High blood pressure during pregnancy. Blood pressure during early pregnancy is normal, high and low. Blood pressure during pregnancy: normal

Pregnancy is a unique process during which a separate organism grows and develops inside a woman. Normally, all changes during pregnancy are physiological and do not require any special intervention. However, in practice this is far from the case. Very often during pregnancy various problems arise - swelling, heartburn, shortness of breath, etc. Chronic diseases often worsen, affecting the individual characteristics of the body expectant mother. But the most common problem is changes in blood pressure. As a rule, blood pressure decreases during pregnancy, since the heart is forced to work for two organisms, the load doubles. But in some cases, the pressure rises, especially if there was a history of hypertension before pregnancy. In this article we will try to figure out why blood pressure rises, what contributes to it and how to reduce it using home methods.

Physiological changes in blood pressure

To understand whether the pressure in the body is rising or falling, you need to know your working pressure. Typically it depends on individual characteristics. Ideally, a woman should know her blood pressure level healthy condition even before pregnancy. This is a physiological reference point that you can rely on. The average value is considered to be a pressure of 120/90. It is allowed to reduce normal pressure to 100/70 and increase to 140/100. Remember that increased blood pressure can be caused by the body's natural reaction to certain external factors.

  1. Blood pressure rises after physical activity. During pregnancy, a quick step is enough, after which shortness of breath appears and the tonometer readings change.
  2. Severe overwork and eating fatty foods can also increase blood circulation and, as a result, increase blood pressure.
  3. Blood pressure levels rise seriously after experiencing stress.
  4. Some caffeinated foods and drinks may increase your blood pressure. This is coffee, strong tea, energy drink, cocoa, etc.
  5. Blood pressure may rise when taking certain medications.

Remember that a one-time measurement of blood pressure by a doctor does not mean anything; the indicators can be changed by various factors. To determine the average values, you need to measure your blood pressure in the morning for several days.

How can you tell if your blood pressure is high?

Many experienced hypertensive patients know how blood pressure rises and can accurately describe the symptoms. The danger of high blood pressure during pregnancy is that expectant mothers are not familiar with this condition. Nausea and vomiting are often associated with toxicosis, and weakness and dizziness are associated with natural changes in the body during pregnancy. That is why a woman is often completely unaware that the cause of her ailments is precisely the increase in blood pressure. Symptoms of this condition may include nausea, vomiting, throbbing headache, ringing in the ears, black spots before the eyes, and weakness. In some cases, red spots may appear on the skin. The high risk is also that the woman may not feel the increase in blood pressure; symptoms begin to bother only with severe hypertension, when urgent measures should be taken.

High blood pressure during pregnancy - risks

High blood pressure during pregnancy is a truly dangerous condition. In the early stages, hypertension can cause improper formation of the placental bed, which subsequently leads to spontaneous miscarriage. Even if the placenta forms correctly, high blood pressure can cause hypoxia in the baby. This means that the fetus will not receive proper nutrition and may be born with low birth weight. Oxygen starvation can lead to pathologies of intrauterine development. On later high blood pressure can cause swelling in a woman’s lower and upper extremities. Often, hypertension in later stages indicates gestosis in pregnant women. In the third trimester of pregnancy, high blood pressure can cause premature aging of the placenta and premature birth. Hypertension is dangerous not only during pregnancy; a jump in blood pressure during labor activity can lead to retinal detachment and even stroke.

Not every woman experiences high blood pressure during pregnancy; those at risk are primarily mothers who suffered from hypertension before pregnancy. Blood pressure often increases in women who are overweight. Kidney diseases, hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular diseases, autonomic disorders, diabetes mellitus, a history of traumatic brain injury, thyroid disorders, age over 40 - all this is a risk factor for which you need to constantly monitor your blood pressure levels.

Normally, blood pressure should be measured every time you visit an observing gynecologist in the antenatal clinic. If you have risk factors, your blood pressure should be measured once a week and whenever you feel worse. It is much easier to have your own blood pressure monitor, which is always at hand. It is better to buy an electronic tonometer because it is easier to use, especially if you have to measure your own blood pressure.

How to get rid of high blood pressure during pregnancy on your own?

Pregnancy is a condition in which a woman must carefully monitor her health, give up bad habits, and think not only about herself, but also about the small organism that is developing inside. Here are some tips to help lower your blood pressure during pregnancy without using medications.

  1. Avoid stress. It is clear that during pregnancy a woman has a lot of worries; they are related to housing and financial issues, relationships with her husband, and work problems. Very often a woman worries about the health of her unborn baby. Nerves do not lead to anything good and harm not only the mother, but also the child. Stress, depression, anxiety - this is one of the most common reasons increased pressure, such situations should be avoided. Understand that at this stage of life, nothing is more important than the health of the child. Besides, in most cases nothing depends on your experiences, so is it worth being nervous in vain?
  2. Moderate amount of water. Very often, a woman is recommended to drink more water, this is associated with various conditions. So, with high blood pressure, you need to drink water, but in moderation. The total amount of fluid consumed per day should not exceed 2-2.5 liters.
  3. Diet. Nutrition plays a huge role in maintaining blood pressure levels. To avoid its increase, it is necessary to get rid of foods such as chocolate, coffee, strong black tea, fatty meat, marinades, salted and fried foods, butter, smoked foods, sugar and its derivatives from your diet. At the same time, some products can reduce blood pressure, including green tea, cranberry and lingonberry juice, fruit drink, fresh berries, any fruit. Vegetables reduce blood pressure - spinach, carrots, pumpkin, cabbage, beets.
  4. The quality of life. Pregnancy aggravated by high blood pressure is a reason to change the quality of your life in better side. A woman should spend more time walking fresh air, the expectant mother needs to rest. Try to engage in acceptable types of physical activity - swimming, gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga, Pilates, etc. Cool and cold and hot shower. It is very useful to massage your fingers - stretching movements will help normalize the pressure. Acupressure of the base of the skull is effective not only in the fight against pressure, but also against headaches.
  5. Folk remedies. You should not get involved in herbal medicine during pregnancy, but you can use reliable, safe and effective recipes traditional medicine. Cranberry juice will help lower blood pressure. Fresh berries are washed and the juice is squeezed out of them. Pour boiling water over the cake and let it brew for a couple of hours. Then the cake is filtered, and the previously obtained juice is added to the resulting broth. For taste, you can add honey, mint or lemon juice to the drink. Drink fruit juice as often as possible. Corn is effective in the fight against high blood pressure - eat it steamed or boiled. You can reduce blood pressure with pumpkin decoction and pumpkin seeds. A properly balanced diet is the basis for health and well-being, both for the woman herself and her baby in the womb.

Maintaining a balanced diet and adequate physical activity will not only keep your body in good shape, but will also help you maintain your figure. For many women this will be a pleasant bonus.

Despite the fact that pregnancy is not a disease, but a special condition of a woman, she must carefully take care of her body. You need to go to proper nutrition, stick to healthy image life, give up bad habits and regularly measure blood pressure. If it constantly increases and the levels are higher than acceptable, be sure to get a cardiogram and consult a therapist and cardiologist so that the doctor can prescribe supportive treatment. Sometimes blood pressure can be a symptom of more serious illnesses. Monitor changes in your body - this will help you protect your baby in the womb.

Video: what to do if a pregnant woman’s blood pressure rises?

While expecting a child, the female body becomes very vulnerable, long-standing diseases worsen, previously unknown sensations appear, and sometimes not always pleasant ones.

Quite often, one of the symptoms of the development of pathologies during pregnancy is high blood pressure. Therefore, during examinations, obstetricians-gynecologists monitor the pressure of the expectant mother every time.

Normal blood pressure during pregnancy, in which the heart and blood vessels perform their functions without experiencing excessive stress, are considered to be:

  • 110-120 mm. rt. Art. for upper (heart) pressure – diastolic;
  • 70-80 mm. rt. Art. for the lower (vascular) – systolic.

For chronic hypotensive patients, these limits may be lower: 90/60 mm Hg. Art.

It is important that a woman, when registering for pregnancy at a medical institution, knows the “working” values ​​​​of her pressure.

Indeed, often (as, for example, in hypotensive patients) increased blood pressure is determined based on an increase in values: more than 30 mm. rt. Art. for the upper indicator and 15 mm Hg. Art. for the lower one, it means that blood pressure has risen beyond the permissible level.

Of course, a one-time increase in blood pressure for some reason is not a reason for the diagnosis of hypertension. But if an elevated level is recorded at least twice in a row, then this is already a reason for concern.

Why does blood pressure rise?

Factors contributing to the appearance of high blood pressure during pregnancy differ little from the causes of hypertensive conditions in the “non-pregnant” period:

  • (obesity);
  • bad habits(alcohol, smoking);
  • chronic diseases internal organs which are accompanied by elevated blood pressure;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • hypertension as an independent disease (in the absence of endocrine disorders or diseases of internal organs).

Since the period of gestation for a child is female body is a period of increased stress, then, with a known predisposition, problems with blood pressure in the expectant mother are quite expected.

Moreover, if the expectant mother has already suffered from high blood pressure (including during a previous pregnancy), then in the vast majority of cases (about 80%) high blood pressure is inevitable during the next pregnancy.

However, it also happens that a jump in intracranial pressure in a woman was first noted during the current pregnancy. The reason for this may be:

  • . Then hypertension is one of the symptoms of the triad of this pathology (along with proteinuria and).
  • Gestational hypertension, which is not combined with other symptoms of gestosis. It occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy and, as a rule, heals itself after childbirth.

The insidiousness of hypertension is that its initial stages can easily not be recognized.

This is especially true for expectant mothers, for whom high blood pressure is common.

The body has adapted to this state and is in no hurry to react to it. Therefore, at every routine examination by an obstetrician-gynecologist, a woman is monitored using a tonometer.

With mild hypertension, its signs may be mild:

  • mild, dizziness;
  • rapid pulse;
  • increased sweating;
  • bright “blush” on the cheeks;
  • anxiety.

The severity of these symptoms progresses with a further increase in pressure. Added to them:

  • dyspnea;
  • areas of redness on the skin throughout the body;
  • "tinnitus;
  • weakness;
  • attacks of nausea, vomiting;
  • “flies”, “fog” before the eyes.

Pain in the left sternum, insomnia, and excessive nervousness may appear, which are so easily mistaken for characteristics of a “pregnant” body.

Perhaps this is true, but the doctor must confirm or refute the suspicions.

Dangerous consequences of high blood pressure during pregnancy

Of course, high blood pressure is a pathology and requires immediate correction.

Careful monitoring of blood pressure values ​​by specialists is due to the likelihood of dangerous consequences for mother and child.

  1. High blood pressure in pregnant women is a “response” to the narrowing of blood vessels, including in the uterus and placenta. This leads to difficulty in blood circulation in the “uterus-placenta-fetus” system, and, consequently, to. Prolonged hypoxia is the cause of intrauterine growth retardation.
  2. , which also develops due to vasospasm, can cause spontaneous abortion.
  3. Due to increased blood pressure in the channel between the uterus and placenta, it can occur, which will lead to insufficient nutrition of the fetus, and also, depending on the scale of the abruption, can cause.
  4. Long-term hypertension can cause functional failure of a woman’s vital organs, which poses a danger to the health and life of the mother and her unborn baby.
  5. Severe hypertension, as a manifestation of gestosis, can lead to the development of complications dangerous for the mother and her unborn child - preeclampsia and eclampsia.
  6. A significant jump in pressure, especially during childbirth, can cause retinal detachment (and subsequent blindness) or even a stroke.

Is hospitalization necessary?

Since hypertension is an extremely dangerous phenomenon for a pregnant woman, it is unreasonable to refuse the proposed hospitalization. In addition, it is very likely that with a favorable prognosis, the period spent in the hospital will be short.

If hypertension was included in a woman’s medical history even before pregnancy registration, a referral for hospitalization will be issued at the first appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

In the hospital, the degree of hypertension will be determined and the risk will be predicted possible complications for the woman’s health and select treatment methods.

When hypertension is initially detected during pregnancy, hospitalization is also indicated to search for the causes that caused the increase in pressure.

If an increase in indicators occurred in the second trimester, it is important to exclude the development of gestosis or diagnose it in a timely manner.

If the degree of hypertension is mild, the pressure is stable and does not adversely affect the well-being of the expectant mother, then the next hospitalization as planned will follow at the beginning of the third trimester, since during this period the likelihood of a crisis increases.

At 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother with high blood pressure moves to the hospital until the birth.

During this time, she will undergo an examination in order to clarify her condition and choose a method of delivery, as well as preparatory procedures.

In case of exacerbation of a hypertensive condition in a woman, going to the hospital is mandatory. This is necessary to determine the factors that caused the worsening of hypertension and prescribe appropriate treatment.

How to reduce blood pressure during pregnancy

Depending on the causes of arterial hypertension, the doctor chooses tactics for further pregnancy management and treatment methods aimed at normalizing blood pressure.

As a rule, a combination of drug and non-drug therapy is used.

Non-drug method

The non-drug method consists of limiting physical and social activity, namely:

  • refusal to participate in stressful situations.
  • creating a comfortable psychological environment.
  • excluding excessive physical effort, therapeutic exercises and swimming at a calm pace are allowed.
  • Maintaining a sleep and rest schedule.

In addition, it is important to follow some nutritional principles aimed at:

  • adjustment of potassium-sodium metabolism (to prevent fluid retention in the body);
  • prevention of further excessive weight gain (if overweight).
  • To improve water metabolism in the body it is necessary:
  • limit or completely eliminate the use of table salt with food, as a source of sodium, leading to fluid retention in tissues;
  • include in your diet foods rich in potassium, which reduces vascular tone, and magnesium, which also has a mild diuretic property.

To prevent excessive weight gain you should:

  • limit fat intake to 40 g per day, giving preference to vegetable fats;
  • reduce the presence in the diet as much as possible simple carbohydrates: sugars, refined foods, delicacies;
  • adjust your food intake towards fractional meals.

Traditional methods

Among the non-drug ways to combat high blood pressure, folk methods have also found their place:

  • Grind and mix an equal amount of rose hips, hawthorn, red viburnum, linden flowers, calendula, blueberry and heather shoots and motherwort herbs. Separate 2 tbsp. l. , pour 2 cups of boiling water over them, simmer for 15 minutes. in a water bath and leave for room temperature. Drink 100 g of the strained mixture with honey after meals 3-4 times a day. The duration of the course is 1.5 months.
  • Mix half a glass of cranberry juice with the same amount of honey. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  • Mix an equal amount of crushed valerian root, cudweed herb, heather shoots and viburnum flowers. Pour 2 cups boiling water over 2 tbsp. l. mixture and leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Sweeten the warm, strained infusion with honey and take ¼ cup 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

Before you use herbal remedies approval should be obtained from the doctor monitoring the pregnancy to exclude possible contraindications.

Medication method

At slight increase pressure, herbal remedies that have a calming, mild sedative effect, based on motherwort, valerian, lemon balm, mint, etc., will be sufficient.

With persistent hypertension, there is a need to use more serious pharmacological agents.

The most common remedy, due to its availability and safety at the same time as its effectiveness, is methyldopa (“Dopegit”).

The blood pressure medication is approved for use from the earliest stages of pregnancy. Methyldopa does not have a negative effect on placental blood circulation, does not pose a threat to the intrauterine development of the fetus, and does not cause adverse effects for the unborn child in the future.

The effect of the substance occurs within 2-6 hours and manifests itself:

  • in a relaxing effect for the central nervous system;
  • in suppressing the activity of hormones that cause an increase in blood pressure;
  • in suppressing the activity of a blood plasma enzyme (renin), which can affect blood pressure levels and sodium metabolism;
  • in relieving vascular hypertension;
  • in general sedative effect.

For pressure in late pregnancy when protein is detected in a urine test and taking everything into account possible risks for the fetus, β-blockers are prescribed.

Cardioselective β-blockers are often prescribed to pregnant women as a medicine for blood pressure, because they have fewer side effects compared to non-selective ones.

In the fight against high blood pressure, the effect they have directly on cardiac activity is important:

  • the frequency and strength of heart contractions decreases;
  • the body's sensitivity to stress decreases;
  • renin activity decreases;
  • conductivity in the AV node decreases to the desired level, normalizing the contractile-conducting activity of the cardiac sections;
  • the oxygen demand of the heart muscle is normalized (anti-ischemic effect);
  • the risk of cardiac arrhythmias is reduced.

Popular β-blockers prescribed to pregnant women help lower blood pressure during pregnancy: atenolol, metaprotolol, labetalol, nebivolol, bisoprolol.

Currently, bisoprolol is more preferable due to its ease of use (1 tablet per day), reliable round-the-clock action, possibility of use in diabetics and less pronounced “withdrawal syndrome” compared to other drugs.

Calcium antagonists or calcium channel blockers are similar in effectiveness to β-blockers.

But they do not affect nervous system, but on the channels in the cardiac and vascular muscles through which calcium enters the muscle cells.

The force of muscle contraction depends on the calcium concentration in its cells. Activation of calcium channels occurs under the influence of adrenaline and norepinephrine. Blockade of calcium channels prevents spasm of the heart muscles and blood vessels.

Based on the direction of action of calcium antagonists, they can be divided into groups:

  • acting only on smooth vascular muscles (nifedipine, normodipine, amlodipine, etc.) and therefore recommended for use simultaneously with β-blockers;
  • acting on the muscles and heart and blood vessels (verapamil) and therefore prohibited for use simultaneously with β-blockers.

Taking calcium antagonists during pregnancy does not exclude a possible detrimental effect on the fetus and is often accompanied by unpleasant side effects.

Therefore, they are prescribed when taking other groups of antihypertensive drugs is impossible.

Measures to prevent high blood pressure during pregnancy

A woman's blood pressure almost inevitably increases during pregnancy due to an increase in circulating blood volume with increasing pregnancy.

Therefore, a slight increase in blood pressure in some pregnant women may be a physiological norm.

If blood pressure readings are already elevated by early stages pregnancy, or “jumps” in blood pressure have happened before, she should adjust her lifestyle and diet to prevent hypertension.


  • do not limit the duration of sleep and rest;
  • avoid excessive physical activity, giving preference to feasible exercise at a calm pace;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • control weight gain during pregnancy (no more than 15 kg);
  • adjust your diet and menu by making smaller meals and eliminating foods that are undesirable for hypertension;
  • Regularly monitor your blood pressure values ​​(daily, at least twice a day) on both the right and left arms.

If this happens, at the next doctor’s appointment or during self-measurement, the mother discovers that the pressure has exceeded the norm, then first of all you should stop panicking, otherwise the readings will rise even higher.

The most reasonable thing in such a situation is not to self-medicate, but to trust qualified specialists and then the pregnancy and birth of the baby will go well.

At each appointment at the antenatal clinic, the pregnant woman is examined by a doctor and a nurse. So, the nurse records changes associated with the growth of the child in the womb (for example, weight gain and an increase in abdominal circumference), and also measures blood pressure. If its indicators exceed the norm, there is cause for concern.

Perhaps the standard blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg. everyone heard. “They fly into space with this.” But modern doctors prefer not to talk about standards, since they consider the pressure norm to be an individual trait of each person, depending on many factors, such as his height and weight, lifestyle, etc. They define normal pressure not by any average indicator, but by a whole range: from 90/60 mm Hg. Art. up to 140/90 mm Hg. Art.

The changes in the functioning of a woman's body during pregnancy are enormous. All her organs and organ systems begin to work differently. An additional load is placed on the heart and blood vessels: another, third, circle of blood circulation is formed. The volume of blood in the body of the expectant mother increases. By the middle of pregnancy it increases by 0.5 liters, closer to childbirth - by 1 liter.

The heart needs to pump this blood faster, so doctors consider a slight increase in blood pressure in expectant mothers to be normal.

IMPORTANT: Blood pressure in pregnant women, which is at the upper limit of normal and is 140/90 ml Hg. Art. does not cause concern among doctors

If its indicators are above this limit, it is necessary to find out the reasons for this increase in pressure and undertake treatment.

IMPORTANT: Blood pressure is a variable indicator that can change within a few minutes. A surge in blood pressure in a pregnant woman can be caused by stress (for example, fear of an appointment with a gynecologist or worry about the child), climbing stairs (you must admit, it’s hard for a pregnant woman in the third trimester to climb to the 5th floor of the clinic), or drinking a cup of coffee the day before the appointment. To ensure the reliability of blood pressure measurement results, the pregnant woman should be calm and rested and should not drink invigorating drinks several hours before the appointment.

Symptoms of high blood pressure during pregnancy

There are many reasons why an expectant mother’s blood pressure rises. Some of them are not at all related to bearing a child; hypertension could have been present in a woman before; others are caused by the “interesting situation” itself. For example:

  1. Hypertension (arterial hypertension). Unfortunately, many women of childbearing age are burdened with chronic diseases, among which hypertension is especially common. This is due to genetic characteristics, poor lifestyle, stress, bad habits, and many other factors. During pregnancy, a woman’s condition – hypertension may worsen
  2. Other chronic diseases. If the expectant mother has a diseased liver, kidneys, or organs of the endocrine system, it is quite possible that her blood pressure may increase
  3. Pregnancy diabetes. This diagnosis almost always accompanies hypertension
  4. Preeclampsia. But this pathology occurs precisely during and because of pregnancy. It is characterized by a disorder in the functioning of many body systems of a pregnant woman and can be deadly for both the child and the woman herself.

Headache, nausea, tinnitus are signs of hypertension in pregnant women.

As a rule, it is possible to suspect high blood pressure in an expectant mother even before measuring this indicator, because the woman literally complains of feeling unwell right from the start. She exhibits the following symptoms:

  • headache
  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • noise in ears
  • "floaters" before the eyes
  • redness of the skin on the face and neck

Thematic video

Why is high blood pressure dangerous during pregnancy?

Arterial hypertension is dangerous for any person. For a pregnant woman, it is doubly dangerous, since she and her baby can suffer from the consequences of increased blood pressure.
Complications of high blood pressure during pregnancy may include:

IMPORTANT: To avoid trouble, you cannot ignore high blood pressure during pregnancy.

High blood pressure during pregnancy in the first trimester

If high blood pressure was recorded in the first half of pregnancy, most likely the woman suffered from hypertension before, or chronic diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc. made themselves felt.

IMPORTANT: A slight increase in blood pressure in the first three months of pregnancy can be triggered by stress due to the woman’s new condition and changes in her life associated with pregnancy and imminent birth child. The situation needs to be kept under control, but perhaps it will resolve itself as soon as women will pass toxicosis and she will get used to her new role

Increased blood pressure due to any disturbances in the functioning of the pregnant woman’s body can be dangerous for the child: the pregnancy may fail, or due to hypoxia, pathologies may develop in the baby.

High blood pressure during pregnancy in the second trimester. High blood pressure during pregnancy in the third trimester

An increase in blood pressure starting from the second trimester of pregnancy is an alarming harbinger of gestosis.

IMPORTANT: The reasons for the development of gestosis have not yet been precisely established. But it is known that a condition characterized by disturbances in the functioning of many organs and systems of the expectant mother most often occurs in those who, before or during pregnancy, did not suffer from hypertension, kidney disease, biliary tract, or endocrine system

With gestosis, a spasm of blood vessels occurs, which disrupts blood circulation and clotting. As a result, tissues and organs receive insufficient oxygen and nutrients. Dystrophic changes begin to occur in them, sometimes irreversible, even to the point of death.

The first to suffer from gestosis are the kidneys, heart and brain. The placenta also ceases to cope with its functions, as a result of which the child suffers from a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

In the first few days, gestosis manifests itself as edema, then - renal failure, preeclampsia and eclampsia.

IMPORTANT: The cause of high blood pressure in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy may be much more trivial than gestosis. This - excess weight. To prevent blood pressure from rising, a woman needs to control its increase

Treatment of high blood pressure during pregnancy. Anti-high blood pressure pills for pregnant women

Treatment of hypertension during pregnancy cannot follow a pattern. First of all, the doctor finds out why the blood pressure has increased in a particular pregnant woman, and only then chooses medications and makes recommendations.

IMPORTANT: If the expectant mother’s blood pressure is 170/110 mm Hg. Art., she is urgently hospitalized, examined and treated in a hospital

Typically, women whose blood pressure is slightly elevated and have no other signs of dangerous conditions do without medications. To normalize it, it is often enough to normalize the daily routine of the expectant mother and her diet.

If the pressure threatens to disrupt the functioning of a woman’s organs and systems, or deteriorate the uteroplacental blood flow, she is prescribed medications.

“Drug of choice” for high blood pressure in pregnant women.

Tablets that are safe for children are:

  • Egilok
  • Nifedipine
  • Labetalol
  • Pipazole
  • Dopgit
  • other

Foods that lower blood pressure during pregnancy

To prevent blood pressure from rising or normalizing, a pregnant woman should consume foods containing:

  • ascorbic acid
  • omega-3 acids
  • potassium and magnesium
  • folic acid

  • natural and high-quality dairy and fermented milk products
  • vegetable oils
  • Fish and seafood
  • cereals and cereals
  • bran
  • vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries and dried fruits
  • lean meat
  • egg yolk

To prevent the expectant mother’s blood pressure from increasing, she needs:

  1. Maintain a work-rest schedule. Sleep at night should be at least 8 hours. If possible, a pregnant woman should sleep during the day, 1-1.5 hours. Overwork at work overtime work and night work is contraindicated for her
  2. Avoid invigorating drinks – coffee and strong tea
  3. Limit salt intake
  4. Avoid stress
  5. Control your weight
  6. Go for walks and do as much exercise as possible

We live in a fast-paced and busy time, which brings us not only the benefits of civilization, but also some “ side effects", for example, high levels of stress. And stress, in turn, also gives us surprises, for example, high blood pressure during pregnancy - after all, the body also perceives pregnancy as a kind of stress...

Therefore, blood pressure control is a mandatory procedure for all expectant mothers. It makes sense to measure your blood pressure once a week, and if any problems begin, do it daily. Of course, for this you need to know the normal values.

You've probably heard that the first number means systolic and the second number means diastolic pressure, and that healthy person should they be 120/80? However, it is worth focusing on your individual indicators. It is believed that normal blood pressure during pregnancy is no higher than 140/90 and no lower than 90/60.

Quite a large range of values, isn't it? This means that you must know your “working pressure”, the one that you usually experience. 90/60 for a 20-year-old girl weighing 50 kg who has not given birth is absolutely normal, but the notorious 120/80 would already be considered rather high.

Why is high blood pressure dangerous during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, a steady increase in pressure during this period is an alarming symptom. If blood pressure rises during pregnancy, doctors are afraid possible development– a dangerous and insidious complication during pregnancy, which consists in disrupting the functioning of vital organs, and primarily the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.

It arises from the fact that the placenta produces substances that cause microholes to form in the vessels. Through them, plasma protein and fluid enter the tissues from the blood, which causes swelling, primarily in the legs and hands. The worst thing is that not only the limbs swell, but also the placenta, and this already causes a lack of oxygen in the fetus.

Even if high blood pressure during pregnancy is not a sign of gestosis, you still can’t give up on it; after all, it’s not for nothing that doctors in the antenatal clinic pay so much attention to monitoring blood pressure in women who are registered as expecting a baby. The fact is that high blood pressure during pregnancy provokes changes in the blood vessels of the placenta and fetus.

Reduced blood circulation between mother and child is called fetoplacental insufficiency. If a child does not have enough oxygen and nutrients, intrauterine growth retardation may begin, and this is very serious.

If blood pressure fluctuates regularly during pregnancy and the readings are quite high (140-150 and above), this can lead to premature placental abruption– a very dangerous complication normal course pregnancy. Hypertension in the mother may well cause a threat of miscarriage or premature birth. Finally, high blood pressure in the mother during childbirth can lead to eclampsia - a convulsive syndrome, which is also not beneficial for either the woman or her child.

Signs of high blood pressure during pregnancy

The most accurate way to find out your blood pressure is to measure it using a special device (tonometer), which it is advisable for every pregnant woman to purchase, and if there are problems with blood pressure, then purchasing it is a must. At home, it is more convenient to use an electronic tonometer, but a regular one is also quite suitable - some doctors even believe that its readings are more accurate, and it costs less.

But a woman can also find out about increased blood pressure by her own feelings: this condition may be accompanied by headaches, sometimes very strong, dizziness.

Also characteristic:

  • deterioration of health;
  • noise in ears;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • the appearance of “flies” before the eyes;
  • the appearance of red spots on the skin of the face and chest or general redness of the skin in these areas.

But it also happens that hypertension is asymptomatic, does not bother the pregnant woman and is detected only during the next blood pressure measurement.

Causes of high blood pressure during pregnancy

Why does blood pressure increase during pregnancy? There are several most common reasons for this.

  • stress, already mentioned above. The stress on the body is so great that it does not have time to adapt and reacts with pressure surges;
  • insufficiency of the compensatory forces of the pregnant woman’s body. The heart, which must pump blood “for two,” cannot cope with the increased volume of circulating blood;
  • heredity. If any of your close relatives had high blood pressure, there is a chance that you will have to deal with it too;
  • diabetes. It does not increase blood pressure during pregnancy, but diabetes can be an unfavorable factor;
  • smoking. In any case, it does not add health, but cardiovascular system Nicotine is one of the first to strike;
  • weak physical activity. A trained heart copes with stress much better;
  • overweight or obesity. Carefully monitor how much you gain during pregnancy, control this process;
  • kidney problems. Oddly enough, there is a direct relationship - often people suffering from kidney diseases (for example, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis) have high blood pressure;
  • disturbance of hormonal activity of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland. Often, high blood pressure during pregnancy is the result of these hormonal shocks, because at this time women experience real hormonal storms.

Reduced blood pressure during pregnancy

Many women are interested in how to reduce blood pressure during pregnancy on their own? But just in this case, self-medication is unacceptable. Do not take any blood pressure pills during pregnancy, or drink any “herbs” until you consult your doctor!

The doctor will examine you and prescribe medication. Strictly adhere to the regimen of medications and their dosage, do not stop taking medications without permission - when it comes to high blood pressure, the result is achieved only by carefully following all recommendations.

You may need to be hospitalized in the pregnancy pathology department of the maternity hospital. There you will not only be treated, but also treated individual plan childbirth taking into account high blood pressure. Often in this case, epidural anesthesia is prescribed during childbirth,

At the end of pregnancy, closer to childbirth, you will most likely be offered re-hospitalization to correct the pressure before childbirth.

There are also blood pressure lowering products during pregnancy - their use, of course, will not eliminate the problem completely, but can serve as a preventative measure. First of all, these are beets and beet juice, cranberry juice - in addition to lowering blood pressure, it is also a source of vitamins!

Arterial hypertension during pregnancy is a condition that is characterized by two or more repeated episodes of increased blood pressure (BP) over 140/90 mmHg. The interval between repeated measurements should be 3-4 hours.

High blood pressure during pregnancy adversely affects the condition and intrauterine development fetus A child may be born with cardiovascular pathology or metabolic disorders.

A distinction is made between the pathology that was present before pregnancy and the pathology that arose during gestation.

Types of disease

Chronic pathology, in turn, is divided into:

  • Hypertension of the primary type (HD);
  • Secondary hypertension (symptomatic).

Hypertension is characterized by elevated blood pressure without any concomitant pathology of organs and organ systems.

Symptomatic arterial hypertension often develops against the background of kidney damage. The cause can also be endocrine pathology (Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, Conn syndrome, pheochromocytoma), various disorders of the cardiovascular system. Sometimes due to long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs, oral hormonal contraceptives and some other substances.

High blood pressure during pregnancy is considered by blood pressure indicators when the heart systole (contraction) is more than 160 mmHg, and during diastole (relaxation) - more than 90 mmHg. In this case, there is a risk of a stroke in the parturient woman (usually with hemorrhage in the brain tissue) during childbirth or in the postpartum period.

What blood pressure should be before childbirth? Normal blood pressure in a pregnant woman is considered to be the upper value of 120-140 mmHg. and/or lower 80-90 mm Hg.

Table: Normal blood pressure in pregnant women

  • The diagnosis of gestational hypertension can only be made during pregnancy if elevated blood pressure is detected at 20 weeks or more. After giving birth, the woman is monitored for 12 weeks. Depending on the level of blood pressure, a woman is diagnosed.
  • If an elevated blood pressure level is recorded in parallel with the excretion of protein in the urine (more than 300 mg per day), then this condition is called preeclampsia (PE). It is accompanied by disruption of the activity of many organ systems. As a result, laboratory parameters change dramatically. The risk of developing PE increases in the presence of concomitant pathologies: kidney disease, endocrine system disease, chronic hypertension, genetic predisposition.
  • Preeclampsia is divided into severe and moderate. With moderate severity, it is possible to prolong pregnancy, but in a hospital setting. In severe cases, it is urgent to resolve the issue of delivery to the mother.

  • If convulsive syndrome is added to the symptoms of preeclampsia, we can talk about the onset of eclampsia. The appearance of seizures is preceded by excessive excitement or drowsiness, the appearance of fibrillar twitching of the facial muscles, pain in the abdomen, arms and legs, and headaches.
  • Diagnosis of pathology

    Each pregnant woman must independently monitor her blood pressure levels. Semi-mechanical or mechanical tonometers come to the rescue. If your blood pressure level is elevated, you should contact a specialist for help. A thorough collection of the patient's history and complaints is carried out, and an examination is carried out.

    In this case, a number of mandatory clinical and laboratory studies are carried out:

    • General blood and urine analysis;
    • Biochemical blood test with determination of urea, creatinine, electrolyte levels;
    • Ultrasound of the kidneys.

    Symptomatic hypertension is more characterized by an acute onset. More often, rapid installation at a high level of blood pressure (diastolic blood pressure exceeds 110 mmHg). At the same time, the woman feels quite normal. This type of hypertension has an adverse effect on organ systems in the body, which often leads to complications.

    To diagnose preeclampsia, a number of indicators are determined: hematocrit level, hemoglobin, leukocytes, platelets. A peripheral blood smear, fibrinogen, uric acid, creatinine, ALT, AST, albumin, and bilirubin levels are studied.

    Help and treatment

    Hypertension and high blood pressure during early pregnancy require immediate treatment. Increased level Blood pressure adversely affects the maternal cardiovascular system and fetal development.

    Antihypertensive therapy significantly reduces the risk of maternal mortality and promotes late pregnancy.

    What to do if the tonometer shows bad numbers? You need to see a doctor for help! The specialist must prescribe a diagnostic test regimen.

    If gestational hypertension is detected, hospitalization with a complete clinical and laboratory examination of the patient is necessary. Antihypertensive therapy is prescribed immediately.

    The target values ​​for systolic and diastolic blood pressure are considered to be 130-150 mmHg and 80-95 mmHg, respectively. Significant reductions in blood pressure should be avoided, as this may reduce blood flow through the placenta and impair fetal nutrition.

    Treatment of arterial hypertension during pregnancy should be prescribed by a doctor! Self-medication is inappropriate and often adversely affects the development of the fetus.

    Angiotensin receptor antagonists and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women!

    Only a doctor can prescribe pills for high blood pressure during pregnancy! Under no circumstances should you take medications on your own to bring down high blood pressure!

    Table: Drugs for quickly reducing blood pressure during pregnancy

    Medicines that are used routinely to treat hypertension:

    1. Methyldopa;
    2. Clonidine;
    3. Calcium antagonists (nifedipine, amlodipine, Verapamil);
    4. Beta blockers: Atenolol, Metoprolol, Bisoprolol, Nebivalol;
    5. Drugs that block alpha and beta adrenergic receptors: Labetalol;
    6. Alpha blockers: Doxazosin and Prazosin;
    7. Diuretics: Hydrochlorothiazide, Furosemide;
    8. Hydralazine.

    Drugs for rapid relief of hypertensive crisis in pregnant women: Hydralazine, Sodium Nitroprusside, Nifedipine, Labetalol, Diazoxide, Nitroglycerin, Clonidine.

    Prevention methods

    Prevention of hypertension for pregnant women is the only method of controlling blood pressure without the use of drugs!

    Women with high blood pressure Smoking, drinking alcohol, and psychological stress are contraindicated.

    Doctors recommend following a proper diet. You need to take fortified foods and enough proteins. A complete ban on spicy and salty foods. Avoid foods that increase blood pressure.

    You shouldn't limit yourself too much physical activity! Aerobic exercise and walks in the fresh air have a beneficial effect on the prognosis. There is no need to limit the amount of table salt in food.


    Indications for hospitalization of a pregnant woman:

    1. Excessively high blood pressure numbers: above 160/110 mmHg;
    2. The appearance of abdominal pain, headaches (harbingers of PE);
    3. Development of PE;
    4. Newly detected increase in blood pressure;
    5. Increased blood pressure in women with kidney pathology, diabetes mellitus and previously present chronic hypertension;
    6. Significant excretion of protein in the urine;
    7. If there is a suspicion of hypoxia in the child;
    8. Fetal growth restriction;