How to knit women's socks from the very beginning. Learning to knit socks: instructions and description. Video: Knitting: Braid Pattern

I will show you how to knit socks on 5 needles with a straight heel, a horseshoe heel, a round heel and a boomerang heel in detail.

To knit children's socks, you will need 1 skein of bright yarn, preferably acrylic or children's. These are tied with their ANGORA RAM (100g = 500m) in 2 strands. I knit socks for adults from 100% wool (133-170 m in 100 g). 100 grams are enough for women's socks, more for men's socks (we take 2 skeins of 100 grams each, see photo above). The thinner you take the knitting needles and knit tighter, the tighter the socks. Now I knit with knitting needles No. 2.5.

How to knit socks with knitting needles simple.

To knit children's socks, we collect 32 loops, women's socks - 40 loops, men's socks - 48 loops (the number of loops for woolen village (home) yarn or purchased with a footage of 130-170 m in 100 g). If the yarn is thinner, then there will be a different number of loops (more).

We distribute the loops evenly on 4 knitting needles. Thus, on each knitting needle it turned out: children's socks - 8 loops, women's socks - 10 loops, men's socks - 12 loops. We close knitting in a circle. We knit with an elastic band 2 * 2 or 1 * 1, I like 2 * 2 more. We determine the length of the elastic band arbitrarily: someone likes low socks in boots, someone long, almost to the knees (then you need more yarn). I knit both socks at once, on 10 needles. I knitted an elastic band for one sock, I switch to other knitting needles and knit exactly the same elastic band for the second.
I will tell you how to knit baby socks. The child is 2 years old. I scored 33 loops, closed in a circle. There are 32 loops left. There are 8 stitches on each needle. I knitted with an elastic band 2 * 2 27 rows. Now we knit with front stitch so that the socks sit well on the leg, 5 rows. (For adults, knit 8-10 rows).

How to knit a heel on a toe with knitting needles, straight heel

We will knit the heel from half of the loops, on two knitting needles. The rest are not touched. In one direction we knit facial loops, turn the work around, knit purl loops. Do not forget about the edge loops (we remove the first of them, we knit the last one with the wrong side of the classic one, you can also use the front loops, most importantly, they are the same to get a beautiful even edge)! We knit 10 rows for children's socks with front stitch (for women - 14-16 rows, for men - 16-20 rows. If the instep is high, then 2-4 rows more). We divide these loops into 3 parts. For children's socks, we knitted 16 heel loops, distribute them as follows: 5 + 6 sole loops + 5. (For women 7+6+7=20, for men 8+8+8=24.)

We continue to knit the heel. In the front row we make the first reductions. 4 front, 2 together front behind the front wall, 4 front, 2 together front behind the back wall. We turn over the work. 1 loop reshoot on left needle, tighten the thread so that there are no holes. 4 purl, 2 purl together.

We turn over the work. We reshoot 1 loop, tighten the thread, 4 front, 2 together front.

We turn over the work. So we knit until 6 loops remain on two knitting needles. (For men's socks 8 loops).

If you knit like me, on 10 needles, then it's time to move on to another sock and knit exactly the same heel.

How to knit socks on 5 needles. Continuation

We collect loops from the hem heels. Ideally, you should get the same number of loops that you reduced. If there are more loops, this is fixable. In the following rows, we will decrease through the row, one loop on each side, until the desired number of loops is obtained. If the leg is high, then be sure to collect more loops. Loops can be dialed both facial and purl. It will turn out beautiful in any case, I will show in the photo.

purl loops were recruited from the edge heels of the sock

On the needles now: 6 loops of the heel, cast on 5 loops along one edge of the heel, 16 loops, cast on 5 loops along the second edge of the heel. Now we knit facial 38 rows. If you need longer, knit more rows. We will decrease evenly on 4 knitting needles, so that it does not matter whether it is the right toe or the left one. In each row on each needle, we knit the last 2 loops together. So we knit to the end. We fix the thread, hide it on the wrong side. Socks are ready!

When I knit socks for an adult, in order not to count many rows, I make a pattern in the middle.

Pattern for knitting sock

From 3 facial we knit 3 facial ("stars"):

We knit 3 faces of the loop together, we do not throw off the loop from the left knitting needle, yarn over and once again we knit faces from it. Now drop a stitch from the left needle. After a few front rows, repeat the pattern. I do through 5 rows, in the sixth or through 4 rows in the fifth. There is no difference, the main thing is the same number of rows between the "stars".

I closed these socks in a different way: on the 1st and 3rd needles I reduced the last loops, and on the 2nd and 4th needles - the first loops. It's called a ribbon toe.

Here is another way to use this pattern.

Socks are knitted from the remnants of yarn. Here, instead of an elastic band, she knitted "asterisks" in a checkerboard pattern.

How to knit socks with knitting needles with a beautiful pattern.

Beautiful socks?! A very simple pattern. Cast on the number of loops, a multiple of 4. We knit with an elastic band * 2 facial, 2 purl * the desired length (here 15 rows).

We begin to knit a pattern. It consists of 5 rows.

1 row. * 1 loop is re-shot as a front with a crochet, 3 front *

2 row. Facial loops

3 row. * 1 loop is re-shot as a front with a crochet, 3 front *

4 row. Facial

5 row. * 1 loop front, 3 loops purl *

Again, we knit the desired length of the sock to the heel. How to knit such a sock heel is described above. The heel in the photo is straight, if desired, you can knit both a round one and a boomerang.

When the heel is tied, we continue to knit the sock on 2 knitting needles according to the pattern, on the sole - with the front surface.

We knit the toe of the sock with the front stitch. We close on both sides. The toe turned out to be tape.

Children's socks with a slanting elastic band.

Scheme of oblique gum

Since the rapport is 6 loops, I type 36 loops on two knitting needles with a double thread. First 3 rows of elastic band * 2 facial, 2 purl *. Then 12 rows in bias rib, 8 rows in rib *knit 2, purl 2*, 5 rows garter stitch and knit a heel. Everything as usual. When I started the socks, I left 2 loops between the decreases: one at the end of the knitting needle, the second at the beginning.

Beautiful socks, author Natalia Levina

For children, I knit from 40 loops, 10 on a knitting needle. Knitting needles for this knitting should not be taken ordinary, thin, but thicker.
I want to note that these fishnet socks are knitted much faster than usual ones. Their heel is very strong, an additional thread is not needed.
I knit socks for adults according to a pattern of 48 loops (12 on a knitting needle). The heel is knitted the same way.


Adults - 12 loops:
1 row: 1 out., 1 yarn over, 3 persons., 2 together;
2 row: 1 out., 1 persons., 1 na., 2 vm (together);
3rd row: 1 out, 2 persons., 1 na., 1 persons., 2 vm;
4 row: 1 out., 3 persons., 1 na., 2 vm.

Baby - 10 loops:
1 row: 1 out., 1 n., 2 persons., 2 vm.;
2 row: 1 out., 1 persons., 1 na., 1 persons., 2 vm.;
3 row: 1 out., 2 persons., 1 na., 2 vm.

1 row: 1 remove, 1 persons., remove, persons. etc. (thread behind the needle);
2 row; 1 remove and the whole row of facial ...

I propose to see MK how to knit socks with knitting needles, if something was not clear.

Children's socks with a short elastic band

There are a lot of MK videos on knitting socks on the Internet, I liked this one.

Nice sock pattern

Cast on 12 stitches on each needle.

If you need cloves on top, then we knit like booties: first with the front stitch 5 rows, then * yarn over, 3 together * to the end of the row, then with the front stitch 5 rows. The edge is then folded over and sewn from the wrong side.

Description of the pattern of socks

1 row-3 persons, 2 together front behind the front wall, yarn over, 1 persons
2 row-2 persons, 2 persons together, yarn over, 2 persons
3 row-1 persons, 2 persons together, yarn over, 3 persons
4 row-2 together persons, yarn over, 4 persons
5 row-1 knit, yarn over, knit 2 together, knit 3
6 row-2 persons, yarn over, 2 persons together with a broach, 2 persons
7 row-3 persons, yarn over, 2 persons together with a broach, 1 persons
8 row-4 persons, yarn over, 2 persons together with a broach
Choose any height and then knit like a normal sock.

Here are some more beautiful patterns.


Socks for men or women on a wide leg. Woolen socks. You will need woolen yarn, about 100 g. If you plan to knit a high elastic band, then more.

Cast on 49 sts on needles #3. Knit 30 rows with an elastic band for 1 person. for 1 out. Mark with a colored thread or a marker the 25th loop (central).
In each front row, knit 5 loops from it (front, yarn over, front, yarn over, front). Purl rows knit according to the pattern. When there are 97 loops on the needle (for size 37), knit 6 rows of garter stitch, i.e., all loops are facial. Run the sole on 13 loops (like a heel). Sew at the back.
Comment: Without knitting 6 loops on the knitting needles, decrease the middle 3 loops of the sole in each person. row, until one loop remains from the sole, and then do not sew with a needle, but connect with knitting needles, like a shawl border.
At the same time, we make a decrease on the sides.

Here is another option on how to knit socks on two knitting needles.

How to knit a sock heel with knitting needles.

Here I boast more socks! YarnArt yarn EVEREST (200 g / 320 m, 70% acrylic, 30% wool) these socks came out of one skein and I really liked the Yarn: it does not shed, keeps its shape, is warm, it is pleasant to knit from it. But! I didn’t succeed in choosing the color so that the socks came out the same, although I honestly tried.

How to knit socks with a boomerang heel.

Beautiful heel, connected like a boomerang heel. These socks are knitted from NAKO Tweed yarn 100 g = 260 m. 32 loops, knitting needles No. 2.5, the child is 3 years old.
How to knit a heel of a sock on knitting needles step by step. Boomerang heel.

First, divide the number of loops in half. We will knit on two of the 4 knitting needles. I will explain first how we will knit. It's simple, the main thing is to understand the meaning. We divide the number of loops into 3 parts, the middle part will always be knitted with the front stitch, and we will knit the two extreme ones in the upper part of the heel in short rows, adding crochets, and in the lower part of the heel, on the contrary, adding loops.

How to knit socks for kids. Easy way.

For knitting you will need:

Yarn - any non-spiny, preferably merino, 300 m / 100 grams. Only 50 grams.

A set of stocking knitting needles number 3.

On one knitting needle No. 3 we collect 44 loops

We knit with an elastic band * 1 facial, 1 purl * in a circle 18 rows. Next, knit 4 rows of garter stitch.

The heel of the sock with knitting needles.

To do this, loops with 3 and 4 knitting needles can be knitted on one knitting needle with front stitch in straight and reverse rows. At the same time, the first (edge) loop is removed without knitting, and the last one is knitted with a classic purl. So we knit 12 rows of 22 loops.

Further, we divide these 22 loops into 3 parts: 7, 8, 7. We knit only the central 8 loops like this: we knit 7 + 7, and the 8th loop, together with the first loop of the third part, is front for the back wall of the loops. We unfold the knitting, remove the first loop without knitting. We knit 6 loops, and we knit the last loop of the second part together with the first loop of the third part of the wrong side. Repeat rows until center 8 sts remain. The heel is tied.

We knit the central 8 loops in the front row with the front ones, we collect 10 loops from the edge ones like this: we knit two loops with the front one, add the third from the hole between the loops and also knit the front one. We knit 22 loops (this is the top of the sock), again we collect 10 loops from the hem.

Foot lift. Through the row you need to reduce 3 loops from the sides. In the place indicated by the arrow, we reduce the extreme loop from the knitting needles on which the heel was knitted. When positioned as in the photo, we knit the first loop of the frontal part with the last loop of the knitting needle on which the heel was knitted, together the front one behind the front wall.

On the second side of the toe, we decrease in the same way, but knitting two loops together behind the back wall. We knit to the end of the row.

Knit the next row without decreasing. Such reductions will need to be repeated 2 more times. There should be 11 stitches on each needle. (As at the very beginning.) We knit in a circle with facial 20 rows.

How to knit a sock toe with knitting needles.

We make decreases in each row, 2 loops together from the sides. (At the beginning of the 1st needle 2 together front behind the front wall, at the end of the 2nd needle 2 together front behind the back wall. At the same time, we do the same decreases on the other side. At the beginning of the 3rd and at the end of the 4th knitting needles, until there will be 4 loops left, pull off the remaining loops by threading through them with a hook.

Cut the thread, hide the ends from the wrong side. We wash socks.

Beautiful socks with a semicircular heel (another way of knitting the heel, the so-called horseshoe heel).

Men's socks, size 27. You can clearly see where the 100 g skein ended. Detailed description the process of knitting them in the same article below.

Men's socks, foot size 43.

Yarn "Winter comfort" 100 g = 220 m, 2 skeins, knitting needles No. 2.5.

I knitted 11 rows with an elastic band * 2 facial, 2 purl *.

Then 3 rows in garter stitch: purl 1 row, knit 2, purl 3 again. So that when moving from the wrong side to the front row, a step does not turn out, we will knit the last loop in the row of wrong loops together with the broach raised after it.

3 rows in garter stitch.

11 rows according to scheme 1.

And repeat 3 rows in garter stitch, 5 rows in stockinette stitch, 3 rows in garter stitch.

Let's move on to the heel. We take loops on 1 and 4 knitting needles.

On the toe on the left, the front side of the heel is visible, the toe on the right is a view of the reinforced heel from the inside.

It turns out that the heel can be: firstly, compacted, and secondly, connected in another way. Almost straight heel, only the sole line will not be clearly defined.

Good idea about the heel seal. We will seal with a pattern:

Front rows: all loops are front.

Purl rows: 1 purl, 1 reshoot, without knitting.

We knit the edge loops more tightly so that holes do not form when we then raise the loops from them.

Convex paths are obtained on the front side (see photo above). Knit to desired length. I need a high rise, knitted 24 rows. The last row is front.

How to knit a heel on a sock with knitting needles. Step by step.

The horseshoe heel is knitted almost the same as a straight heel. Only in the straight heel, after we tied the two together, we immediately turn the work, and here we need to knit another loop and then turn the work. You need to start from the middle of the heel, leaving the central 2-4 loops single.

If you don't understand, watch the video.

Now we will knit a pattern on the 2nd and 3rd knitting needles, and on the 1st and 4th knitting needles we will knit the heel with the front stitch. When we collect loops from the edge loops, we introduce the knitting needle under both walls of the edge loop. We dial hard. If the loops are lifted freely, you can knit the first row crossed.

I got 14 loops on each side. Ideally, the knitting needles should have the same number of loops as they were cast on, i.e. 48. We will decrease the extra loops with a wedge. On 1 knitting needle, 2 penultimate loops are knitted together with the front one with a slope to the right, the last one is the front one. On needle 4: knit 1, knit 2 together with an inclination to the left. We make reductions through the row.

Drawing on the top of the sock is done according to the scheme

To make the pattern symmetrical, add one loop from the broach in the middle. It turned out on the needles 2 and 3 only 25 loops.

We alternate the pattern according to the scheme with 3 rows of garter stitch and 5 rows of front surface. So we knit the desired length, approximately to the little finger. Before the toe, it is recommended to shorten the stocking stitch by two loops on both sides, so that it is more comfortable in the shoes. That is, in the row of purl loops, knit the first 2 and the last 2 loops with facial ones. You can switch to knitting needles a little thinner. I knitted the entire sock with one needle.


We decrease the loops on both sides: on 1 knitting needle 2 penultimate loops are knitted together with the front one with a slope to the right, the last one is the front one. On needle 4: knit 1, knit 2 together with an inclination to the left. Also on the 3rd needle, we knit the penultimate 2 loops together with the front one with a slope to the right, the last one - the front one. On needle 2: knit 1, knit 2 together with an inclination to the left. In each row, until the loops run out. Cut the thread, hide inside the sock. Wash socks.

How to knit socks with round heels.

The round heel is knitted on socks in order not to bandage the entire sock, but only a small part of it, if only the heel is leaky. For those who usually only rub the heel.


We collect the required number of loops on the knitting needles, we knit an elastic band. Then we knit several rows with the front stitch. While knitting, as always. All stitches are evenly distributed on 4 needles. What do we do next?

Then we take a waste thread, it will take about 30 cm. We knit 1 row with this waste thread only on 2 knitting needles. It turns out that we knitted only half of the row. (In the photo, this is a pink thread and it is only on one side. The second side is all blue.) We return to the place where the thread from the ball goes, pull the main thread tighter so that a hole does not form in this place later, and continue to knit the sock on desired length. When the toe was launched, the thread was fixed, we proceed to knitting the heel.

How to knit a round heel.

On both sides of the waste thread we raise the loops.

We dissolve the pink thread. We don't need her anymore. We distribute all the loops on 3 knitting needles (there are exactly as many of them now as there were). Why 3 spokes? So we'll be more comfortable. We will make roundings in 6 places, 2 on each knitting needle. We attach the thread from the ball. We will knit in a circle 5-6 rows with the front stitch. If, you see, that, nevertheless, there will be a hole, pick up one loop from the broach. On the next row, knit it crosswise and decrease by knitting 2 loops together.

I knitted these socks for a child. I cast on 36 stitches in total. For the heel left 18 loops. On both sides, when she unraveled the pink thread, she lifted 1 loop each, it turned out 38 loops. Decrease these 2 sts on next row. There are 9 stitches on each needle. Knitted 5 rows in stockinette stitch. Decreases were done through a row.

1 row. On each needle together the first 1 + 2 loops and 5 + 6.

2 row. There are 7 facial needles on each needle.

3 row. On each needle together the first 1 + 2 loops and 4 + 5.

4 row. There are 5 facial needles on each needle.

5 row. On each needle together 1+2 and 3+4.

6 row. Each needle has 3 knitting needles.

7 row. On each spoke 1 facial, 2 together.

Pull off the remaining 6 loops. Cut the thread. Hide the tip inside the sock. Pin.

So we learned how to knit socks with knitting needles.

Unusual socks.

How to knit socks for beginners step by step.

Highly detailed wizard Class. Knit socks on two needles

Jacquard socks.

Internet ideas.

No matter what they say, for Siberia the best, after all, thick woolen socks.

These socks are knitted in 2 threads, toe needles No. 4

How to knit socks with knitting needles in a two-color pattern.

We will knit socks in a two-color pattern, knitting 2 rows in one color. If a different color is needed according to the scheme, we reshoot the loop of the desired color without knitting.

You will need: thin woolen yarn of two colors: pink 30 g and green 50 g. Knitting needles No. 2.

We collect 48 loops on 2 knitting needles folded together. Distribute evenly on 3 or 4 knitting needles (how convenient to knit).

We knit with an elastic band * 1 front, 1 wrong side * 3-4 cm. You can not turn out.

We knit even rows according to the pattern.

Then 2.5 cm with pink threads in front stitch. Then 2-3 rows of green. And we begin to knit the heel. How the heel is knitted is described above.

Do you think knitting socks is very difficult and only experienced needlewomen can do it? In fact, this work consists of the simplest elements that anyone can master.

The most common knitting technique is the top down method. That is, you start at the top (cuff) and continue down to form the heel, then the foot, and finish with the toe. This is just one of many ways. Once you master it, a vast world of designs, techniques and structures opens up to you.

Yarn selection and loop calculation

Before knitting socks, you must choose yarn. Its quantity depends on the type and size of the product that you want to receive. For women's socks of a standard size without complex patterns and weaves, you will need 300-400 grams of thread. In the presented photographs you see products connected from more. It is easier to clearly define the stages of work.

Most importantly, the number of stitches that will affect the rest of the knit is based on the calf circumference. Think about where you would like your toe to go to and measure it. If you want the new thing to fit snugly, reduce this number by 25%. For example: if the calf circumference is 10 inches (25 cm), subtract 25%. We will get 7.5 inches (19cm).

To translate this measurement into a meaningful number of loops, multiply it by the thickness of the yarn. For convenience, the resulting value can be reduced or increased so that it becomes a multiple of four. It is easy to understand on simple example. The women's socks in the photo were knitted with 7 stitches per inch and a leg circumference of 7.5 inches (19cm). We multiply 7.5 by 7, and we get 52.5. We round this number to 52. That is how many loops you need to dial on the knitting needles.

How to knit socks for beginners: knitting a cuff

In the process of knitting the first row, we evenly distribute the loops over four circular knitting needles: 13 for each. We continue to knit with a regular elastic band (knit one, purl one) down the leg, periodically trying on the cuffs until you decide that the length is sufficient.

Knitting heels

The heel of the sock is a flap square shape, which will cover the corresponding area of ​​the leg. To tie it, you need to take half of total number loops (that is, from two knitting needles) and move it in the process to one knitting needle. For example, our sock contains 52 loops, so we need to separate 26.

Now we will knit this part of the product not in circular, but in straight rows - “back and forth”, separately from everything else. later we will attach the heel to the rest of the sock.

We will knit with a pattern that will give this part of the sock additional strength and an almost ribbed texture. This is done in the following way:

Front side: remove 1 loop, without knitting, 1 front. Repeat until the end of the row.

Wrong side: knit all

Some prefer to remove the first loop without knitting. It depends on you.

The rectangular heel flap is usually 5-6 cm long. An easier way to calculate is to simply knit as many rows as you have stitches on your needle. Remember this number, because it will be useful to us later.

Now you need to form the bend of the heel. At the bottom of it, we will begin to reduce the length of the row. It's not difficult, and over time you'll find that you can "read" the loops and turn your heel without thinking. Now just knit according to the scheme.

RS: slip the first st, then knit to the middle of the row. Knit two loops together after the middle, and then reduce the row as follows: slip 1 loop, knit 1 and so on. After that, before reaching the end of the row, turn the work so that the wrong side is now facing you.

Wrong side: slip the first loop, then knit 5 purl and 2 together. Then knit another one, and then turn the work again front side to yourself. You will notice that the number of loops has decreased and the heel is slightly rounded. Here's what we did: on the front side, we simply remove the loop without knitting, and knit the next one with the front one. On the opposite - we knit two together on the wrong side. It is important to do this in each row in sequence so that there are no bevels and slopes. On the last two rows, after decreasing, you will have no loops left.

Heel to toe connection

Now you need to connect the heel with knitting the rest of the sock. This is easy to do by picking up and knitting stitches along each edge of the rectangle. To determine their number, simply count in the flap and divide it in half. If you remember the number of stitches on the needle when forming the heel, then it will be even easier for you. For example: in our case, the heel flap consisted of 26 loops. Now we just cast on 13 stitches on each side.

Keep the work facing you. We collect and knit loops along the left edge of the flap. We work on lifting the sock, maintaining the original position on the knitting needle. Then, similarly, we collect and knit loops along the right edge of the heel.

At this point, you should have all four spokes engaged again.

Now that you have picked up all the stitches and spaced them evenly, you are ready to start knitting in the round again. Always start the round in the center of the heel, then work in the instep and finish on the other side.

Sometimes the number of loops is reduced on both sides of the heel, knitting two together. Due to this, the sock will fit the foot more tightly. But you can leave the previous number of loops.

Knitting foot and sock

This is probably the easiest part. We will just knit in a circle until about 5 cm is left to the tip of the thumb. But all good things come to an end, even socks. Now it's time for the reductions so that the finger is comfortable, and the new thing has a more natural shape. This time we will decrease the number of stitches at the beginning of the row on each needle. You can alternate circles with and without reductions so that the rounding is smoother. All this is individual and depends on your preferences.

It remains only to close the resulting hole. You can do this with knitting needles or a regular one. Now that you already have some experience, this will not be difficult.

According to the same instructions, you can knit socks of any size. So any wife can please her husband with a new thing. And the young mother will no longer have a question about how to knit baby socks.

Beautiful knitted socks for beginners in knitting and crochet, and those who want to learn new techniques. Examples of knitting and crocheting.

Knitted woolen socks are not only warm, but also very beautiful. For those who do not leaf through needlework magazines, hand-knitted socks are associated with ugly, albeit warm, grandmother's creations.

But today knitted socks are the same fashionable masterpiece of needlework as a jacket, cardigan, snood.

But in order for the socks to be not only warm, but also to please for a long time, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

Do you want nice socks? Don't skimp on yarn. In cheap threads, there is neither the necessary composition of wool, nor bright standing colors. Pure wool for socks will not work, they will tingle, and they will wear out twice as fast. The best yarn options are 50-80% wool, the rest is acrylic.

Decided to knit fluffy socks? Angora great material, but only if you knit not a child. Firstly, such socks will tingle, legs will itch from them. Secondly, the children pull everything into their mouths for a test, you should not give the opportunity to eat piles.

Choice of needles or hook

The choice depends on how thick the yarn is. The main reference point is the inscription on the yarn label. But we all knit differently - someone is tight, someone is sweeping. Before you start knitting a sock, knit a sample. It should not be “knocked down”, but holes should not be visible either (since the aesthetic appearance will be spoiled when worn).

Product Care

Knitwear is recommended to be washed by hand, pre-soaking in warm water. Do not wring out in the machine and by hand. It is better to squeeze the sock in your hands, while the main water will drain. Hang up and wait for natural drying. Drying on batteries and heaters also shortens the life of the product.

Knitted socks for beginners

These socks are traditionally knitted on five needles. Yarn - semi-wool. The master class is only the basis, having mastered it, you can add all kinds of patterns, make narrow or wide stripes, and so on.

We knit a sample for calculating loops 10 loops for 10 rows. We take measurements as in the photo.

Now we determine the average circle in this way: plus the circumference of the rise and legs, divide by two. We have it 31 and 21. Total 26 cm. Now we calculate how many centimeters are in 10 loops in your sample, determine the number of loops in 26 cm. Now we divide by 4 (4 knitting needles) and if the number is not divisible, add a few loops up to a multiplicity.

We collect loops on two knitting needles, distribute in knitting the first row on 4 knitting needles.

We knit an elastic band 1 * 1 or 2 * 2 5-6 cm, but can it be more or less, depending on the desire. Do you want the elastic to be elastic until the end of the toe of the sock? Add a matching elastic band to the yarn while knitting an elastic band.

The next step is facial 7-9 cm.

Now we combine the knitting of two knitting needles into one and knit 6 cm on them (heel height), depending on the leg lift, you can slightly increase.

We divide the loops into three parts, we attribute the excess to the middle part. We do the first row on the wrong side so that the last one is on the face. We reduce in this way: we knit 1/3 of the knitting and we knit the last loop of the first part with the first loop of the central part into one loop.

We knit the middle part and also cut the last loop of the middle part and the first third part.

We turn over on the face, continue to cut, while only the edges are reduced, the middle remains even. Continue until all loops are closed.

Now it is best to take a hook to help. We raise the loops on the sides of the heels as in the photo. We again divide everything into parts and knit the length to the little finger (depending on the size of your foot). What is convenient for circular knitting of a sock - you can measure it.

Now let's start cutting. First needle: the first two loops together with a broach. Second needle: the last two loops together with a broach. Third needle: the first two loops together with a broach. Fourth needle: the last two loops together with a broach.

So knit until there are 2 loops on each knitting needle. In order to get a “blunt” tip, close the 4 in 1 loop. If you want a "sharp" tip of the sock. 2 in 1, and then again 4 in 1.

Tighten the thread and thread into the resulting seam.

Knitted fishnet socks with knitting needles

The previous master class is good in that it tells the basics of knitting a sock on five knitting needles, but for a masterpiece it is rustic. But these socks will become the pride of the needlewoman, and even a picky teenager will be happy to wear them.

The yarn for such socks should not be thick, wool mixture.

Video: Knitted fishnet socks with knitting needles

Another interesting option we could not miss knitting socks with openwork knitting. A feature of this model is that they can be knitted with cotton or bamboo yarn and worn in the warm season.

Video: Knitting lace socks

This is a herringbone pattern. If there is a young girl at home who loves trendy things, ankle boots with socks are at the height of fashion today. These socks are just what you need for a fashionable look!

Video: Knitting socks with a herringbone pattern

Knitted socks in enterlak style

One of the varieties of patchwork is the enterlak technique. The only exception is that for the manufacture of such a fabric, a thread break is not required. We recommend taking melange yarn two colors with contrasting colors. The sock will be unique!

First, let's learn the technique.

Video: Enterlak knitting 1. Enterlak knitting technique for beginners

And now let's move on to the sock itself.

Video: How to knit multi-colored socks in the style of enterlak.

Knitted baby socks, patterns

Well, now to the most interesting! Yes, baby socks! They are bright, funny and very often cartoonish! Would you like your little one's feet to see everything in the garden? Did the mothers of other letok bombarded with orders? Then below are master classes especially for you.

Video: Knitting baby socks - knitting

Video: How to knit beautiful baby socks (socks)

Video: Crochet slippers Minions (add an elastic band and a warm sock is ready)


Knitted men's socks, patterns

Men of the color of yarn, of course, need to choose more restrained, but this does not mean at all that you cannot knit a masterpiece! Learning to knit beautiful socks that a husband or father will wear with pride.

Video: Socks-Sneakers - part 1 - Crochet socks sneakers - crochet

Video: Knitting Knitted socks

Knitted women's socks, patterns

Knitting options for women's socks huge amount. We will give only a small part of the truly admirable ones, and even with detailed videos on how to tie them!

Video: Master class "Hexagonal motif Flower for crochet slippers-boots"

Video: Knitted fishnet socks knitting

Video: KNITTING ☼ MK: We knit waffle socks with knitting needles. Part 1.

Video: Socks with a spiral without a heel on two knitting needles

Video: We knit lace stockings

patterns for socks

This section will be of interest to those who have already mastered the technique of knitting socks to perfection and are now looking for new solutions. A selection of detailed videos with the best and at the same time simple knitting for socks.

Video: Pattern for knitting socks and mittens with knitting needles

Video: Knitting pattern for socks. No extra needle

Video: Pattern "Asterisks". Knitting

Video: Knitting: Braid Pattern

Beautiful knitted socks with an ornament, patterns

Ethno fashion has been at the peak of fashion for several years now and is not going to go down from there. We invite you to join this trend and knit beautiful socks with an ornament for yourself.

Video: Jacquard socks. Knitting

Video: Interesting knitting - Icelandic socks

Video: Jacquard pattern "Deers"

And of course, for those who have mastered the technique, ornamental patterns for such socks.

Knitted socks-boots with knitting needles, patterns

The word economy has firmly entered our lives, and with it the requirement for warm home clothes in winter time of the year. But this does not mean that now we should look less beautiful. Let's get used to the new lifestyle with style! Knitted socks-boots will not only warm the hostess on winter evenings, but will also become a source of pride.

Video: Slippers knitting boots

Video: Knitting. knitted boots

Video: Knitting home boots. step by step video

Knitted socks-sneakers with knitting needles, schemes

But a few years ago, fervent socks-sneakers appeared. Their popularity is amazing!

Video: Homemade SNEAKERS for adults with knitting needles

Video: Knitting. Booties - sneakers

Maryana: I took knitting needles for the first time precisely because of the prices on websites on knitwear. I decided on fashionable ethnic socks. I was so carried away that I knitted for the whole family. And now on Instagram this is our coolest photo! The whole family in the same beautiful socks :)

Inna: I have been knitting for a long time, but I didn’t even have a desire to knit socks until my son came from the guests and demanded tank socks like a classmate. I started looking for a pattern and then the world of amazing socks opened up for me. We already have a collection for the exhibition. I can advise beginners to take bright and beautiful acrylic. The price is inexpensive, but worn, they will be the same.

Video: How to knit socks Simplified method

It is absolutely wrong to think that knitted needles socks are a relic of the past. Nowadays, beautiful and warm hand-knitted socks can be found in almost anyone. They are worn by both adults and children. And, if earlier only grandmothers were engaged in the creation, now, thanks to the availability of information on the Internet, anyone can knit socks, even a novice master.

Knitting Highlights

Before knitting, the necessary preparation is always carried out. For experienced needlewomen, this process does not cause difficulties. Therefore, our knitting tips knitting socks fit for beginners.

  1. Oprahdivide the number of spokes. You can knit on two or five knitting needles. When choosing two spokes the product will consist of two halves, but it will be easy to dissolve and bandage the heel and foot. And when knitting on five spokes the sock will be seamless.
  2. We choose yarn. Usually for warm socks yarn from dog, camel hair or angora is used. But these species are hard to knit. Therefore, for beginners, a dense, uniform thread from store shelves is suitable.
  3. Taking measurements (this item is extremely important for beginners) . To get the sock in size, we measure the foot in two places: obliquely from the heel to the instep (rise) and above the ankle. Add up the numbers and divide them in half. For example: from the heel to the rise, the girth is 33 cm, and the girth of the lower leg above the bone is 25 cm. When knitting on five needles, you can make +/- 1 loop so that the number is divisible by 4.

Our detailed instructions help prepare for the exciting process of knitting socks with knitting needles. It remains to choose a picture. Also, when knitting, you can use yarn of several colors, then the socks will turn out to be striped.

Thinking about a pattern? Don't worry. You don't have to waste time searching. We have already made a selection of simple cute patterns for knitting socks for beginners for you.

Master - classes on knitting socks for beginners

Description from our site, how to knit socks.

Master class from Oksana Usmanova.

The socks are made of ALIZE DIVA yarn 100gr-350 m (100% microfiber-acrylic), it took less than half a skein, 4 hosiery knitting needles are required, a hook 1.3 for tying. We collect 24 p. and knit socks according to the scheme

interesting selection on the site Do you know how to knit socks with knitting needles?

Then we divide the knitting into 2 knitting needles and knit an elastic band 2x2, starting with 1 out., 2 persons., 2 out., 2 persons. etc. - finish 1 out. p. Next, add 1 p. from the edge (this will be out. p. -second),

turn the work, knit the socks with an elastic band and again add from the hem.

Repeat, as you expand, add the 3rd needle so that there are 22 stitches on the middle needle.

When there are 35 sts on the side needles. close 13 sts on both sides, then there will be 22 sts on all 3 knitting needles.

Next, continue to knit socks for 13 rows, then we begin to knit the heel (as a regular toe): from the inside. sides of the 22nd p. from the middle knitting needle and 1 loop from the side - together, immediately turn the work, knit the loops on the middle knitting needle and again the last 22 loop and 1 loop from the side - together, turn the work again, so repeat until on the side no loops left. On the middle needle close all the loops, tie a pico crochet.

The initial strip of socks can be knitted with any pattern, you can crochet. Flight of your imagination!

Socks for beginners, Knitting master class

All our socks and stockings are knitted according to the same rules. In this way, you will quickly acquire the necessary skills and be able to move on to more complex patterns and even jacquard trims. You can correctly measure and calculate the size of socks by

Simple knitting socks for beginners, models from the Internet

For such socks, we took the already beloved Pekhorka Children's yarn, a novelty of bright green color (“exotic”) and beige. This is 100% acrylic, the yarn was developed for children's skin and, therefore, it does not prickle, it has a large volume of thread, and with a weight of 50 g / 200 m, it fits well in the fabric. Two knitting needles were taken, from a set for knitting socks in 5 pieces No. 2.5.

  • Difficulty: medium
  • Working time: 16 hours
  • Materials: woolen yarn, semi-woolen yarn

Socks, difficulty level: below average.
Working time: 1 hour.
Materials: knitting needles and yarn.

Socks with braids, master class for beginners

Video tutorials on knitting socks for beginners

Socks with Patchwork technique on 2 needles for beginners

I developed the model of these socks myself, inspired by patchwork socks. But they all fit with a thread break after each square. And I didn't want to break the thread at all.
We will knit socks for beginners using the enterlac technique without breaking the thread.
I got socks for size 37-38 with a knitting density of 2 loops and 2.5 rows per 1 cm of the front surface.
By adjusting the number of stitches cast on, you can knit socks to any size, but note that the side of each square should be equal to half of the loops you have cast on.

For work you will need:

  1. Three double needles #3.25;
  2. Yarn. I used 500m per 100g yarn with mohair content. Knitting turned out to be quite loose, but due to the mohair in the composition of the yarn, the socks turned out to be warm. You can try sock yarn with a yardage of 400 m per 100 grams. The main thing is to get into the density indicated above.

Later, if you understand the principle, you can easily knit such socks from thicker yarn.

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Master class: men's socks on two knitting needles without a seam for beginners

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Knitting socks for beginners

Learning to knit socks without seams on five knitting needles full video for beginners. Step by step wizard class inside and out.

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Learning to knit socks on 5 knitting needles for beginners

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Woolen or half-woolen thread. You can use angora, rabbit down or, but for this it will be more convenient to knit from standard hanks of wool bought in needlework stores.

Advice. The thickness of the needle should correspond to the thickness of the thread, folded in half and slightly stretched.

The number of loops that you need to dial in order to start knitting should be divided by 4. Their number depends on the thickness of the thread and on the density of knitting, and on the number of knitting needles, but practice shows that on average 44 loops + 1 will be needed for a sock on an adult leg to connect the circle.

Advice. It is better to cast on loops for the first row by connecting all 5 knitting needles, well, or at least 3. This is necessary so that the elastic band stretches better and the sock is easier to put on.

After all the loops are dialed, you need to distribute them equally on 4 knitting needles, the 5th knitting needle will be working. Knitting socks is not difficult if they are familiar with 1/1 or 2/2 rib knitting. Its height depends on personal preferences and can be any.

How to tie the heel of a sock

After the knitting of the gum is finished, another 5-6 cm must be knitted with facial loops and you can start knitting the heel. It is this moment that for some reason scares those who are trying to knit socks for the first time. For beginners, especially this part of the product seems to be the most difficult. Following the exact step by step instructions, you need to do the following:

1. Remove the loops from one knitting needle to the next, so that only 3 remain in the work.

2. On one needle, knit 19 rows, alternating the front row and the wrong side (garter stitch).

3. Divide the number of loops into 3 parts. If there are 22 loops on the needle, then there will be 8 loops in the middle part, and 7 loops on the side.

4. Knit 7 loops from the beginning of the row, then 7 more loops from the main part, and knit the last 8 loop together with 1 loop of 3 parts.

5. Turn the product over without knitting the 3rd part and again knit 7 loops of the main part, and knit the 8th loop with the extreme loop of the side part.

6. Turn the product over again and continue to knit in the same way so that 8 loops always remain in the main part.

As soon as the loops of the side parts run out, and 8 loops remain on the knitting needle, then the question of how to knit the heel of the sock with knitting needles is resolved.

Finishing the sock

Next, you need to knit in the round with facial viscous, but first you have to dial on those sides where there are no loops, the missing amount is 7 loops. Work in a circle continues, periodically trying on a sock. As soon as the extreme row reaches the end of the little finger, you need to correctly complete the work so that the socks knitted on 5 knitting needles are comfortable and comfortable to wear. To do this, simply knit together the loops of each row on adjacent knitting needles.