blood loss due to heavy menstruation

Lord Jesus Christ, as You were on the cross and shed Your blood, so command the servant of God (name) not to grieve, not to shed too much blood. The key, the lock in my words. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

The cuckoo is in the forest, the dog is in the kennel, and the strength is in me. With my strength I order the servant of God (name) to stop bleeding and wasting her life. As it is said, so it will be, forever and ever, amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Angels-archangels-cherubim-seraphim, flap your wings, do not order the servant of God (name) to bleed or give up life. Forever and ever, amen.

The conspiracy is done at dawn in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

I burn a candle and say to it: servant of God (name), close the ore, calm yourself down. My word is strong and molding. Amen.

The conspiracy is done before the person being spoken to goes to bed. A non-church thick red candle is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to, and matches (a lighter) are placed. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker lights a candle. After the spell, the person being charmed reads “Our Father” seven times, then blows out the candle and immediately goes to sleep. The candle stub should be buried in the yard under a tree.

Spells for painful periods

Just as the birch tree has sap, but the birch tree does not groan or hurt, so the servant of God (name) would not moan or hurt, releasing ore. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done in the spring during the flow of birch sap, at noon. A bowl of freshly collected birch sap is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the person being spoken to throws back her head, and the person speaking dips the index finger of her right hand in Birch juice and draws crosses on the forehead and cheeks of the person being charmed. The remaining birch sap is poured in the yard under a tree.

Woman's illness, go away from the servant of God (name) of the yard, go away forever. Just as the river flows easily, so would God’s servant (name) easily be washed with woman’s blood. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Conspiracies against benign tumors in the chest, uterus, ovaries

What grew on the servant of God (name) went into the ground. I won't tell anyone, I won't show anything. Forever and ever, amen.

The conspiracy is done early in the morning. A lump of dough is stuck to the sore spot of the person being charmed ahead of time. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker tears off this lump and throws it under the table. After the spell, the dough is burned, the ashes are buried in the yard under a tree.

On the sea-okiyan, on the island of Buyan, there is a hut, in the hut there is firewood, the stove is heated with it, and the keels are dried on it. All the keels and pimples of the servant of God (name), go to that stove, dry there and burn. Do not come back forever and ever, amen.

The conspiracy is done at noon. On the table in front of the person being charmed, they place a bowl with a previously wrinkled and torn newspaper to be charmed, and put matches or a lighter. When pronouncing a conspiracy, the speaker sets fire to the newspaper in a bowl. After the conspiracy, the ashes must be buried in the yard under a tree.

What swelled and grew, deflated and shrunk. The servant of God (name) has had all her illnesses reversed. As soon as I say the word Amen, everything will go away. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done late in the evening. A half-inflated red balloon is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker crumples the ball in his hands and releases air. The deflated ball is thrown under the table. After the spell is cast, this deflated ball is buried in the yard under a tree.

I baptize with the cross and sprinkle with Thursday salt. From this point on, every day the servant of God (name) has all the swellings and bumps and abscesses and sprouts decreasing, shrinking, and cease to exist. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

The conspiracy is done before the person being spoken to goes to bed. A small bowl of Thursday salt is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker takes salt and sprinkles it on the crown and sore spots of the person being spoken to. The remaining salt after the spell is cleaned up. The person being spoken to immediately goes to bed.

Conspiracies for infertility

Lord, bless the womb of Your servant (name) with fruit, let that fruit grow, give that fruit to Your servant (name) to come out and find. It is said - sealed with seven cast-iron seals. Amen.

The conspiracy is made on the fifth day after the last menstruation of the person being charmed in accordance with the practice of carrying out conspiracies.

Jesus Christ, son of God, have pity on the servant of God (name), send her consolation, let her give birth to a child. Be therefore, amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Just as a poppy box opens and seeds are born from it, so the womb of God’s servant (name) would not be idle, bear fruit, and give birth on time. Anything will happen. Amen.

The plot is made on Thursday evening. A poppy box is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker opens it over the head of the person being spoken to and sprinkles it with poppy seeds. After the spell, the remains of the poppy pod are burned, and the ashes are buried in the yard under a tree.

The fish swam across the ocean sea to Buyan Island, cried tears, and wailed, as if the fish had no small children. And as soon as she swam, she found the children. If only the servant of God (name) had found children, she would have been in joy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

The conspiracy is done at noon. The tail of a fresh fish is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker touches the crown of the head, throat, middle of the chest, solar plexus, pubis, and coccyx with the fish tail. After the spell, the fish tail is burned, the ashes are buried in the yard under a tree.

I baptize with the cross, I command the servant of God (name) to conceive a child. In the name of Jesus Christ, the son of God. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Ever-Virgin Mary, Mother of God, how you conceived, how you gave birth, so God’s servant (name) would have conceived and she would have given birth. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done at dawn in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Conspiracies for uterine rabies

Servant of God (name), I order you: stay at home, don’t walk on the street, don’t want men. For ever and ever, Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Lust, lust, demonic obsession, wash away, thinness, stacks, shame from the servant of God (name). Every day and hour and forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done before the person being spoken to goes to bed. A bowl of water is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker pours all the water onto the crown of the person being spoken to.

Conspiracies against female coldness

I conjure, I conjure the front of the servant of God (name). Be merry and bright, catch it. your heat so that the servant of God (name) is like fire. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

On the sea-Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, there is a hut, in that hut there is a bedroom, in that bedroom a beautiful young woman sleeps with her husband, screams loudly, and still orders. Likewise, the servant of God (name) would always scream under her husband, receive joy, and desire him every day. From now on and forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at noon in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

I light the stove and relieve the cold. The servant of God (name) will be ardent and eager. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The conspiracy is done late in the evening. On the table in front of the person being charmed, they place a bowl with a previously wrinkled and torn newspaper to be charmed, and put matches or a lighter. When pronouncing a conspiracy, the speaker sets fire to the newspaper in a bowl. After the conspiracy, the ashes must be buried in the yard under a tree.

As much as the belly wants to eat, as much as the throat wants to drink, as much as the eyes want to sleep, so would the servant of God (name) want and desire her husband every day and hour. Nikolai, pleaser, help! Amen.

The conspiracy is done late in the evening. A photograph of her husband is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker takes a photograph and puts it on the seat of a chair so that the person being charmed sits in this photograph. After the spell, the person being charmed must carry this photograph with her at all times (in her bag).

I baptize with the cross, I ignite the woman’s essence. The servant of God (name) would have a desire for men, would have a desire and disposition towards them. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

The match lights up, and it lights the candle. So God’s servant (name) would light a candle out of desire for her husband. In my words, the key is in the oven, the oven is on fire. Amen.

The conspiracy is done late in the evening. A thick white non-church candle is placed on the table in front of the person being charmed, and matches are placed. When pronouncing a spell, the speaker lights a candle. After finishing the spell, the person being charmed must read “Our Father” three times, then blow out the candle. The cinder is buried in the yard under a tree.