1 year old children's birthday ideas. One year old child: detailed preparation plan. The baby needs to be introduced to home decoration

Of course, this is, first of all, mother's holiday. She gave birth, she nursed, she changed diapers, rejoiced at the first word and the first step.

When thinking about how to celebrate a child’s one-year anniversary, many mothers settle on the decision to throw a party for adults. Many, realizing that the baby is still small, refuse any kind of celebration altogether. And yet, such a happy event must be celebrated, because after it there will be at least an album with photographs.

The main thing is to have fun

You need to come up with a special scenario for celebrating your child’s anniversary. All those invited are not strangers. What if everyone is awarded a certificate or diploma on behalf of the baby? This will be pleasant for the local doctor, and for the godparents, and for the beloved grandmother.

It's interesting to arrange fun competition“What does the baby look like?” Let everyone write their own version on a piece of paper, and then mom will read: “Our Christina is three times like grandma Varya, five times like dad, twice like mom and three times like grandpa Vitya.” Or, for example, hold a “Libra” competition. Of course, for this competition the birthday person must be in good mood. Each of the guests picks up the baby and guesses what the baby’s weight is. The one who is closest to the truth wins. You can also guess the baby's height in the same way. The winner is awarded a chocolate medal with the baby's name.

Celebrating one year anniversary in a cafe

By the way, when thinking about where to celebrate your child’s birthday, you may decide that it is not necessary to celebrate the anniversary at home. Shouldn't we rent a room in a cafe? A cafe with a children's playground will be a convenient place for both children and adults.

Some establishments specialize in working with the smallest children. Birthday in children's center or in a family restaurant it can be fun, calm and even enchanting. I want the birthday boy to have the opportunity to crawl somewhere, so you need to take care of this moment in advance. While the food is being prepared in a good family restaurant, the children are entertained in the playroom by a nanny. The rented hall can be decorated with a “train”, on each train of which a story will be told about each month of the birthday person. The menu of such cafes even includes dishes for babies under 1 year old! All sorts of porridges, soups, purees and teas. If you wish, you can order one animator, for example, a child’s “favorite bear”. Adults can come in costumes, armed with rattles and surround the baby with attention.

In the pool and outdoors

How about celebrating in the pool? If a child loves to swim, then why not? You can get together in a small group at a club. Where there is a bar and a swimming pool for the little ones. The baby will go swimming with loved ones, and adults can visit the bar with him for a short time. It is not recommended to drag out such a holiday, an hour and a half maximum. But how nice it is to dress up your daughter as a Mermaid and give her pleasure!

Many mothers draw so-called wall newspapers dedicated to the baby. This is good, and you can’t stop your imagination! But you shouldn’t depict the family tree in a large format. It’s not very convenient to store such a newspaper, but how nice it is, how you want to keep it as a keepsake. In addition, you can take a small wall newspaper with you anywhere, for example, out into the fresh air.

There are certain places for organizing holidays in nature. There is everything you need: tables and even barbecues. But you can find a secluded place. Somewhere on the edge of a forest or by a river. The trees are decorated with hearts, toys, photographs and garlands. On fresh air The birthday boy has the opportunity to sleep, so if the baby is not restless, then the celebration is celebrated for a long time. Organizing competitions in the fresh air is even more interesting than at home. For example, the competition “Who can spit out the pacifier next.” Or “Who will be the first to drink juice from a baby bottle.”

When arranging a holiday in a place unusual for the baby, you need to provide everything necessary. It will be very difficult if the baby gets scared or behaves restlessly. It is very important that the birthday person feels good, because this is his holiday. You need to think in advance about the possibility of quickly returning home if it is urgently needed. It's good if you have your own vehicle.

That’s why they try to invite guests to their apartment, because home is calmer.

How to celebrate your baby's anniversary at home

When deciding how to celebrate your child’s one-year anniversary at home, you should think about how to decorate the house and... The easiest way to decorate the room in which the celebration will take place is with photographs of the baby. After all, without a doubt, there have been a lot of them this year. Flowers, Balloons, ribbons, Plush Toys- all this can also serve as decoration.

When celebrating a birthday at home, you must warn guests about both the time of arrival and the possible time of departure. Don't be shy. Among the invitees there may be people who have never had children. They may not understand if they start being kicked out of the house at the moment when they are just having a blast.

Parents will be interested to know that for thousands of years there has been such a ritual as tonsure. This is what is associated with the anniversary of his life. But initially this pagan ritual was performed only for boys. The moment they turned seven years old.


This ritual symbolized the transition of a child from mother to father. Dad had to teach his son the family trade. It is believed that it is impossible to cut a child's hair until he is one year old. Many women take this belief extremely seriously. It happens that the baby’s overgrown hair is already tied with rubber bands. It is customary to cut your hair for the first time when you are one year old. That is why the ancient rite of tonsure is now performed at one year old, both for girls and boys!

The dedication takes place very solemnly. The father or godfather cuts the child's hair in an even cross, which symbolizes the Sun, Yarilo. Then the parents keep this hair.

According to one of the many versions, hair must be burned, floated or buried in the ground. The strand symbolizes the fate of the child, so they say: “Fire-brother (Earth-mother, Water-sister), grant our baby happiness and a happy destiny.” After this, the baby is seated on a sheepskin cover, and various things are laid out around him to find out what profession the baby will choose in the future.

For example, scissors symbolize a tailor. Sweets for the confectioner, money for the businessman. Whatever the baby picks up first, this is the specialty he will prefer.

Of course, the ritual greatly entertains all the adults who came to the holiday, and can become part of fun scenario. Since the custom is very ancient, you can decorate the house in folk style and dress the child in folk clothes.

For you, for dad and for mom

There is no need to fill the table with culinary delights that cannot be given to the little ones to try. You can't refuse the birthday boy.

Of course, the most incredible and festive dish on the table can be a cake. It is decorated with one large designer candle. The cake is made with a “skirt”, and in the form of a car, and in the form of your favorite fairy-tale characters.

You will definitely want to capture this masterpiece on video or photograph it. It is important not to forget that these photos, like group photos, need to be taken at the beginning of “Yearmania”. While the baby is in a good mood and is not tired of the guests.

Therefore, if mom is used to serving sweets at the very end, then it is worth considering that festive table For a one year old child it should be served immediately with the cake. The cake is placed in the center of the table or next to the birthday person. The most important point when setting a table is the choice of tablecloth. After all, she will be the first to attract attention. A red, pink, blue or light blue tablecloth will look nice. After all, it has long been known that it is the pink and blue colors that become decisive in determining the sex of a baby by adults. This is already a tradition. A bright light green tablecloth would also look good.

Chairs can be decorated with ribbons, and next to each plate put beautiful napkin with a children's story. Dishes are decorated in a fun, fabulous, children's style. Animal faces and funny faces of clowns will create the most suitable atmosphere and make adults remember their childhood. Improvised baby carriages are made from watermelon and pumpkin, into which fruits or salads are placed. You can choose a theme: fairy, pirate, captain, princess, butterfly. Based on the theme, a tablecloth, napkins, design elements are selected, and all dishes are decorated. But if there is no desire or time, then the emphasis on the theme of the holiday is made easier. Instead of traditional glasses and glasses, guests are offered baby food jars.

Dishes for babies over one year old can be very tasty and festive. This includes sponge cake, banana cake, meatballs, pepper appetizer, cottage cheese balls, and chicken cutlets. Is it worth treating guests to banal Olivier? Let them try delicious and healthy baby food.

The baby is unlikely to remember the holiday. No matter how original the celebration may be, the parents are organizing it for themselves. Therefore, the main thing that should be remembered is a good mood.

Children grow up very quickly, before you know it, it’s time for parents to choose a scenario for their 1st birthday. But how to plan it so that it is interesting for both adults and children? After all, this is often very difficult, especially since the baby can get very tired from the noise and large number of guests that day. That's why we decided to collect best ideas first birthday celebrations, give useful tips planning, write a list of the most exciting and funny competitions, interesting to any generation.


The best place to celebrate your child's first birthday is at home. A cafe or a children's room is not yet interesting at this age. In addition, this is not entirely convenient for parents; the child may want to sleep, eat, or simply be capricious. However, even at home, you can create a festive, fairy-tale atmosphere for a birthday, think through a scenario, and decorate the room.

So, what interesting ideas Can it be used for a first birthday party?

  1. Balloons. 1 year old babies love colorful air balloons, so you should definitely use them for decoration. For example, you can make unusual airy flowers. To do this you will need 4 large balloons (petals) and 1 small one (middle). Simply tie them together with ribbon and carefully tape or pin them to the wall. You can make other figures, for example, fairy-tale characters, a unit symbolizing the child’s 1st year, a pacifier made of balloons, and the sun.
  2. Big one. The huge number 1 looks very impressive at a party and makes for great family photos. You can make it from anything - balls, napkins, fabric, children's photographs, mirror paper, etc. As a rule, the selected elements are attached to a base frame (wire, cardboard), and the bottom of the unit is made heavier so that the kids during the celebration of the day birth it was not accidentally knocked over.
  3. Garlands, flags, caps and whistles. Such decorations can be bought ready-made or made yourself. For example, a garland can be made from photographs of a child. Such a thing can be used from year to year, each time replenished with new photographs. Well, where would we be without the “Happy Birthday” inscription, funny caps and whistles? They will decorate any scenario, creating a festive atmosphere throughout the day.
  4. Wall newspaper. Usually, until a child is one year old, parents often take photographs of their child. These pictures can be designed in an interesting way by drawing a wall newspaper (or printing them out in any printing house or photo salon). Drawings in the form of a calendar with 12 months of a baby’s life, a carriage in which the little birthday girl is riding, an old film with frames, a clock dial look interesting. For a boy, you can use a rocket in space or a train with 12 carriages. And somewhere on the side you can place a palm tree with the dynamics of the baby’s height and weight.
  5. Presentation. A slide show accompanied by children's songs will not leave any of the guests indifferent. Presentations look especially interesting together with photographs of close relatives (when they were only one year old). Or you can just make a clip from best photos and videos of the baby, arranging them from the day of birth to one year as they grow.
  6. Musical selection. Cheerful children's music, songs, and cartoon clips will help bring any scenario to life. They will help adults plunge into the world of childhood, and kids will be able to move and dance funny.

Party plan

Regardless of the number of guests and the size of the party, it is better to plan the first birthday celebration in advance. If everything happens in turmoil, then there will be neither time nor energy left for the script. It is very important to decide in what sequence the meal, congratulations, presentation of gifts, holding competitions, etc. will take place. It should also be taken into account that at one year old the baby will not be able to stay awake and have fun throughout the day, so the time for the party should be chosen immediately after his birthday. sleep.

When planning a birthday scenario, you don’t need to schedule everything down to the minute. Don't forget to leave room for unexpected moments and surprises, they are sometimes the ones that leave the best memories


It’s best to start the entertainment part with a presentation; this will put the guests in the right mood. Next, you can move on to the official address to the guests. Thank them for all being here today. Tell us a few funny moments from your child's life. You can find out which famous people were born on the same day as the baby, and it’s interesting to present it. For example, if this is a great composer, you can say: “Sasha probably has excellent hearing and a sense of rhythm...”

Then you can proceed directly to the competitions, but before that, do not forget to take an oath from the guests. It sounds something like this: “I swear on this day to have fun with all my heart, not to refuse, so that they don’t offer me, not to shout “what the kindergarten" or "I don't play like that." In the name of pacifiers, rattles and delicious porridge!

Fortune-telling competition for the baby's future

It is better if the competition begins the scenario when the child is not yet tired and in a good mood. You need to spread a small blanket on the floor, arrange various objects around its perimeter, and place the baby in the center. The essence of the competition is for the child to choose 1 or 2 things that can be used to predict his future. To make the scenario even more exciting, you can invite each guest to guess what the child will choose (write it down on a piece of paper and then check it).

Item Values:

  • money - will become a millionaire, banker, accountant, economist;
  • comb - hairdresser, stylist, makeup artist;
  • spoon - cook, owner of a restaurant business;
  • tablets – medic, doctor;
  • computer mouse - programmer;
  • brush - famous artist;
  • photograph - photographer;
  • toy tank or pistol - military;
  • matches - fireman;
  • gavel - judge, lawyer, jurist;
  • glasses – scientist, teacher;
  • dog figurine – veterinarian, dog handler;
  • car - driver, car dealership owner;
  • flashlight - policeman;
  • telephone – manager;
  • ring - a good family man;
  • mirror – handsome man (beauty), model;
  • a ball of thread - the baby will live a long time;
  • ball – football player, sports career.

The tradition of cutting a child's hair at age 1 arose so long ago that almost no one remembers why it was done. The fact is that previously every family was born a large number of children, but many of them died, so their hair (the source of strength) was not cut for the first year. It was believed that until the child was 1 year old, he could decide to leave the family. In one year, the first lock of hair was ceremoniously cut off from the top of his head, leaving the rest of his hair untouched. This was a sign that the child had been accepted into the family and was now under its protection.

Today, as before, the first lock of hair is cut by the baby’s godparents. This must be done quickly and carefully, in the shape of a cross. The hairs are placed in a beautiful envelope and carefully stored along with the baptismal shirt. If desired, after the ceremony the child can be shaved bald.

Attentiveness competition

You should prepare for this competition in advance. You need to cut out large daisy petals from white paper and write a question about the birthday person on each one. In this case, there should be as many questions as there are guests invited (one for each). Then they are attached with double-sided tape to the yellow center.

The questions can be anything, for example:

  1. What weight was the birthday boy born with?
  2. How tall was he?
  3. What does your baby like to eat?
  4. What time did his first tooth come out?
  5. On what day of the week was he born?
  6. When did he take the first step?
  7. At what time was he born?
  8. When was he baptized?
  9. How many months did he start sitting?
  10. What is your baby's favorite toy?
  11. What is his zodiac sign?
  12. What color are your eyes?
  13. What affectionate name do parents call a child?
  14. Who is his first friend?
  15. How many teeth does he have now?
  16. What is the birthday boy's favorite fairy tale?
  17. What does he like more, drawing or dancing?

Fun, funny competitions

Everyone loves to have fun, even grandparents will be delighted with such games. But it is worth considering that 1-year-old children will not be captivated by such a spectacle for long. Therefore, during the competitions for younger guests you need to come up with an exciting activity: get paper and finger paints, plasticine, colored pencils, etc. While the kids are busy, adults can play.

  1. Competition "Guess by Taste". Participants are tightly blindfolded and asked to try baby food. Based on taste, they should determine the contents of 5-6 jars (vegetables, fruits, meat purees). Who will give large quantity correct answers, then he won.
  2. Competition "Who can drink faster?" Participants are poured adult drinks into baby bottles and asked to drink at speed through a nipple with a large hole.
  3. Competition "Dress the Child". Participants need to quickly, and most importantly, swaddle the doll correctly. Whoever completes the task first must notify everyone with a rattle. The same task can be organized with a diaper, adding socks, a hat and other items of clothing.
  4. Competition "Sliders". For this competition you need to sew large rompers or simply tie the legs of your trousers. Participants must cover the distance from one end of the room to the other. Whoever comes first is the fastest slider.
  5. Competition "Whim of the Day". Participants are given pacifiers, which they must spit out as far as possible. The winner must be awarded a prize (otherwise he will be upset and capricious).
  6. Soap Bubbles Competition. Let bubble loved not only by children, but also by adults. You can compete a little and find out who can blow the biggest bubble and who releases them great amount at a time.

End of the entertainment program

Any script must have a spectacular ending. Therefore, pay attention to the final part Special attention. You can record a congratulatory clip for your child’s birthday. To do this, all guests are given a small candle, the light is slightly dimmed. Then the child’s mother or father lights each person’s candle in turn, after which the guest says a wish to the baby. Touching children's or classical music can play quietly in the background. At the final stage, when all the candles are lit and the guests have spoken, everyone will once again say “Happy birthday to you!” It will be a pleasure to watch such a video with your family year after year.

You can also make a family tree together with your relatives. You need to print out small photographs of your loved ones in advance, and also prepare a mock-up tree. You should start from the very bottom, with a photograph of the birthday boy, then there are photographs of the parents, even higher – of the grandparents, etc.

In order for everyone to be happy and remember your 1st birthday party scenario for a long time, you need to take into account several important points.

  1. Food should not only be tasty and satisfying, but also beautiful. Don't forget about the kids, they will probably get hungry and also want to eat. You can even make a special cake for them. To do this, fruit is cut into pieces in the middle of the plate, and children's cookies are laid out along the edges in a fence; when finished, the cake is tied with a bright ribbon. Other dishes can be served in the form of funny animals - bunnies, pigs, dogs or bear cubs.
  2. Ask guests to place gifts in a specific place. If they give them right away, it will create chaos; numerous new toys will greatly excite the baby. It is better to show them to him a little later, for example, during competitions.
  3. Gifts and souvenirs. The large number of competitions in the scenario suggests that there are many winners waiting for their reward. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on chocolate coins, delicious sweets, and you can make souvenirs for relatives with the image of a child. These could be mugs, calendars, refrigerator magnets, keychains and anything else that comes to mind.
  4. It is worth remembering that a baby’s birthday is a holiday for parents too. Therefore, some responsibilities can be entrusted to relatives. And so that after the birthday you don’t have to spend a long time cleaning up the house, decorations should be given to little guests. It’s useful for you and pleasant for them.

A baby's birthday is a very exciting holiday for parents; you need to prepare for it in advance so as not to miss anything. After all, the first year is remembered stronger and brighter than the rest. Photos taken on this day are viewed many times, so you need to make every effort to ensure that it is filled with happiness, fun and joyful laughter.

Just recently you and your baby arrived from the maternity hospital, and his first birthday is already around the corner. Young parents treat this date very carefully, because it is the first big celebration there are little things in their lives. How to celebrate your child’s one year anniversary so that the day is fun, easy and joyful, leaving behind vivid impressions? To do this, it is better to prepare in advance, thinking through all the details of the upcoming celebration.

We invite guests

First of all, decide who to call. It is better if these are close relatives and friends whom the little one knows well. You may want to invite several of the baby's peers and their mothers.

Please note that a large number of guests, especially young ones, can overstimulate the birthday boy and lead to unnecessary whims. It would be better to choose one option: either relatives or the little ones - playmates. Try not to have too many peers: 2-3 are enough. At this age, children do not yet know how to play together, so more small guests can ruin the holiday.

Choose a place and time

The best option would be to celebrate at home, in an atmosphere familiar to the child. This will allow you not to deviate from your usual routine. If funds allow, you can spend your birthday in children's cafe, come up with original script, invite the presenter. But most likely, the baby will quickly get tired, and he will no longer have time for fun.

A good option, if the weather permits, is to celebrate outdoors. In this case, you can combine a holiday with a walk, and also come up with a lot of fun active entertainment for children and adults.

When thinking about how to celebrate a birthday, take into account the temperament, characteristics and preferences of your child. When inviting guests, focus on the baby’s daily routine. If he naps twice a day, choose a time between 12:00 and 16:00. If you switched to one daytime nap, then it is also better to schedule the holiday after a quiet hour. At this time, the child will be full of strength and energy and will be able to take an active part in the fun.

Preparing a treat

For your first birthday, you can set a buffet table with light snacks. In this case, you will not need to run after the children every time you leave the table. Even if you are setting a regular table, prepare light salads, cheese, tartlets, meat rolls, and cut up fruit. Sandwiches can be decorated in the form of animal figures. It is better not the abundance, but the variety of dishes.

Set a separate table for children. You can put sliced ​​fruits, curds, cookies, cakes, juices with straws. To avoid worrying about broken plates, buy disposable tableware with a holiday theme.

If the baby is alone, you can prepare a mini-cake for him. Take baby cookies and place them in several layers, greasing each one with the same curd. Insert a beautiful candle into the cake.

Let the little one, with the help of his mother, blow out his first birthday candle, and after him, you can invite other little guests to do the same. For adults, you can order a beautiful birthday cake, decorated in a children's style. And mom can make a cake for the kids. To do this, you need to take a simple recipe for sponge dough, bake a couple of cakes, grease them with baby curd cream, and decorate them with berries or fruits on top.

We decorate the room

To create festive mood, decorate the apartment with balloons, colorful garlands, flags, streamers. You can arrange a surprise for your little one and do it when he falls asleep, or, conversely, involve him in the decoration.

  1. Dedicate one wall to the birthday person. Design a train with carriages, in each of which place a photo of the baby with captions: 1 month, 2, 3, 4, 5... and finally, 1 year. Add your baby's achievements to each month.
  2. Another option is to design a wall newspaper with photographs on a piece of Whatman paper, accompanying them with funny comments. Place the most successful and latest photo in the center, accompanied, for example, with the inscription “That’s what I’m like (what)!”
  3. If you don’t want to bother with whatman paper, make a collage of photos on your computer and print it in a large format in a photo studio. Such an image will remain for a long time and will delight you years later. Or you can simply print out the best photos of your little one and attach them to the walls throughout the apartment.
  4. It's a good idea to display the results prominently. joint creativity mothers with baby: first watercolor and finger paints, hand or foot prints.

What to give for 1 year

Guests often ask what to give the baby for her first birthday. Don’t be modest, but rather tell them right away what the birthday boy needs. This will save relatives from painful thoughts, and you from a bunch of unnecessary things.

Good gift options for a 1 year birthday:

  • rocking horse
  • educational books
  • musical and interactive toys
  • sorters, inserts
  • cars
  • dolls
  • ball (large inflatable or small rubber)
  • pyramid
  • tumbler
  • playhouse tent
  • home puppet theater
  • large children's photo album
  • set of dishes for feeding.

How to spend a birthday

The apartment is decorated, the gift is prepared and finally the long-awaited day has arrived. This is your parents’ holiday too, so you should be in a birthday mood. Hug and kiss your child, tell him what event is happening in your family today.

After breakfast, you can give your baby a gift from mom and dad, with which he will enthusiastically play. For a walk, choose an interesting place, for example, a zoo, an amusement park. The main thing is not to overtire the child and put him to bed on time so that he gains strength before the guests arrive.

Entertaining guests

You can start the holiday with funny poems about the first year of life from the baby’s perspective. Tell him how great his life is in your wonderful family, with such caring and loving parents. Dedicate touching and funny lines to mom and dad, remember the moment of birth. Let dad talk about mom, and let mom talk about dad. Prepare in advance and show your guests a video or slide show dedicated to the birthday person. Photos and videos from birth to 12 months, superimposed on suitable music, will arouse interest and remain for a long time.

For 1 year of age, it is customary to play the fortune-telling game “Choice of Fate”. Objects are laid out in front of the child at some distance from each other, each of which symbolizes something (the first thing the child chooses awaits him in the future):

  • ball of wool (long life)
  • garlic (health)
  • coin (wealth)
  • book (knowledge and mind)
  • brush (creative tendencies)
  • ring (successful marriage)
  • keys (welfare)
  • chocolate (sweet life).

Be sure to tell me good words, thank you for your help in raising your grandparents, godparents, aunts and uncles, if they are invited. It’s good to do all this in funny verses too. You can prepare medals, for example, “Mustachioed Nanny”, “For overloading a grandson with toys”, “Beloved Aunt”, “Caring Godfather” and further down the list.

“Chamomile” competition: who knows the birthday boy best? Prepare a flower, on the petals of which are questions about the hero of the occasion:

  • What weight were you born with? How tall?
  • Which maternity hospital?
  • When did the first tooth come out?
  • When did you sit down? went?
  • What color is the winter hat?
  • What time was he born?

And anything else that suits your imagination. There are prizes for correct answers. If there are still kids, think about entertainment for them too. Set aside a place in the room for a play area, cover it with a soft rug, place bright interesting toys. At the end of the holiday, sing “Loaf”. Give everyone gifts: you can give out balloons to children, and magnets or calendars with a picture of the birthday boy for adults.

How to celebrate your baby's first year is up to you. The main thing is that this day should be easy and joyful and give your family a pleasant experience. Even if the baby does not remember this date, he will definitely have a feeling of miracle with which he will celebrate his next birthdays.

A baby's first birthday is the most long-awaited holiday in the family. Many parents strive to make this celebration unforgettable, because the baby is celebrating his first anniversary in his life. In the pre-holiday bustle, you need to decide important question about the location of the party - at home or in a special children's cafe? Important questions include who to invite and what to give? Let's consider the topic: how to celebrate a child's 1 year old birthday?

So, you've decided to hold a memorable event at home. Now you need to think through everything in detail:

  • number of guests;
  • time spending;
  • banquet decoration;
  • holiday menu;
  • video/photo session.

Who should you invite to your baby's first birthday? There are two options here: relatives and friends. Of course, it is advisable to celebrate this significant event with loved ones. But if relatives live far away, you can invite your friends and mothers with babies. You shouldn’t invite a lot of children: they won’t be able to play with each other, they will only add confusion to the competitions.

To make your anniversary a success, carefully consider the menu for kids. You can ask mothers in advance about the preferences of their little ones so that holiday dishes do not cause allergies.

An important point in planning a holiday will be choosing the right time. If you decide to celebrate your first birthday with relatives, the time can be any - daytime or evening. If his little friends come to your baby’s birthday, you need to coordinate the time with the mothers. Of course, this should be during the daytime, and preferably after a lunchtime nap.

Birthday invitations must be sent at least a week before the celebration. It is also advisable to discuss gift ideas for your child in advance: in order to save guests from unnecessary expenses, and yourself from a lot of unnecessary things in the house. You need to give useful things.

Festive table

The menu for adult guests can be anything. How can you please the kids and the birthday boy himself, so that after the anniversary you don’t have to suffer from allergies or overeating? It’s customary to bake a cake for a birthday – but is it possible to treat a baby to such a product?

A birthday cake for a tiny person can be baked without any problems if you are familiar with sponge dough. To prevent the sponge cake from being too dry, you can soak it in baby fruit juice. You can use children's fruit curd as a cream.

Important! Don't forget to put one candle on the cake!

Design children's table It’s not difficult: all dishes can be arranged in a convenient order. The menu for one-year-old children is not very diverse:

  • juices in bags;
  • baby cookies;
  • fruit pieces;
  • fruit curds with different fillings.

The kids will not come to eat at the holiday: their mothers will feed them at home. However, creating a festive atmosphere and decorating the table is necessary! The menu may be modest, but the kids will have fun this birthday. The main thing is that the food is not hypoallergenic: this is the main condition.

You can't think of a better buffet table idea for this day. Please note that guests are unlikely to sit in one place on the little one’s birthday: everyone will be on the move. Therefore, the table needs to be set so that any dish can be taken with your hands on the go.

Decorating the house

How to decorate the hall for the holiday? Of course, your baby will not remember this significant event - but there is a photo session that will preserve happy moments for a lifetime. Therefore, pay close attention to the decorations so that the photos will leave memories of a bright holiday.

Decoration ideas:

  • balloons with inscriptions of wishes;
  • garlands of paper flags (for a boy) and flowers (for a girl);
  • drawn fairy-tale characters;
  • photo session of a toddler in beautiful frames.

The first year of life is a rapid time of development for the baby. Every month of life brought its own changes. What ideas can be associated with this feature of the first year of life? You can draw (or print) 12 trains representing each month you have lived through: these will be photo frames. Select the best pictures of your baby and glue them into train frames. This decoration can be placed on the wall.

Do not use firecrackers or bursting balloons to decorate the angel's first day: children may be frightened by loud noises and may also put pieces of paper or rubber into their mouths.

Entertaining guests

What to surprise guests with, besides holiday menu and scenery? It is necessary to think through the script, quizzes and competitions in advance. If you don’t have any ideas for celebrating the holiday, at least give each guest the opportunity to say beautiful congratulatory words to the birthday boy and his parents.

You can come up with ideas for holding festive events at home yourself: the main thing is to want to do it and have free time. You can entrust the preparation of the angel’s day to someone from your family: let them work through the script, competitions and find ideas for quizzes. Of course, it is difficult for a young mother to find free time to create a celebration scenario: outside help is needed.

Competitions and quizzes are great ideas for an angel day. However, do not forget to include in the celebration script the ritual of blowing out the candle on the birthday cake.

Make sure that children do not try to grab the candle flame with their hands.

Tribute to tradition

If you baptized a boy/girl, then you need to include in the script of the day an angel and the cutting of hair by the godparents. At the beginning godmother cuts a small strand of hair on the top of the head with a cross, and then the baby’s hair is cut off. Prepare a special envelope or storage box for the first strand.

Don’t forget to make a print of the child’s foot/hand: it will be interesting to compare the prints with those made after discharge from the maternity hospital. These prints can be framed and made into a painting.

You can find out in advance about the fate of the baby on this holiday. To do this, place several objects on the table: money, a book, and others. If a child wants to touch a book, he will study well. If a child wants to touch bills and coins, he will be rich. Select the remaining items by association. This fortune telling can be included in the script for the day of the angel.

Making gifts

What should be a gift for a 1 year old child? What to give to a boy, what to give to a baby? For a boy/girl you can give:

  • cubes for learning the alphabet;
  • bright picture books;
  • interactive toys;
  • smart clothes.

You can also give gifts to the parents of the birthday boy:

  • for mom - a beautiful bouquet;
  • for dad - a family photo album with a family tree.

Of course, a one-year-old boy/girl will not be able to appreciate the significance of this day and the gifts given, so all gifts must be made and given after agreement with the parents.

In order for your baby’s birthday to start and end happily, you must adhere to these recommendations:

  1. Invite a photographer for a photo shoot or arrange filming with a relative/friend.
  2. Do not show the hero of the occasion all the gifts: he will want to play with all the toys at once, and the holiday will be ruined by the whims of the birthday boy. It is better to give a present while the baby is not looking.
  3. For the birthday boy’s little guests, prepare a special play area: it should be as large and comfortable as possible for crawling.
  4. Remove any sharp, traumatic or valuable objects from the children’s visibility in advance: the environment should be as safe as possible for one-year-old children.
  5. Remember that a one-year-old baby periodically needs peace: from time to time, take the baby to a quiet room so that he can be alone with his mother.
  6. Designate a special place for baby guests and their mothers to change diapers and breastfeed.
  7. Keep all pets in a separate room for the duration of the celebration.

How to celebrate the first name day, what to give the child and what competitions to hold? You should prepare for this important event in advance. If the baby is sick, you can celebrate the name day later. Remember that noisy games and competitions can tire the baby, so keep a close eye on him mental state. Also remember that you cannot give gifts in advance!

Important! It is unacceptable to hold a noisy holiday if the child has recently been vaccinated!

Many parents want to celebrate their baby’s first birthday in an original way so that both the baby and the guests will enjoy the holiday. Of course, the approach to preparing and holding such a celebration can be radically different.

Some people simply try to observe the traditions and customs associated with the baby’s anniversary, while others like the ideas themed parties with original paraphernalia, cool treats and fun entertainment.

For those who have decided to organize a grandiose first birthday of a child, we offer a detailed plan for preparing for the event. It can be adjusted to suit your ideas, but the general principle will help you not to miss any little things that could subsequently upset your parents.

First birthday: 2 months before the holiday

Yes, yes, exactly 2 months in advance you need to start preparatory activities.

Some leave the items proposed in the plan until the last minute and end up facing insoluble problems that cannot be solved a couple of days before the holiday.

  • We determine the date of the holiday.

It is customary to set the date of the holiday on the day the baby was born.

But if it falls on a working day, you can postpone the celebration to the next weekend.

According to folk signs Birthdays are not celebrated in advance.

Therefore, even if the date falls on Monday, you should not postpone the celebration to the Sunday preceding it.

  • Make a guest list.

It is advisable to agree with the invitees on the date of the holiday and the possibility of their presence at the celebration.

Perhaps someone is planning a business trip or personal business on the date you have chosen.

Be sure to check how many children will be with adults.

This information will influence the entire further process of preparing for the holiday.

  • Decide on the location of the holiday.

If you planned to spend your baby's first holiday at home, start collecting ideas for decorating the room and table.

When the decision was made in favor of a restaurant, cafe, children's entertainment center, call the selected organizations and make a reservation for a specific date.

Believe me, if the date falls during the season of weddings, graduations in kindergartens, schools, finding a place in the last days will be problematic.

  • Order animators, photo or video shooting.

It is better to agree with the holiday organizers in advance so that there is time to agree on all the nuances.

If you decide to take on such events, find out where you can rent suitable equipment.

Child 1 year old: 1.5 months before the celebration

Time flies inexorably, and there is less and less time left for serious preparation.

Moreover, mothers, who usually take on such worries themselves, are distracted by household chores and caring for the baby.

Therefore, we don’t put it off until later, but every day we carry out one item from the proposed plan:

  • We decide on the theme of the holiday.

It is the chosen topic that will help determine further actions related to room decoration, gifts and outfits.

And let someone think that at 1 year old it is not so important for a child whether he is dressed as a bee or a sailor.

You can choose a truly unusual, well-worn theme that will emphasize the parents’ love for the baby.

  • We buy or order an outfit for a child.

Definitely, the purchase is simple beautiful dress or a suit for the baby will not be a problem. But if you want to dress up your princess in the outfit of May the bee or the little mermaid, and the boy as a cowboy or sea robber, you will have to think about how to make such an outfit or where you can buy or order it.

If you order online, it may take a month or a month and a half for delivery. Also take into account the pitfalls of ordering online: what if the size doesn’t fit or you simply don’t like the outfit when you put it on your baby.

  • We draw up a wish list and decide on a gift for the baby from the parents.

The gift list will make it easier for your relatives and friends to choose gifts.

We won’t talk about the same type of gifts or simply their uselessness. Of course, it is foolish to expect that the cost of donated items will justify the costs of preparing for the holiday. But it's worth ordering.

It’s a good idea to coordinate gifts with close relatives, such as grandparents, aunts, and uncles.

After all, they can give a rather expensive item together.

  • We make advance purchases.

A week before the holiday, you can buy canned goods, non-perishable foods, drinks, and alcohol.

Child's first birthday: 2 - 3 days left until 1 year

The most emotionally intense days.

You can already feel the approach in the air holiday. The soul is solemn and exciting.

After all, this is the baby’s first holiday and mothers inevitably worry about how the child will react to such an event.

  • We check the readiness of the details.

If you have prepared a list in advance of what you want to see at the holiday and how you will decorate everything, it will not be difficult to check the readiness of paraphernalia, props, and gifts.

We collect all decorative elements in one place so as not to waste time searching at the last moment.

  • We post photo albums, wish books, CDs.

Relatives enjoy looking at photographs of the baby, as well as albums where parents recorded all the stages of the first year.

Therefore, do not deprive your relatives and friends of such pleasure.

Take them out of your closets in advance so you don't have to look for them at the last minute or in front of guests.

  • We bring beauty.

Don’t forget about your beloved self and set aside a few hours to visit the hairdresser and get a manicure.

We check all the outfits for the baby, mom and dad.

  • We make purchases of products according to the list, preparations.

Think about what meals you can prepare ahead of time.

Perhaps there are treats on the list that require marinating or allow you to make certain preparations.

This will relieve you of stress on the last day.

Tomorrow is 1st Birthday

Today is the final touches of preparation.

Therefore, we don’t get distracted by the little things, the things we didn’t have time to do, couldn’t do, or missed.

There is no time left for polishing. We cover only the important remaining stages.

  • Cleaning the house.

It is advisable to entrust this stage to your dad or sisters or brothers.

Believe me, they can handle superficial cleaning just fine without female guidance.

Of course, if you haven't planned to decorate your house on the eve of your birthday.

  • We take orders.

If you ordered a cake, gingerbread, collage, balloons or other props, it is on this day that you need to pick them up and bring them home or to the restaurant.

  • We are preparing treats.

We bake a cake if there is no custom baked goods in the plan, and we also prepare salads without dressing them with sauces, marinate meat, arrange sweets in flowerpots, and prepare soft drinks.

  • We check the charging and readiness of the equipment.

Charge your camera, camera, and phones.

It would be nice if there were spare batteries for such equipment.

We check the functionality of DVD, laptop, karaoke. Don't leave it for tomorrow.

And in case of unexpected breakdowns or malfunctions, you can still find a replacement.

  • We decorate the room.

It is advisable to leave this stage until after you put the child to bed.

Let such a holiday be a real surprise for him.

Happy first birthday

And now the holiday has come. After your baby wakes up, congratulate him on his birthday.

You can even give a toy or a bunch of helium balloons as a gift.

But don’t forget that parents are in the final stages of preparing for their 1st birthday.

It is advisable to share responsibilities on this day and invite close friends to help.

  • We prepare hot dishes and salads.

We finish preparing treats for guests, dress salads, prepare meat or fish dishes, decorate sandwiches and snacks.

We arrange the dishes in flowerpots, salad bowls, glasses and be sure to decorate with prepared toppers.

  • We are finishing the preparation of the room, courtyard, table, candy bar.

This is the work that assistants or ideological inspirers can do.

Moreover, installing a table, benches, and hanging garlands will require male help. But it’s better to do the serving yourself or entrust it to a lady whom you can trust with such an important process.

Everything is ready for the holiday. We dress up the baby and welcome the guests.

Happy birthday!

Have fun from the heart and don’t think about the fact that you didn’t have time to do something and suddenly the invitees don’t like something. But if you think that this is where your responsibilities are completely exhausted, then you are deeply mistaken. After all, not only will parents have to control the entire process, but there is also cleaning ahead.

A week after the holiday

The holiday is left behind. Wonderful memories and wonderful photos and videos remind us of him. Share your joy with friends and family.

Why not gather for tea and watch the holiday footage.

And be sure to send all the holiday participants your best interesting photos and video from the first birthday.

As you can see, preparing for your first birthday is not an easy and lengthy process.

But, believe me, if you approach him wisely, he will not be able to turn your life into a series of problems and bustle. And the holiday itself will truly be unforgettable.

Video: DIY preparation for 1st birthday