Emma Salimova personal life. Designer Emma Salimova: biography, career, personal life. From the designer's childhood

We have known this amazing woman for ages. The first person to help the heroes of my broadcasts is Deputy Assistant for Work in the State Duma Emma Salimova. A very recent example is a flash mob, when everyone doused themselves with cold water. Not realizing that the main goal of this event is not fun, but to raise funds to fight a terrible disease - amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Emma is one of the few secular characters who did not wet herself, but transferred money. The husband of Vologda resident Marina Grafova, who flew to me for the program, was diagnosed with ALS. She takes care of her paralyzed husband and lives with three small children only on a disability pension. “We need a special lift, a device for ventilating the lungs...” Emma writes down, then hands Grafova’s daughters a brand new iPad: “For two of you.” (While dad was healthy, the girls saved money for a phone, but then they gave it all for treatment.) I know that Salimova will leave the studio and will not forget about this family, she has never brushed aside the grief of others. If she is unable to help herself, she bothers her acquaintances, deputies and businessmen.

– In the future, I would really like to coordinate charitable foundations. I’m afraid to deal with each specific person, I won’t have enough heart, but the organization is mine. I also dream of traveling around the world and photographing weddings. As a girl, in the village with her grandmother, she remembered well what an unreal happiness it was to collect coins that were showered on the young. Moreover, both the children and those who quit were equally happy.

– You’ve already been going to school for twenty years.Okhotny Ryad, but is it really like that?the beauty dreamed about the law from her youthcreativity?

– You will laugh, but since the fifth grade I have been conducting political information. She stood in front of the whole school and talked about the situation in the country and the international situation. Then she graduated from law school and went to the State Duma. For the last 12 years I have been an assistant to the deputy from the Volgograd region Oleg Savchenko.

-And also you famous designer?!

– When they say this about me, I always smile internally. Because, if you compare, for example, with Ralph Lauren or Elsa Schiaparelli, what kind of damn designer am I?

– However, Ugg boots from Emma SaliMoscow was shocked by the war.

– It all started when I was coming up with a gift for my friend Yulia Fomicheva. She is a very wealthy lady, and it is extremely difficult to surprise her. But the tunic I embroidered for her was recognized best outfit Cote d'Azur. There were cases when girls from neighboring yachts swam up and wondered where she got such a miracle. Then Yulia brought herself Ugg boots from London and told how people there are crazy about them. I looked and thought: “How scary!” - and I say: “Give it to me.” I took a needle, beads, and colorful stones (my grandmother, the kingdom of heaven, taught me a lot) and on Yulka’s birthday I gave her transformed Australian felt boots.

- I heard that today even malazy daughter of Alla Pugacheva,Lisa, will be sporting Uggs Brenyes “Emma!!!”

– This may sound immodest, but the Queen of Jordan also has my UGG boots.

– She stopped by your showroom atClean lane?

– No, Rania bought them in Monaco, where I exhibited the collection. By the way, the trademark “Emma!!!” mine came up with eldest daughter Elvina. She and I have an ideal tandem: Elya is responsible for the business, and I am responsible for the artistic part. The younger Elsa, a student at Plekhanovka, also helps us.

“I can’t even imagine what kind of man should be next to a woman like you?”

– After the death of my second husband, I literally survived. Today our daughters are already adults, we can think about ourselves. But I don’t just need a strong person, he must take responsibility.

– When my friends’ childrenencouraging parents to get a dog,I always tell them how thisthe issue was resolved in your family.

– Yes, even when my daughters were little, they were whining: “Buy us a puppy.” At some point I got tired of it, sat them next to each other and said: “Okay, you will have a dog. But first, train for a whole month. Every morning before school and every evening before bed, you will go for a walk with a virtual puppy, and I will feed it myself.” They were happy, but my heart was not in the right place. I spy from the balcony to see how they are there. But a week later, when she came to wake them up, the eldest, rubbing her sleepy eyes, said: “Mommy, why do we need this dog?”


A few years ago, Emma Salimova shocked the whole glamorous Moscow - she turned ordinary UGG boots into a high fashion item, decorating them with embroidery made of rhinestones and semi-precious stones. This was the beginning of a design career, which Emma easily combines with work in the State Duma. My Way spoke with Ms. Salimova about how she manages to be successful in so many different areas.

Emma Salimova was born in Kazan. In 2000, she graduated from the law department of the Moscow Institute of Business and Management. In April 1998, she joined the State Duma as an assistant to a deputy. For 13 years he has been working with the deputy from the Volgograd region Oleg Savchenko. Has two daughters. In 2008, the eldest daughter Elvina created the brand of luxury evening wear “Emma!!!”, the designer of which is Emma Salimova.

How did it happen that you got into the State Duma?

Everything is very prosaic. My dad put me there - to live with his friend, a man I had known since childhood. He became a deputy, and by that time I had graduated from university and became a certified lawyer. I have been working in the Duma for 19 years - the first two convocations with deputies from Tatarstan, and for 13 years now I have been an assistant to Oleg Vladimirovich Savchenko, a deputy from the Volgograd region.

Is this a difficult job?

It depends on how you treat her. For me this is not a difficult job, but a favorite job. I am responsible for the development of the bills that Oleg Vladimirovich introduces for consideration by the Duma. This is the legal part of my work. In addition, I provide PR support, prepare speeches and information and reference materials for publication in the media.

My boss is an authority for me, I respect him as a person, and this is the most important basis for the birth of a compromise. Of course, in a conversation I have the right to my own opinion, but I always act in accordance with the interests of Oleg Vladimirovich. I continue to learn a lot from him. For example, think quickly. My boss thinks so quickly that the assistant must not only keep up, but also be ahead of him in some ways.

Did you think as a child that you would someday work in high government agencies?

I don’t remember what I thought about as a child, but I have always been an ambitious person. She was the chairman of the squad council, a Komsomol organizer, collected Komsomol contributions, organized fairs in the center of Kazan, the funds from which we transferred to support freedom to Angela Davis and Leonard Peltier. (Laughs.) Our school was the first in the city to collect scrap metal and waste paper. I did all this absolutely sincerely, I believed in my Soviet Union. She believed that Soviet pioneers lived better and happier than “hungry children in the country of Uncle Sam.” After the 8th grade, not only I, but also my teachers and classmates cried over my essay “Two Worlds – Two Childhoods.” (Laughs.) Now it looks funny, but many people my age will understand me.

Well, now many stereotypes have been destroyed.

Yes, stereotypes have been destroyed. The understanding has come that our worldview was blinkered, and I don’t want to go back. In my childhood, was it possible to imagine that the average resident of the country could afford to buy a car and see the world? Now is the time of opportunity, choice and human freedom.

Does the fact that you are a woman help you in your Duma activities?

Certainly. I always try to emphasize my feminine, maybe even manipulate him somehow. But this is a very fine line. A woman by nature is more attentive and patient. She is able to listen, quickly extinguish the brewing conflict, and find a compromise. And all this helps solve the problem.

Is it important to be not only smart, but also beautiful in such a position?

Well, you know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Flawless is more important appearance, sense of taste and proportion.

What do you think is beauty? There are some canons.

Of course have. No one could say about actress Irina Alferova that she is ugly, right? Or the same Alexander Abdulov. They certainly were beautiful people. But the form must necessarily correspond to the content. In order for the “picture” to settle on my soul, I must communicate with this person. Beauty is an elusive, temporary concept. Kindness, inner beauty and charisma go all the way.

An assistant to a deputy and at the same time a fashion designer. Corridors of the legislative branch and... flounces, ruffles, embroidery. How does this get along with you?

No one has yet canceled femininity. Moreover, there is a job, and there is a hobby. Fashion design is my hobby, which has already grown into my daughters’ business.

How did it all begin? Did you sew or embroider as a child?

My grandmother instilled in me a love for needlework; she was a German teacher and also taught home economics at school.

She passed on her skills to me, but did it unobtrusively, playfully. I poured out scraps of fabric and arranged them according to texture and color. Then I laid out grass from shades of green, flowers from bright scraps, and the sky from blue and dark blue. This is how a picture of fabric was formed. In general, my grandmother was mega-educated, very interesting person. I look at the world in many ways through her eyes. This has been very useful to me in life. It would seem, what is the connection between embroidery, sewing and outlook on life? The wrong side! It must be impeccable both in my products and in my thoughts.

Do your family honor Muslim traditions?

We are Tatars, Muslims by birth. None of us read prayers five times a day. But I am very proud to be a Muslim. My children were already born in Moscow, but they speak Tatar and know how to cook Tatar dishes. When my parents arrive from Kazan, a mullah comes to us, and we all read prayers. At this moment I look at my daughters and feel tenderness. Traditions are the connection and continuity of generations.

Do you have two daughters? Tell us about them.

The eldest daughter Elvina is 28 years old. The youngest Elsa is 21 years old. The eldest graduated from MGIMO with honors and now works at the NPV-engineering company. The youngest daughter graduates from the Plekhanov Academy. We are all one team of like-minded people. Each of my daughters is a worthy person. They are my joy, my hope, my rear. It’s incredibly nice to feel their care. Over time, parents and children change places. The girls have already grown up, now I can afford to be weak, defenseless and in need of attention.

What inspires you and motivates you to be creative?

Beautiful, tastefully dressed women inspire. And specifically those who are already 40+. Because absolutely everyone looks great at 20+. But when a woman manages to preserve herself, when she carries herself beautifully and nobly through life, it’s worth a lot.

You started your career as a fashion designer by embroidering UGG boots. Was this your know-how?

Yes. I was the first. Then everyone started repeating it. People even sent their “Cossacks” who, under the guise of buyers, photographed my drawings to use later. Unfortunately, this plagiarism cannot be controlled or stopped. In this case, you need to come up with something new and move forward. As my boss says, being copied is glory.

I know that you are currently working on a collection evening dresses. It seems you were planning to do wedding dresses too?

I'm already doing them. And it's a very nice thing to do. Every bride experiences a special thrill at this time, which is passed on to me. And with each bride I live this amazing sacrament - the birth of a new family.

Did you sew your wedding dress yourself?

No. My first wedding was in 1987. I had a very Nice dress from Finnish brocade. It was sewn at the Kazan Fashion House. All the brides had a veil, and I had a headdress in the form of a bow with a brooch. I was a completely unusual bride for that time.

What look do you offer today's brides?

Traditional female. I don’t like geometry in clothes, I prefer femininity - an emphasized waist, a beautiful neckline.

You decorate your UGG boots with rhinestones. What do you think about precious stones?

Wonderful. Like any girl, I definitely love diamonds. But if at 20 I wanted a lot of diamonds on every finger, then over the years my attitude towards them has changed. I can put on a ring according to my mood, and it will remind me of some evening or romantic date, and these memories will bring more pleasure than owning a stone... Now I can calmly leave the house without diamonds, and my dignity will not suffer from it.

Have you already proven everything to yourself?

I only gain confidence through overcoming myself—stepping beyond comfort and conquering something within myself. It doesn't matter to me what society says. I know that if I am strong, society will look at me through my eyes.

Text: Lyudmila Burkina

A talented woman who managed to build a career in politics and fashion industry, caring mother Emma Salimova, whose biography will be described today in our article, became a designer quite by accident. She never imagined that she would become a popular fashion designer, one day simply by experimenting with a tunic. How Emma achieved success, read below.

From the designer's childhood

The biography, whose personal life is of interest to avid fashionistas, was born in Kazan. WITH early years Emma was an active person, full of ambition. She headed the school council of the squad and was a Komsomol organizer. Emma Salimova, who is 46 years old, achieved all her current successes thanks to her playful character, hard work and active life position. She says that since childhood she knew that you can achieve a lot in life only if you work hard.

Emma studied well at school, putting all her strength into mastering the material. She was interested in both mathematics and history. She was not particularly passionate about one subject, she tried to learn everything, understanding that school knowledge is given for a reason, but for the future.


Emma Salimova, whose biography was quite successful, did not dream of becoming an actress or singer. She wanted to get a high position in the world of politics; she was always interested in this area. For her post-school education, the girl chose the Moscow Institute of Business and Management and entered the Faculty of Law.

The girl studied at the institute the same way as at school. She understood that the institute was not a place of constant fun, and preferred to read the material she had covered in the evening rather than dance in a club.

Political activity

In 1998, Emma Salimova, who was already 28 years old, entered the world of politics, something she had dreamed of for a long time. Emma was helped to get the desired position by her father, who had been friends with one of the deputies since childhood. Emma came to him as an assistant.

Later she went to work for the deputy of the Volgograd region Oleg Savchenko. The woman has been working with this man for more than fifteen years. She is responsible for the development of bills, and the boss, after personal consideration, submits them for review to the State Duma.

Emma Salimova, whose biography as a designer will be described below, says that she likes working in politics. She is not ready to give up what she loves for the sake of the fashion industry.

First designer items

Salimova has always loved experimenting with things. She embroidered them with beads and rhinestones, altered them, decorated them with all sorts of little things and got her own unique clothes. She had many friends, including those from the world of show business, and they liked Emma's crafts. One of them had a birthday coming up soon, and Salimova decided to give her a tunic remade in her own style.

Emma Salimova embroidered an ordinary tunic with her own hands and presented the outfit to Yulia Fomicheva, that same friend. Julia was delighted with this thing and practically never parted with it. Later, this tunic was recognized as the best outfit on the Cote d'Azur.

The next thing Emma embroidered was the most ordinary ugg boots. After Salimova’s intervention, the shoes sparkled with the shine of rhinestones, semi-precious stones and amazing embroidered painting. The woman herself did not expect such a result and made several more pairs of beautiful felt boots. She organized an exhibition of her products in Monaco, and the boots quickly sold out; one pair fell into the hands of the Queen of Jordan herself, who was in Monaco that day and accidentally visited the exhibition of an unknown designer. So Emma began to build her second career, which brought her worldwide fame.

Designer Emma Salimova

Now the woman has her own showroom “Emma!!!”, where she organizes shows of her new collections. It didn’t end with Ugg boots and tunics, and now she creates chic evening and casual dresses, beach outfits, and fur items. All of them are embroidered with Swarovski crystals, beads, and semi-precious multi-colored stones. The products are popular among fashionistas all over the world, and they can be seen on such celebrities as Navka Tatyana, Casanova Sati, and others.

Designer Emma Salimova likes to organize not only official shows, but also turn ordinary friendly gatherings into a show. She loves meeting her friends and giving them small gifts from her own collection.

Emma Salimova, whose children help their mother in her work, considers her girls worthy successors to her work as a designer. She says that it was mainly for them that she developed her own brand, and they will soon lead it. Emma considers both daughters worthy to continue working.

From personal

Emma Salimova, a biography whose personal life deserves attention, tries not to talk much about herself. What is known is that she became a wife twice. Emma got married for the first time in 1987 in Kazan, and nothing is known about the fate of her first husband. Salimova's second husband did not live a long life; he died. Now it is unknown whether there is a man next to her, Emma does not tell reporters about this, and her friends also do not give out details of the designer’s life.

Emma Salimova, whose biography is bright and successful, raised two daughters, Elvina and Elsa. The eldest came up with the brand name "Emma!!!" and fully joined my mother’s work after studying at MGIMO. The younger one helps too, but is more busy with her studies.

Emma Salimova and her daughters do not forget their Tatar roots. They speak at home native language, often prepared according to national recipes. Relatives and friends from Kazan often visit their house, and they also invite the mullah to read prayers with him.

Emma Salimova (Emma Salimova)- Russian talented designer of elegant women's clothing.

The history of the creation of the Emma Salimova brand (Emma Salimova)

The designer and founder of the brand is a woman who, in a fairly short time, has succeeded in building a career in the fashion and political spheres. She never thought that her small experiments with a tunic could be the beginning of her journey as a designer and fashion designer. Today she is a talented and well-known specialist in this field.

Emma Salimova is from Kazan. Since childhood, she knew that to achieve any goal it is necessary to make efforts and work hard. While at school, Emma was in charge school council squads. Her determination and active position in life always helped her achieve her goals. Even at that time, she understood that all the school knowledge would be useful to her in life, so Emma tried to delve into everything and remember as much information as possible.

Emma clearly knew that she wanted to be a politician and develop in this area. Therefore, after graduating from school, she enters the Moscow Institute at the Faculty of Law. Higher education educational institution was just as successful as in school. Emma studied hard enough, so she had no problems with her studies.

In 1998 The girl’s dream came true: she began her political career. Emma’s father, who at that time had already been friends with one deputy for quite a long time, helped Emma get into a certain position. It was with him that the girl was hired as an assistant. After some time, she began working under the supervision of Oleg Savchenko. This cooperation lasted more than 15 years.

In addition to politics, Emma was interested in other things. For example, she always liked to experiment with clothes. She often changed the design of this or that thing, adding some little things and removing those that were there. The result was original and unique things. At that time, Emma already had many friends in the world of show business. They could not remain indifferent to the things that the girl did. Once, for the birthday of one of her friends, Emma gave her one, altering it in her own way. She embroidered it herself and presented it as a gift. Yulia Fomicheva, that same friend, really liked the gift, which she almost never parted with. A little time later this same tunic was on Cote d'Azur voted best dressed.

It is known that this attitude towards needlework was passed on to the woman from her grandmother, who worked at a school and gave lessons in needlework and the German language. She passed on her skills to Emma, ​​but all this happened completely unobtrusively, and in a form that was better perceived by the child. This form is a game. She simply laid out various pieces of fabric, and Emma laid out pictures from them. Emma said that her grandmother was an amazing and very educated person. Today her view on many things coincides with the views of her grandmother. This helped her a lot in life. As she herself said in one of her interviews, embroidery, sewing and life have one thing in common. And this is the wrong side. It must be ideal not only in products, but also in human thoughts.

After this, Emma decided to continue her design work. Next they were embroidered. The shoes were painted with rhinestones and sparkles, semi-precious stones and threads. Emma never thought it would turn out this way interesting thing. So she embroidered several more pairs of shoes. Then all her products were presented at an exhibition in Monaco. All boots with unique paintings were sold out. One of the pairs was purchased by the Queen of Jordan, who that day happened to be at an exhibition of a then unknown designer. From that moment on, the development of Emma’s second career began, which brought the girl worldwide fame.

Today Emma Salimova has her own showroom, which is famous called "Emma!!!". Here she holds shows of all her collections. Today Emma designs not only tunics and shoes, but also evening and everyday outfits. Beach and fur items did not go unnoticed. Some of them are decorated with Swarovski crystals. All products are quite popular among many celebrities.

Recently started appearing designer Wedding Dresses . All of them differ from the usual models not only in design, but also in styles. Emma prefers not the geometric shapes of dresses, but rather feminine silhouettes that emphasize the beauty, tenderness and fragility of the girl. Her products always very beautifully emphasize the waistline and décolleté.

Emma arranges not only formal shows. Often they turn into the most ordinary friendly gatherings. The designer often gives gifts to her friends in the form of her own products.

A woman finds inspiration for her creativity in a variety of things. But most of all, she is inspired by women who know how to dress with taste. Among them, she mainly pays attention to those fashionistas who are over forty years old. After all, according to Emma, ​​at the age of 20 all girls look beautiful, but at an older age it is not so easy to preserve themselves.

Today the woman is helped by her two daughters. It says it wants to hand over management of its brand to them soon, because... they really deserve to continue this work. Her daughters, Elvina and Elsa, today are the joy of their mother and her support. They are always ready to help Emma in any matter.

Emma Salimova today is better known as a designer, although she is also quite famous in her political career. At the same time, she considers her political career to be her job, and her design career a hobby, which gradually develops into the business of her children. She doesn't want to leave politics to just pursue modeling.

Her products are popular among huge amount girls and women in different countries. A talented designer is established only through the process of overcoming herself. She is not afraid to cross the line of comfort and overcome anything within herself. She doesn't care at all what people say about her. She knows that if she is strong, people will be able to look at her through her own eyes.

Where to buy women's clothing from the Emma Salimova brand (Emma Salimova) in Ukraine:

In our country, the products of this designer are not represented at all.

The Emma Salimova brand does not have an official website.

Emma Salimova is a designer of the clothing brand “Emma!!!”, an assistant to a State Duma deputy, a TV presenter and simply a caring mother and beautiful woman. Purposeful and confident in her abilities, Emma achieves her goals with the help of her incredible hard work. Starting from scratch, she created a brand whose collections are now popular among the stars of Russian show business.

Biography of Emma Salimova

The future TV presenter and designer was born and raised in the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan - Kazan. The energetic, active girl always took a direct part in the life of school and student groups: she managed to be both the chairman of the school council and a Komsomol organizer. Emma was an excellent student; The girl was especially interested in mathematics and history. Emma never even thought about a career in the fashion business: school years she dreamed of taking a special place in domestic politics. After graduating from high school, Emma moved from her native Kazan to the capital to continue her education at the Institute of Business and Management. She chose the specialty of lawyer as the most promising, and, in her own words, she devoted all her strength to her studies. Without wasting time on the capital's nightlife and parties, Emma mastered the intricacies of legal work and graduated from the university with honors. After working in her specialty for several years, the girl decided to make her dreams of a political career come true. With the help of her influential father, she got a job in the State Duma as an assistant to a deputy. For more than 15 years, Salimova has been working in the team of Oleg Savchenko, a deputy of the Volgograd region. Fashion design has long been Salimova’s hobby, her outlet from her hard work in the State Duma. Emma loved to remake and modify things, decorating them with rhinestones, semiprecious stones and sewing. Emma was persuaded by her friends to take up design professionally: during joint recreation in Monaco, Salimova gave one of them a hand-embroidered tunic. The thing amazed socialites with its beauty, and they literally bombarded Emma with requests to do something similar for them. The newly minted designer released a limited edition of embroidered sheepskin boots, one pair of which fell into the hands of Queen Rania of Jordan. Now Salimova has her own showroom, where items from the Emma!!! brand are presented. In addition to the felt boots that made it popular, the collection includes evening dresses, fur items, and casual clothing.

Personal life of Emma Salimova

The designer carefully hides his personal life from the press and prying eyes. It is known that Emma was married twice: the first marriage did not last long and ended in divorce, her second husband died tragically. Salimova has two adult daughters, Elvira and Elsa, who help their mother run the business.

Latest news about Emma Salimova

The designer annually releases several collections of clothing and accessories and organizes colorful themed shows, which attract the entire capital's elite. Items from the brand “Emma!!!” is in the wardrobe of Sati Casanova, Tatiana Navka, Irina Grineva. Emma recently mastered a new profession as a TV presenter: she hosts the “Million Dollar Lady” program on one of the federal channels.

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