The girl loves but is afraid to admit. How to confess your love to a guy if you are afraid? And whether to be the first to love? Let her know what exactly you want to be with her right now

What to do if you love a guy? A declaration of love to a guy is a serious step, therefore, before telling about your feelings, you need to weigh all the pros and cons .... or maybe it's just love, a passion that will quickly fade over time. But here it is still important to take into account the situation: it's one thing if you love your boyfriend, it's quite another if it's your friend's boyfriend.

What to do if you love a guy, but are afraid to admit

What is love

Many girls mistake the feeling of being in love for true love and it prevents them from living. Let's try to figure out what love is. Firstly, love is not selfish, you only want to give, and at the same time you do not demand anything in return. That is, if you constantly think that a guy owes you something, because you love him, then this is not love.

Secondly, love is a healthy feeling that does not prevent us from living, but, on the contrary, helps. At your place good mood, you want to sing and dance, you miss the guy, but this does not make you depressed. If you are too dependent on a guy, this is also not love, but an unhealthy addiction.

From such a relationship, little good will come of it, because you will constantly lack attention to your person. Finally, love means that you accept a guy with all his shortcomings and treat them calmly. If you constantly notice flaws in your boyfriend, and you willy-nilly want to change him, then this also cannot be called love.

Therefore, before thinking about what to do if you love a guy, it doesn’t hurt to figure out if you really love him or are you just attached to him?

Is it worth it to confess love first

Many girls can't wait to tell the guy the words of recognition. However, do not rush to pronounce the words of love out loud. Unfortunately, almost any guy prefers the girl to be mysteriously silent in response to his declaration of love. Despite the fact that he will be very happy if he finds out about your love, but then he will quickly lose interest.

Therefore, just accept confessions with a mysterious smile - let the guy not be sure for sure whether you love him or not. If you yourself have not yet received verbal confirmation of his feelings from the guy, then you probably thought about whether it is worth confessing your love to him first. First, try to find out from the guy hints about his feelings.

Watch him and his behavior. Little things usually speak of love: the way he looks at you, the fact that he cares about what you did all day, the way he makes sure that you dress warmly when you go out. If love is clearly read in his actions and in relation to you, then you can open your feelings a little.

But do not talk about love directly, but just casually call him "darling" or even ask directly how he feels about you. The question should be asked as if in between times and carefully evaluate the guy's reaction. By taking him by surprise, you will surely be able to understand whether he loves you and is happy to tell you about it or leaves the conversation, because there are no feelings for you.

How to confess love, what to say

How to confess your love to a guy if you are afraid of rejection? Think carefully about the text. The confession should not be too long and give specific information about your intentions. However, in the forehead to say three precious words also not worth it, it can stun and frighten him.

A small introductory speech is ideal, ending with a logical conclusion and, in fact, recognition. For example, it may sound like this: “You know, we have known each other for quite some time, and during this time I managed to understand how dear you are to me. Next to you I feel very comfortable, without you - lonely. You are so dear and I love you.

What do you feel for me?" Of course, you should choose a speech that suits your situation, but you need to be guided by the only rule: everything that is said must be true.

What to do if you love a guy, but he doesn't love you

It happens (and quite often) that your love is unrequited. Despite the fact that the guy spends time with you, and you seem to be dating, there is no smell of love on his part. In this case, you have two options: try to make the feelings reciprocate or end the relationship. Let's consider both cases:

Fall in love with a guy

Despite the fact that you can’t force someone to love you by talking, you can try to make your boyfriend have reciprocal feelings. Just be the girl he would like to love. Try to understand what qualities in you prevent him from loving you, and what qualities, on the contrary, are not enough for love.

Always be friendly, do not be offended by trifles and try to be a little mysterious so that the guy has an interest in you. Try to show your best qualities, because for sure you have a lot of virtues for which you can fall in love. Don't bother him, don't tell him you miss him and act calmly if he doesn't call in time.

If you don't love, we break up

Let's say you failed to make a guy develop feelings for you. What's next? Unfortunately, your relationship has no future. You will fall more and more in love with the guy, and it will be harder for you to realize that he does not love you. You will think that you are not worthy of his love or hope that sooner or later he will love you.

Both will make you vulnerable, and he will be uncomfortable. Of course, it's easy to say - leave the guy you love! It is not so easy to do this, because then you will not have the opportunity to be near him.

But you must understand that relationships are built on mutual love, and when someone loves and someone does not, this is wrong. You may be able to stop loving him a little and pay attention to other guys worthy of your love.

The best option in the case of unrequited love is to fight with yourself for your happiness. It is very important to convince yourself that you just need to live on, giving up suffering and throwing.

First of all, you need to understand the feelings, to understand how strong they are. Most often, a serious thoughtful analysis shows that this love arose from a feeling of loneliness, which means that any other mutual romance will be able to drown it out, since it will remove its root cause.

In this case, it is enough just to look for another suitable object for the application of feelings. And you should not look for him somewhere far away, most likely some beautiful man is already in your environment.

If the basis of unrequited love is not just the desire to “be not alone,” think about the behavior and character of your lover. Perhaps he is interested in you or has stronger feelings for you, but is afraid to show, because men have great amount dubious stereotypes about the correct "male" behavior.

In this case, the easiest way is to call him for a frank conversation in order to dot the “and”. It can be a painful procedure, but it's much easier than endless flirting and discreet exploration. Besides, if his answer is no, you won't have to doubt anymore. An uncompromising “no” makes you move on, despite self-pity.

Fight for your own love or break off relations - you will have to decide only for yourself. However, remember that men do not like too clingy women. All because it is alien to their nature. Do not forget that a man is a hunter who likes to woo a woman himself. That is why it is not necessary to captivate him. It might be better to just let it go and wait for someone to love you.

What to do if you love a guy, and he loves another

Relations between a man and a woman are sometimes confusing. Where feelings begin, logic recedes. Even more difficulties arise when there are not two, but three characters on the love scene: he, she and ... she. And it is very difficult to figure out how to behave.

  • Not everyone is capable of true love. Often there is a substitution of concepts when a habit or possessive feelings towards a partner are taken for love. A man is not a pet that can be closed at home. He is a person who has the right to decide what to do, with whom to be, to whom to have feelings. If you are not the one he chose, first think about it and honestly answer yourself: do you really love him? Or does wounded self-esteem speak in you?
  • If you came to the conclusion that selfishness and resentment made you experience a storm of passions, or the man who slipped away to another was only a valuable trophy in your personal hunt, retreat. Choose another "prey" for yourself. If it seems to you that your feeling is real, stop and think. Love is not only communication and sex with the chosen one. It is also a special relationship with a person. Selfless, pure love means that you will experience joy because your loved one is happy. Even on the other.
  • However, people who are too passive, easily retreating from the goal, run the risk of not waiting for their happiness at all. You can try to outplay the opponent and switch the attention of the chosen one from her to yourself. The techniques in such a struggle, alas, are far from romantic, but more reminiscent of a plan of military action. The main thing is to study the man, determine what he lacks, and give it to him. If necessary, artificially create conditions under which he will experience disharmony.
  • Completely satisfied people are rare. Men in their hearts hope that there will be a woman who can guess and quench their secret thirst. And this is not about sex, it is not such a great value. One man needs to hear assurances that he is smart, another is waiting for the recognition of his strength, the third lacks risk and adventure in life. Satisfying and nourishing the secret passion of a man, you will make him dependent. Very, very many are subject to such moral addiction.
  • Do things that will excite his imagination. The more often a man thinks and remembers about you, the more he gets used to your image, lets you into his world. Just refrain from eccentricity, not everyone understands it. Don't be intrusive, but be visible. Disappear from time to time. Play (but don't overplay or overplay). Do not rush a man with a choice and do not put pressure on him. Create such a situation that it seems to him that he independently made the decision to leave his former girlfriend and start a relationship with you.

What to do if you love a guy and he has a girlfriend

Of course, you will want to tell him about your feelings. It is not surprising that you will be afraid to confess your love to him, feel guilty and hurt that you cannot be near him. Is it worth talking to him sincerely? Hard to say. It's up to you to decide. It may happen that after this you will become more painful, but at least you will not hope in vain.

Either way, you have to grow up. It is unlikely that you want to stoop to ugly squabbles and fight for a young man. What is the difference adult woman from a girl? She is the mistress of her feelings, she knows how to live with them, without destroying either her own or someone else's life. Try to find a job that you enjoy or an activity that will bring you joy and keep you from sinking into suffering and pain.

You need to learn to enjoy life no matter what, and then fate will definitely smile at you. It is possible that over time you will realize that you made a mistake when you fell in love with a guy who has a girlfriend and that he is not right for you.

And who knows how life will turn, a lot can change without your participation. After all, it is not in vain that they say that if you cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it. Perhaps soon you will find a soul mate, your true destiny.

First, you don't have to take it personally. Put aside thoughts like “it means I’m worse”, “my girlfriend is prettier”, “all because I’m fat / thin / tall / snub-nosed”, “no one likes me and I’ll grow old surrounded by forty cats”! All this only hurts your self-esteem.

But the feeling of one's own attractiveness is one of the sexiest qualities. Confident people are always attractive. Fortunately, everyone has different tastes, and if your new acquaintance noticed your girlfriend, it only means that she is his type.

Do not dwell on him and do not try to switch his attention to yourself. Rivalry can easily destroy both friendship and your self-confidence. If he is seriously interested in your friend, then your attempts will be unsuccessful, and you will be even more disappointed. It is better to go on a date with someone who has been looking at you indifferently for a long time or wait for a new interesting acquaintance.

What to do if you love your friend's boyfriend

It's best to confess to her. After all, by the word friend, we mean a close and dear person. Weaving intrigue behind your back is definitely not worth it, but even if you are just sad about the cruelty of this world and do nothing, it is better to be frank with it. A true friend will always support. In addition, she will not tell you in colors how he cuts off her phone.

If you are not going to retreat in any way, then try to look at the situation objectively. Maybe he's paying attention to your girlfriend because she's flirting with him while you're embarrassed on your phone?

Hint him about your sympathy: maybe he likes you too, but your friend is open for communication, but you are not. Just do not overdo it with the initiative: let the man take the first step.

Do you regard your emotions as nothing more than love, and your life has turned into continuous suffering because of an unrequited feeling? Think well: maybe you get masochistic pleasure from being in eternal sadness? Maybe you are afraid to open up to a new full-fledged relationship and are looking for salvation in this unhappy love.

If you absolutely can’t unwind and pay attention to other young people, try to visit a psychologist. Sometimes a side view helps put everything in order. And you will stop wasting time on a person who does not reciprocate your feelings.

Now you know what to do if you love a guy. We hope that in your life there will be only mutual love. Although even unrequited feelings are the experience that will help you in later life. Most importantly, don't forget to love yourself!

What to do if you love a guy, but are afraid to confess: video

Do not understand how to confess to a guy in love? Learn how to behave correctly in various situations, avoid fears, what phrases to start a conversation with your beloved guy, and what typical mistakes lead to the complete failure of a relationship that has not yet begun.

Taking the first step is not unnatural. Think, suddenly your object of sighs is also secretly in love with you, but does not dare to confess.

As observations show, precisely for the reason that no one can meet halfway, there have not been many couples who could possibly be very happy.

Or maybe, while you think, he will be seduced by another? So - keep it up!

Psychological attitude

Of course, you should always tune in to the good and live optimistically, because so much has been said and written about the fact that all our thoughts are material! However, as the saying goes, hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Although no, you don’t need to prepare, you just need to consider this option for yourself.

The main thing is to remember that how you present yourself is how you will be perceived. Think about how good it will be for you if you succeed. Do not be afraid to get into an awkward situation!

Interesting observation! If you don’t want to look stupid in a ridiculous situation, then you don’t need to get upset, annoyed, blush with shame and run away from “shame” (still bet!). You need to treat your situation with humor, because one of the keys to a successful person is the ability to laugh at yourself.

People around you will quickly lose interest in making fun of you if you laugh and say something like “Here I am a loser!”, “Can you imagine if I still did this and said this”, “I I just love being in these situations!

If you say this with a bit of self-irony, others will appreciate your humor, and in the end, the whole “incident” will turn out not to be a shame, but an opportunity to simply laugh at a comical incident.

How to confess your love to a guy

If you're afraid

They say that only fools are not afraid of anything. However, our fears prevent us from reaching many heights.

If you're afraid to confess young man in your feelings, and you cannot fight it, then you need to prepare the “ground”, that is, to become confident that he will reciprocate.

And for this it is worth finding out what type of girls he likes, do you have common hobbies, become brighter in order to arouse admiration among other members of the stronger sex, etc.

In a joking conversation, say something like, “You're so cool! I'm crazy about you!"

Look at his reaction. If he likes you, then you will immediately understand this (if not, then leave everything as it is for now, do not develop this idea). If he answers you with a negative reaction, add: "... Just like from a friend / person ...".

Perhaps you can use the anonymous method or recognition using the Internet, mobile phone and so on, because by correspondence it is always easier to open up than to talk about your feelings in person.

If he doesn't love you

You can hope that someday everything will change, and your feelings will “go off scale” from reciprocity, but you need to look at life realistically and evaluate yourself adequately.

If you really want to achieve this person, make sure that at least you arouse sympathy for him (which someday, perhaps, will develop into something more).

For this, there are a lot of female tricks (playing with glances, seductive images, undisguised flattery - men love it when they are told pleasantries).

If, nevertheless, you failed to "stir up" his feelings, do not be discouraged. It doesn't matter if it happened at 11 years old, at 15 years old or at 30 years old, you need to remember that you still have a whole life ahead of you, full of bright events, adventures, tenderness, beautiful words and many other perks.

So that he won't refuse

To do this, you need to be sure that he likes you. Or do it in such a way as to "hit him on the spot."

For this you need:

If he has a girlfriend

You should consider that if he loves another, he most likely will not leave her. And think for yourself: do you need it? In any case, you will become either a homeowner, or an object of general discussion, or even worse, a target for ridicule of this couple.

If you see that the guy is also not indifferent to you, and you want to tell him about your feelings by all means, do it as carefully as possible: choose the right words and say / write them in a suitable situation.


Before writing to your former words love, think a hundred times. Understand what pushes you to this action (maybe it's temporary depression, girlfriend pressure, alcohol, etc.).

Think about whether you will cause damage to your or his current position. If you still decide - act!

Perhaps this confession will help you reconnect with ex-boyfriend(maybe only pride prevented you from reconciling before?).

So, start acting from afar: find out about his personal life at the moment, if he has a companion, if so, how serious this relationship is.

It will be better if you also collect information about his work, current hobbies, etc. This will help you start a conversation. Some information can be obtained from YOUR good friends, social networks or other means.

Now it’s up to you to decide: you will resume your communication through hints (“We haven’t seen each other for a long time, I want to talk”), requests (for example, help on an issue in which he is well versed) or say it directly.


If you are very afraid to confess your feelings to a guy, then you should consider doing it anonymously. Any methods are suitable here: a planted note, a gift, an inscription on the pavement, etc.

Regardless of the reasons that prompted you to an anonymous explanation - it's scary to see his reaction or you want to create an intrigue - you should not resort to the help of acquaintances (they say, tell him that he has a secret admirer, just don't say who exactly).

After all, it is obvious that your intermediary will "split", as soon as the recipient of the confession "puts pressure" on him.

BUT! You should not "torment" your chosen one for a very long time, because in the case of unrequited feelings, more disappointment awaits you.

There are several ways to confess:

  • ask him out on a date(in this case it is better to be sure that he will not leave);
  • using social networks(for example, send a gift or a postcard, but no longer anonymously);
  • send SMS(of course, he will call you back, then you will open up to him);
  • ask him to guess(BUT! after hinting at your personality, otherwise you risk being disappointed by the list of spoken names, and also put him in an awkward position).

You can dream up a little, for example, being next to him (at work, at school, at an event), arrange arrows that will eventually lead to you (think about how you will meet him).

At school

Confessing love at school is the easiest way, because here you have a lot of mutual friends, there are many opportunities to spend time together (games, extra classes, sections, circles, lunches in the canteen, etc.).

Those who say that love at 12, at 13 is impossible, are thinking wrong. Many enthusiastically recall their kindergarten “passions”. Even at the age of 10, you don’t need to bury any feelings in yourself, because, perhaps, this is the first love.

BUT! No need to play "adult games" at this age! This must be remembered!


Perhaps the most interesting and profitable way for recognition: if he answers “yes” - excellent (only after that you need to develop this topic so that he believes your words), if “no” - I’ll pretend that I didn’t mean it at all!

You can tell him that you have never met people like him, or maybe that you admire him ... You can disguise yourself as you like. However, this is not a direct confession! 😉

The only negative is that such a “game” can take a very long time.

For him to reciprocate

For this you need:

  • try to become the most interesting person for him (for example, get carried away with the same activities);
  • be always different (in particular in relation to appearance to get his attention)
  • be impregnable (men like to achieve);
  • act feminine;
  • become an interesting interlocutor for him;
  • show that you care about him;
  • intrigue;
  • to be bright (more of an inner world);
  • smile more often.

Some of these combined will help you win the heart of your loved one. If not, you will have many other fans.

If we don't communicate

So we need to start talking! It is better if you have mutual friends among whom you will feel confident. This will help you open up a little. Also relevant is the method of acquaintance through social networks, the possibilities in which for acquaintance are very wide.

Recognition in contact

We are heroes online! They don’t see us, they don’t see our reaction, they don’t see our embarrassment, so recognition on the Internet remains probably the most simple option. VKontakte is the most popular social network. network in Russia and not only, so the opportunities there are constantly expanding.

In contact, you can send a postcard to the wall of your beloved guy, send a gift, hint to him with a picture, video or audio recording.

Maybe you invite him to play a game with you? With this method, you will also become a little closer, there will be new topics for conversation ... Likes and comments will also help you!

How can you confess your love to a guy so that it is effective?

The following rules must be observed:

  • decide if you need it (perhaps this is instant sympathy);
  • do not be shy (and if he makes you so excited, this can be your advantage, you just need to tell him about it);
  • take your time (you need to get to know each other better - maybe he will soon disappoint you);
  • be original;
  • be positive;
  • do not forget that you are a Personality;
  • look spectacular;
  • behave with dignity, feminine;
  • become a good and interesting interlocutor (for this, do not forget to develop yourself);
  • be inaccessible;
  • feel like a queen (this will help you become self-confident);
  • do not be afraid of self-irony (laugh at yourself, your shortcomings);
  • do not allow yourself to be humiliated and humiliated by others.

Video: Falling in love or how I confessed my love

Sometimes it can be so difficult for us to tell a person how we feel. There are many reasons for this - we are afraid of the answer “no”, and seem ridiculous during recognition. If you experience these same feelings, then our article will definitely help you overcome your fears.

Why should you confess your love?

In general, this step is very serious, and all the more so because thoughts about what to do next, how to develop relationships, and whether you yourself are ready for such a serious act can often spur you on. That is why you yourself must understand why you need it and how serious your intentions are. Getting ready for a conversation

Before confessing, you should first take a closer look at whether your girlfriend or young man is ready for this. You can invite her to a cafe, give her flowers or some other small gift, and if she accepts your attentions well, then she clearly does not mind continuing. Also, you don’t need to think too much during a conversation - feel with your heart, it will find the words for the chosen one itself, which, moreover, will be true. You should be comfortable, because any excitement will pour out during a conversation, and you may look stupid.

But just in case, think in advance how and what to do if the person you love said “no”. No need to get depressed, because life will not end from this. Be collected, serious and responsible so that the person with whom you want more Serious relationships, believed you.

What to do if you are afraid to confess your love.

To the question What to do if you are afraid to confess your feelings to a girl? given by the author Simply the best answer is when i was sitting there in class In English, I looked at the girl sitting in front. She was so called to me best friend ". I looked at her for a long time, at her silky hair, and so wanted her to be mine. But she did not notice my love, and I knew it. After the lesson, she came up to me and asked for lecture notes that she missed for the day before that. I gave them to her. She said thank you and kissed me on the cheek. I wanted to tell her that I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends. I love her, but I'm so shy, and I don't know why Grade 10 Phone call She's on the other end of the line She's in tears, between sobs I hear that her love has broken her heart She asks to come because she doesn't want to be alone and I came. As I sat on the couch next to her, I looked into her beautiful eyes, wishing she was mine.After two hours of watching a movie and three packs of crisps, she decided to go to bed.She looked at me, said "thank you", and kissed me I wanted to tell her that I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends I love her but I'm so shy and I don't know yu why. Grade 11 The day before the prom, she came to my locker. "My boyfriend is sick," she said, "and he won't be well by tomorrow." I didn’t have a girlfriend at the time, and besides, in the 7th grade we promised that we would always help each other. So we went to the ball like "best friends". That night, after the party was over, I stood before her outside her house. I watched her smile and look at me with her crystal eyes. I wanted her to be mine. But she didn't notice it, and I knew it. Then she said - "I had a wonderful time with you, thank you!", and kissed me on the cheek. I wanted to tell her that I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends. I love her but I'm so shy and I don't know why. Graduation Day A day passed, then a week, then a month. Before I could blink, it was already graduation. I watched her perfect body, like an angel, fly to the stage for a diploma. I so wanted her to be mine. But she did not notice my love, and I knew it. Before everyone had gone home, she came up to me in her fabulous white dress and hat and cried as I hugged her. Then she put her head on my shoulder, said - "you are my best friend in the world, thank you!", and kissed me on the cheek. I wanted to tell her that I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends. I love her but I'm so shy and I don't know why. A few years later I'm now sitting in a church pew. That girl is getting married. I just saw her say yes and enter her new life along with another person. I wanted her to be mine. But she didn't notice it, and I knew it. But before she left, she came up to me, said - "You've come!!! Thank you!", and kissed me on the cheek. I wanted to tell her that I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends. I love her but I'm so shy and I don't know why. Funeral Years flew by. I looked down at the coffin, in it lay the girl who had always been my best friend. They read the diary she kept throughout her school years. This is what it said: "I looked at him, wishing he was mine, but he does not notice my love, and I know it. I wanted to tell him that I want him to know that I do not want to be just friends. I love him, but I'm so shy and I don't know why. I wish he would tell me that he loves me!"

How to prepare a girl for confession?

Modern society has defiled the word "love" so much that you can't believe it when you are told this sincerely. We are used to the fact that everyone defends their interests, not taking into account the wishes of the partner. Normal human relationships that begin with the head, then descend to the lips, and only then lower - have become a fairy tale. Everyone is in a hurry somewhere, they want to snatch everything at once, and then love exhausts itself, and the relationship ends as quickly as it began. But, nevertheless, in this society there are guys who dry their heads over how to confess to a girl in love, and not drag her into bed. By the way, you, dear ladies, this also applies. We equally use each other. But, based on practical experience, we can say that it is pleasant to hear the cherished words at any age and even the most cynical people.

How to tell a girl about your love so that she remembers this moment for the rest of her life?

First, prepare her for it. Otherwise, surprise can cause an ambiguous reaction. Pick a Romantic Place: The best place is where you've experienced a lot of emotions together and were truly happy. Before confessing your love to a girl, make sure that you are alone and no one interferes. It would be nice to coincide with such an event on some date: her birthday, Valentine's Day, March 8, the anniversary of a relationship or acquaintance. In such a place, and even under the influx of memories from the past days, you will immediately understand how to say love to your girlfriend. It may sound pompous, but I advise you to listen to your heart. It certainly won't let you down.

How to talk about feelings?

Start by talking about your relationship. Focus on how much she means to you. Mention how the relationship started. Girls really appreciate this (because there is an opinion that guys don’t even remember key dates). And most importantly: compliments, compliments, compliments. You know girls love with their ears. How to confess to a girl in love without compliments? No way. Don't just talk to her about beautiful eyes or a smile - it's so predictable and formulaic. Your loved one will definitely not be impressed. Tell her you love her laugh when she wrinkles her nose or raises an eyebrow. Most importantly, say what you love, not what you like. Pay Special attention the qualities that she values ​​in herself. And of course important body contact: take her hand, hug her waist, run through her hair, put her hand on your heart.

Look into the eyes of your beloved. And don't look away! Otherwise, she will think that you are indecisive. When all the previous things have been done, the question of how to confess love to a girl will no longer scare you so much. The atmosphere will be so exciting that the desired words will fly out of your mouth. Then wait for her reaction. If she is positive, kiss or hug. Kissing is a more intimate process, but strong hugs evoke trust and a sense of calm. This is just a general recognition scheme! And each case is unique in its own way!

Instead of a conclusion

Don't prepare your speech ahead of time. Because it will sound insincere because of your experiences: have you said everything, have you forgotten anything. Best words Those are the ones that get emotional. So you tell her about how you feel at the moment!