Socks disappear in the house. Why do socks get lost and what to do?! Two different socks - a pair: a method for the extravagant

The issue of socks disappearing after washing worries many. Most of us, at least once, instead of two socks, took them out of the drum washing machine one. A quick inspection did not reveal the sock, but it could not have disappeared without a trace. Let's try to answer the question of where socks go in the washing machine, based on the postulates of materialistic science.

About the disappearance with humor

Some people try to joke about socks missing after washing. As a result of such jokes, a lot of myths appear. Here are some of them:

  • The washing machine has a shredder installed. When a small item gets into it through a hole in the cuff, processing occurs. And the sock turns into small pieces and is washed down the drain;
  • one of the socks is taken by the brownie as revenge for his bad attitude;
  • socks disappear as a result of a secret conspiracy among manufacturers who came up with a special impregnating composition for the fabric; upon contact with water, one of the socks simply dissolves;
  • socks move to a parallel reality, the door to which is in your apartment.

All this, of course, is nonsense, contrary to the laws of physics. Socks do not dissolve or disappear. They are material and cannot disappear without a trace from the confined space of the machine, which means there is a very reasonable explanation for their disappearance.

Where to look for a lost sock after washing?

If a sock was placed in the drum of a washing machine, then it will not disappear anywhere outside the machine. Where can such a part of the wardrobe go?

The conclusion can be drawn as follows: if you put a pair of socks in the drum of a washing machine, then you only need to look for the missing sock in the machine.

It’s another matter if there were initially an odd number of socks. Maybe the missing sock is in the remaining pile of dirty laundry, or maybe it’s lying in the room under the sofa or bed, maybe it was stolen by a cat or dog.

How to avoid losing socks again

To avoid having to take a mountain of single socks out of the machine after washing, follow a few simple tips:

  • wash small items, including hosiery, in a special laundry bag;
  • Use small clothespins for washing, fasten pairs of socks with them before washing and then they will definitely not lose each other. By the way, such clothespins can be used not only for washing, but also for storage;
  • For the lazy, a simple solution is suitable - buy several pairs of identical socks at once . And even if one of the socks disappears, it will easily match a sock from another pair. You can stock up on several pairs of socks different color, for example, 7 pairs of gray and 7 pairs of black.

    With this method, you don’t have to think about storing socks in pairs, and you can throw out broken socks one at a time, rather than two at once. Very economical too.

  • will help to radically solve the problem of sock disappearing from the washing machine handwash, yes, no matter how sad it may sound, but where to go. They wore the socks and immediately washed them by hand.

If your socks disappear in the washing machine, don’t rush to blame it on supernatural forces. Carefully examine the washer drum, look, if possible, into the tank and filter. The likelihood that they are there is very high.

About mystically disappearing things. Of course, the overwhelming majority of disappearances do not have any mysterious background. Things are lost, forgotten, stolen. But who needs your worn-out socks? This is where it’s hard to suspect malicious intent! But they disappear, I confirm. The main thing is to think sensibly. The conspiracy of brownies leaving their owners barefoot is too extravagant a version even for my blog. Let's consider all facets of the strange phenomenon. There are special situations, yes. Mystical stories happen, but not out of the blue. Two years ago Mikhail wrote to me. He spent the night at the apartment of a girl he barely knew, and in the morning he went home without socks, which mysteriously disappeared.

“I am tormented by one question. I met a girl, my socks were missing in the morning, we looked around the whole apartment. She has a two-room apartment, not big, and no pets. I don’t feel sorry for them, but it’s a fact. Why such a loss?

Stories of this kind are not uncommon. Cheating, empty lustful relationships, and a frivolous attitude towards sex are considered sinful. There is no need to be overconfident and think that such ideas are outdated. Morality and decency are the basis of human existence, because we do not live alone. Why such a loss? I think Mikhail himself knows. To the fact that we need to change. Build relationships, start a family. Otherwise, anxiety will increase. You undress in someone else’s apartment with another random lady and you don’t know what kind of clothes otherworldly forces will leave for you in the morning. Not fun. The site is often visited by requests such as when infidelity and casual sex are accompanied by frightening mystical incidents: icons fall, a knock is heard on the window, things disappear. One girl was surprised that every time she spends the night married lover, the wall clock stops.

“My husband and I were doing this before we got married... As usual, clothes are in different corners. After the disgrace we get dressed, his sock is missing. Well, nowhere. He had to go home wearing my brother’s socks. At home, his grandmother says: “What kind of socks are these, you didn’t have those, they conjured them on you!” She went and burned them. And these socks were the best my brother had, both laughter and sin. Sorry for the socks. I later found his sock in the next room under the linoleum. And she didn’t burn it, but washed it and returned it.”

In this one can see the tricks of the brownie, a warning from the spirits (to personify the phenomenon). Or maybe just energy that shows that the situation is wrong. The sock is associated with the sexual sphere of relationships. Can you guess what it looks like? Therefore, such stories are often related to sex. Last week there was another request: “The brownie stole his lover’s sock.” Similar stories happen with panties, tights, and any underwear.

“Maybe not really about socks, about tights. One day, my then boyfriend and I were drinking wine and a wild desire overwhelmed us, and since there were other people in the apartment, we retired to the bedroom and closed the door. In wild ecstasy they began to take off their clothes, then it became clear what they were doing. Having satisfied their base instincts, they thought it was time to go to the people and began to get dressed. There were no tights! We searched the whole room, climbed under the sofa, into the closets and even looked at the chandelier. No. Well, okay, I got dressed without tights, fortunately I had pants. We sat with the people and I felt like going to the toilet. What do I see! In the hallway, picturesquely wrapped around a potato box, hang my tights! Well, where did they come from??? We did not leave the room, no one came to us, maybe they themselves ran away, ashamed of the spectacle? Some kind of poltergeist."

Where do socks disappear in the apartment?

The socks have a place to disappear. There are many places in apartments where they can be found over time. I myself just put lonely socks in a special bag. IN large family losing something is common. And once a year I put lost socks in pairs. Solitaire is 80-90% successful! Here are a bunch of other comments on this difficult topic. Find out EVERYTHING about missing socks)

“I fasten the socks in pairs with plastic clothespins, and put them in the washing machine, dryer and dresser. Now I don’t know the grief either with dismantling socks or with “steaming” them.

“We still have the car from the old owners. It stopped draining after a short time. The drain could not be opened. The master was called. Children's sock, bust bone and pins. And five rubles as a gift. The master left in shock.”

“Sometimes I get caught in the rubber band next to the door. I found there 2 more candy wrappers and a pack of orbit, apparently it fell out of my pocket or was put in by a child.”

“A friend’s dog used to steal socks like that. Wherever he sees socks, he’ll definitely steal one.”

“Mom told me. She was still small, and her father and brothers could not find the socks they had left in the evening in the morning. And so every morning, no and that’s it. And no one took it. Until grandpa showed some ingenuity: he tied a string to his socks, and in the morning, along the string, they found... a rat hole. It was freezing, poor fellow, so I warmed myself up.”

“And my cat really likes to carry my son’s socks, hides them under the pillow, buries them in the duvet cover, drags them onto the wall, etc.”

“Once, back in stagnant times, I hung my socks over the stove to dry (stupid, but I was young). And one sock was missing. Then I was found. In a teapot with a lid. I don’t remember if they drank tea before this discovery.”

“Up to 5 pairs of socks disappeared every month: “What’s that!” And only when I took out another clean duvet cover for a change, I discovered a sock house in it.”

“The socks are after the second wash. It turns out that a couple of socks got stuck in the drum, and after the next wash with large items, they popped out and were washed again. Believe in science and technology!”

“Yesterday we came back from a walk, my daughter got dirty in her jacket. I threw everything into the machine. I take it out to hang it up, but there’s no sock. I climbed into the drum again and checked it. No. I already looked behind the rubber band. No. I looked around everything. After shaking out the washed items for the third time, the sock was found. Stuck in my pants."

“I was thinking about the brownie, my right socks and slippers are constantly disappearing... I take off my sock, it curls into a ball, and put 2 balls by the bed... in the morning the right one is always missing. And at night I burned it, it’s my cats who poke, play and roll it behind the sofa, there’s no way to get it from there, so we laughed! And the slippers, apparently, are carried by dogs, the slippers are usually in the corridor or in the kitchen, but I don’t understand why it’s the right-wingers who carry them.”

“My boss’s husband and son steal each other’s socks. In the dark night they go to work. She constantly catches them at the radiator.”

“Before school in the mornings, I would take my dad’s from the box. He always had a lot of them and they were all so cool. Our size difference is insignificant: I have 39, he has 41.”

Household reasons for the disappearance of socks in an apartment

  1. Other family members pick it up and carry it themselves.
  2. Hidden by children or pets.
  3. They remain in the washing machine drum or under the rubber cuff.
  4. They get into the filter.
  5. They get stuck in pillowcases and duvet covers.
  6. They fall behind the battery.
  7. They fall from the balcony.
  8. They end up under the sofa and bed.

Nadezhda Dazless
I just have to write about this because it's brilliant. And just. Simply brilliant. Any person who has ever worn socks knows: socks are magical objects, no less than relatives of the famous magician Houdini. Even in a completely closed system they tend to disappear. Moreover, they disappear one by one.

I put them on in the morning, go to work, don’t take them off in public places, throw them in the wash in the evening, take them out, hang them on the balcony, put them on the shelves. Please note that there is no possibility for the socks to fall off and disappear at any stage. And yet - this is so. I even started a separate bag for single socks, where they lie and wait for their pair. It happens that a couple comes from another wash. The couple split up in the basket.

However, half of the package is occupied by widower socks; after a full cycle (everything dirty was washed and became clean), their other half never showed up. If you type in Google the phrase “Why do socks disappear?” - the result of more than three million requests. Some individuals, without hesitation, call the phenomenon anomalous and write it off as bullshit. Writer Terry Prattchet (love, love, love) came up with a mechanical beast that feeds on single socks.

There are a lot of theories: the universe is expanding, and therefore free space appears in it, it is this space that is occupied by the missing socks, these are aliens joking, testing people's reactions, these are gaps in time, socks fall there, they are sucked in, there is even a theory of resistentialism - inanimate objects nourish disgust for people, that’s why they disappear. By the way, physicists do not leave this phenomenon alone. They say Robert Matthews, the author of the book "25 Great Discoveries", justified the process of losing socks using the theory of probability, they say, the more pairs you have, the more likely you are to end up with single socks, but still did not explain where the hell they go .

While the best minds on the planet are struggling with this riddle, ordinary people are looking for solutions. One of my friends always took off her socks, put one in the other and washed them together, another organized a separate basket for socks and washed them in a rag bag, the third bought all the socks of the same color, black, and thus solved the problem. But I don’t like black socks, the fibers of the fabric get caught under the nails, you take them off and it’s like you haven’t washed your feet, and if you have to do it at home, it’s a shame, you won’t have to explain it to everyone.

Recently, on the Internet, I found people who are creatively approaching the problem of sock loss. The site is called littlemissmatched. There’s a lot of stuff there, but that’s what doesn’t interest us; what interests us is the socks section, and not even the section itself, but the idea behind it. They produce socks that are initially not identical, but match each other in design, theme, texture, and in three pieces. Or even a whole jar, with similar but different single socks.

Here! If one is lost, don’t worry, there are two or more. Fun, cute and unusual. Combine and wear, and forget about worries about missing ones. Exactly what I needed for nocturnal happiness. And it's that simple. I definitely stole the idea. And when I buy socks, I buy similar pairs, mix them up and wear them. Down with sock dominance, give sock freedom! In the meantime, let scientists look for socks in parallel universes.

The master revealed the secret of where socks go in the washing machine.

This is what happens to socks.

Have you ever experienced things disappearing after washing? It's hard to suspect your own home someone in stealing their own clothes, isn't it. So where does all this stuff go? A washing machine technician from the United States repairs equipment for one married couple, I decided to show it with a specific example.

The master revealed a terrible secret.

Over time, any washing machine (like any equipment) begins to work “not as it should.” An alarming sign, among other things, may be the fact that things regularly disappear after the washing process. Most often, socks and similar small things disappear magically, but sometimes much larger things also disappear.

In fact, clothes do not evaporate anywhere during washing. The washing machine is just a little hungry. Old car can chew things, causing them to fall out of the drum and end up somewhere in its body. If clothes start to disappear, it is best to call a technician who will disassemble the car.

It's all strange somehow.

In this particular case, in addition to numerous socks, the machine also chewed up other clothes. During the repair, the repairman also found a lot of small change, coins and two credit cards of the owners. In addition, the owners were pleased to know that no one in their house suffered from kleptomania, perhaps with the exception of the old washing machine.

Where to look for a lost sock after washing?

If a sock was placed in the drum of a washing machine, then it will not disappear anywhere outside the machine. Where can such a part of the wardrobe go?

Very often the sock gets caught under the rubber cuff. To get it out, you just need to move the elastic band back.

Small socks can slip through the gap between the tank and the drum and end up in the tank, remaining there for a long time. You can try to pull the sock out of the tank through the hole for the heating element, which will require you to disassemble the machine a little.

If a sock gets into the drum, then from there it can get out along with the waste water and get stuck in the drain pipe or drain filter. It is not difficult to remove the sock from the filter, but to remove it from the nozzle, you will have to disassemble the machine and remove the pump.

If you wash your socks with bed linen, then very often socks get inside the duvet cover or pillowcase.

It’s another matter if there were initially an odd number of socks. Maybe the missing sock is in the remaining pile of dirty laundry, or maybe it’s lying in the room under the sofa or bed, maybe it was stolen by a cat or dog.

How to avoid losing socks again

To avoid having to take a mountain of single socks out of the machine after washing, follow a few simple tips:

  • wash small items, including hosiery, in a special laundry bag;
  • Use small clothespins for washing, fasten pairs of socks with them before washing and then they will definitely not lose each other. By the way, such clothespins can be used not only for washing, but also for storage;
  • For the lazy, a simple solution is suitable - buy several pairs of identical socks at once. And even if one of the socks disappears, it will easily match a sock from another pair. You can stock up on several pairs of socks of different colors, for example, 7 pairs of gray and 7 pairs of black. With this method, you don’t have to think about storing socks in pairs, and you can throw out broken socks one at a time, rather than two at once. Very economical too.
  • hand washing will help to radically solve the problem of sock disappearing from the washing machine, yes, no matter how sad it may sound, but where to go. They wore the socks and immediately washed them by hand.

Where do socks go or how a brownie looked for his home.
Once upon a time there lived a brownie. So small and cheerful. Never did anything bad to anyone.
He had a job. Strange truth, work. But all work is work. Even though he was small, he cleared houses of all bad thoughts.
Sometimes he gets into the house, looks around, listens. There are so many terrible thoughts floating around in this house. The brownie waits until people go to bed and then his work begins. He finds socks in the house. He takes one of the pair. so that no one would think that the socks are disappearing and fill this sock full with all sorts of dirty and terrible human thoughts and take it away from people. And so the brownie works every night. He cleans and cleans people’s apartments, to the best of his brownie’s ability.
True, he also had his weaknesses. He loved chocolate and all kinds of sweets, kindness and love. And he only wanted to live in the house where it all was.
Loved to bask in the steam of warm kitchen food. Have fun with music at home. Dance with people with all his heart.
So he walked from house to house and he was tired of his work. He decided to find a home for himself and buy warmth. He wanted to relax after work and listen to good thoughts.
He visited one house - there was dancing, but there was no smell of food. He visited another - there seemed to be food, but they had not danced there for a long time. And he wanted to get into the house with good thoughts.
So he wandered and wandered. I changed so many clothes and wore down my shoes, still working and hoping to find rest.
One day he sees a brownie standing in such a nondescript, gray house. But around him birds sing and flowers grow. He wandered into that house to see what was happening there. Whoever lives in this house, maybe he will find shelter there. He hears music playing there and someone sings a song. And the girl is dancing there. And fun and love live in that house.
The breeze blows dust from the windowsills. The rain waters the flowers. And the kitchen smells like food. And the girl is so cheerful, even if she doesn’t sing, she’s always busy with something.
I waited until home night to do my usual work, collecting bad thoughts. I found a sock, stretched it out, sat and waited. When these bad thoughts fill his sock. And the sock is empty and empty. The brownie looked around to see if stray strange thoughts were flying around the room and did not find them. He was very surprised, he even reached into his sock with his little hand, and suddenly some little thought crept into the sock. But alas, there was nothing there either. The brownie was very confused, even frost ran through his body.
“Have I really found a place, a house that will serve as a rest for me?” the brownie whispered with trepidation.
He put the girl’s sock back in place and smoothed it out, as if he had never touched it.
And the brownie stayed to live in this house. He works at night, rests during the day, and watches the girl. He really likes this girl. Sometimes he really is a little mischievous. Either he bites off a piece of chocolate, or he scatters bread crumbs, or he teases the girl’s dog. When the dog starts barking into space, he gets a beating from the girl. The girl does not see that these are the tricks of the brownie.
Well, all the people who are losing one sock at a time, pay attention to your thoughts. The brownie told us this by secret. The more socks that go missing, the harder he has to work.
Believe it or not. Of course, everyone has their own brownie at home. Or maybe this is all just fiction about brownies...