How burdock oil makes eyelashes luxurious. How to use castor and burdock oils for eyelash and eyebrow growth? Eyelash mask with burdock oil

The annoying plant called burdock is probably familiar to every lover of country walks. This plant, which has the property of clinging to everything with which it has direct contact - clothes, shoes and even hair, is one of the weeds. However, in cosmetology, burdock is a real crop, a rich source of vitamins for the health, strength and beauty of human hair, nails, eyelashes and skin.

It is obtained from burdock (popular name burdock), which in itself is a medicinal plant with a lot of healing properties. Therefore, the properties of burdock oil are no less valuable. It contains tannins, inulin, protein, mineral salts, stearic acid and a large amount of vitamins. This composition allows you to use burdock oil in creams and masks for the face and body.

Burdock oil is the most popular in hair care - its extract is added to medicated shampoos, hair conditioners. Often people try to prepare this product themselves at home. However, you need to understand that this process is quite complex, so it would be more advisable to purchase burdock oil for eyelashes, hair and other purposes at the pharmacy without wasting time.

The benefits of burdock oil for eyelashes

Daily use of oil helps strengthen eyelashes, prevents their fragility and delamination. Women who use burdock oil for eyelashes have an expressive look, as this product makes eyelashes strong, thick, voluminous and long. Getting on the eyelashes, burdock oil penetrates deep into each hair and enriches it useful substances which it contains. At the same time, the eyelash hair follicles are strengthened, providing excellent eyelash growth.

Rules for using burdock oil for eyelashes

The lasting effect of using a product such as burdock depends on correct use. First of all, the product should be applied to the eyelash hairs using a special cosmetic brush or an ordinary mini-cotton swab according to the principle of applying mascara. It should be applied in the evening, about 2 hours before bedtime, and left on the eyelashes for about half an hour. Then the burdock oil is carefully and thoroughly removed with a cotton sponge dipped in warm water.

Bolsams and masks for eyelash restoration

In particularly advanced cases, immediate therapy is necessary using balms based on this natural product, while burdock oil itself will have a therapeutic effect for eyelashes. To enhance the effect, you can use liquid vitamin E and burdock oil in combination. These components, taken in approximately equal quantities (with the exception of aloe juice - you need to take much less of it), make an excellent eyelash mask, which should be used for a month, followed by a two-week break and continuation of the therapeutic course.

Another option for preparing a balm-mask to restore eyelashes can also be used. The same burdock oil for eyelashes remains as a base (reviews about this recipe are also very good). Almond and vitamin E (liquid) are added to the base in equal quantities. All components are thoroughly mixed, after which the mask is ready for application. There are many ways to strengthen eyelashes, and as a rule, they all contain vitamins A or E and burdock oil. It is these substances that perfectly nourish and restore damaged eyelashes, stimulate their growth and provide beauty and health to the eyes.

You can use burdock oil in its finished form or combine it with various components. Many cosmetics manufacturers add this component to the compositions of creams, lotions, and shampoos.

Composition and properties

Burdock has a whole storehouse of valuable minerals and vitamins. The oil-based product promotes deep penetration into the epidermis layer, affecting blood circulation. Under the force of blood flow, metabolic processes are accelerated.

The chemical composition of the product is enriched:

  • vitamins A, E, PP, C, B, etc.;
  • inulin (natural polysaccharide);
  • mineral salts (potassium, magnesium, sodium, selenium, manganese, etc.);
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids.

In addition, the oil contains a large amount of fatty acids, proteins and tannins.

The composition, rich in healing components, has the following properties:

  1. Promotes wound healing.
  2. Relieves inflammation.
  3. Kills some types of microbes.
  4. Stimulates hair growth.
  5. Strengthens the root system.
  6. Prevents hair loss.
  7. Accelerates blood circulation.
  8. Restores damaged structure.

Burdock is used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. Its composition goes well with other components. In cosmetology, it is often used to strengthen nails, eyebrows and eyelashes.

The effect does not become noticeable immediately, but the result is sustainable. Procedures should be carried out according to prescriptions and time restrictions.

An overdose or a longer period of exposure can cause pores to become clogged, which can lead to inflammation and peeling.

What is good for eyelashes?

The oil has a strong effect on the growth and structure of eyelashes, since the components cover several zones at once: the root system, hair structure, epidermis. Valuable substances improve metabolic processes in upper layers skin, making the eyelids more elastic.

Changing the cellular layer of the skin affects the strengthening of the roots and stimulates the growth of eyelashes. Regular use of burdock has a beneficial effect on the structure of the hairs. They become thicker, stronger, thicker.

After 3 weeks of use, the condition of the eyelashes noticeably improves. A natural shine appears.

How to apply it correctly?

It is better to carry out the process before bedtime. During the night, the effect of the product will increase even more. To achieve a sustainable effect, you need to use it daily for 1-1.5 months.

For the procedures you only need to prepare cotton pads and burdock oil. You can use thin soft cotton instead of cotton wool. cosmetic brush. It will be more convenient to penetrate into the places between the eyelashes.

Before use, a test should be performed to check for an allergic reaction. If after 15 minutes backside your palms are not red, you can start the procedure. Using a cotton pad or brush, apply a little oil to the root part of the eyelashes, thoroughly rubbing it into the roots.

Leave for 1-2 hours, then remove the residue with a cotton pad. When applying, be careful not to get into your eyes. This may cause discomfort and burning.

Indications for use

The healing vitamins and microelements contained in the oil have a therapeutic and preventive effect. All problems that concern nails, hair, eyebrows, eyelashes are solved, including with the participation of burdock oil.

This is a universal remedy with a centuries-old history of use. It is not for nothing that it is considered one of the most effective and efficient.


  • hair loss;
  • to stimulate eyelash growth;
  • oily seborrhea;
  • damaged structure (fragility, thinning, dullness);
  • hard-to-heal wounds, accompanied by itching, redness, and inflammation;
  • excessive work of the sebaceous glands;
  • increase in the keratinized layer of the epidermis.

In other cases, oil is prescribed to strengthen hair, nail plates, with early baldness, dermatitis.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • 100% natural ingredients;
  • stimulates eyelash growth;
  • strengthens the root system due to anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects;
  • gives natural shine and elasticity of eyelashes;
  • compacts, restores and moisturizes the structure;
  • gives a lasting effect;
  • penetrates deep into the epidermis, improving cell blood flow;
  • affordable price.


  • the course of treatment is longer compared to other oils;
  • in rare cases, individual intolerance is observed.

However, the real threat is posed by uncontrolled use of the product and non-compliance with the temporary regime of procedures. Pores under the influence of the oil composition can become clogged and then problems on the skin cannot be avoided.

How to make burdock oil yourself?

The product can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared yourself. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to do this.

To prepare, you will need burdock root (fresh or dried) and one of the following types of vegetable oil:

  • corn;
  • olive;
  • almond;
  • sunflower.


  1. Recipe No. 1. Grind the dry burdock root into a powder in a mortar. Mix it with vegetable oil. Use a glass container. Infuse the composition in a dark cabinet for 3 weeks. Do not use the refrigerator. The infusion process should take place at room temperature. Before use, you must strain the resulting mixture.
  2. Recipe No. 2. Peel the fresh root and grind in a blender. Use a glass for 3 tablespoons of burdock vegetable oil. Mix the ingredients in a saucepan and leave at room temperature for 24 hours. Then bring the mixture to a boil and cook over moderate heat for 30 minutes. Strain the cooled mixture.

Which is better for eyelashes: burdock or castor?

Long-term debates about the benefits of oils for eyelashes continue to this day. The actions of both products are very similar, but in practice, burdock oil is more often used for hair, and castor oil for eyelashes.

This is only due to the fact that burdock can cause an allergic reaction. Castor oil is famous for its mild effect, so many cosmetologists recommend mixing both products to obtain the ideal composition.

Benefits of burdock:

  1. Combines with other components for use on sensitive skin.
  2. The result is not fast, but sustainable.
  3. The chemical composition is a record holder for the content of vitamins and mineral salts.
  4. Regular use accelerates the regeneration process in the bulb.

Benefits of castor oil:

  1. Soft action.
  2. The result can be seen after 2 weeks of use.
  3. For eyelash care it comes in a convenient bottle with a brush.
  4. Can be combined with liquid vitamins to enhance the effect.

Text: Irina Sergeeva

What are the benefits of burdock oil for eyelashes? There are too many people to ignore this ingredient. Judge for yourself: burdock oil strengthens eyelash bulbs, stimulates their growth (and makes eyelashes not just longer, but also thicker), and protects the delicate skin of the eyelids from dryness and irritation. Isn't it enough? But we haven’t listed everything yet...

Burdock oil for eyelashes: let's figure it out

Burdock oil for eyelashes very important. It contains many essential biologically active substances, which, when applied externally, enter the cells of the outer layers of the skin, improving metabolic processes in them. All properties and skin cells surrounding the eyelashes are nourished and restored - this is also very important. As a result of prolonged use of burdock oil, eyelashes become thicker, longer and fluffy. The vitamins and minerals contained in burdock oil help improve metabolic processes. Vitamins A and E have a particularly positive effect on the growth of eyelash bulbs. All this has a positive effect on growth, structure and appearance eyelashes

This “homemade” remedy for eyelash growth has one more plus: the inulin it contains. It, being a sorbent, cleanses the skin, removing from its surface all toxic substances that interfere with eyelash growth.

Under the influence of burdock oil, the separated ends of individual eyelashes are glued together - this protects them from further delamination and makes them stronger and more elastic. You just have to remember that any product based on natural ingredients does not work immediately - it requires quite a long time of use. Because natural remedies act gently and gradually, accumulating positive result from procedure to procedure. But the effect will be lasting, and the product will not cause harm to the body and side effects will not be.

Usually, when talking about burdock or any other oil, only one problem comes to mind first: how to apply it? Rest assured: there are many options:

  • it can be simply applied with a cotton swab,

  • or using a cosmetic brush,

  • or you can make a device for easy application from a used mascara bottle. The bottle needs to be washed thoroughly, filled with burdock oil, and then applied at night instead of mascara.

Choose any option, but remember that it is not recommended to leave oil on your eyelashes all night. It’s better to leave it for an hour or two, and then carefully wipe it off with a sponge or napkin. Otherwise, the oil may get into your eyes, which is not a pleasant feeling. And it will be very difficult to remove it from there.

For the effect of burdock oil to fully manifest itself, it must be used regularly and for a long time, at least a month. The better the condition of your eyelashes was initially, the faster the effect will appear.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of burdock oil for eyelashes, although allergies do occur, which is aggravated by the fact that the skin on the eyelids is very sensitive and thin. Therefore, before using burdock oil for eyelashes, first apply it to the inner bend of your elbow and observe the skin reaction.

Nothing takes care of beauty better than a natural product. Natural products that do not contain chemically harmful components bring much more benefits, including plant-based essential oils. In cosmetology, people are increasingly resorting to folk natural products. Burdock oil for eyelashes is popular and famous beneficial properties, especially in the field of beauty. With this product you can stimulate hair follicles, accelerating the growth process. And if the eyelashes were not particularly lush, then after using the product you can not only make the eyelashes thick and long, but also prevent their loss.

How does burdock oil work on eyelashes?

Even in ancient times, recipes were known for preparing a miraculous potion that was used in cases of sudden hair loss. To prepare the medicine, they chose burdock root, from which a decoction was prepared. The seeds of the plant were also used to treat varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Useful properties of burdock:

  1. The composition contains a high content of substances such as protein and inulin.
  2. Burdock oil contains a large amount of useful salts (cobalt, chromium, phosphorus, sulfur).
  3. Regular use rejuvenates skin cells and bulbous nests of hairs and eyelashes. Thanks to this, blood circulation accelerates, nutrients reach their destination almost instantly, helping to quickly restore lost eyelashes and hairs.
  4. The plant contains vital substances such as acids (stearic and palmitic), stigmasterol and sitosterol.
  5. The juice of this plant is rich in vitamins C, A, B.

After a single use, the result will be barely noticeable, but if you use this product regularly, you can ultimately achieve the desired result, which also has a long-term effect.

In terms of properties, burdock oil for eyelashes can only compete with castor oil. Both products are good and have the same benefits in cosmetology. Although masters in this field often use castor oil, burdock oil is more suitable for stimulating hair growth. They can be combined, the resulting effect is very noticeable, especially with damaged eyelashes, hair or eyebrows.

How to use and apply burdock oil to eyelashes?

This remedy can be used effectively if the eyelash row is sparse and the hairs are thin and weakened. And also if you want to have thick and healthy eyelashes. The beneficial substances and vitamins contained in burdock oil have a beneficial effect on eyelash bulbs, stimulating growth, increasing the thickness and structure of eyelashes. Inulin plays a special and major role in this process. It has a protective effect, preventing toxins and radionuclides from being absorbed into the skin, which prevent hair from forming normally.

You can apply burdock oil to your eyelashes using several methods. As you can see in the photo, the classic application is a brush. For these purposes, you can choose an old mascara brush. With its help, the product is distributed evenly and safely along the entire length of the eyelashes, without applying too close to the eyelid. In addition, using this option, you can minimize the accumulation of dust on oily eyelashes, which means there is less chance of stye occurring.

The second method in the photo is using a cotton pad or brush. Care should be taken to avoid unpleasant consequences and apply the oil carefully with a cotton pad so that it does not accidentally get into your eyes. There is a little trick: to make it more convenient for you to use burdock oil for eyelashes, you should pour it into an empty bottle of old mascara or perfume. This will make the task easier and give you confidence, and you can easily dip a brush or cotton pad into it.

The result can be noticed only after a month, and then only with regular eyelash care. If you do not use eye cosmetics for a month during the procedure, the result will be much more effective.

The use of burdock oil in practice

  1. Strengthening eyelashes. Dip the brush into burdock oil and distribute it over the eyelash hairs, while trying not to touch the eyelid area and base. Leave to act for two to three hours, then carefully remove with a dry cotton pad.
  2. If the surface of the eyelids is sensitive, then you can protect the skin by adding aloe juice to the oil. This product will help you carry out the procedure safely and avoid an allergic reaction.
  3. Double effect. A mask to stimulate eyelash growth is a combination of burdock and castor oil. Add a drop of each product into a ceramic cup, mix well, and then carefully distribute over the eyelashes. Let it act for an hour, after which we remove the oil from the eyelashes with a dry cloth or cotton pad.
  4. A good remedy for eyelashes using burdock oil is adding castor oil and vitamin E to the mask. This procedure will help strengthen the structure and also stimulate eyelash growth. Both oils and vitamin E are mixed in equal proportions, then the product is distributed over the eyelashes and left for half an hour.
  5. To stimulate the growth of both eyelashes and hair, you can prepare decoctions of nettle and wormwood, adding a few drops of oil. This product can be used to wash your face, while the eyelashes will be long, and dark pigments will disappear under the eyes.
  6. Burdock oil for eyelash growth can be used both in cases of eyelash hair loss and to stimulate the bulbs. You can use masks comprehensively, applying them not only to eyelashes, but also to eyebrows, especially if they are sparse, or when growing and changing shape.
  7. From eyelash loss. The mask can be prepared from burdock and sea ​​buckthorn oil. Add one tablespoon of each ingredient to the mixing container. Add chopped rose hips to the resulting mixture. Before use, this product should be left for 10 days in a dark place. To prevent hair loss, this infusion must be used daily.

How to prepare burdock oil at home?

In cosmetics stores and on the counter at the pharmacy you can see several manufacturers of burdock oil, but what could be more effective than a product prepared at home? To prepare burdock oil for various eyelash growth-stimulating masks, you will need:

  • burdock root – 75 g;
  • olive or sunflower oil – 1 cup.

The listed ingredients are mixed well and placed in a dark place for a day. After 24 hours, the mixture is mixed again and then set to simmer over low heat. It is necessary to cook the drug for no more than 15-20 minutes, then let the product cool, then strain and put it in a dark place again. In a few hours, the burdock oil will be ready. For greater effect, vitamins A and E and a few drops of castor oil are added to the oil. If you have long eyelashes, then this mixture will help strengthen them and preserve their beauty for as long as possible.

Who can and should use burdock oil?

The oil of this plant is practically harmless, and it can cause harm in extreme cases when there is intolerance to this product in any form. But judging by the positive reviews, everyone is happy with this product, they post video reviews and photo reports on their pages, which show what kind of eyelashes they had and what they became. If there is any doubt whether burdock oil will cause an allergic reaction, you can conduct a compatibility test. Apply a small amount of product to a sensitive area of ​​skin (wrist) and leave for several hours. If, after time, the skin remains clean and no red spots or pimples have appeared on it, then you can safely use the product for application to both eyelashes, eyebrows or hair.

However, there are cases when there was no allergic reaction on the wrist, but after application to the eyelashes the skin suddenly turned red and itched. In this case, the product must be immediately removed with plain cold water using cosmetics for washing. Wash your face carefully and pat dry. Burdock oil should not be used on eyelashes after such a negative reaction.

Many women know that burdock oil is the best helper in the fight against hair loss. However, the range of its action is not limited to this. For example, it also brings great benefits to eyelashes.

Burdock oil will help with loss, weak and brittle eyelashes. How to use burdock oil for eyelashes at home? The Secrets of Perfection answer.

Burdock oil for eyelashes: basic properties.

Burdock (or burdock) oil is saturated with various beneficial substances, in particular, fatty and essential oils, tannins, protein, mineral salts, and vitamins. Thanks to this composition burdock oil in cosmetology has a strengthening, nourishing and protective effect on facial skin, especially those that are oily and acne-prone, as well as hair, nails and eyelashes.

Thanks to the availability large quantity biologically active substances, burdock oil stimulates metabolic processes in the skin of the eyelids. Therefore, acting on eyelashes, burdock oil strengthens their roots, healing and rejuvenating the bulbs, preventing hair loss, and also promotes thickening and gluing of the eyelash hairs themselves, preventing their separation and fragility. And inulin, which is also present in burdock oil, cleanses the skin and removes toxic substances that slow down eyelash growth.

With regular inclusion of burdock oil in eyelash care, they become thicker, longer and stronger.

Burdock oil for eyelashes: important points.

  • Of course, burdock oil and products based on it do not work immediately; at least a month’s course is required. However, over time, the condition of the eyelashes really improves, and the effect lasts for quite a long time.
  • There are also contraindications regarding the use of burdock oil for eyelashes. So, not often, but allergies to this product do occur; as a rule, women with very sensitive skin are susceptible to it.
  • To prevent irritation from occurring on the thin and delicate skin of the eyelids, the oil is tested by applying it to the crook of the elbow. Even if there is no allergy, in order to avoid getting the oil into your eyes, do not leave it on overnight and wash it off before going to bed.

Burdock oil for eyelashes: natural recipes.

Recipe 1. The easiest way to heal and strengthen your eyelashes is to lubricate them with pure oil every day. To do this, it is convenient to use a cotton swab, a cosmetic brush, or pour oil into an old, washed mascara bottle.

Recipe 2. Made from burdock oil strengthening balm: mix burdock and castor oil, add a little vitamin E oil solution and aloe juice to this mixture. The mixed mass is kept in a closed container for about a month. Apply the balm every evening before bed. Thanks to the aloe juice contained in this product, this balm is suitable even for sensitive skin.

Recipe 3. Another nourishing and eyelash-strengthening remedy is prepared as follows: combine burdock, almond and castor oils, add a drop of vitamin E, and sometimes a drop of fish oil. To strengthen eyelashes for a long time, apply this balm to them for a month.

Recipe 4. Burdock oil is also effective for eyelash loss. They (eyelashes) are lubricated with a product based on burdock and sea buckthorn oil: fresh or dried rose hips are crushed and poured with a mixture of two oils. Infuse the product in a dark place for 10 days, then filter and use daily.

How to prepare burdock oil for eyelashes?

In addition to ready-made burdock oil, which is sold in pharmacies, you can also use homemade butter.

To prepare burdock oil, you need dried crushed burdock roots and olive oil(for 3 tablespoons of raw materials - a glass of oil). After filling the burdock leaves with oil, the mixture is infused in a warm place for 24 hours, so it is boiled and evaporated over low heat for about 15 minutes. When the oil has cooled slightly, it is filtered and placed in a glass container.

There is another way to prepare burdock oil: burdock roots, dried and crushed, are also poured with oil and, without heating, left for 3 weeks. This burdock oil for eyelashes does not need to be filtered before use.