Dimensions of a child's head by month after birth: norms and deviations. Head and chest circumference in children Small head circumference at 5 months

To evaluate your baby’s development, it is not necessary to constantly show him to the doctor. You can also do your part in monitoring your baby's development and tracking his physical growth.

For example, many parents are concerned about the head circumference of a baby in the first year of his life. Indeed, the head is actually the main part of our body. After all, it contains the brain, which controls every process in the body. And perhaps the most important aspect at the beginning of a child’s life is the formation of his head.

Why do this?

It is especially important to monitor the process of head growth for those whose children were injured during childbirth. Every woman knows that during childbirth, which takes place naturally, it is incredibly important to listen to the obstetrician and nurses, to be in some kind of contact with them.

Since it is from incorrect attempts that injuries to the child’s skull most often occur. And since his bones are still too fragile and vulnerable, this can leave an indelible mark on his future health and life.

In today's article we will talk about how to measure the head circumference of your child, and how to determine whether there are any pathologies or disorders in the process of its development.

So, what should you know about baby's head size by month?

Baby's head volume: everything you need to know about normal parameters

A normal head volume indicates that the baby is developing well and systematically. Deviations from the norm in this case may indicate serious pathologies - microcephaly and hydrocephalus. However, most often such fluctuations are caused rather genetically and physiologically, that is, they are individual feature crumbs. Therefore, doctors have created a special table that indicates head growth on a monthly basis. But if previously there was only one value, now the norm column contains impressive ranges.

The normal size of a child's head at 6 months is approximately 43 centimeters.

To determine normal growth rates, it is enough to subtract one and a half centimeters per month from this value. For example, a baby's head size at five months will be 41.5 centimeters.

For example:

The head size parameter for a three-month-old baby will be 38.5 centimeters (that is, 43 - 1.5 - 1.5 - 1.5). The same applies to the size of the head of a two-month-old baby, if you subtract another centimeter and a half.

And if we talk about the size of the head of a seven-month-old child, here we should add 50 millimeters to the six-month average. For example, if at the age of six months the circumference was “ideal” 43 centimeters, then in the next month this value will not fluctuate much and will be only 43.5 centimeters.

Average parameters

If we talk about averaged indicators by month, we get something like this:

  • Newborn children – 34-35 cm;
  • Menstruation – 36-37 cm;
  • Two months - 38-39 cm;
  • Three months - 40-41 cm;
  • Four months - 42-43 cm;
  • Half-year-olds – 43-44 cm;
  • One-year-olds – 46-47 cm.

The lower threshold is more typical for girls, and the upper threshold for boys. You cannot focus solely on these indicators, since individuality should not be written off. Each person is unique in nature from birth, which means that minor fluctuations from the norm are still possible.

If the volumes of your baby’s skull do not coincide with generally accepted ones, there is no need to sound the alarm and engage in self-diagnosis using search engines on the Internet. If you are really concerned about the development of such severe pathologies as hydrocephalus and microcephaly, show your baby to the doctor.

It is advisable to do this in cases where the volume grows too slowly, or, conversely, too quickly. Here it is important to focus not even on the size itself, but on how correctly or incorrectly the growth factor is progressing.

You should not forget how your baby was born. For example, if you did not convey it to due date, it is quite obvious that his head will be smaller than that of a full-term baby. In addition, a premature baby will also gain volume more slowly than a healthy and strong “hero.” In post-term babies, the head may be wider immediately after birth (that is, reach a volume of more than 35 centimeters), but they gain weight in the same way as ordinary children.

If there were head injuries to the newborn during delivery, this point also cannot be written off. And this applies not only to serious injuries, but also to seemingly “harmless” hematomas and swelling.

How to determine deviations from the norm?

It happens that the current volumes of the head do not correspond at all to those accepted as average and “ideal”. In this case, the first thing you should find out is how things went with this for you and the baby’s father. If one of the parents has a head in "tender age" was less or more than is customary, it is likely that such physiological feature is also inherited by the child. Overall, there is no cause for concern here, although you should still be wary.

If nothing like this was noted in the family history (or your parents did not particularly monitor such parameters and did not save any information about them), you should still show the child to the doctor and diagnose the cause of this deviation. It is possible that there are some problems that are important to differentiate in a timely manner in order to begin adequate treatment.

It is also important to ensure that the volume of the head does not exceed the volume of the chest, except when they are compared in these indicators.

In children, head volume is measured monthly from birth. This parameter is used to evaluate physiological development child. An increase or decrease relative to the average value may indicate serious illness. It may also be a genetic trait inherited from parents.

After birth, babies' heads swell slightly. It's connected with high pressure, which occurs when the baby passes through the birth canal. Normally, the volume of a newborn's head is 2 cm greater than the volume of the chest. The peculiarity of the structure of the bones, which are connected by thin layers, allows you to avoid head injuries during childbirth. During childbirth, the bones of the skull may move relative to each other.

In newborns, the head is elongated in the front and back. Over time, the size returns to normal.

Newborns normally have the following forms:

  • brachycephalic - round, the bumps on the forehead are clearly visible;
  • dolichocephalic - oval shaped.

Any of them is determined by the physiological structure of the mother’s pelvic organs. Normally, the volume of a newborn’s head is from 34 to 36 cm.

Newborn head shape:

If the baby was born by caesarean section

Children born through surgery have a larger head. At the same time, it is not elongated, but even on all sides. This is due to the lack of pressure that babies experience during natural delivery. Head volume in children born with caesarean section, returns to normal at the end of the first year of life.

Why is it necessary to know the volume of a child’s head?

Head volume in children is no less important than height and weight. Using its values ​​you can determine:

  • the beginning of the development of infectious diseases;
  • nervous disorders;
  • pathologies of brain development.

Up to 1 year of age, the pediatrician takes head measurements monthly. It is also possible to measure at home if you follow the rules. The volume of the head is compared with the size in the chest area. They become equal at the age of 6 months.

Can heredity affect head size?

Head volume that differs from the established norm does not always indicate pathology. Every child inherits the structure of the skull bones from their parents. If they had deviations in the size of the head, but this did not affect development, then with a 25% probability the same thing will happen again in the child.

Don't worry if:

  • the child is active;
  • development corresponds to age;
  • neurosonography revealed no abnormalities;
  • no increased intracranial pressure;
  • fontanelles close on time.

How to take measurements from a child’s head correctly

Head volume in children must be measured correctly. If you have doubts about the accuracy of the result, you can repeat the measurements. They use a soft tailor's tape. At the back, the measuring tape is applied to the most protruding part. Wrap the baby's head and connect the ends at the level of the eyebrow line.

How to correctly measure head volume in children

It is necessary that the ends of the tape are not offset relative to each other. It is important that the child is calm during the measurements. In cases of severe crying, measurements should be postponed as the results will be inaccurate.

Standard head circumference indicators

The head volume of newborn babies is on average 35 cm. A variant of the norm is the range from 32 to 38 cm. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the relationship with the volume of the chest and the method of birth of the child. Babies after cesarean section have a larger head volume than those born naturally, on average by 2 cm.

Every month the volume of the baby's head should increase by 2 centimeters. Closer to 4-6 months of life, the body acquires a proportional shape when the volumes of the chest and head are equal. After this, up to a year, the monthly growth should be no more than 5-10 mm.

In cases of deviations from the norm, consultation with a neurologist is necessary. A large head volume is a sign of hydrocephalus, a small one is a sign of microcephaly.

Both cases require treatment, but measurement results alone are not enough to identify them. An alternative method is ultrasonography brain through the fontanel. The size of the fontanel is also important, which should heal gradually.

Head volume may change slightly up to 5 years. Further changes in the skull bones do not affect a significant change in size.

Calculation formulas

The value of the head volume of newborns, infants, and children under 5 years of age can be calculated using formulas. The value will be average, so small deviations may be normal. The obtained result can be compared with the tables of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Calculation scheme:

The formulas are based on nominal values:

  • 43 - average value of head volume in children aged 6 months;
  • 1.5 - average volume increase at the age of up to six months;
  • 0.5 is the average value of volume growth in the 2nd half of the year.

There is a formula for calculating head circumference for children over 1 year old but under 5 years old. From 50 you need to subtract 5 and then add the child’s age in years. According to the formula, a child’s head volume at 2 years old is 47 cm, and at 3 years old it is 48.

Table of indicators for measuring head circumference in children

WHO has developed head circumference tables from birth to the age of 5 years for boys and girls.

They indicate values ​​from birth to 1 year monthly, and then up to 5 years every 3 months:

Values ​​are given in centimeters to tenths. At the same time, for girls the average values ​​at any age are 0.3-1.2 cm less than for boys. The values ​​in the columns below the average, average and above the average are considered a variant of the norm.

A table for measuring head circumference in children is an important tool for pediatricians to examine babies under one year of age.

With its help, physiological development is determined:

  • brain volume;
  • amount of circulating blood;
  • intracranial pressure.

In pathological processes, the circumference may be smaller or larger than normal. Identification of inconsistencies in early age guarantees fast recovery and mild disease. After one year of age, it is more difficult to treat diseases of the brain and nervous system, which leaves an imprint on timely emotional development.

Table of head circumference sizes by month/year for boys from 0 to 5 years

In boys at birth, the normal head volume according to the WHO table is from 33.2 to 35.7 cm. By the year the value changes to 44.8-47.4 cm, and by 5 - to 49.2-52.2 cm. A deviation of 3-4 cm from any border indicates developmental pathologies. The causes may be diseases, heredity, as well as the consequences of past injuries.

Table of head circumference sizes by month/year for girls from 0 to 5 years

Newborn girls have a head circumference of 32.7 to 35.1 cm. These values ​​​​are not taken into account for children born before 37 weeks or underweight. In the first months, their brains may develop a little faster, resulting in larger heads.

At the end of 1 year of life, the head of girls increases to 43.5-46.3 cm, and by 5 years - to 48.5-51.3 cm. It is impossible to determine the presence of the disease only by the value of the head circumference. Additionally, an ultrasound of the brain and an examination by a neurologist may be recommended.

In Russia, at the age of 1 month, examination of the brain through the fontanelle is mandatory. Based on its results, a neurologist can determine the cause of the baby’s anxiety - high intracranial pressure.

Deviations from the norm

A deviation from the norm is considered to be a newborn’s head volume of 30 or 39 cm. The following is taken into account:

  • chest volume;
  • height;
  • head shape.

Pathologies of the form of development are considered to be the appearance of a rook, tower or lack of symmetry. In order for a newborn’s head to acquire the correct shape, pediatricians recommend shifting it onto its side alternately.

At an early age, sleeping on your back is also not recommended. This is dangerous because the baby may choke on food after regurgitation. It also causes the occipital bone to flatten. Deviations from any normal limit are 3-4 cm in volume.

Birth injury

Newborn head injuries sustained during childbirth are a leading cause of death or disability. Unlike an adult, the fetus has 4 fontanelles in the skull - soft membrane connections of bones.

When delivery begins, the baby makes its way with its head, less often with its legs, and compression occurs.

The cause of injury is:

  • narrow maternal pelvis;
  • large fruit size;
  • prematurity or postmaturity;
  • the speed of the delivery process.

The doctor can determine the injury by the newborn’s reaction to external stimuli - pain.

TO pathological conditions include:

  • a dream in which the baby wakes up only from severe pain;
  • changing facial expressions without waking up;
  • minimal or no reactions - coma.

Birth injuries are divided according to location into external and internal. The baby's head may be swollen, which often goes away on its own. Skin abrasions are treated with antiseptic drugs.

Internal injuries include skull fractures and cerebral hemorrhage. In such conditions, there is practically no chance of survival, even with timely treatment. At best, the child will remain disabled from childhood and live a short and difficult life.


Hydrocephalus is a disease of the brain when cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) accumulates in it. In addition to a large head, the disease is manifested by neurological disorders (restlessness, stiffness of movement), tissue swelling at the site of the fontanel. Hydrocephalus can be congenital or acquired.

Causes of the disease:

  • infections suffered by the mother in later stages;
  • injuries during childbirth;
  • meningitis in early childhood;
  • lack of oxygen during intrauterine development.


Microcephaly is a rare disease characterized by a small head volume at birth. Due to the underdevelopment of the brain, children suffer from various severe mental retardations.

The causes of the disease may be:

This deviation occurs no more often than 1 case in 6000 newborns.


Hemangioma is a benign neoplasm on the skin of a red hue. Appears at birth as a result of compression. It usually resolves on its own, but there may be cases surgical intervention. In cases of inward growth, hemangioma can deplete the blood flow of platelets, which leads to the development of blood diseases.


Rickets is a disease that affects bone tissue and nervous system. It develops with a lack of vitamin D, which is involved in the metabolic processes of calcium and phosphorus.

In most cases, the characteristic signs are:

Rickets affects the development of the child and leads to delayed speech and skills. With timely treatment, the child will quickly make up for the gaps, and if not, he risks remaining disabled.

High intracranial pressure

Increased pressure inside the skull is associated with impaired outflow of cerebrospinal fluid. In children, the condition manifests itself as excitability, frequent convulsions, vomiting, and loss of consciousness. The main symptom is the presence of vascular networks on the head.

If treatment is not timely, the following are possible:

  • stroke;
  • cerebral hemorrhage;
  • lack of coordination;
  • death.

How to choose a hat for a child without measuring the circumference

When choosing a headdress without measuring the volume, you must be guided by the age of the child. The average volume can be calculated using formulas. For example, at 1.5 years old, the average head volume is 46.5 cm. When choosing a summer hat, you can take the product end-to-end. Winter hats should be a little looser.

When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the depth and size of the bottom. Often, a hat selected according to volume does not fit the baby or, on the contrary, covers the eyes. Therefore, it is better to purchase the first headdress with your child, and choose the next ones as before, so as not to make a mistake.

Head volume in newborns is as important as height and weight. An increase or decrease may be a signal for additional examination.

At the same time, all children are individual and cannot be fitted to a template. Therefore, in case of large deviations from the norm, it is necessary to take several repeated measurements and consult with a specialist.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: head volume in children

Fontana and head volume in children under one year of age:

Measurement of head and chest circumference should be carried out during a routine visit to specialists. It is important to evaluate the shape of these body parts. The data will help assess the state of the child’s development and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

Very important indicators of child development are anthropometric data of head and chest circumference. Immediately after birth, these parameters are measured. Inspection is important skeletal system child. When examining the head, its shape and size are assessed.

The shape of the chest can also be different and indicate the state of health. Subsequently, the local pediatrician will correlate new indicators with them. Any deviations from the norm are regarded as serious pathological changes in the development of the body. In this case, the doctor prescribes a consultation with other specialists in order not to miss the progression of the disease and to begin appropriate treatment.

Indicators of normal development in numbers

The average head circumference at birth for a baby is 34–36 cm, the chest circumference is 32 cm. In the first month of life, the head grows faster than the chest. Adds approximately 1 cm every month. And only about 4 months the sizes become the same. TO one year old the chest may be approximately 2 cm larger than the size of the head.

During the first year of life, head circumference increases by approximately 12 cm, and the chest increases by 16 cm. healthy child The chest is always larger than the head. There is a slight difference in parameters between girls and boys. Anxiety is most often caused by the size of the baby's head and chest circumference.

The table clearly shows how the head and chest circumference of children increases during the first year of life, depending on gender.

Age, monthsBoysGirls
Head circumference, cmSternal circumference, cmHead circumference, cmSternal circumference, cm
1 37–38 36 37 36
2 39–40 38 38 37
3 41 39 39–40 38
4 42 40 41 39
5 43–44 42 42 40
6 44–45 43 43 41
7 45–46 44 44 42
8 46 45 45 43
9 47 45 46 44
10 48 46 46–47 45
11 48 47 47 46
12 49 48 48 47

If there are deviations from the indicators, do not worry right away; perhaps there is a genetic predisposition to one or another circle.

If a child was born with a large head, then this may be a physiological norm. If the head, on the contrary, is not large sizes, the reasons may be in the birth of a child ahead of schedule, intrauterine developmental problems. Heredity also plays an important role.

The healthcare system has adopted a standard for head size for children under 5 years of age. The table clearly displays these parameters.

AgeAverage values ​​for boysAverage values ​​for girls
newborns35 34
six months43 42
year46 45
1.5 years47 46
2 years48 47
2.5 years49 48
3 years49 48
4 years50 49
5 years51 50

The norm is set separately for boys and girls. This table is indicative for pediatricians and neurologists.

The table will help determine what the normal chest circumference is for children aged 1 to 6 years.

1 year49 48
1.5 years50–52 49–50
2 years52–53 51–52
2.5 years53 52
3 years54 53
3.5 years55 53–54
4 years55–56 54
4.5 years56 55
5 years57 56
5.5 years58–59 57
6 years59–60 58

Many children grow unevenly. Therefore, it is necessary to record data over a long period of time to understand how much difference there is between normal and abnormal.

Determination of development norms by form

External examination of the child’s skeletal system should be carried out in a standing, sitting and lying position

The parameters that a specialist primarily pays attention to when examining a child’s head are:

  1. Skull shape. Normally, a child should have a round shape. In newborns, the head may be elongated and oblong. This is due to the passage of the child through the birth canal during natural delivery. During the first days, the head shape becomes normal. If the head has a different shape (enlarged frontal lobe or parietal lobe), then rickets or hydrocephalus must be excluded.
  2. Symmetry of the skull. In newborns, slight swelling or swelling of certain areas of the skull can be detected. This does not pose any health hazard. If the asymmetrical areas are dense, then we can talk about a cephalohematoma.
  3. The dimensions of the skull correspond to generally accepted standards. If it is smaller than the accepted norms, then they talk about microcephaly, if, on the contrary, it is large, it is macrocephaly.

The difference between the parameters obtained during measurement and the established norm should be alarming. Diseases that are accompanied by a small skull size are microcephaly or craniostenosis (characterized by early fusion of the skull sutures).

If the head is too large, this may indicate intracranial hypertension or rickets.

If the baby was born ahead of schedule, then the size should increase faster and should coincide with the period of active weight gain. By the age of one year, normal values ​​are reached.

In addition, the doctor determines by touch how dense the bone tissue is and evaluates its integrity and smoothness. The examination reveals whether there is pain in the bones and joints of the skull. The doctor determines the size of the sutures and fontanelles. Softening of the bones of the crown and back of the head may indicate a disease.

When examining a child’s chest, attention should be paid to the following parameters:

  1. Shape of the sternum. Normally, there are three main shapes of the chest: flat and cylindrical or cone-shaped.
  2. Symmetry.
  3. Measuring the epigastric angle allows you to determine the proportions and type of structure: normosthenic, hypersthenic, asthenic.

When palpating the chest, a slight thickening is detected at the transition of the bone part to the cartilaginous part. Severe thickening indicates rickets.

The shape of the sternum changes as the baby grows. In newborns, it has the shape of a narrow shortened pyramid. By the third year, the shape becomes cone-shaped. By the age of 6–7 years, the angle of the ribs begins to change. Increased growth of the chest begins between 11 and 12 years.

Pathological changes in the development of the chest can be congenital (genetically determined) and acquired (the result of diseases such as rickets, scoliosis, bone tuberculosis).

Shapes of the chest resulting from deformation: funnel-shaped (recession of the ribs, cartilages), keeled (strong protrusion of the bones), paralytic (flat and narrow cage), barrel-shaped (ribs are located horizontally and far from each other), scaphoid (there is a depression in the sternum) . All these changes negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Do not immediately panic if, when independently measuring the child’s body parameters, obvious deviations from the norm were revealed. There are specific features of installing a centimeter tape, which the doctor knows about. Therefore, you need to contact him to clarify the result; you do not need to take any action yourself.

A five-year-old child is an active, restless talker who asks a lot of questions and is interested in everything around him. During this period, the child can make an active growth spurt, and the indicators of his physical development change dramatically.

Generally physical development child at 5 years of age continues without slowing down compared to last year. The child grows, gains weight, his skeleton is actively improving and muscle corset. The child has become more resilient, stronger and sick less; many of the children are already actively involved in sports. The child speaks a lot and actively, he is an interesting conversationalist, is keenly interested in his surroundings and knows a lot. After your fifth birthday, you will experience a growth spurt; in just one season, your baby can grow significantly and become stronger. On average, let's find out how much a child grows in 5 years. Depending on many conditions and heredity, the growth spurt can be from 5 to 8 cm. In general, the average height of boys by this time will be from 105 to 115 cm, the height of girls is slightly less - from 102 to 112 cm. However, remember - if everyone in the family is tall, the baby’s height may exceed the average norm by about 3-5 cm. Growth indicators depend on the child’s health, mobility and activity. The more physical exercise, how restless baby, the more actively it grows. Sick and slow guys are usually shorter than their faster and healthier peers.

Child's head size at 5 years old

One of the indicators of a child’s normal development is the proportions of his body, or, to be more precise, the circumference of his head and chest. On average, a 5-year-old boy's head circumference ranges from 49 to 54 cm.

Again, slight fluctuations of 1-2 cm are individual variations, constitutional features and hereditary characteristics. Girls have a slightly smaller head - from 48 to 53 cm. If the head size indicators are sharply deviated from the norm, it is worth asking a pediatrician about this. The chest size of babies is also determined - for boys they are from 52 to 57 cm, girls have a circumference from 51 to 56 cm.

How many teeth does a 5 year old child have?

By the age of five, a child’s mouth may have 20 to 24 teeth. Of these, 20 are milk teeth, and molars are also emerging in a 5-year-old child. These are 4 permanent (molar) teeth - the outermost first permanent molars. During this period, it is important for parents to ensure that there are diastemas between the child’s teeth - small gaps that hold space for permanent teeth. Permanent teeth will begin to appear a little later to replace baby teeth, and these distances directly reflect the uniform development of the jaw. If there are no gaps between the teeth, then you need to consult a dentist. When permanent teeth erupt, there may be difficulties, and the formation of bite pathologies (crowding, teeth coming out of the dentition), a plate may be needed to stimulate jaw growth.
At the age of five, the front incisors may become loose and are replaced by permanent teeth. Usually these are the lower and then the upper incisors.

Child's foot size at 5 years old

An important point for parents, given the growth spurt, is the shoe size of a child at 5 years old. As with growth indicators in general, there may be fluctuations in the size of children's feet, therefore, you should not buy shoes based on age alone - you can make a mistake with the sizes. It is important to correctly determine the foot size at 5 years old for a girl or boy. You need to measure the length of the child’s foot; at the age of five it can be approximately 17-19 cm. The most correct option, given the diversity dimensional grids Manufacturers will select the shoe size for a 5-year-old girl or boy right in the store, trying the shoes on the foot. Often the same shoe sizes from different companies can be small or loose; in addition, the fullness of the foot, instep and simply comfort are also important.

Children's clothing size

Usually, for simplicity, clothing sizes in children's stores are determined by age and height. On average, a 5-year-old boy's clothing size is selected for a height of 110-116 cm. According to tables of standard children's sizes, this amounts to size 30-32. The dress size for a 5-year-old girl is determined in the same way. With boys, it’s easier to choose clothes; you can take extra trousers, as well as shirts and T-shirts. But for a 5-year-old girl, it is more important what size clothes she wears. Hanging and dangling dresses that are grown out will look ridiculous.

Child's weight at 5 years old

The normal weight of a child at 5 years old can vary significantly depending on body type, height and physical activity. Therefore, increases should be assessed not according to standard standards, but individually, in comparison with previous ones age periods, taking into account growth. In many ways, the weight of a girl or boy at 5 years old depends on the mobility, appetite and eating habits of the family. On average, how much should a 5 year old boy weigh? TO normal indicators include 16-21 kg, although there may be fluctuations in either direction by 1.5-2 kg. Similarly, how much should a girl weigh at 5 years old? Average weights will be 15.5 - 21 kg, and individual fluctuations are also acceptable. If you are underweight and normal growth The doctor should conduct additional examinations on the child; there may be health problems.

The physical parameters of a child are important indicators that reflect his normal development. Immediately after birth, neonatologists record the baby’s parameters. These include height and weight, chest girth and head circumference. The correspondence or non-compliance of these data with generally accepted standards indicates the state of the baby’s health.

Too big or small size baby's head is usually a sign of hydrocephalus or microcephaly. However, minor deviations from generally accepted norms are considered to be the genetic characteristics of the child.

After birth, the volume of a baby’s head is normally 34-35 cm. This parameter also depends on gender: in boys it is usually larger than in girls. During the first year of life, this indicator changes quite quickly, especially in the first trimester. By the third or fourth month it reaches approximately 40 centimeters.

By four months, the circumference of the baby's head approximately coincides with the circumference of the chest. But from this age it should always be less than the chest girth, otherwise the presence of pathological abnormalities is stated. The head circumference by the age of six months is 43 cm. Then growth slows down, and this parameter increases by half a centimeter in one month. At one year of age it reaches 47 cm.

You can measure the circumference of a newborn's head with a measuring tape. From the back it should pass clearly through the occipital protuberance, and from the front - through the brow ridges, directly along the line of the eyebrows. When measuring the relevant parameters, the child must be in a calm state. Otherwise the indicators will be incorrect.

So, the average standards for children from one month to twelve are different. Initially, the head volume is larger in boys. In girls in the first month this parameter is 36.6 cm, in boys it reaches 37.3 cm. In the second month this figure in girls is 38.4 cm, and in boys it is already 39.1 cm. Up to 12 months the difference in parameters is approximately one centimeter. The head volume of boys exceeds that of girls with each month of life. By the age of one year, these figures are 47 cm and 46 cm, respectively.

It should be noted that there are separate parameters for premature infants. Their growth in head circumference is different, because the initial indicators are less than the average values. Premature babies do not grow as rapidly as babies born on time.

During the first year, the volume of a child's head increases by an average of 12 centimeters. During this time, the bones of the skull converge. By a year and a half, the fontanel is completely fused. Steady and systematic growth of the head during the first two years of a baby’s life indicates the full development of his brain.

Average standards for children from one to five years old are also different. By the age of two, in boys they change from 47 to 49.5 cm. At that time, a similar parameter in girls is from 46 to 48.2 cm. By the age of three, these indicators change from 49.5 to 50.5 and from 48.2 up to 49.6 cm, respectively. After four, the growth of head volume slows down slightly and amounts to slightly more than 0.5 cm per year. By the age of fifteen, a boy’s head circumference reaches 54.9 cm. A similar parameter for girls is 54.2 cm.

So, the head circumference of a child by age should correspond to the following data:

This indicator should be considered in conjunction with other parameters of child growth and development. Thus, a too large head signals the development of hydrocephalus. This pathological process is accompanied by a number of signs, including a large protruding forehead and convex enlarged fontanelles, diverging cranial sutures and a tense subcutaneous venous network. In addition, the child is diagnosed with neurological disorders.

If the baby's head is too small, microcephaly is often diagnosed. This pathological process is accompanied by a number of pronounced symptoms. The child's fontanelles are closed, his forehead is small. In addition, the baby has neurological disorders.

To accurately diagnose such diseases, it is advisable to consult a neurologist, as well as carry out magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography of the brain.

Especially for -Nikolay Arsentiev