How to hear the voice of your intuition. The sixth sense: learning to listen to the inner voice. To hear the inner voice, then listen to the physical sensations of your body

How often did it happen that we felt the phone ring before it even rang. Everything else, already knowing in advance who will be on the other side of the telephone. Or, let's say, you wake up with the feeling that today will bring some kind of surprise. And once something prevented us from boarding a plane, which crashes an hour after takeoff. The last example, of course, is terrible, but it happens.

How do we feel the signs of this or that danger? How do we feel the approach of something pleasant or, on the contrary, events that bring disappointment? Where does this inner voice come from, which tells you how to act in a certain situation? For many people this voice is good friend, whose name intuition. Why not every person can boast of good intuition and how to learn to develop it?

How to listen to your intuition?

To begin with, it should be noted that absolutely every person on Earth has intuition, just for some, and for others to a lesser extent. Moreover, our sixth sense becomes dull with age, when we more often begin to use only the mind to solve various problems and tasks.

So that the hustle and bustle of everyday life does not drown out our inner assistant, first of all and in no case. Such people often do not trust themselves and therefore begin to listen only to the advice of others, while completely forgetting about their own capabilities. Thus, a person involuntarily closes the only window through which it is possible.

Also, learn to consult your intuition by asking yourself questions. Questions should require one-word answers: yes or no. Remember that the inner voice cannot speak to you in the literal sense of the word, intuition works with the help of sensations, images, impressions, smells. For example, if you ask yourself: "Is it worth it to cooperate with a certain client", while you get an incomprehensible pressure in your chest or you start to worry, then you should think carefully before signing any contract with this person. Perhaps it turns out that he is not clean on hand. Be extremely careful.

To hear the message of the inner voice, sometimes it is worth distracting from everyday problems, seclude yourself, meditate in order to better hear the answers to your questions. Having abstracted from all other unnecessary thoughts and fuss of the outside world, you will be able to better analyze your problem, find the right ways to solve it and feel your attitude towards it. If joy and calmness respond in response, you can safely continue to go in this direction, and you will definitely find a way out. If you feel anger or anger, these are the first signs that the venture you decide on will not bear fruit.

And the last tip, sometimes you need to turn off logic and reason in order to understand true meaning messages from your intuition. If you suddenly feel some kind of impulse to take certain actions, but logic tells you that the action does not justify the means, muffle it and try to follow your intuition. And see what comes of it. As they say: "Who does not risk ..."

PHOTO Soledad Bravi

“I am a reverse intuition person. At the airport, I always choose the longest queue for passport control, no matter how short it may seem at first glance; in search of an unfamiliar street, I will definitely go in the opposite direction from it - I can list such examples indefinitely. Intuition fails me almost always, so I just listen to her voice - and do the opposite. True, by the age of 35 I was so used to not trusting my first spiritual impulses and immediately acting “on the contrary”, that now, when I make a mistake, I often don’t understand: did I immediately crush my inner voice with my mind, or was it still mine reverse intuition, not yet corrected by the voice of reason?

Here is a verbatim quote, found somewhere in the bowels of the blogosphere, sent to me by the editor of ELLE with a question: what is “reverse intuition” and how does it work?

“Are you saying that you know in detail how the “direct” works?” - a little confused (since I heard about "reverse intuition" for the first time), I retorted. “I don’t know, but you are a psychologist - you will explain!” I had to figure it out.

Mirror neurons

From time to time, we all show miracles of intuitive knowledge, when, for example, we say to each other on the phone: “I was just thinking about you - and then you call!” Or suddenly we see in a dream a person whom we have long lost sight of or have not met for a hundred years - and the next day he emerges to us as if from nowhere. These are examples of emotional intuition, the basis of which is a well-developed system of mirror neurons. It is responsible in our brain for learning something through literal copying. Thanks to mirror neurons, a child, born as a completely helpless creature, who has only sucking and grasping reflexes, in three years already has almost the entirety of basic knowledge about the world, knows how to walk, talk, distinguishes emotions, knows how to express them. And some children already know how to sing, dance and even draw! The child mastered all this by observing adults and repeating, copying their behavior, actions and attitudes.

The system of mirror neurons underlies the actor's method of "feeling into" the role. It allows people to establish emotional contacts, to understand each other without words. High empathy (the ability to feel what another person feels) is also a manifestation of the work of mirror neurons. There are people who have this system extremely developed. It can be said that this is a special kind of giftedness, this is a talent. Depending on other talents and personality traits, some of these people go to actors, some to psychotherapists, and some to clairvoyants and fortune tellers. I seriously think that the effect of communicating with predictors of the future is based primarily on their ingenious empathy, which allows you to “read” in the souls of other people not only what is and was, but also what these people feel about their future. But no better way to convince a person that you know his future than to voice his own dreams, desires, fears and temptations.

Work, danger and creativity

There is also intuition in science. As a rule, this is the result of a lot of work that the scientist does before the intuitive insight happens. Mendeleev, of course, saw his table in a dream, but before that, for several years, he had been persistently trying to solve the problem of systematizing chemical elements.

Intuition often develops on the basis of constant, persistent, on the verge of obsession, interest. A particularly acute case of such interest is a threat to life. In a situation where we are in danger, we almost all shine with intuition. I will never forget the story of my classmate who was returning home not late, but rather dark winter evening and for some reason decided to get off one stop later than she usually did. By the evening of the next day, our entire small town was literally on its ears because of a terrible crime that happened exactly in the square through which my classmate usually went home. And exactly at the moment when she floated past in the bus. Intuitive decisions that save a person's life or health are usually attributed to divine providence or the care of a guardian angel.

An intuitive decision comes to artists as if from nowhere, it is commonly called beautiful word"inspiration". But in fact, behind the surging inspiration there are whole layers of processed information, hours, and sometimes months, years of the work of the unconscious. This work is hidden from everyone, including from the creator himself. Therefore, mood swings, depression, doubts about one's gift are unpleasant, but frequent companions of creative people.

If you can see the PAST of a person, then he will believe that you KNOW HIS FUTURE

The body knows

And then there is physical intuition. It is developed by many businessmen, athletes and ... criminals. This is the case when they say: “I feel it with my spinal cord”, “I feel it with my skin”. Such intuition is also often associated with danger - any, whether it be a physical or, for example, financial danger. They say that the famous financier Soros always experienced back pain before something bad started to happen in world markets. And a recidivist thief sometimes refuses a planned operation only because of a sense of danger that suddenly arises at a certain moment. In four cases out of five, such fears are not in vain. My classmate, who successfully passed a terrible place on the bus, also apparently felt something was wrong with her body. “I became so lazy to get up that I decided: I’ll get off at the next stop,” she recalled.

There is also professional intuition, which is developed, whether you like it or not, by any person who has spent ten or fifteen years in his profession. An experienced editor almost always knows which author will make sense, and which one is likely to fade after a couple of texts. A doctor with 20 years of experience sees a picture of the disease even without tests, and a good car mechanic, barely looking at your car, is ready to name all the current problems. This intuition is the result of experience, which is updated and instantly gives the right solution.

Any of the listed intuitions is suitable for developing another, missing one, which for some reason you really need in the household. But it would be nice to understand - what do we want from her? What help?

On the right hemisphere

Now we are watching our hands: when something strongly outweighs or excessively prevails - for example, too much rational calculation to the detriment of spontaneity and creativity, then there is a need to somehow correct this imbalance, restore balance. Hence the interest in all sorts of "right hemisphere" activities. “Right hemispheric” drawing seems to be carried away by half of Moscow and some of the other large cities of Russia. Spontaneity and creativity trainings go head to head in popularity with time management, seminars "How to make your first million" and "How to find the man of your dreams."

Such a phenomenon as intuition lives in the same “right hemispheric” irrational sector. The Internet offers hundreds of links on how to develop your intuition online, without leaving your home and very, very quickly. Because even develop intuition modern man it is necessary at a deafening pace and solely for rational reasons: in order not to waste time making decisions, in order to immediately see what kind of game is worth the candle, where to invest and where to look for the man of your dreams.

One of my good friends, a tough business woman without any special sentiments, but with spiritual needs, believes that yoga and meditation help her to get in touch with her intuition. “I have to calm down and hear the voice of my intuition,” she says, and yet another, detailed business plan is already on the table in front of her. Surprisingly, the intuition, the voice of which my friend manages to hear during meditation, always agrees with the plan regarding income. But he likes to make adjustments to the expenditure side. I am deeply shocked by such prudence, unexpected for an irrational function. On the other hand, there is nothing surprising: rational people often mistake their secret desires and plans for intuitive insights.

Insight Formula

The word "intuition" comes from a Latin root which means "to contemplate" or "to look closely." Actually, this is the whole secret of training. Science considers intuitive insight the result of an active and careful process of processing signals that come from all the senses. This process occurs without the participation of consciousness, which is why the intuitive solution seems to arise from the void, from nothing.

This ability is almost instinctive in nature and was once developed in humans no worse than in any other animal, because it was important in helping to survive in primitive conditions.

Primitive man is attentive to the signals of the environment. He unwittingly analyzes great amount sensory signals. This process never stops, it is impossible to get tired of it. Esotericists call this state "union with the world" or "dissolution in the world."

To develop intuition, it is necessary to tune in sight, hearing and other senses to the perception of everything that happens, what can be seen, heard and felt. But for a modern city dweller, this is exactly what he instinctively, and perhaps quite consciously avoids! The overload of all information channels is our problem. But those who have a well-developed intuition scan the world around them automatically, without attaching any importance to it, simply because their head is arranged that way.

You can learn this by indulging in contemplation, and not studying and not memorizing. Contemplation requires time, peace and relative silence within. For those who want to develop their intuition, it is better to break away from computers and try to be closer to nature - at least visit parks more often, and even better in fields and forests. And let it not be a picnic with barbecue and music rumbling from the car, but at least a trip for mushrooms, or skiing, or just a walk. I'm pretty sure you'll have to catch your hand reaching for your phone to turn on your favorite song, check your email, or check Facebook.

People who are used to making intuitive decisions tend to do so quickly. The need to weigh, consider the pros and cons - all this causes them the most severe boredom and resistance. They do not need to chew arguments on a conscious level - in their case, all this happens, as it were, behind the scenes of consciousness, in the depths of the unconscious. All that is required of such a person at the time of making a decision is trust in himself and his intuitive impulses.

Thus, trusting ourselves is something that must be learned if we are to develop our intuition.

PHOTO Soledad Bravi

Short cut

The more rational the life of a modern city dweller becomes, the more decisions we make exclusively with our heads, the more acute our desire to somehow break, break the established order.

We are reasonable and prudent. We have a mortgage, insurance, a bank account for a rainy day. Children from scratch learn two languages ​​and from the age of 4 - mathematics, so that they are sure and reliable - to a strong school. We rarely get distracted by trifles, get married and get married, because it's time, get divorced, because the children have finally grown up, or don't get divorced, because it's more convenient for the two of us to keep track of a common dog and we don't want to share the dacha. We are terribly concerned with time management. Timekeeping and time management trainings attract nearly as many clients as sex school classes. Sex, by the way, should also be under control. Technology is everything. But we should not forget about female magic either - they will also teach us it for a reasonable fee, step by step - welcome! Why not? Everything can be studied, any process can be decomposed into components and presented in the form of a reasonable plan. We want to get the experience packaged and compressed into pills.

A few years ago, a friend of mine who decided to open a chain of coffee shops told me how he learned to brew coffee and make panini. First he went to Italy. I lived there, it seems, for two months, all day long, as if sewn, I went after the master. I tried to achieve everything: how much to pour this, how much this? How many minutes to keep these same panini in the oven? “Well, look,” the venerable maestro said, “you do it this way and that way ...” - “Yes, but how much is it in grams? In minutes? “Oh,” the master just waved it cheerfully, “I don’t know, I don’t know ... Watch and learn!” - "And how much more to study?" - my meticulous friend did not let up. The Italian waved an invisible conductor's baton in the air, saying, who can know such things? However, he firmly promised that in six months my friend would stop asking questions about programs and minutes, because he would understand that for the preparation of excellent panini this does not matter at all.

My friend did not have six months at his disposal - and he went to America. Americans love the standards of everything, they are the gods of instructions and clear directions. Do not feed them bread, just let the process be decomposed into stages, study each of them and paint it step by step. In less than a month, my friend was quite tolerably brewing coffee and even making panini.

Actually, this story metaphorically answers the question why there are Starbucks with their moderately drinkable coffee all over the world, and Italian coffee houses with a real fragrant elixir of life - only in Italy.

Why am I? To the fact that the intuitive way of learning (see the cheerful Italian) takes time, rest, immersion and Mediterranean nonchalance. As in childhood. It's costly, it's too long, there's no quick profit from it. Dismemberment according to the instructions is much faster and more profitable. No alchemy, solid calculation, almost guaranteed success within the limits of the permissible.

All the way around

Intuition is a capricious lady and reacts to the slightest changes in the psychological climate. A person who lives by intuition knows that there are states in his life when it is better to rely on calculation and logic (if the intuitive has learned to use them) than on his own insight. “Today I am in the wrong state” - this phrase from the lips of an intuitive means that he has broken contact with himself. This happens due to stress, overload, or simply because of bad weather. And then intuition can deceive. If we generally trust ourselves, then, as a rule, we feel when the balance is off, and do not risk making intuitive decisions.

It also happens that under the guise of intuition that prompts decisions, a harmful complex operates inside the human psyche, which exists only so that a person maintains an attitude towards himself as a loser or a weak, helpless creature in need of care.

This internal pest - a whole bouquet from other people's expectations, too high demands, pain from unmourned and poorly processed injuries. To neutralize the internal saboteur, you need to understand what kind of complex it is, where it came from and what it really needs from you. As a rule, it turns out that he interferes not only in the process of making intuitive decisions, but also in all spheres of life. If you manage to bring it to clean water, then a person’s life changes in better side. Self-confidence arises - and then, oddly enough, it is not so important how exactly we make decisions: on the basis of a sixth sense, calculation or emotions.

How to develop a sixth sense

A new autobiographical book promises to answer this question. Alexander Litvin "I will not be higher than God", which was recently published by the AST publishing house. The winner of the sixth season of the popular TV project "The Battle of Psychics" (runs on Saturdays at 20.00 on TNT) prefers to call himself a "probability analyst". “I don't think my ability is a miracle or a special talent,” he admits. - And I don’t really like the word “psychic” because of associations and stereotypes. My gift is solely in the fact that I believe in my strength. Achieve harmony with yourself and understanding with loved ones, move up career ladder- Intuition will help in all this. My task is only to teach how to catch a fair wind.

In psychology intuition is called the sixth sense, psychics call it the third eye, and the clergy - guardian angel. But no one can say exactly what intuition is. Let's do our own research...

What is intuition?

unanimous opinion, what is intuition there is still no, however, as there is no scientific explanation of intuition.

Some researchers say that subconsciously we have knowledge of how some event should proceed, and it bursts into consciousness as an assumption or "intuitive guess".

Other experts say that our premonitions are based on information that the brain fixes, based on body language and facial expressions. We are also not aware of it, although it reaches our subconscious.

Intuition is a premonition of the future, which has no rational explanation: this is what distinguishes it from the logical explanation of the situation. Intuition is often accompanied by anxiety, which lasts until the premonition is realized. For example, feeling "Something is about to happen" can appear when we feel the nervous tension of loved ones.

Intuition is the sum of our subconscious impressions and sensations, which offer a conclusion that sometimes defies logic, but tends to predict events more or less accurately.

Intuition says that a person knows or is able to do something, but does not know why and how he knows or is able to do it.

Intuition is multi-level and multi-natural: one thing - the intuition of a football player, another - a politician, musician or mathematician.

Little children live by intuition. No wonder they say that the mouth of a baby speaks the truth.

Another hypothesis explains the intuition very simply: our guesses become a reality because we ourselves were waiting for this, and therefore, subconsciously lined up events before they materialized.

Finally, the last theory is that the human mind picks up coincidences in the environment. Familiar situations can sometimes give a very accurate clue to predicting the future.

Despite all these hypotheses, intuition still remains the ability of a person to comprehend the truth without any evidence.

Women's intuition... Something's got to happen

Each of us has intuition, but in a certain area and in its scope. In what a person is more intuitive, in that he is more gifted.

It is safe to say that intuition is given to everyone from birth.. It's just that some people close energy channels and the gift of intuition weakens. In order not to ruin your intuition, you need to think positively, think about the good and do good. These are very simple but effective methods.

Experts say that the beautiful half of humanity intuition is better developed than in men, because women trust feelings more than logic.

It used to be that women were mostly less logical and rational, but more emotional and intuitive than men. This applies mainly to ordinary everyday situations, as well as the sphere of interpersonal relationships.

A woman is given intuition by Nature herself: a well-known maternal intuition- the greatest gift developed by the millennia of mankind's struggle for life on Earth.

It is customary to trust the voice of intuition, when you meet new people, start a new or meaningful job, go on vacation or go to another country to live.

Dreams also need to be taken into account - they are an integral part of intuition. For example, you had a nightmare, and you wake up in some bewilderment - what awaits you? Listen to the inner voice of intuition, which will tell you: the dream warns of inconvenience (danger) or, on the contrary, portends getting rid of problems.

How to distinguish intuition from anxiety?

Anxiety is always accompanied by the expectation of something bad, and intuitive vision can be accompanied by both anxiety and joy. Anxiety in this case appears as a result of the uncertainty whether the prediction will come true or not.

Increased anxiety can be a concern. Anyone who has such a deviation can absolutely seriously assure himself and those around him that something bad will happen tomorrow. At the same time, a person is not able to concentrate, is nervous, loses his ability to work. As a result of this, a bad event really happens, and then he says to everyone: “I felt! That's my great intuition." But more often than not, the event stems from this anxiety.

Intuition at its finest

A few years ago in the United States, a female medium, known for her extraordinary abilities, showed 44 simple investigative photographs in full face. It was known that half of these people had committed serious crimes, while the rest were only suspected, but were innocent.

She looked at each photo for no longer than 5 seconds, after which she immediately answered: guilty or not. Result: 21 accurate guesses out of 22 possible.

To explain why, according to her, this man is a criminal, and not that one, the woman could not, her answer was one: "Feel". This is an example of how intuition works in its purest form.

Extra-class predictive abilities, such as Nostradamus or Vanga had - 100% intuition.

Is there an area in the human brain that is responsible for intuition?

Intuition is the coordinated work of the soul and body. It is believed that in right-handed people it is mainly “in charge” of the right hemisphere of the brain, and in left-handed people it is the left. There are good reasons for such an opinion, since one hemisphere is more busy with analysis, and the other with the synthesis of information, and it is this hemisphere that serves as a “flywheel” for intuition. But is it really possible to say that Einstein's theory of relativity or Mendeleev's periodic table, these immortal masterpieces of intuitive thinking, are created by one hemisphere of the brain without the participation of the other?

How to develop intuition?

Increasing capacity for intuition when a person gets into an extreme situation and learns to survive in it.

Under severe physical and moral stress, prolonged starvation, illness and injury, people can reach a different level of perception of reality and the ability to make decisions. This is called "insight". True, in such situations there are also cruel self-deceptions, delirium, this is the so-called pathological intuition.

There is one effective way to develop intuition: Temporary Restriction of the Organism's Capabilities.

For example, for a month, forbid yourself to use your dominant hand: if you are right-handed, then act only with your left.

Or live for some time (from several minutes to weeks) with tightly blindfolded eyes or plugged ears (or both).

All this greatly enhances intuition, as a rule, superbly developed in the deaf and visually impaired.

This is what Vanga has been doing since childhood, playing blind. Putting on a dark bandage over her eyes, she learned to find miscellaneous items to carry out normal household activities.

Another good way development of intuition- vow of silence. The less you say, the more you think, the deeper you feel and the more clearly you think.

Intuition: your opinion

Ekaterina, 32 years old

“My intuition never fails me. If you do not listen to the inner voice, then you have to bite your elbows. For example, last year I decided to go on vacation to Turkey. I just crossed the threshold of a travel agency - and I immediately felt uneasy. Registration of visa, passport and other documents went smoothly. But on the eve of departure, I did not find a place for myself. On the day of departure, I could not even properly assemble. She returned home twice. Only at the airport it turned out that my friend was traveling with me in the group. ex-boyfriend suck your new girl. I was ready to fall through the ground. Nothing more terrible could be imagined. Even our hotel rooms ended up on the same floor.”

Polina, 31 years old

"Intuition is a great feeling, and it is very important to trust him. When I was pregnant, for all folk omens it turned out that we would have a girl (although my husband and I really wanted a boy to be born). It was worth passing by some grandmother, as she would certainly repeat: “Oh, well, for sure the girl will be a girl!”. Although the ultrasound showed that, most likely, there will be a girl. And I had no doubt that I was having a boy. We even chose clothes for the baby so that the boy would fit. I was sure - and gave birth to a boy!

Tasya, 27 years old

“Once we were resting at a camp site near Tolyatti and decided to go to a night session in the cinema. I don't know who told me, but I took a first aid kit with me. There were no negative thoughts in my head. Returning from the cinema, we got into an accident with a KAMAZ truck at a yellow traffic light at night. The car was badly damaged, but we were all alive and well. That's when it was necessary to catch this sign (it was intuition clean water, since I did not experience any anxiety at the same time), and I let it pass by my ears.

Maria, 24 years old

“My friend and I decided to rent an apartment. My friend at that moment was also looking for housing, and together we went to see one option. I somehow didn’t like it there right away, although the apartment met all the requirements. I refused without hesitation, but my friend agreed. A month later, it turned out that the neighbors turned out to be drunk and scandalous, and the owner constantly pestered with calls and set new conditions.

Vadim, 35 years old

“My wife recently suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, ran to the shelf near the locker where our beloved hamster lives, and held out her palms ... A hamster fell on them, which was already ready to be grabbed by a cat waiting for him. It turned out that at night he got out of his home and went on a trip around the house, but her intuition managed to prevent misfortune.

Have you ever had cases in which your intuition was on your side?

Synchronicities are not accidents or coincidences at all. This is the voice of our intuition, which appeals to us from the invisible, but really existing world.

We all know about the importance of the five senses that nature has endowed a person with. But at the same time, we often underestimate, or even completely forget about the “sixth sense”. intuition.

“Each of us is God's creation. This means that he is endowed with six senses that help to go through life.- Sonya Schocket "Trust your intuition."

Sonya Schocket, author of 19 best-selling books on intuition and personal growth, argues that the "sixth sense" - intuition - can and should be developed. This will help us make the right and important decisions. Will help to do right choice. It is the one that corresponds to our purpose and the most secret dreams.

So what is intuition?

We found the following definition: "Intuition is the ability to receive information about any things, as they say, without the participation of the mind."

That is, we are talking about the fact that we receive some knowledge without using the potential of our mind and intellect at all.

Naturally, we all grew up in a culture dominated by the intellect and the power of the mind, so it is quite difficult to believe in intuition right off the bat. Nevertheless, it exists. Moreover, this “sixth sense” can often help us much more than reason or intellect.

So why exactly intuition?

Our mind "dwells" in the anterior lobe of the brain, but intuition originates in the heart. You will not believe, but his ability to respond to the energy of intuition is 5000 times stronger than that of the mind.

This is due to the fact that the mind (mind) contains too many filters and restrictions (including, for example, the environment in which we grew up, family, conventions, consideration for the opinions of other people, etc.).

That's why our mind "colors" reality, often making us believe something that doesn't really exist or isn't true.

The heart is a completely different story. Everything here is natural and true. As they say: "You can't fool the heart."

So, if you really want to learn how to use the "sixth sense", you must open your hearts and listen to their voice. After all, the voice of the heart and the voice of intuition are one and the same.

In order for intuition to help us through life and become the most faithful guide, we must learn to “turn it on”.

How to do it?

1. Stop trying to control everything.

The first step to get you in tune with your intuition is to step on your Ego's throat and end your desire to be in control.

The fact is that control freaks who try to “track” literally every situation or person, as a rule, use the oldest brain reflex called “fight or flight”.

In this mode, we perceive almost everything and everyone as a potential threat.

Accordingly, anxiety and anxiety are growing, which completely block the ability to catch the voice of intuition.

Therefore, our task is to calm down as much as possible. This is achieved in a simple way: stop trying to control absolutely everything that happens around. Firstly, no one has yet succeeded, and secondly, it is stupid.

"The more you try to control everything, the more you "ground" your ego and move away from your intuition"— Sonya Shoket.

2. Be creative, live playfully.

Another way to “connect” to your intuition is to open your heart wide, become more creative, “playful”.

Dancing, drawing, music or writing will help with this. Thus, you sort of expand your horizon.

“The main difference between spirituality and ego is that spirituality is associated with creativity and playfulness, while ego is associated with orderliness and routine.”— Sonya Shoket.

3. Tune in and listen to your intuition.

Once you tune in to the right wave and begin to listen to the vibrations, you will discover that your body can also communicate with you. This can happen most different ways, including sensations in the intestines and so on. Know that your intuition is speaking.

As soon as you live an authentic life, easily and naturally, you will immediately feel calm and relaxed.

An amazing lightness will open up for you, energy will come, and the body will be freed from tension and pain.

“If you are on the right path and live the way your soul tells you, then you immediately feel peaceful, calm and harmonious. Your heart beats confidently, you are full of strength and energy. Stress, pain and anxiety - go away,- Sonya Shoket.

4. Learn to notice synchronicities.

Another effective method developing intuition is the recognition of synchronicity, which is necessarily present in our lives.

As soon as we begin to notice the amazing coincidences that occur around us, or the emerging feeling of deja vu, we immediately “get in touch” with our intuition. This is a chance for us to grow and prosper...

But if we miss these weak signals or stop paying attention to all the attempts of the Universe to establish contact with us, then we lose the ability to listen to our inner voice and use the prompts of intuition.

“Synchronicities are not accidents or coincidences at all. This is the voice of our intuition, which appeals to us from the invisible, but really existing world. That is why fish swim against the current (so it is much easier for them to overcome distances), birds fly south, and animals hibernate in winter. Everything in our world intuitively tends to what will be best for it. Man is no exception.

The only difference is that we make a conscious decision to follow our intuition or not. Therefore, if you want to use your sixth sense, stop resisting vibrations and trust your intuition,— Sonya Shoket.

5. Take your time and feel the "flow state".

The next way to develop your intuition or sixth sense is to enter a "flow state." It is achieved through regular meditation and conscious perception of the world.

It is very important to slow down the pace, do not rush and do not try to do everything and everywhere. And even better - from time to time to arrange pauses for yourself and “do nothing”. Otherwise, you will not hear the voice of your intuition - it simply will not have a chance to “break through” to you.

“Keep a special notebook in which you will plan these periods of relaxation and “doing nothing”. That way you can follow through.”— Sonya Shoket.

6. Energy goes where our attention is directed.

Another way to develop the sixth sense is to pay close attention to where our attention is directed, and therefore energy. After all, as you know, like attracts like.

If we constantly worry about the most worst case scenarios development of events or we are afraid that we will be harmed, then we send the energy of fear and sacrifice. Not surprisingly, the answer is the same.

The more we think about struggles and failures, the more we attract them into our lives.

We seem to become our prophets and fall into this vicious circle, unable to escape.

Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor where you direct your attention and energy.

“The principle of telepathy is that we mentally tune in to the same “vibrational frequency” to which we send our signals. That is, we tune in to those frequencies that we focus on and pay attention to. This explains the fact that like attracts like. If we dwell on fear, danger, and trauma, we immediately jump into the “victim frequency.” That is, we ourselves “draw” our future in black colors. And, on the contrary, if we focus on everything positive, life-affirming and filled with love, then in response we get the same, - Sonya Shoket.

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7. "Throw away the trash."

Another interesting "tool" for developing intuition is called "Don't forget to take out the trash."

Sonia Schocket explains that all our irrational fears and doubts are nothing more than rubbish, which we should remember to "throw out" on a regular basis. This garbage is not so harmless at all - it really blocks our access to intuition. It is enough to get rid of it - and immediately hear the voice of the sixth sense.

She explains that in order to get rid of garbage, you should voice and face your fears. For example: "I'm afraid people will laugh at me if I fail" or "I'm not good enough to do this" or "I'm afraid I'll get hurt so I prefer to be alone."

As soon as we get rid of this garbage, we will immediately connect to our heart, hear its voice and prompts.

You can try putting your hand on your heart and say, "My heart is speaking." Then say out loud the answer you received.

In order to make sure that you really received the answer from the depths of your heart, listen to your body. If you feel good and light, nothing bothers you - it really was the voice of intuition.

If you feel that your "energy field" has expanded, and new facets of life have opened up to you, this was the voice of your intuition.

If, on the contrary, the “energy field” narrowed, it was the voice of your mind and ego.

8. Live an authentic life.

When you begin to live a true life that is in line with your purpose and desires, the voice of intuition immediately becomes stronger and louder.

It is enough to simply live in accordance with your values ​​and motivations, follow your heart and not pay attention to what other people say or think about you.

Through this, your intuition will become stronger and stronger.

“You learn to take responsibility for your life. You begin to realize that life is yours, and only you can decide how to be guided and how to act. Listen to your heart and go forward, do not rely on someone to help you, or, in extreme cases, do no harm., - Sonya Shoket.