Does smoky quartz bring happiness. Rauchtopaz - protection, grounding and balance. Physical properties of smoky quartz

– a mineral consisting of silicon and oxygen. It is a rock-forming mineral because it makes up more than 60 percent of the mass of the entire earth's crust.

From a scientific point of view, quartz has two names:

  1. silicon dioxide (SiO2) – name in chemistry;
  2. silica is a name in mineralogy.

On earth, quartz is common in mountains, deserts, and sandstones. It is rock-forming and associated with other minerals. For example, it is contained in

Quartz particles bound together by cement form sandstones. The basis of ordinary sand is also quartz. And small particles of pure quartz are white sands.

Pure quartz occurs in the form of a hexagonal crystal with pointed ends that is completely transparent. It is known to us as rock crystal.

Types and colors

Quartz is called a whole group, numbering more than ten varieties differing in structure, shape, density, strength, color, energy, deposit and other features.

Based on the structure, the stone can be divided into two types:

  1. crystal;
  2. cryptocrystalline.

Rock crystal, mined from hydrothermal vein caves, is the main type of quartz. Its structure is devoid of fillings, which provides it with ideal transparency.

Each of the numerous fillings in quartz crystals affects the variety of optical characteristics of quartz, creating specific precious and semi-precious minerals different colors.

The following minerals are created:

  • - pinkish or purple tint.
  • - sunny shades thanks to iron impurities.
  • Ametrine is a hybrid of citrine and amethyst.
  • Morion is black, resin-like.
  • Prazem is green.

All of the above types of quartz are classified as crystalline forms of the stone.

A separate group of quartz consists of cryptocrystalline minerals. They are also called chalcedony. In addition to the main component - quartz, they contain a large number of additives that are complex in structure: scaly, splintered, granular, needle-shaped, etc.

This group of crystals includes:

  • - yellow and brown-terracotta.
  • Agate has many tones: from classic white, black and red to whitened shades of blue and pink.
  • Volosatik - rock crystal, including fine-needle crystals of rutile, tourmaline and other types.
  • Perunite – blue quartz.
  • The overflow is opaque due to the combination of layers of quartz and chalcedony.
  • (smoky quartz) - light brown or light gray in color.
  • - pinkish or bluish opaque crystal.
  • Carnelian - red-brown shimmer.
  • Chalcedony is a translucent or translucent crystal that comes in many colors from white to honey yellow.
  • fogs with clouds of alkaline nickel gel.
  • Sapphire quartz - blue shades.
  • Cat's eye - pinkish-gray or white.
  • Hawkeye is a grayish-blue shade.
  • Tiger's Eye is a golden brown crystal with golden stripes.
  • Onyx - with white and black patterns on a brown background, red-brown, brown-yellow, honey, having yellow or pink layers in a white base.

The combination of quartz with various mineral fillers creates an endless number of types of agates and chalcedony.

Properties of quartz

In ancient times, quartz was spoken of as a stone that cools the hands but warms the soul. This expression is capacious and accurately conveys the character of this unusual mineral. The first definition can be related to exact science, and the second to metaphysics, to a person’s ability to appreciate beauty. The uniqueness of quartz is determined by the combination of various properties.

It has:

  • strength, density, hardness. In terms of hardness, silicon is second only to topazes and diamonds. It is this property that formed the basis for the name of the rock “quartz”, which is translated from German Quarz, twarc means “hard”;
  • transparency or multicolor based on the absence or presence of quartz fillings and microinclusions of other minerals;
  • high thermal conductivity, which ensures the stone is cool to the touch. This ability of the mineral was used by the ancient Romans when cooling their palms with crystal balls;
  • chemical resistance, dissolves only in alkalis and hydrofluoric acid;
  • dielectric, used in powerful power stations;
  • piezoelectric, which allows you to set and control the operation of high-frequency devices - including communications and computing equipment;
  • polymorphism, providing high temperature variety. Melts only at 1700C.

How and where is quartz mined?

Quartz can be mined from granite rocks or synthesized artificially. Mineral extraction is carried out using the quarry method.

Mining is carried out using the following technologies:

  • explosive - explosives or an air cushion are used;
  • cutting.

Despite the prevalence of quartz, its deposits are dispersed on all continents.

Each discovered deposit of stones for jewelry is characterized by a mineral of a certain color and structure:

  1. Deposits rose quartz contain the mountains of Moravia, found in eastern Ukraine, Karelia.
  2. Rhinestone mined in the Marmarosh massif in the Eastern Carpathians. Bohemian, Arkansas, Rhinestone, Bristol and Alaskan crystal are known. Rock crystal from the Subpolar Urals and Yakutia is famous.
  3. Smoky Quartz And morion found in the Ural mountains and in the Volyn region of Ukraine.
  4. Amethyst has been supplied since ancient times from Brazil, Uruguay and Sri Lanka, and in the 18th century it was discovered in the Middle Urals. Today it is mined in Kamchatka, Chukotka, Yakutia, the Caucasus, the Kola Peninsula, and Central Asia.
  5. Green quartzite found in Western Australia.
  6. Rich deposits aventurine in the Southern Urals, near Zlatoust.
  7. Quartzites of different colors mined near Lake Onega: crimson color (Shokshinskoye deposit). red-gray (Pukhtinskoye field), lilac (Pryazhinskoye field) and fuchsia shades.

Quartz processing

Quartz is exposed different types processing natural stones: grinding, polishing, cutting, annealing and others.

Medicinal properties

The physical and chemical nature of quartz has a beneficial effect on human organs.

To manifest its healing effect it is necessary:

  • Use quartz water. Quartz enriches water. Drinking water purified through a quartz filter or infused with quartz is useful for prevention and rejuvenation. If you systematically wash your face with water enriched with quartz, you can make your skin younger, give it smoothness and elasticity, and free it from acne and skin inflammation.
  • Wear products with quartz or keep a small fragment or crystal of quartz with you. Wearing quartz jewelry is believed to have a healing effect on the lungs. In particular, when the temperature changes, milky white quartz is able to release ozone, which has a positive effect on the lungs, clearing them of carbon dioxide.

Quartz also has such medicinal properties:

  • The property of quartz to retain heat for a long time is used for interior decoration in baths. Wearing quartz pendants stimulates the immune system and makes it easier to cope with a cold.
  • The mineral can act like a psychotherapist. Its action in the area of ​​the crown and forehead gives confidence and calmness (characteristic of green quartz). Therefore, it is recommended for people with a delicate psyche.

Caution: Excess silica in food, water and the atmosphere is harmful. Therefore, you need to infuse water on quartz moderately. Quartz processing must be carried out using protective equipment: a mask or respirator.

Magical properties of quartz

Each type of mineral has specific magical properties.

Their manifestation must be considered separately:

  1. amethyst - brings peace;
  2. rock crystal - serves as a channel for the transmission of magical energies;
  3. smoky mineral - instructs in making the right decisions in complex issues;
  4. green quartz - helps relieve tension, fatigue, nervousness;
  5. milky quartz – used in meditation, gives the opportunity to understand oneself;
  6. rose quartz - helps get rid of grievances, find peace and mental balance;
  7. rutile quartz is considered a means of bewitching. This is a talisman for inventive and enthusiastic people;
  8. carnelian – helps to remain faithful.

Products with quartz

The prevalence and diversity of quartz in nature determines its widespread use.

Some crystals are actively used in various industries, including:

  • in jewelry for making jewelry (beads, brooches, rings, pendants, etc.), as well as as ornamental stones in the manufacture of various souvenirs and interior decoration (ashtrays, bowls, vases, inlaying tools, etc.);
  • in the production of glass and ceramics;
  • in optical instruments;
  • in telephone and radio equipment (thin quartz plates are used to tune the receiver to the desired wavelength);
  • in electronic generators as a quartz resonator for frequency stabilization;
  • in ultrasound generators;
  • in the production of building materials (concrete, plasters and other finishing coatings for cladding buildings with quartzite and jasper stones);
  • abrasive material finely ground solid quartz;
  • in watch production, the quartz movement is recognized as the highest quality;
  • in the production of medical instruments: chips of obsidian, which consists entirely of quartz, are used to make scalpels. The thickness of the scalpel is measured in nannounits, which is problematic for steel scalpels.

Quartz care

Due to its high resistance to chemical and physical influences, caring for quartz does not require compliance with any rules. When cleaning quartz, you can safely use detergent or a suitable tool. But the easiest way to remove dirt or remove negative energy rinse with running water.

Where can I buy quartz and what is the cost?

Traditional retail chains and numerous online stores provide the opportunity to purchase quartz as jewelry and accessories, and also offer a large assortment of this natural mineral to those who are passionate about mineralogy, who are collectors of natural crystals and who make jewelry.

Among the many types of quartz, rutile quartz is considered the most expensive. Its price ranges from 350 rubles. (field: Kazakhstan, Ak-Koshker) up to 36,000 rubles. (field: Brazil).

The cost of inexpensive varieties of quartz starts from 100 rub. per crystal:

  • Rhinestone - 100 rub.-34,000 rub. . (field: Brazil, Minas Gerais).
  • Rauchtopaz(smoky quartz) - 100 rub.(field: Russia, Subpolar Urals) – 24,000 rub.(field: North Karelia).
  • Morion - 1220 rub.(field: Russia, Bashkortostan, Mata) – 3740 rub.(field: Russia, Ural).
  • Amethyst - 2400 (field: Russia, Yakutia) – 42,000 rub. . (field: Bolivia).
  • Citrine- 1140 rub.-7600 rub. (field Russia, Subpolar Urals, Nikolay-Shor).
  • The stone is recommended for workers in creative professions, as its energy helps to reveal creative potential and enrich the imagination.
  • Quartz also activates mental activity and therefore it is worth having on the desktop for students and people of mental work.
  • It is recommended to wear quartz crystals in silver for those who want to attract luck, love, prosperity or fulfill other desires.
  • Some types of crystal should be carried with you if you need to relieve headaches, tension, overcome stress (green quartz) or to get rid of grievances, find peace and mental balance (rose quartz).
  • Smoky quartz is recommended for entrepreneurs and managers, which helps them choose the optimal solution in complex and critical situations.

Quartz and zodiac signs

Since in terms of properties and energy each of huge amount Since the varieties of this mineral differ significantly, the influence of a particular crystal on a person also varies depending on the date of his birth.

Astrologers evaluate this influence based on the color of the stone in this way:

  1. Aries Purple and snow quartz are optimal. Possessing persistence and not having sufficient insight, Aries, thanks to the stone, will be able to gain faith in their own abilities, complete everything they start and infect others with positive energy, and show sensitivity to loved ones. It is purple amethysts that suppress the egoism of Aries. Which ones you can find out here.
  2. Taurus Those who combine friendliness and stubbornness benefit from wearing green and gray shades of quartz. Green prazem will add prudence and wisdom, warn about a possible threat, support and lift your spirits. Smoky-gray rauchtopaz makes it easier to find a solution to a difficult situation, increases optimism and self-esteem.
  3. Gemini with their inherent change of mood and charm, you should purchase jewelry with red and yellow shades. Agate, carnelian and other red crystals neutralize negative character traits and stimulate happy romantic relationships, attracting good luck. Golden quartz (citrine, chalcedony, tiger's eye) will become a talisman against the evil eye, will increase intuition and is therefore recommended for entrepreneurs.
  4. Cancer Violet amethyst and gray smoky quartz suit their sensuality. Amethyst helps to achieve success in the spiritual sphere, imparts endurance and prudence. Long-term observation of amethyst cutting relieves psychological stress. Smoky quartz will help relieve nervous tension, facilitate the search for solutions to complex problems, and promote amorous affairs. This type of crystal should not be combined with other gems.
  5. Leos, For those seeking self-expression and constancy, rose quartz is most suitable. The crystal increases insight, helps to avoid failures and attracts prosperity and promises a long life without worries.
  6. Virgo, As a symbol of purity, snow quartz corresponds. Rose and purple quartz are also perfect for her. Varieties of quartz in red shades have a positive effect. Crystals of these shades will attract happiness and help in solving problems. Concentrates good energy. Stones purple will become a talisman. They will protect you from unpleasant thoughts and enemies. The red crystal clears the mind and frees one from excessive suspicion.
  7. Libra Smoky and quartz will benefit yellow color. Crystal makes life more harmonious and has a healing effect. Holder sun stone will charm you faster and achieve reciprocity in love.
  8. with their insight, stones suitable: rutile (hairy), smoky quartz Brown. A brown crystal will bring good luck to Scorpios. Smoky quartz will become the protector of women. Hairy - an amulet of oracles, helps to realize the plan.
  9. Sagittarius With its characteristic straightforwardness, rose quartz will attract fortune and establish mental balance. Warns against rash actions. Which ones you can find out here.
  10. Capricorns It is preferable to wear products with smoky and snowy quartz. Rauchtopaz protects against illness and the evil eye, strengthens the instinct of self-preservation. The crystal focuses on sociability to replenish strength. Milky snow quartz promotes success and gives a love of life. Which

Rauchtopaz is considered a type of crystalline quartz. This mineral is still very popular and in demand among jewelers. It gained such popularity and demand due to the wide palette of its inherent shades. This is why the rauchtopaz stone is often called a smoky gem. The stone successfully plays with various tints of gray-brown colors.

Rauchtopaz is considered a type of crystalline quartz

The palette is very deep and multifaceted. In nature, smoky topaz is found very often. The size of unprocessed stone can even be several tons.

Experts say that all the main magical properties Rauchtopaz stones are perfectly reflected in the world of dreams and illusions. They say that if you put even a small smoky gem under your pillow, it will definitely help a person see a prophetic dream that will soon come true.

Rauchtopaz is a mystical mineral that helps to find peace and begin philosophical reflection. That is why people who have never encountered magic or other paranormal forces in their lives can safely say that smoky quartz is a special element that allows them to cause slight fear and even horror. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the mineral can immerse a person in the other world, so you can often hear about its dark magical properties.

Rauchtopaz, whose magical properties have not yet been studied in detail, was most popular in the 19th century. At that time, so-called spiritualistic séances were common, allowing one to summon the spirits of dead people. Only a professional who has been practicing rituals exclusively for many years could carry out such a procedure. bright side of magic. It is considered energetically strong stone, the properties of which can only be controlled by an experienced person in this matter.

For ceremonies and rituals, large samples of the mineral with raw edges are preferably used. The mineral must have a natural appearance without introducing human work. Magicians say that when polished and processed, any smoky quartz stone loses its special and inherent energy.

Properties of rauchtopaz stone (video)

Here it is important not to make a mistake and to know exactly which zodiac sign rauchtopaz is suitable for. The mineral has a particularly noticeable effect on creative people, who quite often immerse themselves in their own small world. It liberates such people, makes them self-confident and charismatic. Often, smoky quartz awakens inspiration among thinkers, poets and artists.

Gallery: rauchtopaz stone (40 photos)

Rauchtopaz often serves as a talisman

Who should wear jewelry made from this stone?

Almost every stone of natural origin is recommended to be worn by a variety of zodiac categories. Astrologers know who rauchtopaz is suitable for.

Experts say the mineral is suitable strong signs zodiac, namely Scorpios and Libra. In this case, the mineral will fully reveal its miraculous properties. Rauchtopaz, the properties of the stone which have been studied, will help these people, both physically and spiritually, achieve the desired result.

The mineral also has a great effect on Capricorns. Astrologers claim that Capricorn is the zodiac sign that can cope with the magical power of this unique mineral. Even the negative dark spells that are caused by smoky topaz will be directed in the right direction.

Rauchtopaz often serves as a talisman

Other zodiac signs are calm about this stone. In this case, it does not affect a person’s success in any way. Still, some experts claim that smoky quartz can bring good news to people of creative professions, regardless of their zodiac sign. With such a strong talisman, such people will feel supported and create even better and more efficiently.

Still, there is a category of people who are strictly prohibited from wearing rauchtopaz jewelry. These are the people who were born under the sign of Cancer. This sign is distinguished from others by its special inner calm, therefore the magical properties of the mineral can disrupt and practically break all the stability and balance of its inner world. Most often, after using it, such people experience frequent stress and nervous breakdowns, so it is better to abstain, even if you really like it in appearance.

The mineral has absolutely no effect on all fire signs of the zodiac, so you can wear it only for aesthetic pleasure, but you don’t need to expect any magical supernatural effect. Now you know who is suitable for rauchtopaz, and who should refrain from making a new purchase.

How should you wear rauchtopaz?

For daily wear, experts recommend using rauchtopazes in reddish and brown shades. They are the least common in nature. Red smoky quartz is especially difficult to find. Such specimens usually do not have strong magical properties that could significantly affect your life.

Dark stones with various inclusions are considered magical, capable of turning your whole life around, both positively and negatively. You need to be very careful when wearing jewelry equipped with this mineral. Often such a stone causes a lot of troubles and troubles related to family, health and work matters. But if you are sure that it is right for you, and have already noticed its benefits more than once, you can safely use it.

Rauchtopaz is ideal for middle-aged people (from 30 to 50 years old). Silver is considered the preferred metal for framing, but copper, gold and other alloys are strictly prohibited.

Jewelry made from brown and red shades of stone is suitable mainly for blondes, more dark varieties They look good on the body of brunettes, red-haired girls and brown-haired women. This little characteristic will help you find suitable decoration for myself.

How to wear stones (video)

As you already understand, rauchtopaz is a special mineral characterized by strong magical properties. It must be used extremely carefully. But you shouldn’t be afraid of it either, because smoky quartz often brings happiness.

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Gems and ornamental stones have attracted people's attention for thousands of years. They have long been considered symbols of power, wealth and privileged position. How more beautiful stone, the greater the magical properties attributed to it. This also applies to rauchtopaz, which is considered the patron saint of some signs of the Zodiac and has special powers.

Rauchtopaz, from the point of view of mineralogists

The stone belongs to the second jewelry and ornamental group and belongs to the family of flints. The names of many gemstones have Greek or Latin roots. They are given for pronounced properties, magical and healing, or in honor of the deposit. This gem was no exception. Translated from ancient Greek, the name means “smoky topaz”.

Rauchtopaz is the trade name of the stone, designed to attract the attention of buyers and interest them. In mineralogy, this is one of the varieties of quartz. Namely, smoky quartz. It received its name for its transparent color of brown shades: from smoky brown to almost black (morion). All the variety of colors can be seen by looking at photos of the stone on the Internet or in reference books.

Smoky quartz has a crystalline shape in the form of a hexagonal prism, an irregular pyramid. Very similar in structure to rock crystal. Chemical formula – SiO 2 (silicon oxide). The presence of aluminum and silicon in the composition determines the physical and Chemical properties. For example, the first is responsible for the color of the stone, which is often uneven.

Deposits are known all over the world:

  • Russia (Ural);
  • Alps;
  • Madagascar;
  • Switzerland;
  • Brazil.

This mineral is not obtained artificially. Often in its composition you can find inclusions of rutile - a red-brown transparent jewelry stone.

Minerals belonging to the quartz group are very durable due to the presence of silicon in the composition. On the Mohs hardness scale, rauchtopaz has a score of 7. This means that it cannot be scratched by almost anything. The only things harder than diamond are diamond, corundum and topaz.

Stone density 2.65 is average. Typically this parameter is rated on a scale from 1 to 7. The more valuable the rock, the greater its density. Often this characteristic helps collectors and jewelers in identifying minerals. When struck, the stone splits into several fragments with conchoidal, jagged edges. This is one of the signs that allows you to distinguish a mineral from similar species.

Transparency is a factor that increases quality and value jewelry stones. Rauchtopaz has a high degree of transparency. It contains very few foreign inclusions and cracks that prevent light rays from passing through the crystal.

In addition, white light, passing through the stone, breaks up into several colored rays and shows the famous play of colors for which stones are so valued. gems. Due to its prism shape, the same quartz crystal can take on different shades, from pale pink to reddish brown. The breed is quite resistant to external influences, but high temperature(300-400˚С) loses its color characteristics.

Magical and healing properties, influence on the signs of the Zodiac

Like many precious stones, rauchtopaz has been used by priests, magicians and sorcerers for centuries. The first used it to light a sacrificial fire and predict the future. The latter studied which of the zodiac signs it was suitable for, made amulets and talismans from crystals, and treated people.

If we talk about the magical properties of the stone, it is considered powerful in terms of energy. All types of quartz have different characteristics. Smoky is a faithful assistant in making important decisions. Therefore, the amulet is suitable for those who often need to make responsible choices. For example, politicians and businessmen.

Has a calming effect. Therefore, those who are bothered by feelings of fear and anxiety, bad thoughts should think about purchasing a talisman. The mineral is considered neutral. This means that by patronizing a certain zodiac sign, it will not harm another.

In addition, traditional healers believe that pendants made from rauchtopaz have a beneficial effect on immune system person. According to healers, you can quickly heal cuts and burns, relieve inflammation from bruises, and get rid of skin problems with quartz water.

If we talk about the influence on the signs of the Zodiac, then you should take note that the stone is not suitable for everyone. He provides patronage only to certain representatives. Scorpios will cope with the negative traits of their own character and pacify their obstinate disposition. Rauchtopaz will help you get to know yourself better, discover magical abilities, and strengthen your intuition.

Capricorns, having acquired an amulet, will finally find their place in life and see their goal. Smoky quartz will help Libras find spiritual harmony and inner peace. Taurus, Cancer and Aquarius are those zodiac signs for whom a rauchtopaz talisman is definitely not suitable. It is better to give preference to white and pink varieties.

How to distinguish a fake and care for natural stone?

Distinguish a natural stone A skillfully executed forgery can sometimes be very difficult even for professionals. You can look at photos of a mineral as much as you like, read its descriptions, but when faced with it in practice, you will never be able to distinguish a synthetic crystal from a real one.

Still, there are a few signs that are worth taking note:

Smoky quartz is often confused with andalusite, sanidine, tourmaline-dravite, and brown vesuvian. If you compare photos of these stones, you can see that they all have a similar color.

In order for rauchtopaz not to lose its beauty and transparency, it must be properly cared for. However, as with any product made of precious stones.

Prolonged exposure is not recommended sun rays smoky quartz jewelry. Crystals may lose their beautiful color. Periodically, the stones are washed with warm water, without using chemicals, and wipe with a soft cloth.

There are no names for this amazing semi-precious stone several: cairngorm, smoky quartz, Scottish stone. However, it is important to note that despite the fact that it is best known under the name “rauchtopaz”, this stone actually has nothing to do with topaz. It is quartzite and is often found in nature.

Since ancient times, smoky quartz has been used in the production of jewelry, ritual figurines, and religious accessories. Its unusual gray-brown color made the products more impressive and mysterious.

Rauchtopaz crystals (smoky quartz). Photo:

Physico-chemical properties of rauchtopaz

The colors of smoky quartz range from gray to dark grey-brown. Stones painted black are called morions. The smoky color of the stone is unstable; it completely disappears when exposed to high (over 300 °C) temperature. A slight alexandrite effect is observed - in the rays of the sun and under artificial lighting, the color of rauchtopaz can change from greenish to purple.

The chemical formula of the mineral is SiO 2. Sometimes there may be impurities of aluminum and iron. The luster of smoky quartz is glassy and has a high degree of transparency. The stone itself is quite fragile, but is quite resistant to scratches: Mohs hardness is 7.

Rauchtopaz deposits

The formation of smoky quartz occurs in special geothermal conditions with the participation of aluminum and iron. The largest deposits of rauchtopaz are located in Brazil - more than half of all stones are mined here.

Excellent specimens have been discovered in the Alps, the USA and Madagascar. Although, we can confidently conclude that the stone is present in varying quantities on all continents.

Healing and magical properties of rauchtopaz

It is believed that smoky quartz can help cure many diseases, both physiological and psychological. You can turn to rauchtopaz for help in the fight against alcoholism, suicidal tendencies and various diseases nervous system. In addition, the stone has a positive effect on the condition of the kidneys, adrenal glands and reproductive system.

For smoky quartz to truly support a person's health, simply wearing it in jewelry is not enough. It is recommended to hold large stone crystals in your palms for several minutes a day. It is advisable to select jewelry with rauchtopaz in which the stone has constant contact with the skin of its owner - beads, pendants, bracelets.

Faceted rauchtopaz (smoky quartz). Photo:

Smoky quartz is credited with powerful magical properties. Since ancient times, the stone was considered “dark”. It was often used in rituals of black magic, summoning spirits, and causing damage. It was believed that rauchtopaz absorbs everything evil and dark, and then can direct this negative energy towards its owner.

If you use smoky quartz for good, then it can direct equally powerful energy to creation and restoration. Rauchtopaz helps a person restore strength, cheer up and even get rid of bad habits and dependencies.

Who is rauchtopaz suitable for?

Astrologers recommend daily wearing jewelry and products with smoky quartz for Scorpio and Libra. The stone is not very suitable for the other signs of the Zodiac, especially for constant wear. Cancers should not come into contact with rauchtopaz at all and even keep it at home.

Smoky quartz can be found in nature in the form of transparent and translucent intergrowths and druses. Some specimens reach enormous sizes - up to 1 meter in length. Smoky quartz is a stone surrounded by mysticism. In the Middle Ages, people were afraid to even touch the crystal, as there were frightening legends around it; it was considered the stone of sorcerers and sorcerers.

It was believed that the stone could bring good luck or, conversely, grief and suffering. Owners of the stone could subjugate the will of other people and cause damage. He helped other people become kinder and more spiritual. This mineral has the mysterious ability to raise hidden thoughts from the subconscious and provoke a person to feel the supernatural and unconscious.

Description and Application

Smoky quartz is a translucent stone with a crystalline structure. It is also called rauchtopaz, smoky rock crystal, kengorm, and in jewelry - smoky topaz. Rauchtopaz translated from German means smoky stone. It is often confused with topaz, not only because of its similar name, but also because of its external similarity. However, these are completely different stones. In the old days in Russia it was called smolyak because of its smoky color.

Craftsmen working with gems called it stroganets or stroganets. In Scotland, smoky quartz was used for decoration national clothes. And Hindus consider it the stone of Buddha.