New Year's toasts. Cool New Year's toasts Short toasts for the New Year

In every person there is an unquenchable candle of his soul.
But this candle is often covered with an impenetrable cap.
So let's drink to the fact that in the new year the light of our souls would freely reach our friends.

AT New Year Snow is softly falling outside the window.
Let there be joy and laughter at your table.
May enviable success await you in any business
and happiness will enter your bright house without interference!

Two friends met. - How are you? - Like in a harem: I know that they will fuck, but I just don’t know when. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year life does not fuck us, but caresses and loves us!

Meeting the New Year is always a summing up of the old. But no matter how the experience is comprehended, its highest philosophy is simple and boils down to one phrase: "Live and rejoice!" Let's drink to the joys that life gives us!

Let's drink for everyone to be wise and kind, fair and cheerful in the New Year, there were more kind words and good health with a margin!

Let's drink to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden: as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, they don't age, and there is always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!

Let's drink for the only day of the year when you can sit on the Christmas tree .. and not visit the forest!
For the New Year!

Let's drink to the fact that every next New Year is ours festive table more and more bursting with food, the phone was torn more and more from congratulatory calls from friends, and that’s it. large quantity children and grandchildren would give us gifts!

We wish Santa Claus
The bag of health brought you
Second bag of laughter
And the third let with success.

Life is like a New Year's garland - as soon as one light bulb burns out, all the others go out. Well, if one thing does not work out for a person, everything falls out of hand.
So let's drink so that the garland of bright events in our life shimmers with all colors
and never burned out! For not burning out next year!

Life is beautiful even when tears flow down your cheeks.
So let's raise our glasses and drink to the fact that in the coming year tears will flow down our cheeks more often, but only tears of happiness!

Once upon a time there lived a man: two years ago he was met in a hostel… A year ago he was met in a one-room, but his apartment… Now he is met in a country villa… But they are not welcome in a hostel.
So let's drink to HIM - to the one who is met in the hostel, and in the apartment, and in the villa, hoping that he will be successful! For the New Year!

Somehow guests come to the physicist Nilson Bohr and see a horseshoe on his door. “Do you really believe that a horseshoe brings good luck?” they asked him. "I don't believe, but luck seems to believe!" Let's drink so that in the new year good luck comes to our house more often!

Health, joy and happiness
I wish you a New Year
So that neither anxiety nor misfortune
They didn't guard at the gate.
So that the sun gently shines
Everything that the heart is waiting for came true
And just to be gratifying
All your life, like this year!

Winter is coming, playing with blizzards,
Frost crackles and summer is far away,
And I'm with the New congratulations on the year,
May the New Year bring you warmth.
The warmth of good luck, the joy of the first meeting,
Warmth of love, family warmth.
And let it ring on New Year's Eve
Glasses New Year's glass.

From a conversation between two friends:
- I'm coming home in a few days. I see my wife is in bed with some man. This immediately alerted me. I run to the refrigerator, open it, and for sure - there is not half a liter ...
So let's drink to the fact that in the new year nothing alarms us!

What is the glass made of? From a support and a bowl for drinks.
What is a person made of? From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup.
Let's drink to the fact that in the new year our glasses would be filled more often with fine wine, and the cups of the soul with wonderful feelings.
Happy New Year!

As you know, a person learns all his life. He learns every year, and every year, probably, becomes a little smarter ... And that means, for sure, that the years also learn something - from a person and from each other.
So let's drink to the fact that each next year learns only good things from the previous one!

Each of us represents half of humanity, which is always looking for the other, - said the ancient Greek sage Aristophanes. We live in the hope of a happy meeting. I wish everyone who has not yet met their other half, be sure to find it in the new year!

Mom asks her son: - Who taught you to say this terrible word? - Father Frost. - Father Frost?! Can not be! “Maybe mom!” He said it when he fell over a bicycle in my room on New Year's Eve. For Santa Claus!

Mom, do you remember once you told me that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach? - So what? - Nothing. I just discovered a completely different path tonight. Let's drink, friends, so that in the new year women will often make such new and at the same time traditional "discoveries"!

Many people know that in Italy there is a tradition before the new year to throw old and unnecessary things out of the window that have become boring for a year. Of course, we are not in Italy, but this custom is so good that I would like to invite you all to discard old grievances, quarrels, bad deeds, envy, infidelity, ingratitude from memory as unnecessary trash. If we do all this, it will turn out that only warm and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory. Let's remember it like that, and then the new year will be better than the last!

Frost, snowstorm and ice -
We will survive it all!
Let there be a blizzard and snow outside the window,
But plus 40 at the table!

Let the New Year caress
Brings happiness in life.
Let hope warm
And let fate protect!

New Year is a holiday of contrast: it is frost, snow, dark outside, but at home it is sunny, fun, warm, the Christmas tree is smart, the table is festive. We wish this contrast to be carried through the whole year, and no matter how the winds and snowstorms rage, no matter how uncomfortable it is around, it was always sunny and warm in the soul!

Once there were three strangers. Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened them and asked: "Who are you?" - Health, Love and Wealth. Let us sleep over. Sorry, but we only have one free seat. I'm going to go talk to my family about which one of you to let in. The sick mother said, "Let's let Health in." The daughter offered to let Love in, and the wife suggested Wealth. While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year in our house there will always be a place for Health, Love and Wealth!

May we be in harmony with everyone in the new year, and above all with ourselves!

One man is asked:
Why do you wear two sizes too small?
He answers:
- On purpose. My wife is not pretty. Plus it's evil. Cooking bad! The son is a doppelgänger! My mother-in-law is a witch!… The only joy I have in my life is when I… take off my shoes in the evening!
Let's drink to the fact that in the new year we have other joys!

On a snowy winter road
The old year is swept away.
May everything you wish come true
New Year's moonlit night!

By tradition, we celebrate the New Year with champagne. Let our life in the new year be like this champagne - light, exciting, fragrant and pouring over the edge!

Let's raise a glass to make the farewell of the old year different from the farewell of the train at the station: the outgoing train takes away friends and loved ones, and the outgoing year will bring them to us!

To the clink of New Year's glasses
Under a splash of champagne, wine,
Happy New Year to you
I wish you happiness and good
Hours go by, days go by
It's the law of nature
And I want you today
Happy New Year.

One person comes up to the river, pushes a bush, another, a third .. and so pushed twenty bushes .. And there, behind the last bush, stands beautiful woman and is waiting for him. He took off one dress, another, a third .. So let's drink to our prospects in the new year!

Midnight beats and trembling in the heart
At this late hour.
Spirits light invisibly
They surround us.
Curl in a light round dance
They look into our eyes.
Happy New Year! (whispers)

The New Year’s holiday is the apotheosis of contrasts: it’s frosty, snowy, dark outside, and lights sparkle at home, fun, warmth, an elegant Christmas tree, a festive table ... Even in the new year, no matter how winds and hardships rage around, but in the house and on the soul will be light and comfortable. May all our wishes come true in the new year! Let's raise our glasses to that!

Let everything bad sink into eternity
With the last breath of December!
And everything beautiful, alive
Come to you in the morning of January!

Let everyone crack, squeal, ring
They dance and sing!
After all, the New Year and Santa Claus
They'll come to the noise!

Let Santa Claus crimson nose
He will make a contribution to the savings book,
Snow Maiden all year secretly
Drink good cognac
And Santa Claus from the bag
shakes the currency snowball!

May next year we have as many good and joyful events, as many good and wonderful deeds, as many lights burn in our Christmas garland!

Let all the flowers at your feet fall
Let the stars turn into emeralds
Let grief and sorrow go away
May your dreams come true in the New Year!

Let the stars shine in your eyes
Let happiness sparkle like champagne
Let tears never shine in them,
And let sadness not knock on the heart.
May the New Year and new dawn,
Cross out all the gloomy days of bad weather,
May your life be like a song of a nightingale
Brings happiness every day in the palms!

Let the fun go in full swing
Let the song take off to heaven
Have a good New Year's Eve
With a year of new plans and miracles.

May the New Year not add wrinkles,
And the old will smooth and erase,
Strengthens health, relieves failures
And it will bring a lot of joy and happiness.

Happy New Year my dear friend
May he be kind and beautiful.
So that everything that I passionately dreamed of,
It has become an amazing fate.

Happy New Year,
and with all my heart I wish
So that on your tree,
instead of holiday animals,
Showed off from half a dozen
half liter vials.
So that Santa Claus from happiness,
squinting drunken eyes,
The most delicious, the sweetest,
treated you to champagne!

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy
So that on the New Year tree
Instead of holiday animals
Showed off exactly 30
half liter vials,
To Santa Claus, as in a fairy tale,
Half drunk, screwing up his eyes,
The most delicious, the sweetest
Treated you with champagne!

Happy New Year with a new happiness!
We want to congratulate you
To grief and misfortune
flew past you
To Santa Claus
All adversity in the forest took away
For peace to be on earth
Both at work and in the family

According to popular belief, there are moments when the wishes expressed aloud are fulfilled. These are the first minutes of the new year, when we look to the future with hidden hopes and desires. May our problems be resolved in the new year, we will gain strength, get rid of ailments. For the fulfillment of our desires, for all that is good, inspiring and beautiful. For our happy future! Happy New Year with a new happiness!

The philosopher Diogenes said: “Being rich and having a lot of money are not the same thing. The truly rich are those who are satisfied with their lives. Let's drink to the fact that the new year will bring us real wealth!

In half an hour the New Year will come. A couple with full wallets is hurrying home along the deserted streets. They come across a drunk man on all fours.
“You see,” the husband reproaches his wife, “people are already having fun with might and main!” And you have everything at the last minute!
So that in the coming year we everywhere come on time!

I want you to have everything and nothing for it!!!

Let's drink for the New Year
For a clean slate that fate gave us,
May this year be magical
Good luck will bring in full.

Let it give prosperity to everyone
Let all dreams come true
There is always order in business,
For happiness, let's drink, friends!

Nowadays, there is a fashion for Santa Claus to replace Santa Claus. And I want to wish this year gifts from Santa Claus. Santa Claus is a short man with glasses riding on deer, and Santa Claus is always with the Snow Maiden and with a suspiciously red nose. So let's have a drink so that next year we will deal not with deer, but with a pleasant and cheerful company!

May there be happiness in the New Year
I wish you all dreams come true
I wish you all good health,
I'll drink to the bottom for this today!

Let be kind people you are surrounded
And all the envious people forget about you,
Let it be warm in your house
And let the magic settle in it!

Let's drink our friends for the New Year,
May he bring good to all of us
Let him put good luck under the tree
Happiness, success will bring it to boot!

May he kindle hope in the houses,
Let last year take away the fear
May he give prosperity, warmth,
And let us be all right!

Dear friends! Today we are gathered to celebrate the upcoming holiday! Let's raise our glasses so that next year our lives will be the perfect puzzle: happiness, health, well-being and love. Happy New Year!

The New Year is slowly coming. Let's drink to the fact that there will be as many money in the coming year as needles on a Christmas tree, personal life shone like the lights of garlands, and life was as sweet as a birthday cake.

I want to wish a noisy and bright life, like colorful crackers. Let it be sparkling, beautiful and shiny, like a smart Christmas tree. And let every day be saturated with the same fabulous and magical mood like today, on New Year's Eve. Happy holiday!

They say that our life is so short that we should not waste it on resentment. Let's have a drink next New Year, we had little reason to be offended. And may all worries and grievances remain in the old year and never remind of themselves!

The new year is always better than the old one. We all know about it. But what exactly distinguishes it from the previous one? Perhaps unpredictability and endless possibilities. Not everyone uses them, but everyone expects them. So I want to wish all of us that in the new year we feel when opportunities are knocking at our doors, and always catch a chance!

Most Russians associate New Year with champagne. So I want to wish you that the next year will be like this champagne - bubbling, light, sweet and exciting. Happy New Year!

New Year is always the expectation of some fairy tale and magic. And I want to wish you that all these expectations come true. May all your dreams come true. May all good things multiply, and all bad things remain in the old year. May every day of the New Year bring you joy and happiness, turning every day into a holiday!

So, friends, gathered together,
I will congratulate you

Wish you all prosperity!

And also to you all - health.
Never get sick.
For success and luck
We need to drink to the bottom!

I want each of us to acquire not the best, but our own in the new year. Because the best can not always become one's own, but one's own is always the best. Take care of your loved ones! Happy New Year!

On New Year's Eve, everyone sums up, draws conclusions, makes plans for the next year. I want to wish you to spend this holiday with ease and ease. The easier and more comfortable it will be for you on New Year's Eve, the more successfully the next one will begin and continue. Therefore, I wish one thing: do not strain!

Last year there were many "leaps to the heights" and "precipits into the abyss", love and hatred, friendship and enmity.. But, during this year we have gained a lot of experience. They say that the one who learns only from the mistakes of others, not from his own will be smarter ... But, I will tell you this - there is nothing better than experience, we are becoming wiser, we are getting smarter and, it turns out, that it is faster ... faster on your mistakes! So toast! We have become wiser, wiser, and we can stop. I wish everyone in the coming year not to make tricky mistakes, not to “fall into the dirt on your face”, but only enjoy life! Be happy, love! May this year be the happiest for everyone!

Snow, frost and beauty,
Miracles come alive
The magic comes alive
And all will be well!

New Year's is on its way
There will be happy days
There will be happiness and good
It will be simple and easy!

To make my words come true
I'll drink a glass to the bottom,
I wish everyone love
So that all dreams come true!

There is an ancient Japanese proverb that says that happiness comes only to the house where there is fun and laughter does not stop. I want to raise this glass in honor of the upcoming New Year and wish all those present that in the new year there will always be laughter and happiness in your homes!

Happy New Year with a new happiness,
I wish everyone wealth
I wish you all kindness
Realize your dreams!

I'll drink to the magic
And all will be well,
And everything will be positive
We will all live happily!

Let's drink to the New Year
He's already on his way
He brings love, kindness,
Miracles and magic!

We will drink with you for
For everyone to be lucky
To believe in miracles
Always be happy!

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy.
Santa Claus for the new year
Let him carry a bag of money.

May there be love and happiness
Let the bad weather go around.
Positive and good.
Happy New Year everyone, cheers!

In the New Year outside the window

Quietly the snow falls
Let at your table
There will be joy and laughter
May enviable success
Waiting for you in any business
And enter without interference
Happiness in your bright home.


Once there were three strangers. Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened them and asked: "Who are you?"

Health, Love and Wealth. Let us sleep over.

It's a pity, but we only have one free seat. I'm going to go talk to my family about which one of you to let in.

The sick mother said, "Let's let Health in." The daughter offered to let Love in, and the wife suggested Wealth. While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year in our house there will always be a place for Health, Love and Wealth!

May we be in harmony with everyone in the new year, and above all - with ourselves!


One man comes up to the river, pushes a bush, another, a third .. and so pushed twenty bushes .. And there, behind the last bush, a beautiful woman stands and waits for him. He took off oneabout the dress, another, third .. So let's drink to our prospects in the new year!

May next year we have as many good and joyful events, as many good and wonderful deeds, as many lights burn in our New Year's garland!


On a snowy winter road
The old year is swept away.
May everything you wish come true
New Year's moonlit night.

Midnight beats and trembling in the heart
At this late hour.
Spirits light invisibly
They surround us.
Curl in a light round dance
They look into our eyes.
Happy New Year! (whispers)

Winter is coming, playing with blizzards,
Frost crackles and summer is far away,
And I congratulate you on the New Year,
May the New Year bring you warmth.
The warmth of good luck, the joy of the first meeting,
Warmth of love, family warmth.
And let it ring on New Year's Eve
Glasses New Year's glass.

Let the fun go in full swing
Let the song take off to heaven
Have a good New Year's Eve
With a year of new plans and miracles.

Let the New Year caress
Brings happiness in life.
Let hope keep you warm.
And let fate protect!

Let all the flowers at your feet fall
Let the stars turn into emeralds
Let grief and sorrow go away
May your dreams come true in the New Year!

Once upon a time there was a man: two years ago he was met in a hostel... A year ago he was met in a one-room, but his apartment... Now he is met in a country villa... But they are not expected in a hostel.
So let's drink to HIM - to the one who is met in the hostel, and in the apartment, and in the villa, hoping that he will be successful! For the New Year!

Let everything bad sink into eternity
With the last breath of December!
And everything beautiful, alive
Come to you in the morning of January!

To the clink of New Year's glasses
Under a splash of champagne, wine,
Happy New Year to you
I wish you happiness and good
Hours go by, days go by
It's the law of nature
And I want you today
Happy New Year.

In every person there is an unquenchable candle of his soul.
But this candle is often covered with an impenetrable cap.
So let's drink to the fact that in the new year the light of our souls would freely reach our friends.

Happy New Year my dear friend
May he be kind and beautiful.
So that everything that I passionately dreamed of,
It has become an amazing fate.

Let the New Year caress
Brings happiness in life.
Let hope warm
And let fate protect!

May the New Year not add wrinkles,
And the old will smooth and erase,
Strengthens health, relieves failures
And it will bring a lot of joy and happiness.

Let's drink for the only day of the year when you can sit on the Christmas tree .. and not visit the forest!
For the New Year!

Life is beautiful even when tears flow down your cheeks.
So let's raise our glasses and drink to the fact that in the coming year tears will flow down our cheeks more often, but only tears of happiness!

From a conversation between two friends:
- I'm coming home in a few days. I see my wife is in bed with some man. This immediately alerted me. I run to the refrigerator, open it, and for sure - there is not half a liter ...
So let's drink to the fact that in the new year nothing alarms us!

In half an hour the New Year will come. A couple with full wallets is hurrying home along the deserted streets. They come across a drunk man on all fours.
- You see, - the husband reproaches his wife, - people are already having fun with might and main! And you have everything at the last minute!
So that in the coming year we everywhere come on time! Mom asks her son: - Who taught you to say this terrible word? - Father Frost. - Father Frost?! Can not be! - Maybe mom! He said it when he fell over a bicycle in my room on New Year's Eve. For Santa Claus!

In the morning after New Year's Eve, the couple return home. The owner tries to open the door with a cigarette. - It's a cigarette, - says the wife, I'm afraid that she won't open the door! - Damn it, did I smoke the key?! I propose to drink so that in the coming year we do not accidentally smoke the keys to our happiness!

The philosopher Diogenes said: "Being rich and having a lot of money are not the same thing. The one who is satisfied with his life is truly rich." Let's drink to the fact that the new year will bring us real wealth!

- Mommy, do you remember once you told me that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach? - So what? - Nothing. I just discovered a completely different path tonight. Let's drink, friends, to the fact that in the new year women often make such new and at the same time traditional "discoveries"!

Two friends met. - How are you? - Like in a harem: I know that they will fuck, but I just don’t know when. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year life does not fuck us, but caresses and loves us!

To find beautiful New Year's toasts, it is not at all necessary to follow the example of Shurik from Gaidai's comedy - there are many good toasts not only in the Caucasus. It is likely that Shurik did not know about this, but we all know that toast is a fully formed class of folk art and it always has a place in any culture.

In any, even in a non-Caucasian toast, the main thing is beautiful parable, followed by a short and unexpected ending, as in the legendary toast about a small but very proud bird, “sorry for the bird” - the fun continues and the meaning of the toast is clear to everyone.

In England, a toast is not only a short table speech, but also a piece of toasted bread, which was served to the “toaster” paired with a glass. Our toasts are not so long that while listening to them, the guests have time to get hungry, but capacious and wise enough to compete with Caucasian ones.

You can't meet the same New Year twice... And therefore, in order to survive it properly, you need to meet it properly! I congratulate you and wish you a good New Year and a good meeting!

Let the New Year learn from the old only good things! I congratulate you and wish you the main thing - the fulfillment of desires! Because when a person has what he dreamed of - he is cheerful, cheerful, healthy! Happy New Year!

New Year is not a luxury, but a means of transportation in time! Congratulations on this chic, powerful, beautiful, swift ... vehicle!

There is an old new year custom: how you celebrate the New Year - so you will spend it. For the birthday man, a new year of his life begins today. So let it be just as fun. Just like tonight!

The New Year’s holiday is the apotheosis of contrasts: it’s snowing, frosty, dark outside, and the lights are sparkling at home, fun, warm, an elegant Christmas tree, a festive table ... Let it be in the new year, no matter how the wind and adversity rage around, in the house and in the soul it will be light and cozy. May all our wishes come true in the new year!

Meeting the New Year is always a summing up of the old. But no matter how the experience is comprehended, its highest philosophy is simple and boils down to one phrase: “Live and rejoice!”. Let's drink to the joys that life gives us!

Many people know that in Italy there is a tradition before the new year to throw out of the window unnecessary and boring things for the year. Of course, we are not in Italy, but this custom is so good that I would like to invite you all to discard old grievances, quarrels, bad deeds, envy, infidelity, ingratitude from memory as unnecessary trash. If we do all this, it will turn out that only warm and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory. Let's remember it like that, and then the coming New Year will be no worse than the last one! Friends! I propose to thank old year for the bright legacy left by him - for moments of joy, love, success and invaluable experience for the mind and professionalism!

Once there were three strangers. Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened them and asked: “Who are you?”
- Health, Love and Wealth. Let us sleep over.
Sorry, but we only have one free seat. I'm going to go talk to my family about which one of you to let in.
The sick mother said, "Let's let Health in." The daughter offered to let Love in, and the wife suggested Wealth. While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year in our house there will always be a place for Health, Love and Wealth!

In every person there is an unquenchable candle of his soul.
But this candle is often covered with an impenetrable cap.
So let's drink to the fact that in the new year the light of our souls would freely reach our friends.

Let's drink to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden: as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, they don't age, and there is always money for gifts!
For us to be like that too!

Let's raise a glass to make the farewell of the old year different from the farewell of the train at the station: the outgoing train takes away friends and loved ones, and the outgoing year will bring them to us!
Let's drink to keep it that way!

One man is asked:
- Why do you wear shoes two sizes too small?
He answers:
- On purpose. My wife is not pretty. Plus it's evil. Cooking bad! The son is a doppelgänger! My mother-in-law is a witch!… The only joy I have in my life is when I… take off my shoes in the evening!
Let's drink to the fact that in the new year we have other joys!

By tradition, we celebrate the New Year with champagne. May our life in the new year be like this champagne - light, exciting, beautiful and overflowing.