Shoes get wet - what to do? What is the best way to treat shoes to prevent them from getting wet? How to impregnate rag shoes so they don't get wet

Nobody likes to walk in wet shoes. This is both unpleasant and dangerous to health. It doesn’t matter whether it’s summer or autumn and spring, wet feet are a sure way to a cold. How to treat shoes so they don't get wet? What products should you buy to protect yourself from moisture in your favorite shoes or boots? We hope our tips will help. So, let's begin.

First, let's look at what the stores offer. Almost every shoe or hardware store will offer you a choice of either spray or water-repellent wax. What materials do they work best with?

  • Spray. In principle, water-repellent spray can be used with any material: leather, leatherette, nubuck, suede. But it is better to apply it to suede and nubuck. Shoes should be dry and clean, then they will better absorb the protective agent. Spray the spray until the shoes no longer absorb it. After this, leave the shoes to dry. Remember that you need to treat your shoes at least 6 hours before you go outside. It will be good if you treat your shoes or boots several times during the day. You need to soak your shoes with the spray regularly, as the protective effect is not endless.
  • Wax is suitable for smooth leather products. Available in two types: black and colorless. Before processing, make sure the shoes are dry and clean. After this, apply a thin layer of wax to the shoe or boot and gently rub it into the surface of the shoe. After this treatment, your favorite shoes will not only be saturated with a protective agent, but will also look well-groomed. Wax, like water-repellent spray, should be used regularly.
  • What to do if the sole is leaking? Agree, it’s unpleasant to realize that you did everything right (impregnated your shoes with water-repellent agents), but your foot is wet. The reasons for sole leakage are poorly stitched seams, microcracks in the sole itself. What to do?
  • If the problem is poor-quality seams, then they can be impregnated with any water-repellent agent.
  • If the sole is leaking because it is poorly glued, then it is better not just to glue it, but to stitch it in the workshop.
  • Cracks in the sole can be sealed. Sand the sole, apply drying oil and wait until it dries completely.

Now let's look at it folk remedies protecting shoes from moisture.

  • Lubricate your shoes with goose fat (or any other animal fat). Just coat the surface of your shoes or boots and that’s it. Of course, this method is only suitable for smooth skin.
  • Instead of cream or wax, you can coat your shoes and seams with castor oil.
  • As home remedy To protect shoes from moisture, you can use regular medical Vaseline, which, like goose fat, is applied in an even layer to the entire surface of the shoes, including the seams.
  • Prepare a cream from wax and linseed oil (in a ratio of 3:1). Melt the wax, add oil to the still warm wax and lubricate the shoes with this cream. Try to rub the cream thoroughly to ensure a better water-repellent effect.

Whatever means you use to protect shoes from moisture, the main thing is that your feet remain dry. Excess moisture is not only a source colds, but also good environment for the development of fungal infections. Protect your shoes and they will protect you.

Autumn has arrived, and with it comes the time of rain, puddles and slush. The ideal footwear for this weather is rubber boots. But you shouldn’t wear them every day, especially since it’s dangerous for the health of your feet. The question arises: how to maintain an attractive appearance casual shoes? Of course, the easiest way is to use water-repellent impregnation, bought in a store. But high-quality products are quite expensive, and they don’t last long. It is advisable to purchase them only for expensive shoes, which are made of thin skin, suede, velor or nubuck. To protect the rest of your products, use the advice of specialists from a shoe repair shop.

5 life hacks: how to make leather shoes waterproof

Some folk remedies are not inferior in effectiveness to professional ones. Remember that you need to apply them to shoes (which must be clean) in advance, and not just before leaving the house. This way they will have time to be absorbed and create a protective film on the product.

  • For smooth or patent leather shoes, use regular Vaseline.

Treat the surface and seams with it. This same remedy will save already wet boots. If you apply a small amount of Vaseline to dried shoes, they will not harden once they are completely dry. In addition, boots are easier to clean from dirt and reagents.

  • For rough skin you can use castor oil

Warm the shoes from the inside with a hairdryer, then apply the oil to the surface of the leather in a greasy layer. The product should dry slowly, preferably in a warm, dry place. Remaining oil should be removed with a soft cloth, then polish the shoes. It is recommended to do the treatment several hours before leaving home. If possible, perform the procedure before bed so that the product is absorbed throughout the night. Castor oil makes the skin soft and waterproof, prevents dirt and roughening.

  • You can prepare a very good impregnation based on castor or linseed oil. In addition to the main component, you will need paraffin (not stearine!). The recipe is only suitable for leather products.

Grate 1 tsp. paraffin on a fine grater. Combine it with oil and heat the composition in a water bath until the paraffin is completely dissolved. Treat the surface and seams with the warm mixture. Apply the composition in a thin layer, otherwise the skin will become rough and lose its attractive appearance.

  • Natural wax does not spoil the appearance of shoes and protects them well from moisture.

You can apply the product in two ways:

  • rub the shoe with a piece of wax or a candle, then heat the shoe with a hairdryer and polish the surface;
  • melt a small amount of wax in a water bath, apply the composition evenly to the leather surface and polish with a soft, dry cloth.

For leather shoes, you can prepare a mixture consisting of fish oil (40 g), natural wax(10 g), glycerin (20 g) and turpentine (30 g). Melt the wax and mix with the remaining ingredients until smooth. Apply the warm liquid composition to the surface with a shoe brush and distribute evenly. After a few hours it will be completely absorbed into the skin.

In wet and cold weather, in mud and slush, we may encounter a problem when our shoes get wet. Because of this, the condition of the material deteriorates, it becomes deformed and loses color. In addition, wet shoes can lead to a person catching a cold and getting sick. This problem can be corrected using professional and folk remedies. In this article we will look at how to make shoes waterproof at home.

Why do shoes get wet?

There may be several reasons for this process. First of all, these are peeled or damaged soles and poor quality of products, uneven and missing seams, holes and microcracks in products. And during use, boots, boots or shoes wear out, crack, and lose moisture resistance.

To avoid these problems, experts recommend choosing only high-quality and durable shoes made from natural materials. Such products do not get wet and have a long service life. Synthetic materials, including artificial leather and suede, quickly deform and crack, get wet easily, lose their original color and shine, and presentable appearance.

If holes and cracks have formed on the sole, it is best to treat the defects with drying oil, pre-treat the area with sandpaper and degrease with gasoline or acetone. If the sole is poorly glued, we re-glue or glue the part, in this case we take the shoes to a shoe workshop.

In addition, shoes are negatively affected by chemicals that are used to de-ice roads in winter. Such products deform the products, and they begin to let moisture through. To protect your shoes, treat a new pair with special water-repellent agents before the first wear.

During operation, impregnating agents, sprays and other compounds are used for products. Select the appropriate preparations depending on the type of material and color of boots, boots or shoes. In addition to professional ones, you can also use folk remedies. Let's find out in more detail what to do to prevent your shoes from getting wet.

Treatment with protective water-repellent impregnation

You can make shoes waterproof using a special protective impregnation, which forms a transparent film on the surface of the shoe, preventing liquid from being absorbed. The moisture simply flows down without affecting the products.

When choosing a product, pay attention to the amount of fat that is included in the drug. It must be at least 40%. At the same time, choose creams for leather, and spray or aerosol for suede, nubuck or textiles. We offer a list of the most effective means:

  • Universal protective equipment Salamander Universal SMS are suitable for every type of material, including leather, suede and textiles. They protect the surface and maintain the presentable appearance of the shoes;
  • Kiwi AquaStop is another universal product that is suitable for both natural and artificial materials. It is more accessible;
  • Salamander is suitable to process Leather Products. The cream is characterized by a fatty composition with high water-repellent properties and the content of natural wax. It not only prevents the material from getting wet, but also restores shine, paints over abrasions and scratches, eliminates roughness, and provides reliable protection;
  • Esso fast-acting spray dries in a few seconds. It makes products waterproof, while maintaining the breathable properties of natural materials;
  • Collonil Nanopro - the best remedy to treat nubuck and suede shoes, boots or boots made of textile or velor. It creates the thinnest and most invisible, deep and impenetrable film. Ensures proper care of materials and prevents getting wet;
  • For rough skin, choose Grangers G-Wax salts and impregnations;
  • SMS Olvist is a Swedish drug that creates maximum moisture protection for a suede pair. As a result, suede does not get wet, does not warp or deform. How to properly care for suede shoes, see.

For the desired effect, it is important to properly saturate the shoes. Before applying impregnation, the product must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust, rinsed and dried. Do not handle dirty, dusty or wet shoes! The product should be applied until it is absorbed into the material. A light spray is not enough!

After treatment, dry the products for nine to ten hours. To achieve maximum reliable protection, use the triple impregnation method. To do this, treat the surface with the product three times at intervals of 24 hours.

If you do not want to use store-bought drugs, you can choose traditional methods. But keep in mind that artificial materials are not susceptible to oils and drying oils. And for suede shoes and nubuck, paraffin, wax and organic compounds cannot be used!

Folk remedies for treating shoes

  • Take 50 grams of linseed oil and lard, ten grams of turpentine. Melt the lard and mix the ingredients. Apply the resulting composition while warm to the surface of the shoes using a soft cloth;
  • Melt 30 grams of wax over low heat and mix with linseed oil in a volume of ten grams. Apply the warm mixture to the material and rub gently with a woolen cloth;
  • For rough skin, you can use castor oil. It will create a protective water-repellent film and preserve the shine of the shoes. But it is not suitable for delicate materials and thin leather, as it can damage the products. To process, you need to rub the oil into the surface and polish the shoes;
  • Castor oil can be mixed with animal fat in equal quantities, after melting the fat. Mix the components and apply the resulting mixture to the surface and seams of the boots;
  • Mix 20 grams of beeswax, ten grams of turpentine and 50 grams of crushed rosin. Apply the composition to shoes or boots and leave until completely absorbed;
  • Take 30 grams of turpentine, 40 grams of liquid fish oil and ten grams of beeswax. Mix the ingredients, melt over low heat and add 20 grams of glycerin. Mix and apply the resulting composition to the shoes;
  • We rub wax or paraffin into the surface of shoes or boots. Heat the coating evenly with a hairdryer. It's fast and easy way, which will reliably protect leather shoes from getting wet.

If your shoes are wet

If you do get your shoes wet, you need to dry them thoroughly. At the same time, you should not place suede or leather products on the radiator or near heating devices. They shorten the life of products, which then crack and become deformed.

Shoes need to be dried at room temperature V natural conditions. After complete drying, the shoes are treated with cream or spray.

Insoles from wet shoes are removed and dried separately. It is better to have at least two pairs of boots, boots and shoes for each season, so that wet shoes have time to completely dry and soak.

With the onset of wet weather, it is especially important to feel comfortable in autumn shoes: you get a little wet, cold, and a cold will immediately make itself felt. But even in the summer, squelching in shoes is no good, because even those who like to walk barefoot in the rain are unlikely to like having wet feet on a constant basis. What can you do to your shoes to protect them from moisture? It all depends on the type of material and the reason for getting wet.

If it's all about the sole

In search of protection from moisture, we first of all turn our attention to leather or suede care products, without skimping on impregnations and wax creams. But what if the problem is not so much in the upper part of the shoes, but in the sole? But it is precisely this material that comes into direct contact with wet asphalt or damp soil, and it is its damage or poor quality that is the cause of your wet feet.

Agree, you rarely step into such deep puddles that your shoe goes under the water up to your ankle, but if you still have such a sin, then it’s better to get a pair of rubber boots right now. The fact is that, having stepped into a shallow puddle, you will very quickly feel moisture on your feet, but neither leather nor suede good quality They can’t let water through that quickly. Most often, moisture gets inside not through the main material, but through poor-quality seams, poorly glued soles, or holes and cracks at the bottom of your shoes.

  • Poor-quality seams can be coated and impregnated with any water-repellent cream or spray, and folk remedies include animal fat, wax, paraffin or castor oil. True, this method will not help get rid of the problem once and for all, and you will have to periodically update the protective layer.
  • Poorly glued soles are more common on cheap leatherette shoes, but regardless of the base material, there is only one solution: tear off the sole and glue it, or better yet, re-stitch it. Of course, not everyone has the skills of a shoemaker, and most likely you will have to take your shoes to the workshop, so think about whether this pair of shoes is worth the money and time spent on it.
  • Cracks or holes in shoes can be sealed. Although, in order to get ahead of the problem, it is better to do this with new shoes. To do this, you need to lightly sand the sole to strengthen the adhesion of the material to the surface, apply drying oil and let it dry completely. A more radical way to deal with leaking soles would be to install soles on top of the original sole.

Shoes from trusted brands are distinguished by high quality seams and soles, which means that the risk of coming home with wet socks in such shoes will be much less. In addition, well-known brands do not skimp on the initial impregnation of leather or nubuck, which is also an undeniable advantage.

Leather and suede care

Although caring for water-repellent leather and nubuck has more aesthetic weight than practical weight, poor quality leather can actually leak moisture quite quickly, unlike thick leather made to specifications. And it’s unlikely that you want leather or suede to absorb slush, becoming covered with a disgusting coating of dirt, even if your feet are completely dry. We tell you what you need to do to make your shoes look chic even in the fall and not wear out.

  • Leather

The shoe care market is full of water-repellent compounds for any material, so they will be the easiest to use. For leather, you can use impregnation in the form of a spray, but more classic version are special waxes and creams. Just keep in mind that emulsion cream will not protect against moisture: you need to choose a more expensive organic product with a high content of fat, wax and oils.

For leather, unlike suede, there are many folk remedies that can protect shoes from getting wet. The simplest thing is to treat the skin and seams with castor oil instead of cream, but you can also make mixtures: ½ tbsp. l. turpentine plus 4 tsp. flaxseed oil and fish oil; 1 tsp. paraffin or wax plus 1 tsp. flaxseed oil or 1:1 mixture castor oil and animal fat.

In folk recipes, flaxseed oil can be replaced or supplemented with rendered animal fat. Waterfowl fat is considered best.

  • Suede and nubuck

Neither wax nor cream is suitable for suede, and the only way to protect it from moisture is to use special impregnations in the form of a spray, which are made on the basis of water-repellent emulsions.

Regardless of what treatment you choose and what material you are dealing with, impregnation can only be done on clean and dry shoes at least 6 hours before going outside. The procedure must be repeated regularly as necessary, since the effect of wax and sprays is not endless.

In order to properly impregnate new boots with a protective substance, you can resort to multiple initial treatment of the shoes. To do this, shoes need to be lubricated or treated with a suitable product 3 times at intervals a day before you start wearing them. You need to spray the spray or apply oil or cream until the shoes stop actively absorbing them.

Caring for shoes made from other materials

If you are dealing with wet non-leather shoes, then no store-bought care will do. The thing is that using oil or sprays on leatherette is pointless, since it does not absorb water or fat, and on fabric it is simply stupid. It turns out that nothing can protect you from getting your fabric sneakers wet, but leatherette shoes can still be saved.

We mentioned that leatherette itself does not absorb moisture, which means that the problem most likely lies in a poorly glued, poorly sewn or damaged sole, which brings us back to the very first point of discussion. You already know what you need to do: take care of the soles, and you can wear the boots for a long time without the risk of getting your feet wet.

Having these in our arsenal simple remedies and ways to care for your boots, you will no longer catch a cold due to an oversight by the shoe manufacturer or bad weather.

Protecting your shoes from getting wet is a priority that needs to be addressed before the rainy season arrives. If you do not do this, your feet will constantly be wet, which will increase the likelihood of various diseases.

Why do shoes get wet?

Wet feet after a walk become an unpleasant surprise for every person. To fix this problem, you need to determine exactly why your shoes are getting wet. There are many reasons for this problem, but the most common ones are the following:

  1. Peeled off sole. This problem arises due to poor quality connection of this part of the product with the shoe or boot, as well as due to mechanical damage.
  2. Chemicals. In icy conditions, the streets are sprinkled with various reagents that can not only eliminate dangerous a natural phenomenon, but also harm the boots. These substances gradually corrode the sole, forming microcracks in it. If there are many such minor damages, the product will begin to leak.
  3. Lack of special protective impregnation. Unscrupulous shoe manufacturers try to save money and omit the important stage of surface treatment of products. If you buy such a defective pair, it will quickly begin to leak water.
  4. Low quality shoes. Boots, sneakers, tarpaulin boots and other types of products are manufactured at hundreds of enterprises. Some manufacturers try to reduce the cost of their products by using low quality materials. Because of this, it quickly wears out and begins to leak in several places.
  5. Use of artificial materials. Most synthetic materials crack when exposed to low temperatures. Because of this, a walk on a frosty day can end with wet feet.

The best store-bought products for protecting shoes from getting wet

In any city it is easy to find several stores selling special means, capable of soaking shoes from getting wet. All these compositions are available in the form of a spray, impregnation or cream.

The highest quality products:

  1. Salamander Universal. This spray is suitable for leather, suede and textile products. It is quickly absorbed and provides reliable protection from moisture for the whole day. In addition, it prevents the settling of dirt and dust, which improves the appearance of the boots. Among the disadvantages of the product is a sharp and not very pleasant smell.
  2. Ekko. The main advantage of this spray is its economical consumption. If you lubricate your boots with it, you don’t have to worry about getting your feet wet for 24 hours. The product is popular due to its special property, which allows you to protect boots and not interfere with air exchange.
  3. Grangers. Available in the form of a cream that can be used for leather products. The product is made on the basis of natural beeswax, and therefore does not have a negative effect on humans. The cream protects well from moisture, salt and dirt.
  4. Olvist. This impregnation is popular among owners of leather boots. It is relatively inexpensive, but reliably protects against water and dirt.
  5. Collonil Nanopro. Universal spray suitable for almost any shoe. It is based on fluorocarbon compounds, which reliably protect against moisture and do not harm the material. This product is expensive, but is used economically. Therefore, one bottle is enough for several months of regular use.
  6. Kiwi AquaStop. Suitable for nubuck, leather, textiles and suede. His main feature— protection not only from moisture and dirt, but also from various reagents. The bottle is small in size, so it is convenient to carry in your pocket.

The best folk recipes for processing shoes

If it is not possible to buy a quality product, then you can make your shoes waterproof using folk remedies. Their production will take a minimum amount of time and money. This will give poor people the opportunity to treat their shoes and protect them from moisture.

The best folk remedies:

  1. Mixture based on lamb fat. To prepare it, take 50 g of the main component, 50 g of linseed oil and 10 g of turpentine. The lard is melted and mixed hot with the rest of the ingredients. Warm ready-made product Apply to boots and rub in with a piece of soft cloth.
  2. Melted wax and linseed oil. The components are mixed in a ratio of 3:1. The resulting composition is applied to boots and gently rubbed with a woolen rag.
  3. Castor oil and animal fat. Take the same amount of both substances. The fat is melted and added to the butter. The product is thoroughly mixed and the boots are treated with it.
  4. Fish oil based mixture. 10 g of melted beeswax is poured into a small container. 20 g of glycerin and 30 g of turpentine are added to it. After mixing, 40 g of liquid fish oil is poured into the product. The resulting mass is applied to the entire surface of the boots.
  5. Paraffin. Cut a small piece from the candle and rub it on leather shoes. After this, the applied paraffin is heated with a hairdryer. Thanks to the warm air, it will melt and penetrate into all the pores of the skin. This product will reliably protect your shoes for the next few days.

How to care for your shoes

Anyone can prepare shoes for winter. In order for it to remain waterproof for a long period, it is necessary to ensure proper care. It is individual for each product and depends on the material from which it is made.


Protecting leather shoes from moisture is quite simple. To do this, you need to choose the appropriate composition and apply it correctly to the surface of the product. In this case, it is necessary to take into account following rules care:

  1. As a water-repellent agent, you need to use special sprays made on the basis of fat or wax. Thanks to them, an invisible layer is formed on the surface, preventing water from entering the pores of the skin.
  2. You need to use protective equipment before each time you go outside.
  3. When you return home, you need to thoroughly wipe your boots with a dry cloth and place them near a heating device.
  4. To prevent cracks from appearing on the leather, it is forbidden to wash or wipe your shoes before walking. It is especially important not to do this in frosty weather.

Suede and nubuck

These materials require more attention than leather. Without proper protection, they quickly get wet and cause a lot of inconvenience to a person.

Basic measures:

  1. Products can only be treated with a spray. If you use a special wax or cream, the suede gets wet and the shoes lose their attractive appearance.
  2. Before applying the protective composition, clean the material with a hard-bristled brush.
  3. Nubuck and suede should not be cleaned with a damp cloth or brush.
  4. You need to apply a new layer of water-repellent composition immediately after returning from a walk. This way, the material will be well saturated with the chosen product and will have time to dry, creating an invisible protective coating.

Caring for shoes made from other materials

Fabric shoes get wet quickly, so wearing them in rainy weather is not recommended. The same situation is observed in the case of products from artificial leather. The often used material is not of high quality, so the shoes quickly leak water.

Caring for products made of leatherette and fabric comes down only to checking the condition of the seams and soles. It is not advisable to treat such shoes with water-repellent compounds.

Making shoes waterproof at home is quite simple. To do this, you need to use store-bought or folk remedies that guarantee protection from moisture. If you properly treat your shoes or boots, you won’t be afraid to get your feet wet even in the heaviest rain.