How to make jeans narrower. How to turn wide jeans into fashionable skinny jeans. These eternal jeans

An outdated style of jeans can be turned into a fashionable one, especially if we are talking about a narrow cut, which has just now become relevant. And you can do this at home, you only need basic sewing skills, a sewing machine and desire.

First you need to turn your old trousers inside out and put them on yourself. Usually, skinny jeans They always fit tight, so try to stretch the material a little on the sides. Determine the area to be cut; it can be marked using regular pins. To do this, secure the material along the entire required length. Then carefully remove the jeans so that the pins do not fall out and you do not get hurt. After this, you need to draw a line along the pin markings using a pencil and ruler.

Experienced seamstresses already at this stage they can begin directly sewing on a machine. And for those who do not have much experience, you must first sweep by hand, gradually pulling out the pins.

After that you can scribble. During the process, try to maintain an even line of stitching, take your time and do it carefully. When you stitch the jeans along the intended line, you need to cut off the excess, leaving a couple of centimeters at the edges. To process the edge, you will need a special machine or simply a more modern model to sew with an overlock or zigzag. That's it, the jeans are ready! And they are no worse than those sold in stores, and the money that would have been required to buy a “new thing” remains with you.

There is another way to turn old jeans into trendy ones. It is suitable for those who already have fashionable jeans narrow cut. In this case, you won't have to waste time trying it on. You just need to attach the skinny jeans to the old ones and trace their outline. Well, then we should repeat the points described above - sweep and stitch on a typewriter.

By the way, by stitching not once, but twice, you can ensure that the seam is stronger.

Another problem that can arise with jeans is that they are too long. It is clear that girls and young people of small stature suffer the most from this, since models of average length legs As a result, many are ready to buy jeans that are even too long and then give them to a tailor, just to replenish their wardrobe and not have to worry about choosing the model of trousers that would fit perfectly.

But you don’t have to immediately give your purchase to a craftsman for him to hem it. This can be done completely independently. There is absolutely nothing complicated: you need to put on jeans, mark a line along which you can then cut the fabric. At the same time, it is important not to forget to step back a few centimeters from the intended line in order to tuck the jeans and sew the edges using a typewriter.

It will take no more than one hour to hem your jeans yourself. But the money that would have to be spent on paying for the work of a master in the studio will be saved. And the quality, of course, with due diligence, will be no worse than that of a professional. If you are afraid of ruining your jeans and don’t know the basic rules of working with a sewing machine, it is better to take the item to a workshop.

Skinny jeans look ultra-modern and sexy on guys and girls. They perfectly emphasize the slimness and length of the legs. In order to acquire such a fashionable wardrobe item, you don’t have to run to a boutique. It’s quite possible to change yours old model. Tips on how to narrow your jeans at home will help you do this.

How to narrow jeans at home

Skinny jeans: do it yourself

If you have old jeans lying around at home that have already gone out of fashion, they can be given a second life. In order to alter them, you will need:

Sewing machine with overlock function.

Special chalk for marking.

Large tailor's scissors that can cut thick fabric.

Threads that match the color of your jeans.

Iron and ironing board.

Centimeter or long ruler.

The easiest way to change the shape of the legs is at the inner seams, since there is decorative stitching on the outer seams.

First of all, you should rip the bottom of each pant leg. Bent seams must be smoothed with an iron. If it does not straighten well, you can use the steaming function. Turn your jeans inside out.

To give the jeans the desired shape, it is best to use a template. Leggings that fit you are perfect for this. Simply attach them to your jeans and outline them with chalk. Otherwise, you will have to check the required dimensions based on the parameters of your legs.

Sew along the marked chalk line using a sewing machine. After this, set aside about a centimeter from the resulting seam and draw a line with chalk. The result will be an allowance. Remove excess fabric with scissors.

Overcast the seam allowance using an overlock stitch.

The resulting seams must be carefully ironed. In this case, direct the seam allowance to the back of the leg

At the final stage it is necessary to process the bottom of the jeans. To do this, fold the sections of each pant leg at the same height. Baste the seam allowances. After which the bottom can be stitched on a typewriter. In this case, choose a stitch width of about 0.4 cm. If you want the stitching to be tight, you can use double thread. Some models sewing machines have special stitches for finishing denim.

This way you can easily and quickly make your own skinny jeans, for men or women. This stylish wardrobe item can be successfully combined with various T-shirts or tank tops. And your image will become unique!

Even if you are the happy owner of a super-standard figure, you've probably at least once had to wonder: how to sew jeans? And we are not talking about those cases when the item was purchased in the wrong size. It happens that it is difficult to choose tight-fitting pants for thin legs. It happens that the model is not satisfied with the width of the trousers. And there is also such a thing that jeans fit perfectly, but at the waist they are a little bulging, the reason for this is the features of the figure.

So, if you don’t know how to do things at home, that’s not a reason to take them to the studio. They charge so much for such a service that it’s easier to buy new ones. It's decided! We take out a sewing machine, thread, tailor's chalk, scissors and tailor's pins (those with round heads).

That depends on the space we want to reduce. This can be done in three places - in the back of the waistband, on the sides and at the bottom of the trouser leg.

The first case is “yours”, if you have a strong arch in the lower back, then even the tightest jeans bulge a little at the back of the waist. To get rid of this defect, we take the following steps. We rip the back seam, cut the belt lengthwise, first opening the belt loop (belt loop). Before ripping, you need to measure how many extra centimeters you need to remove. We divide these centimeters by two and draw on each side with chalk how much needs to be removed. The line goes from top to bottom, gradually disappearing towards the end. Before cutting off excess fabric, measure how many centimeters are taken for allowances on the left and right (usually these are different values).

So, the excess fabric is cut off, according to the measured allowances we combine the parts, baste, stitch, bend inward b O larger allowance, sew. Turn it right side out.

We cut off the excess fabric from the belt, sew the belt, and sew the belt loop back. Ready! Jeans are sewn on the sides using the same principle. Naturally, only the side seams are ripped out and the belt is cut on the sides. Cut off excess fabric and sew again side details and belt, return the belt loops to their place.

Also, the question of how to sew jeans into trouser legs is not very difficult. For example, if you have flared jeans, but you really want skinny ones! Of course, if you have rapper jeans, sew them up or don’t sew them up - the panties won’t turn out to be clingy. The rest can be dealt with.

Before you skinny your jeans at home, put them on and stand in front of a mirror (it’s better to have an assistant). Using tailor's pins, we carefully pin down the places that we would like to remove. This must be done on the front side. It is enough, however, to pin only one trouser leg and measure the second one according to it, otherwise there is a high risk of getting different widths.

After pinning, carefully remove the jeans, turn them inside out, and use tailor’s chalk to mark the pinning points on the wrong side. We remove the pins, draw a line for the future seam along the lines, it should be as even as possible. Next, we combine both trouser legs, pierce all layers of fabric through and through along the drawn line, and draw a cut line on the second trouser leg.

We cut off the excess, sew up the seams, stitch it on a machine, process the edges with a zigzag or overlock. turn it out, try it on. In general, it is very useful to try on the product several times during the process.

Now you know how to sew jeans at home. Go for it!

    You can only narrow your pants up to the knee area. And you shouldn’t narrow your trousers too much, as they will bunch up and be concave at the knee. There are two seams: step and side. It is not necessary to tape your jeans at both seams. The main thing in this matter is to correctly calculate how much excess fabric needs to be removed.

    Please note that jeans do not have to fit your legs perfectly, because you still have to walk, squat, run, etc. leave 1-2 centimeters just in case.

    To narrow your pants, you need to sew the excess part to the seam with a machine. Thus, apparently the old seam will remain, but it will become slightly thicker, and the width of the trousers will decrease.

    It seems to me that you can’t do this without scissors and cutting off excess fabric.

    First, open the trouser leg to the desired length on both sides (to the height where the tapering begins), then trim off the excess and stitch it with a machine.

    If you are not confident in your abilities, take it to a specialist.

    You can do this: put the trousers on inside out and see how much they need to be narrowed, secure them with pins in these places where the future seam will be, draw a line with chalk, cut off the excess part of the fabric, sew first by hand, and then sew by machine.

    If you want to make your own jeans to fit your figure or, in other words, make them narrower at home, then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the following simple steps.

    IN this issue The main thing is not to overdo it and ruin your jeans.

    The method I want to propose is very simple, it consists of three stages.

    1. Turn the trousers inside out and draw boundaries with chalk indicating how much we will cut the trousers, do not forget to leave 1-1.5 cm in reserve. An alternative is to place other trousers (of a suitable size) on top and outline the outline, using them as a template. The second option is generally a win-win.
    2. We sew on a sewing machine, using the longest (possible) stitch length. For what? If we made a slight mistake in the size, it will be easy to unravel and adjust.
    3. We put on our trousers and see how they fit on us; we should definitely walk around and squat. If everything is fine, you can finally flash it.
  • The video presents all the necessary sequence of actions required to narrow your jeans. First, it is enough to pick up the bottom seam, only at the inside of the trousers, which will be stitched again.

    Pants are trousers, but with jeans it’s a little more complicated, as a rule, they have either an external or crotch seam stitched with a double stitch. In this case, you need to rip the hem at the bottom, open the double finishing stitch (and open it higher, so that you can easily narrow the seam from the inside ) From the inside out, draw a line for the new seam with chalk (keep in mind that the back panel of the trousers should be about 2 cm wider than the front panel). Then stitch, cut off the excess fabric, overcast, iron and again put a double stitch on top of the seam, trying to match the threads to match. A little secret: as a rule, jeans are stitched with a thick contrasting thread and so that your stitching is not very different from the factory one, then put a spool of suitable thread, unwind a fairly long tail from the spool, fold it in half and pull the folded thread into the needle. Sew like this. The needle should also be thick (100-110). In this case, your stitching will look more noticeable and embossed. By the way, don’t forget that the hem seam at the bottom is quite thick, especially in the places of the side seams. So if you’re not sure that your machine can handle such a thickness, it’s better not to start. Otherwise, at best, you risk getting unsightly gaps in the stitching, and at worst, you’ll simply break the needle. In any case, on particularly thick areas, turn the wheel manually, slightly pulling the fabric away from you with your hand. Of course, you can’t do without a certain skill here, especially for branded jeans made of high-quality denim.

    I see only one solution to your problem - to alter it. But if your hands grow a little from where they need to be, for such an operation you can take it to a studio. And if you don’t really mind, then you can cut it, hem the edge a little and make beautiful breeches - here the flight of your imagination, you want to sew lace on the pockets, or make a shiny insert, in general, be creative)

    Tapering trousers and jeans at the bottom at home is quite possible and not so difficult.

    To narrow your jeans, you need to iron them thoroughly and turn them inside out:

    Now measure how much you want to narrow, but don't forget to leave extra fabric for seams and hems. After you have decided on the amount of narrowing, draw a line along the set points with soap or chalk:

    1) You need to measure the narrowest part of your leg - and make a size that is comfortable for you + extra;

    3) And measure the top point from which you will begin narrowing.

    Mark these three points and connect them under a ruler. Then you wind it. Trim off the excess and sew on the machine.

    In this case, the bottom of the pants will have to be unraveled and hemmed again.

    And here is another form of a master class:

    Tapering existing trousers is fairly easy. To do this, you need to rip the bottom of the trousers, then turn the trousers inside out and mark how much and from where, in height, you will stitch. Make an outline, put it on and see if you are satisfied with the option. If everything suits you, we sew it on the machine according to the basting, and hem the bottom.

As you know, our figure is prone to change; we can lose weight or gain weight. But the things we wear, unfortunately, do not change. When our figure changes, we have to go to the store and update our wardrobe, which leads to additional expenses. Or, for example, you’re tired of your favorite jeans and want to change their style, make them more fashionable. Then you can take the jeans to be altered in a studio, but you will have to pay the master for the work. There is another option - alter your jeans yourself.

DIY fashionable leggings

I have these jeans, and it seems like a shame to throw them away, especially since I recently made decorative holes on them.

I wrote in this article how to make holes in jeans. But they didn’t suit me in terms of width, and then I decided to make them narrower to make fashionable leggings out of them.

How to sew jeans so that they look stylish and fashionable, I will now share with you about this.

You will need:
Sewing machine
Tailor's scissors
Tailor's chalk
Tailor's needles
Iron and ironing board
Special pad or sleeve block
Threads in denim color
Threads in the color of the finishing stitch
Machine needle No. 100
Ruler or measuring tape

I will tape the jeans along the inner seams of the legs (instep), since these jeans have finishing stitches along the side seams.

Let's get to work!

First you need to open the bottom of the jeans, since the bottom of the jeans will also be tapered.

Then iron the hem allowances with a steam iron to avoid creases.
At the same time, iron the inside seams (instep) on both legs.

How to sew jeans?

After the trouser legs were ironed, I took my old denim leggings (the model of which suited me) and traced the desired shape of the jeans along them.

Then I folded the trouser legs in half and transferred the chalk line to the second trouser leg using tailor's pins. Connect the splitting points with pins on the side of the second trouser leg using chalk lines.

Remove the pins and machine stitch along the chalk lines on both legs using threads that match the color of the fabric. Next, mark an allowance of 1.5 cm from the stitching line on the trouser legs with a ruler or measuring tape and cut off the excess with scissors.

Overcast the seam allowances with threads matching the color of the fabric on the side of the front halves of the trouser legs. Press the finished seams with an iron onto the back halves of the trousers. To do this, you can use a special sleeve block, which is included with the ironing board, or a special pad that you can make yourself.

Processing the bottom of jeans

Process the bottom of the jeans; to do this, align the lower cuts on the trouser legs. The bottom of the jeans will be finished with a hem seam with a closed cut, so we need to mark the allowance along the bottom of 3.0-4.0 cm.

We select threads for processing the bottom in the color of the finishing stitch. Fold the bottom along the chalk line, stitch with front side finishing threads, stitch width 0.4 cm.

I recorded a video on how to hem jeans correctly.

Attention! To make the finishing stitch dense, you can thread two spools of the same color into the top thread so that the thread is double, then the stitch will be more expressive. This is the case if there are no special finishing threads for denim. You can put threads in the shuttle that match the color of the fabric, there is a single thread.
After you have processed the bottom of both trouser legs, you need to iron the finishing stitch with an iron, using a pad or sleeve block. This is what should happen.

DIY fashionable leggings are ready! As you have seen for yourself, there is nothing complicated about how to sew jeans. You just need to put in a little effort, time and desire. Thanks to this, you will have not new, but fashionable jeans in your wardrobe. Why throw away old jeans if you can give them a second life and yourself good mood and many new ideas.