What can you thank a person for? What can you be grateful for? Personal opinion about all the words of gratitude

Best statuses"Thank you", beautiful words thanks for the birthday greetings to friends and family. They will help you elegantly and originally compose and write your unique text in prose in your own words. After all, reciprocal gratitude for birthday greetings has always been a sign good manners, and the ability to do it beautifully is already a talent.

Thank you for your congratulations and nice words on the occasion of my birthday. Your wishes are priceless and will remain in my heart forever.

Thank you so much for your kind words on my birthday, friends! I’m touched and happy guys, I’ll be honest, I was moved to tears!

Your wishes are exactly what I needed to make my birthday perfect. Thank you, my family, for your attention and sincere congratulations!

I want to thank everyone who didn’t forget to congratulate me on my birthday! It's nice to hear words like this from the best people living on earth!

Thank you for your congratulations! Thank you for having me! Thank you friends and family, may happiness be your friend along the road of life.

I am grateful to you for the bouquets kind words. Touched to the very depths of my soul! Attention is the most precious gift, and on your part it is especially valuable to me!

Your congratulations to me are simply amazing. So many warm and tender words I haven't heard it for a long time. I love and appreciate you all, I wish you goodness and peace, health and prosperity, faith in your own strength and success in all your endeavors. May each of you have your cherished dreams and desires come true. I thank fate for having all of you in my life. Thank you very much. (thanks to friends for birthday greetings)

Thank you all so much for your congratulations!

Thanks to all my family, friends and acquaintances who congratulated me and wished me their best wishes! Thank you very much! Thank you for always being with me!

Thank you all for your warm words, filled with sincerity and kind attitude towards me. In which joy, love and responsiveness intertwined and became a touching story written by you for me on my birthday!

Dear friends! I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you for your numerous congratulations on social networks, Facebook, and Instagram! I was incredibly pleased to open my laptop in the morning, read your kind words, receive postcards and gifts! Kudos to you for the emoticons, pictures of flowers. I'm happy that I have friends like you.

My dear Friends, near and far, a huge THANK YOU to all of you for your congratulations and warm wishes! Thank you for the warmth that appeared from your words in my soul, for good mood, for the kindness that lives in each of you!

Thank you, my dears, for your kind words! I am touched to the very depths of my soul... Let everyone good wishes will bring you happiness, luck, health and love!

My dear family and friends. I want to say thank you for the sincere and warm wishes that you gave me on my birthday. You made this holiday unforgettable and charged me with positivity for the year ahead. In return, please accept my wishes for happiness, joy, good luck and prosperity.

For your kind words, for your attention and friendship! I say thank you to you – my family, my friends!

My golden ones, irreplaceable! Thank you very much for the positive emotions, warm words and wishes!

I wish you everything that you wished for me, a thousandfold! Understand correctly and accept with your soul all the words spoken by me!

Many thanks to everyone for the congratulations! Thank you, dear ones, for your attention and for not staying away!

Thank you so much for your heartfelt and sincere congratulations! It was incredibly nice to receive them. May each of you’s dreams come true, may ideas be born and mature, and may Napoleonic plans turn into reality. I love you all wholesale and individually. I look forward to visiting you with or without reason. My doors are open for you 24/7. Never forget this.

Very nice, Thanks a lot for such good wishes!

I sincerely thank you, (name) for your charming and unique congratulations! You added a festive rainbow to my celebration. Thank you, you are the brightest and most wonderful part of my life!

Thank you for all the sweet birthday wishes. Let it go to those who were with me in spirit on this day. Life will take a better turn!

My dear friends and close people, thank you for your congratulations,... you lit a spark in my life,... you illuminate my path with lights...

Thank you for the immense amount of positivity! I will keep all your wishes, my friends, thank you for everything!

Thank you, dear ones, for congratulating me. Let every phrase you say to me return to you as a boomerang of good luck and luck!

Use beautiful words from the article, statuses of gratitude to friends for birthday greetings in prose in your own words. Which will help you to briefly but succinctly say and express, in return, thank you to your loved ones for your sincere wishes.

Words of gratitude have long been part of everyday speech. We say “Thank you!” a friend for calling, a taxi driver or minibus driver who drove you, a passer-by who showed the way, or a colleague who held the elevator. But sometimes the situation requires more sophisticated words than a simple “Thank you!” How to express gratitude beautifully?

Watch your speech

The first and perhaps most important piece of advice is to speak from the heart. Yes, pretentious words are already a signal that this is not an ordinary phrase spoken automatically. But if they are not sincere, it immediately catches the eye and causes at least bewilderment. Intonation, speed and tempo of speech are the factors that will tell you whether you are telling the truth or lying somewhere. And simply memorized texts are even more striking.

Speak in a calm, confident voice. Don't shout, but don't mumble something under your breath either. It is better to slow down your speech rate a little rather than speak too quickly; this creates a certain solemnity. If you're feeling overly anxious, irritable, or angry, take a break from negative emotions, if you can’t, reschedule the conversation for another time.

Nonverbal signs

Gestures, facial expressions, hand movements and body position are things that almost always come from the subconscious and can also be unraveled subconsciously. If you are talking about how grateful you are to your colleague for working together, but you yourself are looking at passers-by on the street, you don’t know where to place your hands and you stand as far as possible from your interlocutor, then he definitely won’t be happy with such gratitude.

Well-chosen words

It is the words that matter the least. They are just a small piece of information. However, you also need to be able to speak beautifully. Sometimes a simple “Thank you!” is enough. This applies to those cases when your emotions speak more than the words themselves.

But it's always better to add a few more sentences. Clarify what you are thanking the person for and why it is so important to you. So, if you thank your spouse for going to the store instead of you, you can say: “Thank you for helping. I definitely couldn’t have done it alone without you.”

If you just say “Thank you!” is not enough to express all your gratitude, it can be replaced with the following synonyms:

  • Thank you;
  • I will always remember what you did for me;
  • thanks to you, everything worked out for me;
  • with your help… ;
  • I really appreciate your help;
  • I cannot express in words how much you have helped me;
  • I'm glad you helped me;
  • I couldn't do anything without you
  • I was very pleased that you...

Think ahead about what you would like to say to the person. If necessary, write it down or practice in front of a mirror. In this way, you can avoid awkward moments when the right word is already on the tip of your tongue and is about to be found, but remains unsaid.


Gratitude to a loved one

I can't put into words everything I know
I am unable to convey the soul's aspirations,
And I’ll just say a word, freezing,
This word is “thank you” without a doubt.

A lot of things in our difficult life mean
If someone takes part in it,
If someone changes this life,
So thank you for the sun and for the happiness!

My door is always open for you,
Do not consign what was to oblivion,
I will say “thank you” from my heart, from my heart
For your participation, attention and patience!

Gratitude to God

Today I mentally pray
Only about what cannot be said in words,
And in prayer I give thanks
Lord, that He is with us everywhere!

Thank God for spring
And for the summer, and for the winter too
And more than one autumn,
What summer sometimes feels like...

So for everything that is, I hit with my forehead,
I magnify the Lords throughout the world,
Waking up in the morning, the news is
That the sun has awakened, I greet.

And it doesn’t matter what others have:
Whether yachts, haciendas, cars...
He is rich who can among them
Conquer the souls of your peak...

I mentally pray to the Lord,
So that I don’t have to live unworthily,
For friends, for those I love,
I whisper to the Lord: “Thank you, God...”

SMS thank you

Accept my smiles
I tell you: “Thank you!”
If there is any need,
Always contact us!

Oksana Varnikova specially for http://site/

Words of gratitude
Grateful with all my heart
For your support and care.
Our dear man,
You are always there to help!
Feeling the joy of light,
We are kinder, we have become better.
Positivity was brought into life,
Stop being upset!

Thank you, my love,
For a magical and wonderful world,
Because you are always happy
And living with you is interesting.
I walk through life confidently,
Although I know that the path is dangerous.
Experiences are all temporary
Love is sublimely beautiful.

Let the words of gratitude ring out
And they are of great importance.
We express our heartfelt joys,
Sayings help us with this.
We give blessings, bringing pleasure,
Bringing happiness to others.
So allow me for all the good things,
We will thank you today!

Poem of gratitude to mom

Mommy, I am grateful to you,
What life have you given me,
That I was there, in need and in struggle,
That I never blamed you
That you raised me, took care of me
From pain and misfortune,
That my wound burned your soul
And tore it to pieces.
Thank you for always wiping
You hastened my tears,
Who knew how to console me so much,
So that I forget grief,
That you always remembered me
In silent prayers at night,
Who waited patiently and called,
That I missed you endlessly.
Thank you, mom, what should I give you?
You wanted my heart.
How can I repay you?
Only mature love.

Thanks to everyone

Thanks to everyone who submitted hand me,
Who did not remain indifferent in secret.
I say it’s quite clear,
Why did this help me so much?!

Thank you, I won't forget this.
I will remember, even know -
There will always be one nearby or somewhere
Ready to give me a hand.

Please stay with me!
Why do you need to leave?!
Although sometimes I think:
After all, it’s not difficult for me to live alone.

Well, separation brings us closer...
And what a pleasant moment it is to meet!..
So goodbye buddy
Until we meet again, good luck, intrigue!!!

Lord thank you for everything
Lord, thank you for everything:
For the space and depth of the sky,
For the shine of the stars above your head,
For the smoke that curls over the chimney.

For the merging of souls and the light in the tunnel,
The light that glows in a snowstorm
And for a mug of good wine,
I'll drink it all down with a friend.

For the beauty of nature and shelter,
And for the house - warmth, where there is comfort
Shake hands for your comrades,
A strong beloved hug.

For calluses on my hands, labors,
Autumn has beautiful fruits.
For a sip of water and a crust of bread,
Beyond the fields there is vastness, as far as the sky.

Lord, thank you for everything!
Just let me fulfill my dream:
Raise children, look after a grandson,
To endure everything without making a sound...

Words cannot express my gratitude,
Don't say it or even sing it.
How important it is when in life next to us,
There is someone who can warm you with warmth.

In a difficult moment, who gives us participation,
Or some necessary words...
Tell me, maybe this is happiness,
When does the soul strive upward from evil?

Saying “thank you” will simply not be enough,
For everything I received from you.
I want the sun to burn with you,
Giving gifts millions of times.

I want the blessings of life in the world
Invented by a lonely man
With my gratitude in return
They would come to you for the longest time.

In our world full of indifference,
It is very important to feel that you
It’s just that someone really needs it,
For whom will you be a joy?

Very important in difficult times
Accept participation from people:
So that life suddenly has accents
Not just gloomy ideas.

So that the sun shines brighter,
The stars warmed as best they could.
These people exist, they are loved,
They saved us for us.

And I say “thank you” sincerely
I hurry to you from my heart and soul.
I know too little is true
But I treasure you sacredly.

And I believe everything is he will return,
Who only sows goodness in all life.
A person is given something to do -
So let it make you feel warmer now.

Anna Grishko specially for http://site/

How many times have I thanked God
For dreams fulfilled in vain.
For friends at my doorstep
And for not being jealous anymore.
How many times have I thanked and believed
That I hear the music of heaven.
How many more times will I open the doors?
Waiting for fairy tales and miracles.
And even if by chance someday
I will burn in my desires.
Still I'm in sincere despair
Thank you as much as I can for everything.

I am grateful to fate for love and peace,
For the opportunity to touch the rain with your hand.
For the warmth, burning sunlight.
And because there is a legal answer to everything.
For beautiful views of the expanses of relatives
For the scale of wireless conversations.
And because all my thoughts are about you,
Once again, I am seriously grateful to fate.

I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart
And I thank you for everything,
You are a wonderful person!
I tell you sincerely.

Let it be for indifference
The Lord will reward you.
May all the best and best
He is in a hurry to come true to you.

They say thank you is the magic word
That it brings happiness and goodness.
I tell you this again and again:
Thank you a million times for everything.

Words of gratitude for a standard gift
We would like to thank you,
For helping us a lot,
We want to give from the heart
This modest little bag is for you,

So that life has a sweet taste,
So that happiness intoxicates you a little.
And if it’s a load, then let it
It was cognac and chocolate.

Thank you, fate,
For everything you send me:
For the morning, sky, clouds,
What do you protect from adversity?

I'm not standing at the edge of the abyss
And I don’t complain about fate.
Taking your power for granted
We must move on with our lives. Necessary. I know.

Therefore, for all the troubles
And for happy moments,
For the sun, wind, bad weather
I will be grateful to fate!

My old teacher! You taught me
Be persistent, never give up.
My good teacher! You opened the world to me,
Taught me to admire the beautiful!

My generous teacher! We didn't feel sorry for ourselves
You, giving your soul drop by drop to us all.
My wise teacher! I'll still have time
Tell you words that I haven’t said yet!

My best teacher! I am grateful to you
For everything you put into your young soul!
I always remember you and I wish you
May peace and tranquility reign in your heart!

So that new children love you just as much,
May the sun shine on you gently and brightly!
May the years be wealth and joy,
And our gratitude - the best gift!

I thank the bookshelves -
And the top, and even the bottom -
For keeping knowledge
Earth of the intelligent universe!

I thank the tattered volumes,
I had to hold them in my hands,
For interesting pages,
For fairy tales, there were fables!

I thank literature
Giving us all culture!
Elena Vesnova for http://site/

Thank you is a word of Russian origin. It arose as a result of the fusion of the phrase “God save.” Introduced at the beginning of the 20th century, almost replacing the word thank (the obsolete thank you).

How and whether to speak at all is a personal matter for everyone. But you can not just say, but really express sincere gratitude. In addition, this word is . When people say thank you, they (even if subconsciously) give the person to whom they are grateful a talisman, turning to God and “turning on” some kind of defense mechanism.

The word thank you (I give good) the expression approval. In response to any kindness, the one who thanks, in turn, does good and returns a powerful impulse of approval - an excellent incentive for personal growth.

Gratitude has a very good effect on people. It is memorable, pleasing, and sometimes even pleasantly surprising, when people feel like they are being given gratitude for nothing (and they are embarrassed to answer for nothing). All people deserve gratitude for everything they have, for everything good in life and for the fact that by thanking you can get more.

The word thank you is a gift. Even if there is no tangible gift to give, you can always say thank you. Sometimes this is more important than a gift and, of course, elevates the giver in the eyes of others, encouraging him to be even more generous in the future. By saying thank you and thank you, people share joy, love, peace and, of course, goodness.

Who to thank and for what

Who needs to be thanked? Parents - for the fact that they give every minute of their lives to their children. Children - for the joy and continuation of life they gave to their parents. Beloved ones, because they chose you out of the billions of people on the planet and love and accept you for who you are. Teachers who indicate the goal, path and means of achievement. Students who gratefully accept knowledge, accumulating the wisdom of humanity. Brothers and sisters, not only by blood, but by spirit, who go through life together and help at every moment. Relatives who form a family and provide powerful support. Friends with whom you can share any hardships and greatest joys. Colleagues who make professional life more interesting. Bosses who, for their own benefit, care about the welfare of their subordinates. Subordinates who work honestly and selflessly for the benefit of the entire team. Neighbors who diversify life and are providers of various types of information.

All people deserve gratitude. Saying thank you by investing in it true meaning– it’s not just cultural and beautiful. This is the path to saving humanity from extinction.

And I'm sure I'm not alone in this. Don't know how to say words of gratitude? Practice! Here are just 7 everyday situations in which "Thank you" will sound quite appropriate.

1. When you receive a compliment.

People tend to devalue compliments by reacting too modestly or, even worse, making excuses. Most of us behave this way out of a subconscious fear of appearing too arrogant and complacent.

The problem is that when you reject a compliment, you demean the person who gave it by showing that they are not smart enough. Simple "Thank you" will reassure him that he did everything right and allow you to enjoy the recognition. Let's practice!

Compliment: « Which Nice dress on you today!» .

  • Failed answer:“Oh, nothing special, it’s already many years old.”
  • Good answer:"Thank you! Glad you like it".

Compliment: « Wow, 20 points! Today you are on a roll!» .

  • Failed answer:“Yes, but how could I miss in the third round?”
  • Good answer:"Thank you! It was a great evening!”

Compliment: « Your presentation is just bomb!».

  • Failed answer:“Really? I was so nervous. I hope it didn’t catch your eye?”
  • Good answer:"Thank you! I'm glad everything went well!”

It is important to learn to accept compliments. By rejecting them, you miss the opportunity to improve your self-esteem. By responding with gratitude, you tune your brain in the right way, allowing it to accept and process the information.

Receiving compliments is nice! Keep it simple and allow yourself to fully enjoy the moment.

2. When you are late.

Being late is unpleasant. It creates stress for the one who is delayed, and it looks like disrespect for the one who is waiting.

The idea of ​​thanking someone for inconvenience you caused may seem strange, but it is the right approach.

What do most people do? He flies through the door with the phrase: "Sorry I'm late". When events develop this way, the latecomer focuses attention on himself.

"Thank you" changes the prioritization - the person responsible for the delay thanks the person who spent time waiting.

Let's imagine that you arrive at the meeting place 15 minutes after the agreed time.

  • Bad phrase:"Sorry I'm late. Traffic jams!".
  • Good phrase:"Thank you for your patience!".

Other people suffer from our mistakes. The instinctive impulse is to apologize and try to make amends, but it is better to praise the person for his loyalty and patience.

3. When you console someone.

Providing moral support to a friend who is in a difficult situation is not easy. Many people get confused and don’t know what to say, even if the person sitting in front of them is the most close person. I know this feeling.

Often we try to find something good and focus on it. In fact, there is no need to say anything. At such moments, a person wants someone to just be there. And thanking him for his trust is a good decision.

Let's say you find out that a colleague recently lost his mother.

  • Bad phrase:“You have so many fond memories. Save them!
  • Good phrase:“Thank you for sharing your experiences! I understand how difficult it is for you now.”

Your brother was fired.

  • Bad phrase:"Well, at least you're healthy."
  • Good phrase:

Your friend's pet has died.

  • Bad phrase:"He lived a long and happy life."
  • Good phrase:“Thank you for sharing this with me. I'm here to support you."

In moments of despair, we need not words of consolation, but a person who is ready to share the pain with us. When you don't know what to say, thank them for their trust and stay close.

4. When you receive feedback.

We rarely regard feedback as useful. Stressful situations, such as a dressing down in the boss’s office or an angry letter from a client e-mail, make most people feel defensive. Instead of wasting time and nerves arguing and making excuses, simply thank and take note of the information.

Example: “The task was not completed well enough. I thought you could do better" .

  • Failed answer:"You do not understand! This is what really happened...”
  • Good answer: “Thank you for expecting more from me.”

Example: “I bought your device last week and it’s already broken. It's outrageous!".

  • Failed answer:“How did you use it? The instructions state that it is not intended for use in certain conditions.”
  • Good answer:“Thank you for sharing your experience! Let's discuss the problem. We are trying to get better, and reporting bugs is extremely important!”

Nobody likes to lose and look like a loser, but every mistake is a chance to improve. Thank those who provide you with feedback.

5. When you hear unfair criticism addressed to you.

Sometimes criticism is useless, as it is a manifestation of someone’s quarrelsomeness or vindictiveness. The best approach to dealing with such people is to thank them for their attention to yourself and move on. Gratitude neutralizes all the negativity expressed towards you.

Example: "This good advice for beginners, but for pros they are absolutely useless" .

  • Failed answer:“Well, yes, I wrote this article for beginners. I forgot to ask you!”
  • Good answer:“Thank you for sharing your opinion! Next time I will try to take this nuance into account.”

Example: “This is the stupidest article I’ve read this week!” .

  • Failed answer:"You're a fool!"
  • Good answer:“Thank you for your feedback! I have something to work on."

The lack of desire to always win an argument is a sign of maturity of character. Did someone not like something? What do you care about this? Prove you are right with actions, not words.

This often happens in gym. It seems that everyone around you knows better than you exactly how to do this or that exercise (and these people are not trainers). Of course, most people do this not out of malice, but wanting to help, but this can drive them crazy.

I once posted a video and someone criticized my squat technique. I left a snarky reply comment asking if my opponent would like to show a recording of him doing it correctly. It seemed to me that by pointing out the imperfection of the other, I could relate to my mistake more easily. This is a defensive reaction. And she was superfluous.

What should I do? Just say "Thank you".

Example: “When you squat, you stick out your butt too much.”

  • Failed answer:“Really? Well, show us how to do it right!”
  • Good answer:"Thanks for the help!".

Pointing out someone else's mistakes will not correct yours. Thank the person for what they showed you weakness, even if they didn’t ask his opinion.

7. When you're not sure whether to thank someone.

When in doubt, say “thank you.” There is no limit to showing gratitude. Have you ever heard of someone being judged for using the word “thank you” too often? No? That's the same!