Breastfeeding is harmful for mom. Long-term breastfeeding after a year: is it worth feeding? The imaginary harm of long-term breastfeeding

Two hormones are involved in lactation: oxytocin and prolactin. Oxytocin is responsible for the release of formed milk, prolactin is responsible for the production of milk during breastfeeding. If oxytocin and prolactin are disrupted, the young mother faces difficulties.

Milk changes in composition over several months, from its formation in the prenatal period until the beginning of the child's second month of life. As a result of “evolution,” breast milk is divided into 3 types:

  • colostrum– from the third trimester to the 3rd day after birth,
  • transitional– from 4 days after birth to 3 weeks;
  • mature– from 3 weeks after birth.

In perinatal centers and maternity hospitals Doctors teach mothers feeding techniques, but do not always voice the beneficial and harmful properties of breastfeeding.

Benefits for the child

Breast milk is equally beneficial for the baby at all stages of infancy.

Balanced natural nutrition

For a child, mother's milk is a source useful substances, the only sterile and natural product nutrition. It is completely digestible and has the right temperature.

Colostrum, which is secreted at first in a woman’s mammary glands, contains a lot of protein and elements that protect the child’s body from pathogenic bacteria and help to grow.

Formation of immunity

With regular use breast milk the child’s body becomes less susceptible to infectious diseases. By receiving enzymes and vitamins contained in mother's milk, the child grows and develops in accordance with the norm. Feeding prevents the development of anemia, gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes.

Benefits for mother

Continuous breastfeeding over a long period of time has a positive effect not only on the health of the baby.

Convenience and simplicity of the procedure

The mother does not require additional equipment or time to prepare the product, as is the case with infant formula. You can breastfeed your baby anywhere, at any time and in any position, which also makes the situation easier.

Prevention of female diseases

Regular breastfeeding will help prevent the development of mastitis and breast cancer.

Establishing an emotional connection with the baby

Lactation consultant Irina Ryukhova in the book “How to Give Your Baby Health: We Breastfeed” writes: “The first attachment is the recognition of each other’s existence and the first acquaintance. It must take place at least in the first day after birth.” From the first feedings, an emotional connection is established between mother and child. During contact with the mother, the child feels calm and protected, and the woman experiences joy from physical unity.

Sometimes breastfeeding is not possible for reasons related to the health of the mother or child.

Contraindications to breastfeeding on the part of the mother:

  • bleeding during or after childbirth;
  • operations during childbirth;
  • decompensation in chronic diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys and heart;
  • acute form of tuberculosis;
  • oncology, HIV or acute mental illness;
  • taking cytostatics, antibiotics or hormonal drugs.

The presence of an infectious disease in the mother, such as a sore throat or flu, is not a reason to stop breastfeeding. During illness, entrust the main care of the child to another family member and wear a protective mask and wash your hands before each contact with the child.

Contraindications to breastfeeding on the part of the child:

  • prematurity;
  • developmental disabilities;
  • hereditary enzymopathies in a child;
  • circulatory disorders in the head 2-3 degrees.

Breast-feeding beneficial for both the child and the mother - this is a generally accepted fact. Human breast milk contains great amount unique nutrients that a child needs in the first year of life. It’s quite difficult to argue with this, but as for the duration of breastfeeding, this is where the debate begins.

Many modern emancipated mothers are convinced that feeding the baby with breast milk after pregnancy one year old– harmful to his future development as a person. By and large, this is just an excuse for mothers who need to go to work after the baby is a year and a half old. In fact, there is nothing wrong with longer lactation; it’s all a myth. But sometimes life circumstances do not allow you to continue breastfeeding for a long time.

Weaning is a huge stress for both the baby and the mother. Now imagine if a mother, an adult, has difficulty coping with changes, then what is it like for a child! But if you still have to soon separate your baby from mother's milk, first you need to watch him.

If a child calmly falls asleep at a party or even in the absence of his mother, if he succumbs to persuasion to skip one feeding when his mother receives guests or is on public transport, then the process will go faster and easier!

There are many different myths about the dangers of breastfeeding depending on the gender or age of the child. All these are prejudices, rest assured! Breast milk constantly changes its composition and properties throughout the lactation period to meet the growing and changing needs of the child. The child has many stressful situations ahead, so strengthen him immune system is necessary now, and the best remedy For this purpose - mother's milk.

Considering the enormous benefits of breastfeeding, you are already convinced that you should not give it up. But what if you are required to go to work, that is, you will not be able to regularly put your baby to your breast?

First, practice your absence. Starting from the age of three months, leave the baby for a short period of time with someone close to you so that he understands that his mother is not around. Secondly, instill in your child after the age of one year that milk is available to him only at home in certain circumstances, and not always and wherever he wants. Just do it kindly! Third, take your child to your bed at night so he will feel needed.

And finally, when the time comes to go to kindergarten, feeding can be continued, but only in the morning before kindergarten and in the evening upon returning home.

    So where is the information on the topic of the article - about the dangers of long-term breastfeeding?
    How many articles have I reviewed today? Everywhere it’s the same thing: feeding is good for you, and the only harm is that the mother is too tied up, and she has to go to work, etc.
    Not everything is so rosy.
    My daughter is almost 1 year 10 months old and we are still breastfeeding. Just six months ago I thought that I would feed her until she herself refused due to her age - at least until school, but what, they say?
    But over the past few months, I've learned a lot that it's not always all about the good. First of all, the child’s appetite began to decrease. She eats less and less (and only the same 2-3 dishes), titya sucks more and more, now sometimes the daughter hangs on her chest for 3-4 days and becomes hysterical at the slightest attempt to offer her other food or drink. She was tormented by allergic dermatitis, we’ve both been on a diet for a month now, but to no avail. It turned out that from such a diet, my daughter’s hemoglobin dropped sharply and she lacked other substances (hence her appetite).
    And all my chewing teeth have completely fallen apart and I have been suffering from eczema on my fingers for a month now (this has never happened before in my life!). All the doctors shout in unison: stop breastfeeding!
    That's a benefit for you.

    There is no benefit from a long breastfeeding period; it is a kind of fun and self-justification for a mother who does not want to put up with the fact that the child is growing up. Or, as the second option, you feel sorry for the child - like he needs it, since he asks. But the child, in fact, doesn’t need this either, because... he sucks as a result of an instilled bad habit. It's not so easy to break bad habits, isn't it? Long breastfeeding does not affect the immune system in any way - these are fairy tales, in addition, over-aged breastfeeding patients sleep very poorly at night, constantly latching on, which greatly torments the mother. It is not customary to talk about this “advantage” of a long breastfeeding - “everything is fine, beautiful marquise.” An over-aged breastfeeder, as a rule, has poor appetite and ignores normal food, while hanging on his chest, and if he refuses, he becomes hysterical. At the same time, in 100% of cases the child has low hemoglobin, because breastfeeding does not satisfy the needs of the growing body, and he refuses to eat other food. The mother loses calcium: teeth crumble, calcium is also washed out (read “sucked out”) from the bones - hello, osteoporosis. Hair and nails are also not in the best condition. Nerves from constant lack of sleep are naughty. And it seems that I don’t want him to grow up and still be a “baby”, up to 3 years old, but he also overcomes the constant lack of sleep. Some attempts are made to wean her off, but under the pressure of hysterics, the mother again gives in and endures, consoling herself that this is useful and will soon end. Such psychological tossing: I don’t want to let go of myself, but finally I want to feel like a full-fledged person, and not a feeding tank. But, damn it, I’ll be patient - it’s useful! But in reality there is no benefit. You need to complete the war on time; moderation is good in everything. Here’s the truth of life, and everyone just repeats one word - “useful” and adjusts their rose-colored glasses.

    I’ve been breastfeeding my second child for a year and ten, we’re not going to give up, we’ve been sleeping until the morning since I was five weeks old. I don’t see any harm, the article confirmed this

    My son is 2.5 and still on breastfeeding. For me, a huge minus is that he has a terrible appetite, except for the breast, he practically does not recognize anything. They tested his hemoglobin is very low, and I thought that I was giving him everything he needed. (The only thing is We are having real feeding, the breasts are still full of milk, he is feeding on it, no, as they write, pure affection is like a pacifier. I desperately urgently need to finish this, but it is terribly difficult, methods with brilliant greens, etc. do not work. Mommies, really It just takes time, after a year the child actually eats everything and our boobs won’t help in any way, it’s just difficult to wean them off in the future.

    So after a year they recommend that it is correct to reduce the number of feedings. A really well-organized long-term breastfeeding is in the morning to wake up in the evening for sleep. That's it! What a low appetite, what hemoglobin, what are you talking about? During the day - regular food, not breast... We need to organize it correctly..

    I completely agree with the last review. I work with a 1 year old child. We are 2 years old and we are still sucking. When we went to a (private) nursery, adaptation went without problems, the girl is very sociable, but I decided to leave breastfeeding for psychological comfort and immune support. The breasts were left in front of the kindergarten, after kindergarten and at night. We eat well in the garden, and at home too: soups, meat dishes, sour milk. GV helps with illnesses, all ARVIs are tolerated very easily in 2-3 days, the child never gets nervous - or rather, easily calms down under any stress. The girl is very confident in herself, with leadership qualities. She does not perceive the nursery as a “maternal betrayal.”

Today, the principles of breastfeeding a baby, as well as education, the introduction of complementary foods, and others, are undergoing significant changes compared to what it was 20 - 30 years ago. Few people dare to dispute the benefits of human milk for a child. According to WHO recommendations, breastfeeding should, if possible, be extended to 1.5 - 2 years. And many doctors and “grandmothers” insist on an age of up to one year. When is the time to wean your baby off mother's milk? Breastfeeding after a year - benefit or harm for women and children?

Remnants of Soviet society, when postpartum leave was 6-12 months, or even less, convince us that breastfeeding after a year is harmful for both mother and baby.

But it’s worth looking at any ancient writings, and in every culture you can find a story about how a mother raises a baby with her milk for 2, or even 3 years. In some religions, for example, Muslims, it is considered a great sin if a woman stops breastfeeding her child only of her own free will.

WHO has long analyzed the level of public health in different historical periods, studied the nuances and all aspects of breastfeeding. The organization wrote down the conclusion in its documents as recommendations: it states the most important role of the lactation process for both the woman and the child, its desired duration is 2 years. Figuring out the pros and cons of long-term breastfeeding isn't easy. How to choose the most optimal solution?

Benefits for the baby

The mystery and intimacy that forms between mother and baby at the time of feeding is difficult to compare with anything. All modern NLP and psychology practitioners claim that behavioral complexes and social problems occur more often in those who, in early childhood, were not ironed, not loved and not kissed. In this case, the duration of feeding with mother's milk is always taken into account. The main points that long-term breastfeeding provides for toddlers:

  • Up to two or three years, being in the arms of the loved one, and even better - by actively sucking, the child feels protected. This contributes to the formation of positive personal qualities such as confidence, resilience, determination and others.
  • Despite the prevailing myths about the uselessness of breast milk and water, scientific research proves the opposite. Fat content increases compared to the first year. Increases: vitamins, microelements, immunoglobulins, etc. If you take 500 ml of breast milk, then for a one and a half year old baby it provides 30% of the energy needs, 45% of protein, 35 - 40% of calcium, about 60 - 70% of folic acid, vitamins A, B12, C.
  • Breastfeeding reduces the risk of developing various allergic reactions in children. This is due to the fact that human milk helps the digestive system finally mature. This prevents irritation and changes in the mucous membrane in infancy.
  • The fatty acids contained in milk have a significant effect on the formation of nerve endings and connections between cells in the brain. This often explains the high level of intelligence in children who are breastfed for a long time.
  • Human milk contains morphine-like substances, and the sucking process itself distracts the baby. All this is extremely necessary for the baby at the moments of teething, when he simply “hangs” on his chest for days.
  • Milk is an indispensable source of immunoglobulins and active substances during illness. Often children refuse to drink any liquid, which is so necessary to prevent dehydration, and breastfeed with pleasure.

Benefits for women

The benefits of breastfeeding after a year are undeniable not only for the baby, but also for the mother. Of course, there is no need to talk about the contraceptive effect at this time. Many people got burned by this. As a rule, after 6 months, most women begin to ovulate, so pregnancy can occur at any time.

It has long been proven: the longer breastfeeding, the more children, the lower a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer and malignant neoplasms ovaries.

And, on the contrary, it is incorrect - with ligation of the mammary glands, with injury during pumping, etc. contribute to the development of oncology in the future. And the final completion of feeding at the age of 1.5 - 2 years of the baby will occur gradually, there will be no need to use additional measures.

Also, during lactation, a woman spends 300 - 500 kcal more than usual every day, which contributes to faster recovery forms after childbirth.

Possible harm to the child after one year

The negative aspects of breastfeeding after a year still need to be looked for. Rather, for the most part we are always talking about existing myths. The main ones:

  • Feeding your baby breast milk after teething is harmful. This will lead to the formation of an incorrect bite. In fact, sucking the female breast does not contribute to the disorder. Often parents simply do not notice that along with this, the baby is also constantly holding a pacifier or bottle in his mouth - this is what is harmful. And if breastfeeding is properly organized, then the child will not need them. Accordingly, problems with bite will not arise, unless, of course, they are caused by something else.
  • Sweet milk contributes to the rapid appearance of dental caries. Again, most often such conditions occur with the constant consumption of various compotes and drinks, especially at night. Breast milk contains enzymes that prevent the glucose it contains from affecting baby enamel.
  • Often asking for breastfeeding at night, the baby does not get enough sleep. In fact, the duration of deep sleep in a child is less than in an adult. When switching to it from the superficial, the baby begins to behave restlessly. If a woman offers her breasts at this moment, she will contribute to a smooth transition into deep sleep. And, on the contrary, having not received what he wanted, the little one can completely come to a state of cheerfulness.
  • Some people believe that by sucking at night, the baby overloads his digestive system. This would be the case with any food, but not with mother’s milk. Its composition is so optimized and simple that it is immediately absorbed without any problems literally within 30 - 60 minutes.

How the process works

There are several feeding modes: according to schedule and according to requirements. And if during the first 6 - 8 months the mother herself can determine this, then after a year the baby “sets the rules.”

The opinion that if you continue lactation, then he will not want to eat anything other than milk, is false. As a rule, after a year, morning, evening and evening hours are important for the baby. This helps him calmly move from one mode to another. Night feedings stimulate further lactation.

So, when the baby “demands” his mother:

  • Early morning. At this time, prolactin production increases, and, accordingly, maximum amount milk in the breast.
  • Before finally waking up.
  • Before lunch break. For now, this is a kind of developed reflex for the baby - to fall asleep near the chest.
  • The evening before rest.
  • Also, the child additionally wakes up 1 - 3 times at night to get a little full.

Since latching on to the breast creates a feeling of safety and security in the child, he may ask to suckle when he is scared, crying, during illness, etc.

If the baby lacks his mother’s warmth and presence, then by trying to feed himself, he thus makes up for it, which is extremely important in the formation of the child’s personality and psyche.

Feeding rules

Some note the harm of breastfeeding after a year and that the woman gets very tired due to this, and every man wants to see his always cheerful and active passion next to him. Indeed, this could happen. But if you try and create comfortable conditions for mother and baby, that will help you get only joy and pleasure from the feeding process.

  • should be carried out in a position comfortable for the woman and child. If it is at night, then lying down. So you can take a nap while the baby is satiated.
  • It is better to arrange light twilight in the room using a night light. A dim light will not disturb the child’s sleep, and if necessary, you can easily find something: pajamas, diapers, etc.
  • It is better to place your child’s bed next to your own. This way you can hear even the slightest concern of the baby and feed him in time, without letting him wake up.
  • During illnesses or painful teething, it is recommended to be with the child even all night, so he will more easily endure this condition.

When is it time to wean and how to do it

You can continue breastfeeding as long as the baby needs it. According to WHO recommendations, the optimal weaning age is between 1.5 and 2.5 years. Usually during this period the child can be explained that more mom feeding him like that won't work. By this time, the amount of milk in the mammary glands is small, so the lactation process itself ends physiologically.

There are many options for how else you can explain to your baby that it’s time. For example, say it hurts. Or smear the nipple with some irritating substance that is safe for the baby (mustard).

Ideally, a woman gradually reduces the number of feedings over several months. This way the baby will adapt more easily, and the mammary glands will reduce secretion.

If there were many more feedings, problems may arise when finishing. Then you can use medications, for example, "Bromocriptine".

But under no circumstances should you bandage or tighten the mammary glands. All this will contribute to the development of mastopathy and other diseases subsequently.

There are many arguments in favor of the fact that long-term breastfeeding is beneficial for both the woman and the baby. It has been noticed that psychomotor development and social adaptation are higher in those children whose mothers defend this particular concept. In confirmation of everything, WHO recommendations, according to which it is advisable to feed a child until 1.5 - 2 years. It is during this period that it is not difficult to wean the baby, and it is easier to complete lactation.

Currently, after the publication of the latest WHO recommendations on breastfeeding, “long-term feeding” is commonly referred to as breastfeeding after two years.
Long-term feeding is a very complex topic, causing a lot of contradictions and even confrontations in society.
Of course, every mother decides for herself how much to breastfeed..
And for those for whom long-term feeding is clearly suitable, there are a number of serious arguments to justify their position in front of society, which continues to debate about the timing of breastfeeding, remaining critical of long-term breastfeeding.
In the formulation of the child nutrition strategy document early age from WHO\UNICEF emphasizes that breastfeedingCAN be continued for more than two years. Proponents and opponents of long-term feeding have many arguments that can allow conclusions to be drawn regarding the benefits breastfeeding after two years of age.
Let's look at typical
e contradictions:

Nutritional value of milk for a child over 2 years old
Opinion AGAINST: Breast milk has no nutritional value for big baby, there is nothing in breast milk anymore, it is not food, it is just pampering
Opinion FOR:
Scientific research proves that even after two or more years, milk remains a valuable source of proteins, fats, enzymes that break down proteins and fats in the intestines; hormones, vitamins and microelements that are quickly and easily absorbed.
The content of vitamins and microelements in human milk may vary depending on the needs of the child and may increase with the age of the child. For example, when breastfeeding in the second year of life, the baby is protected from a deficiency of vitamin A, which is necessary for the normal formation and functioning of eyes, skin, hair, as well as vitamin K, which prevents bleeding. In addition, human milk contains an optimal amount of iron, which is very well absorbed in the baby’s intestines and prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia.
Scientists have calculated that if one year old child receives 500 ml of breast milk per day, then his daily energy needs are met by a third, in proteins - by 40%, and in vitamin C almost completely
Coverage of substance needs in numbers:
29% energy requirement
43% of protein needs
36% of calcium requirements
75% of vitamin A needs
76% of folate requirements (derivatives folic acid)
94% of vitamin B12 needs
60% of vitamin C needs

Benefit mother's milk for newborns and older children has already been proven, described point by point and does not require unnecessary confirmation. Breast-feeding– the best nutrition for a child up to six months. Many famous doctors and the famous WHO speak about this, which goes further and recommends for many adequate reasons feeding until at least 2 years.

So today I want to talk and listen to your opinion about long-term breastfeeding, which is an integral part and continues to be a controversial issue among others.

It just so happens that a woman, in moments of difficulty, which include periods of lactation crises, rushes to her friends and mothers-grandmothers for help. Sometimes - to the doctor. And he roughly listens and follows their advice, many of which are not at all aimed at successful and long lactation.

The child is crying - it means he is hungry - give him some formula.

You have a fever and runny nose - stop feeding.

Mastitis? - especially “no!” GV.

The result is cessation of lactation.

But many problems could be avoided by contacting lactation consultant. Now there are special sites GW support, and hotlines, and offices at children's hospitals.

Unfortunately, even many doctors (due to their own reluctance to learn or ignorance) do not have adequate and correct information about breastfeeding, introduction of complementary foods and baby care. Therefore, quite often you can come across stunning statements when a child is transferred to formula at 2 months, although the mother is able to breastfeed; when juice is introduced at 3 weeks and its usefulness is proven to others.

I, as I said before, am for a long, reasonable breast-feeding. Its duration for me is not determined by book norms and advice from the older generation. Neither the lamentations of grandmothers - “Oh, he’s so big, but he eats boobs!”, nor the instructions of a gynecologist and the “smart” speeches of some pediatricians will make me early deprive the baby and myself of such pleasure that nature gives us, - lactation.

After a year of feeding mother's milk continues to perform all the same functions as before.

Its composition changes, adapting to the needs of the baby's growing body. In some ways, the milk becomes more like the first colostrum - its fat content increases and the amount of anti-infective and immunomodulatory components increases.

Among other things, mother's milk contains growth factors and hormonesus, which can control the child’s metabolic processes, and even his behavioral reactions. And the content of estrogen in milk, which has anti-stress effect, protects the child and increases his mental abilities. Therefore, during periods of age-related crises, breastfeeding can perform real miracles, calming and supporting the baby in stressful situations and balancing his emotional instability.

Long, productive breastfeeding increases the baby's IQ and also helps in adapting to different situations.

No need to simplify role of breast milk as food for children over 1.5 years old. In addition to the main “adult” food, a baby sucks on average 500 ml of sweet milk per day. Such food satisfies the baby's body's needs for 94% of the daily dose of vitamin B12, 75% of vitamin A, 60-80% of vitamin C, folic acid - 75%, calcium and protein up to 40%.

The rich qualitative and quantitative composition of milk, harmoniously determined by nature itself, is aimed at reducing the risk of allergic reactions, therefore, diathesis in a child on long-term breastfeeding with proper nutrition of the mother practically does not occur. Breastfeeding babies after a year helps to develop strong immunity and resistance to various diseases.

In addition to all of the above, milk, like liquid medium organism, is carrier of genetic information and has biological specificity, that is, optimally adapted to the needs of a particular organism. According to some spiritual teachings, along with mother’s milk, the experience and wisdom of previous experiences are passed on to the child. their generations.

There is an opinion that long-term breastfeeding negatively affects women's health - hair falls out, teeth deteriorate, and excess weight. I can't agree with this. After all, if a mother looks after her health, leads healthy image life, eats properly and rationally - nothing threatens her. In addition, long-term breastfeeding is an excellent preventative against malignant tumors of the female reproductive system.

And also long feeding- this is an extension of the feeling of unity with your child, the opportunity to hug and kiss him once again, whisper words of love and tenderness, this is a strong emotional and spiritual connection for life.

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