Bob hairstyles with extensions. Bob haircut for short, medium and long hair. Long bob for oval faces

Bob haircut long hair: beauty, convenience and variety in one bottle!
Long hair is no longer amazing? Is cutting them off too radical? Appetizing cheeks or ascetic thinness - you don’t need to rack your brains on how to “play” on your features so as to admire yourself: a bob haircut for long hair will help you appear in a new brilliant role. And here not only straight hair, but also naturally curly hair will look great. How is this possible? Read on.

Although a long bob haircut (length just above the shoulders and below) may look very similar to a bob, it has a fundamental difference in the technique. The latter presents the world with a strict personage: it is precisely this mood that is created by clear cut lines. The original version of the bob is designed for an equal length of hair over the entire head, and the absence of shortened strands at the back of the head is compensated by straight thick bangs. This is not the case with the bob format: graduation and layering allow you to create an image that fits perfectly into a woman’s natural characteristics. And the versatility of this haircut will help it be different from day to day at minimal cost.

Long bob haircut: how to choose your option

Attention to hair structure

A bob haircut for long hair can be a real salvation for thin and split ends. Graduation will create volume and give a well-groomed look to a hairstyle with such natural features. Curls that are too thick and heavy will gain lightness and shape using the same tool. Working with the ends of the hair using thinning scissors will help coarse and thick hair create the illusion of pliability and softness.

Even with a minimum of graduation (straight version), a long bob haircut will look great on both thick and thin strands. And naturally wavy hair will add deliberate carelessness to the hairstyle: after all, individual curls seem to live their own lives - this is a current image. Bob on curly hair ah looks better without bangs.

Asymmetry - different lengths of strands on one and the other side of the face - requires maintaining a clear cut, which cannot be achieved on a head decorated with curls.

Attention to the oval of the face

When facial features have outstanding features, gradation will help smooth out a strong impression. Wide cheekbones can be hidden as a result of competent work with layers. A similar effect can be achieved by framing the sides of the face. long strands.

A long bob haircut with asymmetry will help you shift attention away from a large nose or a massive chin. This effect of shifting gazes from flaws in appearance to unusual elements of hairstyle works like a charm.

An elongated bob, even without bangs, can work wonders with a round or square face shape, visually stretching it due to the side strands. This effect can be enhanced. Side bangs come to the rescue.

If the face, on the contrary, is elongated, with an elongated chin, then evenly cut strands on the forehead will hide the extra centimeters. And the main thing here is to choose correct length bangs: too short is only suitable for optimal proportions.

Focus on lifestyle

For those who have rigor and determination as their credo in life, a bob haircut for long hair with a clear contour, emphasized in addition and straight bangs will come in handy.

The delicate and sophisticated look will be supported by graduated strands falling onto the forehead.

Arch-shaped bangs will soften your facial features.

The more layered the hairstyle, the more effortless and casual the style it can create. Curls will add romance, and side strands will add youth.

If the desire to look stylish is not hampered by shyness before transformations, then you can try an asymmetrical bob, so trendy in 2017.

Bob haircut for long hair - photos of different options

Without bangs

The courage with which hair stylists Lately they mix different haircuts, it’s amazing. So the bob, which in the classic version appears without bangs, is modified beyond recognition. How to explain to the hairdresser what image you have chosen? Long bob haircuts, photos of which are presented below, can be modified depending on styling. Therefore, it is better to provide the master in the salon with photos that show the front and rear views.

Bob bob

By the way, a very effective result of this mixture of different types of haircuts is the bob. Having absorbed all the best from the bob and bob, it is optimally suited to various styles: from classic to military. One of the most beloved options by many women: with short strands at the back of the head, which visually lift it, and long strands near the face. How relevant and advantageous a bob haircut looks for long hair – the photos (front and back views) below will not allow you to embellish it.

With a bang

In addition to the fact that the bob can please anyone, even the most demanding person, this haircut is also practical. Perfectly smooth and straight strands will help add restraint to your look. If among the various options you have chosen a bob haircut for long hair with bangs, then it is important to fit it harmoniously into the hairstyle. For example, keep an even cut or add a retro look by laying your bangs to one side. For variety, you can weave it into a braid, revealing your face. Accessories will help a young person, after creating a perfectly straight bang, to add a “zest” to her hairstyle: headbands and headbands will do this perfectly! And by twisting the ends of your hair towards the neck or, conversely, away from it, you can achieve the effect of a business lady or a frivolous coquette. The photo will help you see how amazing a long bob haircut with bangs can look.

A haircut can beautify a person, make his face younger and fresher. For this reason, it is necessary to choose your hairstyle wisely. You can find a huge number of photos of interesting and fashionable haircuts. A great example is the bob haircut for medium hair.

This haircut is unique as it suits girls with any type of face.

But there are also subtleties of choice:

  • For a narrow, elongated, angular face, you need to choose a voluminous bob.
  • If you have a round face, you should give preference to a smooth bob.
  • If you have wide cheekbones, you can choose a bob that is long in the front or short in the back.
  • A bob with bangs should be done if you have a large nose or chin.
  • Ombre dyeing, balayage and the like add volume.

Classic bob haircut

The classic bob looks like a square. It has smooth outlines and soft volume. It differs only in the absence of a straight cutting line. The bob suggests a long nape, while the bob at the back of the head is shortened, i.e. The haircut is a combination of long front and short back hair that frames the face.

The classic straight bob can be done on hair of various lengths. This hairstyle visually creates volume. The length is selected individually depending on the shape and length of the face. And usually the classic bob does not include bangs, but recently stylists have increasingly begun to implement this element.

Bob suits every girl, regardless of age. It's easy to create the desired look using a hair dryer, which makes the haircut universal.

How to cut a bob

The haircut process is not complicated at all.For this you only need:

Bob options for different hair types

Bob for straight hair

A bob for straight hair is not much different from a regular bob. More often than not, girls prefer the classic bob.

You can diversify the bean different ways, For example:

  • lengthen the front strands;
  • make asymmetry;
  • leave without bangs or cut them.

Bob for wavy hair

There are many variations of bob haircuts for wavy hair:

Bob for thick hair

Girls with thick hair A short bob is perfect. This type of haircut looks impressive and attractive.

Decorate a short bob:

  • oblique, elongated, short bangs;
  • stylish coloring;
  • lengthening the front strands.

Another advantage of the presented hairstyle is its unpretentiousness. It is very easy to install and keeps appearance she's quite long.

Bangs visually round the face, so most often girls with a rough or elongated oval face resort to this option. The cheekbones stand out.

Hair does not have to be smoothed all the time; you can style it casually. This solution is ideal for everyday use.

Bob for thin hair

Bob suits both thick and thin hair.

Women with thin hair should choose:

  • short bob– it emphasizes the neck;
  • bob with bangs – gives tenderness;
  • bob adds volume;
  • asymmetrical bob - emphasizes the oval face.

For ladies with thinning hair, hairdressers especially recommend bob cuts. This hairstyle not only visually makes the hair more voluminous, but also emphasizes the graceful features of the face. It is especially suitable for girls with round and square faces.

Bob for thin hair

For girls with thin hair, a bob cut is also suitable. This haircut will look great with or without bangs.

It is characteristic that short hairstyles look great on thin hair. At the same time, it is best to color them in an interesting way, but with the help of gentle dyes.

Girls who don't like to stand out can choose a medium-length straight bob. At the same time, you can lengthen the front strands and trim your bangs.

It is preferable to stick to the option short bob . Additional coloring And correct styling will do Thin hair visually thicker.

Pixie bobs and layered bobs are good options.

Types of bob haircuts


A graduated bob is not suitable for every girl, but if she meets the following parameters, then this hairstyle is just for her:

  • round or square face;
  • hair straight or curly;
  • I have an opportunity daily care for hair;
  • possible staining;
  • hair density is moderate.

Depending on your desire, choose:

  • weak graduation – affects the ends of the hair;
  • medium graduation - many strands are affected at a higher level;
  • high graduation – graduation is done on the entire volume of hair.

Types of graduated bob:

  • short bob;
  • medium bob;
  • long bob;
  • long bob


Layering a multi-layer bob will not require much effort and time. You just need to give your hair a little carelessness.

It is ideal for hair of various textures, be it thin, curly or straight hair. This bob is made in layers, making the hair appear thicker.

The hairstyle suits absolutely everyone, since the type of haircut can be chosen individually depending on the:

  • face shapes;
  • preferences (ragged, daring, cute, stylish, sexy);
  • the need to add volume;
  • age;
  • life situation (home/work, youth style).


This type of bob is an excellent option for bold and bright ladies.

The usual asymmetrical bob can be diversified and end up with something completely new and fresh:

  • Short asymmetrical bob will help create the image of both a sweet and feminine lady and a hooligan. This haircut is suitable for slender or moderately plump girls, as well as girls with an overly round or square face. The whole beauty of the haircut lies in the elongated front strand, which many mistakenly consider to be bangs. The truth is that it can be made an extension of the bangs.
  • Medium asymmetrical bob is the most popular option. Suitable for plump girls and girls with round faces. A haircut visually makes the face slimmer. It will be an excellent option for girls who do not like to stand out, and for older women.
  • Long asymmetrical bob It is not necessary to do it on long hair, however, one of the strands should be significantly longer. It can be shoulder length or lower. This haircut attracts attention. She suits girls with any type of face and volume.

Pixie bob

Pixie bob is especially suitable for girls with an oval face shape, a long thin neck, beautifully shaped ears, straight or curly hair:

  1. Those with a round or square face shape should choose a pixie bob with asymmetrical details or an extension at the front to the cheekbone line.
  2. An oval face shape requires side bangs and long front strands down to the earlobes.
  3. A triangular face shape suits a haircut with long oblique bangs.

Girls with excessive plumpness, a massive body, and a short neck should not choose this haircut.

With elongated strands

A bob with elongated strands is a combination of elements classic haircut and bob. An elongated hairstyle is long hair at the front and short hair at the back. The front hair can be straight or asymmetrical. The hair at the back is straight, cut in a cascade, with a ladder.

A regular bob haircut for medium hair can be made more original by leaving long strands on one side and noticeably shortening (to the level of the back of the head) the strands on the opposite side.

This hairstyle is suitable for girls who want to change something about themselves, but cannot decide to cut off their long hair. To do this, during cutting, lengthening is done at a sharp angle, which allows you to leave the length. The angle is selected according to the slope of the cheekbones.

Advantages of this haircut:

  • practicality;
  • versatility;
  • diversity;
  • convenience;
  • appearance correction;
  • individuality;
  • relevance.

The haircut looks great on girls various types appearance.

With a bang

Bob with bangs is no less popular among young girls and older ladies.

To choose the type of haircut, you need to determine your face type:

  • A medium-length bob with long straight bangs is perfect for an angular or round face.
  • A square face will be decorated with bangs reaching approximately to the eyebrows. Direct is best.
  • An oval face would be more suited to a short bob with side bangs.

The appearance of the haircut can be adjusted by the length of the front and back strands, the structure of the bangs, and hair color.

With ragged ends

Hairstyle, like fashion, undergoes changes and is supplemented with new elements. This is how the fashion for bobs with torn ends appeared. This haircut resembles a slight creative mess.

This effect can be achieved by cutting with thinned scissors. The hair at the ends becomes thinner and different lengths.

The hairstyle suits any face type, girls and women of any age. She can even rejuvenate.

Haircut types:

  • Short choppy bob Looks great on unruly and fine hair.
  • Medium Chopped Bob consists of more elongated strands in the front.
  • Long choppy bob can reach the middle of the neck, but despite the length it looks voluminous.

You can diversify your haircut using various techniques; the most popular are adding bangs and asymmetry.


A voluminous bob is a great option for girls with thin, sparse or curly hair. This haircut gives freshness and attractive casualness to the hair. In addition, it is useful for weak hair. In this case, it is best to choose short haircut or a medium length haircut.

Popular types of bobs include bobs and cascading bobs. Volume is created by thinning the ends of the strands.

A voluminous bob is also suitable for ladies with an overly round or square face. Hair length can be very different: up to the ear and longer.

Most often, haircuts are done on damp hair. Start from the back of the head and end with the top strands. Due to this, a cascade results in the end.

Afterwards, the sides are cut off in the same way as the back of the head. At the very end, you can trim your bangs.

It's important to know that The haircut needs to be adjusted approximately every 2 months. Thanks to this, she will always look great.


This variety is also called a casual bob, due to the intentional giving it a casual look and unusual texture. He looks great, bold and stylish.

The tousled effect is achieved thanks to the different lengths of the strands. In this case, the back strands should be shorter than the front ones. The total length of hair may vary. A tousled bob suits almost any girl, regardless of hair length and texture, face type and physical shape.

With a shaved temple

Bob with a shaved temple is an option exclusively for brave and extravagant girls who are not afraid to experiment and change.

This bob haircut looks especially good on medium-length hair. With the right selection of cosmetics, clothes and jewelry, it will be suitable for any event, be it a party, work or a date. This is confirmed by photos of celebrities and others.

Ladies who are older or overweight should think twice before choosing such a haircut.

Bob bob for medium hair

This type of haircut is suitable for calm and balanced ladies who are not ready to cut their hair short or dramatically change their image.

However, you can diversify this hairstyle if:

The bob is suitable for both a young and active girl and an elegant lady. The average length can be chosen by a moderately well-fed girl, as well as an adult lady. A haircut will visually make the face thinner, the neck thinner, and will also take a couple of years off. There are no contraindications to cutting a bob for medium hair in combination with bob elements. When choosing an option, it is recommended to view the photo.

Bob bob with extension

There are a lot of varieties of bob, but an extended bob is considered one of the classic options. It combines the grace of long hair on the face and the boldness of short hair on the back of the head.

Long bob emphasizes the oval of the face and highlights the advantages. At the same time, it is able to hide some imperfections in appearance. Visually, you can remove a couple of extra pounds, highlight your cheekbones, and lengthen your neck. The presented type of haircut is complemented by bangs different types, asymmetry, experiments with strand length.

Bob after 40 and 50 years

Many women after 40 begin to think about changing their image. The problem is that you want to choose a hairstyle according to age and social status, but so that it is fashionable and stylish. Bob haircut is a great option for any age group(after 30, 40 and even 50 years).

The bob haircut is suitable for older ladies, both for medium hair and other lengths. This is confirmed by numerous photo examples.

Many older women suit bangs. It can be of any type:

  • oblique;
  • straight;
  • rare;
  • thick and different.

How to choose a bob haircut according to your face shape

You can choose a bob based on your face type; it is best to contact a stylist, although you can do it yourself. First you need to determine your face type from a photo or standing in front of a mirror.

A short bob suits a long or rectangular face. A haircut such as a bob for medium and short hair helps to make facial features more delicate and round them. A straight bob with bangs also copes well with this task.

Another good option is an inverted bob; it can visually lengthen the neck and help hide imperfections associated with wide cheekbones, full cheeks, and wrinkles. In addition, this haircut adds volume to thin and sparse hair.

A long bob will suit a square or round face. with flowing strands along the sides of the face. He is visually able to smooth out rough features. At the same time, it will highlight the cheekbones, chin, neck and posture. But this bob is not suitable for thin hair.

You can choose a bob with elongated front strands and a short nape, but this haircut is not suitable for ladies with a short neck. An asymmetrical bob is perfect and has no contraindications for use; it will look great with bangs.

Those with an oval face shape can choose almost any type of bob haircut. The best haircuts are asymmetrical bob and bob. These hairstyles can be modified as you like, change the length, add bangs, add volume.

Ombre and balayage coloring

Ombre and balayage are modern methods hair coloring, which is very popular among ladies of any age.

The essence of the ombre coloring technique is a smooth and easy transition from one tone to another. Most often from a dark shade to a light one, less often vice versa.

Experienced specialists advise clients to make their hair lighter by no more than 2-3 tones.

Balayage differs from the previous coloring in that the paint is applied in strokes to the curls. They can be of any shape, but parallel stripes and V-shaped strokes are most often chosen.

A medium-length or elongated bob looks most expressive with ombre and balayage.

How to style at home

A bob haircut, done with high quality and in accordance with the requirements for short, medium or long hair, does not require long and problematic styling. Installation should take a minimum of time, about ten minutes. A professionally done haircut, even with minimal styling, looks great in the photo.

Easy installation method:

  • Dry hair head down until slightly damp.
  • Apply styling product.
  • The hair is pinned up and the hair is dried from bottom to top.

A good way to style a bob haircut for medium hair is also backcombing. This method is very simple. To do this, you need to comb each strand a little towards the roots, sprinkling it with varnish or mousse. Afterwards the hair is pulled back and combed upper layer. As the photos confirm, the most popular option is volume at the back of the head.

Fashionable bob - front and back views: photo 2020

The best way choose a haircut - consult a specialist. The stylist will evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of your appearance in total, so he will offer the best option.

Video about bob haircut options for short and medium hair, photos

Fashionable bob haircut options for the current season for long and medium hair:

Grade: No Rating: 5 (Votes: 1)

  • 1. Bob haircut for medium hair
  • 2. Bob bob for medium hair
  • 3. What is the advantage of a bob cut?
  • 4. Types of bob haircuts for medium hair
    • 4.1. Bob: a classic performed
    • 4.2. Bob combined with bob
    • 4.3. Option for the very brave: bob on a leg
    • 4.4. Bob: for ladies with a high neck
    • 4.5. Layered bob
    • 4.6. Long bob
    • 4.7. Bob with bangs
    • 4.8. Bob asymmetrical
  • 5. Trends in 2017
    • 5.1. Bob with volume
  • 6. The influence of hair condition on the quality of haircut
  • 7. How to choose the right bob haircut
  • 8. Haircut technique for beginners
  • 9. Types of styling

By dedicating an article to “BOB”, stylists mean an undying classic that will probably never go out of fashion. New times also mean new variations of what is known to everyone. A universal bob is acceptable at any length, but it has more chic this haircut specifically on hair that is neither short nor long. Housewives with medium length hair, this selection of stylish and simple tips just for you.

There are more than a dozen varieties of this haircut; with a common base, each of them has its own unique characteristics. For some reason, stylists chose the medium bob, creating many technically impeccable variations of this haircut. In addition, with its help you can veil imperfections in appearance and various defects on the face. The elegant, cheerful, feminine and at the same time mischievous “mistress” of the bob will not escape the attention of fans: after all, in addition to an attractive face, the bob also creates the effect of a harmonious and proportionate figure.

Bob haircut for medium hair

You've decided to experiment or just want to spice up your personal image. Choose a hairstyle that will allow you to achieve the desired effect. What are the characteristic features of the indicated haircut? First we need to name the following: for a perfect and perfect oval face, shoulder-length strands are cut from the side. Then it is worth mentioning the volume created individually for the girl. And here there is a chance of encountering a volumetric zone either on the back of the head or the crown, or you can also find it in the area of ​​the cheekbones. Which option to choose depends only on your decision, because you know the signs of your face better than others. Here are general tips that are universal for everyone: with a long face, you usually choose voluminous strands on the side. If your face has a round shape, then a voluminous crown will help to harmonize and somewhat elongate it.

Particular care must be taken to arrange the strands at the back of the head. Of course, for the first time, the styling example should be a professional one, done in a salon, which you can then try to copy. Stylists advise paying attention to the variety, which has a very funny name: “bean on a leg.” In the discussed embodiment, long strands on the sides are nicely combined with a short-cropped nape and a smooth border at the bottom edge.

If you want a greater effect, get ready to get creative and combine different lengths of strands - your hairstyle will gain additional grace and a very beautiful silhouette.

Bob bob for medium hair

This variety is for modern girls who are confident in their irresistibility. The word “bob” already gives an idea of ​​the peculiarities of the technique: these are long side curls, a flawless oval with a harmoniously selected volume. In this case, emphasis is placed on the cheekbones and crown. For the upcoming season, the trend will be all variations of the bob, and the bob technique is appropriate for both chubby ladies and those with a somewhat elongated face shape.

The advantage of a bob is that you don’t have to stand in front of the mirror with a hairdryer and brush every morning, putting your curls in the right order. A light combing is enough, and the strands seem to “fall” in the right direction without your participation.

We can recommend several types of ways to create a hairstyle, depending on the purpose and purpose of the event: there are evening options, and there are everyday ones.

The double name of the haircut already gives a brief idea of ​​the main distinctive features of this option: it is clear that the bob technique and the square technique are mixed here. Naturally combine curls on the sides, of sufficient length, with very short curls at the back of the head. The bob clearly indicates the obligatory volume; it is the pomp that allows it to be in the family of voluminous hairstyles. The second component (bob) makes it possible to perform with an even and smooth hair structure. At the back of the head, the hair is cut very short with a straight line. You can neglect bangs with a bob, not forgetting about grading the strands, but a bob urgently requires bangs.

What is the advantage of a bob cut?

“Mixed haircut” (bob-“bob”) has a number of undeniable, obvious advantages.

  • Versatility: can be performed on both curly and smooth hair, the length also does not matter;
  • There are no restrictions depending on the type of face;
  • The haircut is easy to do;
  • Does not require special daily styling;
  • The period between corrections is quite long;
  • Performed as per basic technology, and taking into account modern trends and details in execution.

If you have seen models in love with this haircut, then, of course, you have thought about the resemblance to the medieval Joan of Arc. That’s right, it was this heroic girl who became the muse of the stylist who came up with this haircut. Like many avant-garde things, this hairstyle was coveted, but few dared to do it. The bob owes its popularity (like many things in the fashion world) to the incomparable Coco. It was on her graceful head that this hairstyle literally “entered” modern world fashion and show business, and then became beloved by all women.

Now stylists practice many different variations of this haircut.

At birth, the bob had no bangs. Later, around the sixties of the twentieth century, freedom came to the world of fashion: the bob gained volume at the back of the head, this was achieved by cutting the hair on the back of the head in a clever, special way. After 10 years, fashionistas began to curl the ends of their strands, even later they began to do their hair using a slightly careless technique, and finally, by the 90s, layering appeared in the bob. This is the evolution of this hairstyle.

Types of bob haircuts for medium hair

It’s safe to say that every special face has its own kind of bob. That is why anyone will find what she needs: in this way it is easy to emphasize your uniqueness, make your image recognizable and at the same time modern.

The options differ from each other in the types of parting, as well as in the different execution of some details.

Bob: a classic performed

Describing classic version Of course, we are talking about the length just a little above the shoulder line. This option is performed using the “5 points” system. In this case, bangs are not provided. If for some reason you don’t want to give up bangs, then the transition to the lower part is made with virtually no transition. Classics are always distinguished by laconicism and simplicity (this is, perhaps, the main secret of elegance): round shape, volumetric design in the absence of sharply defined graduations. The strands may curl and fall slightly onto the face. This option is easy to wear with good density and coarseness of the hair; it is not recommended for owners of curls and curly hair.

Bob combined with bob

This is also a “relative” of the basic bean. Here the technique uses the “reverse” principle: the strands on the back of the head are made short in contrast to the strands on the sides, which are cut longer than the back ones. A fairly universal method of execution, as it is multi-style: for romance, and for classics, and for “military”, and for sports style.

Option for the very brave: bob on a leg

Are you extravagant, like to take risks and attract attention? Then “leg” is your option. The back of your head will be cut very short, creating an optically unprecedented volume on the top of your head. In front, the strands can be made a little longer, even longer than the border of the cheekbone. You will be like a flower: beautiful and attractive, and sometimes in the literal sense, since from behind, with the ideal technique, it resembles a flower bud. However, it is the hair cut short at the back of the head that sets a special requirement for the neck: it must have a beautiful, almost ideal shape, without flaws.

Stylists advise owners of thin hair to opt for a multi-layered bob, because this option allows them to achieve the required volume, lightness, and fullness; moreover, the “heavy” one takes on a certain “lightness”

Bob: for ladies with a high neck

Dynamism and harmony will become available when grading the occipital strands; such a cascade is characteristic of romantic natures and a natural image. This haircut is done on straight hair, but you can also get a good option on curly hair. Moreover, the quality of the haircut does not depend at all on the structure of the hair. Depending on your mood and the purpose of the hairstyle (evening or daytime, everyday or festive), you can use different styling products: shine is achieved with wax, “wet strands” are created with gel.

Layered bob

If your hair is not dense and thick enough, or is excessively curly, then it is better to perform the bob using the “ladder” technique, that is, graduated. It is best to mill the ends of the strands around the entire circumference. Volume and harmony in a haircut can also be achieved not only by graduation, you can even use the so-called torn ends. Such a multi-layered bob looks very feminine; the elongated asymmetrical bangs allow you to soften the sharp features of the face, but if the face is too round, the side elongated curls will help correct a slight flaw. The structure of the hair is not a reason to refuse a multi-layered bob: the hairstyle is universal. If you want to add some zest, resort to highlighting or coloring.

Since this technique makes the ends torn and milled, you won’t be afraid of such a problem as split ends. The hairstyle turns out fresh, voluminous and incredibly attractive.

Wavy hair, as already said, is not an obstacle to a multi-layered bob, only the master will cut at a smaller angle (otherwise the dried strands will then “bounce”). Thinning will also make the curls more manageable. And with a round face shape, an experienced hairdresser will perform graduations with a pronounced forward extension.

Long bob

This option is for those who are not used to a sudden change in their usual image. The elongated version looks harmonious with straight long bangs and works great with a smooth, heavy hair structure. The choice of option, naturally, depends on the shape of the face: you can find different equipment using length - transition sharply from short to long (the back of the head is short), or you can make such a transition very smooth.

The simple technology (strands are gradually cut off using a ladder) of this model is very relevant, and the most optimal option is when the cutting angle is made along the border of the cheekbones. The strands at the ends are thinned to make the haircut complete.

This type of bob always gives a girl’s appearance additional elegance, naturalness, and feminine charm.

Bob with bangs

You can use different types of bangs in this haircut. A hit among bangs can be considered thick, short: miniature facial features look even more attractive.

If the shape of the face visually requires adjustment, then resort to asymmetrical bangs. This bang shape is also good for shiny, smooth hair.

If you want to lighten too “heavy” cheekbones or too plump cheeks, make the bangs arched.

Young ladies prefer to give their image a girlish spontaneity and carelessness, so their option is torn bangs.

For variety, the bangs can be highlighted or slightly colored.

If you naturally have an ideally shaped forehead, then you can afford a haircut without bangs at all; in this case, long side strands create a harmonious silhouette.

Bob asymmetrical

Asymmetry is a sign of originality and suits bold natures. But while attracting attention, asymmetrical bangs make sharp facial features smoother and visually mask roughness.

An asymmetrical bob can be created with oblique bangs in straight cuts, or with straight bangs. In this option, when cutting hair on the back of the head, adhere to classical performance, the front strands can be cut by imagining and trying.

It should be noted that any model, including an asymmetrical bob, requires well-groomed, healthy hair, good for thick and straight curls.

Speaking about methods of parting, they note the advantage of a side parting due to its ability to correct the shape of the face and hide imperfections. With a side parting, you get an unusually feminine hairstyle that emphasizes the beauty of your cheekbones. The described option is also suitable for curly hair; in addition, stylists advise not to neglect the cascade technique and graduation. After all, it is the cascade technique and graduation that creates multi-tieredness, volume, each strand lies smoothly and creates extraordinary softness.

Trends in 2017

This year, elegance and aristocracy are in fashion, so an elongated bob with a graphic silhouette is a good option for thick, coarse hair. Such hair perfectly retains its shape and has a glossy shine. On this hair structure, multi-tiered haircuts are performed, the edges are made smooth, and the strands on the sides are milled. Laying can be made easier with rounded cut lines.

Bob with volume

For thin or curly hair, a bob with volume, cut in a cascade, will be a universal model.

If your hair is thin, then the most important task is to achieve the required volume. This is precisely why the cascade technique is used, the ends of the hair are milled and graduated. For wavy hair These techniques are also used to “tame” their unruly nature: with this technique, the curls are laid easily and beautifully, do not stick out and do not “jump” to the sides.

Hairdressers love to create “feathers” on the lower cut: it turns out unusually soft and feminine. The effect of a harmonious frame or cut for the face is created using smooth lines and side elongated strands.

To the question about bangs, whether they are trendy or not, you can answer this way: the classic bob leaves the choice up to you, any option will be equally elegant and beautiful. You can, of course, not have bangs at all (if you have a perfect forehead). In this case, elongated strands on the sides, well-groomed, beautifully styled, falling in waves, will create a feminine image and an ideal oval face even without bangs.

The influence of hair condition on the quality of haircut

Of course, your hair should be well-groomed and healthy; in addition, when choosing a haircut, consider your hair type. Bob is suitable for any hair: good master will take into account your hair type when choosing a particular technique, and will try to ensure that the haircut helps your hair look healthy and shiny.

If the hair is healthy, then it is clear that additional effort is not needed; with a well-executed haircut, the hair will not be hindered by heat, strong wind, or other bad weather.

You can also do a bob on previously dyed hair, although, of course, there may be different cases: the length of the regrown strands may not match or somehow unattractively combine with the dyed area of ​​the curl. But for an experienced master this is not scary: everything can be corrected, for example, by doing a new, correctly selected coloring.

How to choose the right bob haircut

The answer is clear: individually, depending on the characteristics of your hair and face type. After all, although the haircut is popular and universal, it also has its own characteristics and vagaries.

  • For a round face, “lengthening” is suitable, while the strands in front are brought to the chin: the face visually loses its roundness, a certain “ovality” is acquired;
  • For “liquid” hair, volume and pomp are required, for which the haircut is done in layers (what techniques are used to achieve pomp, any experienced master knows very well);
  • For curly hair, use the cascade or ladder technique, achieving the desired effect with the help of thinning;
  • For a too elongated face, use bangs, which visually shorten the face (types of bangs are already described in our article);
  • A square face requires softening of sharp contours, so geometric shapes and sharp edges are avoided when cutting and styling. Cheekbones with hard visual contours are masked with rounded curls and light wavy strands. It is also possible to lighten the heaviness of the form by cutting with asymmetry;
  • A triangular face is harmonized by lengthening the ends of the strands; In this case, bangs can be of any kind; you need to cut the back of your head especially carefully;
  • The oval face shape is the “happiest”: any type of bob will suit it, from classic to ultra;
  • With any face shape, you may want to get rid of bangs due to some inconvenience. Please choose an oblique bangs shape, and such bangs will not interfere with you either when moving or in the wind.
  • With a high forehead, the bangs are usually brought to the eyebrow line;
  • To create a proportional image, the emphasis is shifted to the back of the head, where volume is created, and the bangs are cut along an oblique line.

Haircut technique for beginners

The bob technique is not very difficult. First of all, remember that you need to cut your hair clean and damp.

Let us designate the following stages:

  • Divide the strands into parts: this is done with partings in the shape of the letter “P”, secured with clips;
  • The hair on the back of the head is pulled back, towards the back of the head, and cut along the contour of the cut of the back of the head.
  • The bangs and ends of the strands are milled.

Types of styling

The resulting haircut can be styled in any way: there are enough options. Moreover, we now have at our disposal big choice styling products and accessories. This will only take you 5 to 10 minutes. A universal device for this is a round brush-comb and a hair dryer. Having created the desired shape and desired volume, fix with varnish.

If your hair is unruly or thin, if you need to maintain your hairstyle for a long time, it is raining, windy, etc. outside, use products (mousse or gel). For creating beautiful shapes You can use a straightening iron instead of a hair dryer.

And it’s quite simple if you decide to “mess”: then wash your hair, apply a small amount of mousse and beat the strands with your fingers, giving the desired look.

The following styling is popular:

  • The hair must be washed, lightly blotted with a towel, lifting the hair at the roots, and using a hair dryer and its crevice nozzle to give the desired volume;
  • We divide already dry hair into 5 sections (on the temples - 2, on the sides - 2, on the back of the head - 1), each of which is again divided into strands;
  • We iron the selected strands, starting from the back of the head. Then we do the same with the strands on the sides, after which we straighten the strands on the temples with an iron, directing the curls inward;
  • Finish: straightening the bangs;
  • We dry the strands and straighten them from the crown towards the forehead, then the ears, then the back of the head. We make 2-3 movements per strand, without holding the iron in the arms for too long, so as not to burn the hair;
  • If you want to use curlers, then the resulting curls must subsequently be separated simply with your fingers;

I would also like to say something about styling graduated hair. Here you must use styling foam. First, we work with the bangs: straighten them with an iron, turning the ends outward. Next we lay out the bulk of the hair. To do this, the hair is wrapped in small batches of strands with the ends facing outward. This way you focus attention on the graduated ends of the strands. Finally, we varnish everything.

A curly bob looks impressive. In this option, small curls are curled with small-diameter electric curling irons. If you need larger curls, take curlers or curling irons, only with a larger diameter.

Using an iron, you get clear boundaries, but if you want a vintage look, take special straighteners. The curling iron creates round, wavy curls.

Another method worth noting:

  • Distribute the mousse on damp hair;
  • Using brushing and a hairdryer, add volume to the roots;
  • Volume is created by drying the hair in sections: side strands - first, on the back of the head - then;
  • No one has canceled backcombing as a way to create the necessary volume: this can be done with a comb with fine teeth, backcombing is done on the roots.

In addition, the hair can be combed back to the back of the head. In this case, the foam is applied to damp hair, the strands are carefully combed back with a round-toothed brush, and dried (starting from the back of the head). This vintage look is secured with a backcomb at the back of the head. If the bangs are too short, they are hidden under the headband.

“Malvinka” is also a very advantageous type of styling: the ends of the hair are directed outward, everything is secured with varnish. To create the desired volume, use a special hair dryer attachment - a diffuser.

Presenting all the advantages of the bob, I wanted to prove its versatility and uniqueness. An absolutely win-win option, because it is always appropriate, always romantic and feminine, like any classic - immortal.

Section: Women's haircuts and fashionable hairstylesAdditional section: Hair care

This year's trend is bob haircut for long hair. She combined the charms of two hairstyles at once: an oblique bob line and strands with a cap on the sides, like a traditional bob.

Stars photo
long hair with many bobs
bob gallery view
views look

This symbiosis is relevant for long hair - just look at the photos of celebrities in 2018.

Who is it suitable for?

Long-haired girls are lucky, as there are many hairstyle options for them. Popular:

  1. Classic. With or without bangs. When choosing bangs, the straight option is preferable. It gives the head an A-shape. Looks good on straight and smooth curls and creates a stylish look.
  2. Elongated. One of the most sought after. The back of the head is made shorter, and the face is framed with long strands. The result is a double effect: soft, elongated strands in the front, an open, delicate neck - rear view.
  3. Asymmetric. Hides facial imperfections, gives freshness and playfulness. Clear graphic contours of the hairstyle require very precise execution.
  4. Haircut cascade. Often has oblique bangs. Visually narrows the face and gives charm to a shy person.
  5. Bob bob with side bangs. Relevant among young people - look at the photo from 2018. Suitable for owners of oval, round, square faces. Used for straight and wavy curls.

In terms of thickness and texture, graduated and cascading haircuts are especially popular, which are done in steps: the hair at the back of the head is shorter and gradually lengthens in the front.

Most often, this hairstyle is preferred by chubby women who want to elongate their oval shape. An elongated bob suits ladies with a short neck and square chin.

Bob bob for long curls undoubtedly emphasizes feminine beauty, however, is not suitable for everyone. For example, a haircut with straight bangs looks better on dark hair, while on blondes it will look harmonious only if the hair is thick.

Girls with oval faces and soft features a haircut will do cascade and milled bangs, rhapsody haircut.

Straight bob does not look good on ladies with thin, sparse strands. They need a double square, graduated. This will give the image freshness and dynamics.

Step-by-step technique

The technique of making an elongated bob at home is complex and requires a certain level of skill. If you have already tried to do a cascade hairstyle yourself, try this one too, since they are similar:

  1. Divide your hair into several parts.
  2. Start cutting from the bottom of the back of your head. Take the bottom strand on the left side, up to 8 mm thick, comb it, make a clear cut parallel to the parting.
  3. Do similar manipulations with the strands on the right side. This creates the first row, which you will subsequently focus on.
  4. Continue trimming the hair at the back of the head. Pull the strand at a right angle, make a clear cut. This is the second control strand.
  5. The remaining strands are cut in the same way - in accordance with the cut level. Each subsequent strand is compared in length with the previous one - to maintain a clear angle. The third control strand should be longer than the rest, and so on.
  6. Cut the strands of the temporal lobe towards the back of the head. After this, trim the hair of the temple area.
  7. Divide the curls of the parietal zone into 2 parts, cut “from short to long.” This will allow you to get an extension in the center of this zone.
  8. Comb and profile your hair.

For more details on the haircut technique, watch the video.

With or without bangs?

A woman's choice. But if you look at photos of hairstyles in 2018, you can see that bob bobs for long hair are in fashion with bangs. Also, consider appearance, lifestyle and final image:

  • Oblique bangs are optimal for chubby ladies. Looks good with smooth and clear corners;
  • Torn bangs will do to any type of face, especially in combination with a torn haircut.
  • Straight bangs are an option for a long face.

Bob bob without bangs is also relevant. For many women, he is a real salvation. It is preferred by those who have to change their hairstyles often.

Laying options

A lot depends on the installation. The same type of hairstyle can look different.

  • for thin, brittle, split ends hair will do grunge style. It's a creative mess, only carefully thought out;
  • on blondes and highlighted hair, strands elongated in the front look great with increased volume in the back.

Correct hair styling is done like this:

  1. Wash your hair, apply conditioner.
  2. Let it dry.
  3. Make a parting line. Focus on your own preferences.
  4. Apply styling foam, comb the elongated strands back, pin them on the top of the head.
  5. First, style the strands at the back of your head using a curling iron or hair dryer, then proceed to the crown. The bangs are put in last.
  6. When finished, fix your hair with hairspray.

If you get your hair cut by a professional, you can easily create any look at home. For an ideal look, it is advisable to adjust your hair once a month.

Secrets of the masters

Trendy hairstyle – bob with long curls. Ideally combined with different bangs, it allows you to model your own silhouette and image. But only if you have been cut by a hairdresser. Here's what stylists advise:

  • For owners of thin, sparse hair, an asymmetrical hairstyle with volume at the roots is suitable;
  • To focus attention on the eyes, make a side parting;
  • The asymmetrical bob is difficult to style. Creative clutter won't do;
  • An elongated bob is the best option for ladies who want to make their face visually younger. Long locks on the sides rejuvenate, the woman surprises those around her and attracts attention.

To find out how much a hairstyle costs, check out the table:

Now take a look at and.

The elongated bob or long bob has become a real boom this year! Many beauties decided to radically change their hairstyles and get a trendy haircut, including stars. We offer you some of the best examples of long bob. Choose!

Long bob Now at the peak of popularity! If you're thinking about changing your hairstyle, be sure to pay attention to this fashionable option! You can contact him if you want to part with your long curls, or just change your haircut if you have medium-length hair.

An elongated bob suits girls with almost any face shape, modeling the perfect oval. It softens sharp features, giving the appearance femininity and softness. Even for girls with an elongated face shape, you can choose the perfect option by focusing on asymmetry or bangs.

A bob haircut on long hair looks simply amazing! But we advise you to contact a professional stylist - he will select the option that will be ideal for you. If you have very thin hair, you should pay attention to haircuts with strands of different lengths, which will add volume to your hairstyle. Do you have a very wide forehead? The ideal solution would be a long bob with bangs.

Check out our selection and choose your perfect haircut! A bob for long or medium hair will transform you, you'll see!

Long bob for long hair

Bob for long hair

Long bob haircut styling

Fashionable bob for medium hair