Zeland vadim practical course of transurfing for 78

Vadim Zeland

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This book outlines the 78 basic principles of Transurfing. Transurfing is a relic Knowledge that has come down to us from the depths of millennia. Knowledge will open your eyes to the illusory nature of the outer world. The illusion is that reality exists on its own, independent of you, and cannot be controlled. In fact, you are able to create for yourself an individual layer of the world and create destiny at your own discretion.

The principles of reality management are based on two fundamental categories: thought and action. These categories, reflected in the dual mirror of our world, give rise to their opposites. Thus, on both sides of the dual mirror are: Mind (logic) and Soul (heart); Action (inner intention) and Passivity (outer intention).

You will learn.

If you don't control reality, it controls you.


Appeal to the executor

One day, in the distant past - or maybe in the future ... it's hard to say for sure - the Universe forgot itself. Nobody knows why it happened. It's just the nature of the universes - from time to time they forget themselves. It is very likely that she fell asleep, and when she woke up, she forgot her dream. But what was before this dream - the previous dream? Or was the universe itself a dream? One way or another, the dream, not remembering itself, turned into Nothing. And how could it be otherwise?

- Who am I? Nothing asked itself.

“You are the Mirror… The Mirror… The Mirror…” the Reflection responded with myriads of glare of light.

- And who are you? the Mirror asked.

I am the reflection in you.

– Where did you come from?

“Your question inspired me.

But I don't see anything around. And I don't see myself. How can I be a Mirror? After all, I'm Nothing!

"That's right," Reflection replied. – The void, in essence, is the most primordial, infinite-dimensional mirror, since in the void nothing is reflected from nothing.

- And what am I?

- You don't look good.

Am I big or small?

– Yes what?

- Both. You are who you are. Infinitely large and infinitely small at the same time, since infinity and a point are one and the same.

- Weird. Where am I?

“Now in the space of options,” the Reflection replied.

- Options for what?

- Anything. The space also arose as a consequence of your question. Basically, whatever you think of will appear. After all, you are an infinite-dimensional Mirror. There are countless answers to any of your questions.

– Why do I eat?

– To be.

– What can I do?

So, in the dialogue of the Mirror, which we call God, and the Reflection, our world was formed. Greetings, dear Arbiter. I appeal to you this way because you are reading these lines, which means that you intend to become the master of your world, your destiny.

Once upon a time, all people were arbiters, because they knew that reality has two sides - physical and metaphysical. Arbiters seen and understood the essence of the mirror world. They were able to create their reality with the power of thought. But this did not last long. The attention of the arbiters eventually got bogged down in material reality. They stopped See and lost Strength. But Knowledge hasn't disappeared. It has come down to our time from the depths of millennia.

The magicians of antiquity, who owned knowledge, were able to subjugate reality by the power of thought, since reality is formed primarily as a reflection of Consciousness in the Mirror of the world. Ordinary people, whose consciousness is constrained by the framework of the material worldview, can only worship fictional gods and turn to the services of astrologers and soothsayers.

If you do not want to be content with a surrogate for the future, which, according to the forecasters, you can look into, but intend to decide your fate with your own will, you will succeed. Transurfing, relic Knowledge about how to manage reality will help you.

There will be no magic. Magic, as such, does not exist - there is only Knowledge of the principles of the Mirror World. This Knowledge lies on the surface. It is so unsophisticated and ordinary that, according to all the canons, it cannot be “magic”. But still, Aladdin's lamp looked like an ordinary old tin, and the Grail was not made of gold. Everything great is incomprehensibly simple, it has no need to show off or hide. The empty and useless, on the contrary, is always hidden under a veil of significance and mystery.

Magic, devoid of fabulous attributes and introduced into everyday life, ceases to belong to the mystical and mysterious. Magic loses its bewitching mystery, because it has a place here, in everyday life. But the beauty of this transformation lies in the fact that everyday life, in turn, ceases to seem ordinary and turns into an unfamiliar reality that can be controlled. And this requires only compliance with certain rules.

This book provides a set of basic principles for managing reality. Transurfing principles are based on two fundamental categories - thought and action. These categories, reflected in the dual mirror of our world, give rise to their opposites. Thus, on both sides of the dual mirror are: Mind (logic) and Soul (heart); Action (inner intention) and Passivity (outer intention).

The motivation, thinking and behavior of the magician must be balanced in these four aspects. Mind and Action refer to the physical world, while Soul and Passivity refer to a metaphysical, but no less objective reality. If we take into account only one facet of the dual world, reality will not obey. Materialists are engaged in overcoming obstacles that they themselves create, while idealists are in the clouds and dreams. Neither one nor the other can manage reality.

You will learn.

If you are unfamiliar with the principles of Transurfing, you can complete the Reality Control course in 78 days. To do this, you need to read the interpretation of one principle in the morning and follow what is written there throughout the day. The next day - confess the next principle, while not forgetting to practice what has already been passed. In this way, you will consistently master all the principles. Of course, this is a relatively long process, but it is the most effective, because the management of reality is, first of all, practice.

Use the principles as your intuition tells you. Trust your intuition. Good luck!

Reality in an unfamiliar guise

Since time immemorial, people have noticed that the world behaves in two ways. On the one hand, everything that happens on the material level is more or less understandable and explainable from the point of view of the laws of natural science. But on the other hand, when one has to deal with subtle phenomena, these laws stop working. Why is it impossible to combine various manifestations of reality into one system of knowledge?

It turns out a strange picture: the world seems to be playing hide-and-seek with a person, not wanting to reveal its true essence. Scientists will not have time to discover a law that explains one phenomenon, as another immediately arises, which does not fit into the framework of the previous law. And this pursuit of truth, elusive like a shadow, continues unceasingly. But here's what's interesting: the world does not just hide its true face - it also readily takes on the appearance that is attributed to it.

This happens in all branches of natural science. For example, if we represent an object of the microcosm in the form of a particle, there will definitely be experiments that confirm this. But if we assume that this is not a particle, but an electromagnetic wave, the world will not object and will willingly manifest itself accordingly.

With the same success, one can ask the world a question: what does it consist of, massive matter? And he will answer yes. Or maybe it's all about energy? And again, the answer is yes. In a vacuum, as you know, there is a continuous process of birth and annihilation of microparticles - energy turns into matter, and vice versa.

Again, you should not ask the world about what is primary - matter or consciousness. He will just as cunningly change his masks, turning to us with the side that we want to see. Representatives of different teachings quarrel among themselves, proving opposite points of view, but reality delivers a dispassionate verdict: they are all, in essence, right.

It turns out that the world not only escapes, but also agrees, in other words, behaves like mirror. It literally reflects all our ideas about reality, whatever they may be.

But what happens then: all attempts to explain the nature of reality are futile? After all, the world will always agree with what we think about it, and at the same time - constantly evade a direct answer.

In fact, everything is much simpler. There is no need to look for absolute truth in individual manifestations of a multifaceted reality. It is only necessary to accept the fact that reality, like a mirror, has two sides: the physical, which can be touched by hands, and the metaphysical, which lies beyond the limits of perception, but no less objective.

At present, science is dealing with what is reflected in the mirror, and esotericism is trying to look at it from the other side. That's what their whole argument is about. But still, what is there, on the other side of the mirror?

Transurfing as an esoteric teaching gives one of the possible answers to this question. On the other side of the mirror is space of options– an information structure that stores scenarios of all possible events. The number of options is infinite, as is the infinite number of possible positions of a point on a coordinate grid. Everything that was, is and will be is recorded there.

This means that access to the space of options also opens up the possibilities of clairvoyance. The only problem is that there are countless options, and therefore you can see events that will not be implemented. It is for this reason that clairvoyants often make mistakes in their predictions. After all, you can see what has never been, and what will never happen.

In this regard, you can be calm: no one knows your future, since no one is able to determine which option will actually be implemented. In the same way, there is no guarantee that in a dream you saw exactly that sector of space that will be translated into reality.

That's great - since the future is not predetermined, it means that there is always hope for the best. The task of Transurfing is not to look back at the past with regret and to look cautiously into the coming tomorrow, but to deliberately shape your reality.

It would seem that all this is hard to believe. Where is the space of options? How is that even possible? From the point of view of our three-dimensional perception, it is everywhere and at the same time nowhere. Maybe it's outside the visible universe, or maybe it's in your cup of coffee. At least not in the third dimension.

The paradox is that we all go there every night. Dreams are not illusions in the usual sense. A person carelessly classifies his dreams as a fantasy, unaware that they reflect real events that could take place in the past or future.

It is known that in a dream a person can observe pictures as if not from our world. Moreover, it is quite clear that in principle he could not see this anywhere. If a dream is a kind of imitation of reality by our brain, then where do all these unimaginable pictures and plots come from?

If we conditionally attribute everything conscious in the human psyche to the mind, and the subconscious to the soul, then we can say that a dream is a flight of the soul in the space of options. The mind does not imagine its dreams - it actually sees them.

The soul has direct access to the field of information, where all "scenarios and scenery" are stored permanently, like frames on a film strip. The phenomenon of time manifests itself only in the process of moving the "film strip". The mind acts as an observer and a "generator of ideas".

Memory is also directly related to the space of options. It has already been proven that the brain is not physically able to contain all the information that a person accumulates during his life. How does he manage to remember?

The fact is that the brain does not store the information itself, but a kind of address to the data in the space of options. A person does not remember anything from his past lives, because when physical body dies, addresses are destroyed. However, under certain conditions, addresses can be restored.

The mind is not capable of creating anything fundamentally new. He can only assemble a new version of the house from old cubes. The mind receives all the material for scientific discoveries and masterpieces of art from the space of variants, through the medium of the soul. Clairvoyance, as well as intuitive knowledge, are taken from there.

“Discovery in science,” Einstein wrote, “is by no means accomplished in a logical way; it is clothed in a logical form only later, in the course of presentation. A discovery, even the smallest one, is always an insight. The result comes from outside and so unexpectedly, as if someone had prompted it.

The variant space should not be confused with the well-known concept of a common information field in which data can be transferred from one object to another. The space of options is a stationary matrix - a structure that determines everything that could happen in our world.

Thus, if we come to terms with the simultaneous existence of two sides of reality - physical and metaphysical, then the picture of the world becomes more and more clear. When these two aspects of reality come into contact on the surface of the mirror, phenomena arise that are usually attributed either to the paranormal or to the still inexplicable.

An illustrative example of such contact between the two guises of reality is corpuscular-wave dualism, when a micro-object is represented either as a wave or as a particle.

However, the most amazing example is ourselves - living beings, combining the material and the spiritual at the same time. In a sense, we live on the surface of a giant dual mirror, on one side of which is our material universe, and on the other side is the black infinity of the space of options.

Being in such a unique position, it would be at least short-sighted to live only within the framework of the ordinary worldview and use only one - the physical side of reality.

The energy of human thoughts under certain conditions is able to materialize one or another sector of the space of options. In a state which in Transurfing is called unity of soul and mind, an incomprehensible magical power is born - external intention.

Everything that is commonly referred to as magic is directly related to external intention. With the help of this power, the magicians of antiquity erected the Egyptian pyramids and performed other similar miracles.

The intention is called external, since it is outside the person and therefore is not subject to his mind. True, in a certain state of consciousness, a person is able to access it. If you bend this powerful force to your will, you can do incredible things.

However modern people have long lost the abilities that the inhabitants of ancient civilizations such as Atlantis possessed. Fragments of ancient Knowledge have survived to this day in the form of disparate esoteric teachings and practices. Use this knowledge in Everyday life rather difficult.

Despite the complexity of practical implementation, the secret of mastering external intention lies on the surface. The clue lies in the phenomenon known as lucid dreaming.

In an ordinary dream, events develop independently of the will of the mind. Until the dreamer realizes that he is dreaming, he is not able to control what is happening. A person is completely in the grip of an unconscious dream - it "happens" to him.

However, as soon as a person realizes that this is just a dream, his amazing abilities are revealed. AT lucid dream there is nothing impossible - you can control events with the power of your intention and do incomprehensible things - for example, fly.

The ability to control a dream is manifested when a person realizes himself in a dream relative to reality. At this stage of awareness, a person has a fulcrum - a reality to which he can return after awakening.

Reality, in turn, is like an unconscious waking dream - a person is at the mercy of circumstances, and life "happens" to him. A person does not remember his past lives and does not have a point of support, relative to which one can rise to the next level of awareness.

Yet the situation is not so hopeless. There is a workaround in Transurfing that can still make the outer intention work.

Man is capable of shaping his reality. But this requires compliance with certain rules. The ordinary human mind unsuccessfully tries to influence the reflection in the mirror, while it is necessary to change the image itself. The image is the direction and nature of a person's thoughts.

In order to turn the desired into reality, desire alone is not enough. It is necessary that the image on one side of the mirror coincides in certain parameters with the corresponding sector of the space of options located on the other side. But that's not all. You need to know how to handle a mirror, and it must be said that it is not easy and very strange.

Imagine such an unusual situation. You stand in front of the mirror, and there is nothing to see - emptiness. And only after a while the image begins to gradually appear, as if in a photograph. At a certain moment you start to smile, but in the reflection you see the same serious expression on your face.

The mirror of the space of variants works in the same way. Only the delay time there is incomparably longer, and therefore the changes are not amenable to perception. The material realization is inert, but if certain conditions are met, the reflection will still be formed, which means that the dream can become a reality.

Your image in front of the mirror acts as a real physical object. And your reflection, having no material substance, is imaginary, metaphysical, but at the same time it is as real as the image itself. Unlike the situation with an ordinary mirror, the material world acts as a reflection, the images of which are the intention and thoughts of God, as well as all living beings - His incarnations.

The space of variants is a kind of matrix, a template according to which “cutting”, “sewing”, and also “fashion demonstration” takes place - the movement of all matter. It stores information about what and how should happen in the material world. Each option is a sector of space, which contains the script and scenery, that is, the trajectory and form of the movement of matter. In other words, the sector determines what should happen and how it should look in each individual case.

Thus, the mirror divides the world into two halves - real and imaginary. Everything that has acquired a material form is located in the real half and develops in accordance with the laws of natural science. Science, as well as the ordinary worldview, deals only with what happens in "reality". By reality it is customary to understand everything that can be observed and directly affected.

If we discard the metaphysical side of reality and take into account only the material world, then the activity of all living beings, including humans, will be reduced to a primitive movement within inner intention. With the help of inner intention, the goal is achieved by direct influence on the world. In order to achieve something, you need to take certain steps, push yourself, move your elbows, in general, do specific work.

Material reality reacts to direct impact immediately, which creates the illusion that only direct impact can achieve any results. However, within the framework of the material world, the range of realistically achievable goals is greatly narrowed. Here you have to rely only on what is available. Everything depends on the means, which are usually not enough, and the possibilities, which are very limited.

In this world, absolutely everything is imbued with the spirit of rivalry. Too many people want to achieve the same thing. And within the limits of the inner intention, of course, there will not be enough for everyone. And where will the conditions and circumstances necessary to achieve the goal come from? They can only be taken from the space of variants.

On the other side of the mirror, everything is in abundance, and without any competition. There is no product in stock, but the beauty is that you can choose any, as if from a catalog, and place an order. Sooner or later, this order will be executed, and you will not have to pay for it - you just need to fulfill certain, not very burdensome conditions, that's all. Well, isn't it a fairy tale?

Not at all. It's more than real. The energy of thoughts does not disappear without a trace - it is able to materialize a sector of the space of options, in its parameters corresponding to mental radiation. It just seems that everything that takes place in our world is the result of the interaction of material objects. An equally important role here is played by the processes that take place on a subtle plane, when virtually existing options are embodied in reality. The cause-and-effect relationships of subtle processes are far from always noticeable, and yet they form a good half of all reality.

The materialization of the sectors of the space of variants, as a rule, is carried out independently of the will, since a person does not use the energy of thoughts purposefully, and less developed beings even more so.

A person, being mundane in the "realities of life", wanders among the empty store shelves, trying to reach out to the product, on which the "Sold" sign is already hanging. Only products of low quality are available, but you also need to pay decent money for it. And, instead of just looking at the catalog and placing an order, a person begins to randomly rush about in search, stand in long lines, try his best to squeeze through the crowd and come into conflict with sellers and buyers. As a result, what you want is never given into your hands, and there are more and more problems.

Meanwhile, such a bleak reality is born, first of all, in the mind of a person, from where, gradually materializing, it turns into reality. Each living being, by its direct actions, on the one hand, and thoughts, on the other, creates layer of your world. All these layers are superimposed on each other, and thus each creature contributes to the formation of reality.

The layer of the world is characterized by a certain set of conditions and circumstances that make up the way of life. individual person. The conditions of existence can be different: favorable and not very, comfortable and tough, benevolent and aggressive. Of course, the environment in which a person is born is of no small importance. But in the future, life develops for the most part depending on how a person relates to himself and the surrounding reality. His attitude largely determines subsequent changes in the way of life. That sector of the space of options is embodied in reality, the scenario and scenery of which correspond to the direction and nature of human thoughts.

Thus, two factors take part in the formation of a separate layer: on the one side of the mirror - internal intention, and on the other - external. Through direct actions, a person influences the objects of the material world, and with his thoughts he embodies in reality what is not there yet.

If a person is convinced that all the best in this world is already sold out, then for him, in fact, only empty shelves remain. If he thinks that for a good product it is necessary to stand a long line and pay dearly, so it happens. If expectations are pessimistic and filled with doubts, they will certainly come true. And if a person is waiting for a meeting with an unfriendly environment, his premonitions come true. However, as soon as a person is imbued with an innocent thought that the world has saved all the best for him, this also works for some reason. This is how a person, by the way of his thoughts, forms a layer of his world. But for the most part, he doesn't understand how it happens.

A person strives to ensure that "everything is the way I want." He is trying to apply his simple principle to the world: where I turn, I will go there; where I push it, it will bend there. But for some reason the world does not want to obey. Moreover, a person turns in one direction, and he is carried in a completely different direction.

We should think about it: if reality behaves so inadequately, then a different approach is needed. Maybe she obeys completely different laws? But the person does not want to stop to look around, and continues to stubbornly stick to his line.

As a result of such “creativity”, a layer of the world is obtained in which “everything is not the way I wanted”. On the contrary, much comes out exactly "in the way I do not want." Some strange, capricious, intractable reality.

Often there is a feeling that the world behaves as if out of spite. Troubles seem to be attracted by an inexplicable force. Fears come true, the worst expectations come true. We are relentlessly pursued by what we dislike and try to avoid. Why is this happening?

It is known from the Transurfing theory why it happens that “you get what you don’t want”, especially if this unwillingness is violent. Hate or fear something with all your heart? So, it is this external intention that will provide you in abundance.

The energy of thoughts, born in the unity of the soul and mind, turns the possibility into reality. In other words, the sector of the space of options, corresponding to the parameters of mental radiation, materializes if the feelings of the soul are united with the thoughts of the mind.

But this is not the only reason for the implementation of the worst expectations. In general, life without problems is the norm. Everything goes well and smoothly if you move downstream options without breaking the balance. Nature does not like to waste energy and is not disposed to create intrigues.

Undesirable circumstances and events occur as a result of excess potentials introduce distortions into the surrounding energy picture, and dependency relationship exacerbate the matter even more.

Vadim Zeland

Reality Transurfing
This book outlines the 78 basic principles of Transurfing.

Transurfing is a powerful reality manipulation technique. A person gets the opportunity to change fate at his discretion.

If you are not familiar with the principles of Transurfing, then thanks to this book you can complete a course in managing reality in 78 days.

This knowledge will open your eyes to the illusory nature of the outer world. You will understand that reality does not exist by itself. At any moment of time, you are able to choose the only correct one from a variety of options, always achieve your goal and decide which events to be and which never to be in your life. Materialists are engaged in overcoming obstacles that they themselves create, while idealists are in the clouds and dreams. Neither one nor the other can manage reality.

You will learn!

Practical Transurfing course in 78 days


This book outlines the 78 basic principles of Transurfing. Transurfing is a relic Knowledge that has come down to us from the depths of millennia. Knowledge will open your eyes to the illusory nature of the outer world. The illusion is that reality exists on its own, independent of you, and cannot be controlled. In fact, you are able to create for yourself an individual layer of the world and create destiny at your own discretion.

The principles of reality management are based on two fundamental categories: thought and action. These categories, reflected in the dual mirror of our world, give rise to their opposites. Thus, on both sides of the dual mirror are: Mind (logic) and Soul (heart); Action (inner intention) and Passivity (outer intention).

You will learn.



One day, in the distant past, or maybe in the future ... it's hard to say for sure - the Universe has forgotten itself. Nobody knows why it happened. Simply, this is the essence of the universes - from time to time they forget themselves. It is very likely that she fell asleep, and when she woke up, she forgot her dream. But what was before this dream - the previous dream? Or was the universe itself a dream? One way or another, the dream, not remembering itself, turned into Nothing. And how could it be otherwise?

- Who am I? Nothing asked itself.

“You are the Mirror… The Mirror… The Mirror…” the Reflection responded with myriads of glare of light.

- And who are you? the Mirror asked.

I am the reflection in you.

– Where did you come from?

“Your question inspired me.

But I don't see anything around. And I don't see myself. How can I be a Mirror? After all, I'm Nothing!

“That's right,” the Reflection replied, “emptiness, in essence, is the most primordial, infinite-dimensional mirror, since in emptiness nothing is reflected from nothing.

- And what am I?

- You don't look good.

Am I big or small?

– Yes what?

- Both. You are who you are. Infinitely large and infinitely small at the same time, since infinity and a point are one and the same.

- Weird. Where am I?

“Now, in the space of options,” the Reflection replied.

- Options for what?

- Anything. The space also arose as a consequence of your question. Basically, whatever you think of will appear. After all, you are an infinite-dimensional Mirror. There are countless answers to any of your questions.

– Why do I eat?

– To be.

– What can I do?

So, in the dialogue of the Mirror, which we call God, and the Reflection, our world was formed.

Greetings, dear Master. I appeal to you this way because you are reading these lines, which means that you intend to become the master of your world, your destiny.

Once upon a time, all people were arbiters, because they knew that reality has two sides - physical and metaphysical. The executors _Saw_ and understood the essence of the mirror world. They were able to create their reality with the power of thought. But this did not last long. The attention of the arbiters eventually got bogged down in material reality. They stopped _Seeing_ and lost their _Power_. But Knowledge has not disappeared. It has come down to our time from the depths of millennia.

The magicians of antiquity, who owned _Knowledge_, were capable of subordinating reality to themselves by the power of thought, since reality is formed primarily as a reflection of Consciousness in the Mirror of the world. Ordinary people, whose consciousness is constrained by the framework of the material worldview, can only worship fictional gods and turn to the services of astrologers and soothsayers.

If you do not want to be content with a surrogate for the future, which, according to the assurances of the predictors, you can look into, but intend to decide your fate with your own will, you will succeed. Transurfing, the relict _Knowledge_ of how to control reality, will help you.

There will be no magic. Magic, as such, does not exist - there is only knowledge of the principles of the Mirror World. This Knowledge lies on the surface. It is so unsophisticated and ordinary that, according to all the canons, it cannot be “magic”. But still, Aladdin's lamp looked like an ordinary old tin, and the Grail was not made of gold. Everything great is incomprehensibly simple - it has no need to show off or hide. The empty and useless, on the contrary, is always hidden under the cover of significance and mystery.

Magic, devoid of fabulous attributes and introduced into everyday life, ceases to belong to the mystical and mysterious. Magic loses its bewitching mystery, because it has a place here, in everyday life. But the beauty of this transformation lies in the fact that everyday reality, in turn, ceases to seem ordinary and turns into an unfamiliar reality that can be controlled. And this requires only the observance of certain principles.

This book provides a set of basic principles for managing reality. The principles of Transurfing are based on two fundamental categories: thought and action. These categories, reflected in the dual mirror of our world, give rise to their opposites. Thus, on both sides of the dual mirror are: Mind (logic) and Soul (heart); Action (inner intention) and Passivity (outer intention).

The motivations, thinking and behavior of the magician must be balanced in these four aspects. Mind and Action refer to the physical world, while Soul and Passivity refer to a metaphysical, but no less objective reality. If we take into account only one facet of the dual world, reality will not obey. Materialists are engaged in overcoming obstacles that they themselves create, while idealists are in the clouds and dreams. Neither one nor the other can manage reality.


If you are unfamiliar with the principles of Transurfing, you can complete the Reality Control course in 78 days. To do this, you need to read the interpretation of one principle in the morning and follow what is written there throughout the day. Tomorrow - confess the next principle, while not forgetting to practice the past. This way you will consistently master all the principles. Of course, this is a relatively long process, but it is the most effective, because the management of reality is, first of all, a practice, not a speculative exercise.

Use the principles as your intuition tells you. Trust your intuition. Good luck!


Since time immemorial, people have noticed that the world behaves in two ways. On the one hand, everything that happens on the material level is more or less understandable and explainable from the point of view of the laws of natural science. But on the other hand, when one has to deal with subtle phenomena, these laws stop working. Why is it impossible to combine various manifestations of reality into one system of knowledge?

It turns out a strange picture: the world seems to be playing hide-and-seek with a person, not wanting to reveal its true essence. Scientists will not have time to discover a law that explains one phenomenon, as another immediately arises, which does not fit into the framework of the previous law. And this pursuit of truth, elusive like a shadow, continues unceasingly. But here's what's interesting: the world does not just hide its true face - it also readily takes on the appearance that is attributed to it.

This happens in all branches of natural science. For example, if we represent an object of the microcosm in the form of a particle, there will definitely be experiments that confirm this. But if we assume that this is not a particle, but an electromagnetic wave, the world will not object and will willingly manifest itself accordingly.

With the same success, one can ask the world a question: what does it consist of, massive matter? And he will answer yes. Or maybe it's all about energy?

And again, the answer is yes. In vacuum, as is known, there is a continuous process of birth and annihilation of microparticles - energy turns into matter, and vice versa.

Again, you should not ask the world about what is primary - matter or consciousness. He will just as cunningly change his masks, turning to us with the side that we want to see. Representatives of different teachings quarrel among themselves, proving opposite points of view, but reality delivers a dispassionate verdict: they are all, in essence, right.

It turns out that the world not only escapes, but also agrees, in other words, it behaves like a _mirror._ It literally reflects all our ideas about reality, whatever they may be.

But what happens then: all attempts to explain the nature of reality are futile? After all, the world will always agree with what we think about it, and at the same time - constantly evade a direct answer.

In fact, everything is much simpler. There is no need to look for absolute truth in individual manifestations of a multifaceted reality. It is only necessary to accept the fact that reality, like a mirror, has two sides: the physical, which can be touched by hands, and the metaphysical, which lies beyond the limits of perception, but no less objective.

At present, science is dealing with what is reflected in the mirror, and esotericism is trying to look at it from the other side. That's what their whole argument is about. But still, what is there, on the other side of the mirror?

Transurfing as an esoteric teaching gives one of the possible answers to this question. On the other side of the mirror is the _space_of_variants_ - an information structure that stores scenarios for all possible events. The number of options is infinite, as is the infinite number of possible positions of a point on a coordinate grid. Everything that was, is and will be is recorded there.

This means that access to the space of options also opens up the possibilities of clairvoyance. The only problem is that there are countless options, and therefore you can see events that will not be implemented. It is for this reason that clairvoyants often make mistakes in their predictions. After all, you can see what has never been, and what will never happen.

In this regard, you can be calm: no one knows your future, since no one is able to determine which option will actually be implemented. In the same way, there is no guarantee that in a dream you saw exactly that sector of space that will be translated into reality.

That's great - since the future is not predetermined, it means that there is always hope for the best. The task of Transurfing is not to look back at the past with regret and to look cautiously into the coming tomorrow, but to deliberately shape your reality.

It would seem that all this is hard to believe. Where is the space of options? How is that even possible? From the point of view of our three-dimensional perception, it is everywhere and at the same time nowhere. Maybe it's outside the visible universe, or maybe it's in your cup of coffee. At least not in the third dimension.

The paradox is that we all go there every night. Dreams are not illusions in the usual sense. A person carelessly classifies his dreams as a fantasy, unaware that they reflect real events that could take place in the past or future.

It is known that in a dream a person can observe pictures as if not from our world. Moreover, it is quite clear that in principle he could not see this anywhere. If a dream is a kind of imitation of reality by our brain, then where do all these unimaginable pictures and plots come from?

If we conditionally attribute everything conscious in the human psyche to the mind, and the subconscious to the soul, then we can say that a dream is a flight of the soul in the space of options. The mind does not imagine its dreams - it actually sees them.

The soul has direct access to the field of information, where all "scenarios and scenery" are stored permanently, like frames on a film strip. The phenomenon of time manifests itself only in the process of moving the "film strip". The mind acts as an observer and a "generator of ideas".

Memory is also directly related to the space of options. It has already been proven that the brain is not physically able to contain all the information that a person accumulates during his life. How does he manage to remember?

The fact is that the brain does not store the information itself, but a kind of address to the data in the space of options. A person does not remember anything from his past lives, because when the physical body dies, the addresses are destroyed. However, under certain conditions, addresses can be restored.

The mind is not capable of creating anything fundamentally new. He can only assemble a new version of the house from old cubes. The mind receives all the material for scientific discoveries and masterpieces of art from the space of variants, through the medium of the soul. Clairvoyance, as well as intuitive knowledge, are taken from there.

To be a materialist or an idealist means not to understand the essence of reality at all. The external world is illusory, the world of ideas is not so familiar to us to draw confident conclusions. Vadim Zeland wrote the book "Practical Transurfing Course in 78 Days" so that you can learn how to change your destiny.

Transurfing course in 78 days

Zeland identifies 78 principles of transurfing, by studying which you will be able to manage reality. The main goal of each person is himself. All the techniques offered by the author allow you to explore the world inside and around you.

You will be able to manage dreams, order wishes, create motivations and change your attitude to everything. The main thing is that you will learn how to choose from a variety of solutions on your own.

One of the main categories in Zeland's concept is the pendulum - these are one's own and others' intentions. By swinging the pendulum, you can connect others to its inertia. The author will teach you how to extinguish other people's pendulums and harmonize reality.

"Practical Transurfing course in 78 days" is a unique guide to managing the world around you. With the help of Vadim Zeland's book, you will not only learn many new and useful facts, but also learn the author's methods of power over yourself and reality.

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This book outlines the 78 basic principles of Transurfing. Transurfing is a relic Knowledge that has come down to us from the depths of millennia. Knowledge will open your eyes to the illusory nature of the outer world. The illusion is that reality exists on its own, independent of you, and cannot be controlled. In fact, you are able to create for yourself an individual layer of the world and create destiny at your own discretion.

The principles of reality management are based on two fundamental categories: thought and action. These categories, reflected in the dual mirror of our world, give rise to their opposites. Thus, on both sides of the dual mirror are: Mind (logic) and Soul (heart); Action (inner intention) and Passivity (outer intention).

You will learn.


Appeal to the Executor

One day, in the distant past, or maybe in the future ... it's hard to say for sure - the Universe has forgotten itself. Nobody knows why it happened. Simply, this is the essence of the universes - from time to time they forget themselves. It is very likely that she fell asleep, and when she woke up, she forgot her dream. But what was before this dream - the previous dream? Or was the universe itself a dream? One way or another, the dream, not remembering itself, turned into Nothing. And how could it be otherwise?

- Who am I? Nothing asked itself.

“You are the Mirror… The Mirror… The Mirror…” the Reflection responded with myriads of glare of light.

- And who are you? the Mirror asked.

I am the reflection in you.

– Where did you come from?

“Your question inspired me.

But I don't see anything around. And I don't see myself. How can I be a Mirror? After all, I'm Nothing!

“That's right,” the Reflection replied, “emptiness, in essence, is the most primordial, infinite-dimensional mirror, since in emptiness nothing is reflected from nothing.

- And what am I?

- You don't look good.

Am I big or small?

– Yes what?

- Both. You are who you are. Infinitely large and infinitely small at the same time, since infinity and a point are one and the same.

- Weird. Where am I?

“Now, in the space of options,” the Reflection replied.

- Options for what?

- Anything. The space also arose as a consequence of your question. Basically, whatever you think of will appear. After all, you are an infinite-dimensional Mirror. There are countless answers to any of your questions.

– Why do I eat?

– To be.

– What can I do?

So, in the dialogue of the Mirror, which we call God, and the Reflection, our world was formed.

Greetings, dear Master. I appeal to you this way because you are reading these lines, which means that you intend to become the master of your world, your destiny.

Once upon a time, all people were arbiters, because they knew that reality has two sides - physical and metaphysical. Arbiters seen and understood the essence of the mirror world. They were able to create their reality with the power of thought. But this did not last long. The attention of the arbiters eventually got bogged down in material reality. They stopped See and lost Strength. But Knowledge has not disappeared. It has come down to our time from the depths of millennia.

The magicians of antiquity, who owned knowledge, were able to subjugate reality by the power of thought, since reality is formed primarily as a reflection of Consciousness in the Mirror of the world. Ordinary people, whose consciousness is constrained by the framework of the material worldview, can only worship fictional gods and turn to the services of astrologers and soothsayers.

If you do not want to be content with a surrogate for the future, which, according to the assurances of the predictors, you can look into, but intend to decide your fate with your own will, you will succeed. Transurfing, relic Knowledge about how to manage reality will help you.

There will be no magic. Magic, as such, does not exist - there is only knowledge of the principles of the Mirror World. This Knowledge lies on the surface. It is so unsophisticated and ordinary that, according to all the canons, it cannot be “magic”. But still, Aladdin's lamp looked like an ordinary old tin, and the Grail was not made of gold. Everything great is incomprehensibly simple - it has no need to show off or hide. The empty and useless, on the contrary, is always hidden under the cover of significance and mystery.

Magic, devoid of fabulous attributes and introduced into everyday life, ceases to belong to the mystical and mysterious. Magic loses its bewitching mystery, because it has a place here, in everyday life. But the beauty of this transformation lies in the fact that everyday reality, in turn, ceases to seem ordinary and turns into an unfamiliar reality that can be controlled. And this requires only the observance of certain principles.

This book provides a set of basic principles for managing reality. The principles of Transurfing are based on two fundamental categories: thought and action. These categories, reflected in the dual mirror of our world, give rise to their opposites. Thus, on both sides of the dual mirror are: Mind (logic) and Soul (heart); Action (inner intention) and Passivity (outer intention).

The motivations, thinking and behavior of the magician must be balanced in these four aspects. Mind and Action refer to the physical world, while Soul and Passivity refer to a metaphysical, but no less objective reality. If we take into account only one facet of the dual world, reality will not obey. Materialists are engaged in overcoming obstacles that they themselves create, while idealists are in the clouds and dreams. Neither one nor the other can manage reality.

You will learn.

If you are unfamiliar with the principles of Transurfing, you can complete the Reality Control course in 78 days. To do this, you need to read the interpretation of one principle in the morning and follow what is written there throughout the day. Tomorrow - confess the next principle, while not forgetting to practice the past. This way you will consistently master all the principles. Of course, this is a relatively long process, but it is the most effective, because the management of reality is, first of all, a practice, not a speculative exercise.

Use the principles as your intuition tells you. Trust your intuition. Good luck!

Reality in an unfamiliar guise

Since time immemorial, people have noticed that the world behaves in two ways. On the one hand, everything that happens on the material level is more or less understandable and explainable from the point of view of the laws of natural science. But on the other hand, when one has to deal with subtle phenomena, these laws stop working. Why is it impossible to combine various manifestations of reality into one system of knowledge?

It turns out a strange picture: the world seems to be playing hide-and-seek with a person, not wanting to reveal its true essence. Scientists will not have time to discover a law that explains one phenomenon, as another immediately arises, which does not fit into the framework of the previous law. And this pursuit of truth, elusive like a shadow, continues unceasingly. But here's what's interesting: the world does not just hide its true face - it also readily takes on the appearance that is attributed to it.

This happens in all branches of natural science. For example, if we represent an object of the microcosm in the form of a particle, there will definitely be experiments that confirm this. But if we assume that this is not a particle, but an electromagnetic wave, the world will not object and will willingly manifest itself accordingly.

With the same success, one can ask the world a question: what does it consist of, massive matter? And he will answer yes. Or maybe it's all about energy?

And again, the answer is yes. In vacuum, as is known, there is a continuous process of birth and annihilation of microparticles - energy turns into matter, and vice versa.

Again, you should not ask the world about what is primary - matter or consciousness. He will just as cunningly change his masks, turning to us with the side that we want to see. Representatives of different teachings quarrel among themselves, proving opposite points of view, but reality delivers a dispassionate verdict: they are all, in essence, right.

Reality Transurfing in 78 days (Tarot). Vadim Zeland. (audiobook) (video) (psychology)

Reality Transurfing in 78 days (Tarot). Vadim Zeland.

Reality Transurfing in 78 Days (Tarot)

Vadim Zeland was previously engaged in research in the field of quantum physics. But he became known as the author of books about Reality Transurfing: "The Space of Variations", "The Rustle of the Morning Stars", "Forward to the Past", "Reality Control", "Apples Fall in the Sky", "The Arbiter of Reality", "Practical Course of Transurfing for 78 days." "Tarot of the Space of Variations" is a project that includes a deck of cards (78 pieces) and an accompanying brochure with comments.
According to Vadim Zeland, everyone can learn to control fate, arrange events in such a way as to effortlessly achieve what they want, at any time choose the only correct one from a variety of options, always achieve the goal and decide which events to be and which never to be in your life. life. And this requires only the observance of certain principles.
The 78 cards are the 78 basic principles of Transurfing. They are not intended for fortune-telling, but serve as a guide to action.

How to use the cards:
The first way is a step-by-step mastering of all the principles of Transurfing.
Draw a card at random every day, read its interpretation, and throughout the day try to follow what is written there. The next day, you can study another card of your choice, while remembering to practice what you have already learned. So sequentially you can master all 78 cards. You can write down your observations of how the world around you changes due to the application of the principles of Transurfing in a notebook.
Another way to work with cards is to find an answer to a question or a way out of a problem situation.
Take the deck. Mentally formulate the question. Shuffle the cards and when you feel ready, fan them out on the table. With your left hand, spontaneously, without hesitation, take one, two or three cards - as you wish. The left hand is controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain - the subconscious. Let your subconscious choose the cards, it has a lot to do with the metaphysical answer you get. The answer contained in the interpretation of the selected cards will serve as a guide to action, that is, what you could do in this situation.

"Magic, devoid of fabulous attributes and introduced into everyday life, ceases to belong to the mystical and mysterious. Magic loses its bewitching mystery, since it has a place here, in everyday life. But the beauty of this transformation lies in the fact that everyday reality, in its turn, ceases to seem ordinary and turns into an unfamiliar reality that can be controlled.And this requires only the observance of certain principles.
Variation space maps provide a set of these principles. They are not intended for fortune-telling, but serve as a guide to action. The cards are divided as follows: 22 major arcana - the most general principles of Transurfing, and 56 minor ones. The younger ones are divided into four groups: Soul and Reason, Action and Passivity. Such a division is based on the fact that the motivations, thinking and behavior of a person, in accordance with the principles of Transurfing, must be balanced from these four sides.
Mind and Action refer to the physical world, and Soul and Passivity to a metaphysical, but no less objective reality. If we take into account only one facet of the dual world, reality will not obey. Materialists are engaged in overcoming obstacles that they themselves create, while idealists are in the clouds and dreams. Neither one nor the other can manage reality.
You will learn!"
Vadim Zeland

Day 1. Awakening

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1. Awakening
Wake up here and now! Realize and remember: all people are dreamers, and everything that happens around is nothing more than a dream. Only this dream no longer has power over you. You woke up in a dream, which means you gained the ability to influence the course of events. Your advantage is awareness. Feel your strength. The Force is always with you if you remember it. Now everything will be as you want.
Your birth in this life was a new awakening after a series of past incarnations - dreams of reality. From the moment you were born, you have had amazing abilities. You knew how to listen to the rustle of the morning stars, to distinguish the aura, to communicate with animals and birds; the whole world seemed to you a wonderful extravaganza of luminous energy, and you were a magician - you could control this energy. But soon you again, succumbing to the influence of others, plunged into a dream. The dreamers were constantly and purposefully fixing your attention on the physical aspect of reality alone. As a result, all magical abilities were lost. You don't think so. that life passes, as if in a dream, where you do not control reality, but it controls you? It's time to regain your former strength.

Day 2. Hacking a dream

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Realize that your life is a game that has been forced on you. As long as you are completely immersed in this game, you are not able to objectively assess the situation and somehow significantly influence the course of events. First, go down to the auditorium, look around with a clear look and say to yourself: at the moment I am awake and aware of where I am, what is happening, what I am doing and why. And then get up on stage and keep playing as a spectator. Now you have a huge advantage - awareness. You have hacked this game and gained the ability to control it.
In a dream, you are at the mercy of circumstances, because the mind is dormant and meekly accepts everything as it is, as if everything is going as it should. Exactly the same thing happens. It seems to you that reality exists independently of you, and you cannot influence it. You have almost come to terms with your share - the set of abilities given to you and the conditions of the environment in which you have to exist. It remains only to go with the flow of fate, from time to time making feeble attempts to assert their rights. Can't anything be changed? How else can you! And you will. Until now, you have been aware of reality the way you have been taught to do so. Now be aware of reality as a dream. Only in a lucid dream are you able to truly control the situation. On stage, everyone has their own role and everyone interacts with you in some way: expects something from you, imposes, asks or demands, helps or hinders, loves or hates. Take a look at this game consciously, from the outside, and then you will understand everything yourself.

Day 3. Child of God

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Each of us has a piece of God. You are his child, and your life is a dream of God. By controlling reality with the power of your intention, you are doing His Will. Your intention is God's intention. How can you doubt that it will be fulfilled? To do this, you just need to take such a right. When you ask God, it is the same as if God asked Himself. Can God ask of himself? Is there anyone from whom God can require something for himself? He will take whatever he wants. Don't ask, don't demand, don't seek. Shape your reality with conscious intention.
Our world is a theater of dreams, where God acts as a spectator, screenwriter, director and actor at the same time. As a spectator, He watches the play unfolding on the stage of the world. Being an actor, He experiences and feels everything the same as the being whose role is played. God creates and controls reality through the intent of all things. Together with the soul, He put a part of His intention into every living being and sent it into a dream - life. God has given every living being the freedom and power to shape their reality to the extent of their awareness. Almost all living beings do not use intention consciously and purposefully. Being in an unconscious dream, they seem to vaguely want something, not really understanding what it is. The intention turns out to be vague, unclear, unaccountable. In this sense, man has advanced no further than animals. The pendulums managed to deprive people of awareness of their abilities, but even to pervert the meaning of life itself, replacing the service of God with worship. In fact, the purpose of life, as well as the very service to God, lies in co-creation - creation together with Him.

Day 4. Child of God

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In order to achieve true success, you must stop following conventional standards and go your own way. The one who is out of order creates a new standard of success. Pendulums do not tolerate individuality, they see a rising star, and they have no choice but to make it their favorite. When a new rule is established, the formation turns around and begins to follow the new star. In order to set your own rules, you must allow yourself to be yourself. You can. All you have to do is take the privilege. Only you yourself give and take away your privileges.
Throughout life, they try to convince a person that he is far from perfect, that success, wealth, fame are the lot of the elect. Pendulums do not deny that everyone can succeed, but they carefully hide the fact that each person has unique abilities and qualities. Individuality for pendulums of death is similar. If all adherents become free individuals and get out of control, the pendulum will simply fall apart. Stars are born on their own, but their pendulums ignite. A role model - a standard of success - is created intentionally, so that the aspirations of everyone else are directed in one direction. In other words, the task of the pendulums is to drive everyone into a single system and force them to obey general rule. You will not achieve anything until you understand that you just need to get out of the general system. There is no point in playing someone else's game where the rules are not set by you. Whatever you do, always seek to initiate Your game. This is the secret of success.

Day 5. Mirror of the world

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Your world is what you think of it. The world is like a mirror reflecting your attitude towards it. Life is a game in which the world constantly asks its inhabitants the same riddle: "Well, guess who I am?" And everyone responds according to their own ideas: "you are aggressive", or "you are cozy", or "cheerful, gloomy, friendly, hostile, happy, unhappy". But here's what's interesting: everyone wins in this quiz! The world agrees and appears before everyone in the guise that was ordered. What do you think of your world?
If a person is convinced that all the best in this world is already sold out, then for him, in fact, only empty shelves remain. If he thinks that for a good product it is necessary to stand a long line and pay dearly, so it happens. If expectations are pessimistic and filled with doubts, they will certainly come true. And if a person is waiting for a meeting with an unfriendly environment, his premonitions come true. However, as soon as a person is imbued with an innocent thought that the world has saved all the best for him, this also works. An eccentric, unaware that everything is very difficult, one day, in an incomprehensible way, finds himself at the counter, to which the goods have just been delivered, as if specially for him. And suddenly, the first buyer gets everything for free. And a long line of those who are convinced are already lining up behind: the realities of life are much darker, and fools are just lucky. And if a lucky eccentric someday, faced with the "realities of life", changes his attitude to the world, the reality will change accordingly, throwing the "lucky one" to the very end of the line.

Day 6. Boomerang

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Whatever thoughts you send out into the world, they will come back to you like a boomerang. What happens when a person hates something? He puts into this feeling the unity of soul and mind. A distinct image, reflected in the mirror, fills the entire layer of the world. As a result, a person is even more irritated, thereby increasing the strength of his feelings. Mentally, he sends everything to hell: "Yes, fuck you all! .." And the mirror returns this boomerang back. You sent, and you were sent there too. Beware of radiating negativity into the mirror of the world. you will inevitably get a similar response from a completely unexpected side. And you know, love is also a boomerang!
The mirror of the world materializes thoughts. For example, if you are not satisfied with your appearance, you look in the mirror without pleasure. all your attention is directed to unsightly features that you do not like in yourself, which you state. You need to understand that you are reflected in the mirror in accordance with your attitude towards yourself. Get yourself a rule - do not look, but peep into the mirror of the world. Look for the good, and ignore the bad - pass everything through this filter. Focus on what you want to get. What did you do before? They stated the fact: "I don't like myself. I don't like my world." And the mirror strengthened this fact more and more: "That's right, that's the way it is." Now you have another task - to look for only those features that you like, and at the same time imagine the desired image in your thoughts. From this moment on, all you do is look for and find more and more confirmation of positive changes: every day everything gets better and better. If you practice this technique regularly, soon you will only have time to open your mouth in surprise.

Day 7. Reflection Illusion

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A person is like a kitten who, standing in front of a mirror, does not understand that he sees himself there. It seems to you that you are under the power of circumstances that you are not able to change. In fact, this is an illusion - a props, which, if desired, is easy to destroy. You unconsciously walk in a vicious circle: you observe reality - you express an attitude - the mirror fixes the content of the attitude in reality. It turns out a closed feedback loop: reality is formed as a reflection of the way you think, and the image, in turn, is largely determined by the reflection itself. The principle of reality control is to turn this circle in the opposite direction: look first into yourself and only then into the mirror.
A person tied to the mirror with his attitude - a primitive reaction to reality - just as unpretentiously tries to catch up with the reflection in the desire to change something in it. And now let's try to reverse the mirror circle: we express the relationship - the mirror fixes the content of the relationship in reality - we observe reality. What does this result in? The primitive and helpless statement of the reflection ceases, and in its place comes the intentional and purposeful statement of the image. Instead of habitually expressing dissatisfaction with what I saw in the mirror, I turn away from it and begin to form in my thoughts the image that I would like to see. This is the exit from the mirror maze. The world stops and starts moving towards me. When you take control of your attitude to reality, the outer intention will begin to work, and for it there is nothing impossible. It is only necessary to switch attention from the reflection to the image itself. In other words, take control of your thoughts. Think not about what you don’t want and are trying to avoid, but about what you want and strive to achieve.

Day 8. Pink twins

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On Earth, there are many paradises where "pink twins" live. If you want to be there, put on "rose-colored glasses" and ignore the subjects who will urge you to take them off. Echoes of heavenly life rarely penetrate into the everyday world. Eagerly catch these "sunny bunnies", keep your attention on them, and then they will meet you more often. You will see for yourself how the layer of your world will begin to transform amazingly.
Have you ever seen rain on a sunny day? And two rainbows in the sky? Have you seen twins in pink on your way? You need to understand one simple thing: you yourself, with your attitude, paint your world in rainbow or black colors. If a significant part of your thoughts relate to negative experiences, life will become worse every day. And vice versa, even if the weather is disgusting, but if the soul sings in the rain and merrily splashes through the puddles, the layer of your world will be filled with a holiday. Both heaven and hell exist not somewhere in other dimensions, but here on Earth. There are, for example, prisons, but you are not there - this is not your layer of the world. However, it can become yours if you fix your attention on criminal information. There are more accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters- and it can become part of your reality if you start letting the news bulletins in. Intentionally fix your attention only on what you want to see in your world, turn away from everything else, let it pass by your eyes and ears. Evil will not leave reality - it will disappear from your layer. You just stop dealing with negativity.

Day 9: Breath of Relief

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Transurfing is basically impossible without a sufficiently high level of energy. As a rule, most of a person's energy is directed to a number of unrealized plans, which only burden him. The goal activates the energy of intention, but only on condition that it is realized, and does not hang in the project. It is necessary either to throw out some of the potential intentions, or to start their implementation. Let yourself go, give yourself more freedom. Make a list of the limitations that are holding you back and let go of them. Then the reserves of energy of intention will immediately be released, which will allow you to move on.
So many people go through life, hung on all sides with loads of various duties, unfinished business, harsh conditions, outlined plans and numerous goals. Pay attention: what oppresses you? If you think about it, many of these weights can be discarded without regret. What's the point if you constantly carry them with you, but you can't implement them in any way? For example: I must certainly be the best; I will prove to everyone and myself what I am worth; I need only victory, otherwise I will cease to respect myself; I have no right to make mistakes. And so on, like, stop smoking, learn foreign language and generally start on Monday new life. Everything that is endlessly put off for later is a useless load. It must either be implemented or thrown away, because it takes away energy that is wasted - just stupid. Or maybe there is one huge weight that you have been secretly thinking about getting rid of for a long time, but you just can’t decide? Imagine how easy it will be if you drop it ...

Day 10. Liberation

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You will receive everything that you intend to have if you are convinced that it is yours, without any conditions and reservations. Your choice is a law subject to unconditional execution. Freedom of choice - the determination to have - is formed by the energy of intention. If the excess potentials of internal and external importance take away a significant part of the energy, the intention will not be valid. In order to reset the importance of things, you need to act consciously and be aware of what you attach excessive importance to, and what follows from it. The energy of excess potentials is dissipated in action. Twist the target slide in your thoughts and calmly rearrange your legs in the direction of the target - this will be your action.
How not to be afraid? - find insurance, siding.
How not to worry and not worry? - Act. Potentials of anxiety and worry are dissipated in action.
How not to wait and not to desire? Accept defeat and take action. Dissolve desire and expectation into action.
How to give up your importance? - Accept your importance as an axiom, abandon actions aimed at increasing your importance.
How not to get annoyed? - Play with the pendulum, breaking the rules of its game. By reacting inadequately, you knock the pendulum out of rhythm, and it is left with nothing.
How to get rid of guilt? - Stop making excuses.
How to deal with resentment and indignation? - stop your battle and move with the flow of options.
What to do if it is impossible to cope with resentment and indignation? - Just allow yourself this weakness. don't force yourself to always win.
How not to bend under the weight of problems? - Observe the principle of coordination of intention.
So, instead of fighting with your excess potentials, you need to act within the framework of a purified intention. Intention is cleared in the process of movement.

Day 11: Confidence

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To gain confidence, you need to give it up. The nature of uncertainty lies in the inflated importance of things. I do not need confidence as a support, because if I do not have importance, I have nothing to protect and nothing to win. I have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about. If nothing is overly important to me, the layer of my world is pure and transparent. I refuse to fight and move with the flow of options. I'm empty, so there's nothing to hook me to. I don't need to fight. I just calmly go and take what is mine. This is no longer a shaky confidence, but a calm and conscious coordination.
Uncertainty creates a vicious circle. The higher the importance of the goal and the desire to achieve it, the sooner they are justified. Fighting for your own importance takes energy. The feeling of guilt generally turns life into a miserable existence of a loser. How to escape from this confusing maze? No way - there is no way out of it. The secret of the labyrinth is that its walls will collapse when you stop looking for a way out and reset the importance of things. Give up the struggle for your importance, and you will receive it unconditionally. Stop making excuses to others, and you will be done with guilt. In the same way, if you reduce the importance of external objects, they will no longer dominate you with their significance. And, finally, full coordination will be achieved with the consent of the soul and mind. To do this, it is necessary and sufficient to listen to the dictates of your heart and live in accordance with your credo.

Day 12. Balance

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When you are in harmonious balance with the world around you, your life flows easily and pleasantly. You reach your goal without much difficulty. If you are engaged in erecting a wall of excess potentials, life turns into a struggle with balanced forces. Faced with a problematic situation, try to determine where you go too far, what you fixate on, what you attach excessive importance to. Determine your importance and then discard it. The wall will collapse, the obstacle will remove itself, the problem will be solved by itself. Do not overcome obstacles - reduce the importance.
Everything in the world strives for balance. Where there is an excess energy potential, there are equilibrium forces aimed at its elimination. Giving too much importance to something will result in the exact opposite of what you intended. For example, if you are dissatisfied with yourself, you come into conflict with your soul, the balancing forces make you fight with your shortcomings and try to hide them, as a result of which they come out even more. In case of dissatisfaction with the world, you enter into a confrontation with large quantity pendulums. The action of the balancing forces will be aimed at besieging you yourself, pushing you to hell. Reducing the importance, just do not go too far. Lowering external importance has nothing to do with neglect and underestimation. Life should be easier to deal with. Do not neglect, but do not embellish. Accept the world as it is. Decreasing inner importance has nothing to do with humility and self-abasement. Do not exalt or belittle your strengths and weaknesses. Allow yourself the luxury of being yourself.

Day 13

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What is the secret of charming personalities? They tossed the negative slides out of their heads and put in the positive ones. Charm is mutual love soul and mind. A charming person is in a state of celebration of the soul, enjoys life, bathes in his love, without a smack of narcissism. This is the feeling of the holiday and feel the surrounding. There are very few such people, but you can be one of them. To do this, you need to turn to your soul, love yourself and go on the path to your goal. At the same time, not only personal qualities will change, but even the body will become more attractive, the face will be nice, and the smile will be charming.
The secret of attractiveness lies in the unity of soul and mind. When a person is satisfied with himself, loves himself, does what he loves, then an inner light seems to come from him - he lives in accordance with his creed. This is exactly what people lack, so they are drawn to such a person, like moths to the light. On the energy plane, charm manifests itself as a pure radiation of the unity of the soul and mind. By training your energy, you develop extraordinary abilities to influence people and arouse their sympathy. A person with an excess of free energy generates interest and disposition of others. If it’s still difficult for you to love yourself unconditionally, do energy gymnastics, while affirming the thought form: “I am overflowing with energy over the edge. My energy intensity is increasing. spring. People feel my energy and feel sympathy for me." When you see that people really like you, do not forget to state to yourself that the technique really works. Such a statement is necessary for the mind, because it always doubts: am I really capable of this?

Day 14: Self love

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If you don't love yourself, then you won't be loved either. Moreover, you will never be happy. Any conflict of the soul and mind negatively affects the appearance and character. Accordingly, the layer of your world acquires more and more gloomy shades. First of all, you need to love yourself, and only then pay attention to the virtues of others. You need to understand and feel this fact: pendulums force you to change yourself - turn away from your soul and follow the rule: "They are better than you, so do as they do, become a passerby on them, sit in the matrix, be a cog." In fact, you are unique. Turn to yourself, accept yourself as you are, allow yourself to be yourself, take your right to be the first. Then you will have something to be proud of and something to respect yourself for.
If a person has gone far in pursuit of other people's standards, it will be difficult for him to simply take and love himself like that. "How can I love myself if I don't like myself!" This is the purest excess potential, born of inflated internal and external importance. External importance lies in the fact that the standard set by someone seems to me the height of perfection. Do I value other people's virtues too highly? Inner importance is that I force myself to follow someone else's standards. And who said that I'm worse than them? Is my self-esteem too low? To love yourself, knock down external importance and stop worshiping idols. Who's stopping you from creating your own standards? Better let others chase yours. Drop your inner importance and let yourself go. Allow yourself to have flaws, switch the focus of attention to your virtues.

Day 15. My goal is me

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If you have been abandoned and are suffering from unrequited love, or are looking for love, you need to love yourself. If you are not yet able to love yourself as you are, take care of yourself, your improvement. Sign up for a fitness club. Start seriously studying a foreign language. Try dressing in a new way, not the usual. Get yourself a magical tattoo. Get yourself a magical talisman - a pendant or a ring. Taking care of yourself, you find a new meaning in life. Self-care may well be your goal if no other goal has been found yet. This is indeed a worthy goal, and it will bring you good luck and prosperity. You deserve all the very best.
This is how a person is arranged that he is satisfied with himself only on the condition that others appreciate him; but he loves himself, again, only if they love him. But the world is a mirror. Where, in the reflection, will love come from, if the image itself does not contain it? It turns out a closed mirror circle. How to get out of it? Very simple. First, as you know, we always love those we care about. So, you need to pay more attention to yourself, take care, take care of yourself. Secondly, love is like a boomerang: if you send it out into the world, it comes back to you. Love, including for yourself, can be found if instead of fear, distrust, disapproval, you glow with love. The reflection will move towards you only when you take the first step. It turns out a feedback chain: I send love into the world - it, reflected, returns to me - the world reciprocates me - they love me - therefore, I am also pleased with myself and begin to love myself.

Day 16 Faith

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As it has been said for a long time and more than once, "according to your faith, let it be done to you." And indeed it is. But how to believe? It is useless to convince and persuade yourself. Get busy with a specific thing: managing reality according to the principles of Transurfing and visualizing the target slide. Put the principles into practice and see what happens. Outer intention will open the door to a world where the impossible becomes possible. If the mind confronts the fact, it lets the incredible into the pattern of its perception of the world and allows the miracle to happen. When you see that Transurfing works, you will no longer need faith - you will have Knowledge.
Transurfing gives you a map of the area and the rules of the game. What to do with it is up to you. You are the king (queen) of your world. Don't be influenced by others. Believe in yourself. Don't trust other people's decisions. You yourself know and are able to do everything. But even now, when you have Knowledge, you are not immune from mistakes. True success grows from the ruins of your failures. Most prominent personalities have gone through all the hard times. It's just that this side of their life is not very advertised. So, if you fail, rejoice: you are on the way to success. Sometimes it will seem to you that circumstances are stacked against you. But how do you know which road leads to your goal? Keepers of the ancient Knowledge have opened Transurfing to you not to make you believe in the reality of metaphysics, but to give you hope. Where there is faith, there is room for doubt. Hope is needed in order to take action. Take action, and you will see how what seemed incredible becomes reality. When the hope has worked out, you will come to awareness. That's when you say to yourself: I don't want, I don't believe and I don't hope - I intend and I know.

Day 17: Guilt

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Guilt necessarily generates a scenario of punishment, and without the knowledge of your consciousness. This is how a person’s worldview pattern works: a misdemeanor should be punished. As soon as you notice the slightest signs of guilt, immediately get rid of this garbage so as not to spoil your life. Live according to your credo, and there will be no guilt. No one will dare to judge you if you do not consider yourself guilty. Being free from guilt, you will never find yourself in a situation in which someone will threaten you with violence. There is no guilt and there will be no punishment.
If you can’t get rid of guilt, you need to stop making excuses. Here is the one a special case when the treatment of the disease as a consequence eliminates its cause. You don't need to convince yourself that you don't owe anything to anyone. Just be mindful of your normal activities, which will require mindfulness. If before you had a habit of apologizing for the slightest reason, now get into another habit: to explain your actions only when it is really necessary. You don't have to convince yourself that you don't owe anything to anyone. Even if a sense of duty remains, outwardly you should not show it. Manipulators, not receiving the same return from you, will gradually fall behind. At the same time, the soul and mind will gradually get used to the new sensation: you are not making excuses, which means that it seems to be the way it should be, and therefore your guilt simply does not exist. As a result, there will be fewer and fewer reasons for "redemption". So, along the feedback chain, the external form will gradually put the internal content in order: the feeling of guilt will disappear, and after it, the corresponding problems.

Day 18

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When a person, feeling inferior in some way, seeks to increase his significance in every possible way, everything turns out the other way around. Significance becomes less, the more they try to emphasize it. Conversely, a person who does not care about his significance, has it unconditionally. A sense of self-importance is a very insidious excess potential. The balancing forces will do anything to knock you off your pedestal. By giving up your importance, you will gain it. At the same time, never, ever hurt people's sense of worth. Let it become taboo for you. Thus, you will save yourself from a lot of problems and troubles, the reasons for which you will not understand.
The desire to strengthen one's position, to emphasize one's merits is an illusion - the pursuit of a reflection in a mirror circle. But how to convince yourself that you are worth a lot and there is no need to prove it? There is one feedback loop by which the effect eliminates the cause. It requires a conscious reorientation of intention: instead of trying to show off, you need to stop trying to increase your significance altogether. If a person does not do this (and you know that almost everyone does it, each in his own way), others intuitively feel that his significance does not need to be confirmed. And if so, they begin to treat a person with more sympathy and respect. As a result, the soul and mind are gradually imbued with the conviction that I am "really worth something." The mirror circle at some point freezes, then turns around and begins to move towards. As a result, self-esteem rises - and the inferiority complex is gone.

Day 19

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Always be yourself, under no circumstances change yourself, live in accordance with your credo. Violating the creed, or, even worse, not having it, you destroy yourself as a person, which is why everything in life goes awry. Crooked image - and the reflection in the mirror is crooked. It is necessary to bring thoughts and actions to the same denominator - do not lie to yourself. Then there will be no annoying distortions in the dual mirror. You are the Master of your reality, and you have nothing to be ashamed of or afraid of. Remember: you are not alone, the Force is with you, and your world is taking care of you.
When you live according to your creed, soul and mind merge into oneness. This means that you do as you see fit, without looking back at public opinion. Under no circumstances should you change yourself. If you have to do something that the soul actively opposes, everything goes to dust. And vice versa, when you live in accordance with your credo, even if some of the actions in doing so go against common sense everything ends up being okay. You don't need to analyze exactly how the creed corrects reality. Just the absence of curvature in the image brings the reflection back to normal. The unity of the soul and mind forms a clear image, which is immediately materialized by the mirror of the world. All your true desires are to be fulfilled. That is the law.

Day 20. Your way

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It is not worth embarking on a path that "has no heart." On this path, a strong discord arises between the soul and the mind. You feel inner discomfort, insecurity, depression. On the one hand, it seems that everything is being done correctly, but on the other hand, the subconscious tells you that this is not at all the case. If the path "has a heart," you will feel it in your gut. When you move along your path, you have an incomparable feeling: everything will be as I want - such a characteristic calm confidence. Look for your path, on which the soul rejoices, and the mind rubs its hands with satisfaction. You will definitely find it if you set out to.
When you start living for yourself, doing what you like, everything else in the world pulls up to match. Everything is very simple: if the soul and mind are in harmony, the rest will be adjusted automatically. But if there is no such consent, for example, when the soul asks, but the mind is afraid, one must act carefully and prudently. Listen to your heart, but at the same time do not forget that you live in a material world that is not able to adapt instantly to your desires. Of course, it is not difficult to leave a hated job, but if you are afraid of being left without a livelihood, it is better not to count on a miracle. With the help of the slide technique, you can find yourself any kind of job, in another city, or another country, but without a reliable support, now you are unlikely to be able to calmly practice this technique. Never burn bridges behind you.


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Author: Nikita
2010-11-20 at 17:08:58