Happy birthday greetings to a man in prose. Happy birthday greetings to a man in prose. Heartfelt touching birthday greetings to a man in your own words

If you are invited to a birthday party, do not forget to bring with you a good mood, a gift and words that will be spoken from the heart. No matter how beautifully you can speak, but without preliminary preparation toast to festive table can turn into a moo that no one can understand. Perhaps you will not upset the birthday boy at all, but will only amuse him, but you must agree that a beautifully delivered toast is remembered better than words, said with excitement and out of place.

It is for such events that our article was written. If your friend, colleague has a birthday, close relative or just a male acquaintance, use our selection best wishes. Don’t even doubt it - you won’t fall face first into the dirt or Olivier.

1) Our dear birthday boy! On this festive birthday, we wish you to live like an elite cat. May everyone love and cherish you, may delicious food and the affection of your soulmate await you at home. The only month you really have to watch out for is March. After all, everyone has long known that in March all cats are very active. So if you go for a walk, then the love and affection for you will not go anywhere, but in one spicy place they can do something like this. So, in addition, we wish you to always take only deliberate actions. Happy Birthday to You!

2) Each age of a person is beautiful in its own way and has its own merits. In your youth, you were brave, carefree and dreamed of everything in the world. In adulthood, you gained wisdom, fulfilled your dreams, furnished a home and created a strong family. Today we celebrate your birthday, your anniversary and want to wish you new changes in life with the advent of a new age - of course, for the better! May you have your dreams again, youthful fervor, great mood and faith in tomorrow!

3) Our dear birthday boy! We wish you unwavering health, two hundred years of life, a wad of foreign currency shares, an expensive car, a summer house at sea, good luck and a lot of money in addition!

4) My dear friend! Since you are a motorist, my congratulations will be somehow related to cars. I wish you from the bottom of my heart to live to be a hundred years old! May the life engine in your chest always work without repairs or interruptions, may your life always be a wide and smooth track without potholes and potholes. I wish that you never skid on sharp turns, that you hold the steering wheel of life tightly in your hands and never let go of it. Have a successful and happy journey, dear!

5) On your birthday I want to wish you a little, but to the point. As a man to a man, I declare and wish: be simple, like the wind, inexhaustible, like the sea, full of memory, like the earth. Be light-footed, like the sail of a ship, cheerful, like the songs of the waves that rustle in the open air. May the thrill of life of all times and all races always live in you!

6) Our beloved birthday boy! Each leaf in your book of life is a year lived... When you turn over one page, life adds one unit to you. What does it mean? Absolutely nothing. It's just your book in which you write your own script. You will never know what is written on the next page, whereas you are quite capable of creating your own vision of destiny. So may you have the strength, desire and inspiration to describe your role and play it so that you can stage your own performance. And we will raise our glasses and just drink to you. Be happy!

7) Congratulations to a male friend. Buddy! What I will definitely do now is to pat you by your ears like a brother and congratulate you on a stunning day - your birthday! You are the most loyal guy - you are more worthy than all the blockheads I have known. You truly are the coolest and the most gorgeous. I am truly proud of our friendship with you. Today I sincerely wish you new achievements and new victories, selfless and pure love. Be happy, my friend!

8) Today is your birthday. This is a truly significant day for all of us, because you have become another year older. This does not mean that the years age you. On the contrary, over the years, a person’s soul only becomes younger, and his eyes are filled with the light of wisdom. So I wish to find true value in life, find and comprehend the mystery of love, catch the bird of happiness and hold it tightly by the fluffy tail while I have the strength. I wish you a cheerful life and more joyful moments. May every day be filled with light, and may you fill all the people who are close to you with light. I wish you happiness - as huge as a boundless sea. Don’t forget the way to your native shores and fill your life with joy. Happy birthday!

9) How wonderful it is that each of the inhabitants of the Earth has such a holiday as a birthday! Not a month, not a week, but a day. There are 6 billion people on our planet and there are 365 days in a year. This means that more than 16.5 million people celebrate their birthdays every day. Agree, it’s so magical! But today’s holiday is more valuable to me than the other 16,499,999 birthdays that are celebrated on this day. I wish that life will always be favorable to you, and that the people you meet along the way will be sincere and kind-hearted. Let your career fly smoothly and quickly, bringing not only moral, but also material satisfaction.

10) Today we wish you to keep up with the times in the future, to always be an innovator of ideas in today’s society. We wish you to find a profitable business and gain unprecedented fame. So that everyone admires you, points after you not with their index finger, but thumb- as a sign of support, approval and respect. We wish you happiness for many, many years to come. Happy birthday!

11) Congratulations for a single man. Dear birthday boy! My grandfather once left me several useful tips. Today I give them to you:
Best Woman not the one you want to be with, but the one you want to stay with.
Best car not the one that is the most beautiful and fastest, but the one that will take you home.
Best time that you will ever have - with your loved ones, with your children, with your dog while hunting and fishing.
Best friends- these are the people who will come to you even on your next anniversary.
We wish you to get just such friends in this life, to appreciate just such time, a car, a woman - in a word, I wish you only the best in life!

12) We wish you to live 200 years happily and never face serious problems. So that all your loved ones will never turn their backs on you, and your friends can support you in difficult times. Let there be fewer difficult moments, let them all be easy. Be free, open up, live exclusively for your own pleasure. Never think about the past and future, live exclusively in the present. May your deepest dream come true!

13) Our life is somewhat reminiscent of a high-speed train. They say that she is flying at full speed. I want to wish you on your birthday not to make hasty stops. Take care of your precious health, which is so easy to lose, but extremely difficult to regain. Be a sought-after man always and everywhere – both at work and in the family.

14) Happy Birthday, our dear man! The first thing we would like to wish you from the bottom of our hearts is that your cost price only increases over the years. The watch and car become even more expensive, the house becomes more luxurious, the wife becomes more beautiful and younger. But to be serious, let your wildest plans and grandiose undertakings come true. At the same time, you will not lose any weight, friends and peace of mind. I wish you health, peace, love and harmony in your home, at work and in public places!

15) Perhaps someone considers Birthday a sad holiday. We are sure that you are not one of those people. And really, why be sad if every year people become wiser, stronger and richer? After all, if you were a blonde, you would probably be sad about the fact that you are no longer “eleven.” However, for a real macho, another year of his life is an excellent reason for unbridled fun and a crazy holiday, with which we congratulate you. So new victories for you, interesting conversations, delicious and juicy wine and no hangover in the morning. May your health never let you down, may your beloved woman never tire of you, and may your true friends support you always and everywhere.

You have just seen for yourself that there are dozens, hundreds and even thousands of sparkling congratulations for men for all occasions. Use them wisely, learn at least a couple - and the birthday boy will remember your toast for a long time!

Beautiful birthday greetings to a man in prose that will not leave anyone indifferent. A selection of unique and original birthday greetings for a man in your own words or a themed card for every taste. More best congratulations a man simply cannot be found in prose!

Beautiful birthday greetings to a man in prose

Happy birthday to a real man! After all, a real man is a combination of such qualities as wisdom, determination, fortitude, courage, generosity, the ability to do something with his own hands, to be a reliable support and support for family and friends. You have all this and even more. I wish you all your long and comfortable life, filled with bright events and positive things, to always remain as you are!

Happy birthday to a gorgeous man! I wish you perseverance and determination, success and love, positivity and prosperity, happiness and health. It’s not that you don’t have enough of it, just let it all multiply!

Happy birthday to the most reliable man in the world! Time passes, and you only become more mature and self-sufficient, which definitely makes you beautiful and makes you more attractive! Let there be more memorable moments, positivity and tenderness in your life! I also wish you great health, unprecedented happiness, dizzying success, incredible travels, a lot of joy, mutual love, a seven-figure bank account, in general, everything that real men deserve!

I wish you great health, creative achievements, that you encounter as few obstacles as possible on your path, that your dreams and ideas come true as often as possible, and that failures and troubles are avoided two blocks away. Let inspiration settle in your soul, let your family and friends make you happy every day, and let your mood always be high.

Happy birthday pictures and cards for a man

Short birthday greetings to a man in SMS prose

Happy birthday! I wish you to remain as persistent and decisive, confident and self-sufficient, free and loved, sincere and happy. A real man deserves real feelings and gifts of fate, which I wish for you!

Happy birthday! May your capital increase, may you have more energy, strength, enthusiasm, and may your health not fail you. I wish you to always remain a noble man, a man not only of words, but also of deeds.

Happy Birthday man! I wish to remain at the epicenter of all events and movement, to gather loyal friends and devoted people around me.

Happy birthday to a brave and valiant man! I wish you steely self-control and the favor of fate, undiminished health and loyal friends, high prospects and true happiness.

On his birthday, I wish a daring man to be a winner in life, to manage it as he pleases, and to remain the darling of fate.

Happy birthday greetings to a man in your own words

Happy birthday to you! I wish you to always remain courageous, reasonable and noble! Let your salary allow all your “wants”, and let fate provide opportunities! Only the man himself knows what is necessary for him to be happy, so I just wish you great health and stunning success, a lot of joy and a sea of ​​positivity, as well as all the best that there is in this world!

Our kind and dear, honest and close, our groovy man, I will give you love, care, tenderness, affection. May all your innermost dreams and secret desires come true. I wish you continued health, to be successful and cheerful, contented and happy. Happy birthday!

Today, with all sincerity and from the bottom of my heart, I congratulate the wisest, most energetic, courageous and resilient person I know. Let your most desired dreams and bold plans come true. Achieve all the goals you have set for yourself that you have been striving for for a long time. May your family love, respect and understand you, and may there be more reasons in life for positive emotions, kindness and joy!

I wish you to be a winner, to always be the first. May mountains be conquered and dreams come true. Let life be interesting, bright, eventful, prosperous. Stay as strong, brave, courageous! I sincerely wish you health and career growth. Let everyone New Year It only makes you wiser, more successful and happier. Happy birthday!

Today I wish the most handsome, kind, smart guy a happy birthday! I wish you to always be the first and achieve everything! Win at everything! May good luck and success accompany you everywhere! But don’t forget about your loved ones and relatives who love you very much!

It’s fun and interesting to be with you, you are a pleasant conversationalist and person. I am happy to congratulate you on your birthday. Let life be painted in bright colors, and there will be many joyful moments in it. A bunch of fans don't give you peace of mind. Be happy and achieve great success.

It is with great pleasure that I congratulate a man of wonderful spiritual qualities on his birthday, in whose big heart there was a place for so many! We, friends and colleagues, in these wonderful festive moments, want to wish you a long and happy life full of joyful moments and pleasant impressions!

Preserve your optimism, sense of humor and lightness of character for many years to come! Be healthy, prosperous, successful, loved and happy! It's great to have you around!

Dear friend! Happy Birthday! I wish you to live without knowing grief, troubles, misfortunes. May your endeavors always end well and successfully, and may your dreams certainly come true, giving you joy and happiness! Be an open and honest person and then only worthy people will meet on your way!

We hasten to congratulate a handsome, smart, young boy on his birthday. We always want to be a winner, to be the first. May mountains be conquered and dreams come true. Let life be interesting, bright, eventful, prosperous. Stay as strong, brave, courageous!

Taking this opportunity, I want to wish you that luck will become your faithful companion, that every minute of your long life will be wonderful, that your cherished desires will come true as soon as possible, and that your dreams will definitely come true. I wish fate fair winds, good weather, sunny days. May you be appreciated at work, may love and mutual understanding reign in the family, may your children delight you with their successes! May there always be loved ones around you, may there be peace in your soul, and may there be happiness in your heart!

Today we celebrate your birthday together for the first time... and I feel like I'm on... best holiday in the world! At its head is you, today all the guests will congratulate you and wish you a lot of good things, and may everything come true! And then, when everyone goes home, I will hug you and confess my love and repeat what I wish now... May the sun, stars and moon shine for you every day! May your guardian angel always follow you and protect, help and fulfill all your wishes!

My dear friend and respected person! I congratulate you on your birthday and want to wish you strong health like steel, true happiness, endless joy, mutual love and beautiful music in your soul! Thank you for your kindness and understanding!

Boy, happy birthday to you! I wish you to always be healthy, draw positivity and joy from this life and give it to your loved ones. I also wish you to be a faithful, devoted friend, an ardent and passionate lover, a successful person and a real man who knows how to keep his word, has honor and easily conquers new horizons in life.

Why do I love the birthday boy? He's as smart as me. Let's drink a glass of wine to our friend and wish him to always have joy for the eyes, delight for the soul, and may the grains of his labors fall on fertile soil and always yield a rich harvest!

My dear, happy birthday to you! I wish that every year you live will be remembered only by good events, and that the advent of a new year in your life means the anticipation of new victories and achievements! I love you and really want to spend many more years with you!

My friend, congratulations on your birthday! We wish that everything goes well in life. Cold beer in warm company. Easy work and at the same time a hefty salary. Significant success with minimal effort. Girls with stunning forms and a rich inner world! In short, you have everything and even more than you need!

On your birthday, I wish you with all my heart good health! Go through life easily, without unnecessary worries and exhausting problems. Let all worries be only joy. I would like to wish that life never ends, and that on your way you never encounter any troubles or sadness, but only kind and sympathetic people. I wish you happiness, sunny days and great luck! Happy holiday!

You have everything a real man needs: courage, intelligence, courage and an inherent sense of humor. Happy birthday, may your opportunities outstrip your desires, may your dreams become reality, and may happiness be the main component of your interesting and hectic life.

Traditionally - health and happiness! Be happy every day and every hour of your life, may your health be such that you don’t even think about it! Let your beloved woman be nearby, let prosperity and prosperity reign in the house, let all your plans and dreams come true with ease! And may we still gather together at the festive table every year for many, many years to come, celebrating your successes and wishing you good luck!

I hasten to congratulate a great guy, a true friend, on his birthday. I would like to wish you a healthy body and a strong spirit, sincerity in relationships, optimism in life, love and true friends, as well as new victories and achievements.

I propose to drink to you, my dear friend. Let me wish you health, personal happiness, cash and non-cash, successful achievement of all your goals, a sea of ​​love, and then many more years of life to enjoy all this!

My dear! Today is your birthday! I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday! I wish you success in your work, mutual understanding with your family and friends! Always remain as kind and sincere as you are now! I love you so much!

This boy is tall, handsome and stately, and on such a wonderful, beautiful day we congratulate him on his birthday. We would like to wish you a cheerful, strong spirit, perseverance and courage in actions, clarity and speed of thought. May you conquer the peaks and Olympus and be surrounded by true, reliable friends.

Let's quickly drink to your happiness! And then we’ll have a quick bite and drink to your health again! And then - for good luck! For love! For fulfilling your wishes! In short, all the best to you!

We are alone in the world and it is very difficult to find someone who will become your travel companion, and if you have found such people, do not lose them, cherish these people. Losing is much easier than finding, and this phrase fits friends perfectly. I wish you faithful friends and sensitive girlfriends!

May you have many years of a happy, prosperous life ahead of you, in which all your dreams come true and you are surrounded only by your truest friends and closest people!

Be optimistic and satisfied with life, cheerful and cheerful, kind and peaceful. Be lucky and brave, kind and carefree! Easily implement your plans and always defeat your enemies. May your wife be both beautiful and wise. And life will be like a self-assembled tablecloth. Let everything be - you just have to wish it!

They used to say that in his lifetime a man should plant a tree, raise a son and build a house. How things have changed since then! Today's man must be strong as a rock in order to endure any storms of life with dignity, be able to do everything, cope with everything, and not be afraid of anything. This is what I wish for you - to be a role model. I wish you endless courage and patience, achieve all your goals. May the eyes of your parents and future children always shine with pride for you! Happy birthday!

Beautiful and original congratulations Happy birthday to a man in prose. Here you will definitely find those very cherished words that you wanted to say, but couldn’t find. We provide a choice of nice words and postcards that will warm the soul of any man.

Happy birthday to the most impressive and charming man! Let the troubles of life forget the way to you, let your dreams come true, and let success and luck accompany you in all your affairs! May your health only get stronger every year, may the joy of your loved ones and family warm your soul and fill your life with meaning!

Happy birthday! I wish you success in business, happiness in your personal life and creative inspiration! Stay as cheerful, lucky and infectiously cheerful! May everything you dream about and strive for certainly be achieved! Let your workdays be similar to each other, but in only one way - they invariably bring you extremely positive emotions!

Hooray! It's your birthday today! What a beautiful day! And I’m not too lazy to praise you today! I don’t wish you determination, vigor, enthusiasm and strength... You already have plenty of it! I’d rather wish you to work less, but earn more! Jokes aside, happiness to you, love and good health! Remain an exemplary family man, a great father and the same devoted comrade as you are now!

You are the most honest and devoted person on Earth! You always take care of your loved ones. You don’t let your comrades down and don’t be afraid of life’s obstacles. I wish you to be surrounded by people just like you! Let your dreams come true and all your ideas come true!

To a real man only sincere and sincere congratulations Happy birthday! I wish that you can pamper yourself more often with the simple pleasures of life, so that you have more time for family and friends. You really deserve it. Be happy!

Let you be surrounded only by your closest and most devoted friends, and those who are ready to sincerely rejoice at your happiness and not turn away in bad days! Good health, immense happiness, more joyful moments and bright emotions! Let life go as you planned! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! I wish that you always have the opportunity and desire to explore the unknown, as well as visit new places! Live an interesting and exciting life. Always follow your dreams!

Happy birthday, dear! I wish you immense happiness, unfading health, incredible luck and the realization of absolutely any ideas! Be the same kind, sympathetic, positive, impressive, in general, a real man!

Short congratulations in prose on a man’s birthday

Happy birthday to the most spectacular and representative man! I wish you to know only bright days!

I wish you to find something beautiful and positive even on Mondays! Remain the same cheerful, infectiously cheerful and confident man! Happy birthday!

May the Lord reward you with prosperity, health, vigor, happiness, prosperity and family comfort. Success in all your endeavors and support from your loved ones!

I want to wish you a happy birthday! I wish you chocolate health, grape fun, endless life, eternal youth, smile more often and not be upset! Freaky mood, cool unforgettable holiday Today! And of course, eternal and mutual love!

Happy Birthday! I wish you a sea of ​​positivity, an ocean of unforgettable adventures, a lake of magical wishes that are sure to come true, filling your life with joy, happiness, warmth, prosperity, faith, meaning and love, pure and serene, like a river.

Happy Birthday! I wish you more health for you and your family, more luck and luck, so that there is enough for all your affairs! I wish you goodness and patience in order to reach your intended goal. May your heart always be filled with love, warmth and tenderness.

Congratulating you on your birthday, I want to wish you a sea of ​​joy and an ocean of good luck! Let the stars fall into your hands. After all, you are the best in the world! And most importantly: kind and sympathetic, cheerful and sweet, energetic and loved. That's what you are, our dear man!

Happy Birthday to You! I wish you a sea of ​​success, and an ocean of positivity, as much money as there are stones at the bottom of the ocean, health, success, good and loyal friends! So that every new day is like a holiday for you, I wish you not to know grief, and always smile, the purest and truest love, health to all your family! Always be positive, live the way you want!

Happy Birthday! Time passes, and you get younger, it has no power over you, let there be more luck in your life, a sea of ​​smiles and affection! I also wish you health, happiness, success, breathtaking travels, joy, love, prosperity, in general, everything that the best wishes for!

Happy birthday, today we hasten to congratulate you, and of course congratulations will not keep you waiting long. May success await you in everything, may the whole world please you, may you have good health and excellent business, may you never be discouraged, may you see many joys, may you have a big bag of money and rest all year round, may your work please you and your family support you, may you have many loyal friends , more creative ideas.

There is so much I want to say on this day, but all the words are a little unnecessary here. I only wish you goodness, success, happiness and health. Let your true friends, family and dearest ones be nearby. Make every day happy with a smile, may the sparkle of your shining eyes never leave you. Thank you for being with us. I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

You should never be sad about the year that has passed. After all, this is not only a completed date: it is an invaluable experience, many happy moments (and in small things too), as many as four seasons of the year (which even smell each in a special way), acquired wisdom (such that it is only realized over time). And a personal countdown just for you. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! I wish that the sun shines, even on the grayest days, that the moon illuminates only moments of love. I wish you success in all your endeavors, a whole trailer of health, sincere smiles and cheerful laughter in the circle of dear people. I wish you the brightest, biggest and purest love, so that wings grow behind your back and your eyes glow with happiness!

With all sincerity I want to congratulate you on your birthday! You are an amazing person who deserves only happiness. There are various obstacles and problems in life, but I wish you to overcome them because I believe in you. May your loyalty and love be mutual, and may your hard work bring a lot of profit. And, most importantly, I wish you health, because without it there will be nothing in life. Good luck in life, success and happiness that you deserve!

I would like to wish you health, creative success, so that there are as few obstacles and obstacles on your path as possible, so that your dreams come true as often as possible, and failures are avoided. Let inspiration never leave you and make you happy every day with smiles and good mood.

I wish you to be lucky in the lottery, so that your career soars to the skies, so that love follows on your heels and luck awaits you at every corner. May each day be brighter than the previous one and delight you with only positive emotions.

On this wonderful day for you, I want to wish: May your star in the sky burn brighter than anyone else, showing the way in this confusing world. So that you do not know any troubles, no grief, no separation. Love like in a fairy tale, and your eyes burned like fire with happiness, let the breathtaking mood, the charge of positivity, smile on fortune, have everything in life that your soul desires!