Lip tattoo color dusty rose. Lip tattooing - what it is and how it is done. How long does permanent lip makeup last?

To avoid constantly touching up your lipstick throughout the day, you can do Permanent makeup lips

In order not to constantly touch up your lipstick throughout the day, you can do permanent lip makeup; the photo will show what it looks like. With its help, you can significantly correct their shape, hide cosmetic defects or make them visually more voluminous.

What are we dealing with?

Just like decorative body designs, permanent makeup (micropigmentation) is a type of tattoo. However, there are significant differences in these two techniques.

Firstly, to create color-rich, eye-catching decorative images, pigment must be introduced under the skin to a significant depth (up to 2 mm). The main task of permanent makeup is to create a natural lip shade, so the depth of punctures with this method is half as much.

Secondly, bright synthetic pigments introduced under the skin during a tattoo, unfortunately, remain there forever. They can only be removed together with the fabrics into which the paint was injected. With the permanent method, only natural dyes. Over time (most often it takes 3-5 years) they can completely dissolve.

The stability of such pigments directly depends on the type of pigments used and the rate of metabolic processes in the body. The sun's rays also have a significant impact on the durability of dyes: under the influence of ultraviolet radiation they fade much faster.

Advice! If you decide that the tattoo is too dark, there is no need to panic. After all, the color of permanent lip makeup changes and brightens after healing. You will be able to see the final result only in a few weeks.

Effect of the procedure

Lip tattooing is used to:

  • emphasize their natural contour, make them more expressive;
  • correct the natural shape of the lips;
  • give them volume, make them visually plumper;
  • remove visible defects: scars, asymmetry, etc.;
  • correct the contour that has become swollen as a result of age-related changes; very often, with such a correction, a full color tattoo is performed, which allows you to return faded colors to your lips; the natural color of permanent lip makeup is obtained by selecting dyes 1–2 shades brighter than your own;
  • You can also use tattooing as a replacement for makeup.

An undeniable advantage permanent makeup is also due to the fact that lipstick with tattooing looks more neat and does not smudge. In case of an allergy to any cosmetics, this is perhaps the only way to apply makeup.

Advice! To prevent the tattoo from “flowing”, for a week after its application you should under no circumstances take a long bath or visit a bathhouse or sauna. When washing your face, you should avoid getting water on the area of ​​permanent makeup.

Types of lip tattoo

Depending on the tasks assigned to the master, one or more execution techniques are selected:

  • the watercolor technique of permanent lip makeup is considered the most delicate, making the lips only 1-2 tones brighter; shades are chosen closer to natural; sometimes it is called contourless;
  • lightening of the skin around the lips (tattoo “light kyle”): forms a clearer contour, helps to visually increase volume; often necessary for significant skin pigmentation;

  • permanent lip makeup 3D: requires the highest professionalism and sense of color from the artist; for tattooing, a whole palette of shades in one color scheme is selected; lips, darker at the edges, gradually lighten towards the center; thanks to this transition they seem three-dimensional;
  • contour: used to emphasize the natural contour of the lips or correct it; to change their shape, a new contour is drawn, the gap between it and the natural one is painted over; areas falling out of it are highlighted; with this method, permanent lip makeup can be used with or without shading (photo);
  • tattoo with full filling.

Advice! Achieve, using any one method, a change in the shape of the lips or their visual increase problematic, so several methods are used for correction.

Application techniques

When creating permanent makeup, two techniques are used: hardware and manual. Most often, masters give preference to only one of them. However, both of them have both advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages of the hardware method include:

  • high accuracy;
  • reducing the chances of errors;
  • the ability to control the amount of pigments;
  • absence of blots (spreading of pigment).

However, this method is more painful. Since lips are very sensitive due to the presence of a significant number of nerve endings, this method requires the use of fairly strong anesthetic drugs.

The advantages of non-hardware technology include:

  • less painful procedure;
  • the ability to control the depth of needle insertion;
  • applying fewer punctures, so the skin recovers much faster after such a procedure;
  • shorter duration of the procedure;
  • more natural contour shape and pattern.

Unfortunately, the likelihood of errors occurring when using this type of technology is much higher than with the hardware method, especially if the technician is insufficiently qualified.

Advice! Even the simplest permanent makeup for the lip contour (see photo) should only be done in trusted salons. After all, its incorrect implementation threatens the appearance of serious inflammation and, as a result, the appearance of scars.

Is it possible to remove a tattoo that you don't like?

Permanent tattooing is, in essence, art, requiring not only considerable experience, but also the ability to “see” the future shape and color of the lips. In this case, the natural shades of the skin, the thickness of the subcutaneous layer and the type of the client’s face must be taken into account. In case of the slightest mistake, the result can be unpredictable.

The most gentle and safe method Permanent makeup removal is laser:

  • its rays are capable of crushing the pigment into tiny particles, which, penetrating the circulatory system, are removed from the tissues; however, only dark pigments can be crushed using a laser;

  • It will not be possible to remove a tattoo in one single procedure; First, the laser will split the dyes into top layer epidermis, after a 30-45 day break and healing of the skin, a deeper layer is removed; thus, several treatments may be required for complete removal;
  • sensations during exposure to laser beams are quite painful; After each session, as well as after tattooing, slight swelling may persist in the lip area for a week.

To remove light areas of pigmentation that are not amenable to laser, chemical exposure to the skin or an electrocoagulation procedure may be necessary. In case of serious consequences of illiterate application of permanent makeup, it is even possible surgical intervention and performing corrective cosmetic surgery.

How long will it take to recover?

When applied correctly, permanent lip makeup heals quite quickly. In the first days, a slight swelling appears in the lip area, and a small amount of ichor begins to ooze in the area of ​​microtrauma. The crusts should not be allowed to dry out, otherwise the pigment will not take on well.

On the second day the swelling increases slightly. Time asymmetry may occur. Starting from the fourth or fifth day, a slight itching appears, indicating the beginning of restoration of the epidermis. Some of the crusts may already begin to fall off at this time.

During the entire recovery period, to speed up the healing process, it is necessary to apply hydrocortisone ointment and Boro Plus ointment to the lip area. At the same time, Acyclovir is taken.

Advice! When applying the ointment, the color of the lips may sometimes change. Since after some time it will again acquire its original appearance, there is no need to worry too much about this.

With normal skin regeneration, healing occurs within 5 days after the procedure. However, the required shade will begin to appear only after 10 days, and the final coloring result will be visible in a month.

Tattoo correction

Even the most experienced artist cannot predict how the pigment will behave on a particular skin. Moreover, in some areas it may look different. After all, the skin is the most complex living organ. His reaction to dyes directly depends not only on genetic characteristics, but also on lifestyle and even type of diet.

Therefore, about a month after applying permanent makeup, you should definitely visit the salon to make a correction. At this stage, the master paints over the lighter areas, highlights the dark ones and corrects the shape of the outline.

Advice! Even the consequences of unskilled tattooing, for example, unevenness or so-called blue lips, can be corrected.


"I am very grateful to Zhenya! And I have several reasons for this! First: Zhenya is simply an excellent specialist (she did a complex: lips, eyebrows and arrows, she was very, very happy with everything)! The second reason: very affordable prices! And the third, but no less important reason: Zhenya is a wonderful conversationalist, the procedure flew by unnoticed and almost painlessly! Thank you very much!"

Irisha Tobacco,

How to choose a color for lip tattoo


Lips are perhaps the most seductive part female face. And the great Coco Chanel believed that lips are the gates of the heart. Therefore, in order to look attractive on the street, in the office or in front of your beloved man, you should not forget about lip care. However, the everyday chores that occupy us every day of our lives do not always make it possible to devote as much time to our appearance as we would like. Modern cosmetologists took this fact into account and provided us with a service permanent lip makeup, thanks to which women’s lips look as if they have just been touched up at any time of the day.

Selecting colors for lip tattoo

The selection of color for this procedure is the second most important issue after determining the desired execution technique. Therefore, in order not to complain about lip tattoo prices V Kharkov and an ineptly selected shade after the procedure, take this task with full responsibility until day X, and even better, rely on the experience of the master.

Firstly, your wishes still play a decisive role. Just a few years ago, women for the most part chose dark shades to contrast their lips on their faces. Nowadays fashion dictates our course towards naturalness, so more and more clients are inclined towards natural lip tattoo color. This option allows the client to change his image, experimenting with the colors of lipstick and contour pencil, which will easily match the “nude” tattoo.

Secondly, the color you choose should be in harmony with the color type of your appearance (skin, eye, hair color). For example, a dark brown-eyed master lip tattoo V Kharkov will suggest choosing a shade from a warm palette, and a light-skinned blonde with green eyes – a cold palette.

Thirdly, when selecting lip tattoo colors you should build on the chosen execution technique permanent lip makeup. For example, it is better to outline the contour with a pigment that is as close as possible to the natural color of the lips. The shading method (contour extended beyond the boundaries) involves using a shade that is slightly darker natural color. With 3D lip tattoo generally used a large number of shades.

Where is the best place to get a lip tattoo in Kharkov?

After reviewing the photos taken before and after lip tattoo, you will be convinced that carrying out this procedure by an experienced master will not entail serious consequences, but will only delight you with new colors in the literal sense of the word. Therefore, do not chase cheapness, but trust reviews and reputation - and you will find yourself in the permanent makeup studio of Evgenia Frolova. Our competent specialists will not only explain, what colors are lip tattoos? are appropriate in your specific situation, but will also advise you on such nuances as

The color you choose for your lip tattoo must be perfect, because you won’t be able to part with it for a very long time. Take your decision responsibly and choose a shade that you won’t get tired of, will suit your outfits and hair, and won’t be out of place at some events. And most importantly, let you just like him!

What you need to know

During permanent makeup, pigment is injected under the skin. It does not lose its saturation for 2-3 years, sometimes longer, so the color for lip tattooing must be chosen responsibly. Subsequently, it cannot be changed until the pigment fades.

The master's palette can contain up to 300 variations. Most Popular:

  • red;
  • Japanese red;
  • red wine;
  • lilac-pink;
  • pomegranate;
  • pink-peach;
  • ocher;
  • caramel;
  • red-brown;
  • carrot-scarlet;
  • salmon;
  • rose red;
  • Dark red;
  • Burgundy;
  • blush;
  • strawberry;
  • orange sunset;
  • cranberry.

The cosmetologist mixes several shades if you need to get a different color. There are colorless pigments that lighten the overall color scheme. It is important that only lip products are used when mixing, as colorants intended for eyebrows or eyelids will give an unnatural sheen when faded.

Selection of equipment

Permanent lips are done in different techniques, for each of which certain colors are suitable:

  1. Circuit. The master outlines only the outlines of the mouth with a pigment of a natural color or 1-2 shades darker. You can make a light kajal - lining the outline with an almost white shade, which will add visual volume.
  2. Contour with shading. The outlines of the mouth are outlined in the same way as in the previous technique, but then the lines are shaded over the entire surface of the lips. The result is a lipstick effect. It is better to choose the pigment to match the color of the cosmetics you use daily.
  3. Watercolor. The shape of the mouth is not outlined; the effect of light lipstick or gloss is created. In the watercolor technique, lip tattooing is done in pastel colors - beige, light pink, lavender. Several shades that combine with each other are applied at once.
  4. Natural. The makeup artist tattoos the lips using the technique of soft shading of natural shades. The result looks natural. The lips do not seem painted, but naturally rich.
  5. Ombre. Bright makeup with smooth transitions from dark contours to a light middle. You can choose from 3 to 5 adjacent tones, making smooth transitions between them. A visual volume appears.
  6. 3D effect. The technique is similar to ombre, but only 2-3 tones are selected. Filling the lips occurs from the dark contour to the light middle. The cosmetologist imitates natural highlights using transparent pigment.

Classic lip tattooing, in which the entire space is filled with one color, is almost never used anymore. Naturalness is in fashion, so more complex techniques are popular.

An important step is studying the photo

Before going to the specialist, it is advisable to look at photographs of girls who have already had permanent hair done. They will help with the selection color range. You need to find pictures in which girls look similar to you - with the same skin color, hair, eyebrows. It will immediately become clear which options work and which ones look unnatural.

You can take the photo printed or on your phone with you to your consultation to discuss your choice with the specialist. The cosmetologist will recommend one of the selected options, taking into account your personal appearance. No two people are the same, so something different suits everyone. Even changing the shade by 1 tone can ruin the permanent or, conversely, make it what it should be.

You need to ask the cosmetologist for a photo portfolio of his work. This way you will determine the professionalism of the artist and evaluate his ability to do tattooing using a specific technique. Some cosmetologists are not good at complex transitions between tones, so the result looks unnatural.

Changing Hue

On the lips, pigments look different than in tubes. Novice cosmetologists do not know how the dye will appear after it gets under the skin. If the master treats the lips tightly big amount bright pigment, the behavior of the shade is difficult to predict. Reviews of such works make you wonder whether you need to agree to a permanent job at all.

The cosmetologist must take into account the rules for mixing colors. If a bright pigment is combined with a pale one, you need to correctly calculate the proportion. Otherwise, the light color will fade faster, and the saturated color will look unnatural.

After permanent makeup heals, the color will also change. The master introduces more pigment than necessary, since it does not take root completely. Immediately after the session, the tattoo looks too bright and unnatural.

During the healing process, the shade will change several times. After the crust falls off, it may look paler than necessary, but then it gains saturation again. The final result appears only 3-4 weeks after the session.

After tattooing, herpes often occurs on the lips if preventive measures are not followed. It is necessary to start treatment from the first symptoms, as rashes will spoil the result. In those places where pimples appeared, “bald spots” will appear, on which there will be almost no pigment left.

If the permanent turns out to be too light, it can be corrected during correction. The specialist will refill the lips with pigment, and after healing they will look as planned. But you won’t be able to fix a tattoo that’s too bright—you’ll have to wait for it to come off. Even lighter lipstick will not cover up the result.

Should natural color be taken into account?

In order for the color of the tattoo to turn out natural, it is necessary to take into account the shade of the lip border. If it is light, you can choose from the entire palette of pigments. Those who have a border with a cold tint need to choose the color carefully.

Warm pigments may not cover the blueness of the contour, while cold ones will only enhance it. It is better to come to an appointment with an experienced master and consult with him. Perhaps during the consultation you will be able to test several pigments (apply them to your lips with a brush, not with a machine) to evaluate how they will look as a result.

If selected warm shade, the pigment must be introduced in a dense layer. Cool colorants will look better under the skin if applied using a regular technique, without being too thick.

Other nuances

To pick up perfect color tattoo, you need to take into account the features of appearance. Don't chase fashionable solutions– naturalness is always valued above originality. Too bright shades are pleasing only at first. After a few months you get tired of them, and you can no longer change the image - you have to wait for the permanent to wear off, and no one can say in advance how long it will last.

It is better to choose a palette according to the color type of appearance:

  1. Spring – blondes with fair skin with a cold or warm tint. Suitable options include pinkish-beige, red-coral, apricot, beige-golden tones. The color of champagne, red poppy and fiery scarlet with a golden tint looks good.
  2. Summer - girls with light, sometimes brown hair and fair skin with a cold tint. For permanent makeup, choose any shade from the pink range. The color of red wine, burgundy, and purple looks good.
  3. Autumn – girls with brown or red hair and warm skin tone. Beige, coral, terracotta shades are suitable. Red-eggplant, orange-red, copper, red-cherry with a cold tint look good.
  4. Winter – brunettes with pale or pink skin. All cool shades of pink will do. Plum, lilac, fuchsia, raspberry, cherry red look good.

You need to choose a shade so that it looks good in any weather. For example, nude tones on skin with cool undertones will look pale in winter, while too saturated ones will look awkward in summer. Experienced master will choose a universal color, so it makes sense to listen to the advice of a cosmetologist.

The shade should match your everyday clothes. Calm, non-flashy tones are suitable for a free style. For a business dress code, choose rich, but not too bright shades. Bright girls who prefer an extraordinary style of clothing go for bold decisions, for example, red or purple ombre.

Today, the price lists of many beauty salons include a service - lip tattooing. A procedure that allows you to change the color of your lips, correct their shape, and visually increase their volume. The main advantage is safety, in contrast to plastic or surgical correction methods.

Modern trends in cosmetology confirm that women, above all, value naturalness and well-groomed appearance. Permanent makeup is a cosmetic service that allows you to preserve the natural attractiveness of your lips and make them more alluring and seductive.

What is a cosmetic procedure?

Tattooing is called permanent makeup. Depending on the execution method and the paints used, different results can be achieved:

  • shape correction;
  • increase in volume;
  • giving lips seductiveness and brightness.

Note: tattooing allows you to go without lipstick for a long time, natural color lips will be juicy and rich (photo – permanent lip makeup)

Features of permanent makeup

  1. Before starting to introduce the pigment, the master is obliged to answer all the client’s questions, familiarize him with the tattooing technique, help him choose the pigment and show a before and after photo of the lips reflecting the result.
  2. It is necessary to clean and disinfect the area where the cosmetic procedure is planned to be performed.
  3. Using microneedles, pigment is injected shallowly under the skin.
  4. If you apply a new shade below the natural line, their volume visually increases and minor imperfections are hidden.
  5. In modern cosmetology, pigments based mainly on natural ingredients. It is important to ask what materials the master works with.
  6. If the procedure is performed properly, the color remains saturated for at least five years, after which correction is carried out.
  7. The master should treat the mouth after introducing the pigment with a special ointment, which will speed up the healing process. The client should also receive recommendations on how to maintain healthy lips at home.

Types of permanent makeup

There are several techniques for performing the procedure.

  • Contour with filling and shading

This type of tattoo is the most popular. The contour color can be chosen bright or as natural as possible, merging with the main shade. Makeup allows you to correct the shape and volume in order to enlarge the lips; the master uses two colors in his work - a saturated one is introduced between the contour and the natural line, pastel is necessary for shading.

  • Contour plus and partial fill

Tattooing involves applying bright color along the line of the mouth and further shading down 5 mm. The corners are completely filled with pigment. For the central part, a light color is used to achieve volume and fullness as a result.

This type of makeup is often performed on top of the applied tattoo, preserving the natural color.

  • Outline or pencil effect

This tattoo is used if you do not want to change the shape and shade of your lips, but want to emphasize their natural line. The color, as well as the thickness of the applied line, may vary. Experts recommend giving preference to natural shades, in this case the mouth looks as natural as possible, and subsequently you can apply lipstick of any color.

  • Shape correction

The vast majority of women decide to cosmetic procedure precisely for the purpose of changing the shape of the mouth, giving them a clear contour, fullness and volume.

Benefits of the procedure

  • The result lasts up to five years, but only if proven materials and correct techniques are used.
  • Tattooing allows you to eliminate minor asymmetry of the mouth.
  • Permanent makeup is a service designed for a wide target audience, its cost is affordable in comparison with other methods.
  • There is no need to use decorative cosmetics.
  • The applied contour prevents lipstick from spreading.
  • The application of pigment does not require preliminary anesthesia; local anesthesia can be used at the client’s request.
  • Minor swelling disappears on the fourth day after visiting a cosmetologist.
  • The duration of the procedure does not exceed two hours.

What you need to know

Permanent makeup does not enlarge the mouth, its size remains unchanged, and the volume effect is achieved by introducing pigment.

It is important to carefully study the photos demonstrating the final result, ask all the questions you are interested in to the artist, since it is difficult to get rid of the applied tattoo; either surgical intervention or the introduction of a special bleaching gel will be required. Each method is quite painful and difficult to tolerate.

You need to choose a master as carefully as possible, taking into account his level of qualifications, experience and artistic taste.

Studying photos is an important preparatory stage

To understand how a master works and how professional he is, you need to carefully study photos of his work. Also, by looking at the photo, you can accurately determine the desired result of the procedure, the shade.

If possible, view photos before and after the procedure. Submitted photos must be natural, without special software processing

Despite the apparent simplicity and safety of the procedure, in some situations it is contraindicated:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • somatic disorders;
  • acute form of pathologies;
  • mechanical damage in the mouth area;
  • hypertension;
  • period of bearing a baby;
  • the period before the onset of menstruation;
  • allergy to pigment components.

How to make your lips flawless, their volume expressive, and their contour clear without using a ton of makeup? This question has been worrying modern women for a long time. That is why lip tattooing has become the most popular service in the field of cosmetology. What is this procedure?

Modern developments in the field of beauty make it possible to achieve effective results in a short time and with a minimum of effort. One of the newest technologies is tattooing.

It involves applying makeup that stays on the top layer of skin many times longer than usual. Tattooing is divided into several types and also requires certain care.


Types of tattoo:

Contraindications for lip tattooing

Not everyone can get a tattoo on their lips. Like others cosmetic procedures, it has contraindications. Permanent application forbidden:

  • During pregnancy;
  • During the feeding period;
  • Suffering from diabetes;
  • People with weakened immune systems;
  • At malignant neoplasm and cancer;
  • HIV-infected;
  • While intoxicated.

All in all, this procedure impossible for diseases affecting blood clotting.

Aftercare for the contour

"New" sponges require special attention, since they have recently experienced trauma. To help them recover faster, smear them with disinfectant and healing ointment more often. It will be better if the cosmetologist himself recommends it.

Avoiding infection will help you avoid decorative cosmetics in the first days. It will be better if the regeneration period takes place at home. Avoid any mechanical impact on the lips. The swelling can be removed with a piece of dry ice and subsequently lubricated with cream.

Advice! If difficulties arise, do not go on the World Wide Web, but rather consult a cosmetologist.

How to choose a master

The tattoo industry is constantly improving with new equipment and high technology. Their main criteria are effectiveness and safety, as well as the skill of cosmetologists.

To achieve the greatest aesthetic result and expand the scope of tattooing, artists are constantly looking for new techniques.

An example is the correction of skin imperfections through tattooing. This steam medical method is very popular in Europe. The countries of Southeast Asia are famous for decorative permanent makeup.

All of the above does not allow the tattoo artist to stand still in his professionalism. He must improve.

This video will tell you how to apply a tattoo correctly:

Among cosmetologists, fortunately, there are those who periodically explore the field of permanent makeup and approach their work creatively. Regularly improve their skills.

Tattoo update

In adult women, tattoo correction should be carried out after 1.5 months, and in young women - after 1 month. You should be guided by these particular time intervals, since correction earlier than these periods can lead to additional injuries.

The purpose of the correction is to achieve and fix the required concentration of the dye in the skin.

Additional correction tasks:

  1. Improving lip shape;R
  2. Correction;
  3. Eliminate color gaps;
  4. Increase brightness or achieve highlighting.

Important! The correction must be carried out within 2 months from the date of the main procedure.

Choosing the season for tattooing with and without shading

It makes no difference what season to get a tattoo. Each period has its own advantages and disadvantages, if we think from the point of view of the possibility of applying permanent makeup.

In winter, when viral diseases worsen and the immune system is weakened, you can use antiviral drugs before or immediately after the procedure.

In the summer when Sun rays are the most intense, and the risk of burnout of tattoo areas increases, it is possible to maintain the original result thanks to proper care, using protective equipment.

How to make a tattoo and what colors are used

Using the example of 3 types of makeup, we will consider the technique of performing tattooing. 3D technology is considered traditional. The color scheme consists of 2-3 shades of the same tone.

Expressiveness is achieved by highlighting the lips along the contour dark color, and the area itself is lighter.


  1. Makeup removal and pigment selection;
  2. Lubricating the area around the lips with an antiseptic, creating a contour using thin strokes of a pencil;
  3. From the outer edge to the middle, close to each other, are drawn fine lines different shade.

The color turns out very rich, but after time it fades. Results can be assessed on day 3.

Watercolor allows you not only to highlight the beauty of your lips, but also to correct their shape.

The outer contour is outlined in dark, and the inner part is shaded in a light tone. Watercolor technique is characterized by naturalness appearance and is designed to quickly change color.


  1. Makeup removal, shade selection, anesthesia;
  2. The contour of the lines is drawn, if necessary, expanding the boundaries;
  3. Shading is done using a watercolor needle with soft strokes.

Session time is no more than 1 hour. A master with sufficient experience can do the work at home. The main thing is not to forget about sterility.

Ombre is an exquisite and highest quality method. The master performing it must be highly qualified. As a rule, only expensive salons provide this service. Ombre differs from 3D by using 5 pigments of different tone.


  1. An outline is drawn;
  2. The folds are filled in, and the lines should have different lengths;
  3. Towards the middle, the tones become lighter and the lines become shorter.

The process is quite complex and requires jewelry execution.

The pigment does not appear immediately, so the specialist must be able to correctly combine all the shades.

Approximate cost

Prices are based on certain parameters. So what are we paying for?

  1. Firstly, for the master's qualifications.
  2. Secondly, for his experience.
  3. Thirdly, for the equipment.
  4. Fourthly, for painlessness and safety.

Price and duration of the tattoo procedure

Pigment base

All pigments can be divided into hydro-glycerin-alcohol (HAL) and hydro-sorbitol-alcohol (HSA). This separation is due to the binder and solvent. They also come in creamy and liquid forms.

Manufacturers of tattoo inks are South Asia, Germany, America, Italy.

VSS have a liquid composition, so they are not suitable for all types of tattoo machines. VGS are thick in consistency and therefore classified as creamy. These are expensive and effective pigments.

Pigment safety issue

Speaking of safety, it is worth noting that good paint must be non-toxic, stable, and not disintegrate into components.

After all chemical substances, included in the structure of any paint, interact with each other and with the microenvironment in which they are located. The pigment used in permanent makeup does not react with various types of liquids, and most importantly, with blood.

The pros and cons of lip tattooing, watch in this video:

How long does a tattoo last?

Effect permanent tattoo can last up to 2 years. The duration of its “life” depends on individual characteristics epidermis, quality of pigment, speed of metabolic processes in the body, skill of a cosmetologist.

Lip tattooing is a lucky find for the modern woman who has absolutely no time for endless touch-ups and who wants to always look perfect.