Happy New Year to employees. Happy New Year to colleagues and partners. How to congratulate colleagues on the New Year in an original way: congratulations in prose

Happy New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas to colleagues, partners, organizations, and clients are best prepared in advance. To decorate them beautifully and send them by Russian Post or electronically.

The New Year is associated with hopes for the best, so in our congratulations we say words about faith in a happy future, good luck, joy and happiness. We wish health, success and prosperity to all our loved ones and acquaintances. On this long-awaited holiday, it is very important not to forget to congratulate not only family and friends, but colleagues and business partners.

Most people, when asked what the most important holiday in our country is, without hesitation, answer that it is New Year. Both children and adults have been waiting for New Year's holidays and weekends since the beginning of December, and many people are celebrating coming year not just once, but twice – both at a corporate event with colleagues and with family.

Therefore it is not surprising that in good form It is considered to congratulate not only your closest relatives and friends on this holiday, but also to send postcards and Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in poetry and prose.

Depending on the relationship in the team, it is customary to send official congratulations or informal pictures and congratulatory texts in your own words with humor on December 31 or January 1 to your work colleagues. And here visitors to our site will find cool, funny and official congratulations Happy New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig for colleagues and superiors.

Beautiful official congratulations on the New Year 2019 of the Pig to colleagues in prose

New Year 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig according to Chinese calendar. And according to the myths and legends of China, this animal loves comfort, abundance and prosperity, and gladly helps people improve their material well-being. Therefore, in the year of the Pig, it is customary to wish all acquaintances and friends, first of all, success in financial matters, good luck at work or in business and material wealth. But, of course, also for the New Year 2019 you can and should wish happiness, fulfillment of all desires and good luck in love - a kind and peaceful Pig will gladly contribute to the fulfillment of such wishes.

Before New Year holidays colleagues usually congratulate each other on the upcoming New Year, hold corporate parties and give gifts symbolic gifts. And people working in large organizations also congratulate colleagues from other departments and branches, sending congratulatory texts from their entire team to employees of other offices. And according to business etiquette, in such cases the most appropriate would be official congratulations on the New Year of the Pig to colleagues in prose, written in beautiful postcard or sent by email.

The best official greetings for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig

Please accept congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May the New One bring you prosperity, dreams come true and hope for a successful future. Let success be your faithful companion in everything. I wish you peace, patience, harmony, goodness, good luck, family happiness! Happy New Year!

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year. New Year is a holiday of magic, beloved and expected by everyone. He always carries within himself hope for the best, hope for good changes. Undoubtedly, the past year has brought many joyful changes, but there have also been disappointments. Therefore, we should not forget that whatever happened last year, it has already passed, and New Year a good reason and opportunity to start over. And let only new, fresh, joyful things accompany the Happy New Year. I sincerely wish all of us, traditionally, health, success, worthy partners, money transactions and high performance.


May the New Year 2016 bring you many pleasant discoveries and new interesting surprises, may you be surrounded by only pleasant, kind, beautiful and lucky people, and good qualities and deeds fill your life with pleasant emotions. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! The New Year is coming - a time of new hopes, successes and victories. What the coming year will be like depends on each of us. Therefore, first of all, I want to wish you all faith in yourself and your strengths, great achievements, discoveries and hopes. We will definitely bring them to life! Let the coming year only multiply the number of happy moments, let people dear to you be nearby, and the warmth of the family hearth attract welcome guests. Encourage the tired, smile at those who are lonely - and life will repay you a hundredfold for your care. Please accept my heartfelt wishes for health, well-being, happiness and prosperity! Have a great mood and happy New Year holidays! Happy New Year!

The last leaf of the calendar has been torn off, and with it everything that happened this year goes into the past! Let's take the best from the year we've lived, and forget about debts and troubles! Time to start new things, set new goals, strive for new heights! Let our beloved Grandfather Frost come not only to children, because adults also really want magic, and adults have no less cherished desires that only a good wizard can fulfill. I wish that everyone's dreams come true in the New Year!

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! New Year is special holiday: it gives hope for happiness and good luck, brings the joy of new beginnings. The past year has been full of important events and achievements. In the coming year we wish you good health, happiness, mental fortitude, self-confidence and optimism. May your family and friends always be with you, and may prosperity, love and prosperity reign in your homes.

Accept the most my sincere congratulations happy New Year! May the New Year give you prosperity, the fulfillment of your cherished dreams and strengthen your faith in the future. May success accompany all your endeavors always and in everything. I wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

Dear our clients. Happy New Year! We wish you creative and financial growth, successful conclusion of contracts and responsible partners in the New Year. And thank you for partnering with us!

May the coming year bring many pleasant events and happy moments. Let new perspectives appear and your goals come true! We wish you and your loved ones good health, good luck and love! Have a good mood and fulfill your most cherished desires on New Year's Eve!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the New Year! I wish you good health, great personal happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible energy, and the implementation of all professional plans! May the New Year invariably bring you success in the important work you are doing! May your best endeavors always be accompanied by creative inspiration and creative initiative, and may your energy and ingenuity serve as the key to the successful implementation of your plans. I would like to wish you that you are always surrounded by the warmth and love of your loved ones, the respect of colleagues and friends, and great mood and elation always accompanied your life! Love, kindness and prosperity!

Reliability, stability and prosperity are the key to the success of our cooperation! Please accept our sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May the coming year be full of new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success! And the first lines of all news programs will be occupied not by show business news, but by news of your sensational successes! Good luck and happy holidays!

I cordially congratulate you on the New Year! The New Year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all the good things that made you happy in the past year find their continuation in the coming year! I wish you good health, the implementation of your plans and plans, respect and mutual understanding in the team. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! The past year has been busy and fruitful. He filled us with vital wisdom and strength. May the coming New Year be accompanied by further successes and achievements, bring joy, mutual understanding, harmony and love. May the most difficult problems be solved and the best hopes and wildest dreams come true. May the coming New Year 2010 be for everyone A year of new achievements and accomplishments to you!
Happiness, health, joy, success and all the best!

New Year is a holiday of our childhood. New Year is the most wonderful holiday of all. Celebrating the New Year is always associated with the expectation of something new, that our hopes and dreams will come true. From early childhood, we have retained in our souls a vivid impression of the New Year celebration: this is the festive bustle in the house, the decoration colorful toys and Christmas tree garlands. We always looked forward to the arrival of Santa Claus. Early in the morning, with bated breath, we looked under the tree with the hope of seeing there the treasured gift that our parents had carefully placed.
New Year is a fairy tale from our childhood! The workshop team congratulates investors, administration, and the entire friendly team of the enterprise on the upcoming New Year!

New Year is a wonderful time, filled with the spirit of expectations, joyful forebodings and hopes! I congratulate you on this mysterious and local holiday, which every year opens the doors of the future to us!

I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ! The only time a year there is a unique event that the calendar gives us. This is an amazing and unusual day when, having seen off one year, we immediately meet another. And this is very symbolic, since on this day we strive to leave all problems and worries behind in the old year, and take with us a good mood, victories and achievements into the new year! May all your most secret dreams come true, and may your home be illuminated with the bright smiles of your family and friends. I wish you health, goodness, prosperity, strength of spirit and faith in the future! Happy New Year!

Inhaling the winter air mixed with the aroma of spruce, tangerines and something else wonderful and fabulous, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year!
May all your hopes, all your wildest wishes and expectations come true, because this holiday is magical! Good health to you and only happy days in the new year!

The New Year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all the good things that made you happy in the past year certainly find their continuation in the coming year. May the New Year give you prosperity, the fulfillment of your cherished dreams, strengthen your faith in the future, and may success accompany all your endeavors always and in everything. I wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

Dear friends! The New Year is a fresh start for many. Many will want to live differently from January 1 - without insults, mistakes or defeats. Let these good beginnings come true. I wish this for you with all my heart! Happy New Year!

On New Year's Day we all believe in miracles. Another one opens before us new page in life. We are entering the New Year with the most in a great mood, with the most good wishes and bright feelings. Keep them in your soul, in your heart throughout the coming year. And even if you are angry and want to quarrel - stop and remember this wonderful moment, the happy faces of your family and friends and those wonderful words that you said to each other in New Year's Eve. Life will definitely thank you for your kindness and optimism. Happy New Year!

Dear citizens! I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! May all your cherished dreams come true this year! May happiness, faith, hope and love always live in your homes! Happy holiday to you!

Dear Colleagues! Another year has come to an end! It’s a bit of a pity, because those wonderful events that brought our team together are becoming a thing of the past. But don’t be discouraged, because there is still a lot of new things ahead that we have to experience together! Let everything that comes in the New Year bring only changes for the better, prosperity and income growth to our team! Happy new year dear friends!

Dear Sirs! I have the honor to congratulate you on a powerful and fast-paced New Year! May Luck, Recognition and Success be your constant companions this year. Well-being to you and your families!

Dear Sirs! Our team cordially congratulates you on the upcoming New Year and wishes success and prosperity to you and your company.
Your colleagues, (company name).

Celebrating the New Year is a mysterious, exciting, and always joyful time. And these simple words"Happy New Year! With new happiness!" we say them with special feeling, because they can only be said once a year! This is a great opportunity to speak out and congratulate you all on this enchanting holiday and wish you good health, good luck and endless happiness!!! Happy new year friends!

Happy Christmas and Happy New Year! May each of these nights bring peace to your home. family happiness and joy. Do not skimp on goodness and it will return to you multiplied! What else does a person need? Only confidence in the future and thoughts pure as snow. I wish you all the above and happy holidays!

I wish that in the New Year good luck and success follow you on your heels, happiness and love become your constant companions, and health your most faithful friend. Happy New Year!

You can always find Happy New Year greetings to colleagues and partners in this section of the website. This holiday is one of the most long-awaited. Many begin to prepare for it several months in advance and buy gifts. Don’t forget about your colleagues and put off preparing your wishes until the last moment. You can come up with prose congratulations to your colleague on the New Year or copy ready-made options from our website. A New Year's feast with loved ones is an obligatory ritual, but, as a rule, many get together and celebrate the holiday in advance with work colleagues. Prepare in advance for your corporate holiday cool congratulations for the team and colleagues. In this case, when the time comes for your wish toast, you will not fall “face in the dirt.”

In order to perform well in front of colleagues at festive corporate party, select any short congratulations for the New Year from this section. Learn comic, cheerful, funny or beautiful poems won't be difficult. As a rule, they are easy to remember. You can also send funny poems about the New Year for colleagues as an SMS if you are unable to congratulate the person with whom you work side by side in person. He will still be pleased to receive warm wishes in the form of an SMS message, especially since on New Year’s Day it can be quite difficult to get through by telephone or mobile phone due to its congestion.

Happy New Year!
We wish you prosperity
Don't be afraid of competitors
And develop steadily.

Wonderful new prospects,
Interesting offers.
So that financial income
Yours has increased this year.

Many joyful events
Innovation and discovery.
Avoid various risks
And become even more successful.

We confess to you boldly:
We are glad to do business with you.
May the coming New Year
It will bring you good luck!
Happy New Year.
We sincerely wish you:
May the whole next year
Prosperity brings.

Orders - only profitable ones,
And deals - only profitable ones,
Joint promotions,
Profitable investments.

And courage and prospects,
There was a friendly team.
And happiness, joy, goodness,
Let life be fun!
New Year is a miracle, New Year is magic,
So let him give only good things,
Illuminate you with hope, luck, success
And it will give you health, fun and laughter.
It will be prosperous and happy for you,
Bring your wishes come true now!
I want to wish you a Happy New Year
And I hasten to wish you soon
Good luck, profit in your work,
Great projects and ideas!

To make the work easy,
The income should always be large.
Let there be less controversy
In a huge business sphere!
May the New Year bring you
Prosperity and income.
May success follow you
So that there is no interference in anything.

May your health be good,
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
There is peace in the world, and harmony in families.
Raise everyone's salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
Travel and tourism,
In the souls - sunny weather.
Everyone, colleagues, Happy New Year!
Colleagues, Happy New Year!
And if something didn’t come true in the old one,
We do not lower the bar for desires,
So that Grandfather Frost will tense up.

May the coming year be great,
On the graph the curve is growing upward,
The income will be decent and decent,
And life is without troubles and interference.

I wish you promotion and growth,
Less delays and problems,
Complex issues can be resolved easily and simply.
Happy New Year everyone! Happiness and peace to everyone!

Happy New Year greetings in prose to a colleague

Dear partners! I would like to sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! I wish this year brings us new opportunities, fresh ideas and opened up new perspectives. May the coming year bring good health, prosperity in work and happiness in your personal life! Happy holiday to you!
Dear partners! In the New Year, I wish you global projects, worthy competitors, new discoveries, innovative proposals, great development prospects, interesting ideas, financial stability and prosperity!
Please accept sincere congratulations on the New Year from the entire team. Your energy and enthusiasm energizes us. We admire your wisdom and prudence. Your will and desire to win gives us strength and helps us lead the team forward. We will try to meet your hopes and expectations. Together with you we will move towards our common goal. I wish you health, prosperity and success!

Dear (name, patronymic). Thank you for your noble work, patience and responsiveness. We always enjoy attending your lessons. Your professionalism makes every lesson interesting and memorable. We want to wish you good health, optimism, good luck and Have a good mood. Happy New Year!
I would personally like to wish everyone perfect harmony in the New Year. Harmony in everything - let nothing stress you, let everything you do, what they do to you, let all the people with whom you communicate, evoke only positive things in you. Let all the most beautiful things that happened to you be a black streak in your life, and in the new year there will be a new streak - a white one. And yet - joy! And faith! And, of course, good luck, and if there is none, then hope! Happy New Year!
Dear colleagues, I am happy to congratulate you all on the upcoming New Year holidays! Today I wish you to have great fun, relax, and communicate in an informal setting. May the friendly atmosphere reigning here now remain unchanged in work time. I believe that our close-knit team will show excellent results in the coming year and achieve new heights. I wish everyone present interesting work, mutual understanding between managers and subordinates, income growth (both for the company as a whole and personal), and, of course, happiness, health and prosperity!
Today we celebrate the coming New Year together. And on the eve of such a wonderful holiday, I would like to wish all the employees of our company a New Year's mood! Let harmony reign in your soul, let a smile shine on your face, let your heart rejoice. I wish the coming year to be no less successful than the past. Let all your bold plans come true, let sales grow, let there be more good and different clients! I wish you all family well-being, financial stability, active work days and exciting weekends and vacations!

We congratulate you on the New Year and, so as not to forget later, we congratulate you in advance on February 23, March 8, April 1, May 9, birthdays, September 1, November 7 and... the next New Year. Bye! We'll write in a year! We!
May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, give us new brilliant ideas and help us bring them to life. Let peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and let the love of loved ones warm us with an unchanging hot flame at any moment. Let's wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

Cool New Year greetings to colleagues

For the coming New Year
It's time to wish your colleagues
Less hard work
More nice salaries!

Let clients become smarter
The staff will be nice
Let the authorities praise, cherish,
And work will become easier than play!

Not only work success
Let Santa Claus carry it in his sack,
And humor, joy, laughter,
And only the salary – seriously!
You're pretty tired -
We urgently need to rest!
Whatever you wish,
I want to say one thing -

Happy New, best year!
Even though he is still young,
But we are already loved by the people,
Like a fairy tale hero!

Let him bring it, colleague,
Good luck and honor to you
And goodness from a big cart
Gives away very generously!
Snow was falling, blizzards were blowing
And the frost deigned to joke -
We barely made it
On this New Year's holiday

I wish you happy days,
Moods on the rise
Delicious honey gingerbread
And give back at work!

May the New Year give you
Millions of positive things
And champagne won’t poison you,
Making life completely happy!
Happy New Year
Numerous colleagues,
New Year is a great holiday -
Time for joyful pleasures!

It's time for fireworks,
Fireworks, discos,
Everyone finds joy in him,
What he loves the most!

Santa Claus has been waiting a long time,
His bag is heavy
Let the gifts be great!
Let them shock you!

Short New Year greetings to colleagues

Please accept Happy New Year congratulations
And wishes for happiness and love.
In the coming year, more patience for you,
May luck fill your days.
Partners who are honest, smart and reliable,
Don't deviate from the right path.
The contracts are profitable, and more can be done better,
And to reach the intended goal!
Our team is small,
But with a huge soul,
Let's celebrate the New Year together,
What's knocking at the gate -
Let Santa Claus not be stingy
For gifts. And strives
Give everyone a bonus for the year,
So that the people are happy.
So that the team works
In summer and winter,
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!
Colleagues, we cordially congratulate you
Have a wonderful New Year's celebration!
We wish you success, joy,
Let your home be filled with happiness!
May peace, prosperity, good luck
Accompanied on the journey of life.
Let it be happy - and never otherwise,
Your mornings, nights, days pass.
Colleagues! We worked together, I won’t hide it,
I'm happy to go to work
And sometimes I really want to tell you:
I won't find anything else like it anywhere!

May the New Year fulfill your wishes,
Luck will not bypass anyone!
We'll fill everyone's glasses with champagne,
Let's dry them now for the New Year!

May the New Year bring stability,
Growing income, salary bonuses.
May everything be in order at your home,
And at work - just in chocolate.
I wish everyone happiness and love,
Sparkling champagne in a glass.
Wishes for you to make,
And so that they all become reality.

I would like to wish you a Happy New Year, colleagues,
And wish you a lot of joy and happiness.
We worked hard and excellently,
The time has come to celebrate the holiday.
I wish you more inspiration,
To enter the New Year with readiness.
In matters of luck, joy, luck.
Don't be upset and don't be sad.
Celebrate the holiday in a wonderful mood,
So that he becomes the best in your memory,
And prosper, dear colleagues.
May the New Year shower us with goodness.

May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, give us new brilliant ideas and help us bring them to life. Let peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and let the love of loved ones warm us with an unchanging hot flame at any moment. Let's wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

We worked, we plowed,
We're tired - we're tired!
Thank God, New Year
He'll be coming to us in a few days.
In the meantime, we're looking forward to it
New Year's temptations,
We will be with you New Year
Let's celebrate in advance.
I wish you, colleagues,
So that in last year's snow
All the troubles that we have known,
You dug deep.
And now for the New Year
So that happiness knocks on the door,
Not giving sadness a chance
Not then and not now.

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
Friends, he is approaching the threshold.
Let the workers fix the mistakes
And it will bring new victories.
Let everyone in the New one get an increase in their salary,
They will add a couple more days off.
So that there is understanding in the team,
Well, there won’t be any problems!
But seriously, good luck to everyone!
And new achievements and victories for us.
May the year bring happiness and understanding
And we will work together for many years!

To work, as if on a holiday,
We are in a hurry from year to year.
A lot of things, big and important,
And a crowd of customers is waiting.
I wish everyone success
And diligence in work,
So that there is no interference,
May you always be lucky, everywhere.
To increase wages
There was enough strength for the family.
Happy New Year
Our entire friendly team!

Having worked hard for a year,
It's time to rest
Happy New Year to you, colleagues,
Put everything aside.
I wish you a salary
To carry it away in bags,
Next door to the MP
So they could buy a house.
Management to praise
So that there is career growth,
So as not to scold too much,
If you forgot something.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
You and I are one family,
I wish you happiness, joy,
And good luck to you, friends!

We want to wish you so much
What you can't count enough:
Peace, blue sky,
Have time to do everything and take everything into account.
New Year's Eve crispy snow
I knocked quietly on the door,
Let it be easy for you,
No losses or damages.
Happiness, good health
He will bring it to you.
Only good surprises
Let fate bring it.
Happy New Year
And we want to tell you:
It's a pleasure to work with you
And have a nice rest!

All languor and bliss are full -
Forgotten reports! And so
I have arrived, dear colleagues,
Come to us with new goals for the year.
Let all the grievances and strife
Will remain in the past, and ours
Such a wonderful team
Good luck will receive carte blanche.
And we will succeed in everything
Easy, very fast, joking.
I wish my salary to go up,
I know everyone wants this,
The authorities should be more gentle with us
Always addressed, appreciating,
So that they remember: the gingerbread is more necessary,
It is an incentive, no worse than a belt.
But the main thing is that I wish
Health to everyone, happiness at home!
Let the New Year fill
All the best to you!

We see each other much more often than with our family.
And the feeling of elbow, undoubtedly, does not fail
And I want to wish that this friendly, glorious system
I grew stronger with success that the New Year is coming!
Let conflicts pass everyone by,
Let the work go, with it comes monetary success,
Our team always stands as a wall,
And healthy, friendly laughter sounds here!

We can mix up our affairs,
Find yourself on the carpet with your boss,
At work, as if she were drinking in the forest:
If you give a tree, you cut it and that’s it!
We are the most important hard workers here,
And at lunchtime, during the break, we rest.
That's what it means - colleagues. And they don't wait for us
Lonely everyday life with iced tea.
The team is strength, and in the New Year
I am glad to congratulate you all. Let him bring you
Respect, happiness, good luck this fresh New Year.

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
Let a friendly round dance
You are often surrounded by:
Love, luck, happiness!
Huge salaries for everyone
Growing and not modest,
Indecent success
And have a great holiday!

Friends and colleagues,
Congratulations to all of you!
New year to you
I wish you prosperity
In work - patience,
Luck, skill.
Certainly in my heart -
Work so that - in bulk,
Awards - according to merit,
May you have good luck in the new one
He will become a friend to all of us.

Well, colleagues, let's congratulate each other
While there's a New Year's blizzard outside?
While the clock hands have not yet closed,
Everyone, together, at once - quickly smiled,
On “two” - we reached for our cherished dream,
What is in your subconscious, somewhere deep down.
On “three” - everyone took a sip of wine,
May life be ideal and luxurious!
On “four”, “five”, “six”, ..., “eight” -
We'll ask for gifts
Well, let’s say “nine”, “ten” -
Dispels darkness and sadness,
So that the coming New Year,
He was the best for us all!

Happy New Year
You, colleagues and friends,
And I wish that we live
Together, like one family.
May luck be with you
With us for a whole year,
Salary will increase
And let our income grow.
So that we are one team
We walked forward confidently
The New Year is about to start,
Gives good luck to everyone.

Dear colleagues,
You have become like family to me,
And on New Year's Eve
I hasten to congratulate you!
Wish you inspiration,
Prosperity and good luck.
May our glorious team
The negativity will not touch you!
We became close to a common cause,
We have become one
And everywhere, and everywhere
We will be on top!
May good luck accompany you
Problems are solved in an instant,
May this New Year
It will bring a sea of ​​happiness!

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
And if something didn’t come true in the old one,
We do not lower the bar for desires,
So that Grandfather Frost will tense up.
May the coming year be great,
On the graph the curve is growing upward,
The income will be decent and decent,
And life is without troubles and interference.
I wish you promotion and growth,
As little delays and problems as possible,
Complex issues can be resolved easily and simply.
Happy New Year everyone! Happiness and peace to everyone!

Happy New Year to you, employees, colleagues!
Let me wish you today
There is as much money as there will be snow in winter,
Don't fall asleep at work from boredom,
Come to the office on time,
Complete all tasks on time
To vegetate on the Internet
The boss was not interrupted by the call.
So that our team, as before,
He was united, like a strong family.
We are bound by one hope.
Happy New Year, dear friends!

We all worked for a whole year,
And tired of worries,
But suddenly the magic happened -
New Year is coming!
We'll forget about work
Let's decorate the Christmas tree
Let the weather not please you,
But we will wait for a miracle.
Happy New Year, colleagues!
We are great guys.
There is no gap in the team,
Everyone is united and friendly.
May the coming year be for us all
He will be bright and happy.
In our cool team
Let positivity rule.
Our friendly “gang”
You can call it a hive,
After all, like bees, we are hard workers,
And we do everything with high fives!

Let's raise our glasses
For our work, guys.
Let everything in it bother someone,
And only her salary keeps her going...
But still, we must note.
The advantages do her credit.
And vacation, at sea and in the summer.
And the bonus is on time.
And more affectionately than a spouse at home,
And the children “Take it to work”
And here they respect and love,
Another Sunday, Saturday,
And there are many such advantages,
Again - communication with you.
And if you break a lot of wood -
Then let it be under the fire with barbecue.
Let the champagne flow like a river,
And he will trample on everyone in life.
And everyone has a great mood
Here's to a very successful new year!

May the new year bring good luck,
Stability and income are immeasurable,
May this year be generous with gifts,
And let the unconquered peaks be conquered.
I wish everyone happiness and love,
And the fulfillment of various desires,
May your days be rosy
And various impressions for you!

Dear friends, Happy New Year!
May they make you happy this year
And health, and life, and weather,
And rewards are always based on hard work!
May you live a peaceful and prosperous life,
Love and family warm us,
Let there be more gratifying emotions
The snake brings you the whole year!
Let all failures remain
Last year's basket contains junk.
The New Year is coming, and that means
Everything is OK. Happy new happiness, friends!

Under the frosty sky
The snow sparkles from the lights!
Happy New Year
From the bottom of my heart to all my colleagues.
Let the costs pay off
There will be demand for your product.
Salary increase
Let Santa Claus give it to you.
New creative inspiration
Let's celebrate this new year!
At work and at home
May you always be lucky in everything!

Happy New Year, colleagues!
Good luck to everyone in their work!
Income increases
And always, and everywhere!
So that everyone is healthy,
Cheerful and cheerful!
Career growth for everyone
And less blues!

Happy new year friends!
You are a second family
So allow me, my love,
Wish on your own
Long joyful days
You and your family,
Let from a hundred lights
Yours, as strongly as possible,
Lights your path
So that we can rest,
You, not remembering about sadness,
But that’s not the point.
You are my colleagues,
So let these days
Lights shine on us all
And wherever you look,
Joy, happiness and laughter,
We will all be enveloped.
Happy new year friends,
I congratulate you!

Congratulations to you, colleagues.
I'm happy New Year today,
Let it rush through the offices
He dances in a cheerful round dance.
May he give us hope,
Let him give faith and love,
And in the coming year of happiness
He will promise us again.
May you be successful and successful
This New Year will be
Fulfills all wishes
Brings joy to everyone.

Everyone likes the New Year -
He brings us a bonus
And a big weekend
So that people can rest.
Let everything be in the New Year
No problems and no worries!
So that the salary grows
And there was a sandwich with butter.

This year we are together with you,
We worked honestly
Although it was not easy -
With labors and worries.
Let him give us for this,
Santa Claus for the New Year,
Lots of money and good luck
So that we do not know adversity!

May the New Year shine with luck,
Will give you many profitable ideas,
And let the magician fulfill his dreams,
We wish you bright days in the new year.
Let happiness play and dance,
There will only be joy and comfort in the houses,
And let every moment be brighter, more beautiful,
And may your achievements increase!

Happy New Year, colleagues, all of you
Congratulations, without hiding my delight,
Let everyone have a life - just class,
And let the road be straight.
Let things go uphill together,
May your health be excellent,
Let salaries grow a hundredfold,
And may people love and appreciate you.

Happy new year friends,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Let work, laughing,
We do it easily.
May our day make us happy
Bonus payments.
Let the migraine pass
On the days of quarterly reports.
Let the bosses not be too
Loads with work
So that your kids
We gave Saturdays.

The holiday has knocked on the door,
The most winter, the most important.
Today we believe in magic,
New Year - beloved, glorious.
May all your dreams come true
Under the light of holiday lights.
May the New Year be replenished
Many happy days!

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
Health, happiness, joy in everything,
Good luck, I wish you a lot of money.
Let adversity be nothing.
May the coming year bring us
There is a lot of success and goodness in life,
Let all troubles go away quickly,
And friendship never goes away!

I wish you happiness in the New Year,
Happy events and love,
Have a fun life without bad weather,
Pleasant gifts from fate,
Good luck in job,
Good luck on your personal
Always be in fashion
Decent salaries
May everything come true for you
And let it be only forever,
Happy New Year,
My dear colleagues!

Our cheerful, friendly team
I wish you a Happy New Year!
May positivity accompany us
And stable income pleases me!
I wish everyone prosperity, success,
Good health, prosperity,
A carriage of smiles, joy and laughter,
May everything always be in order!

Let's drop everything, people,
After all, the new year is coming!
I want, colleagues, to wish you
So that happiness is not taken away,
You don’t have to worry about working,
To please the bosses,
Increases in salary
In the work of promotion,
May this new wonderful year
Brings you mountains of joy,
And to work every day
So that you won’t be too lazy to walk!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish,
A sea of ​​happiness and good luck,
Let the whole year pass without crying.
So that fortune smiles,
And my career progressed.
To have more rest,
We didn’t know troubles and sorrows.
So that all plans come true,
And the pockets were filled.
What would Santa Claus
I brought you all gifts!

The best holiday is coming -
Happy New Year to you, colleagues!
Let everyone become happy soon,
Let a miracle come to your doorstep.
Let luck rain down like snowflakes,
Seamlessly decorating your life.
And dreams are like bright pictures,
They will rush into the festive blue!

The smartest and hardest
Kind, sensitive and creative,
Those whose ideas are like the sun, brilliant,
Whose business plans are always promising,
Terribly talented, brilliant,
(It’s a pity that the management is so blind)
Happy holiday! Let the new year be unreal
I wish all of you, colleagues, good luck,
Your bold dreams will come true,
All your cherished wishes come true,
Hearts will jump like crazy,
Feelings of love getting reciprocated,
The kids will be stunned by their success,
And finally, swelling with pride,
Chef with open eyelids inflating salaries
The degree will evaluate your professional suitability!

Today is our working day,
But the heart asks for celebration,
After all, the hour of the magical night is approaching!
My head is spinning with happiness!
The best gifts to you, colleagues,
And a wallet full of money.
And be lucky forever,
Get excited about life.
Work with eternal inspiration -
Run home at full speed.
Surely bright miracles for you,
Good luck on all fronts!

Happy New Year, colleagues, friends,
We have not worked in vain this year,
He brought us good shoots,
So let's forget the troubles.
Let's step into the New Year with a pure heart,
Let's say our wishes,
Let him be calm, stable,
And always abundant in finances!

Colleagues, may you have a New Year
It will bring easy work.
So that everything happens quickly,
Without difficulties and without hassle.
The boss is always kind
Let it be ours, and let it be fair.
The coming year brings success
He will be cheerful and happy.

May you achieve success in the New Year,
And nothing will hinder you in this.
And you will set new goals for yourself,
In career, in love, wherever you want!
Colleagues, I respect you very much,
And I wish you the best.
Believe in your dream on New Year's Day,
It doesn't matter how secret it is.

My dear colleagues!
Let the snow fall gently
And the new year brings you all
With you, constant success.
Let's forget the grudges
Let the old year take them away.
Let's raise a glass to happiness,
Which will find us all.
I wish you more health
And a very large income.
I'm pleased to work with you
I will say from the bottom of my heart: - Happy New Year!

With new happiness! Happy New Year! -
Repeated all around...
We celebrate with all the people -
You are my friend and I am your friend!
I wish, colleagues,
This year:
You shouldn't ride in a cart -
The transport was on track.
So that you can safely swim in money,
There was love and peace in the family...
So that your heart doesn't hurt,
A day to bring happiness with you!

Dear colleagues, leave your work
And quickly tune in to a different note,
The New Year is rushing towards us, tangerines smell,
Bright shop windows are eagerly awaiting us.
I want to wish you new goals in life,
And good luck in every business you do,
Let the salary grow, don’t skimp on bonuses,
Every day your wallet gets fatter.

Success at work and comfort at home,
May everything be cool in your life,
Career growth, wealth in your pocket,
An apartment, a car, an Armani suit,
Let there be money like snow in winter,
I wish you, beloved (dear) colleague!
Let what is listed bring you
New 20... year!

What do you wish for the New Year?
Life is pleasant, without hassle,
Enjoy every day
And be successful in everything.
I won't repeat myself
But I won’t forget my colleagues
Wish you growth in your career,
And in income there is only an increase.
Many fun days
Faithful, sincere friends.
Well, so that Santa Claus
He took us to the Canary Islands!

New Year's joy
The moment is approaching
Champagne and sweets -
The best present for everyone.
Everyone believes in the best,
We are all waiting for a miracle
What's in well-being
Let's live happily.
May you, colleagues,
All dreams will come true,
And, as if from snow,
The days will become brighter.

Colleagues, may the new year
Important dreams will come true:
Some have a new addition to their family,
Others have paper banknotes.
I wish you to be surrounded
Care, love and affection,
Stapler so that it does not disappear,
And the printer was filled with ink.
So that everyone feels
As a millionaire
Or at least received
Your own air conditioner remote control.
Let it be friendly and strong
Our cheerful team.
There's no need to fight over paper clips -
Be positive!

Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Dear Colleagues!
Happy New Year to everyone. I wish you success in your work, prosperity in your family, and in raising your children in the New Year. So that all your wishes come true, only kind and sympathetic people meet along the way, so that tears in your eyes are only from happiness, and every new day brings a smile, and it never leaves your face!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in prose

There would have been no talk of any success if our team had not gotten down to business! It's time annual reports, reconciliations, approval of the business plan... but behind all the numbers and calculations there is the painstaking work of professionals, without whose skill not a single process is conceivable and not a single idea is realized. The past year has been successful, thanks to your knowledge and experience, patience and mutual assistance, ability to work in a team, respect for each other and dedication to the common cause! May the coming year be reliable and stable for you and your loved ones, and may your dreams and goals come true! We wish peace and comfort to your families! Your well-being is the key to our common success! Happy New Year, friends!

Happy New Year greetings to work colleagues in verse

Please accept Happy New Year congratulations
And wishes for happiness and love.
In the coming year, more patience for you,
May luck fill your days.
Partners who are honest, smart and reliable,
Don't deviate from the right path.
The contracts are profitable, and more can be done better,
And to reach the intended goal!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues from management

Dear Colleagues!
I think that many of you will meet the coming year in festive table in the circle of the closest people, because the New Year is family celebration. I would like to raise a festive glass to the warmth and comfort in your home, to peace and prosperity in every family!
May the New Year 2011 be successful and fruitful for you! Happiness, festive mood, health, love to you and your loved ones!

Happy New Year greetings in verses for colleagues

Let all the problems go away
With them comes pain and hopelessness!
Together with happiness at the gate,
New Year is knocking on our door!
New plans, ideas,
We are reaching a new goal!
Many different achievements
Only smart decisions!
And big income for you,
Have a good day at work!
At home - joy, warmth,
Lots of good stuff!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in French

Chers amis! Chers coll?gues!
Nous vous pr?sentons nos meilleurs v?ux pour ce No?l qui s"annonce! Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup d"optimisme et de bonne humeur, du bonheur, des succ?s dans tous vos projets et nouvelles grandes r?alisations! Nous esp?rons que l"ann?e qui s"annonce vous apportera assurance, s?r?nit?, chance et succ?s dans toutes vos entreprises.
In Russian, the congratulation sounds like this:
Dear friends! Dear Colleagues!
Please accept our congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let me wish you optimism, good mood, happiness, creative success and new achievements! We hope that the coming year will give you confidence, peace of mind, good luck and success in all your endeavors.

Colleagues, we cordially congratulate you
Have a wonderful New Year's celebration!
We wish you success, joy,
Let your home be filled with happiness!
May peace, prosperity, good luck
Accompanied on the journey of life.
Let it be happy - and never otherwise,
Your mornings, nights, days pass.

Happy New Year greetings for colleagues in verse

Our team is small,
But with a huge soul,
Let's celebrate the New Year together,
What's knocking at the gate -
Let Santa Claus not be stingy
For gifts. And strives
Give everyone a bonus for the year,
So that the people are happy.
So that the team works
In summer and winter,
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!

Cool Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

We have worked fruitfully,
All year it was as if we were at war.
And we achieved some results,
We deserve Sabantuy already.
So I wish you, my colleagues,
I wish you happiness in the coming year,
Let there be systematic successes
In work, in relationships and in love.

Happy New Year to colleagues

My dear colleagues!
I have had great luck in my life to work with you!
Happy New Year! I wish you on this holiday and every day:
work - creative, successful discoveries, solutions - as often as possible, recognition of your merits, but do not forget about a sense of humor in case of failures!
Don’t be afraid in your work - inspiration, surprise, experiments, it’s worth it!
But you shouldn’t break away from reality, you will be unclaimed.
Congratulations to you and success!

Official congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Dear Sirs!
Our team cordially congratulates you on the upcoming New Year and wishes success and prosperity to you and your company.
Your colleagues, (company name)

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in verse

A beautiful and fluffy blanket,
Winter has shrouded the trees and fields!
But my soul became warmer,
We are looking forward to New Year's joy and goodness!
May the New Year come soon
And it will bring us a lot of happiness!
And let everything we dream about come true
Let only the best happen in homes!

Dear, venerable colleagues!
I wish you a Happy New Year!
And I wish you much success,
Interesting, soulful work!
Promising and new projects,
And in my career - great achievements,
Happy mood to you all
And great, greatest achievements!

Happy New Year greetings in verse to colleagues

Happy New Year greetings to your colleagues

How quickly time flies.
Suddenly - once! – and again New Year!
And today I wish you
Less worries.
And if it’s a hassle, then it’s a minor one.
So that illness does not touch you.
And to slow down the arrows
The usual circle has been completed!

Original Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Dear Colleagues! Another year has come to an end! It’s a bit of a pity, because those wonderful events that brought our team together are becoming a thing of the past. But don’t be discouraged, because there is still a lot of new things ahead that we have to experience together! Let everything that comes in the New Year bring only changes for the better, prosperity and income growth to our team! Happy new year dear friends!

Let Santa Claus be cool
The crisis will be over!
Let everyone be at work,
It will be everything we wanted!
We waited for career growth,
It's all easy and simple!
Respect is so rushing
And it’s an honor to be with him!
The boss smiles
The directions are all clear!
The cashier carries the statement,
And opposite all the names,
The premium is amazingly worth it!
However, we are lucky,
Hello, best New Year!

Cool Happy New Year greetings to friends and colleagues

Good Santa Claus comes to the house,
He knows that we are waiting for him,
Wears a festive fur coat,
And he has a magic staff with him!
He barely drags a bag of gifts,
Oh, he must be getting hot!
Well, we don’t care about all this,
We are waiting for surprises day and night!
Who craves money, wealth,
Someone wants it to be very sweet
Someone dreams of traveling,
And dreams of traveling the whole world!
Someone is waiting for love on a crazy night,
And my friend really wants to get drunk,
My neighbor and his friends are going to the bathhouse,
To have a great time steaming there!
Well, I only want one thing,
So that there is a lot of everything!
Let everyone celebrate the New Year brightly,
And they will receive all the desired gifts!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Colleagues! We worked together, I won’t hide it,
I'm happy to go to work
And sometimes I really want to tell you:
I won't find anything else like it anywhere!

May the New Year fulfill your wishes,
Luck will not bypass anyone!
We'll fill everyone's glasses with champagne,
Let's dry them now for the New Year!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in verse

Happy New Year, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
May your days and nights be good!
Let the bosses bother you less,
Let the bad things go away quickly!
In my career - growth and great inspiration,
Find successful solutions in everything!

Happy New Year to colleagues

Even though the snowdrifts prevent us from walking,
Even though the snowstorm is frightening outside the window,
Anyway, colleagues, congratulations
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you!
I wish you great success
Both in work and in matters of love,
May it fill you with life, happiness, laughter
The year is coming all the hours and days.

Original Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

I wish that in the new year your salaries will be increased by 150%, and that you will have more days off. I wish your work schedule this year to be like this: 12.00 - beginning of the working day, 12.05-13.55 - lunch break, 14.00 - end of the working day. Happy New Year!

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues

Colleagues! It just so happened that we have to wish each other a Happy New Year! While I was thinking, I thought about my wish and this is what I decided: may the New Year give each of you what you want most! I am sure that then you will want even more, so make a wish right away so that you have everything, more and at once. Let everything come true, but for now let's drink to the New Year and to all our dreams!

Colleagues! Happy New Year!
Happy new income!
With a new mood and fashion,

Whatever your heart desires!

We are going on a new trip.

May you have a successful new year

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to colleagues

How streams and rivers flow into the seas,
So the past year has sunk into eternity...
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas, colleagues,
We are going on a new trip.
May you be on different new paths
Joyful delight awaits discoveries,
Let your rich experience help you,
May you have a successful new year

Original Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Let Santa Claus be cool
The crisis will be over!
Let everyone be at work,
It will be everything we wanted!
We waited for career growth,
It's all easy and simple!
Respect is so rushing
And it’s an honor to be with him!
The boss smiles
The directions are all clear!
The cashier carries the statement,
And opposite all the names,
The premium is amazingly worth it!
However, we are lucky,
Hello, best New Year!

Original Happy New Year greetings to colleagues poems

Colleagues! Happy New Year!
Happy new income!
With a new mood and fashion,
WITH new joy and snowy weather!
With new happiness, with new freedom,
Enjoy nature during the holidays!
May each of you achieve everything,
Whatever your heart desires!

Comic congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Colleagues! Well, another year has passed when we all worked hard together!
I wish that in the New Year we not only work well, but also receive money well! Let there be exactly as many of them as each of us wants! Then we'll see which of us is the greediest! Happy New Year!

Funny Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Happy New Year! Happy new celebration!
May the coming year
We have enough everywhere and everything -
If anything, I'll bring more.
Let women's smiles bloom,
Let men believe in their success,
May the bosses next year
Praises everyone for their work!

Happy New Year greetings in verse to colleagues

On the New Year, I wish you, colleagues,
Let the snowstorms take you away quickly:
All problems are complex, tasks,
Let everyone have a dacha!
Plans, figures and reports,
Let your worries go away quickly!
New Year is already at the door,
Open them quickly!
Have fun from the heart
Happiness is in a hurry to everyone's home!

Original congratulations to business colleagues on the New Year

This is what I think, my dear business colleagues! Let 364 days a year be profitable and only one day unprofitable - this is when we all celebrate the best and richest New Year together! Let our business bring us continuous income, and let our expenses be so small that we won’t even talk about them! Happy New Year and Happy New Happiness to you, gentlemen!

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues

Dear colleagues, I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish each of you that you will finally turn from formidable tigers into affectionate cats! And then there will be continuous purring in the team, which, as you know, has a beneficial effect on nervous system! This means that peace will finally reign, which is not very good for work, but the atmosphere in the team will be excellent! Happy New Year!

Funny New Year greetings to your colleagues

Colleagues, a moment of attention!
I'll tell you my wishes.
May the New Year come to us
It will bring good luck to us all.
May we have agreement
At work, as at a feast now.
May our business flourish
And it will bring profit to us all!

Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Day after day we worked successfully,
We achieved fruits in business.
We deserve a rest, of course
There is also a reason - the New Year has come!
So let's put the reports aside,
We will remember them only next year.
There will be only pleasant worries
This night. Colleagues, everyone to the table!

Happy New Year to colleagues

Happy New Year, colleagues!
I wish that in it
We've done quite well
Our business is big!
Let only the joy of victory
Unites us forever!
We'll leave all troubles behind
Forever behind!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

I'll tear off the last page of the calendar,
I’ll tell my colleagues briefly from the bottom of my heart!
I wish you great happiness in the New Year,
Make any dream come true faster!

Happy New Year greetings to work colleagues in verse

New Year's affairs,
Dancing and singing until the morning!
They brought a Christmas tree to the office
And the table has already been set!
Soon Santa Claus will come,
Wink with his right eye!
I wish all my colleagues
He knows exactly what to want!
Kindness, warmth, love,
Money - in the year of the cat. Look...
There's a round ball on the tree -
It sets fire to love!
The heart burns with fire,
The cat looks embarrassed!
He purrs good things for you,
Tender passion until the morning,
Every day or week.....
I believe him, of course!

Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Happy New Year, colleagues, friends!
This holiday promises us joy.
And we can’t help but believe in happiness,
After all, only a believer will see...
So let's wait for the New Year
With new bread on a new table,
May he bring happiness to us all
And success in hard work.

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in verse

Happy New Year with a new happiness,
Happy new labor song!
Let's say together to the year: “Hello!
Come visit us again!”
May it bring us success
Let him save us from troubles,
Removes all interference
On the road and on the way.

Cool Happy New Year greetings for colleagues The New Year is rushing on a sled,
Suddenly harnessing a tiger!
The tiger is white and fluffy,
They say in the East!
He is a true protector
And I am very happy for him!
I'll tell you guys a toast,
Without further ado!
May it bring you a lot of happiness!
Let your dream come true!

Happy New Year greetings to friends and colleagues in verse

The table is set, the candles are shining,
The Christmas tree is waiting for its apotheosis.
There is a snowstorm and cold outside the window,
Forty degrees below zero!
The holiday awaits the children too,
We won't sleep until morning.
According to tradition, at twelve,
The clink of glasses is heard.
Homon, shouts, round dance,
We've entered the New Year!

SMS Happy New Year greetings to friends, colleagues

Let joy not leave the house,
Not only on holidays!

Collective congratulations are always the most popular. And a special role is always given to New Year’s collective congratulations. Our wishes portal offers New Year greetings to colleagues, which will strengthen the morale of the team. This congratulation carries warmth, lightness, sincere notes of a friendly mood and hope for stability in the future. Happy New Year greetings to colleagues will be received with joy if it is not only printed on a postcard and presented to each employee, but also said at the festive table for all colleagues.

A troika with bells is rushing,
The stars are pouring from under the hooves.
Santa Claus drives the sleigh,
The New Year is in a hurry to the office!

All colleagues have gathered
At the ceremonial table.
Please accept congratulations
Happy New Year, magic!

New Year is coming,
Snow is blowing everywhere.
Which means it's time
Congratulate all colleagues!

I wish you a Happy New Year
Brought more happiness
May you be lucky in everything all year long
And bad weather passed by.

The work is easy and the salary
So that it grows by leaps and bounds,
Well, the boss would be glad
Everything will be done for you!

We've been plowing side by side since the morning,
Let's cope with the "five"
It's time to celebrate,
I want to wish you
So that everyone wakes up in the morning
Happy and healthy
And the day began with success.
Colleagues, Happy New Year!

Put everything aside
It's time to celebrate.
New Year is coming,
Brings a lot of joy!

Be happy, colleagues
This year, more than ever.
Be cheerful, rich,
In the pleasure of work.

Definitely let it happen
A miracle is with you this night.
And cheerful Santa Claus
Sorrows will be driven away.

On this bright, snowy day,
Believe in miracles unselfishly.
Let your dreams come true
There will be more warmth.

Let peace reign in the house,
And all the problems are gone.
Rock out in full swing
Happy New Year!

In our office today
Everything is a little under the table
Both appetizers and salads
Like at a party in a cafe.
We are saying goodbye to the old year,
We drink glasses to him,
And of course we wish
Leave all the troubles in him.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
All the best to you, colleagues,
May health and prosperity
Your life will be full
Let love flow like a fountain in her,
And not with a weak key,
And with love and money
We will move mountains with our shoulders!

We worked successfully
With you, dear team,
It's time to rest
New Year is on the way!

Be happy, be loved
And you are always healthy
There is only prosperity in families,
And comfort and warmth.

The clock will strike soon
New Year.
I hasten to congratulate you:
Let him come

Peace, prosperity and health
To every home.
Together with mother-in-law and mother-in-law
At the table.

Let our guys grow up
Good morning!
Let the salary increase
A couple of times.

Let the boss not bite
For nothing -
He can handle the job
Maybe himself.

To you, colleagues, I still
Wanted to say...
I won’t have time, New Year,
It's time to get drunk!

To you, my dear colleagues,
I wish you a New Year
And health and success,
And have a big income!

All wishes come true
This night I wish you
After all, there is in life, without a doubt,
A place for good miracles!

Dear colleagues, friends,
The New Year is coming, which means
Take it from me
A whole bunch of congratulations!

I wish you success in your work,
More time off for everyone.
So that there is a warm summer in your soul
And in your houses there is joyful laughter.

To make the year successful,
To have fewer problems.
And so that the boss is happy,
Gave awards to all of us!