How to do a European manicure. European manicure: photos, videos, step-by-step technology. What does European unedged manicure mean?

For ladies they should look impressive, and for men they should look neat. Nowadays, the choice of hand and nail care products simply pleases the soul. Cosmetics industry offers consumers a variety of varnishes, strengthening, softening and healing compositions. In addition, there are several ways to perform a manicure. And every person who takes care of himself chooses the best one for himself.

How about European style?

This type of nail care appeared in France in the early 20s of the twentieth century. When performing it, you do not need to use tools from the usual manicure set: scissors, pusher and others. Its main difference from traditional way consists in the absence of the need for mechanical removal of the skin. In fact, it is harmful to completely get rid of the cuticle by trimming it. The skin cushion is designed to protect the nail from infectious inflammation, and when it is removed, local immunity is reduced.

That is, a European manicure is an unedged and gentle method of nail care. To perform it, you need to stock up on an orange stick, a cuticle remover, a cuticle pencil, and hand cream. You also need to have two files: a laser and a polishing one.

Manicure using gel to remove cuticles

It is produced by various manufacturers, but it is best to use products from good and proven brands. The composition of such a product requires the presence of active components designed to dissolve the thin skin at the base of the nail. That is, you should apply it carefully, and while the gel is on your fingers, do not touch yourself or surrounding objects. Therefore, when there is nothing on the table except paper napkin, you can start doing a manicure.

The gel is sold in tubes or bottles, ideally if it is equipped with a stick for pushing back the cuticle. In addition, it is for this purpose that the tube spout can be pointed. You need to apply it specifically to the cuticle, and then wait for the number of minutes indicated on the package. You should remember about the dissolving ability of the product and do not touch your fingers with the gel to the skin or mucous membranes. If you comply simple conditions, you will definitely get a good manicure.

The gel should not be left on your hands; it is even better to start removing the cuticle before the end of the product’s exposure time. Part of the peel dissolves, and small pieces are removed using an orange stick. Upon completion of the procedure, you need to wash your hands with warm running water and soap.

Manicure by Lena Lenina

You can do a manicure yourself or have it done by a professional, visiting a salon or meeting with a manicurist at home. It is preferable to go to a place that has the necessary equipment and documents. After all, in fact, this is not as expensive a service as it might seem at first glance. And how often it happens that a master promises a high-class, stunning manicure, but the result is something ordinary.

Actress and writer Lena Lenina provided for all the clients’ wishes in her network of studios. Manicure is done in a modern fashionable style with a unique approach to the nails of each visitor. Therefore, the salon employees are not only professionals, but people who do their job with talent. The studios have a friendly atmosphere and pleasant promotions. That is, the salon can rightfully be considered an expert in modern nail service.

Variety of services

Self-care studios created by Lena Lenina are very popular in Russia. You can get a manicure in them for the average cost of one visit to a cafe. They are located in different cities and offer clients a wide range of services:

  1. Pedicure.
  2. Manicure.
  3. Acrylic or gel nail extensions.

About the professionalism of employees and availability modern equipment There is no need to worry in salons. In addition, the quality of the materials used is at a high level. The first manicure adjustment is done free of charge, unlike the operating system of most other beauty salons.

In addition to standard offers, in the studio you can take care of your hands, try SPA and wellness treatments for legs and arms. Among the list of salon services:

  1. Hot paraffin therapy.
  2. Care using collagen, oxygen, chocolate, almonds, citrus.
  3. Makeup.
  4. Ginger glaze.
  5. Cosmetology and more.

Classic manicure

The traditional type of nail care involves mechanical removal of the skin. Performing a classic manicure is quick and easy. It requires minimal and very small costs. The method shows high results even in the most advanced cases. It can also be called wet due to the fact that before cutting the cuticle is softened in special hand baths.

On average for those who want to do classic manicure, the price of the service is 509-1299 rubles. depending on the coverage. This is a familiar and familiar method, but it requires the master to be careful and use disinfected tools.

How to do a European manicure

A real find for many modern women is a European manicure. The technology for its implementation includes several stages:

  1. First you need to wash your hands and remove the old polish.
  2. Then treat your nails with a laser file to give them the desired shape. The side rollers are also cut dry.
  3. Apply a product containing plant extracts and acids to the cuticle.
  4. Wait a few minutes.
  5. Remove the remaining gel with a napkin, then use an orange stick to push back the cuticle and clean off excess skin.
  6. Wash your hands and dry them.
  7. Polish the nail plates with a slightly rough file.
  8. Gently apply moisturizing oils to prevent the formation of hangnails.

And it’s as if a European manicure is ready, the technology of which is completely simple. But that’s not all, because now you need to use caring cuticle oils and a special moisturizing pencil with a pusher every day.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The European method of removing cuticles has a number of advantages compared to the traditional version:

  1. Safety due to the absence of microcuts, cracks, nail injuries, and infections.
  2. Manicure and subsequent care take little time.
  3. Skin growth slows down.

The polish lasts longer because the manicure is done dry and without pre-soaking. As with any method, there are some disadvantages, but they are much fewer than the advantages. In this case, each person independently determines the method that is most suitable for him.

Those with thick cuticles and people with advanced skin conditions on their hands are not recommended to use a European manicure. The trimmed version is much more suitable for the first time. That is, you need to remove the skin in the traditional way, using the services of experienced craftsman. And after this it is very convenient to take care of your nails using the European method.

In addition, the ease of implementation and availability of the necessary manicure products allow you to do it at home yourself. You can moisturize your skin with a pencil even during your lunch break at work.

Why you need to take care of your cuticles

After cutting the cuticle, its growth only intensifies. If the master does not have sufficient dexterity, then small wounds may form. Such damage carries the risk of bacteria and infections.

In fact, the untrimmed care method is not only about choosing and using a cuticle-dissolving product. European manicure, the technology of which involves a number of actions mentioned above, significantly improves appearance and the condition of the nails. The skin roll should be neat, have a coherent structure and at the same time maintain elasticity.

If done regularly and correctly, you can achieve a beautiful appearance of the nail plate without mechanical impact. And the roller becomes neat, healthy and unnoticeable. Everyone knows what a neglected cuticle looks like. It grows to the nail, turning into a thin film. Gradually it begins to cover part of the plate, cracks and dries out. This leads to the formation of hangnails, which cause pain, discomfort when touched, irritation, and can also serve as the beginning of various infections.

Thus, European manicure, the technology of which is actually very simple, preserves the health of nails. It is considered the safest and is popular even among men. In addition, the method does not cause concern about the sterility of the equipment and the skills of the master. And after careful and long-term care, hands experience almost no age-related changes, so they do not show their age.

These are always beautiful, well-groomed nails that are pleasant to look at and apply varnish, paint or other types of art. Have you noticed how quickly your nails lose their spectacular and neat appearance after a classic trimmed manicure? Already on the second or third day after the procedure, regrown tissue forms at the site of the removed cuticle, which immediately spoils the entire manicure and gives the hands an unkempt appearance. To avoid this, many girls switch to unedged manicure, which refers to dry types of manicure and does not involve mechanical removal of the cuticle at the base of the nail plate.

Among the people, unedged manicure has another name - European. No one thoroughly knows why they call it that, but judging by the “legend” it was invented somewhere in Europe and almost 85% of European women prefer this particular type of manicure.

Why is unedged manicure so popular?

Safety from injury, first of all, as well as the simplicity of the technique itself, which every girl can master. Next - about the advantages of unedged manicure.

Why is a European manicure better than an edged manicure?

An unedged European manicure does not require any special skills; it can be easily performed at home using special cuticle-softening products based on lactic or fruit acid, as well as a set of tools - a wooden or plastic stick and nail files. In addition, unedged manicure has a number of other advantages over its classic edged counterpart:

  • Ideal for girls with thin, delicate and sensitive skin, as well as those whose capillaries run too close to the top layer of skin, which leads to bleeding during trimmed manicure.
  • Micro-injuries and careless removal of the cuticle during trimming can lead to infection, which is fraught with a number of consequences. An unedged manicure is devoid of trauma and any painful sensations, which means the risk of becoming infected with any fungus during a manicure is minimal.
  • During an untrimmed manicure, the cuticle is not damaged, but is simply gently pushed back to the base of the plate. At the same time, the nail root remains intact and unharmed, which accelerates its growth and has a positive effect on the quality of the nail plate itself. With a constantly untrimmed manicure, nails become stronger, break and peel less, and the polish lasts longer.
  • Cuticle removers consist primarily of acidic compounds - lactic or fruit. Plus oils, extracts and vitamin complexes are added there. Taken together, this has a beneficial effect not only on the cuticle (it becomes soft and pliable), but also on the health of the nails. Softeners remove only dead skin cells without damaging living tissue.
  • With regular unedged manicure, the cuticle becomes thin and grows with less intensity. In a couple of months, you will spend much less time on manicure, as removing it will become easier and faster.
  • Unedged manicure is cheaper and faster than edged manicure. To perform it, you do not need to soak your nails in baths and then painstakingly cut off the cuticle on each finger. Plus savings on numerous tools, as well as products for treating nails after a trimmed manicure.

Unedged manicure also has a number of disadvantages, but they can be called insignificant if you take into account all its advantages:

  • European manicure is not suitable for neglected nails with dense, overgrown cuticles.
  • In this case, you will need to spend a lot of time softening and no one guarantees that the cuticle will be removed neatly, without flaws.
  • Unedged manicure requires perseverance and systematicity. If you previously only had a classic manicure, then you will be able to achieve an ideal result without circumcision only after a month and a half. And then: you should always have a cuticle stick and oil in your purse. The more often you apply oil to the cuticle and carefully move it to the base, the thinner and weaker it will be.
  • In this situation, you will have to apply the coating more often, since part of the “bare” nail will be noticeable. But this is temporary. Until you completely accustom your nails to this procedure.
  • Unedged manicure is ideal for girls with thin skin. Those with thick skin will spend much more time on it. Sometimes it is impossible to accurately perform a European manicure without using scissors and tweezers.

Unedged manicure: technique and what you need

As we wrote above, an unedged manicure is a dry type of manicure, but sometimes some girls still use baths to soak the cuticles. This is a wet unedged manicure.

A remover gel is first applied to the cuticle, the effect of which is enhanced in warm water. There is also a hot European manicure, when the nails are soaked in a heated special lotion or oil: most often it is performed precisely if the client has thick cuticles and, in general, rough skin. This type of manicure, by the way, is often offered to men.

An unedged manicure can be done in a salon. The cost of such a procedure varies from 100-200 UAH. And you can easily do it at home. To do this you will need some equipment:

  • Cuticle remover (cuticle remover, cuticle away gel, cuticle Treatment, cuticle softener, etc.). It is best that such a product contains natural oils, essential oils and plant extracts that work gently with cutila and, in general, strengthen nails.

Cuticle removers: Ecrinal Gel Emollient Cuticules 227 UAH, Artdeco Cuticle Remover gel 142 UAH, Solomeya Pro Cuticle Away Gel 111 UAH

  • A stick for pushing back cuticles. You can take one from an orange tree (the most common and cheapest), or you can take a silicone one (elastic but soft tip). The latter is better, it is easier to disinfect, it is reusable and removes cuticles more gently. If your choice falls on a wooden one, remember that it is disposable, it is best to throw it away after a few procedures at most.
  • Manicure nail file. To shape the nail, use your usual nail file. If you don’t have one, choose, for example, ceramic or glass - they are durable and do not injure the nail. It is also good to have a polishing file or buff to smooth out the surface of the nail.
  • Cotton pads, cotton swabs, towels and other essential accessories for manicure.
  • Manicure bath + additional nail and hand care products. If you choose a wet, unedged manicure, it is best to add either a special product with a complex of extracts and oils already included in it, or add chamomile decoction to the bath yourself, sea ​​salt, lemon juice and essential oils).
  • Products for caring for cuticles and hands after manicure: oil that nourishes nails and softens cuticles and hand cream. For summer it is better with SPF.

Remove polish and shape nails

Let's start the procedure by removing the nail polish using nail polish remover. Choose without acetone with vitamin complex and extracts. When your nails are clean, arm yourself with a nail file and give them the desired shape. Now the most popular are oval and almond-shaped nail shapes, as well as semi-square with rounded edges or, if you plan to wear short nails, completely square, but so that the sharp edges do not protrude beyond the finger. When choosing the shape of your nail, be guided by the shape of your fingers and the hole at the base of the nail plate. If you stick to one shape, just update it with a nail file. Perform movements in one direction from the center to the edges.

Soften and remove cuticle

If you want to do a wet, unedged manicure, fill a bath with warm water, add oils, salt and or bath product, and also pre-apply cuticle remover. Hold your hand for about 5-6 minutes. Wipe dry. Then apply the cuticle remover again (you can use something else - with oils, for example), and massage it into the base of the nail. You can massage your nails for the time indicated on the jar to soften the cuticle. About 8-10 minutes. Next, remove the cuticle using the method described below.

If you are doing a dry, unedged manicure, we can do without a bath. To do this, simply apply a strong cuticle remover to the base of the nail. Choose removers with keratolytics that quickly corrode the stratum corneum of cells, as well as those based on acids. After 10 minutes, when the cuticle is soft and pliable, remove it and any remaining product using a cotton swab or cotton swab. Carefully push the remaining thin part of the cuticle with a stick to the base of the plate. Perform these actions gently from the center to the edges, do not press on the plate and do not go deep under the skin.

Care after untrimmed manicure

When the cuticle is removed, all that remains is to treat the nail plate with nourishing oil and apply moisturizing cream or lotion to your hands. Ready!

How to care for the cuticle with an unedged manicure

You should have in your arsenal special means for cuticle care during unedged manicure. These include products that soften the cuticle and strengthen the nail plate, nail growth stimulants, natural oils that nourish the nails and skin, as well as products that slow down the growth of the cuticle. Make sure that one of these products is always in your purse: if you have a free minute, apply the oil, rub it into your nail, take a stick, push back the cuticle and good job. So, over time, you will completely forget what a classic manicure is, and your nails will always be neat and well-groomed.

Cuticle oil Solar Oil from CND

Sally Hansen Cuticle Oil

Opi Avoplex Cuticle Oil

European manicure refers to a technique where nail care is carried out without the use of cutting metal tools. You will need:

  1. Laser file

The unedged European manicure was invented by a certain Miss Marlene, a native of France, and already in the 1920s this method of nail care became extremely popular, first among European women (hence the name), and then in Russia.

Suitable for all people, but especially recommended for those who have thin, sensitive dermis and blood vessels located close to its surface. Untrimmed manicure is often resorted to after removing extended nails. It is also convenient for women whose nails reject varnish, shellac, acrylic, but want to look good.

With thick and elastic cuticles, it takes more time to process, but the result of the manicure will undoubtedly please you.

In recent years, many men, not just women, have given preference to European manicure, since proper hand care helps keep them healthy and healthy. beautiful condition. Men pay attention to women with well-groomed hands much more often, and men’s brushes with treated nails without burrs after a European manicure look sleek and attractive. From the hands one can draw conclusions about a person’s status, his attitude towards himself and more. You want to trust such a person and do business with him.

And in the age of dominance household chemicals and active detergents, hard tap water, hand care becomes a necessity. Doing a manicure is simply necessary: ​​you need to remove hangnails, nourish the dermis around the nail bed, put your hands in order so that they do not dry out and are not rough to the touch.

The main advantage of European manicure is its painlessness. Hygiene can also be noted. This method of processing eliminates the risk of infection.

You need to do a European manicure regularly, then after some time the skin will stop actively growing and you will look well-groomed.

How to do an unedged European manicure: description

At the beginning of the procedure, wash your hands and remove any varnish, if any. The nail plate is filed with a laser file, giving shape to the nails. Then the side rollers are cut dry using a laser saw.

The cuticle is not filed with a file, this is a gross violation of technology; a special cosmetic gel is applied to it. European manicure products may contain all kinds of plant extracts, natural acids and others. useful material.

After 45 seconds, remove excess gel with a tissue. They move the cuticle and use it to clean off excess skin, then wash the hands and wipe them dry.

Now you can grind and polish the nail plate if necessary, using buffs with an abrasiveness of 320 grit and higher.

At the end of the process, special moisturizing oils are applied to the nail bed and fingers, which nourish the dermis and prevent the formation of hangnails. After the oil has been absorbed, you can apply nutritious cream.

If necessary, the manicure procedure can be repeated throughout the day until the desired result is achieved.

Watch the video “European manicure at home” below.

The biggest and most undeniable advantage of European manicure is health and safety! Only with such an unedged manicure you guarantee yourself neat fingers without cuts, injuries and possible “bouquets” of sores. European manicure means the beauty and health of your hands!

European manicure technology: what you need to know

As you already understand, during an untrimmed manicure, the cuticle is carefully pushed back with a stick. The excess layer of keratinized dermis is removed after softening with special means. The sharp end of the stick can be used to clean the space under the nails, and the flat end can be used to work with the cuticle of the nail.

In the photo you can see how to properly use an orange stick to do a European manicure.

Do not forget that your nails need to be trimmed and filed with a nail file, and only then treated with a buff - it can only be used on a dry nail.

If you have always had a trimmed or hardware manicure, then the first procedure will be a combined one, since the skin, accustomed to constant removal, grows unevenly, and it will take some time (several procedures) to train the skin at the base of the fingernails to grow together into an even, pliable layer.

Types of European manicure

Usually a dry or wet unedged manicure is done. The difference in execution is that in the second case, the fingers are immersed in a bath with oil solutions, and after the skin is softened, it is carefully moved with chopsticks: this method is suitable for weakened nails. And the second method differs from the classic edged method in that the fingers are placed in an oil bath, rather than kept in water with soda, and cutting tools are not used. If you know how to do a classic manicure, then you will master the technique of European manicure quite quickly. The dry method involves the use of special gels to soften the cuticle and a nail plate hardener: special products are needed. What this gives: gradually the nail plate gets used to nourishment and care, and the growing skin takes the desired shape after the manicure.

In European manicure, cutting tools are not used at all. Excess layers of keratinized dermis on the sides of the nail are cut off dry, as with a hardware manicure, but only with a file.

Practice shows that after a European manicure Nail polishes last longer.

The advantages of European manicure

  1. Safety compared to the classic manicure technique.
  2. No cracks or swelling of the cuticle after the procedure.
  3. No infection.
  4. No injuries from tools.
  5. Slowing cuticle growth.
  6. An opportunity to master the technique and save on services in a nail salon.
  7. Possibility to do a pedicure in the same way.
  8. The price of the set is similar to the cost of 3-5 salon visits.

Disadvantages of European manicure:

  1. Long processing.
  2. The results are not visible the first time.
  3. With thick cuticles, it is more difficult to tidy up your nails.

How much will you have to spend on a manicure kit?

Getting a European manicure is very beneficial: saving on the face! Cuticle liquid alone is enough for 1.5 years! The total cost of items for a European manicure in Moscow ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles, so it is more profitable to purchase not just one product, but ready-made manicure kits at once.

And if you do a European manicure at home, then it’s more pleasant to use a beautiful and stylish thing in branded packaging. Taking this into account, we bring to your attention high-quality and beautiful sets with tools for European unedged manicure, similar to chests, clutches, handbags, folding sets with drawers.

Such a set could become a wonderful gift for any holiday. For men, you can also choose a suitable set, decorated in a masculine way: brutal and expensive.

You will surely be able to find one that suits you: we try to diversify our product collections and cater to the tastes of people with different preferences.

And we are also pleased to offer you an exquisite, one-of-a-kind, women's one from the Manicure Shop company. The Euroset contains everything you need - convenient and beautiful. These tools are a pleasure to use.

Your gift will certainly be greeted with an exclamation of admiration, give it and see for yourself!

Enjoy your shopping, and welcome to the world of beauty and luxury: we have placed a lot of interesting material for you on the pages of our website.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Beautiful hands with a neat manicure - distinguishing feature well-groomed woman. Do you want your nail plates not to be injured, and your cuticles not to require the intervention of metal tweezers or scissors? Opt for an unedged manicure. Safe, painless, it won the hearts of fans around the world. What is the technology for performing European manicure, why is it so popular in Europe?

What is European manicure

From the mid-70s of the 20th century to the present day, most beautiful ladies choose painless, quick way put your hands in order: without cutting the cuticle with tweezers or using other metal tools. Classic trimming is characterized by:

  • steaming the skin of the hands in warm baths with salt and additives;
  • removing the skin around the nail with special pliers;
  • deformation, cuts of delicate tissue around the nail plate.

The cuticle surrounding the nail is not a useless part of the human body. It covers the nail plate, protecting it from possible penetration of infections and bacteria. Therefore, by cutting it off, women deprive their nails of natural protection. The technology for performing European manicure is based on peeling back the skin using a wooden stick.

In a broad sense, European hand care is performed using a “dry” method, however, there are three types:

  • "Dry". Does not require preliminary steaming of hands in the bath. A special gel or cream is applied to clean, dry skin of the nail plate to soften and remove the cuticle.
  • Damp (wet). Used in cases where there are hangnails, cracks, or damage around the nail. Warm bath necessary to nourish the surface of the nail plate and the skin around it. It is also easy to soften rough skin.
  • Hot. Very popular in spas and beauty salons. Helps restore the balance of nutrients due to the effects of microelements and vitamins contained in the cream. The technology for performing a hot manicure is as follows: a special restoring cream (lotion) for hands is heated in an electric bath to a temperature of 50C.

European nail care has many advantages:

  • helps maintain youth and beauty of hands;
  • safe;
  • painless;
  • protects against infections and possible inflammation;
  • if carried out continuously, it takes a minimum of time;
  • It’s easy to perform a European express manicure at home.

Materials and tools for European manicure

To do an unedged manicure at home, you will need:

  1. Nail polish remover or special pads with liquid.
  2. Special files of different grain sizes.
  3. Cuticle file.
  4. Roller for manicure.
  5. Pencil containing nourishing cream (oils).
  6. Cuticle remover.
  7. Regenerating cream for hands and nails.
  8. A set of devices for performing European hot care.
  9. A container for a bath, essential oils, special salts, liquid vitamins - for the wet method of unedged manicure.

Step-by-step description of the procedure with photos

The technology for performing European care requires that the skin of the hands be dry. If you prefer a wet or machine manicure, then do not forget to thoroughly dry your hands after baths with a dry cotton napkin. Wait 10 minutes after this so that the beneficial substances are absorbed as much as possible. Then we proceed to perform an unedged manicure, the technology of which we will consider step by step.

Preparing the nail plate

Experts recommend performing the preparatory stage a couple of hours before the manicure, so that the nails have time to “rest” and recover. The old varnish coating must be removed. To do this, use a fortified nail polish remover that does not contain acetone and sponges.

Removing shellac nail coating requires special attention. Pre-prepare 10 sponges, 10 squares of foil and nail polish remover containing acetone for processing. Moisten a cotton pad generously, press it tightly to the nail, and wrap it with foil as in the photo above. Leave for 10 – 15 minutes. Remove the sponges and remove the foil. Carefully pry off the peeling coating with a wooden stick. Remove any residue on the nails with a liquid without acetone.

Softening and removing cuticles

A pleasant aromatherapy procedure can be carried out not only by following European care technology, but also daily: the skin around the nails will be tender and the plate will be white. Using a pencil, apply a thin layer of oil to the cuticle and leave for a couple of minutes. Then rub in with soft circular movements, thoroughly lubricating the nail hole and the skin around it.

The cuticle removal technology is as follows:

  • Apply cuticle remover gel around the nail plate so that the nail “smiles” at you, as in the photo.

  • Leave for 45-60 seconds. During this time, the product, which contains fruit acids and plant extracts, will soften the skin.
  • Wipe gently with a paper towel.

  • Use an orange stick to remove excess cuticle and push back the skin, revealing the hole and giving it shape.

  • If you prefer to perform a hardware European manicure, use a special brush attachment.

Giving the nail the required length and shape

Give the nail plate the desired shape using a nail file. To remove hangnails and rough skin, use a special cuticle file or select a suitable device attachment, as in the photo. A sanding file and a special buff will help remove irregularities, grooves, and polish the surface. Then, with soap that matches your skin's pH, wash your hands and dry with a tissue.

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin

The technology for caring for delicate skin of the hands after adjusting the cuticle is to moisturize, nourish and restore the beauty of the hands. Applying creams rich in vitamins and antioxidants helps maintain youth and beauty. To get results, do not forget about daily aromatherapy with oils.

Application of base and decorative coating

To ensure that the varnish lays down in an even layer and lasts for a long time, apply a base coat to the polished nails. The latter contains vitamins that saturate the plates with microelements, and protectors that protect against the harmful effects of the chemical components of the varnish. Using gentle, graceful movements of the brush along the nail plate, apply a thin layer of varnish. Carefully outline the entire hole so that there are no areas left uncovered with a decorative layer of varnish.

Aerosol drying

The final stage of a European manicure will be aerosol drying. The coating technology is as follows: at a distance of 15 cm from the varnished nails, spray the liquid directionally using a spray bottle. Rich in Si, coral and seaweed extract, it will not only speed up the drying process of the polish, but also protect your nails from damage, strengthening them.

Video tutorial: how to do a European unedged manicure

The history of European manicure owes its origin to Mademoiselle Juliette Marlene, the personal master of the great Marlene Dietrich. Having thin skin and capillaries located close to the surface, the actress painfully endured the hand care procedure. So, thanks to two outstanding women in the 20s of the last century, new way– unedged manicure. You can see the secrets of performing European manicure, learn the intricacies of technology, and get acquainted with the latest products in the cosmetic industry by watching our video:

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European manicure - technology for performing the procedure step by step

You can't feel confident with unkempt hands. European manicure allows you to shape your nails and put them in order without cutting the cuticles, so it can easily be done at home.


European or French unedged manicure is the safest and most practical type of cosmetic “operation” that exists. It was invented in France at the beginning of the 20th century, but only came into fashion a couple of decades ago.

After a classic manicure with cuticle trimming, even if performed very carefully, the girl will experience discomfort for some time. Nail plate it may hurt near the base, and the cuticle may bleed. The European one is completely devoid of these shortcomings. It is completely painless and does not involve the use of scissors, cuticle tweezers or trimmers. This is what distinguishes a classic manicure from a European one.

Benefits of European manicure:

At the same time, the technique has some flaws. Firstly, a combined manicure is performed for the first time. This procedure combines edged and unedged techniques. Secondly, the real effect after the session will be noticeable only after several months of regular implementation of the procedure. Thirdly, it is a little more expensive than a regular edged one.

Types of European manicure

There are several types of European manicure:

Video lesson: European manicure at home

Execution technology

Any nice salon Beauty provides its clients with the opportunity to choose hardware or unedged manicure or pedicure as an alternative to edged technologies. This technique in professional offices is often complemented by paraffin therapy for the hands, oil massages and other procedures to nourish the plate and epidermis. Procedure in salons:

  1. The skin of the hands is cleansed with scrubs and oil compositions, at the same time, the nail polish is removed from the nails;
  2. You may be offered a spa massage or paraffin therapy before your manicure. They will relax their hands, the procedure will not only bring more pleasure, but will also become much more useful;
  3. After this, depending on the chosen technique, they will begin to process the nails and cuticles. A gel is applied to the skin, which within a few minutes dissolves it or makes it much softer. After this, moving from the top of the nail to the bed, the cuticle moves to the very edge. Next, another stick moves along the skin growth line, which completely removes the cuticle;
  4. Remains of the gel are removed with a napkin, as it can harm nail growth. Afterwards, all that remains is to trim your nails using a nail file or a manicure machine. At the end of the session, apply to the cuticle and plate (if it is not planned to work with shellac or regular varnish) applies cocoa or shea butter - which quickly restore the skin;
  5. You need to repeat the European technique on average 1-2 times a month, but this depends on the speed of nail growth.

But you can save a lot of money if you do the procedure at home. First, you will need to buy tools for a European unedged manicure: pumice stone, bamboo or orange sticks, a file and cuticle remover gel.

Photo – Manicure tools

And if you need to do a pedicure at home for yourself, then follow the link and find here comprehensive information on this issue.

Instructions with photos on how to perform a female procedure step by step European manicure at home: