After a hearty lunch, according to Archimedes' law. strange fact: the brain works better after a good sleep and a hearty breakfast

After a delicious lunch, according to Archimedes’ law... “you should sleep,” “in order not to swim with fat, you need to smoke,” etc., etc. Surely many remember these jokes, which are already “three hundred years old” and which have been joked for more than one generation.

But what are you really supposed to do after lunch? It turns out that many of us have no idea that sleep and even a walk after a delicious lunch are contraindicated for! This fact has been proven by a number of studies conducted by doctors.

Today we will tell our readers about what is possible and what is not, which can have a beneficial or negative effect on digestion. The selection, which, we emphasize, is based on medical advice, will introduce you to the 3 “dos” and 6 “don’ts” after eating.

Six "DO NOT" after eating

To go for a walk

Most people find that walking immediately after eating helps release stomach acid and aid digestion.

But in reality, it's the other way around. Walking after eating can cause acid reflex and indigestion.

In general, walking is in a good way to burn calories. You just shouldn't go for a walk for the first 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to start exercising at least 30 minutes after you finish eating.

There are fruits

Many people believe that they should eat fruit for dessert immediately after eating. But it turns out that this is not the right time to enjoy watermelons, apples and grapes.

Almost all fruits are easy to digest because they are made of “simple sugar.” And if you eat fruit immediately after a meal, the fruit will not be able to quickly digest in the intestines with other foods. Instead, they will get stuck with your dinner or lunch. This is why you should not eat any fruit within the first hour of finishing your meal.

To drink tea

Many teas have anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties that are greatly beneficial for our health.

However, many nutritionists do not recommend drinking these drinks after meals. Tea contains polyphenols and tannins, which bind iron in plant foods. As a result, when drinking tea with food, we may not get the required amount of iron from our meals.

This is why the ideal time to drink tea is at least 1 hour after eating. Anyone suffering from iron deficiency should pay attention to this!


Many people like to lie down to sleep immediately after eating, but this habit is not healthy because a small amount of digestive juices will flow back from the stomach into your esophagus.

This is why some people experience heartburn when they take a nap immediately after lunch or dinner. To avoid this problem, go to bed at least 2 hours after eating.

To take a bath

When we accept warm bath or shower, our body temperature rises. In order to lower this temperature, our body pumps more blood to the surface of the skin to “release” the heat.

As a result, the blood and energy that would have been used to digest food will not be used properly. Therefore, ideally, it is better to start water procedures after about 30 minutes.


For some, smoking is a passionate habit, for others it is a way of demonstrating sociability. But both of them often light a cigarette after eating alone or with colleagues and friends.

And although smoking is associated with more serious risks, including cancer and emphysema (which causes shortness of breath), in this case we are talking about worsening the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which causes stomach ulcers, warn Smoking also negatively affects the muscles of the colon, which is responsible for the important final stage of digestion.

Three "DO's" after eating

Drink warm water

During the first hour immediately after eating, the stomach will need blood, energy and heat to process the food. Thus, it will be wise not to waste your energy on any other activities that will disrupt this process.

Ideally, you should avoid all cold foods, including ice cream and cold water. This kills the heat in your stomach and the acidic reactions that aid digestion. In this case, warm water will be useful to you.

Conversation with family or friends

All you need is soft sunlight, a pleasant conversation with family or friends. And no disputes or showdowns, because this can negatively affect digestion.

Wear loose clothes, loosen your belt, relax

To prevent gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), avoid tight clothes, tight belts or other accessories that put pressure on the stomach. It is best to spend time in loose clothing both before and after eating. At least loosen your belt!

Dutch scientists found several years ago that it is better to work on an empty stomach. For some reason, European bright minds suddenly decided that with their stomachs rumbling, important decisions are made easier, quarterly reports are written in one or two minutes, and brick walls at construction sites are erected much faster. But they have it there, in Holland. And no one canceled our lunch break. Cafes invite you in with colorful signs with invitations to try business lunches at ridiculous prices, numerous shawarma shops, in the fight for visitors, focus on snack time - you can almost fill up on the run, and canteens open their doors to lovers of “first, second, third.” The correspondent of “Newspaper of the Week in Saratov” also decided to have lunch in Saratov canteens.

For Vladimir, a visitor to the canteen located almost at the intersection of Vavilova and Universitetskaya streets, the lunch break is an important ritual that should never be violated. The old Soviet habit proved ineradicable. Only the place of eating (closer to work) and prices have changed. The man admits that in our time, eating to your heart’s content even in canteens is an unaffordable luxury for the average Russian: “In my spare time, I somehow calculated how much I eat per month. It worked out well. Where to go? I’ll leave work for at least an hour, stretch, look at people, show myself.”

Vladimir even recommends the canteen to me. Prices – you can, of course, get cheaper, it’s clean, tidy, the food is delicious. “Oh, it’s a pity it’s only an hour for lunch. If only we could have some pokemon, then the workdays will fly by instead of dragging on,” the man makes playful complaints. And then he shares another observation with me. Vladimir noticed that, despite eating the first, second, salad and compote, he still wanted to eat again after almost an hour and a half.

My interlocutor did not lie. The tables are neatly covered with tablecloths, salt and pepper on each, and a tripod hanger in the corner of the room. Another plus is the lack of a queue. The hall is practically empty, and there is no one at all at the serving counter. Even the one who is supposed to distribute food. I call out to the canteen staff. From somewhere in the back of the hall a middle-aged woman comes out to me. Without enthusiasm, she begins to introduce me to the menu. Or rather, with what was left of him. The lunch rush hour has already passed, and I will have to be content with what was not eaten before me. I'm not complaining - even in this situation, there is plenty to choose from. Poor woman - how many times a day does she have to repeat all this! But I ask you not just to list the dishes, but also to point to them. In the end I settle on soup, cabbage roll and coffee. This lunch costs about 130 rubles. Following me to the cash register with a tray is a girl. She is a frequent guest in this dining room and clearly knows what dishes her lunch will consist of today. And he also spends no more than 150 rubles on lunch.

Another popular canteen is not far from the 1st school, on Stepan Razin Street. During my student years, it was located in a different place - across the street. During the big break there was no crowd there. We must assume that the same thing is happening now. I doubt that every student can afford to have lunch in a cafe every day.

There are several tables in the first room. About six at most. There is a large plasma on the wall. They play not music videos, but some recently filmed series about the war years. Almost all tables are occupied. There are two women in front of me in line. Judging by their conversations, this is their first time in this dining room. The distributor, a friendly middle-aged woman, tirelessly talks about almost every dish. And there is something to talk about.

On the counter are steaks with eggs, cutlets with ham, liver cutlets, beef, pork, kupaty, lula, chicken fillet. There is no shortage of side dishes: buckwheat, vegetables, pasta, rice and so on. All this is enough acceptable prices. A pork cutlet will cost 50 rubles, and a beef cutlet is 5 rubles cheaper. A serving of cauliflower with vegetables costs 45 rubles, and beef goulash costs 65 rubles. For 85 rubles you can have lunch with stewed potatoes and pork. And wash it all down with either juices or compotes. I'm attracted to a clear drink in a cut glass. I'm wondering what it is: vodka or mineral water. I didn’t guess - neither one nor the other. It turns out there is birch sap in the glass. I choose it purely out of interest. I have never tried birch sap. The drink tastes very good, but, of course, it has nothing in common with the symbol of Russia. One name.

By the way, the main influx of customers is behind us (the time is moving towards three o’clock in the afternoon), but there is an abundance of everything on hand. “Take this fish fillet. It's just very tasty. What kind of tea would you like? Black green? Unfortunately, there is no green one, but this one is so fragrant! It has such a scent!” – the woman serving food and drinks praises. “Well, you choose for now, and I’ll go get a seat,” the lady who decided on lunch a couple of minutes earlier says to her friend. The distributor puts in her two cents here too with a melodic goal: “What are you worried about? We have a second hall! This was a discovery for me too. It turns out that this dining room does not end with a small room.

The first room has a relaxed atmosphere. I conclude that the same people dine in this canteen every day. It would be a sin not to get acquainted here. At one table, the workers discuss some of their pressing issues, laughing in unison at someone’s jokes. The table, which was placed exactly opposite the plasma, is occupied entirely by a man. Apparently he is a big eater. The entire table is covered with empty dishes. It’s not just first, second, third, but also fourth, fifth, sixth at a minimum. He's a regular here too. He knows almost all the canteen workers personally. It’s been a while since he had lunch, but he’s in no hurry to leave the establishment. Either he will exchange a few words with the distributor, or he will become interested in what is happening on the screen.

For those who are not in the know, the regional Duma opens its doors (or rather, the doors of the dining room) every weekday to everyone who wants to refresh themselves. To find yourself in the Duma canteen, you just need to leave outerwear in the wardrobe and pass the metal detector.

“Everyone from the outside is allowed into the dining room at one o’clock. But you can come a little earlier. I think they'll let me in. Moreover, there are not many people walking around now,” my grandmother tells me the rules for visiting the Duma canteen in the wardrobe, while I transfer my wallet and phone from my jacket pockets to my jacket pockets.

During the lunch hour, the “locals” did not have time to empty everything that the table cooks had prepared. For the first course I order borscht. In other canteens I never saw even a piece of meat on my plate. Here - please, and not alone. Plus sprinkle with herbs and add mayonnaise. For 2 rubles you can add crackers. The dispenser asks if it needs to be heated further. I nod in response, and the plate of borscht goes into the microwave for a minute. When I order pizza, it is also first shoved into the oven to heat it up. It’s also convenient that you can pay for lunch by card.

The Duma canteen begins to fill with visitors from outside around half past two. But, according to the woman at the counter, these are all flowers. She, like the cloakroom attendant, notices that lunch has begun to come less people. Prices, by the way, are the same as in other canteens. It is distinguished by friendly staff, great order and quality food. There should be more such ideas with such canteens in Saratov. Otherwise, it’s not a good idea to drive through half the city through Saratov traffic jams for lunch.

After a delicious lunch

Surely many people remember the humorous rhyme that: “After a delicious lunch, according to Archimedes’ law, you are supposed to sleep” or “After a hearty lunch, according to Archimedes’ law, in order not to swim with fat, you are supposed to smoke.” But these humorous lines show us exactly what we shouldn’t do after eating.
Let's look, friends, at what you really shouldn't do immediately after eating, so as not to spoil your health and preserve the opportunity to enjoy all culinary dishes longer.

No need to do it after eating

1. Smoking. This is the main point that smokers should take as a rule. Smoking after a meal is much more harmful to health - the risk increases by 1 in 10. One cigarette smoked after a meal is equivalent to ten smoked at another time, i.e. instead of one cigarette, you smoke 10 at once. Do you need it?! The fact is that in the process of digesting food, the stomach absorbs not only useful, but harmful substances. And, as you know, there are plenty of them in cigarette smoke. Smoking after meals inevitably leads to gastritis, ulcers and other stomach diseases.

2. Lie down or sleep. Sleeping immediately after eating leads to slow digestion, which, in turn, threatens excessive fatness. Imagine, your body is sleeping, and it needs to digest all the contents of your stomach, so carefully filled by you. Yes, healthy sleep normalizes metabolism, which leads to weight loss, but this is only if you eat at least 3 hours before bedtime. Sleep more, but not immediately after eating! Even if you take a horizontal position immediately after eating and want to rest, this will lead to heartburn.

3. eat fruit. It is recommended to eat fruit either on an empty stomach or after eating, at least 30 minutes later. Digesting fruits together with other foods leads to rotting and fermentation of food in the stomach, which threatens you, at a minimum, with bloating or a “hurricane in the stomach.”

4. To drink tea. Tea contains tannin, and this substance is present in different concentrations in different types of tea. In addition to its beneficial effects on the body, the tannin contained in tea slows down the digestion of protein and, as a result, its absorption deteriorates. That's why It is recommended to drink tea no earlier than 30 minutes after eating, and preferably an hour later.

5. Walk. If you want to go for an active walk immediately after eating, you will, again, distract your body from the main role it needs to play in life. this moment- digestion of food. As a result, everything beneficial substances taken with food will not be fully absorbed by the body.

6. Swim or wash. As is known, acceptance water procedures entails increased blood flow to the limbs and skin. Blood flow to the stomach, which is necessary for digesting food, is understandably again weakened. As a result Some of the nutrients coming from food will not be directed in the right direction, but will be wasted.

7. Loosen your waistband or belt. And the last, important point: if you like to tighten your waist with a tight belt or belt, and have eaten quite heartily, under no circumstances should you loosen the belt immediately after eating. This should be done before eating, either during the meal, or, after stoically enduring it, no less than an hour later. Imagine, you have stretched your stomach, all the food you have taken has remained in its upper part, and upon sudden relaxation, it falls down in one lump, which can lead to blocking, for some time, the digestion process, and subsequently to twisting of the intestines.

These are the seven actions that no need to do it immediately after eating. Best of all, after a delicious dinner, you should first of all thank the person who prepared the delicious food for you, and then you can sit quietly, watch TV, read a book, or engage in your favorite hobby.

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1. You feel tired and sleepy after eating

In principle, a state of drowsiness after a hearty lunch or festive dinner is a normal reaction of the body, especially if this lunch was rich in carbohydrates. However, if this condition occurs too often, this is a reason to think that your diet is too diabetes-friendly. Practicing it for years is like constantly shouting “Diabetes, come!” - sooner or later he will come. But you won't be happy about it.

What's happening: Once in your body, all carbohydrates - whether it's a cookie or a carrot - enter your bloodstream as glucose, the body's main source of energy. When this glucose reaches the liver, the organ responds by releasing massive doses of insulin, a hormone that helps the body's cells "absorb" the glucose. Cells have insulin receptors that “suck” glucose and either use it immediately, giving you a burst of energy, or store it for later use.

It's a very smart and well-designed system, but like all machines, it breaks down when used too often. If you constantly consume ice cream, carbonated drinks, cakes, sweets and tea or coffee with sugar, the cells of your body at one point stop responding to insulin and “close themselves” from glucose, which they already have too much of. However, the liver “does not understand” this and, since it “sees” that the glucose level is still too high, it continues to inject insulin into the blood, an excess of which in the blood causes the same feeling of drowsiness and fatigue that you experience after lunch and at the same time at almost literally “rapes” cells, forcing them to accept excess glucose no matter what.

If “insulin storms” are constantly raging in your blood, sooner or later the cells finally “close” and you get a high level of insulin resistance, which is an integral part of diabetes.

What to do: First of all, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, especially fast carbohydrates and replace them with whole grains, vegetables, fruits (NOT juices) - the body takes longer to digest all this, which means the flow of glucose into the blood will be slower and more uniform.

Make it a habit to take a 15-minute walk after a big meal. Even a banal mini-cleaning in the kitchen - washing the dishes, taking out the trash - after dinner is better than “resting” in front of the TV or computer. In 2011, the Mayo Clinic came up with some pretty shocking results from a study looking at the effect of activity on glucose levels. It turned out that those who moved at least a little after eating, their blood sugar (glucose) levels increased half as slowly as those who adhered to the mantra “after a hearty lunch, according to Archimedes’ law, you should sleep.” If everyone shook their dinner, the number of diabetics in the world today would not be so high.

After a hearty lunch, according to Archimedes' law


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The dependence of pressure in a liquid or gas on the depth of immersion of a body leads to the appearance of a buoyant force (or otherwise the Archimedes force), acting on any body immersed in a liquid or gas.

The Archimedean force is always directed opposite to the force of gravity, therefore the weight of a body in a liquid or gas is always less than the weight of this body in a vacuum. The magnitude of the Archimedean force is determined by Archimedes' law.

The law is named after the ancient Greek scientist Archimedes, who lived in the 3rd century BC.

The discovery of the fundamental law of hydrostatics is the greatest achievement of ancient science. Most likely, you already know the legend about how Archimedes discovered his law: “One day the Syracusan king Hiero called him and said. What happened next? .

Archimedes' law was first mentioned by him in his treatise "On Floating Bodies." Archimedes wrote: “bodies heavier than the liquid, immersed in this liquid, will sink until they reach the very bottom, and in the liquid they will become lighter by the weight of the liquid in a volume equal to the volume of the immersed body.”

Another formula for determining Archimedean force:

IT IS INTERESTING that the Archimedes force is zero when a body immersed in a liquid is tightly pressed to the bottom with its entire base.


Body weight in vacuum Po=mg.
If a body is immersed in a liquid or gas,
then P = Po - Fa = Po - Pzh

The weight of a body immersed in a liquid or gas is reduced by the amount of buoyant force acting on the body.

A body immersed in a liquid or gas loses as much weight as the liquid it displaced weighs.



The density of organisms living in water is almost no different from the density of water, so they don’t need strong skeletons!

Fish regulate their diving depth by changing the average density of their body. To do this, they only need to change the volume of the swim bladder by contracting or relaxing the muscles.

Off the coast of Egypt, there is an amazing fagak fish. The approach of danger forces the fagak to quickly swallow water. At the same time, rapid decomposition of food products occurs in the fish esophagus with the release of a significant amount of gases. Gases fill not only the active cavity of the esophagus, but also the blind outgrowth attached to it. As a result, the phagak's body swells greatly, and, in accordance with Archimedes' law, it quickly floats to the surface of the reservoir. Here he swims, hanging upside down, until the gases released in his body disappear. After this, gravity lowers it to the bottom of the reservoir, where it takes refuge among the bottom algae.

Chilim (water chestnut) produces heavy fruits under water after flowering. These fruits are so heavy that they can easily drag the entire plant to the bottom. However, at this time, in the chilim growing in deep water, swellings appear on the petioles of the leaves, giving it the necessary lifting force, and it does not sink.


1. Density The weight of a body is determined by weighing it in air and water. When a small body is immersed in water, air bubbles are retained on its surface, which causes an error in determining the density. Does this result in a higher or lower density value?

2. What conclusion can be made about the magnitude of the Archimedean force by conducting corresponding experiments on the Moon, where the force of gravity is six times less than on Earth?

Other pages on physics topics for grade 7:

One good day outside the city

1. So, on September 2, I woke up early. This is normal, I have been waking up between 5.30 and 6.00 for several years now. Then I can still fall asleep, most often this happens. This time, when I woke up, I had to turn on the night light and read a little, 15 minutes of reading was enough for me to fall asleep again.

2. I wake up again when it is already light in the room. I can get up, I open the curtains. God, what a blessing it is to sleep with the window open. We, residents of the “city that could” (c), are completely deprived of such pleasure. And living without having to turn on the air conditioner at night is also priceless. At home in the summer I am completely deprived of this opportunity, much to my regret. Previously, when I lived in a small town, I did not understand the value of such little things (as it might seem at first glance). But everything is learned by comparison.

3. And go out onto the porch early in the morning with a glass of water, take a deep breath of fresh air, and please your eyes with fresh greenery. All this also puts me in a great mood.

4. I walked barefoot on the grass, stretched and went for a walk along the paths. Security has not yet opened the entrance to the lake, so I walk around the territory.

5. I visited the chickens, their eggs and we will cook them for breakfast. The roosters are not visible in the photo, but they have been singing loudly since the morning, take my word for it.

6. I returned to the house, my husband was still sleeping, I decided not to disturb him and read a book for now. He works a lot, let him get some sleep.

7. My husband woke up, also went out to wander in the grass, and at the same time took a photograph of me reading in a hammock. Now he offered to take a walk around the territory with him. And I'm all for it!

8. We didn’t get to the lake again, but we talked to the local dogs.

9. The sun is rising higher.

10. It's time for breakfast. I go cook and serve breakfast, while my husband cleans up the house, makes the beds and sweeps the porch where we will have breakfast. We have this thing - we put things in order everywhere, everything that surrounds us should be clean and beautiful. If we don’t do this for ourselves, who will? The bed is made. Order!

11. You can have breakfast. For breakfast, scrambled eggs from the eggs of those same chickens and something else.

12. Full and satisfied after breakfast, we went to the lake. The gates were finally open. We just sat on the pontoon, basked in the sun, dangled our legs, and at the same time checked social networks. There is no Internet in the house, but here at least 3 G was received from Megafon. But personally, I was very glad that there was no Internet in the house; at least I was a little distracted from social networks. My husband wanted to work, took his laptop with him, but said that “Work is not a wolf..” and this also made me very happy.

13. We looked down a bit at our iPhones. 3G is not LTE, it quickly gets boring waiting for the page to load. We decided to explore the surroundings of Lake Sunukl. On the boat. To do this, I had to go to the guards and get the key and oars from them. And they swam. My husband rows, and I show where to swim.

“We rode on a boat. "(singing)

And yes, I’m wearing a life jacket, I have a lot of fears, one of them is that I’m afraid to swim far, so I put on a life jacket, it makes me feel safer.

14. In total, we swam for about two hours; rowing back was more difficult - the current was in the opposite direction. We swam across the entire lake from edge to edge and hurried to our shore; we were very hungry, and it was already time for lunch. My husband stood up to the grill, I cut vegetables for the grill and for the salad and set the table again. We were so hungry that this is the only photo of our lunch. But the lunch turned out to be quite good, take my word for it.

15. After a delicious lunch according to Archimedes’ principle. Yes, you need to rest. It's hot outside, but the house is cool. I need to read a book and take a little nap!

16. We slept, we need to entertain ourselves. Let's go play ping pong. But I don’t have a single photo to prove that we did this. Sorry. Believe it or not, it's up to you. A local cat named Timofey came running at the sound of the ball bouncing off the table. We met him at the lake; his owners took him there for a walk on a leash. And here he walks around the estate on his own. As soon as the ball fell on the grass, he tried to catch it. Having finished the game, in which I emerged victorious with a score of 15-13, I stayed to play with the kitten while my husband went to check the bathhouse.

17. We spent the evening in the bathhouse.

18. We had dinner there, but dinner was a complete improvisation. I didn’t want to cook anything, and why eat enough in the bathhouse? After a couple of visits to the steam room, we had a snack of stuffed pancakes brought from home and something else God sent. And we drank a glass of wine.

19. When we left the bathhouse, it was already getting dark. And after the bath and spent on fresh air day, I no longer had the strength or desire to photograph anything, I really wanted to quickly take a horizontal position and fall asleep. Which I successfully did so that the next day (and it was September 3) I could “turn over the calendar” and spend another great day in nature until the evening. Need I say that we came home on Sunday happy and full of energy before the work week?

AFTER A TASTY DINNER, ACCORDING TO ARCHIMEDES' LAW... ABOUT THE REASONS OF DROWSLY IN THE AFTERNOON "After a delicious lunch, according to Archimedes' law, you should sleep..." Is this a familiar saying? Many people in the afternoon feel a sharp decrease in their ability to work and an extremely high desire to lie down and sleep. Especially often those who spend most of their working time sitting are faced with the “three o'clock crisis,” as some foreign researchers call this condition. Sleepiness in the afternoon can also be explained by the fact that at this time, as at night, the body receives peak signals about the need to rest. In order to cheer up, in this case it is enough to drink a glass clean water room temperature or just get up and walk around the office. If the drowsy state does not leave you even after this, the reasons should be sought in what you ate or, conversely, did not eat for lunch.

Reason #1: You Skipped Lunch Without a doubt, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But under no circumstances should we diminish the importance of lunch. And even more so, there is no need to give it up. Even if you have a lot of work to do and a pile of papers waiting for your attention, you definitely need to find time for lunch. The fact is that labor productivity directly depends on consistent and timely supplies of “fuel” to the body. By skipping lunch, you risk getting consequences that are not very beneficial for your health and waistline, such as fatigue, lethargy, worsening mood, dizziness and a “brutal” appetite for dinner. Also, you should not “break in” with one apple or something sweet: you will literally immediately feel very hungry, and you are unlikely to have time to have lunch during working hours, since you were so busy during your break. Solution. If you know in advance that you will be too busy that day to go to a regular cafeteria or cafe for lunch, take food with you. This advice is also suitable for those who skip lunch because they do not trust the quality of food in catering establishments. If you don't have much time to get ready in the morning, you can pack lunch in a container the night before and put it in the refrigerator. Over time, this will become a habit. Reason No. 2. You skimp on carbohydrates. You like to eat a portion of a tasty, nutritious and healthy salad for lunch. Everything would be great if not for one “but”. Eating a low-carb veggie dish will leave you feeling like your brain turns to mush after lunch. Even if you immediately feel full after a salad, after a while you will involuntarily want to reach for cookies from your office neighbor’s table or go to the vending machine for a chocolate bar. In other words, the body will have a great desire to get fast carbohydrates. Studies that included people from the most different ages and professions have repeatedly shown that the main “fuel” of the human brain is carbohydrates. It has been noted that after eating food rich in this nutrient, memory improves and the ability to concentrate increases. This is especially true for those products that contain complex (“slow”) carbohydrates - whole grain bread, legumes, cereals. Solution. When preparing your lunch in a container or choosing dishes in the dining room, make sure that your lunch is balanced, that is, it contains proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. For example, cook yourself porridge from chickpeas, buckwheat or brown rice (complex carbohydrates), steam cutlets from lean meat, chicken fillet or fish (sources of protein). In a separate container, pack a salad of fresh vegetables with the addition of flaxseed or olive oil, or half an avocado (healthy fats). Reason No. 3. You eat at your desk Many people like to have lunch without being distracted from their work. Checking your email and at the same time quickly chewing a piece of cutlet or sandwich, you won’t even notice how much you’ve eaten. Few people have the desire to work on a full stomach. Solution. If your office doesn't have a snack area, move away your keyboard and mouse during lunch and turn off the monitor screen to avoid distractions. Chew and savor every bite of food thoroughly. If there is still food left in the container but you feel full, leave the rest of your lunch. Next time, you'll have a rough idea of ​​how much food you'll need to take with you. After having lunch, leave your work area at least briefly until the end of your break. Walk around the office and, if possible, get some air. These are the main causes of fatigue and drowsiness felt in the afternoon. If lethargy haunts you constantly, regardless of the time of day, you should pay attention to the state of your health. It is likely that the reason for this is chronic lack of sleep, constant stress, vitamin deficiency or anemia. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Daytime sleep: harm and benefit

As the popular interpretation of Archimedes' law says, after a hearty lunch, you should sleep. We decided to recall the existing traditions of daytime sleep around the world, and also reflect on its benefits and harms.

Sleepy kingdom

Afternoon naps have long been widely practiced in Rus'. In the “Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh” one can find the remark that “God ordered not only man, but also animals and birds to rest at the midday hour.” Both the peasants who had worked hard in the fields and the fussy shopkeepers tried to take a sweet nap after a busy morning, and it was a sin for the master not to take a nap after a hearty lunch.

House Rule

The concept of siesta has been known since the times Ancient Rome, whose citizens stopped all business at exactly noon and rested for three hours. The tradition of napping is widespread in many countries, where in the middle of the day the sun only allows you to slowly sip green tea. However, something similar to the Spanish siesta exists, for example, among the Serbs and Slovenes. The unspoken “house rule” says: from two to five in the afternoon, no calls or visits, only rest. Without an afternoon nap, which lasts an average of 30 minutes, Indians, Chinese, Japanese and Taiwanese do not understand life.

Work is not a wolf!
A study by recruitment company Beagle found that 21% of office workers would take a nap after lunch, while almost half of those surveyed admitted that they had fallen asleep at least once at work. But employers are not delighted with the initiative of the Russian “Association of Daytime Sleep and Rest for Workers” to introduce a “Russian siesta” - 71% of managers believe that one must work at work.

Sleep capsules

However, not all top managers consider napping as an option for sabotage. Many large corporations have separate rooms (and sometimes entire floors) with so-called “sleep pods.” Google, for example, equips its headquarters with them in major world capitals, including Moscow.

Employees of Nike, Siemens and British Airways Continental can recuperate without leaving the office. Energy sleep has become increasingly popular in recent years not only in America and Europe, but also in Russia. For example, the management of RIA Novosti installed “sleep capsules” for its journalists, who are forced to spend 24 hours a day in the workplace. Vancouver and Heathrow airports, fitness centers, numerous co-working spaces and anti-cafes around the world - if desired modern man can easily find a secluded place to recuperate.

Date on the calendar

It turns out that March 14 is traditionally celebrated around the world as National Daytime Nap Day. And in 2010, in one of shopping centers The Siesta Championship was held in Madrid, in which 360 people took part. Contenders for the title of the very best were evaluated by professional doctors who took into account many criteria: how quickly the participant can fall asleep, the creativity of his posture, how long a person can sleep in a noisy environment, as well as whether the sleeper snores and how masterfully he does it.

Sleep is the best medicine

Scientists equate a ten-minute daytime nap to a 30-minute night nap. According to numerous studies, daytime sleep improves mood by 11% and ultimately relieves depression, increases attentiveness and productivity by the same 11%, and improves communication skills by 10%.

In addition to the fact that a thirty-minute rest during the day improves brain activity by 9%, it allows, oddly enough, to fall asleep faster in the evening, guaranteeing a quality night's rest. NASA experts, for example, have recorded that a 26-minute nap makes pilots 34% more efficient and 54% more attentive. According to psychologist Cesar Escalante, who is leading research on daytime sleep at the University Hospital of Cordoba, a siesta improves memory and concentration, and also “clears the vestibule of consciousness and allows the initiation of new phases of brain activity for a more awake state.”

For those who...

But Belgian scientists do not agree with the generally accepted opinion about the benefits of daytime sleep. True, their research was aimed primarily at people aged 40 years and older. During the experiments, it was found that those who allow themselves afternoon rest in adulthood increase the risk of heart attacks and acute coronary insufficiency.

It is believed that only a short nap during the day is effective and truly beneficial. Usually 30 minutes is enough to restore strength. Otherwise, you need to be prepared for increased blood pressure, headaches, jet lag and insomnia at night. But the main advice that experts give is to listen to your body: if you want to sleep, sleep!

(a bit rude )

1) about Archimedes' law;

2) about the need to empty the intestines after eating.

  • - Cm....
  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Playful complaints about the imagined difficulties of life...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - The desire to relax after lunch seeks support from the ancient thinker...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - The people's consciousness steadily perceives the image of an ensign as a plundering quartermaster, not overly burdened with official duties...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - 1) about the monotony of life...
  • - 1) about Archimedes’ law...

    Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

  • - After the bad weather, the sun. Wed. Not everything will be raining in the sky... maybe the sun will shine through!.. Markevich. A quarter of a century ago. I, 9. Wed. Auf Regen folgt Sonnenschein. Seb. Franck. Sprichwerter. 1541.2, 104. Cf. Post nubila Phoebus. Wed. Clarior est solito post maxima nebula Phoebus...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - See INHERITANCE -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - On Semyon, the day before lunch is pasha, and after lunch the plowman rolls...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - After lunch and lyakh muder...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See HEALTH -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - After lunch there are a lot of empty spoons...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see: After the season they don’t sharpen axes...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - People's Disapproved About a two-faced person. Jig. 1969, 208...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

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