Lack of protein in urine. Increased protein in urine: possible causes and treatment. Basic diagnostic methods

From the article you will learn about protein in the urine, what it means in women, is it normal, and how to treat it. Proteins (proteins) are a necessary component of all living structures. They provide structural function, metabolic processes, are catalysts for many biochemical reactions, and also carry out the transport of other molecules.

Determining the level of protein in urine is the first step in diagnosing kidney pathologies. In addition, analysis is necessary to determine the effectiveness of the chosen treatment tactics.

Total protein in urine is a laboratory analysis that allows one to identify kidney pathologies at an early stage with a high degree of reliability, as well as diagnose secondary damage to the glomerular apparatus in chronic diseases.

In a healthy person, a small amount of protein molecules is excreted in the urine due to the presence of a filtration mechanism in the glomeruli of the kidneys. The filter is capable of preventing the reverse diffusion of large charged molecules into the primary filtrate. It is known that small molecules of peptides (molecular weight up to 20 kDa) are able to freely penetrate through the filtration mechanism, and high molecular weight albumin (65 kDa) is retained by them.

The presence of protein in the urine is a signal to prescribe an additional extended examination of the patient. This fact is due to the fact that normally the overwhelming concentration of peptide molecules is reabsorbed into the bloodstream in the convoluted tubules of the kidneys. In this case, only a small amount is excreted along with urine. About 20% of the total number of released peptides are low molecular weight antibodies (immunoglobulins), while 40% are albumins and mucoproteins.

Why is the analysis prescribed?

A referral for analysis to determine total protein in the urine can be prescribed by a general practitioner, nephrologist, endocrinologist or cardiologist. It is used for the following purposes:

  • early diagnosis pathological conditions kidneys (focal sclerosing glomerulonephritis, membranous glomerulonephritis or degenerative kidney disease);
  • diagnosis of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • differential diagnosis of the causes of edema;
  • identifying disturbances in the normal functioning of the kidneys due to diabetes mellitus, Libman-Sachs disease, as well as amyloid dystrophy;
  • determining the likelihood of developing chronic kidney failure;
  • assessing the effectiveness of the selected drug treatment tactics and preventing the development of recurrent pathologies.

Who can get the test?

The study is prescribed for patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as for symptoms of kidney failure:

  • excessive swelling of the lower extremities or face;
  • accumulation of free fluid in the peritoneal cavity;
  • unexplained weight gain;
  • persistently high blood pressure for a long time;
  • blood when urinating;
  • a sharp decrease in the amount of urine excreted per day;
  • increased drowsiness and decreased performance.

In addition, the normal level of protein in urine in men and women should be determined during a routine annual examination. The analysis is of particular importance for patients at risk: age over 50 years, smoking and alcohol abuse, as well as the presence of aggravating factors in the family history.

Table of norms for protein in urine in women by age

Important: the data presented is for informational purposes only and is not sufficient to make a final diagnosis.

Only the attending physician has the right to decipher the results of the study, who determines the diagnosis and prescribes appropriate treatment based on the patient’s general medical history, as well as data from other laboratory tests and instrumental studies.

The standard units of measurement are mg/day; however, some laboratories use g/day. Units of measurement are converted using the formula: g/day*1000= mg/day.

It should be noted that when selecting reference (normal) values, the gender and age of the patient should be taken into account.

The table shows acceptable protein concentrations in urine in healthy women, selected according to age.

It has been established that after intense strength training, an increased protein content in the urine is recorded, the value of which reaches 250 mg/day. However, the concentration of the parameter under consideration should return to the reference values ​​within 1 day.

Normal level of protein in urine in men

Normally, protein in the urine of men, as well as women, should be either completely absent or present in trace amounts. The maximum permissible values ​​are 150 mg/day.

Proteinuria – pathology or normal?

Proteinuria is a condition in which a patient has increased protein in the urine. In the vast majority of cases, this condition does not relate to pathologies, but is a variant of the norm or the result of improper preparation of the patient for the donation of biomaterial (physical or emotional fatigue, acute stage of an infectious process, or dehydration).

Elevated protein is diagnosed in approximately 20% of the healthy population. In this case, proteinuria is considered normal. In only 2% this condition is the cause of serious pathology. With benign proteinuria, protein in the urine in men and women is recorded at a concentration of 200 mg per day or less.

Orthostatic proteinuria

Separately, there is orthostatic proteinuria - a condition characterized by an increased concentration of total protein only after prolonged walking or being in a horizontal static position. This fact explains the discrepancy in results in the presence of orthostatic proteinuria: positive when examining daily urine and negative when diagnosing a single portion. According to statistics, this condition occurs in 5% of the population under 30 years of age.

Increased protein in the urine can also be found as a result of its active synthesis in the human body, which leads to the need to enhance filtration processes by the kidneys. In this case, there is an excess of the possibility of reabsorption of protein molecules in the renal tubules and their diffusion into the urine. This condition is also a variant of the norm.

The exception is situations when not low-molecular-weight organic peptides are detected, but specific molecules, for example, Bence-Jones protein. It is known that the sensitivity of the method is not enough to determine the concentration of this protein. If there is a suspicion of a malignant lesion of epithelial tissue (myeloma), it is necessary to undergo a urine screening test for Bence Jones protein.

When is proteinuria a pathology?

A condition characterized by an increase in protein in the urine over a long period of time accompanies various pathologies of the urinary organs. Depending on the mechanism of occurrence, it is customary to divide proteinuria into:

  • glomerular, which occurs against the background of a violation of the integrity of the basement membrane of the renal glomeruli. It is known that the basement membrane acts as a natural barrier that prevents the diffusion of large molecules with a charge, and when it is damaged, there is a free flow of proteins into the urine. This condition may be an independent pathology or occur as a consequence of an underlying disease, for example, diabetes (from 30 to 500 mg of protein per day). Another cause of glomerular proteinuria is the use of medications;
  • tubular - the result of a disorder in the process of reabsorption of substances in the renal tubules. At the same time, less high protein in urine analysis (no more than 200 mg per day), compared with the glomerular type. Most common reason This condition is a complication of hypertension.

Other reasons for exceeding the norm

The reasons for increased protein in the urine in men and women are also:

  • infection of the urinary system by pathogenic microorganisms, for example, cystitis or urethritis;
  • bladder oncology;
  • vulvitis, vaginitis, etc.
  • chronic heart failure;
  • inflammation of the inner lining of the heart;
  • extensive injuries;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Preparing for analysis

The reliability of the results obtained by the patient primarily depends on his preparation for the test. The material for the study is a single portion of morning urine. Or all the urine collected by the patient himself during the day.

Before collecting biomaterial, you should avoid drinking alcohol 24 hours before. As well as fatty and smoked dishes. You must stop using diuretics within 48 hours. And for women, collect biomaterial 2 days after or before menstruation.

How to reduce protein in urine?

In order for increased protein in the urine in men, women and children to return to normal values, it is necessary to first establish the reason for its deviation from the norm. False-positive results indicating proteinuria are often detected in the morning portion of biomaterial in the analysis for the criterion in question. That is why, if an abnormality in protein in the urine is detected, a repeat test is prescribed.

Depending on the initial cause, appropriate treatment for protein in the urine is prescribed. In the case of an infectious disease, it is necessary to determine the type of pathogenic microorganism that provoked it. After this, a test is carried out to determine the sensitivity of the isolated species of bacteria to various groups of antibiotics. The most effective antibacterial drugs are prescribed to the patient.

In the case of arterial hypertension, medications that lower blood pressure are selected, and in the case of cancer pathologies, a course of chemotherapy is determined.

Diet for high protein in urine

One of key points Treatment includes cessation of smoking and alcohol. And also diet. Patients are recommended:

  • limit the amount of salt consumed to 2 g per day;
  • exclude meat and fish in order to reduce protein intake;
  • drink no more than 1 liter of liquid per day (including juices, soups, tea);
  • eat rice dishes and dairy products with a low percentage of fat, as well as raw and steamed vegetables;
  • give preference to rosehip tea and currant fruit drinks.

Protein in urine - treatment with folk remedies

Important: traditional medicine methods cannot act as the main treatment for high levels of proteins in the urine.

The priority treatment should remain the one prescribed by the attending physician from the methods of official medicine. This fact is argued by the fact that herbal decoctions and infusions are not effective enough to completely cure the underlying disease. They can only have an auxiliary effect and enhance the effect of certain medications.

Bee products have a positive effect on the immune system due to their pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, they are able to strengthen the wall of blood vessels and serve as a source of vitamins. In consultation with a doctor, it is permissible to use alcohol and water decoctions based on propolis. The limitation for use is individual intolerance to bee waste products. You should also consume a large amount of fresh berries and fruit drinks based on them.

It is important to understand that when treated with folk remedies, the level of protein in the urine of men and women is not immediately restored. The minimum duration of the course should be 3-4 weeks.


Thus, to summarize, it is necessary to highlight the important points:

  • Normally, protein in the urine of men, women and children is completely absent. Or its concentration does not exceed 150 mg per day;
  • the presence of proteins in the analysis is not always a signal of pathology. However, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination in order to determine the cause;
  • if protein and leukocytes are detected in the urine, then additional laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods are prescribed. The cause may be an infectious disease or cancer;
  • The sensitivity of the method is not enough to diagnose Bence Jones protein, which is a marker of oncology of the urinary organs.

  • Author of many scientific publications.

The presence of protein in the urine, as detected by the test, should make the patient wary. Of course, this may be a temporary phenomenon, in no way connected with anything serious, however, most often it indicates illness internal organs. In some cases, even about a malignant tumor. In order not to panic ahead of time, but also not to let everything take its course, you should figure out why there may be more protein in the urine than normal.

Causes of high protein

In medicine, an increase in protein levels in the urine is called. This process can indicate a variety of pathological processes, ranging from burns or injuries to systemic pathologies.

As for reasons not related to kidney disease in a man or woman, the presence of proteinuria may be a consequence of an increase in body temperature that accompanies colds. In addition, the substance can be detected due to intense physical activity or due to excessive consumption of products containing it.

Normally, protein in the urine should not exceed 3 ml/l. But an increase in its level does not immediately indicate a pathological process. You need to figure out what protein in urine means healthy people. This factor may be due to the following reasons:

  • increased physical activity;
  • emotional overstrain, stress;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • physiological hypothermia;
  • in newborns, increased protein is observed in the first days of life;
  • recent colds and infections;
  • use raw eggs, dairy products and other foods that contain large amounts of this substance;
  • some pharmaceuticals;
  • There may also be traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy, due to the growth of the fetus, which puts pressure on the kidneys.

However, a pathological increase in protein in the urine may also be observed, what does this mean? The occurrence of proteinuria often indicates a malfunction of the kidneys and other organs that control the excretion of urine from the body. Such pathological processes include:

  • infectious diseases that damage the renal tubules and glomeruli, resulting in the development of glomerulonephritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • diseases that disrupt the conduction of nerve impulses: stroke, concussion, epilepsy, etc.;
  • diabetes;
  • and other neoplasms in the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • inflammation of the reproductive and urinary system;
  • and other chronic pathologies of organs;
  • leukemia;
  • heart failure;
  • multiple myeloma.

It is also important to note that protein in urine in men and women has several stages:

  • the daily yield of the substance does not exceed 1 g. – light;
  • 1–3 gr. – average;
  • more than 3 gr. – heavy.

Symptoms of diseases

Slightly increased protein in the urine, as a rule, does not manifest itself in any way. Only a prolonged increase in proteins can affect the patient’s condition. In this case, the following may be noted:

  • swelling is one of the main signs of protein loss;
  • lethargy, weakness, loss of appetite;
  • increased blood pressure, which signals development;
  • muscle cramps and pain;
  • increase in body temperature.

Some changes also occur in the urine itself:

  • foam, especially when shaking the urine, this sign unmistakably indicates proteinuria;
  • whitish sediment and turbidity, which indicates an increased concentration of protein and;
  • a brown tint that indicates;
  • ammonia odor, which may be a consequence of diabetes.

Severe kidney disease, which increases protein in the urine, also increases the number of red and white blood cells.

Increased protein during pregnancy

If the kidneys fully cope with the load placed on them during pregnancy, then the norm of protein in the urine will not be disturbed. But even its increase does not indicate the presence of a serious illness in a woman.

Increasing the substance to 3 g. - a completely normal physiological phenomenon that does not lead to abnormalities in either the pregnant woman or the fetus.

On later even higher and can reach 5 g/l. This should in no way bother a woman if she has no alarming symptoms. However, proteinuria, accompanied by high blood pressure, swelling, and toxicosis, should make a woman wary and undergo the necessary examination.

What are the dangers of high protein levels?

From a technical point of view, an increase in protein in the urine is a consequence of its loss by the body's cells. But its functions in the body are quite significant. With the help of protein, structural, protective, hormonal and other processes important for life occur, the loss of which will negatively affect the functioning of the entire organism.

Therefore, increased protein in the urine in men and women, which is supplemented clinical symptoms, subject to thorough examination and immediate treatment.

Rules for taking a urine test

Urine is donated in the morning on an empty stomach. This is called a screening test. Improper urine collection or poor hygiene before taking the test may indicate the presence of a false high protein in the urine.

If the protein in the urine test exceeds the norm, an additional examination is carried out - a daily collection.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient must undergo a number of additional examinations. If the examination reveals a lot of protein and leukocytes, most likely we are talking about an inflammatory process. In the presence of protein and red blood cells, in most cases, stone passage or dysfunction of the urinary system is diagnosed.


Increased protein in the urine in men and women can cause its decrease in the blood. This phenomenon is accompanied by edema and increased blood pressure. In this case, it is important to immediately contact medical care. The doctor, after making an accurate diagnosis, will draw up a competent treatment regimen, which will depend on the cause of proteinuria. Increased protein in the urine, after identifying the cause of the pathology, is treated with drugs from various groups:

  • hypotensive;
  • decongestants;
  • antibacterial agents;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • cytostatics;
  • drugs that reduce blood clotting drugs.

If necessary, drug treatment can be supplemented with hemosorption and plasmapheresis. These are methods of blood purification.

To restore the normal level of protein in urine in women and men, it is necessary to eat properly, since proteinuria is caused by excessive consumption of fatty, spicy and salty foods. Therefore, the diet should include some restrictions:

  • the daily amount of salt consumed should not exceed 2 grams;
  • monitor the volume of urine excreted against the background of drinking liquid. The drinking norm for proteinuria is 1 liter per day;
  • eat as many fruits and vegetables (especially beets), raisins, milk, rice as possible;
  • limit consumption of meat and fish for at least 2 months.

For achievement positive result a decoction is prepared that has an anti-inflammatory effect. Tricolor violet, drop cap grass and black poplar buds are mixed in equal proportions. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 30 minutes. Drink in several doses throughout the day. Optimal results are achieved after a three-week course.


The most important thing is to prevent the development of chronic proteinuria. In this regard, it is important to follow preventive measures that will help avoid the development of serious causes of protein in the urine.

If changes in urine are detected that are characteristic of proteinuria, it is important to immediately visit a urologist and undergo a urine test. Timely treatment of proteinuria will save the patient from severe consequences pathology.

Often the cause of protein in the urine is diabetes or hypertension. In this case, it is important to constantly monitor blood pressure, reduce salt, sugar and protein intake as much as possible, and take the necessary medications.

The presence of pyelonephritis and other systemic kidney pathologies indicates that the patient should be constantly monitored by a urologist.

Quite often, during medical examinations, people encounter such a problem as increased protein in the urine. No one is immune from such a pathology, regardless of gender and age. What is this disorder? What are the reasons for its occurrence? Should I worry? Is it possible to cope with the problem on your own? These are exactly the questions that many patients are interested in.

What is proteinuria?

Increased protein in the urine is a condition that has its own medical name, namely proteinuria. It's no secret that proteins are extremely important for the normal functioning of the body, as they perform a lot of functions and take part in almost all processes (enzymes and hormones are protein substances).

Normally, there should be no proteins in the urine, or they may be present in extremely low concentrations. After all, protein molecules are too large to pass through the filtration system of the kidneys, so they are thrown back into the blood. Thus, the presence of proteins in high quantities indicates certain disorders.

What is the normal level of protein in urine?

Proteins can be present in human urine; in certain quantities, their presence is not considered a health hazard. Therefore, many patients are interested in questions about what is the normal level of protein in urine. Naturally, this indicator depends on many factors, including the gender and age of the person.

For example, in men the norm is values ​​that do not exceed 0.3 grams per liter of urine. This concentration may be due to physiological characteristics or increased physical activity. Anything that exceeds this figure can be considered pathological.

Basic diagnostic methods

If you have any problems, you should consult a doctor, who will probably prescribe a urine test for you. Elevated protein can be a sign of various diseases, so the specialist will recommend additional tests. For example, you will need to check your kidneys using ultrasound equipment or take blood tests for hormones and sugar levels, since sometimes proteinuria develops against the background of diabetes.

By the way, it is extremely important to correctly collect samples of biomaterial for analysis, since the accuracy of the study depends on this. As a rule, morning urine is needed for this, since it is more concentrated. Before urinating, it is necessary to wash - it is very important that the external genitalia are clean, since particles of epithelium and residual discharge can affect the results of the study.

What treatment methods does medicine offer?

You should immediately contact a specialist if, during tests, you have detected increased protein in your urine. What this means, how dangerous it is and how to treat such a condition, only a doctor knows. Therapy in this case depends on the root cause of such a disorder.

For example, with mild proteinuria, drug treatment may not be required at all. Patients are advised to follow a proper diet, limit the amount of salt and protein foods, monitor sugar levels, and avoid smoked, fried and spicy foods.

If we are talking about more serious conditions, then drugs are selected depending on the disease that led to the appearance of protein in the urine. For example, in the presence of inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or hormonal drugs - corticosteroids - can be prescribed. In the presence of high blood pressure antihypertensive drugs are used. Sometimes you may need to take cytostatics or immunosuppressants.

Are there effective home remedies for proteinuria?

Naturally, traditional medicine offers a lot of remedies that can help cope with the problem. But it is worth understanding that self-medication for proteinuria is strictly contraindicated. Folk remedies can be used only as an auxiliary therapy and only with the permission of the attending physician.

For example, parsley infusion is considered quite effective. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of parsley seeds and let it brew for two hours. The resulting infusion should be drunk throughout the day, naturally, having first filtered it. Parsley root can also be used to treat proteinuria. One tablespoon of the crushed root of this plant should, again, be poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew. It is recommended to take one tablespoon four times a day.

Cranberry juice is also considered quite good, as it will not only help cope with proteinuria, but also activate the work immune system and will positively affect the functioning of the whole body.

If a person gets sick, as a rule, he undergoes many tests, including a urine test. Special attention refers to increased protein in the urine or proteinuria. It indicates a pathology in the body, which often requires treatment.

According to medical standards, the amount of protein in the urine of a healthy person cannot exceed 0.033 g/l, but more often it is completely absent. If, as a result of the analysis, it was revealed, then what this means should be clarified with your attending physician, since other features must be taken into account to determine the pathology. Protein that exceeds the norm is usually divided into three stages:

  • mild, in which the amount does not exceed 1 g per day;
  • moderate is characterized by a content of 1 to 3 g per day:
  • severe, in which a lot of protein is found in the urine - over 3 g per day.

The exact level of protein in urine is determined using a biochemical analysis; if the level is exceeded, examination and constant monitoring are prescribed.

The reason that the analysis showed an increased level of protein can only be accurately stated by a specialist after the examination. Most often, high protein indicates urological diseases; in addition, it can exceed the permissible norm due to insufficient hygiene procedures before collecting the analysis. Increased protein in the urine in men is observed with inflammation of the prostate gland, as well as other diseases of the genitourinary system. An increase in this indicator can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Burns or mechanical injuries to the kidneys, as well as chemotherapy.
  2. Kidney pathologies often cause an increase in protein in urine. A large number of may be caused by such diseases as pregnancy, pyelonephritis, malignant kidney tumor. In these cases, the body produces too much protein, the volume of which the kidneys cannot cope with, so it must be excreted with fluid.
  3. Hyperthyroidism is a disease in which there is an increase in the blood levels of hormones produced by the thyroid gland.
  4. Diabetes mellitus almost always causes an increase in the level of protein in a person’s urine.
  5. Disease of the central nervous system.

These are not all cases in which a person has protein in his urine. An increase in this indicator can be caused by other pathologies, but they are not so common. Sometimes such a situation is not dangerous for a person and requires retaking the analysis, for example, with increased physical activity on the eve of the test, prolonged exposure to the sun or hypothermia, during severe stress or epileptic seizures.

What does increasing protein levels mean for a person?

An increased concentration of protein in the urine indicates the presence of a disease in the body, which, if not treated in a timely manner, can lead to the development of serious complications. Proteinuria in itself is not dangerous, since it is not a disease, but just one of the symptoms indicating the presence of pathology. It is imperative to find out the cause of the increase in protein in order to identify the disease in time and begin its treatment immediately.

During pregnancy, the amount of protein should also be within normal limits, but in later stages it can be increased. A high level of proteinuria implies hospitalization of the woman, as there is a threat to the fetus.

“Preeclampsia is a complication of a normal pregnancy, which may not manifest itself or may be manifested by edema, increased blood pressure, loss of protein in the urine, convulsions (eclampsia).” - Wikipedia.

There is a high probability that such a situation will lead to gestosis, which poses a danger to both the expectant mother and the fetus. It manifests itself in the following:

  1. For woman:
  • convulsions;
  • hemorrhage;
  • insufficient blood circulation.
  1. For the fetus:
  • oxygen starvation;
  • developmental delay;
  • acquisition of pathologies.

If increased protein is detected in the urine, it is necessary to either re-take the test or start looking for the cause of proteinuria in order to avoid the development of pathology. In any case, you should not ignore the presence of protein in the urine.

Methods for Reducing Protein Levels

Before you get rid of protein in your urine, you need to find out the reason for its appearance. Until the main source of proteinuria is eliminated, it is possible to reduce the amount of protein, but there is a possibility of its increase. Only after complete treatment will the result of a urine test be normal. Experts offer many methods that help reduce protein levels in combination with treatment of the underlying disease. If the norm is slightly exceeded, the patient is recommended to follow a special diet. They involve an increase in protein foods in the diet and a significant reduction in salt. Such measures will make up for the lack of protein in the body, which is excreted in the urine. Limiting salt to 2 g per day will help both reduce protein in the urine and prevent edema.

Necessity drug treatment Only a specialist should determine how to calculate the dosage and course of taking the drug. Drugs such as corticosteroids, cytostatics, and antiplatelet agents can reduce protein levels. In some cases, with increased protein in the urine, antibiotic therapy is used to prevent the development of infection.

Some drugs can reduce proteinuria. Most often, to get rid of high levels of protein in the urine, decoctions and infusions of various herbs, as well as fruit drinks from berries, are recommended. The most popular are lingonberries (both berries and leaves), cranberries, and parsley. They have diuretic and antiseptic effects, which increases the likelihood of reducing protein levels in the urine, as well as relieving the inflammatory process.

An unsatisfactory test result indicates the need to identify the cause of the disease. It is useless to treat the symptom, since as the disease progresses it will constantly return. Timely diagnosis and getting rid of the cause of health problems will prevent serious complications that can arise from elevated level protein in human urine.

In healthy people, protein in the urine should be absent or detected in extremely small quantities. Increased protein in the urine is diagnosed as proteinuria: this is a pathological phenomenon that requires consultation with a doctor and a number of additional examinations.

Causes of increased protein in urine

Perhaps everyone knows that protein is the main building element in our body. It consists of muscles, bones, organs, and is involved in many processes that occur inside the human body.

When the blood is filtered by the kidneys, then normally all substances that the body does not need (toxins, breakdown products) are excreted in the urine. If for any reason the filtration of the kidneys is impaired, then vital substances, such as protein, also enter the urine.

Sometimes a small protein content can be considered acceptable, however, its constant presence in the urine is not a good sign.

Among the reasons causing the temporary appearance of proteinuria are the following:

  • disturbance of the water balance in the body (excessive fluid removal, or lack of fluid from the outside);
  • feverish conditions;
  • sudden hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • vaginal discharge, failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules;
  • protein diet, excessive intake of protein from food;
  • physical overload.

In addition, the presence of protein can be noticed while taking certain medications. These include derivatives salicylic acid, lithium preparations, penicillin, sulfonamides, aminoglycosides, cephalosporin antibiotics.

Persistent protein detection is based on more serious pathologies that require treatment and additional examinations:

  • inflammatory diseases of the renal and genitourinary systems;
  • tumor processes of the urinary system;
  • plasmacytoma (malignant blood disease);
  • autoimmune diseases (lupus nephritis);
  • metabolic disorders (manifestations of diabetes mellitus);
  • toxic infections, poisoning;

In addition, protein may appear in the urine during chemotherapy, as well as in the presence of congenital anomalies kidney development.

Symptoms of increased protein in urine

Only pronounced and prolonged proteinuria can be represented by some symptoms:

  • pain and aches in joints and bones;
  • pale skin, weakness, apathy (symptoms of anemia);
  • disturbances of sleep, consciousness;
  • swelling, hypertension (signs of developing nephropathy);
  • cloudy urine, detection of flakes and white deposits in the urine;
  • muscle soreness, cramps (especially at night);
  • fever, lack of appetite.

If a general urine test shows an increased amount of protein, then a repeat test should be performed within one to two weeks. Repeated laboratory confirmation of proteinuria indicates the need for a thorough examination of the body and, in particular, the urinary system.

Increased protein in urine during pregnancy

If protein is found in the urine of a pregnant woman, this means that it is difficult for the kidneys to bear the increased load and problems have begun in their function. During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood increases, normal urine excretion is disrupted due to the growth of the size of the uterus, and chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract are exacerbated.

Inflammation and infectious processes are only part of the causes that provoke proteinuria. If a protein is detected, a pregnant woman should be thoroughly examined and not delay visiting a doctor, because proteinuria during pregnancy is one of the symptoms of the onset of nephropathy. This condition is a serious complication of pregnancy: if measures are not taken in time, the disease can provoke spontaneous abortion and even death.

Swelling, hypertension and the detection of protein in the urine of the expectant mother are three signs of developing nephropathy, or gestosis.

Don't complain that your doctor so often gives you directions for a urine test. He must keep an eye on possible appearance there is protein in the urine so that you can take action in time and save your life and the life of your unborn child.

Increased protein in the child's urine

The presence of protein in children's urine tests is a signal for a more thorough examination of the child's health. Proteinuria accompanies almost any inflammatory reaction in the body, so it is urgent to establish the causes of this condition. There can be many such reasons, and the main thing is to first rule out diseases of the renal system.

The detection of protein in urine should never be ignored. First, it is necessary to rule out urinary system disease and the presence of infection in the baby’s body.

In infants, proteinuria may be functional. This is facilitated by banal overfeeding of the child, severe fear, colds, and diathesis. Such proteinuria should disappear on its own. Simply put, if the result of the amount of protein in the baby’s urine is not higher than 0.036 g/l, then there is no need to worry. However, in such a situation, it would not be superfluous to re-test the child’s urine after 1.5-2 weeks.

If, in addition to proteinuria, the child has other warning symptoms, or a repeated urine test indicates a persistent increase in protein levels, it is necessary to immediately consult a pediatrician.

Sometimes protein in the urine can be caused by improper collection of material for analysis. Urine should be collected in the morning, and the child’s genitals should be thoroughly washed and free of traces detergent. The analysis container must also be perfectly clean. Collected urine must be brought to the laboratory within three hours of collection.

Foods that increase protein in urine

Eating disorders occur in people, unfortunately, quite often. We consume excessive amounts of protein foods and alcoholic beverages, salty and too sweet foods, as well as not very fresh and unhealthy food.

The kidneys cannot tolerate excess of anything. Protein diets that are very fashionable today involve eating only protein foods, which increases the load on the kidneys significantly.

Protein does not have the ability to accumulate in the human body. Where should excess protein and breakdown products go? Naturally, they need to leave the body, and this happens through renal filtration. By the way, it is precisely for the removal of protein products and detoxification of the body that during such diets it is recommended to at least drink more clean water. If you do not do this and continue to eat exclusively proteins, you can disrupt protein metabolism, fail in kidney filtration and develop urolithiasis.

Foods that are aggressive to the kidneys are foods that irritate the tissue of the kidney parenchyma. This is alcohol, including beer. Everyone knows the diuretic effect of such drinks. The removal of fluid from the body leads to thickening of the blood, which increases the load on the kidneys. It becomes difficult to filter thick blood, so the kidneys cannot cope and leak even the substances necessary for the body into the urine.

Other dietary excesses also increase the kidney load: too salty, too sweet, too spicy foods. All this, especially in combination with an impaired drinking regime, has a detrimental effect on the functionality of the urinary system and provokes the appearance in the urine of those components that should not normally be there. These include protein.

Treatment of increased protein in urine

Protein in the urine is not a disease, but only a sign of it. Therefore, before prescribing certain therapeutic measures, the doctor must discover the original cause of proteinuria. If the cause is diabetes, the doctor will treat diabetes. If the cause is kidney disease, the doctor will specify the disease (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis) and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The patient’s task is to seek medical help in a timely manner and not allow the pathological process to worsen its course.

An unambiguous positive addition to the successful treatment of proteinuria should be a balanced, nutritious diet, with the exclusion or limitation of salt, spicy seasonings, sugar, and alcohol. In no case should you completely exclude protein: the main thing is not to abuse it.

Try to maintain a balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in your diet. Only a balanced diet will facilitate the functioning of the kidneys and allow for faster restoration of impaired functions.

Avoid hypothermia, injuries, stressful situations. Drink more clean water and herbal teas. Cranberry tea or fruit drink, which is consumed with honey throughout the day, has a particularly good effect on the urinary system.

Good teas based on lingonberry leaf, St. John's wort, and chamomile.

Increased protein in the urine will cease to be a problem if you take the issue seriously and follow the recommendations good doctor and lead healthy image life. Be attentive to your health!