Treat nails with folk remedies. The use of copper sulfate. Try home remedies

If your toenails or fingernails have turned yellow, greenish, or Brown color, pay attention to these natural remedies . They will help you get rid of for nail fungus at home.

Usually the fungus appears on the toes, but sometimes this trouble also affects the fingers. It is necessary to treat the fungus so that your nails become not only beautiful, but also healthy.

What is nail fungus?

The medical name for this disease is onychomycosis. However, in ordinary life we simply call it “nail fungus.” Most often it affects men. Typically, the fungus affects the big toe nail. Sometimes the fungus appears on the fingers - women experience this more often.

If the fungus affects one nail, it can easily spread to all the other nails of the same hand or foot. It can also move to the other arm or leg. The spread of infection from hands to feet and vice versa is a very rare case.

Often the reasons for the appearance of fungus lie in the environment. Too high humidity and air temperature, wearing closed shoes for a long time, long hours spent in the pool - all this can lead to fungal nail infections.

People who are constantly in contact with water are at risk, for example, when washing dishes or cleaning the house. People over 60 years of age who suffer from diabetes, have circulatory problems or weak immunity are also susceptible to the fungus.

Once the fungus invades the nail, it becomes rougher, thicker and yellowish in color. In some cases, the shade may be gray, black, green or brown. As the infection progresses, it affects the entire nail, and there is a risk that it will separate from the skin. The skin under the nail becomes red, swollen and itchy.

How to avoid the spread of nail fungus?

These tips will help you prevent foot fungus:

  • Don't wear it too much tight shoes and shoes made of synthetic materials.

The fungus loves a damp, dark and poorly ventilated environment. It is in it that he grows and develops best. In rainy weather, try to spend as little time as possible walking in wet (or even slightly damp) shoes.

Do not wear shoes made of materials that do not allow the skin to breathe, such as rubber boots. The best thing - leather shoes. If possible, it should have open areas (especially on the fingers).

  • Avoid walking barefoot in public places, such as gym or swimming pool showers.

If you do have to do this, wash and dry your feet thoroughly before putting on your shoes.

  • Do not cut your nails with someone else's scissors or clippers, neither within your family nor in a nail salon..

Use only personal tools and do not share them with anyone. If you have a fungus, do not cut the affected nails with the same scissors as healthy ones. Otherwise, you will help the infection spread and it will be difficult for you to get rid of for nail fungus at home. Regularly monitor and care for your nails.

  • Your socks should be 100% cotton, wick moisture and allow your skin to breathe.

As soon as they get wet (for example, during rain), sprinkle talcum powder on your feet as soon as possible and put on dry socks.

To prevent fungus from affecting your fingernails:

  • Use rubber gloves for washing dishes and floors and for washing clothes, that is, for all those actions that involve prolonged contact with water.
  • Do not use someone else's nail file, nippers or scissors.

Always use personal manicure tools. Also, do not confuse scissors and a file for damaged nails with tools for healthy ones.

  • Do not use the same towel as other people, and most importantly, don't bite your nails.

How to get rid of nail fungus at home?

Several homemade recipes based on lemon juice

  • Dip your nail in lemon juice or squeeze lemon directly onto the affected nail.
  • Add a finely chopped garlic clove, 3 drops of bleached iodine and 7 drops of lemon juice to the transparent varnish. Leave the mixture to sit for a week, and then cover the affected nail with one layer. The polish should last on the nail for 2 weeks. After this, you can remove it with nail polish remover.
  • Mix 1/2 cup castor oil with 7 drops of lemon juice and place your nails in the resulting mixture. Repeat the procedure for 6 weeks. After applying the mixture, thoroughly wash and dry your feet (or hands).

Other recipes to help get rid of nail fungus at home

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil with 3 drops of tea tree oil and apply this mixture to the affected nail every other day for 20 days.
  • Pour a cup of apple cider vinegar into a container (such as a basin) filled with water. Immerse your feet in water for about 20 minutes. Then dry as best you can. To dry your fingers, you can use a hairdryer on medium heat.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon olive oil with 3 drops essential oil oregano and apply this mixture to the affected nail every day for 3 weeks.
  • Take 1 glass of water, add 5 cloves of garlic and boil the mixture. Pour it into a convenient container and wait for it to cool to a warm temperature. Place your feet in the water for at least 15 minutes so that your nails are completely covered with water. Then dry them thoroughly. Repeat the procedure for 4 weeks.
  • Mix baking soda with water until you get a homogeneous mixture. Using a cotton pad, apply this mixture to your nails. If possible, treat your nails from the inside so that the soda touches the skin. After a few minutes, rinse and dry your nails.
  • Boil 2 cups of water with 3 tablespoons of thyme for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat, cover the liquid with a lid and leave to cool. Soak a cotton pad in the broth and treat your nails with it. This will allow you to get rid of nail fungus at home.

Illustrations: Quinn Dombrowski, Randen Pederson, Rhonda, adrian 8_8, Toshiyuki IMAI

Which we will try to cure using folk remedies at home. Onychomycosis is an infectious disease that affects people of different age categories. In the early stages, it is accompanied by peeling and deformation of the nails, and the appearance of cracks. Over time, it can contribute to the development of other diseases and the spread of infection to internal organs.

Treatment of toenail fungus with folk remedies

Drug treatment is prescribed after a preliminary examination, since the nature of the infection can be different. TO surgical intervention resort very rarely, although with modern equipment The operation is quick and painless. There are also many ways to self-treat fungus of the hands, feet and nails folk remedies

Treatment of toenails and fingernails with iodine

Treatment of toenails and fingernails with iodine is one of the most common and effective methods. The fungus has a protein structure, the iodine solution, in turn, causes the coagulation of microelements and their death.

Method 1. Apply a drop of five percent iodine to the problem nail twice a day. A cotton swab or swab is used as an improvised means, which will help the drug penetrate under the plate. Preventive measures to combat infection involve reducing the dosage and one-time daily use.

Method 2. The second method is to steam your feet in boiling water with added iodine for 10 minutes. After this, the infected part of the nail is cut off and treated with antibacterial ointment.

Already after a week of procedures, itching is felt in the treated areas, which indicates the retreat of the fungus. If itching appears earlier or is expressed by a strong burning sensation, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of iodine and the frequency of use of the prescription.

Treatment of nails with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide solution is an excellent antibacterial and prophylactic agent, including it is used to combat toenail fungus. It has no contraindications for both internal and external use.

Method 1. First, the feet are steamed in a solution of a liter of hot water and a teaspoon of soda. A piece of cotton wool is cut off, soaked in hydrogen peroxide and fixed to the steamed infected nail for 40-60 minutes. To prevent the drug from evaporating, the finger is wrapped in plastic film. If a burning sensation is felt after removing the bandage, rinse the nail with cold water. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day.

Method 2. The diseased nail is lubricated for a week with a mixture of three percent vinegar and three percent hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions. After the procedure, the feet are dipped in bleach and water for a minute, then simply rinsed.

Treatment with garlic

The natural product contains bactericidal substances - phytoncides, which prevent the spread of infection and eliminate fungus. It is enough to chop a clove of garlic and rub it into the problem area until there is a strong burning sensation. For elimination unpleasant odor the finger is washed with vinegar.

Treatment with celandine

Treatment with celandine is an excellent opportunity to limit yourself from expensive treatment.

Method 1. Dried celandine is crushed and mixed with alcohol tincture of iodine. The resulting paste is applied to the area of ​​the problematic nail and fixed with polyethylene. After 20 minutes, the bandage is removed, and the pulp is removed with a swab or cotton swab. It is not advisable to wet the nail for the next 2-3 hours. If you use the recipe daily, the infection will subside within a week.

Method 2. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed celandine is poured into 0.5 liters of water and brought to a boil. Steaming your feet daily for 20-25 minutes in the prepared broth will give the desired result within a week.

Method 3. Freshly squeezed juice from celandine leaves is mixed with medical alcohol and kept in a dark place for 24 hours. Before treating the nail with the tincture, the feet are steamed in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. The compress is kept for 30 minutes until the drug has completely evaporated. Daily use will help the fungus disappear within a week.

Kombucha treatment

To begin with, the infected area is treated with an ointment containing salicylic acid. Then sour kombucha is applied to the nail and fixed with a bandage and plastic wrap overnight. In the morning, the nail will soften, which will facilitate its removal. A one-time compress will give the desired result only in the early stages of infection; in other cases, the procedure is repeated several times.

Apple cider vinegar treatment

Treatment with apple cider vinegar consists of daily baths. It is enough to mix vinegar with warm water in equal proportions.

Method 1. Apple cider vinegar is mixed in vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio. The problematic nail and roller are treated with a piece of cotton wool dipped in the prepared liquid. The compress retains its fungal-destructive effectiveness for four hours, after which the bandage is removed. Using the recipe daily for 5 days will eliminate the problem.
Method 2. An infusion of crushed celandine with nine percent vinegar can fight even complex cases of fungus. The product is infused for a month (less is possible), then filtered and 5 tbsp is added to it. spoons of table salt. After using the infusion in the form of baths, the feet are allowed to dry in the usual way. The greatest effect is obtained by using the recipe twice a day.

Treatment with soda

Treatment with soda allows you to get rid of fungus at various stages of infection. To do this, dissolve soda in water at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon of the ingredient per 2 liters of water and add grated laundry soap. The feet are immersed in a container with liquid and left for 20 minutes, then the skin is allowed to dry naturally without wiping with a towel. After this, the nails are additionally treated with antifungal ointment.

Tea tree oil treatment

Treatment with tea tree oil is often used in the form of baths. To do this, mix 20 drops of tea tree oil in 1 liter of hot water with the addition of honey, soda and sea ​​salt 1 teaspoon each. Daily procedures will give results after two weeks, although it is advisable not to stop treatment even after the fungus disappears.

Using tea tree oil in pure form also has an effective effect. Twice a day, a few drops of the product are rubbed into the infected nail. Afterwards, you must wait for the drug to dry on its own and do not wipe it off even if you feel a strong burning sensation. The expected course of treatment is 2-3 months.

Treatment with vinegar.

1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar is mixed with vegetable oil taken in the same quantity. Added a raw egg and 1 teaspoon of limethyl phthalate. All components are thoroughly mixed. The product is applied to infected nails up to 4 times a day and wrapped with plastic wrap. The drug is stored in the refrigerator.

Very often, traditional medicine allows you to get rid of an annoying disease without the intervention of professional help.

Many people have probably heard about nail fungi, but often did not pay enough attention to it, which led to unpleasant consequences in the future.

The article aims to provide detailed information about the routes of infection, possible treatment folk remedies and prevention of fungal nail infections.

Risk area

As a rule, all types of fungi that affect the skin surface of the feet and nail plates are divided into two groups: caused by Trichophyton interdigitale and Trichophyton rubrum.

In the second case, the fungus can spread not only to the nail, but also to the folds of skin between the toes and the sole of the foot.

Let's consider the reasons that provoke this disease.

Athletes and military personnel often have a similar diagnosis.

You can become infected with the fungus through direct contact with someone who is sick. You should also be wary of personal belongings susceptible to the disease, which is why you should not use the clothes of a person who has the fungus.

There is a considerable probability of infection in public places characterized by high temperature and humidity:

  • swimming pools,
  • saunas and the like.

Clinical processes and symptoms

The main substance that makes up the nail is keratin - an excellent environment for the development of fungi. After getting into it, the mushroom gradually increases in size.

Often the onset of the disease is manifested only by damage to the folds of the skin: small cracks and peeling appear on them.

Over time, the skin begins to turn red and itch.

Also, the following things may be symptoms of the disease we are describing:

  • change in nail color;
  • roughness of the nail plate;
  • change in the shape or thickness of the nail plate.

The skin around the nail almost always becomes inflamed, and once the nail plate thickens, it becomes more difficult to trim.

As a rule, the nail begins to put pressure on the lower part of the finger, which causes extremely painful sensations when walking and wearing shoes.

Traditional methods of fighting fungus

Instead of going on for a long time about how to fight fungus at home, and what our article is aimed at, let’s briefly look at popular recipes for getting rid of an unpleasant disease.

№1. You need to grate the garlic by mixing it with oil. Regularly lubricate fungus-affected areas with this mixture.

You can do it another way:

  • cut the garlic cloves into several pieces,
  • dip in salt, wipe the infected areas.

On the page: it is written how a man can remove hair in intimate places.

  • Add one or several tablespoons of tea salt to a liter of plain water, then treat your feet with this solution every day.

№2 .Apply one drop of iodine to the affected areas daily.

Within 5-7 days you should feel pain and burning around your nails, however, do not be alarmed.

Because this is precisely the sign that the fungus is dying. If the pain becomes completely unbearable, then apply the product less often.

№3 . Use rowan leaves (definitely fresh). Rub them and apply to the sore area. Repeat the procedure every day.

№4 . Dip a regular cotton swab into the alcohol tincture of propolis. . Wipe the infected areas. Repeat once a day.

№5 . Make a special ointment from the following ingredients:

  • dimethyl phthalate, in the amount of one teaspoon,
  • vinegar in the same amount
  • raw chicken egg.

This ointment should be rubbed into the nail, leaving it there overnight. It is advisable to wear a bag and warm socks.

If you are lucky enough to become the owner of a severe form of fungus, then it is better to apply this compress (once a day, renewing it) generally continuously.

The duration of the procedure is 3-4 days. Do not forget that the ointment must be stored in the refrigerator.

№6 . Use kombucha.
Tear off a small piece from it, then mash it, remembering to remove the mushroom film.

The resulting porridge must be rubbed 2-3 times a day into diseased areas of the skin.

№7 . Make tea according to the following recipe:

It must be infused for about 30-35 minutes. Take two tablespoons four times a day.

№8 . Lather the bandage with green soap, then wrap it around the sore nail.

In the morning, wash off this product and make a new compress. Naturally, this must be done every day.

№9. Take:

  • three spoons of oak bark,
  • two spoons of calendula.
  • one spoon of celandine,
  • two spoons of lilac flowers,
  • dissolve everything in 500 grams of water.

Wash your feet with this mixture every day.

№10 . Take a leaf of golden mustache and create enough pressure on it to release the juice.

Then steam your nail by wrapping it in a leaf that has already released juice.

By morning, the nail should soften, making it easy to cut off.

№11 . Prepare porridge from iodinol and celandine powder.

Apply it to your nail as a compress every day. As a rule, after a week, the fungus should go away.

Prevention of fungal infections

Of course, it is better not to go through the above at all, adhering to certain recommendations that will help you avoid this disease.

The need to avoid close contact with the patient has already been mentioned at the beginning of the article.

Total hygiene

From time to time, you should carefully disinfect nail clippers, manicure accessories, and the like.

If there is a sick person in your apartment or house, then it is necessary to wash the floors daily, and when cleaning, Special attention give to the bathroom.

Periodically, it is worth thoroughly disinfecting your shoes. As a rule, formalin (25%) and simple vinegar (6%) are used for this.

They must be mixed in equal quantities. Then, using a small piece of cotton wool, treat your shoes. This must be done, naturally, from the inside.

To avoid infection, you should regularly disinfect household items. Simply boil them in soapy water. It is recommended to add soda to the solution in small quantities (half a teaspoon).

You will learn about recommendations for the care and treatment of nails while watching the video.

Damage to the plate by mycotic organisms requires immediate treatment. Knowing how to get rid of toenail fungus at home quickly, you can successfully cope with the uncomfortable symptoms.

Treatment of nail fungus with vinegar

Regular table vinegar is effective means for the fastest restoration of the plate. It is worth remembering that use is possible only in the early stages; effectiveness increases when included in complex therapy.

How to treat with vinegar:

  1. Before any procedures, hygienic manipulations are carried out; the affected area must be removed as much as possible by the fungus. The nail is cut with scissors, the keratin layer is cleaned with a nail file.
  2. Add 9% table vinegar to a bowl of warm water; 3 glasses of water will require 1 glass of vinegar. Stir thoroughly, lower your feet, making sure that the water level is below your ankles.
  3. Keep for about 10-15 minutes, the frequency of sessions depends on the severity of the disease.
  4. In the early stages, 3 times a week is enough; in case of extensive damage, you will need to consult a doctor, prescribe ointments, creams, and drug therapy.
  5. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly dry your feet and put on cotton socks.

It is also an effective method of prevention. It is recommended to use vinegar baths after the beach, solarium, or swimming pool. The acidic environment has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora, blocking the further spread of spores.

How to cure nail fungus at home

An unpleasant disease can lead to dangerous consequences for good health. You need to start treatment when you notice the first changes - itching, irritation, pigmentation of the plate, separation. It is also important to provide conditions during the treatment period to reduce the likelihood of re-infection. You need to regularly pedicure your feet, choose a quality one, comfortable shoes. Avoid visiting places with an increased risk of infection - swimming pools, beaches, bathhouses, gyms.

How to deal with fungus at home:

  • soda baths are an excellent method of local therapy, thanks to the creation of an alkaline environment, it is possible to neutralize pathogenic spores;
  • hot water (5 l) is poured into the basin, 4 tbsp is stirred. spoons baking soda when the water has cooled to 40-45°, you can immerse your feet, hold for about 15 minutes, repeat every day for a week;
  • add 2 tbsp to 5 liters of hot water. spoons of soda and the same amount of grated laundry soap, stir thoroughly until foam appears, lower your feet, completely immersing your nails in the solution, after 15 minutes, rinse with water and wipe dry;
  • pour 4 cups of water into a shallow bowl, add 3 tbsp. spoons of soda, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Epsom salts, thoroughly mixed, immerse the feet for 10 minutes, then thoroughly wipe the skin, treat the plates with a weak solution of manganese.

Cure nail fungus quickly

There are many folk ways to get rid of mycotic lesions. But you should definitely visit a doctor; in advanced stages, home recipes are necessarily included in complex therapy. Knowing how to quickly get rid of toenail fungus at home can prevent it from spreading and affecting a large area. It is also worth paying attention to immunity; failures in the defense system lead to risks of infection with spores.

How to quickly cure fungus:

  1. After the bath, wipe your nails and surrounding skin dry with 10 ml vegetable oil add 5 drops each of rosemary ether and tea tree oil. Generously treat the nail and surrounding skin at a distance of a centimeter; carry out the procedure at night.
  2. Apply fresh celandine and aloe juice, combined in equal proportions, to the affected area daily. This product is also used for prevention after visiting beaches, steam rooms, and swimming pools.
  3. Squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic through a press, combine with 1 tbsp. Cover the entire nail with a spoon of baking soda and gruel, secure with a cotton pad and band-aid, repeat for a week every evening, before going to bed, in the morning wipe the area with cumin essential oil.

How to get rid of nail fungus yourself

In addition to using various procedures and recipes, you need to follow simple rules for a speedy recovery. Fungal infections often occur after long-term illnesses, in the off-season, and in old age, when natural protective indicators sharply decrease.

Tips on how to get rid of nail fungus:

  • sudden changes in temperature, dry or humid environments should be avoided;
  • when carrying out hygienic manipulations, only personal accessories are used, pedicure instruments must be disinfected;
  • avoid walking barefoot, it is better to use closed slippers;
  • regularly apply treatment procedures, do not take long breaks;
  • wear clean and dry socks made from natural materials every day; adding synthetics leads to disruption of heat transfer;
  • You need to wash your feet and wipe them dry 2 times a day, and then be sure to clean the bathtub with disinfectants;
  • any home recipe applied in the absence of cuts and cracks, it is recommended to first consult a dermatologist;
  • to restore immunity, include fish, meat, fresh vegetables, fruits in your diet, dairy products, forget about alcohol and smoking.

Effectively get rid of fungus video

A bunch of effective recipes require compliance with the basic rule - regularity. In one procedure it is impossible to stop the spread of spores by neutralizing pathogenic microflora. With the help of simple but effective procedures, uncomfortable symptoms quickly disappear.

Effective methods to combat nail fungus video:

  • grate 20 gr. laundry soap, pour hot water (2 liters), thoroughly steam your feet in this solution, then wipe dry, apply a few drops of tea tree ether to the nail plate and adjacent skin, carry out the procedure overnight;
  • after a pedicure, soak a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide, apply to the affected nail and secure with a band-aid, change the bandage every 3 hours, for a week;
  • soak a cotton pad ammonia, apply to the nail plate, secure with a fingertip;
  • chop a few cloves of garlic, mix with butter in equal proportions, add 4 drops of anise essential oil, distribute the prepared mass on a plate and secure with a bandage, leave to act overnight.

Homemade ointments for nail fungus

There are many folk methods for treating mycoses. They have an exclusively local effect and are ineffective when neglected. If the spores affect not only the upper layers of the plate, you need to consult a doctor; complex treatment may be required. When the first signs of discomfort appear, it is worth knowing how to get rid of toenail fungus at home quickly to prevent further spread of the spores.

Natural antimycotic ointments:

  • into boiling water olive oil(200 ml) add 10 g. crushed propolis, stir with a wooden spoon until completely dissolved, then strain and leave to harden, treat the affected area 2-3 times a day after hygiene procedures;
  • add 5 ml of vinegar essence to zinc ointment (15 g), apply a thin layer at night, carry out the procedure every other day;
  • add garlic juice to ichthyol ointment, 75 g. pharmaceutical product You will need a teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice, stir, treat the nail and interdigital area, and apply a gauze bandage on top.

If the plate is destroyed or the color changes, you need to know how to get rid of toenail fungus at home quickly for a successful cure. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum.

The question that worries more than half of the world's population is whether it is possible to get rid of nail fungus forever, and how to do it quickly and painlessly. The fact is that fungal infections, although they do not pose a great danger, cause a lot of inconvenience:

  • unaesthetic appearance nail plates;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • pain and discomfort.

Duration of treatment for fungal infection

The disease does not go away on its own; it must be treated. You can get rid of advanced nail fungus with just a few steps. in effective ways. Good results are achieved by people who use both methods of official medicine and folk recipes. It is important to remember that in any case, the treatment will be long-term (from 6 to 12 months or more), because the basis is to prevent the growing nail from becoming infected with a fungal infection. That is, only complete nail renewal can be considered the result of daily procedures.

For those who don’t know how to quickly get rid of toenail fungus, experts advise:

  • take multivitamins during treatment, which have a positive effect on the immune system and promote rapid recovery;
  • drink antifungal drugs intended for internal use;
  • use ointments, creams, varnishes, aerosols not only during the treatment of the disease, but also for its prevention, for example, before going to the pool;
  • make all kinds of baths for feet and hands;
  • apply recipes traditional medicine, which have shown good results in the fight against fungal infections.

Drug treatment is prescribed by a dermatologist after receiving the research results. Let’s try to figure out how to get rid of nail fungus using folk remedies ourselves.

Treatment of fungus at home

Listerine liquid and white vinegar are mixed in equal parts in a container, the size of which should be large enough to immerse completely infected nails. The procedure is performed twice a day for 15 minutes. It is important that the liquid can be used several times and then changed. Nails must be cared for daily using nail scissors and a nail file. Devices should be treated with an alcohol solution after each use, or stored in a solution for soaking nails. After the bath, hands or feet should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water and dried.

Andriasyan method

You can get rid of nail fungus at home using the method of Andriasyan G.K. To complete the procedure you will need:

  • 15% barium sulphide;
  • talc;
  • resorcinol;
  • acids: salicylic and benzoic;
  • petrolatum;

You need to mix talc and barium, adding water with a pipette until it becomes a homogeneous paste. The mixture is applied to the area affected by the fungus and left for 30 minutes. After this, the hands or feet should be thoroughly rinsed with water, and the softened nail plate should be removed using a scalpel. The procedure is performed until the infected nail is completely removed.

First you need to prepare a mixture: 15 grams of resorcinol, salicylic and benzoic acid per 55 grams of petroleum jelly. The composition is applied to the place where the plate was, covered with compression paper, and left for 48 hours. The procedure is repeated as many times as necessary to completely clean the nail bed.

Bye new nail does not grow, the bed is lubricated with iodine.

Arabian method

Getting rid of toenail fungus with home remedies according to the method of Arabian A.N. involves complex treatment of infection with medications And folk recipes. You need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • potassium iodide;
  • lanolin;
  • crystalline iodine;
  • "nizoral".

Important! Nizoral must be taken for 4 to 6 months, regardless of the time of ointment treatment.

A mixture of lanolin and potassium iodide is applied to the damaged nail, mixed in equal doses. The procedure is performed over 10 days.

The nail softens under the influence of the drugs and is removed using a scalpel. The nail bed must be lubricated for 5 days with a specially prepared composition: 10 g of lanolin, 10 g of potassium iodide, 0.2 g of crystalline iodine.

Before starting any treatment, you should consult a dermatologist. It is not advisable to remove the nail yourself; it is better to do it under the supervision of a doctor.

Removing fungus using iodine, vinegar and glycerin

Traditional methods of quickly getting rid of nail fungus show excellent results at the initial stage of the disease. If the infection is not widespread, you can try the following treatment at home. Prepare a solution: 1 tablespoon of iodine ( alcohol tincture), 1 tablespoon of pharmaceutical glycerin, diluted with vinegar (1 tablespoon 70% of the composition) and topped with 2 tablespoons of water.

The procedure is carried out in the evening, after steaming the legs or arms. Removed upper layer softened nail plate. The nail is then lubricated with a composition that is prepared in advance. Cotton socks are worn on top. The duration of treatment is at least 2 weeks. The affected nail should be removed as the new one grows.

Hydrogen peroxide and nail fungus

There are many recipes for removing nail fungus using hydrogen peroxide, which has antimicrobial, disinfectant, softening and anti-inflammatory properties.

To implement one of them, you will need to mix equal amounts of 3% peroxide and 3% vinegar. Apply the solution to the infected nail and hold until the hissing stops. First, you should prepare a bowl of water to which a little chlorine-containing product (Domestos, whiteness, etc.) has been added. After the solution has stopped fizzing on the nail, lower your feet or hands into the basin for 1-3 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.

After the procedure, nails should be coated with Vaseline or a mixture of Vaseline and tea tree oil in a 1:1 ratio. Cotton socks are worn on top. Duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Another folk way treating a fungal infection at home using peroxide is described in the book by professor of medicine Neumyvakin I.P.

  1. Nails are steamed in a bath of water to which copper sulfate (or laundry soap) has been added.
  2. After thorough drying nail plates treated with No.% peroxide.
  3. The cotton pad used for the previous procedure is applied to the affected nail as a compress and left for 40-60 minutes.
  4. The softened plates are removed completely or partially.
  5. A medicine prescribed by a doctor is applied to the cleaned area. The product can be applied not only to the nail plate, but also to the skin.

The procedure for softening and removing nails should be carried out before each use of medicinal ointments and creams. In this case, the fungus reacts not only to the drug, but also to peroxide.

Several folk recipes for treating nail fungus

Traditional medicine knows many ways to treat fungus. It is important to remember that all recipes are designed for long-term use.

  1. A peeled and cut clove of garlic is applied to the infected nail. The finger is bandaged, but without polyethylene. The nail must breathe.
  2. A fresh egg is placed in vinegar essence, poured into a 200 gram glass, and left until completely dissolved. The composition is filtered and applied to the nail plates that are under the influence of infection.
  3. Affected nails are cleaned, trimmed and lubricated with iodine while it is absorbed. During the procedure there are painful sensations. But it is not recommended to stop lubrication as long as the pain can be tolerated. After this, the legs are lowered into the water.
  4. Horseradish, rolled through a meat grinder, is applied to the nail. The duration of treatment is until the plate is completely renewed. The procedure is performed at night.
  5. The affected area should be lubricated daily with a solution of vegetable oil and 70% vinegar.
  6. Kombucha bandaged to the nail will relieve the disease.
  7. Garlic juice and 90% alcohol are mixed in a 1:1 ratio and dissolved in half a glass of distilled water. The affected areas are lubricated overnight. At the same time, the composition helps equally when treating nails and when applied to soft fabrics. Duration of treatment is from 7 days.

Each method needs personal verification. If allergic reactions to the components of the formulations occur, it is advisable to stop treatment and choose another recipe.