Oriental massage. Tibetan rejuvenating oil massage

Due to the lack of solar heat, in winter we are often worried about chronic fatigue and apathy. However, this time can be spent usefully if you devote it to strengthening your health. A massage based on the centuries-old experience of oriental healers will help get rid of stress and fill the body with vitality and positive energy.

Oriental massage at the Prana Yoga Center

Visitors to the Prana yoga center, located in Moscow, near the Timiryazevskaya metro station, will be able to appreciate the relaxing and calming effects of oriental massage, which is excellent prevention various diseases.

During the session, qualified specialists influence certain points responsible for a particular organ, as a result of which the body’s defenses increase, it rejuvenates, and is cleansed of harmful waste and toxins.

All procedures in the massage room are carried out without the use of any lubricants, making the effect on the skin more effective. Do you want to fully experience all the benefits of oriental massage and be filled with vital energy? It is recommended to take a course consisting of ten sessions, the effectiveness of which lasts for at least six months.

Oriental massage sessions at the Prana Yoga Center are held on a flexible schedule. The cost of an hour-long lesson is 2,500 rubles, however, it is possible to purchase several visits to the massage room at a discount. A nice bonus for clients is that after each procedure, they receive any herbal tea of ​​their choice free of charge.

Oriental massage in the Harmony SPA salon

Center"Harmony SPA", located on Novoslodobskaya street, is distinguished by its exquisite interior, made in Japanese style. A cozy massage room, decorated only with natural materials, where clients can restore the body in a relaxed atmosphere, enjoying the sounds of calm SPA music.

The salon's specialists work using a methodology that includes elements of Ayurvedic, Thai and Chinese massage. The use of ancient oriental techniques allows you to charge the human body with energy for a long time and restore his mental balance.

Visitors are offered the following procedures:

  • “Secrets of the East” (massage of the torso, head, feet);
  • “Eastern potpourri” (impact on biologically active points of the head and back);
  • “Light legs” (massage of legs, feet).

In addition, clients can take advantage of anti-aging services Tibetan massage using natural oils and other eastern techniques that allow you to gain health, youth, and slimness. The cost of a one-time service at the spa starts from 1,500 rubles.

The main philosophy of the “Medical Center for Acupuncture and Homeopathy”, located on Dmitrovskoye Highway, is the use unconventional methods treatment without the use of drugs.

Its services include oriental massage, during which specialists place special emphasis on treating the spine, paying attention to each vertebra. In addition, during the sessions, strengthening and relaxing procedures are performed that affect the muscles, which allows you to straighten your posture; get rid of depression, strengthen the immune system.

In accordance with ancient eastern practices, during sessions massage therapists use aromatic essential oils that improve blood circulation; normalize the functioning of the stomach and liver, and also have a most beneficial effect on the respiratory and nervous systems.

Medical center provides the opportunity to use the services of Thai or Japanese massage; undergo a procedure using special bags with fragrant herbs or do a Chinese facial massage using natural cosmetical tools. The cost of one session here is from 600 rubles.

Center "Healer"

The Healer medical center has a very convenient location, it is located near the Varshavskaya metro station. There is parking next to it, so motorists will not have a question about where to leave their vehicle.

There is a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere inside the room: cozy interior, comfortable upholstered furniture; polite and helpful staff. Sessions here are conducted by an experienced specialist who not only masters massage techniques, but is also a master of thalassotherapy, as well as a rehabilitation doctor.

Oriental massage services include a comprehensive program using a variety of techniques. It contains elements of acupuncture, and also uses procedures such as application or wrapping. In the comfortable environment of the center, clients can easily get rid of stressful, depressive state. In addition, here it is possible to eliminate organic and functional disorders associated with the respiratory organs; joints or spine, as well as the digestive and circulatory systems. The price of a one-time massage session is 1,500 rubles per hour.

Eastern Massage Center & Spa “Svet”

The Svet spa salon, specializing in the provision of health and rehabilitation services, is located at Moscow, Akademika Bochvara Street. Here clients are given the opportunity to increase their vitality and improve psychological condition using ancient treatment methods that stimulate the circulation of energy in the body.

Oriental massage, performed using the acupressure method, is an excellent means of rehabilitation therapy. After procedures performed by professional specialists, metabolic processes in the body are normalized; The activity of the musculoskeletal system improves and the hormonal system is balanced.

Each course program is based on centuries-old techniques used in the East. Price one-time visit is from 800 rubles, it largely depends on the services chosen by clients. Guests of the center can use the following procedures:

  • “Healthy spine” - back massage using essential oils and bags of fragrant herbs;
  • “Imperial Chinese massage” - massage of the head, face, legs and arms.
  • “Wonderful Herbs” is a procedure using aromatic herbal bags.
  • “Oriental fairy tale” - session with aromatherapy massage torso and legs, including tea drinking.

Particularly effective is completing a comprehensive program that allows you to effectively influence all biologically active points of the body.

Asia Beauty Spa

The chain of spa salons is located in Moscow on Dmitrovsky, Oruzheyny and Pogorelsky lanes. Here clients will be able to appreciate all the benefits of oriental SPA massage performed by highly qualified specialists from Tibet and China using exclusive techniques.

The luxurious interior of the center is dominated by an atmosphere of sophistication and comfort, promoting complete relaxation and restoration of harmony. From the variety of programs offered, clients can choose the most suitable option for themselves: relaxing, energetic or healing oriental massage.

Depending on the specifics of the spa procedure, the center’s staff may use aromatic hot candles during the procedure; semiprecious stones; cocoa and coke butters, as well as other products that have a positive effect on the body and help relieve psychological stress. Those who want to correct their figure or simply improve their health can undergo a comprehensive program of wellness sessions, including massage of the bust and abdomen; herbal medicine, procedures aimed at treating blood circulation, digestive organs, nervous system and other diseases. The cost of a one-time massage starts from 3,000 rubles per hour.

The Sunny Spa salon is located in the center of Moscow, on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. In this oasis of peace and harmony, clients are provided with services by professional massage specialists with a high level of training and impressive experience in luxury hotels in the United Arab Emirates, India and Thailand. Guests of the center can choose at their discretion any of the options for oriental massage, which is carried out using Chinese, Thai or Indian technology.

Specialists pay special attention to the spiritual component of the procedures performed. The main goal of the Thai method is not so much to completely heal the body, but to bring a person’s nervous system into a harmonious state, as well as restore his spiritual balance. Chinese massage provides an opportunity to increase tone and energy, fill the body with vitality, and balance the balance of yang and yin in it. The ancient Indian technique is based on the fact that the human body is a single integral system, where a disease in one part of the body entails problems with other organs, so they all must be in harmony.

After completing the massage session, clients can relax, immersed in the atmosphere of the mysterious East in the tea room, enjoying the taste of aromatic drinks made from the best Chinese varieties, and listening to soothing music. The one-time price for an oriental massage is from 3,500 rubles per hour.

Read more about oriental massage places on the websites of companies providing this service:

1. Yoga Center “Prana” - http://pranayoga.ru
2. Spa salon “Harmony SPA” - http://www.garmoniya-spa.ru/
3. Victoria Thomas Medical Center for Acupuncture and Homeopathy - http://www.thomasmed.ru/
4. Medical Center “Healer” - http://www.mc-celitel.ru/
5. Wellness center "Svet" - http://www.svet-spa.ru/
6. Network of spa salons ASIA BEAUTY SPA - http://www.ab-spa.ru/
7. Spa center “Sunny Spa” - http://sunnyspa.ru/

The tradition of oriental massage dates back more than 3,000 years, and today it is one of the most popular methods of body care and the most sought-after wellness practice. European culture idolizes the scalpel; the East believes in the self-regulation capabilities of the human body, capable of independently solving any problem. The body can heal itself, believe adherents of eastern massage schools; it just needs a little help. Using special massage techniques, you can improve your metabolism, skin condition and even lose weight. The massage therapist pays special attention to the muscles: relaxing and strengthening procedures will help you get rid of the effects of stress, correct your posture and achieve a general healing effect.

Oriental massage also includes elements of osteopractice: Special attention is given to the spine, work is done on each vertebra.

Our Center’s specialists provide therapeutic massage using special systems that allow:

  • restore the functions of internal organs
  • improve the musculoskeletal system
  • carry out comprehensive treatment of herniated discs
  • cure bronchial asthma
  • cure vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • restore healthy sleep
  • cope with stress and depression

Aroma massage

The difference between oriental massage and others lies in the use of unique aromatherapy aids - essential oils. Massage with aroma oils is ancient and one of the most effective ways effects on the body. It ensures rapid penetration of aromatic substances into the lymph and bloodstream. In addition to the positive effect on the respiratory system, blood circulation, central and peripheral nervous system, the liver, intestines and endocrine glands are healed. Regular visits to massage therapists are especially useful for fans of fitness and strength sports: for them, relieving muscle tension can be called a mandatory procedure.

Among the oriental massage procedures in our center are Japanese and Thai types of massage, special massage with bags of aromatic herbs, essential oils, honey. Honey massage is especially effective for removing toxins from the body. A special massage technique allows you to get rid of cellulite, “beer bellies” in men and other unattractive features of the figure.


The program includes highly concentrated algae wraps, rich in iodine, which activate the function of the thyroid gland, metabolic processes, and saturate the body with microelements.

Wraps help remove excess fluid from the intercellular space and cleanse the body of toxins, stimulate microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. Algae, plant extracts and yeast extract help improve the elasticity and firmness of skin tissue.

The effect of body shaping massage is enhanced by eight types of wraps:

  • with sea salt
  • with clay
  • with honey
  • with chocolate
  • with green coffee
  • with fruit
  • and – probably the most exotic – wine wraps

The program includes highly concentrated algae wraps, rich in iodine, which activate the function of the thyroid gland, metabolic processes, and saturate the body with microelements.

Wraps help:

  • remove excess fluid from the intercellular space
  • cleanse the body of toxins
  • stimulate microcirculation and lymphatic drainage.

Algae, plant extracts and yeast extract help improve the elasticity and firmness of skin tissue.

Manual peeling procedure - massage using sea ​​salt, green coffee or other natural scrubs - can complement the wraps, enhancing the positive effect of the procedure.


Stone therapy - treatment with stones - enough new method in our country, but has been known for several centuries in the East, where they still believe in magical power and individual character stones. In fact, despite its monumental immobility, the stone carries a lot of information, including healing. Stone therapy is based on the temperature and energy effects of stones in combination with elements of reflexology Stone therapy for modern people attractive because it easily and pleasantly relieves muscle pain, heaviness in the back, neck and legs, has a beneficial effect on the exhausted nervous system and, finally, helps get rid of fat deposits, accelerating metabolism.

But, above all, stone therapy is most effective for relieving stress, depression, and general relaxation of the body. There are sensitive areas and biologically active points on the human body, which can be treated with stones to cure some diseases, including those associated with nervous disorders.

The person lies down on the couch, and they begin to slowly relax him either with a light touch of stones, or by specially placing them along the spine, alternating in a special way. However, before the stone therapy session begins, the patient will be anointed with pleasant aromatic oils, and only then the stones will be used. Pebbles of different sizes can be placed on active points of the whole body: from toes to eyes. The remaining stone-free surface is massaged. First it is a regular massage, then the actual massage with stones heated to a temperature of 40 degrees. The heat from these stones can penetrate to a depth of 4 centimeters.

During the stone therapy procedure, blood flow to the painful area increases, cells begin to work more actively, and blood and lymph remove toxins and waste. At the same time, the tissues are enriched with oxygen. The duration of the stone therapy procedure is from 45 minutes to one and a half hours. Stone therapy stones are not ordinary pebbles. Black ones are basalt of volcanic origin, which retains heat for a very long time, white ones are cool marble stones. They should be perfectly smooth, flattened enough to easily fit on your back. Stones are heated in the sun (in warm countries) either in hot water, or using special heaters.

It is very easy to use stone therapy on your own, for general toning of the body with the syndrome chronic fatigue, hypotension, in case of prolonged colds or other diseases, stress, stone therapy calms the nerves before performances, and conversations with the boss. To do this, massage the palms with stones of jasper, turquoise, amber - place them on the palm, cover them with the other palm and make movements clockwise for twenty minutes. If at a slow pace and without pronounced pressure, then calm will occur, and if at a fast pace and with pressure, toning will occur.

To treat diseases, heavier stones are used, such as sandstone, marble, granite. This method has proven itself to be effective in treating “cold” kidney diseases and other “cold” diseases. Warming up with heated stones increases the level of heat in the body, expels cold and “cold” diseases from it, activates metabolic processes, increases the tone of the body and its resistance to external negative factors.

Stone therapy is also used to relieve pain in both individual muscles and their groups. A heated stone is placed on the painful area for 20 minutes. Then you can rub indomethacin ointment there. This treatment method is also suitable for myositis, sprains, and bruises.

In addition to the fact that the stone therapy procedure is healing, it is infinitely comfortable.
You will forever remember the touch of a “living” stone and will remain grateful to the professional who gave you this fairy tale.

Oriental acupressure is a truly healing procedure that can be mastered by anyone who wants to master it at a professional level. The training course is intended for everyone who wants to become specialists in oriental acupressure techniques, able to apply their skills in practice and actually prove the effectiveness of this method. Eastern acupressure is a unique and original massage technique, its main purpose is to give health to those for whom it is directed. This type of massage has its own distinctive feature, it is revealed in a local (point) effect on various parts and areas of the human body in order to enhance protective barrier body, as well as to relieve pain of various origins.

Abstract of the training course “Oriental acupressure techniques”

MIRK invites you to undergo training and enable this procedure to the range of your professional skills. Without a doubt, this is one of the most effective means, to relieve pain of various origins, as well as great way improving the general condition of the body. You will be able to appreciate the high popularity of this procedure in the field of restorative medicine and spa treatments.

The modern pace of life puts a strain on the human nervous system. Muscular passivity further aggravates his health. Helps increase physical activity oriental massage. Since ancient times, this method of relieving tension has been used in Eastern countries. Nowadays, varieties of oriental massage allow themselves to be mastered by both specialists and those who master its technique. It represents a non-standard impact on the active points of the human body through hands, feet and Far Eastern philosophy. Original scheme healing includes methods of stretching, twisting and acupressure. Thus, it is possible to restore any human organ.

Types of oriental massage:

  1. Thai.
  2. Ayurvedic.
  3. Chinese.

The activities of Eastern medicine are carried out on the principles vital energy. She is in energy channels. The Chinese call it "qi", the Japanese call it "ki", and the Hindus call it "prana". A person’s well-being directly depends on the distribution of this energy throughout the body. The slightest violation entails disruptions in the body. Private advertisements for oriental massage give you the opportunity to choose the appropriate option for restoring energy.

A personal approach to each person helps him get a favorable result:

  1. Acceleration of metabolism.
  2. Activation of slag evacuation processes.
  3. Increased muscle elasticity.
  4. Feeling relaxed.
  5. Improved joint mobility.

A course of such recovery gives a person youth, energy and interest in life.

Eastern medicine practices massage in the form of influencing the vital points of the body. Most of these points are located on the feet, palms and ears. The use of aromatic oils has a unique effect in massaging according to Eastern traditions. Saturation of lymph with essential substances restores the body, and its aroma helps relieve stress. Acupuncture and acupressure are recommended to be performed at an oriental massage center. Its qualified employees must know exactly all the points of influence.

In working with restoring joint mobility, the Eastern School of Health is similar to manual therapy. The uniqueness of massage does not deprive it of contraindications:

  • oncological diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • bleeding.

Erotic massage is a separate direction of oriental massages. There are many places in the body of a man and a woman that, when touched, evoke sensuality. Japanese courtesans were famous for their knowledge of such zones. Feeling warm and gentle hands that in itself gives pleasure. Knowing the locations of erogenous zones makes it possible to bring a person to ecstasy.

To inform about the provision of oriental massage services, you need to submit an advertisement on the site.