Candy-bouquet period in a relationship. How to extend the “candy-bouquet” period Candy-bouquet

It cannot be said unequivocally that in this period of the relationship there should be ten dates, during which three bouquets, seven boxes of chocolates should be given, five cafes, two cinemas, three restaurants and five parks should be visited. Each girl defines for herself the expected framework of the candy-bouquet period.

Candy-bouquet period - state of mind

If people like each other, then one or two dates may pass, after which the girl will want to make love with such a man who is attractive to her. At the same time, if a man is adequate, there will be no condemnation on his part, which is something that many girls secretly fear. Moreover, but this also depends on specific people, the candy-bouquet period does not have to end after the first night spent together. After all, this clumsy concept is simply a special period in the relationship between a man and a woman, when it is already clear that this person is “yours” in terms of emotions, feelings, similar cultural baggage, but still a lot is unknown about him, and every time you think about it a person is accompanied by a flash of tenderness or even euphoria.

Don't think that a girl who prefers to have sex after the first or second date is flawed or poorly educated. Most often, this line of behavior is a conscious choice.

With all this, sometimes the candy-bouquet period can last for several months, while sexual attraction may not arise between people. Moreover, it often does not arise in a girl in relation to a man, when she sees in her boyfriend only a friend, but not a man. In this case, it is very important to inform him in time that there are no romantic feelings. Otherwise, continuing the relationship in a candy-bouquet manner is simply unethical. Don't give false hope again.

Arithmetic mean period

Both options, of course, are extremes.

Despite the fact that the period is called the “candy-bouquet period,” few girls like to be given flowers before a date, since problems often arise with where to put this bouquet.
On average, the candy-bouquet period lasts from several weeks to a couple of months, during which time people get to know each other, develop sympathy and trust, and set the necessary accents and priorities. It is best not to force such a period, but not to delay it either. That is why you should not visit bars and pubs during this period, since under the influence of alcohol, wrong decisions can be made, which you can greatly regret later.

The candy-bouquet period is considered to be the beginning of any relationship. The stage when a girl is stunned by the attention from a man. Male representatives continually shower their beloved with gifts, flowers, compliments, trips to restaurants, cafes, cinemas, theaters. In their arsenal there are thousands beautiful ways How to win the heart of your beloved. A period that all women love so much, and then remember with sadness when it begins in a relationship. new stage, as a rule, not so romantic, more everyday and down-to-earth.

It’s difficult for women to come to terms with the fact that endless signs of attention have disappeared somewhere, there are fewer affectionate words, and the beloved gives bouquets of flowers only on holidays. Involuntarily, thoughts begin to arise in your head that your lover has lost interest in you. But you shouldn’t make hasty conclusions; most likely, the candy-bouquet period in your relationship has come to an end. Using feminine tricks, it is quite possible to prolong a wonderful stage; moreover, you can make it so that it does not end at all. How to bring this to life? Follow 6 rules that will help bring back the old romance in your relationship.

1. Start with yourself. If you want the candy-bouquet period not to end, then you should take the initiative. Most women are accustomed to believing that surprises and other signs of attention should come exclusively from a man, but this is not so. Surprise your loved one pleasant surprise. Organize the unexpected romantic dinner at home by candlelight or a picnic in nature, give tickets to a concert or theater, leave a nice note on the refrigerator. Show your imagination, your significant other will really like it.

2. Thank the man. Having given a gift, he expects positive emotions from the chosen one. Don't deny him this pleasure. Let him know that you really liked the surprise, thank and praise your man. It is likely that he will want to see the sparkle in his beloved’s eyes again as soon as possible, and the surprises will be repeated.

3. Be worthy. You shouldn’t turn from a luxurious, interesting woman into a house mouse. This does not mean at all that you should not do household chores, it only means that you need to be able to leave time for yourself for your loved one. A woman should try to make a man want to look after her, walk around beautiful places, and not just spend time in front of the TV in the evening. Any representative of the stronger sex wants to see a well-groomed and beautiful girl next to him.

4. Be interesting. A woman’s life should not be completely focused on a man; leave room for hobbies and hobbies. Find and read something new that you can tell your man about over dinner. Don’t stop surprising him, it’s not for nothing that they say that “a woman should have a mystery.” Open up to your loved one from new sides, this is the sure way to ensure that your relationship does not lose its former fire.

5. Develop relationships. Let them not stand still. Find a new common activity, go on vacation, do some renovations, get a pet, in a word, anything to avoid falling into a routine.

6. Speak. At dinner, before bed, while walking with your child, do not forget to ask about the affairs of your significant other, his successes, troubles, joys and anxieties. Talk about what's bothering you. If it seems to you that your relationship has cooled, do not be afraid to subtly hint about it to your loved one; together you will probably find a way out.

The candy-bouquet period is not just an initial stage, but a feature of your relationship, which, with a little effort, can be preserved until old age together.

Any story of a relationship between a M and a F begins with an acquaintance. It can be fabulous, romantic, boring, memorable, or inducing a desire for partial amnesia - the first date can often be the last. How the plot will develop in the future: whether it will turn into a love affair or end with a friendly song, as a rule, becomes clear after the end of the first meeting. And if it turns out that you want to meet each other again, then get your tickets ready and go on an incredibly interesting and exciting "LOVE TOUR".
Candy-bouquet period.

Everyone can imagine what it is! But few people can describe in words, much less predict the course of events, because this is practically impossible, and acting “on paper” does not work in most cases. IN modern world, courtship methods can be varied. The main thing is that they achieve the desired goal.

And now all the signs are on your face: an exciting, unpredictable period that makes your hearts beat faster, a flying gait, an indelible smile, a sparkling gaze and thoughts about only one thing - about the next meeting: to see, hear, feel. It would seem that, being in a state of euphoria, nothing matters! But here, dear friend, you may encounter some difficulties:

How to avoid awkward pauses and hesitations? Your thoughts flow in an endless stream, you begin to confuse your words! Embarrassment?! Oh yeah! The first signs that you, my friend, are interested in impressing your better half!


It is necessary to intrigue the interlocutor with something, to arouse his genuine interest! Think about all your hobbies, ask your partner about them! We are looking for common ground!

Not just about myself. I understand that you are still a talker, but it is necessary to give the person the opportunity to speak, carefully remember the answers. “Be careful! His name is Lesha, not Sasha!”

Do not interrupt. Make eye contact when speaking. Didn't your mother teach you this as a child?

There are some topics that should be avoided when talking. Nowadays, everything is open to discussion; you should understand from the conversation yourself what kind of jungle you shouldn’t crawl into! Remember: there is a time and place for everything.

Positive. It’s worth talking about what you like; even grandmothers on the tram can complain about life and life, and you have a date.

Mat. I'm not talking about a move on a board of 64 squares, I'm talking about obscene language! Let's rule it out!

Are you a comedian? Don't go overboard with the jokes, this soup can cause indigestion!

Our brain is built in such a way that we idealize our other half. Both the guy and the girl may have some complexes, which will make them feel a little tense.

Remember, the higher the expectations for an event, the higher the likelihood of crushing disappointment. Reinforced concrete! There were no exceptions! Relax, put the “what” and “how” questions out of your head, and enjoy the communication!

Meeting point
You are faced with a seemingly simple task: to plan your dates for two weeks. You won’t go to the movies with him/her every day. A plan is the key to the future development of your story! Nowadays there are a lot of different ways to spend time usefully.

Many guys like it when a girl takes the initiative and suggests where to go. But the right to invite to the next meeting should be left to the man.

If, after a wonderful date, saying goodbye and expressing his sincere satisfaction with the past evening, he never wrote/called you again, forget it and move on. But if, nevertheless, the next day you receive an invitation to a meeting, think and share your thoughts with him. Or maybe he will pleasantly surprise you by inviting you to a “spleen” concert, because he remembers how you spoke about their work.


Movie. BUT! At the first meetings, you should not go to the cinema, two hours of film, in a room full of people, conversations will be reduced to a minimum, and you still know so little about each other! Or maybe you have the opportunity to take it to the Kinoparking, where you can use the comfort of the private space of your car?

Picnic. Just don’t think about inviting her to breakfast, the girl may misinterpret your train of thought. A blanket, a basket of fruit, a bottle of wine, ah...romance. Just don't forget to look at the thermometer!

Theater. An excellent opportunity to understand the tastes of your chosen one! Or maybe it will be a circus?

Tea room. These Chinese teas, soft pillows, pleasant music, the atmosphere will allow you to be more relaxed, just what you need!

Sport. You found out that your girlfriend is a fan of your favorite football team! Forward! Crowds of fans, charged air and a lot of emotions!

Horseback riding. Moderately extreme, moderately romantic. What girl would refuse the opportunity to ride a horse next to... well, one might say, the prince. And all the ingredients are in place, why not the prince?

Aquapark. Girls, you have the opportunity to show yourself in all your glory in this damp, cold season!

Night walks in the urban area! There is an opportunity to learn a lot of new things about each other. We are all mostly visual people, we perceive information in the form of visual images. There will be something to focus your attention on, which will give impetus to the development of any topic.

And remember, the number of ideas put forward is limited only by your imagination!

You always want to surprise your loved one, be it a gift or a place where you invite your potential soul mate! But suddenly, you find emptiness in your wallet!

70% of men surveyed indicated a lack of funds as the main difficulty during the candy-bouquet period! And it seems to be a universally recognized fact that even if a girl says that she doesn’t need anything, she is still waiting for something! And she will be happy with any little thing from you, toffee or mink coat!

Here you need to use your wits, there are many ways to arrange a surprise without spending countless treasures!

And so, note to you guys: 20% of girls pointed to the same reason! Let me explain! Agreeing to go somewhere with a guy, without knowing either him or his intentions, the girl will need to have a certain amount with her. She wouldn't want to get into an awkward situation where you only buy one movie ticket! Yes, and you will have to pay for the taxi with something if suddenly there is a reason to leave you as quickly as possible!

Sparkling eyes are the beginning of an inexplicably high feeling, and the touch of a palm is the soaring of thoughts even higher!
At first, there may and should be tactile contact, but not overstepping the boundaries. Of course, the girl may not be able to resist under the influence of your charms, but you shouldn’t be so assertive at the first meeting. Showing excessive initiative can push away or lead to a different development of relationships.

It’s worth taking a closer look at the girl and choosing the right tactics of behavior. And when access to the body is open, act as your desire tells you!

“Tomorrow the project is due, the boss will tear me to pieces!”, “Today we are getting together with our girlfriends, this is our tradition!”, “I’m sick, I have a fever, I’m weak, but I won’t leave the house!” - well, this can still be understood. But... “I’m so tired, now I only need a bed,” “I should go to the store, buy new shoes, otherwise I’m tired of the previous twenty-two pairs,” - and a ton of other reasons that cannot be considered valid!

When you should be ready to spend 25 hours a day with the person you love, are you suddenly consumed by the routine of everyday affairs? And not only you, but also your half? Regularly canceling dates without a good reason is infuriating. Still: if during the candy-bouquet period you cannot find time for it, what should you expect next?

- If you feel tired, get some sleep before the meeting, think about it in advance!

Eat fruits, take vitamins! If you go for a walk and it’s below zero outside, put on a hat, otherwise you’ll end up with a sore throat tomorrow! You have chickenpox.. hmm.. it’s better to stay at home - it’ll pass for a good reason!

There is a rush at work and the bosses are committing atrocities, no one has canceled planning yet! Come to work early, waste less time on idle chatter with colleagues, and have time to get more done!

You've already met with your friends a thousand times, and you've already gone to the gym three times this week! Think about it! Perhaps you can skip it once or twice and change your regimen! How often do we then say: “Everything went wrong, it would be better if I canceled everything and we met with you”!

The eternal question: “To call or not?” How often lately have we encountered the fact that people are afraid to show their emotions, to show their feelings. But it’s tempting to write some pointless SMS. It seems like you just said goodbye, but you want to see each other again, then the phone or the Internet comes to the rescue, where you can continue the ended date.

- Call as much as you like, but only if you’ve already had a couple of successful dates!

If you are the chosen one, suddenly don’t answer, don’t put your phone in auto-dial mode! He will call back himself. He's just busy. It’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon, he’s at work, and as soon as he’s free, you’ll hear his voice.

Concentration. Don’t be distracted by your girlfriend when you’re talking to him on the phone; if he called at the wrong moment, it’s better to call back as soon as the right moment arrives.

Repetitions. You shouldn’t tell a lot of stories about yourself on the Internet or over the phone; think about it, you exhaust your supply of stories when you meet in person.

Not only does our condition affect our appearance, we can teach our consciousness to act vice versa. Attractive appearance will convey the picture to your condition. Remember, you always have good mood when you come from the hairdresser.

In turn, through outfits, you can express everything that you would like to make clear about yourself. And although many argue that appearance is not the main thing, nevertheless, it will initially either attract or repel.
And here, the girl may have a problem. Don't overdo it! Why did you put on shoes that you have never worn before? Now your only thoughts are about how your feet “hum.” Try to choose an outfit for the occasion, it is advisable that the clothes be comfortable; in a state of discomfort, you will not be able to completely plunge into the sea of ​​emotions.

Guys, don’t forget about some rules either: after training, don’t forget to take a shower, and an ironed T-shirt will still fit better. Shoes must be in perfect condition, girls pay attention to these kinds of little things.

BE YOURSELF. After all, if you present yourself differently, in the future it will become a surprise for your half and not necessarily pleasant.

Candy flowers! You can give flowers for no reason, and they will always make her happy and come in handy! Did you know that according to the rules of etiquette, you should not present a wrapped bouquet? Think about it, where will you give it? Then you’ll have to carry around with the bouquet.

It is not recommended to give animals as gifts. Still, just imagine where she will keep that beautiful dove that brought her news from you? At that moment you thought it was extremely romantic. But you had no time to think about the subsequent use and maintenance of the gift.

Girls, I hope it’s not news to you that men also enjoy receiving gifts! Just be careful with expensive “offerings”, it can offend a man, especially when he is not able to give you something of equal value.

It’s worth listening to each other, often your significant other talks about what they would really like.
And don't forget to give compliments!

"Stumbling block." You are inspired, you fly to meet her, and she only takes your desire for an opportunity to escape from previous relationship. And in order not to start playing with one goal, it’s worth taking a closer look. In this case, let her take the initiative, because your pressure will only push her away.

Remember that men do not start relationships with the idea that they will take you to the registry office. And he doesn’t need to know at all that you’re already choosing a dress for yourself!

And in conclusion!
Interesting fact, romantic love lasts just over a year, perhaps because the brain cannot maintain a state of romantic bliss forever. And the hardest thing is to admit that this period is over. But don’t worry here either, your relationship will just move to the next stage.

About the candy-bouquet and 6 more stages.

1. The candy-bouquet stage lasts approximately 18 months
When a man and woman meet each other and fall in love, their bodies produce certain hormones that help them perceive the world in bright colors. At this moment, everything about a person seems beautiful: appearance, voice, even character flaws seem amazing. The person seems to be in a state of drug intoxication. During this period, in no case should you make any fateful decisions, since the effect of this drug will sooner or later end, and everything will return to normal.

2. The next stage is satiety
The storm of feelings and emotions subsides, you begin to soberly assess the pros and cons of your partner. You begin to get used to each other, behave more naturally and relaxed.

3. Third stage - disgust
It is a must for any long-term relationship. During the disgust phase, quarrels begin, as if you are concentrating exclusively on each other's shortcomings. The easiest and at the same time worst way out is separation or divorce. What's bad about it? You will abandon a time-tested relationship and, in addition, you will soon enter the candy-bouquet stage with another partner, and everything will start all over again.

4. The next stage is patience.
Quarrels and disagreements between partners happen, but they are no longer so fatal, since both know that the quarrel will end and the relationship will be restored again. If partners make efforts to develop patience, then wisdom comes to them along with patience. This is the law of nature. So, at this stage, partners acquire wisdom.

5. The fifth stage is the stage of duty or respect. This is also the first stage of love!
In fact, before this there was no love yet. At this stage, each partner begins to think not about what is owed to him, but about what he himself should do for his loved one. Understanding one's responsibilities develops a person.

6. Stage six - friendship
You have truly become close and dear to each other. You trust each other like your closest friends. Friendship is a serious preparation for love.

7. Seventh stage – love
True love is not easy. It takes a very long time to get there. Love is learned through all kinds of life situations in long-term and intimate relationships. True love is not something that suddenly falls on your head, as is commonly believed. For true, adult love, a person matures, abandoning selfishness and prejudices.

People choose their husband or wife themselves. But to experience true love V family life, you need to get to know each other well, then make friends, and then fall in love. Many couples consider the first candy-bouquet period to be love. But as soon as the romance goes away and the rose-colored glasses fall off, the first difficulties, the first tests of the relationship begin. And someone thinks that love has passed.

Love has all the tastes: sweet and salty, tart and astringent, bitter and even sour. Devotion and patience are the main qualities of love. If you decide that “love is over” in your relationship, rest assured that it has not yet begun.

The most desirable and exciting time in a love relationship is the candy-bouquet period. It is obligatory to be present huge amount gifts and pleasant impressions, and this is an essential part of winning a woman’s heart. After all, when a man shows signs of attention, presents gifts, makes small surprises, then the woman begins to reciprocate. It is important to remember that this very pleasant period will end sooner or later, but this does not mean the end of the relationship itself - this is just its first stage.

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    What is the candy-bouquet period?

    The candy-bouquet period is the first stage in a relationship, starting with the acquaintance or first date of a man and a woman. At this moment the couple takes a step towards serious relationship, so such a period is almost always inevitable.

    Its difference lies in the fact that lovers strive to:

    • see each other as often as possible;
    • learn everything about each other;
    • make pleasant surprises;
    • become one.

    At the beginning of this period, the guy and the girl try to be close together all the time, because the couple is very interested in spending time together; As soon as they part, they begin to miss each other. It is during this period that the various gifts and surprises that a man gives come to the fore: a walk together, kisses and hugs.

    During the sweet-bouquet period of relationships, hormones are released into the brain that cause falling in love, awakening passion and sexual desire.

    A person does not have to make any effort to be attracted to a partner, although he often idealizes his lover. After all, at this time he seems better, good and kind, so the desire awakens for exclusively positive emotions, to help and give love and care.

    Many couples try to return this wonderful time, when the initial period of the relationship is left behind and the previous feelings are no longer felt, the increased attention to each other disappears. After some time, a man stops paying due attention to his companion and pleasing her with pleasant surprises. As a result, a woman’s feeling of boundless happiness disappears, so she stops taking full care of herself and forgets that she must always be beautiful for her loved one.

    When people do not realize that they were initially influenced by their own hormones, they begin to believe that the relationship faded along with the period of constant dating.

    Stages of the candy-bouquet period

    This period of relationships can be divided into several stages.


    At this stage, the couple begins to get to know each other from all sides. Both completely surrender to their feelings, feel happiness and joy when they are close and prepare surprises for each other. After the first meeting, the next one is immediately scheduled. At the same time, they don’t care where they meet and where they go - at these moments very little is needed for absolute happiness.

    It is not difficult to judge the transition to the next stage of the relationship: the woman herself begins to take the initiative regarding meetings and spending time together.


    At this time, it doesn’t matter who calls or writes first. There is no need to pay attention to the stereotype that a woman should not be imposed on. She has the right to be the first to invite her lover on a date or call to chat. This is natural and there is nothing wrong with it.

    But it’s worth controlling yourself a little. Otherwise, frequent calls and control can frighten and alienate a man. When your partner doesn't pick up the phone, it doesn't mean you need to call him a hundred times - he's busy and will call you back as soon as he can.


    In the previous stages, the couple always has enough time to get to know each other and summarize their own opinions. At the third stage, an important step is introducing the other half to friends. It is the social circle that allows you to fully get to know your partner, his hobbies and behavior with other people.

    Best behavior when meeting parents or friends - relaxed. Don't try to be better or pretend, because this always leads to disgust and disappointment when the whole truth comes out. When communicating with family and friends, it is important to show them respect and tolerance and try to get along.

    Sooner or later, the candy-bouquet period passes, and the relationship reaches a new level.


    The duration of such a period is on average 1-2 years. But for each couple, everything is individual: for some, the relationship reaches a dead end after a couple of months, while for others, such a manifestation of feelings still persists for many years, when the couple already becomes a full-fledged family.

    The year or two in which the first period of the relationship lasts is just an approximate figure. The main thing is that partners have a desire to support those mutual feelings, which brought them closer at the beginning of the novel. Then the relationship will be strong and long.

    The duration of this stage of the relationship depends on the initial ideas about your partner, which are always figurative. Many do not overcome the point when all the shortcomings, nuances of character and style of behavior become visible.

    To avoid such troubles and not be disappointed in your choice after a while, you should simply give each other more time. Throwing yourself into the pool headlong without really knowing anything about your partner is very dangerous. It's better to take a closer look and make sure own feelings.

    Further development of relations

    It is worth noting that after the candy-bouquet period, relationships cease to be so rosy. This indicates the onset of the next stage - satiety. At this time, hormones and feelings calm down slightly, a person begins to notice not only the positive qualities of the partner, but also the negative ones. A kind of mutual addiction arises. A more relaxed and uninhibited behavior would be appropriate.

    The transition to a new stage guarantees the beginning of the first quarrels and misunderstandings, when lovers begin to notice each other’s shortcomings more often. For this reason, many couples break up after the candy-bouquet period. But this is not a way out of the situation, because with a new acquaintance you will have to go through all the same steps as with the previous one.