Spells and prayers against cockroaches. Magic rituals, ceremonies and conspiracies against cockroaches Folk conspiracies against cockroaches

Many people feel horrified when they see a cockroach in their kitchen. Today there are many different means which help get rid of insects. People who are disappointed in their effectiveness prefer to use folk ways and read . Magic rituals help change the energy of the home, which becomes unsuitable for pests.

How to get rid of cockroaches forever - conspiracies

Let's start with a universal ritual that can be used not only to get rid of cockroaches, but also to drive mice out of the house. The first step is to close all taps and wipe all surfaces dry. Also hide all containers and other sources of water. Then, after sunset, open all the doors and say the following words:

“I drive away the small, filthy creature from my house, I drive it out the window, out the door, over the threshold, I take it away from the house of God’s servant (name). They will perish in the taiga, die in the sea, and die from the wind. My field is dry, my table is dry, there is no drink, no water for them, now they will die of thirst. No sooner said than done. Amen!"

Keep the doors open for another hour.

Conspiracy with food, how to get rid of cockroaches

To carry out the ritual, you should take three eggs and three potatoes. Place them in a saucepan, put on fire and cook for three hours. Then cool the products and peel them. The yolks should be discarded, and the whites and potatoes should be turned into a homogeneous mass. Mix in 20 bags of boric acid. Mix everything and form small balls on which you need to say the following words:

“I speak to all the creeping creatures:

Cockroaches, ants, bedbugs.

You can’t live here, you can’t eat here,

You can't drink here.

My food is poison for you.

Get away from my doorstep!

You won't live here!

I close my word with a key and throw it into the deep sea.

The cockroaches will go to the sea for the key and disappear there.”

Place the balls in different areas throughout the house. This conspiracy against cockroaches can be read on a fresh cucumber, which needs to be cut into small cubes. The ritual can be repeated regularly.

Popular conspiracy against cockroaches in the apartment

To do this, you should prepare a matchbox and put four cockroaches in it. You will have to suffer to do this, but you can get rid of the problem. At sunset, you need to go to the crossroads, stand in the center and repeat the following spell on each side of the world:

“I’m opening roads on all four sides. You cockroaches, get away from me, go away. Stay there on the far side, don’t go back!”

After this, the cockroaches need to be released and go home. On the way, throw 4 coins of five kopecks and say: "Paid".

Conspiracy against cockroaches on water

This easy ritual can be performed any day. Take a regular plate, pour water into it and place it in the sink. Read the following plot above it:

“An uninvited guest, a domestic pest, go away and take your relatives, do not appear in my house, go to the river to drown yourself.”

Leave everything like that overnight and go to bed. In the morning, all insects that appear near the plate should be washed off with water. This ritual can be performed regularly and used to get rid of other insects.

There is another ritual using water. For him, it is necessary to fill any container in complete solitude and in a whisper, so that no one hears, say the following plot seven times:

“Black cockroaches, red cockroaches, piebald cockroaches, white cockroaches, here you have bitter aspen, and in the forest - honey and raspberries. Go, walk, don’t remember the way back. Amen".

Then you need to sprinkle the corners of the entire house with the charmed water. After a couple of days, use the remaining liquid to wash the threshold at the entrance.

When everything available has been tried in the fight against bedbugs folk remedies and store-bought, industrial drugs, but the results still remain disappointing - the word of conspiracy and prayer comes to the rescue.

Our ancestors believed that a word spoken on a certain day and time, in a specific sequence, would have enormous power, influencing the forces of nature and all living things. It is about what conspiracies exist against bedbugs, cockroaches and other small living creatures that will be discussed further.

Rules for conducting rituals against bedbugs and cockroaches

In order for the conspiracy against bedbugs to have its full force, it is important to know not only the text itself, but also the rules for its implementation.

These rules include the following:

  1. The magical ritual is carried out in the very morning, but after the full rise of the daylight - it is in this case that the ritual will have its greatest power.
  2. It is best to read the words of the ritual spell on an empty stomach, after washing your face and rinsing your hands in water consecrated in the church.
  3. In addition, after the ritual, be sure to go to the bathhouse, clean the house and sprinkle the saint’s home, preferably with Easter water.
  4. Anyone can read the text of a ritual conspiracy - the main thing is that it must be a person without bad habits and inclinations.
  5. The conspiracy itself, its words, should not be read anyhow - they must believe in it and take its power seriously, shaping it to a specific problem.
  6. During the ceremony, you should not laugh and have fun - focus on the question and solution to the problem.
  7. Never change, let alone skip, a word - in the text, each letter has its own power, and it is the unity of words that gives the conspiracy its power.

If all the means have been tried, but there is still no result, we take into account a conspiracy against bedbugs and other insects in our own apartment.

Options for conspiracies against bedbugs:

  • The first version of the conspiracy is simple and does not require long preparations. On any day of the week you choose, at 12 midnight, light a few candles brought from the temple and sit at a table covered with a clean tablecloth. After this, it’s worth saying out loud the words of the ritual spell several times: “Bedbug, bang in the night, run back from here - it will be unpleasant for me, to the homeless person, to the neighbor, and to the dirty, gray-haired grandfather. Amen."
  • Another simple one, but effective conspiracy against apartment bugs:“Let the bug leave my apartment - dirty, unwashed, smelly and unkempt. Be according to my word. Amen." They read the words until the candles burn down to cinders - they are simply taken out into the trash.

Conspiracy from a Siberian healer

The conspiracies that the powerful Siberian bedbug healer practices in helping people will also come to the aid of many. Natalya Stepanova gives her text of a ritual conspiracy in the fight against them - it is accompanied by a certain ritual ceremony.

First of all, you should catch a live insect and live it in a box - a whisper of salt and small crumbs of bread from the table are placed in it. Next, read the words of the conspiracy - they will force living creatures to leave your apartment or private house and live on the street.

The words sound like this: “The bug Klopovich is your bread and salt, go live in the field. You have to wait for your relatives there, but I won’t see all of you for a long time. In the name of the Holy Trinity, Amen." Afterwards, just take the box to the field, leaving it, and go home.

Conspiracy for Easter

Bedbugs in own home- an unpleasant thing, but you can drive them out through a magical ritual performed on Easter. It is held after the church service and after dedicating eggs and Easter in the temple.

When you come home from the temple and cross the threshold of your own apartment, say the following words of the conspiracy: “I broke my fast with an egg and Easter, and the bug was a bug.”

After this, the bedbugs will simply leave your home within a day. When did the house become infested with a huge number cockroaches - you can sweep them out using a magical spell, supplemented with a broom.

In this version of the ritual spell, sweep the trash outside the threshold of your own home and at the same time say out loud the words of the following magical spell: “I’ll go to the morning room, and you bugs all get out of my hut. Bright Easter is coming - you are out of the hut, Amen.”

You can also recite a conspiracy that helps to expel bedbugs and other small living creatures in the form of cockroaches from the house on the bright day of Easter - they are recited when the church bell rings for services.

The following spell is said three times: “Christ is risen, and he has given my family health, my field a harvest, and my home wealth. Amen."

Plot on Maundy Thursday

Getting up in the morning, at dawn, before the sun rises, the youngest of the family asks everyone present: “Are there still bedbugs at home? At home! The bedbugs all went under the floors, but only one remained, and even that one got collected.”

After this, you should catch a live bug and burn it. You can also use another ritual - they catch 3 bugs, tie them together in a bundle or a rag, put them on a raft and push it away from the shore with their feet.

In this case, it is worth saying the words of the conspiracy: “The raft floats, and with it the bug itself, the raft across the river will drag the bug by force, and will not return it back.”

Among other things, you can practice another ritual - wait until the priest enters the temple and, quietly throwing a live bug after him, say to yourself the words “ Where does it go pop – that’s where the bug itself runs.”

Salt and onion spell

Variants of spells for salt and onions:

  1. For this ritual, take Thursday salt and, throwing it along with the still living bug after the fleeing dog, they say: “Four legs are running, and the bug is behind them. Amen."
  2. Another ritual is to take several bugs, put them in a box, bury them in the ground and plant onions on top. While you are planting onions, say the words next conspiracy: “Your mother and father buried you, and your children will soon leave.”
  3. Onion for bedbugs is also effective and effective remedy and a magical ritual using it will help not only cleanse the energy of the house, but also remove all insects from its walls. To carry it out, turn off all taps and water containers and wipe dry all wet surfaces - living creatures should not have access to moisture and water. After the sun sets, open all the windows and read aloud the words of the conspiracy: “I drive the small creature, from threshold to window, from window to road, everything will go away from the servant of God. The bug will perish in the sand, it will perish in the taiga, it will die from cold water and dry wind. My house is dry, there is no water - there is no life in the house, as I said, so be it. Amen."

Conspiracy through the door

An ancient, but quite effective magical ritual in the fight against pets - bedbugs and cockroaches, and all small living creatures.

To carry it out, you should open the front door wide and say out loud three times: I’m ridding my house of fleas and bedbugs, I don’t want to live with them. Go away - there is no home for you here. Next, sharply slam the door and spit three times - you should definitely spit over your left shoulder.

Conspiracy with a broom

To carry it out, take a broom or a brush that is used to clean the floor, and pronounce the following words of the conspiracy: “Get out of here, you scary and terrible people, don’t come to my house, don’t litter in it, leave with dust and litter.”

After this, simply knock three times on the threshold of the house, opening the door, and sweep them out.


When practicing ancient conspiracies, the main condition for their action is your faith, and this is the only way to say that over time they will not return back to your home. The whole point is that the conspiracy, first of all, adjusts the energy of your walls and rooms, and she, in turn, directs it to the detriment of small living creatures.

It’s worth believing that you won’t be able to do anything worse with a ritual and a conspiracy against cockroaches and bedbugs, but at the same time it will help rid your home of harmful living creatures. The power of the ancients in conspiracy is high - just understand the words that you pronounce and, when performing the ritual, be sure of its effectiveness.

A modern person easily and simply gains access to any knowledge - on the Internet, by correctly asking a search question, you can get the desired answer. But information about how to properly cook soup and knowledge about secret customs or rituals differ from each other. A person’s attitude towards esoteric (secret, hidden) information is regulated by religion.

Decades of struggle against faith in the USSR were not in vain - many people do not have a properly formed attitude towards the church and its rituals. What brings them to church is not a sincere impulse, but a utilitarian desire to receive help in difficult life situations. And they don’t care what force they turn to (as long as it helps), since there is no clearly formed boundary between what is permitted and what is prohibited.

This behavior equates a person who considers himself a Christian to a pagan. Many people who consider themselves believers are inspired to use conspiracies by the simple desire to be a little wizard; they innocently perceive them as a game.

The life of a believer is always accompanied by prayer - a sincere appeal to the Lord, the Mother of God or the saints. It could be:

  • a request for help in difficult life situations from which a person despairs of getting out on his own;
  • seeking assistance and help in starting a religious work;
  • thanksgiving for the Divine help provided, for the gift of health, life, etc.;
  • sincere regret and repentance for the offense committed.

A believer draws strength from prayer for his actions and knows that he can always count on Divine help.

Prayer books approved by the Church (information about this is usually contained on the title page of the publication) contain texts that a Christian believer can use if necessary. You can also pray in your own words - the main thing in turning to God is sincerity.

A believer knows that God will help a person with what is necessary, but to achieve what he wants, he needs to work hard. The one who resorts to the conspiracy wants to get the result without difficulty.

Prayer will give strength and patience to a person who wants to clean his house, will help make his work effective, and the result will be quick and complete. Many believers are familiar with the feeling - after prayer, even heavy work is easy and pleasant to do, it goes smoothly, without incidents or accidents.

You need to start clearing your home of cockroaches with sincere prayer and faith in Divine help. All usual measures to exterminate insects are carried out, the apartment is cleaned. Salt consecrated in the church on Easter can be added to the water for cleaning (believers always have it in the house), after which the clean rooms are sprayed Epiphany water. At the same time, a prayer is said to Saint Tryphon.

If the owner of the house decided to use prayer against cockroaches, then he needs;

  • clean the house well and clean:
  • do not forget to seal the food;
  • repair leaking pipes and taps;
  • seal all cracks and holes;
  • glue wallpaper;
  • When cleaning, use products to kill cockroaches.

After this, in a clean, empty house (you need to ask everyone at home to leave), light a church candle and say a prayer:

  • as carefully and concentratedly as possible, with maximum faith in the result;
  • speak in a muffled or whisper (it is important that the words sound), in an even voice, without being distracted or confused as many times as required;
  • The ritual should be performed in natural light - either in the morning or in the evening.

Priests often draw the attention of believers to the fact that after moving to new house it must be consecrated. To do this, the priest performs a special ceremony in an apartment or house. It has been noticed that insects do not live in such a house; people always feel comfortable and safe in it.

Prayer to Saint Tryphon

The memorial day of the martyr Tryphon of Apamea is celebrated by the Orthodox on February 14. He was born in the third century into a family of simple peasants, poor but worthy people. From early childhood, Saint Tryphon worked hard, like all peasant children.

It so happened that the inhabitants of the native village of the future saint began to be threatened with famine - hordes of locusts attacked the crops. Only Tryphon’s sincere prayer saved his fellow countrymen from hunger - by God’s will, all the pests disappeared.

The Church has established a special rite of turning to Saint Tryphon with prayer, which is resorted to when rodents or insects attack agricultural plantings. For modern city dwellers whose home is overrun by mice, rats or cockroaches, they should order a special service to Saint Tryphon.

In addition, for the protection of your home, for the acquisition of your home and for everyday needs (for a clean house without insects), you can pray to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous, whose life is full of great miracles, and the miraculous icon with a piece of the relics is in Moscow.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

O Most Blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all mental and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and To the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer to Tryphon of Apamea

O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you, and to those who pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, who honor your holy memory in this all-honorable temple (created for the praise of your holy name), and intercede for us before the Lord in every place. You, the saint of Christ, the holy martyr and wonderworker Tryphon, who shone forth in great miracles, before your departure from this corruptible life, you prayed for us to the Lord and asked him for this gift: if anyone is in any need, trouble, sorrow or If mental or physical illness begins to be invoked by your holy name, he will be delivered from every pretext of evil. And just as you were once the daughter of the Tsar, in the city of Rome I was tormented by the devil, you healed her, her and us from his fierce machinations all the days of our life, especially on the day of our last breath intercede for us. Be then our helper, and a quick drive away of evil spirits, and a leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand among the saints at the Throne of God. Pray to the Lord, that we may also be worthy to be partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and that together with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

The difference between prayer and conspiracy?

Unlike prayer, a conspiracy (whisper) is a verbal formula that is designed to quickly obtain a certain result without human participation. Reading a conspiracy is a ritual during which:

  • certain items apply;
  • the text is pronounced in accordance with certain rules;
  • clearly specified actions are performed;
  • The time and place of the event are observed.

By carrying out a conspiracy, a person is removed from the course of events - other forces will do this for him. It is not clear which ones, but they have nothing to do with the divine. A whisper, a conspiracy, a spell differs from a prayer in meaning:

  • the prayer has a clear meaning, understandable even to a poorly educated person, which can be supplemented with your own words (in Orthodoxy, misunderstandings of prayer are often caused by the Church Slavonic text, Catholics read the prayer in native language), a clearly formulated appeal;
  • a conspiracy is often a set of words that are not connected in meaning; words cannot be changed, rearranged, or deleted from the text. Does not have a specific appeal, although it often refers to Christian symbols.

Conspiracies, as a ritual text, are older than prayers. These are preserved fragments of pagan knowledge of the ancient Slavs, which were supplanted by the Christian worldview. Not everyone can use them (even if you ignore the religious prohibition). The person was specially trained to pronounce the text, accompanying rituals, and behavior before and after the conspiracy. Usually, healers were not allowed into the church, although the residents respected and feared them.

The result of a conspiracy pronounced by an unprepared person cannot be predicted. The result of prayer will always be positive - its words and the state of spirit in which the praying person is located harmonize and heal his body and the environment.

How does the church feel about such prayers?

Church ministers have a sharply negative attitude towards conspiracies, considering them a deviation from religion and a manifestation of paganism. They do not recommend that their parishioners resort to them or seek help from people who have knowledge of conspiracies (there is a direct indication of this in the Holy Scriptures).

Priests regard this practice as turning to the unclean and causing harm to one’s soul. There is an opinion that turning to magic and conspiracies is a kind of disease that indicates spiritual decline and mental laziness, a person’s deep-seated lack of faith in his own abilities.

The Church teaches that any event in a person’s life does not happen by chance, and should be an incentive for him to make his life more purposeful. This requires spiritual effort and work from believers. A person who resorts to conspiracies wants to get what he needs without investing effort and labor, he does not care what he will have to pay for what he receives.

If a person needs help with household chores, it is best to pray for the protection of the home. Powerful canonical prayers include:

  • "Our Father";
  • “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice”;
  • “May God rise again”;
  • “Living in help... (Psalm 90).

For the protection and cleansing of the home, Orthodox Christians can pray to Jesus, Saints Tryphon of Apamea and Spyridon of Trimifunt, Catholics of the Western and Eastern rites - the Mother of God.


Who to contact and how to act if it is necessary to get rid of a misfortune depends only on the person. Only true faith can serve as a guide and protection for a person in difficult times, and prayer will help preserve the health and life of oneself and loved ones, and create a favorable atmosphere in the home.

The most common cockroaches can become a big problem for any person. There are many methods to save yourself from the invasion of these insects, and the conspiracy against cockroaches is one of them.

Cockroaches can appear in every home

How do pest control rituals work?

A conspiracy against cockroaches is a magical remedy that our ancestors used long before the first chemicals appeared that had a negative effect on insects and pests. At that time, such assistance from higher powers worked very effectively.

The principle of operation of rites and rituals of this kind is based on interaction with the energy of the room. Magic words in such a way that the house becomes uninhabitable for pests. A change in the energy background in a house or apartment forces cockroaches and other harmful creatures to leave the premises.

Most rituals are performed alone. This is necessary so that it does not break energy balance practice, home and word magic. Also, experienced esotericists say that it is better to carry out such rituals. In this case, the lunar energy will become an additional amplifier of the conspiracy, making the onset of the effect faster and increasing the power of the magic. However, there is no great need to become attached to the Moon when performing rituals that expel cockroaches.

Before you begin the ritual, you need to make sure that all the taps in the house are closed. It is also necessary to wipe all surfaces dry. In addition, you need to hide away all containers and other objects that could serve as a source of water.

After these preparations, you can begin to perform the ritual itself. It's very easy to do.

After the sun sets below the horizon, you need to open all the doors in the house, then pronounce the text of the conspiracy against cockroaches:

“I drive away the small, filthy creature from my house, I drive it out the window, out the door, over the threshold, I take it away from the house of God’s servant (name). They will perish in the taiga, die in the sea, and die from the wind. My field is dry, my table is dry, there is no drink, no water for them, now they will die of thirst. No sooner said than done. Amen!".

The doors must be left open for an hour after reading the plot. After some time, the magic words will manifest themselves and drive the insects away from the house or apartment.

Hex on food

In order to get rid of cockroaches using a spell, our ancestors cast food spells. This easy-to-perform ritual is effective and frees a person and his home from troubles with insects and pests for a long time.

To perform a magical effect, a person will need to take three eggs and three potatoes. The ritual includes the following actions:

  1. Place the ingredients in one pan and cook for 3 hours.
  2. Cool and peel.
  3. You can discard the egg yolks. Grind the whites and potatoes until smooth.
  4. Add 20 sachets of boric acid to the resulting composition.
  5. Mix the whole mass and form it into balls.
  6. Read the conspiracy against cockroaches:

“I speak to all the creeping creatures:

Cockroaches, ants, bedbugs.

You can’t live here, you can’t eat here,

You can't drink here.

My food is poison for you.

Get away from my doorstep!

You won't live here!

I close my word with a key and throw it into the deep sea.

The cockroaches will go to the sea for the key and disappear there.”

The charmed balls must be placed in all corners of the room. The ritual can also be carried out by speaking on a cucumber cut into small cubes. In order for witchcraft to always be as effective as possible, the ritual can be repeated regularly.

For the ritual you will need boric acid

Ritual against harmful insects

The proposed conspiracy against cockroaches is widely popular. Its implementation may seem somewhat difficult, but the effectiveness of the text is so high that people have been using it for a long time in the fight against harmful insects.

Four caught cockroaches are placed in a matchbox. At sunset, a person goes to the crossroads with a box, stands in the center and repeats the text of the plot on each of the four sides.

The text of the conspiracy goes like this:

“I’m opening roads on all four sides. You cockroaches, get away from me, go away. Stay there on the far side, don’t go back!”

After this, you need to release the insects from the box and go home. Along the way, you need to throw 4 coins worth 5 kopecks, saying: “Paid.” In this way, the practitioner leaves a payoff, consolidating the powers of witchcraft, and pays tribute to the forces that will help get rid of the problem of the invasion of cockroaches in his home.

A simple conspiracy against cockroaches

Spells on water

Water charmed in a special way can help a person solve many problems. A spell read on it will help get rid of such an unpleasant situation as the appearance of cockroaches in an apartment or house.

Hexes can be carried out at any time. The effectiveness of rituals will not decrease in any way from lunar phase or a specific day.

To carry out the most popular ritual for expelling cockroaches associated with water, you will need an ordinary plate. It is filled with water and placed in the sink.

After this, a spell is read on the water in the container:

“An uninvited guest, a domestic pest, go away and take your relatives, do not appear in my house, go to the river to drown yourself.”

Having completed the actions, you can go to bed so as not to touch the plate during the night. In the morning, insects that are near the plate with the charmed liquid are washed off with water. The proposed ritual will help to permanently get rid of other insects that damage the comfort and well-being of the home.

You can also use another ritual that involves using water to expel cockroaches from the apartment. It is as strong and effective as possible, despite the ease of execution.

It is done as follows:

  1. When you are completely alone, fill a container with water.
  2. Repeat the text of the conspiracy seven times:

    “Black cockroaches, red cockroaches, piebald cockroaches, white cockroaches, here you have bitter aspen, and in the forest - honey and raspberries. Go, walk, don’t remember the way back. Amen".

  3. Sprinkle all the corners in the house or apartment with enchanted water.

If there is water left after the ceremony, there is no need to put it anywhere. The remains should be washed off the threshold a couple of days after the ceremony. This will consolidate the power of the ritual and block the way back for harmful insects.

Prayer for cockroaches

A simple ritual against cockroaches

The simplest ritual actions in their implementation are not inferior in their effectiveness to the most complex and lengthy ones. The energy that such conspiracies carry is very powerful. It can give a person quick relief from an existing problem.

To perform this simple ritual you need to be completely alone. The energy of strangers can disrupt the power of witchcraft.

“Moths and ants, fleas and bedbugs, midges and cockroaches. I will come to you, servant of God (name), my body is white, my body is bone, hard. I have not blood, but tar, not food in my house, but stones, and poison. Leave me, leave my house, you will have no life here, no offspring. I close my word with a key, but I throw that key into the deep sea. The cockroaches will go for the key, but they will not emerge from the bottom of the sea. Amen".

In a short time, the magic words will take effect and will expel harmful insects from the house. The ritual can be repeated regularly as needed.

Three short plots from cockroaches


Folk magic has long helped people cope with various problems. By using simple conspiracies against cockroaches, which can be done at any time of the day or night, you can get rid of insects for a long time. Magic words will clear the energy space of the room and make it so that pests will not be able to survive in it and will leave the place unsuitable for their life.

Welcome to the pages of my blog, dear readers. Or, rather, female readers - after all, in today’s article we will talk about conspiracies, which are more likely for women than for men. Not that I believe in all sorts of mystical things, but people say that the cockroach spell works.
So, this article is intended for those who are desperate to breed Prussians using more familiar methods.
I will tell you how, with the help of a magical ritual, to direct the energy flow inside your home in the direction we need - the destruction of insects.

You will learn what words to say and how they will help us get rid of arthropods. We will discuss universal conspiracies for all arthropods and special ones aimed at combating a specific type of pest.

When is it time to use the magic of words?

Someone will grin sarcastically when reading this article - after all, we live in the 21st century, when all sorts of ways to destroy the Prussians have long been invented. And he will be right, because there really are plenty of such funds. But did you know that cockroaches adapt incredibly quickly to new environmental conditions? They say that it is thanks to this ability that this is perhaps the only species of living beings that will survive a nuclear explosion.

I won’t say for sure what I don’t really understand. But the emergence of resistance to poisons in Prussians is a well-known fact. Even manufacturers of insecticidal preparations write on the packaging that the product is not suitable for constant use, as it causes resistance. Simply put, the mustachioed creatures simply stop reacting to the poison.

What to do in such a situation? You can, of course, buy all the products and try them one by one until you achieve results. Or you can contact folk wisdom and apply a special spell. Believe it or not, numerous reviews indicate that some manage to exterminate arthropods in this way.

There are, however, signs that say that the appearance of cockroaches in the house is a good thing. To financial well-being, for example, or to success in business. I hope you understand that such signs have nothing to do with reality?

On the contrary, Prussians in the house are always a source of trouble. They spoil food, pollute the house, cause allergies, bring pathogenic bacteria and all kinds of infection. They also multiply very quickly, so the sooner you start acting, the faster you can clear your home of annoying creatures.

How can a conspiracy help against cockroaches?

There are a lot of different rituals aimed at getting rid of cockroaches. But there are so many rituals, so many rules - I’ll tell you about them a little lower. In the meantime, I would like to talk about whether words can really help remove insects, and how to tune in to the result.

But before we begin, there are a few things to clarify:

Reading on the topic: How cockroaches drink water, what they eat and how we can use this knowledge against them.

By the way, the Christian Church does not deny the possibility of using household conspiracies against insects. On the contrary, there are even saints who are usually asked for help in such situations - for example, Saint Tryphon and Saint Blaise. So don’t be confused by some mystical touch on this method of exterminating red-haired reptiles - from the point of view of religion, there is no catch here.

Rules for conducting magical rituals against cockroaches

As I already said, there is a set of certain rules. Following these rules is a must, otherwise you simply won’t succeed.
Agree, it’s a shame not to feel the effect after all your efforts just because you ignored the technique of execution.

After all, when using insecticides, we follow the manufacturer’s recommendations - and this is almost the same thing.

  • All rituals to exterminate insects are carried out only during the waning moon.
  • Before performing a magical ritual, do a routine cleaning of the house - there should be no dirt on the floor, no crumbs on the table, and no dust on the shelves. Wash the dishes, take out the trash - in general, everything you do during normal cleaning.
  • Wipe dry all surfaces where water may be present (sink, bathroom floor, etc.). Your task is to deprive the Prussians of a source of drink.
  • Hide all food and groceries. Pack food in airtight containers and store in the refrigerator. The main thing is that the redheads do not have the opportunity to eat anything.

These are the basic rules for a successful ritual. Follow them even after reading the plot, and then you will not be in danger of the reappearance of these vile creatures.

Universal ritual against all types of insects

The ritual itself is carried out as follows:

  • Wait until the sun goes down.
  • Open the windows in your apartment (or house) wide.
  • Stand in the middle of the room facing the window and read the following words:

Reading on the topic: Turkmen cockroach or breakfast of champion for your exotic pet

Here is another universal text for a magical ritual:

“Moths and ants, fleas and bedbugs, midges and cockroaches. I will come to you, servant of God (name), my body is white, my body is bone, hard. I have not blood, but tar, not food in my house, but stones, and poison. Leave me, leave my house, you will have no life here, no offspring. I close my word with a key, but I throw that key into the deep sea. The cockroaches will go for the key, but they will not emerge from the bottom of the sea. Amen".

A simple conspiracy against cockroaches

If the previous plot is designed to fight all types of insects, then the following powerful prayers are intended only for cockroaches. All of them are read at night, in complete darkness, so before the procedure, turn off the lights in all rooms.

  • “Cockroaches will no longer live within the walls of my house, under its roof. From now on all food will be poison to them, and water will be poison to them, and the air will be poison to them. Leave my house, run away from the threshold, forget the way back. I lock my words with a key and throw that key into the river. Amen. Amen. Amen."
  • “The Lord on earth has only one master of all creatures, and in my house I am the only mistress. As you enter my house, you will leave it unsalted. And if you turn back to me, you will drown.”
  • “With a strong prayer, boiling resin,
    flammable ash, painful illness -
    swamp mud, kill cockroaches, twist and crush,
    wear them down to the grave with grief.
    Amen. Amen. Amen."

Conspiracy from a Siberian healer

The prayer from the Siberian healer differs in rules from the previous ones:

“Prusak Prusakovich, your bread and salt, go live in open field. There you will give birth to children, wait for your relatives, and in my house so that you won’t be seen for a century. Amen. Amen. Amen."
Take the matchbox with the cockroach further out into the field and return home - soon all the cockroaches will leave your home.

Ritual with ordinary soap

The soap plot is read according to the same rules as the previous one. To carry out the ceremony, you need to catch one cockroach and put it in a small hole, previously dug in the yard. Together with the insect, a piece of soap (you can use soap) and any coin are placed in the same hole. Read the following words above the hole:

“Just as the soap soon wears off, so quickly will my bad luck disappear. Just as a bad housewife has a large army of cockroaches, so in my house I have wealth and goodness to the top.”