Foreign language with a child: an opinion from the net. Basic rules of reading technique

Often parents are concerned that their toddler does not speak at 1 year old. But are these feelings justified? Does he really need to fully communicate at that age? This will be discussed in the article, as well as how to teach children to talk early, with the correct pronunciation and pronunciation of complex sounds.

How many words should a one year old baby know?

How to teach children to talk if they are already 12 months old? Many parents really begin to panic after 1 year of a baby's life. And if he does not yet speak “woman” or “porridge” at this age, then this is a disaster for them. But is it really as bad as it seems?

If you compare your child with a child of the same age, and at the same time think that your child is lagging behind in development, you are deeply mistaken. Do not compare your baby with anyone else. Each child is individual. And if the neighbor's boy already pronounces, for example, the word "elephant", then he may not say other words that your little one says.

But basically, by the first year of life, children know up to 10 words. These are the most familiar and common terms, such as “mom”, “dad”, “give”, “piss-piss”, etc.

By the age of one and a half, children already know about 100 words, maybe less. And that's okay.

The speech of a child in 2-3 years. The quality and quantity of words at this age

By the age of two, children can learn up to 300 words. But it is important during this period not to count how much the child knows, but to pay attention to the quality of speech. By the age of three, a child should correctly name objects. There can be no “av-av” or “pee-pee”! The correct would be "dog" and "drink". But if some words are difficult for the child to pronounce correctly, do not force him to do it yet.

You, as parents, should especially carefully monitor the purity of the baby’s speech during this period. If he interchanges sounds or puts stress incorrectly, it is necessary to correct him so that he understands how things should be called.

Learning to speak for children: it is important to speak clearly, correctly, slowly, so that the child understands how to pronounce words. Many parents lisp with the baby, but this is absolutely impossible to do. Talk to your little one like you would an adult. Next, we will look at examples and exercises that help answer the question of how to quickly teach a child to talk.

If your baby is 12 months old, and he still does not say anything, then you can begin to act. What exactly to do, what methods are effective for this, we will describe below.

1. We teach children to talk by naming things that they encounter every day. For example, “spoon”, “high chair”, “bed”, “toy”, etc. If the mother pronounces such words clearly, the child will soon understand what’s what, and he will begin to reproduce them himself.

2. Enter the image of the baby. Try talking to him in his own language. If the baby makes certain sounds like “na-na”, then you will talk to him. Say the same thing yourself. And then ask him to repeat after you what you want. Only words should not be difficult at first.

3. We turn to the sounds of animals. Children love to imitate our pets, and not only them. So why not take advantage of this and buy, for example, a talking poster, a book with drawings of animals, musical houses? Let the baby listen to what sounds different representatives of the fauna make. And you will soon see how he himself will begin to repeat them.

4. Application of gestures. For such small children, it is very important to supplement speech with signs and movements. For example, if it is cold outside, you can rub your palms together. Then the baby will remember it much better. Or, for example, grandfather is sleeping, and in order not to wake him up, you show the baby by bringing your index finger to your mouth and making a hissing sound. Then the child will know what to do when someone is resting in the house.

5. Poems and songs - to help mom. Read to your baby more often, sing children's songs to him.

Now you know how to teach a one-year-old child to talk, what methods to use.

Why focus on fine motor skills?

This is a very important process. Modeling from plasticine, drawing - all these actions the child must perform in early age. The fact is that the part of the brain that is responsible for the movement of the hands is located next to the speech area. Therefore, it is so important to organize classes for the limbs using small details. Thus, the child's speech will develop, and general knowledge about the world. How to teach a child to talk? Develop his fine motor skills!

Naturally, you will not force a six-month-old child to pick up a pen and write or, for example, sculpt something from plasticine. But there are options for babies too. Mom just needs to knead the baby's palms. You can buy special balls with rubber spikes, they will have a beneficial effect on the nerve endings and activate the area of ​​​​the cerebral cortex responsible for pronunciation.

Fine motor skills exercises

How to teach children to speak? Perform simple tasks with them, for example:

1. Kneading fingers.

2. Modeling from plasticine.

3. Drawing not with a brush, but with fingers.

4. Folding small items, such as building blocks or mosaics.

5. Finger games (more on them below).

All these simple exercises will lead to the fact that your child will soon not only talk, but babble the best.

But it also happens that the kid is simply bored with drawing, sculpting and building. How to teach children to talk in such a situation? What else can parents come up with than to interest in order to teach the baby to talk better? You need to come up with something new, unusual. More on that below.

Interesting finger games that your little ones will love

How to teach children to talk, armed with special exercises? We will describe below.

1. Montessori lacing. This kind of fun develops Creative skills, fine motor skills of hands. You can buy a toy in any specialized children's store. It's not cheap, but the result is worth the money spent.

2. Unusual drawing. A brush is not suitable for this purpose, oddly enough. The kid will like to draw with his fingers. Give him the opportunity to immerse them in water and then in watercolor. Let him fantasize and draw something on the sheet. To draw attention to the drawing, use some other materials, for example, semolina, scattering it in a thin layer on the table

3. Unprecedented plasticine. What could be better than a simple DIY test? Give your child the opportunity to prepare such a “plasticine” himself, or at least participate in its formation. And already when you blind something together, the figure can be painted with acrylic paints. This method of sculpting the little one will certainly appeal to you.

4. Finger theater. This is where Mom has to work hard and sew some interesting toys, little animals, so that you can then put them on your hands and come up with a fairy tale.

Knowing the exercises described above will help resolve the issue of how to teach a child to talk.

Articulation gymnastics

How to teach children to speak correctly using articulation? And is this method justified? Yes. This method is necessary to form the correct pronunciation if the baby does not clearly or incorrectly pronounce words, swallows them, etc. Parents can help their child and perform fairly light exercises with him.

1. Closing lips into a tube, imitation of the sound of a passing steam locomotive.

2. Cheek puffing.

3. Big smile.

4. Imitation of a kiss.

5. Raising the tongue to the bottom and upper lip and also to the corners of the mouth.

6. Imitation of washing the face from the forehead to the chin.

Mastering the letter "R"

How to teach children to speak and pronounce words containing "R" correctly? Many parents do not know this and resort to the help of a speech therapist. Although they may well do without a specialist, performing certain exercises.

1. Show yourself how you pronounce this sound. Open your mouth slightly, make a tense smile and show how the tip of the tongue touches the palate. Then ask your child to do the same.

2. Play with your baby. For fun, imagine that you are both tigers and growl at each other. In this case, you do not need to focus on the fact that you pronounce "R". Over time, the baby will understand and do as you want.

If the baby does not pronounce "P" at 3 years old, then this is the norm. But if by four he still has not mastered the pronunciation, these simple exercises should be performed regularly.

Teaching the child the letter "L"

1. Open your mouth a little, depict a semblance of a smile. The tongue should rest strongly under the upper teeth. Ask the little one to do the same, only let him hum.

2. While brushing your teeth, let the child evenly lick his lips and teeth with his tongue, and even try to get them to his nose.

3. If the baby does not pronounce a hard sound [l] but he manages to pronounce a soft one ([l "]), then ask him to sing a song like “la-la-la”.

You will see how after such classes your child will quickly learn to call "L".

Teaching a child the letter "Sh"

1. Ask the baby to make the sound lingering. Let him hiss like a snake.

2. The corners of the lips during pronunciation should not move apart much to the sides. If this happens, then learn the syllables “sho” and “shu”.

Now you know how to teach children to speak complex letters, and we hope that you will use these recommendations in the process of setting the correct speech.

How to teach children to speak in sentences?

If the baby has begun to speak individual words, and there are a lot of them, it's time to start teaching him the next difficult task. First you need to practice pronouncing, for example, “ma-mo-me-mi-mu” or “pi-pa-pe-po-py”, etc.

When the child learns to combine and pronounce similar combinations, teach him syllables, then move on to tongue twisters. They perfectly form the correct pronunciation of the baby.

Also, an important point at which you can easily teach kids to speak in sentences is the frequency of communication. Mom must describe her every action in words. For example, she cooks soup and says: “Vanya, look, I take a potato, carefully peel off the skin with a knife. Then I wash it, cut it into small pieces and send it to the pan, ”etc.

In this case, you need to involve the little one in the conversation. You should get a dialogue so that the child can also express his thought and ask a question of interest to him.

It is on these principles that the whole system of correct teaching on how to speak in sentences is built.

Speech delay in babies

All mothers know that boys start talking a little later than girls. This is due to the structural features of the brain. The fact is that the nerve fibers that connect the right and left hemispheres are thinner than those of babies. This means that information flows more slowly.

How to teach a boy to talk so that he does not lag behind other children? Here are some suggestions.

1. If the baby points to a certain item that he wants to receive, do not rush to give it. Ask him to express his desire in words.

2. Explain to the boy every word. For example, it is not enough to simply say that it is a saucepan. It is necessary, for example, like this: “This is a saucepan, in which mom cooks delicious and healthy porridge.”

3. Read more fairy tales and poems. Pointing to the pictures, add useful information Push.

4. Visiting a neurologist. If the baby does not say anything at all, or something is bothering you, visit a specialist. He examines the child and tells you what needs to be done to help the baby.

1. Do not show your child that you are excited or nervous about something. Because he, feeling something bad, can simply withdraw into himself.

2. Start teaching your child easy sounds and words. Only in this way can he learn to speak correctly and on time.

3. Mom should constantly talk to her baby. Even while in position, just stroking her tummy, she can talk with the baby. And let dad be included in this dialogue.

4. Having turned on the children's program on TV, do you think that the baby will have to chat after a while? Live communication is the basis of how to teach a baby to talk.

After reading this article to the end, you could get an idea of ​​how to properly teach children to speak. And be sure to use the tips above. But the main rule - do not be lazy, work with children, talk to them more often and give them maximum time. And then the baby will surprise you with his pronunciation and knowledge of words not at four years old, but at one and a half.

1. Ignore bad behavior

Sometimes parents themselves encourage the child's bad behavior by paying attention to it. Attention can be both positive (praise) and negative (criticism), but sometimes a complete lack of attention can be a solution to a child's misbehavior. If you understand that your attention only provokes the child, try to restrain yourself. The Ignore Technique can be very effective, but it must be done correctly. Here are a few conditions to keep in mind:

To pay no attention means to pay no attention at all. Do not react to the child in any way - do not shout, do not look at him, do not talk to him. (Keep a close eye on the child, but do something about it.)

Completely ignore the child until he stops misbehaving. This can take 5 or 25 minutes, so be patient.

- The rest of the family in the same room as you should also ignore the child.

- As soon as the child stops misbehaving, you should praise him. For example, you could say, “I'm so glad you stopped screaming. I don't like it when you scream like that, it hurts my ears. Now that you're not screaming, I'm much better."

The "ignoring technique" requires patience, and most importantly, do not forget that you are not ignoring the child, but his behavior.

2. Leave

Children of any age can drive moms and dads to such a state that parents lose control over themselves. If you feel like you are losing control of yourself, you need time to recover. Give yourself and your child time to calm down. Smoking - possible variant but not recommended.

3. Use a distraction

Age: children under 2 / 2 to 5 / 6 to 12

Another way to avoid aggravating the situation is to divert the attention of the child. Best of all, this method works before the child becomes naughty so that you will no longer get through to him.

It is very easy to distract a baby, for example, with a toy or other desired object for him. But once the kids are older (after age 3), you'll need to be more creative to focus their attention on something completely different from the subject of the fight.

For example, imagine that your child is stubbornly reaching for another pillow. chewing gum. You forbid him and offer fruit instead. The kid disperses in earnest. Don't stuff him with food, immediately choose another activity: say, start playing with a yo-yo or show him a trick. At this point, any "edible" replacement would remind the baby that he never got the chewing gum.

4. Change of scenery

Age: children 2 to 5

It is also good to physically take the child out of a difficult situation. A change of scenery often allows both children and parents to stop feeling stuck. Which spouse should pick up the child? Not at all the one who is more “concerned” with the problem, contrary to popular belief. (This subtly supports the “mom is in charge” paradigm.) Such a mission should be entrusted to the parent, who at this particular moment is showing great cheerfulness and flexibility. Get ready: when the environment changes, your child will be even more upset at first. But if you manage to get past that point, both of you will no doubt begin to calm down.

5. Use a replacement

Age: children under 2/ 2 to 5/ 6 to 12

If the child does not do what is required, keep him busy with what is necessary. Children need to be taught how, where and when to behave properly. It is not enough for a child to say: “This is not the way to do it.” He needs to explain how to act in this case, that is, show an alternative. Here are some examples:
If the child draws with a pencil on the couch, give him a coloring book.
- If the daughter takes her mother's cosmetics, buy her children's cosmetics that are easily washed off.
If a child throws stones, play ball with him.
When your child plays with something fragile or dangerous, just give him another toy instead. Children are easily carried away and find an outlet for their creative and physical energy in everything.
Your ability to quickly find a replacement for a child's unwanted behavior can save you from many problems.

6. Strong hugs

Age: children under 2 / 2 to 5

Under no circumstances should children be allowed to harm themselves or others. Don't let your child fight, not with you or anyone else, even if it doesn't hurt. Sometimes mothers, unlike fathers, tolerate when small children try to hit them. Many men complain to me about the "humiliation" their wives endure by allowing angry toddlers to beat them, and that such patience spoils the child. For their part, mothers are often afraid to fight back, so as not to "suppress" the child's morale.
It seems to me that in this case, the popes are usually right, and there are several reasons for this. Fighting children behave the same way not only at home, but also in other places, with strangers. In addition, it is very difficult to get rid of the bad habit of reacting to something with physical violence later. You don't want your kids to grow up believing that mom (read women) will endure just about anything, even physical abuse.

Here is one of the very effective ways teach your child to keep his hands to himself: hug him tightly, preventing him from kicking and fighting. Say firmly and authoritatively, "I won't let you fight." Again, no magic - be prepared. At first, he will squeal even louder and beat in your hands with a vengeance. It is at this moment that you need to hold it especially tightly. Little by little, the child will begin to feel your firmness, conviction and your strength, he will understand that you are holding him back without harming him and not allowing sharp actions against himself - and he will begin to calm down.

7. Offer a choice

Age: children under 2 / 2 to 5 / 6 to 12
Have you ever thought about why a child sometimes so actively resists the instructions of his parents? The answer is simple: it is a natural way of asserting your independence. Conflict can be avoided by offering the child a choice. Here are some examples:
Food: “Will you have scrambled eggs or porridge for breakfast?” "Which would you like for dinner, carrots or corn?"
Clothing: “Which shirt will you wear to school, blue or yellow?” “Will you dress yourself or will I help you?”
Household chores: “Are you going to clean up before or after dinner?” “Will you take out the trash or wash the dishes?”
Letting the child choose for himself is very useful - it makes him think for himself. The ability to make decisions contributes to the development of a healthy sense of self-worth and self-esteem of the child. At the same time, parents, on the one hand, satisfy the child's need for independence, and on the other hand, maintain control over his behavior.

8. Ask your child for a solution

Age: children from 6 to 11

This technique is especially effective because younger children school age(6-11 years old) are eager to take on more responsibility. Say, "Look, Harold, you spend so much time getting dressed in the morning that we're late for school every day. Plus, I don't get to work on time. Something needs to be done about this. What solution can you suggest?"

A direct question makes the child feel like a responsible person. Children understand that you do not always have answers for everything. Often they are so eager to contribute that they simply gush with suggestions.

I confess that there are reasons to doubt the effectiveness of this technique, I myself did not really believe in it. But, to my surprise, it often worked. For example, Harold suggested dressing not alone, but in the company of an older brother. This worked flawlessly for several months - a remarkable result for any parenting technique. So, when you hit a dead end, do not quarrel with your spouse. Ask your child to give you a fresh idea.

9. Teach by Example

Age: children under 2 / 2 to 5 / 6 to 12

Children often behave, from our point of view, incorrectly; it means that an adult needs to show them how to behave correctly. For you, for the parent, the child repeats more than for anyone else. Therefore, a personal example is the best and easiest way to teach a child how to behave.

In this way, you can teach your child a lot. Here are some examples:

Small child:

Establish eye contact.
- Empathize.
- Express love and affection.

Preschool age:

Sit still.
- Share with others.
- Resolve conflict peacefully.

School age:

Speak correctly on the phone.
- Take care of animals and do not offend them.
- Spend money wisely.

If you are now careful about what kind of example you set for your child, this will help to avoid many conflicts in the future. And later you can be proud that the child has learned something good from you.

10. "No" means no

Age: children under 2 / 2 to 5 / 6 to 12

How do you tell your child "no"? Children usually react to the tone in which you say the phrase. “No” should be said firmly and clearly. You can also raise your voice slightly, but you still shouldn't shout (except in extreme situations).

Have you noticed how you say "no"? Often parents "send" the child ambiguous information: sometimes their "no" means "maybe" or "ask me again later." The mother of a teenage girl once told me that she says "no" until her daughter "finally gets her" and then gives up and gives her consent. When you feel that the child is trying to manipulate you or piss you off so that you change your mind, just stop talking to him. Stay calm. Let the child give vent to their emotions. You once said "no", explained the reason for the refusal and are no longer obliged to enter into any discussions. (At the same time, when explaining your refusal, try to give a simple, clear reason that would be clear to the child.) You do not need to defend your position in front of the child - you are not the accused, you are the judge. This is important point, so try to imagine yourself as a judge for a second. Now think about how you would say “no” to your child in this case. The parent judge would have remained absolutely calm when announcing his decision. He would speak as if his words were worth their weight in gold, he would choose expressions and not say too much.

Do not forget that you are the judge in the family and your words are your power.

And the next time the child tries to write you back as the accused, you can answer him: "I already told you about my decision. My decision is" No ". Further attempts by the child to change your decision can be ignored, or in response to them in a calm voice repeat these simple words until the child is ready to accept.

On a long and entertaining journey of developing a child and becoming a person, the ability to talk and dress thoughts in the right words is perhaps one of the most necessary skills. Much depends on this in the future: how the child will communicate with people, whether he will be able to find a common language with them ....

But this is all later, and now, when the baby has been gurgling and gurgling for a long time, parents are waiting so much for him to say his first word and wondering on a camomile: what will it be? "Mum"? "Dad"? Or even "Kysia"?

All parents want their child to speak as quickly as possible, but this happens differently for all children. It is in the power of mom and dad to influence the speech process and help the child start talking.

The main stages of speech development


The baby begins to publish the first sound combinations at an early age, when he is 2-3 months old. He even manages to distinguish voices, but children perceive common sounds as a soothing melody. This is considered the first stage of speech development.


By 5-7 months, the baby's mumbling becomes more distinct, embellished with emotions, because the second stage begins.


Finally, the third stage falls on the age of 7-9 months. The baby during this period begins to pronounce short words, composed of syllables: "ma-ma", "ba-ba".

Meaningful speech

The delight of parents who heard such accomplishments, the baby does not take for granted. The comprehension of speech appears in him at the age of about a year, when vocabulary is replenished with several "constructions" of 3-10 primitive words.

If you deal with him at this time, then at 2 years old the baby will be able not only to replenish his vocabulary, but also to name objects, actions, and even talk about his own feelings.

When should you start?

It is considered normal if a child does not speak very well at 2 - 2.5 or even at three years old. Teaching a child to talk means seeing a clear progress in the development of speech: new sounds, trying to repeat words, knowing what specific objects mean.

In this sense, girls begin to please their parents much faster with their sound successes, and the boys are several steps behind them. This is because the weaker sex matures much earlier than the strong one - and this is the natural law of survival.

In those families where parents speak two or more languages, the baby is likely to start talking even later. Judge for yourself what it is like for him to “digest” and apply two streams of information at once in action!

How to teach a baby to speak?

Starting from birth

You should not try to start teaching a child to speak only when he is one year old. From birth, the mother should take an active part in the formation of his speech: talk to him, sing, hoot, gurgle, while showing the baby his articulation.

We talk about everything around

When he grows up, you must constantly talk with the baby: about everything and constantly, so that he first learns to understand intonation, then rhythm, then the meaning of words. Also, give the child the opportunity to answer you, even if in an incomprehensible, walking language. Such a seemingly funny dialogue helps the child learn to talk.

Comment on the actions you perform: Look, mom is taking a saucepan, Look, mom is pouring milk for you!, Now I will change your clothes. “Tell” your baby about your life experience so that he understands what is at stake.

We pronounce words and sounds clearly and distinctly

The baby needs to see your face when you talk to him. Words thrown on the run will not help here. Pronounce the words clearly, and extend the stressed vowels: ka-roo-waaa. Feel free to pull your lips into a tube and round your mouth so that the baby understands how to pronounce sounds.

We move to a new level

At the age of one and a half years, switch to the usual "voice mode", while continuing to clearly pronounce the sounds. In this case, complex words should not be replaced with simple ones, let the child replenish his vocabulary.

Also, you should not call any objects in general: a hat, a scarf, and a helmet should be called a hat. You do not facilitate his "life" with this, but complicate the process of knowing the world.

Don't ignore verbs with adjectives

Take into account the verbs, not dwelling on the replenishment of the vocabulary "noun" stock. A cloud, a rain, a dog should be present in the conversation, but on a par with “goes”, “flies” and “runs”. At the same time, the proposals should be as simple as possible: the car is moving, the sun is shining.

To these rules, add the need to accumulate definitions so that the baby can say that the sun is golden outside and the summer is hot. It will also be correct to oppose the words to each other: the butterfly flutters, and the bug crawls.

So you enrich the baby’s vocabulary and systematize everything in the child’s head so that he can “fish out” the necessary word from the library in time.

Playing with sounds and syllables

Thinking about how to teach a child to speak, play with syllables and sounds more often, because all this can be combined with current affairs: riding the bus - play syllables, go for a walk - sing songs.

When the baby gets older, increase the load and start the same fun, only with the words: what is hard? (stone) what can be called green? (grass).

We develop fine motor skills

Fine motor skills of the hands must also be constantly developed, because the hands, according to doctors, are considered the second organ of speech. Massage the child's fingers, play nursery rhymes, patties, magpie-crow with them.

A little later, when the baby is older, go to the game different items- rubber, wooden, prickly, rough, smooth, so that he studied them with his own hands.

Feel free to give pasta and beans to the one-year-old, do modeling with plasticine, assemble a mosaic and be sure to draw. All this will help the child not only learn to speak, but also to do it correctly.

Ways to help children's speech develop faster

Games using language

Good fun is playing with the language, which must be practiced with the child.

  • the tongue was going to walk (at the same time you need to open your mouth);
  • then he washed himself (with your tongue run over the upper teeth);
  • decided to comb my hair (it is necessary to stick out and hide the tongue);
  • looked back (lick your lips);
  • turned to the side (turn the tongue to the left, then to the right side of the mouth);
  • plopped down, hung (lower your tongue);
  • climbed up and disappeared into the house (raise your tongue and hide it in your mouth).

Songs with games

Mom and dad sing a song, while depicting with sounds everything that happens in it: the clatter of hooves, the sound of a motor, the lowing of a cow. Then repeat the same with the baby.

Tongue Twisters

When children do not pronounce the sounds well, s, u and others, help him with tongue twisters.

For example, like this:

  • “A hedgehog has a hedgehog, a snake has a snake”;
  • “In a thunderstorm, the body collapsed from the load”;
  • “The wasp does not have a mustache, not a mustache, but antennae”;
  • "Six mice rustle in a hut."

Speech problems: when to go to a speech therapist?

When thinking about how to teach a child to speak, you need to be aware of one important detail: you must be a responsible and attentive parent. The more you talk to him, the more the child remembers the words, and his speech develops harmoniously.

Why can't you try to correct children's speech defects on your own?

However, the baby does not always pronounce the letters well, and the parents, wanting to help him, try to correct these defects on their own. It is absolutely impossible to do this!

Such speech therapy classes harm the baby, and an experienced specialist cannot correct their consequences. The same applies to speech therapy massage, due to incorrect movements of which a spasm of nerve endings occurs.

When do you need specialist help?

It is worth seeking help from a specialist if a child at 3 years old does not speak at all or stutters. Parents should also be alerted by the fact that the baby spoke, and then suddenly stopped talking.

Finally, if at the age of five your child still pronounces sounds incorrectly, he simply needs the help of a speech therapist!

How to find a good speech therapist?

To find a professional in your field, it is better to use the services of "word of mouth" - ask about a good speech therapist from acquaintances and friends. If you decide to go directly to the clinic, then look at the reviews on the Internet and ask for diplomas and certificates of the institution - just like a doctor's diploma.

The “bearish” service of a non-professional will lead to the fact that the child not only does not learn to speak, but his speech cannot subsequently be corrected at all.

And, finally, it is worth saying that the speech of any baby directly depends on how much time the parents devote to classes. You can teach a child to speak only by talking to him. Therefore, by making the necessary efforts and free time to achieve the cherished goal, you will achieve great and joyful successes on the path of developing the speech of your little one!

04/20/2017 at 10:02 am

Let's make a conscious and meaningful choice.

You will be able to instill a love of reading that a teacher is unlikely to succeed if you have regular reading and discussion in your home.

Be prepared that at school they will tell you that you don’t have to teach anything, we will teach you everything at school ourselves.

Here, there are usually 30-35 people in the class, the lesson lasts 30 minutes, i.e. less than a minute per student.

We invite you to discuss this question and weigh the pros and cons of learning to read at home, as well as learn the secrets and avoid mistakes.

Do you read to your child at night? A simple question, but it is this habit that allows you to instill a love of reading already from younger age. Which is better to choose, we will analyze in detail with the names and names of fairy tales.

The pros and cons of reading bedtime stories are posted, as well as various aspects of this teaching methodology.

An excellent ally in games is any material that is at home. Let's disassemble and apply for learning to read.

And it may happen that the child will not be in time, then the teacher will tell you to study at home, because. the child does not read.

Reading technique will be tested to determine how many words per minute he reads. And the requirements are quite specific and measurable 1 class - 30 words per minute, 2 - 36, 4 - 100 to 120.

From here, choose whether or not to teach a child to read at home, but remember, you can’t instill in your child a love of reading if you don’t read yourself.

The child learns what he sees in his home!

Let's take a look at how to teach a preschooler to read quickly, correctly and easily in syllables, as well as to read whole words fluently at home.

When can you start teaching your child to read?

  1. The child clearly and correctly pronounces letters and words without errors and cleanly, i.e. without defects.
  2. When he already knows a few letters. You started learning them when he showed interest in them himself, and not at 3 or 2 years old, when a friend said that they were already learning letters.
  3. When he easily recognizes them in any spelling.
  4. He does not confuse them and clearly distinguishes O from A and K from G.
  5. With pleasure sculpts them, draws or plays with them.
  6. Learn letters exclusively starting with vowels and then moving to the study of consonants.
  7. Be careful when pronouncing letters and sounds. Pronounce consonants without vowel overtones.

Video tutorials on how to properly prepare for parenting education:

Important hidden difficulties

The desire of parents to teach usually results in a copy of the school, when the child sits motionless at the table, and you, as a teacher, explain, but this is fundamentally not the right idea.
It is better when learning comes in the form of a game, let the child be a teacher, so he will learn many times more.

Play when you have free time, and 5 minutes is enough for the child to learn many times more in practice than in 30 minutes of training in the usual sense for us.

  • incorrectly memorized letters with the help of audio primers or books, for example, often weighing tables pronounce not M and ME, not P, but PE.
  • the child does not understand how to connect them;
  • special difficulty is caused by om, mind, av when vowels go ahead of consonants;
  • starting to read words of 5-6 letters, the child forgets the beginning of the word.

What to do with this nightmare, and most importantly how?

  1. Start to understand what the child does not understand.
  2. Reading exclusively in 2-3 letters, roschitka (table of syllables) is the best helper. It is on our website, and it can also be purchased in the book version.
  3. Do no more than 15 minutes a day, in the game and with joy.
  4. Praise for the smallest successes.
  5. Show the kid why he needs this skill. For example, ask to read the name of the store, street, etc.
  6. Criticize using a schema PDA - compliment, program, compliment. What a good fellow you read everything correctly, made a little mistake, but then you managed, I'm proud of you!
  7. Move from simple to complex, until the child can easily read syllables of 2-3 letters, you can’t move on to reading words!
  8. A list of games to play with letters so that the child understands that it is easy and simple.

Pros and cons of teaching a child to read at home:



  • if you overdo it and the child learns more than just reading, then he will not be interested in the lessons;
  • it is necessary to teach correct reading, from here it is correct to name the letters not BE, but B, etc.

Why do you need to know all this?

In order to avoid mistakes and abandon the idea of ​​a child learning on his own using talking books, telephones or primers, in these cases there are many more disadvantages.

How to teach a child to read at 6 years old at home quickly and in a playful way?

The fastest method always has a lot of disadvantages, and among them, the fact that the child also quickly begins to forget all this.

Therefore, start today, because even a very busy mom or dad can find 15 minutes a day. The child will study game form much easier and without coercion and tears.

Always start any activity with the words: Let's play a game ...

Games that will develop your child's reading skill constantly:

  • what letters are hidden in the picture;
  • draw a letter and decorate it, a letter with eyes, arms, legs;
  • mold a letter from plasticine, clay, dough;
  • put the learned letters out of the mosaic;
  • cut out of paper and cardboard play in role-playing games, for example, M is mom, and P is the letter dad, and they also have D - daughter and C - son or by name. You are playing a familiar game, you just call it by the name P, M or D, S. (These can be such games: fire station, construction, car repair, school, Kindergarten, concert, travel ...)
  • we play letter loto;
  • while walking down the street, name 5 words starting with the letter A or any other that you learn.
  • make a word of no more than 3-4 letters from letters;
  • from a big word we add small words;
  • words on the contrary, you say the word on the contrary, and the child rearranges and calls correctly Ohu - Ear, Thor - Mouth.
  • draw letters on semolina or any other croup and, without finishing, ask to guess what the letter is.

Video about learning to read in the game:

For boys

You can come across the following wording: how to teach a child - a dunce boy to read at 6 years old at home?

Sticking labels to a child is fundamentally wrong, so let's call him a quickie or passionate about anything other than reading.

The task is to captivate him, ask what he is interested in?

Do not give up immediately, reducing everything to the fact that he is not interested in anything other than a computer and a tablet. Take a closer look at what games he plays, what is especially exciting and what he is ready to do from morning to evening.

In the cartoon about Luntik there was a series where a small bug was led to the river and to the clearing, and he just wanted to draw. Ask your child too.

Make a list of topics:

  1. Games.
  2. Cartoons.
  3. Favorite characters (robots, dinosaurs, cars).
  4. Sections where the child goes, for example, judo, football, swimming.
  5. Space or other interesting.
  6. Stories or legends about warriors.

And do everything with the use of any related topics.

For example, we take words related to the theme of our favorite characters from fairy tales or cartoons, and it can also be about space. Then the child will begin to play close and exciting games, and not read, in general, reading becomes an auxiliary tool.

For example, a child who is interested in space is given an encyclopedia or a book about it, then even just looking at the pictures, he will want to find out what is written there.

Let `s together!

The most magical phrase that works wonders. Don't expect your child to pick up a book and read on his own. Invite him to read and look at pictures together, everything that you do together very soon he will be able to do it himself, without your help.

Video on the implementation of the advice come on together:
Find in various coloring pages with your favorite characters, where the words are signed in block letters and try to read, stopping at the most interesting place.

What would it look like for a boy?

Hobby: fishing.

We write words related to fishing for reading and riddles: fishing, fish, fisherman, fishing rod, river, sea, river, perch, crayfish, bait, worm, float, hook, bite, bite, tackle.

Books about fishing for children: Borrow from the library or buy from the store.

We prepare puzzles from the words written above + rearrangement of letters.

Tongue twisters and sayings about fishing:

  • You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
  • I didn’t get up at dawn - I lost fishing.
  • Who is not lazy to fish, he catches fish.
  • To the one who gets up early, the fish goes into his hands.
  • You can see the chatterbox by the word, the fisherman by the catch.
  • Talk about the ear when the fish is in the hand.
  • An avid fisherman is not pushed in the sides in the morning.
  • I fished until the evening, but there was nothing to eat.
  • And in fishing, luck is hard work and patience.

May also collect advice or recommendations and observations.

For girl

For a girl, an example: hobbies for Winx fairies and domestic rodents.
We are looking for a magazine about Winx fairies or an encyclopedia about rodents, a library for books or a store, but there is an additional option - this is the Internet, we recommend choosing high-quality articles and printing them while reading with your daughter.

Word choice: Fairy names, witchcraft, fairy, magic, girlfriend, wings, fly, nature, bright sun, dragon flame, waves, technology, music.
We make puzzles and words.
We play words, pronounce the word, she spells it.

We talk about the hero, you need to guess him and put his name out of sticks or matches, any sticks are possible, for example, for makeup removal or counting sticks.

Compose the names of Winx fairies or favorite princesses from letters.

Reading in syllables

Let's take a look at how to quickly and well teach a child to read by syllables?
When you and your child have already overcome vowels and started to study consonants, then it's time to start learning to read by syllables.
To make the learning process as easy as possible for parents, we suggest that you make a version of the calculation table in Russian and a calculation in Ukrainian.

Such tables are very convenient to use, especially when acquaintance with syllables has just begun. If you want to play syllables, then print 2 copies of the tables at once, try to add simple words from letters, no more than 3-4 letters.

The best options are when the words are simple, for example, Mom, Masha, Dad, Sasha, Petya, Vasya, baba. When the child is not confused with the new consonant learned, then it's time to offer different syllables, for example, MA, MO, MU, but also AM, OM, UM, i.e. you make sure that syllables begin with both consonants and vowels.

Do not get irritated again and again explaining to the child how the letters are read together and how they sound separately. Sometimes it may be required several times, in other cases it is necessary to repeat several dozen times.

Always say everything is ok! You're doing fine! Everything works out for you! Look, last time you did not name this letter, but now you have already said it right away, and in a week, you will be able to read it in syllables!

If the baby did not succeed, you say: Come on together!

Video help to parents, how to make sure that the child learns everything easily:

Do not forget to repeat these 2 phrases and point with your fingers: Everything is in order! Well done!
Try to sing syllables, just call pointing together with a pointer. When a child begins to easily recognize them, then it's time to try to put simple words into syllables or from individual letters and read.

How to fold?

It is important not to rush to read until the syllables from the table are easily read by him, he will recognize them right on the fly. Practice syllables to automatism in different games.

1. Familiar books or poems are great, choose familiar poems with in simple words and try to read them, laying out from the syllables that your baby reads. Mom washed the frame. Masha drank juice. Sasha ate porridge.

2. Try to show syllables in tables and individual letters. So that the child guesses such words: cancer, poppy, mouth, nose, ear, car, steam, woof, heat, thief.

Working with the table in turn, first you, then the baby, and you add up the words. Ma-Ma, CHA-SH-KA, RE-P-KA, PA-PA, MA-SHA, MU-HA, LI-ZA, SA-SHA, FI-LA, i.e. you are working with a table. You show a syllable, then 1 letter, then another syllable, for example, the word cup, if there are 3 letters, then a syllable and 1 letter ra-k.

Why is a table better than the alphabet of letters and syllables?

Parents often purchase them at the request of the teacher, but then they turn out to be of little demand. Their disadvantages are that they need to be cut out, especially if it is on cardboard, letters and syllables do not always fit into the connectors and stay there.

Poorly organized for use and storage, require envelopes or other containers for storage and end up crumbling and getting lost altogether. It is very inconvenient to store cut letters, as well as to use them.

In these cases, it is better to use cubes with letters, they are more practical for clarity and storage, but with poor-quality printing and stickers, they will quickly peel off, and there are often very few of them for words with 5 or more letters.
We practice all these games as the child masters new letters. It's great for relaxation, then build a tower out of cubes and break it down, so that any training goes through the game.

How to read in syllables?

If you succumbed to the temptation and bought your child “My primer” a wall table or a poster with letters, by clicking on them he sounds the letters, there are also tablets and books.

So this is the main mistake of such devices, that they call letters, not sounds, i.e. instead of - R -ER, V - BE, B-Be, etc.

And the worst thing is, when unsuspecting parents start teaching their child to read, a real brain explosion begins instead of Mom we get WE A WE A.

In mom, well, it doesn’t add up. Therefore, we do not recommend following the lead of such devices, if you still decide to use them, listen to what such a poster or book says, if it’s wrong, then it’s better not to take it.

But what to do?

We hang a similar poster, or a printed table, and every time the child asks, the sound is CORRECT, because now it is known why it is extremely important to immediately teach the child to name the sounds correctly.

What is the fastest way to learn to read?

Definitely gaming, if your ideas run out, then use our recommendations. We play a game, first mom shows you are reading, then we change roles.

  1. We solve puzzles, draw pictures and through them we think of a word, for example, the word milk. Masha Olya Luna Window Porridge Lunch
  2. Find all the syllables in Ma in a small text.
  3. From syllables, add words invented by the child and come up with your own gibberish language.
  4. Video about what gibberish is:

  5. Spread words vertically, read words from top to bottom and vice versa.
  6. Syllables or words may lose letters. Such guesses.
  7. We add words with a sock or mitten, the child teaches them what letters are and how to read. We close 1 letter and you have to guess the word.

Variant of the game with a sock in the video:

Now you have a whole range of games for learning to read correctly and without mistakes, it is important that this happens in a fun way and gives parents the opportunity to adjust the learning process for each child individually.

Changing the theme according to the hobbies of the baby.

If you find it difficult to come up with or implement any game, we recommend that you do not be upset. The site site offers you detailed descriptions from materials to implementation.

We choose puzzles for the child correctly, to avoid mistakes, read the article.

We make a game plan for children easily and competently, and also take into account secret aspects that help the child develop and not get tired of the link.

What book to choose for learning?

  1. With large letters and colorful pictures.
  2. Letters appear one at a time, and after studying 2-3 they already go in syllables.
  3. Different reading options for syllables, for example, MA - AM, MO - OM.
  4. Remember about the time 15 minutes is the maximum amount for the lesson.

Video from a speech therapist on teaching reading:

When a child has started to read, it will be a big mistake to calm down and give up learning. there are requirements for speed and this is not only a test of reading technique.

The slower your child reads, the more time it will take him to complete homework and extract information from what he has already read.

It is no coincidence that the requirements for reading speed are growing: grade 1 is 20 words per minute, 2-40, but a child can read with pleasure at a speed of 60 words per minute.

How to teach a child to read quickly and correctly in grade 1: exercises

When the child has mastered the letters, he calmly recognizes them, now it is only the time to engage in reading speed. Before you start working with it, record how many words per minute your child is currently reading - this will help track progress.

Set aside no more than 15 minutes a day for these classes so that he does not have time to get tired and come up with motivating moments that will record his progress and development.

For example: a table where a child writes at what speed he read and indicates the day, such a mini diary, if the speed increases, then he receives a gift - this is a game with parents or a story from them, going to the zoo together or go rollerblading, skiing, skating , take a walk in the park, play bowling or other games.

Motivation in the form of money or gifts can backfire.

Choose texts according to the age of the child, it is extremely important.

You can make in a playful way the method by which you will learn speed reading, for this, write the names on the cards and let the child choose which method you will read today.


  1. We attach a sheet of paper to the text so that all unread lines are closed. As we read with the help of the curtain, we open all the following lines, but it is important to move a little faster than the child reads.
  2. We apply a sheet of paper to the top of the line and close the words, a little faster than the child reads.
  3. Noisy texts, when words not related to it are inserted into the text. It is easy to add to the finished text in Word and print.
  4. Tops - roots. We close the bottom of the line with a ruler or a cut-out strip, a bookmark. Do the same with the top.
  5. Cut the text in the form of a lattice and push it apart. It's easy to do this if the text is a picture, then just put empty bars.
  6. Lattice or frame. We cut out a lattice from paper in shape with rather wide cut-out columns, where thin stripes left from the paper will cover pieces of text. Its size is equal to the size of a sheet of paper - 29 * 27 cm. The width of a thin column is 0.5 cm, a wide column is 2-3 cm, we put it on the text and read it.
    When this method is mastered, make the strips wider - 2-3 cm, let there be 2-3 of them on the sheet.
  7. Wise trees are a pyramid. When the text is arranged in a trapezoid shape, expanding from the middle to the edges.

Video with examples of exercises for quick reading: Lesson in video format classes with a slowly reading child:

Physical exercise

Give this physical exercise 5-10 minutes daily and you will notice how much faster your brain began to work. Such gymnastics helps the 2 hemispheres to work synchronously, which allows the brain to work in a state of over efficiency.

  1. I am a student.
  2. Ear - nose or Winnie the Pooh and Piglet.
  3. Winnie the Pooh.
  4. Captain's.
  5. I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles.
  6. I am a winner.
  7. We complicate when everything began to work out: we add claps, we march, we move our feet.

Schulte tables

The video will teach you how to use the tables correctly and expand the angle of view:

Where can I get more speed reading materials?

  1. Tatyana Djalo - just for children from simple learning to speed reading, she has a perfect course.
  2. Books, videos Andreev.
  3. Online games on the Internet with Schulte tables and not only, but how much time the child will spend at the computer, phone or tablet is up to you.
  4. There are a lot of articles on the Internet about speed reading.

It is important to understand that speed reading is a skill that is recommended to be taught at the age of over 10 years, while we begin to train fast reading with the help of games and exercises at the age of 6-7.

What is a reading technique?

To understand the issues of fluent reading or quick reading, let's look at what it is by definition? They check the reading technique in the classroom, in parallel with the beginning of the child’s reading, the stopwatch is turned on, when the minute is over, the student is stopped and the number of words read is counted. Which words count and which do not? Is the child's understanding of the text checked? If the child did not read the word correctly, will it be taken into account? In fact, the technique of reading consists of several skills:

  1. Ways of reading (by letters, syllables or whole words);
  2. The pace of reading, the speed at which a new text will be read in 1 minute.
  3. Awareness. When the child understands what is read and can answer questions.
  4. Expression, but this skill is worth discussing with your teacher separately. Since for fluent reading, pauses are minimal, unlike regular checking. And if you require a child to read quickly, then it is quite logical that the entire reading process be fast.

Accelerating reading technique from 40 to 74 in 10 lessons in the second grade

Video with a ready-made selection of games to speed up reading from 40 to 74 in 10 lessons:

Now you know how to teach a child to read quickly and the reading technique is not terrible for your family!

Try different methods and options, we wish you an easy, fast and fun learning to read. Let your kid easily master reading and enjoy it constantly mastering new books and knowledge!

Article last updated: 03/30/2018

The question of how to hold a pen correctly when writing usually arises before parents when the child is 5 or 6 years old. But experts are convinced that it is necessary to start learning much earlier so that the first-grader does not have to retrain in an emergency mode.

Child psychologist

A small child tries to take a pencil in the most convenient way for himself, most often in a fist. However, the situation is complicated by the fact that such a habit quickly takes root, so the type of holding writing instruments persists for life.

Naturally, children's handwriting suffers, but this is not the most important problem. When not correct position A child’s hand gets tired when working with a writing accessory, the speed of writing decreases, posture may suffer, and the curvature of the spine will worsen.

There are several simple techniques by which you can teach your child to hold a pen or pencil correctly. Moreover, it is necessary to start at a very early age, when the little one first takes a rattle, spoon or chalk in his hands.

The situation when a child incorrectly holds a pen, pencils, felt-tip pens during written work is quite common. Where does such a problem come from? This habit is formed at a very early age, long before entering school.

Everything can start from the period when the child becomes interested in the rattle, holding it in the handle. Then comes the turn of brushes, soft pencils, with which the baby depicts scribbles on album sheets.

In addition, the skill of holding writing instruments is formed by working with plasticine or a special test.

Correct pinching and sculpting is done with the right hand, using the thumb, index and middle fingers.

From the age of 4, it is necessary to observe how the child draws. Some kids hold a pencil in their fists. Others, with excessive force, squeeze the writing utensils.

You can not let the process of forming a capture on its own. If the child holds the markers the way he wants, then he will have to be retrained at school. The sooner the correct grip is formed, the easier the first grader will be able to adapt to school.

At the age of 6, children should already be able to use a pencil, even if it's just drawing patterns in copybook or drawing block letters. Moreover, parents need to constantly monitor the correctness of the letter in order to prevent relearning.

As already noted, the incorrect grip of a writing instrument can lead to health problems in a child. The most dangerous undesirable consequences are blurred vision, curvature of the spinal column due to improper sitting at the table.

Even if such unpleasant complications do not occur in the child, he will simply become more likely to get tired when writing, shading or drawing. And this can negatively affect school performance and psychological adaptation.

Such troubles can be prevented if the incorrect position of the hand and the incorrect grip of the writing instrument are detected in time. Recognize the future school problem can on the following grounds:

  • the baby holds the thumb when working slightly lower than the index;
  • the pencil holds the index or ring fingers, not the middle one;
  • the felt-tip pen is taken with a pinch;
  • fingers are either too low or too high;
  • the child, drawing a picture, does not rotate the pencil, but the landscape sheet itself;
  • the upper end of the pencil is directed not to the shoulder, but to the neck;
  • the baby presses on the paper either with excessive force, or excessively weakly.

If you find one or more of the signs of mishandling a pencil, you need to start correcting the habit immediately. Otherwise, after entering school, the child may have problems with their studies.

The main nuance is the location of the fingers. A right-handed person takes a written object in the following way: the pen is placed on the upper section of the middle finger, and the index finger holds the writing implement on top. The thumb is on the left.

Left-handed people have a mirror grip: the handle is located on the top of the middle finger of the left hand, the index finger holds the object on top, and the thumb on the right side.

You can check the correct grip by raising your index finger. Did the stationery remain in place and did not even move? This means that the child is holding the pen correctly.

There are no special requirements for the rest of the fingers. The nameless and little fingers can be placed in any way convenient for the little scribe. Usually they are pressed to the palm.

In order for the child to finally understand how to hold a pencil correctly when writing and drawing, experts recommend reminding the child about the following rules:

  • the writing object is placed exactly on the pillow of the final section of the middle finger;
  • all three fingers, which are involved in holding the object, seem to be rounded;
  • the other two fingers are bent and pressed against the palm;
  • the whole hand is completely relaxed;
  • ideal position - fingers are located above one and a half centimeters from the tip of a pen or pencil;
  • in the process of writing letters or drawing, the little finger may touch the surface of the table.

Regular repetition of these rules will allow you to put the correct grip of the written utensils already by the senior preschool age, which will allow you not to waste time and nerves on relearning.

6 ways to teach your child how to hold a pen correctly

Not all parents know which technique is most effective in teaching children how to grip writing accessories optimally. Experts identify several simple ways, which are versatile (suitable for all children) and effective (act in almost 100% of cases).

Parents just have to choose the most suitable method and start the learning process.

Grab with tweezers

To teach the baby to properly grasp the writing object in his hand, you must use the tweezers "grip". This is one of the simplest and most visual techniques for holding pencils.

A smooth object is placed with the slate end down perpendicular to the countertop. The child grabs the upper part with three working fingers, after which he moves them down until they take the optimal position that is required when writing.

In order for children's fingers to be able to take the correct position, it is necessary to stock up on half a napkin and a pencil in advance. The paper accessory must be folded 4 times, after which the baby presses it to the palm of his little finger and ring finger.

The child straightens the fingers working while writing and takes the pencil with them as described above. "Extra" fingers will no longer prevent the baby from properly grabbing the writing object.


A child at 5 or 6 years old can be offered to throw darts in order to gain a properly set grip. It turns out that darts is not just an exciting game, but also a kind of simulator that helps to understand the principle of holding a writing instrument.

The three-finger method of holding darts is similar to gripping a pencil or pen. Therefore, whenever a child sits down at a copybook or notebook, remind him that the written object must be taken as a game accessory.

Art crayons are another good option for learning how to properly hold a pencil.

First, the pastel must be broken into pieces, the length of which does not exceed three centimeters.

Children will not be able to hide such small crayons in a fist, so they will have to hold the pastel with only three fingers.

Having worked out with chalk, the child will be able to switch to older writing accessories without any problems.

Finger mark

If the baby still does not understand how to properly hold a regular pen, you should use the simplest technique, which involves drawing a dot on the place of the middle finger where the pencil should lie.

A similar mark (or plus, line) must be put on a writing instrument, stepping back one and a half centimeters from the tip of the stylus. It is explained to the child that these two points must match in order to obtain a perfect grip.

Holding a pencil or pen correctly to a small child an interesting game method will help, and it does not matter at all whether the baby prefers the right or left grip.

The baby is told that the pencil is tired and wants to sleep, he needs help to lie down in the “bed”. A “pillow” is placed under his head, and a “blanket” is covered on top.

We explain: “bed” - middle finger, “pillow” - index, “blanket” - big. You can even make up a fairy tale about a pencil and fingers.

The problem of learning to write also worries manufacturers of writing accessories. In the stationery departments, parents can purchase special nozzles that are made in the form of small animals.

These devices have special small recesses and recesses. If the rubber nozzle is put on the pen, then the child simply will not be able to grab the writing utensil incorrectly.

There are many positive reviews on the net about such an accessory as a training pen. correct grip. The accessory looks like a fish with special recesses. Manufacturers and parents claim that such a simulator can even correct a child's handwriting.

Another option for learning writing devices is Stabilo LeftRight series pens. These devices were developed with the participation of physicians, teachers and ergonomics specialists. On the triangular handles there are already special nozzles with recesses that help the "scribe" to take the object correctly.

In addition, the writing instruments are made of lightweight soft material, and their coloring gives children good mood, which is also important when deciding how to teach a child to hold a pencil correctly.

How to choose the perfect pen?

At an early age, it is best to begin acquaintance with writing objects with a pencil, since it is easier to grab and hold in the correct position. Then you should move on to the pen.

To the future school supplies the child liked and met all the requirements, it is necessary to take into account several important features:

  • the presence of a rubber insert that will eliminate slippage;
  • safety of the material, since the child will definitely pull the pen into his mouth;
  • trihedral body shape;
  • the length of the product is less than 13 centimeters, and the thickness does not exceed 8 millimeters.

The best pen for drawing letters in cursive is a ballpoint pen. Dark blue or purple inks should be preferred as they leave a distinct mark. The blue pen writes less clearly, so the first grader will put pressure on the pen.

So that the child can correctly hold the pen during written work, he needs to take the optimal position at the table. Since ancient times, schoolchildren have been taught to observe the principle of three right angles.

The ideal fit is when a right angle is formed by bent knees, hips and back, bent elbows.

And you should also remind the child, so he:

  • kept the legs close;
  • lowered the entire foot to the floor;
  • put his hands on the desk while writing;
  • observed a 2-centimeter gap between the tabletop and the body;
  • laid the prescription at a 30-degree angle to the body;
  • bowed his head slightly to the table.

Setting a child's hand for writing is impossible without proper holding of the pen. So that the child does not get tired, it is necessary to observe a certain distance from the tip of the rod to the index finger - 1.5 centimeters.

Development of fine motor skills

In order for a child to be able to write correctly at 6 or 7 years old, it is necessary at an early and preschool age improve his fine motor skills of fingers. Such exercises will help develop beautiful handwriting and coordinate movements.

To prepare for writing, you can perform exercises such as:

  • finger gymnastics;
  • rolling beads between fingers;
  • stringing beads or large beads on a thread;
  • cutting paper patterns with safety scissors;
  • tying and untying knots;
  • sewing on buttons;
  • Painting;
  • performing various hatching;
  • drawing patterns;
  • molding from plastic mass;
  • lacing;
  • fun with the designer;
  • fun with a pimply ball, etc.