Festive toasts and congratulations. Oak barrels Happy birthday 80th anniversary

Eight tens is a round date!
In memory is what happened once.
But don't be sad and don't be discouraged,
Don't forget this glorious day!

May your health be good,
Happiness will not forget the way to your home,
Let the birds sing outside the window,
Well, relatives love and honor.

We congratulate you on your birthday
And from the bottom of our hearts, without a doubt, we wish
It's even more fun to meet one day
An important centenary anniversary!

We came to the anniversary
So meet us soon,
Invite me to feast
Celebrate your anniversary!

You only have an “8” in your soul,
Well, we’ll discard the “zero” -
Let him stand aside
And wait a little!

Honor, Praise and Respect
For such a mood,
For smiles, kindness,
For all this fuss!

We want to live to be 100 years old,
Bypass all obstacles
Enjoy, feast,
Never lose heart!

Eighty - what a solid number! And especially if it is an anniversary. Eighty years of a worthy life... How much good you have done! Now you are an example of a worthy person for everyone gathered here. We sincerely wish you the strongest health and good spirits. Let the warm attitude of your children and grandchildren warm your heart. May there still be room for various pleasant chores on your life path. Happy anniversary to you!

Congratulations on your anniversary.
You are now a year wiser.
Eighty? No problem!
Be happy always!

May your health not fail you
Let fortune walk nearby
And let the years go by
Slowly, slowly.

And your experience is precious
May generations take care
Let him always be there
Yours Friendly family!

Today is your anniversary,
I won't name the number.
Much more important than this
I wish you a lot of health.

And all the past years
They give you invaluable experience,
So be happy always
And let there be comfort in the house.

You are valued by your loved ones, friends,
You help them all
After all, there is no other way to live,
It doesn't work out at all.

On this holiday, on the anniversary, I
I really want to wish you
Be more cheerful and cheerful,
There is no sorrow, no sorrow!

There is already a lot behind,
For eighty years
I want to continue to wish you
Achieve new victories!

Happy anniversary,
Let happiness flow like a fountain,
So that health is added,
Your strength has increased.

So that the next holiday,
Ninetieth anniversary,
You met exactly the same
Among relatives and friends!

Let the years leave a mark
In wrinkles, a wise look,
Your smile was always with you,
And there’s no need to be sad.

We wish you that you always
Trouble followed a different path.
Let fate smile
May the sky be peaceful.

Let reason win over time
The body will be healthy.
Let your heart not hurt.
Walk through life boldly!

We wish you to look at life
Without a shadow of regrets
And become your inspiration
For entire generations!

Ten times eight years -
This is a long life trail.
You are living history
And for us - a dear soul!

Be healthy, don't get sick,
Don't regret the past
We love you very much
Let us wish you lovingly:

We are happy to live longer,
Happiness to see more!
Raise grandchildren and great-grandchildren
And always be fun!

That's the holiday, that's the date -
Eighty whole years.
And today, as before,
You are an authority for us.

As before, you are active
And always smiling.
Let them be positive
Your long years.

Forget about illnesses
And dance with us.
And be drunk with happiness
Every day and every hour!

Everyone who loves and respects you,
We gathered at the table today.
Your anniversary is celebrated together
Eighty is a turning point.

This is victory over adversity,
This is life's joyful triumph.
Congratulations, warmth and light,
Let only kindness live around!

Just think... Eighty years!
The experience is enormous, and the memories
Over the years, it's like sunshine...
Yes... In them have a nice day Charm...
You were always and everywhere reasonable,
And life had a lot of adventures.
We greatly appreciate your work and will not forget it.
He is a worthy example for generations.
Of course, we wish you health,
We dream of joy sparkles in your eyes
See and respect immensely!

Daddy, today is a special day,
80 years is a beautiful date!
I wish from my heart that
Life was rich in joy!

So that the grandchildren can give happiness,
So that there is grace in the house,
So that there is everything that is sweet to the heart,
Everything for warmth!

Eighty means
An important age is indicated.
All the relatives will go for a walk,
Happy anniversary

And wish you health, laughter,
And good luck and success,
Many years to come, and all the best to them,
And recognition and awards!

Wrote congratulations -
Wishes island!

Eight tens! Almost a century!
A worthy man lives on earth!
We want to congratulate him from the bottom of our hearts.
After all, you have conquered so many peaks!

All the wisdom of a century is behind you!
Both grandchildren and children crowd in a crowd,
We wish you health, warmth, optimism!
From all congratulations to you, handwritten.

Happy anniversary - 80 years
Let me congratulate you, grandfather!

I wish you with all my heart,

We, gathered as a friendly family

Ten times eight years
This is a trace of a long life,
You are living history
And for us - a dear soul!

Be healthy, don't get sick,
Don't regret the past
We love you very much
And we wish, lovingly:

We are happy to live longer,
Happiness to see more!
To raise grandchildren and great-grandchildren,
And always be fun!

Happy anniversary - 80 years
Let me congratulate you, grandfather!
On this day it doesn't matter at all
There have been so many small troubles in life!

I wish you with all my heart,
So that when another hundred years pass,
We, gathered as a friendly family
They sang “Happy Birthday, Grandfather” again!

You've come a long way
It’s impossible to count the years.
Another generation is already calling by patronymic.
But the soul is still so young,
That you want to conquer peaks.

And on this anniversary, venerable
We have composed a short greeting for you.
About the most important thing, about the secret,
About everything you want to say
There are only a couple of lines in it.

You are eighty years old today
We would like to wish you well,
Cares of loved ones, tenderness
Health and patience.
And may sadness never overtake you.

Even though you are eighty years old today,
And the birthday is every year.
We wish you good health,
And we will celebrate the holiday especially.

So that life still seems like a fairy tale,
So that it would suddenly be filled with rainbows of paint.
We'll prepare lunch for you here right away,
May you live a long time without sorrows, sorrows and troubles.

And on this quiet evening,
Read my tender congratulations.

80th anniversary - what a holiday!
Not everyone will celebrate such an anniversary!
Be happy, our dear granny!
You are probably not on earth, kinder!

You raised us, raised us, taught us,
She gave advice - what to do, what to do.
Health and happiness, fun and peace,
And of course, live another 200 years!

Eighty is a mature age.
Already assembled for the anniversary
Experience is like wealth
Generational brotherhood.

We wish you the whole family
Good health.
There is no dearer to us than you -
Let's confess with love.

I received this congratulation -
It contains a confession of 10 lines!

I heartily congratulate you on your anniversary!
And don’t say that you’re 80!
What you can do, even we can’t,
After all, you are vigorous beyond your years!

Boss, I wish you happiness
And endless shower warmth!
And even on a stormy day
Let life be beautiful and easy!

Colleague, good luck to you and many years to come!
Your anniversary is very important today -
After all, 80 years
Maybe one day in our lives!

I wish you peace and goodness,
Long life and good health!
So that you will always be with us
And sadness did not touch my eyes!

Happy anniversary!
And we’ll hug you soon,
We will shake your hand firmly,
We'll offer congratulations,

We wish that you always
The soul was cheerful,
Young and cheerful
And there was that special one in the eyes

The sparkle is perky, mischievous,
Like a steppe breeze,
Be happy for years
This is your wisdom with you!

Happy 80th birthday to you!
You look much younger than these years,
I wish you well-being in your family and happiness,
Always give the right advice

After all, with wisdom you now walk in one step,
Let the bright light of youth in your soul never go out!
May you always have good health, on any journey,
Anyone helped you find the answer!

Happy birthday greetings on your 80th anniversary

Birthday is a fun holiday! Would anyone disagree? But the “fun” and “festiveness” of any birthday depends on congratulations and gifts. So, if you are soon going to celebrate, for example, the 80th birthday of one of your relatives, friends or people close to you, do not rush to “write down” the holiday as “boring”.

Happy 80th birthday greetings can be made quite sweet and joyful. First of all, to do this, you need to carefully study what your hero of the day likes and doesn’t like. Maybe. One of the most best congratulations for the hero of the day at 80 years old there will be a congratulation in verse.

You can write a congratulation in verse yourself, or you can ask one of your relatives and friends to do it. Be sure to choose only the most beautiful and warmest wishes. But it’s not only what your congratulations on your 80th birthday will be that is important. And also how you present it.

Remember that you need to speak clearly, distinctly, without long pauses or hesitations. There should be solemnity and joy, respect and warmth in your voice. You must speak while standing. You can learn the greeting by heart, or you can read it from a postcard. Don’t slouch, don’t sway from foot to foot - after all, all the guests will be paying attention to you at this time.

What to give for your 80th birthday? As a sweet addition to your 80th birthday greetings, there can be a beautiful huge cake, a painted portrait of the birthday person - alone or with his family. You can also give a beautiful painting, tableware, good cognac - it’s better if he is the same age as the birthday boy J...

For your everyday work
And for battle victories
For your gentle hands
Your grandchildren bow to you.
We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you eternal health,
May it be strong an old house,
Let happiness settle in him.
So that in twenty years you will be even more cheerful
You've celebrated your centenary!

You are eighty! This is a worthy example!
We will now count and celebrate all your merits:
Family head and specimen good manners,
And a very comfortable interlocutor for neighbors in everything.
Wishing you to be happy and joyful today,
We will not regret the warmth and kindness in our words;
Well, be healthy and continue to love us,
How you love life, how it loves you... Happy anniversary!

80 years old is not old
And there is no reason to be sad.
Grandfather, you are our joy,
We won't stop saying this!
Better than grandfather look, try.
After all, in the entire Universe you are the only one.
And today, on this special day,
We came to congratulate the whole family.

Wise age - eighty years
It came suddenly, unexpectedly.
But don't be upset, no
The book of life has not been read at all.
May you enjoy many years
Gives the huge world only the best!
Let them always live in your soul,
Kindness, love, generosity!

As if yesterday I was a girl
Today you are 80 years old.
Look at the grandchildren, the great-grandson - the little boy,
This is the trace of your life!
We congratulate you with all our hearts
And we see an affectionate and warm, gentle look.
We wish you happiness and many years to come.
What did not come true, let the grandchildren make it come true.

Congratulations on your glorious anniversary
Today we celebrate 80 years
Our youth has long said goodbye to us,
But to us it all seems like yesterday.
Wrinkles brooding wisdom
We see in the mirror in the morning.
But the heart finds no place,
And the hour of meeting is not far away:
Second youth comes
To the one who saved the first.

You have lived eighty years
And we stepped into the 21st century.
This means you are very lucky
You are a happy person in life.
May you have good health and a nice day
They give cheerfulness, a lot of fresh strength,
So that every hour and new moment
Bringing you great joy!

Eighty is a mature age.
Already assembled for the anniversary
Experience is like wealth
Generational brotherhood.
We wish you the whole family
Good health.
There is no dearer to us than you -
Let's confess with love.

You took eight acres,
Our deepest bow,
Gifts from the bounty of the Earth,
I wish you high dreams!

The earthly path is the only one
He will be successful - just believe.
Eight dazzling peaks
There is now behind your back.
Congratulations to everyone today
they have come for you
you will accept good words.
Let the tears dissolve the slush
And the words make my head spin
Then you are alone with yourself
Remember the whole past again.
You know that everything earthly
You can forget and get lost,
If only the light of hearts in the darkness does not go out,
If only the children remembered along the way
And under the gaze of kind, wise eyes
They could walk into the distance tirelessly.
This experience is your priceless treasure -
If an old, faithful friend is nearby,
If everything is fine in your family,
There is both the heat of the soul and the strength of the hands.

80 - long journey, not easy,
Time for grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children.
In this world you are not alone.
Smile on this anniversary.
May your health be strong,
Let the sun caress you with warmth,
May family, friends and children
Fill your home with joy!

Year after year flew by quickly,
Your grandfather is eighty years old today.
You are the elder of our large family,
And as before, you are young at heart.
You always give me useful advice,
It's good that I have such a grandfather.
Your most cherished dream,
So that the grandchildren are always happy.
I'll try not to upset you -
I promise to find the bird of happiness.
But don’t upset me either -
Think less about doctors.
Listen to your grandchildren and children
And please, we ask, don’t get sick!
And promise me again, grandfather,
That you will live to be a hundred years old.

80 years is a long time
Time to accept congratulations.
On your anniversary we want for you
Youthful laughter, enthusiasm and fire.
Drive illnesses away.
Invite health.
In honor of our toast
Pour some glasses.
We wish you
Don't grow old with your soul.
Forget about the burden of years
And just get younger.

Eighty years is the time
Gray hair so as not to be ashamed!
Years are a blessing, not a burden.
A lot can be achieved!
We value life experience.
It only comes with age.
Happy anniversary!
May luck continue.
Let the fun never leave you.
Life is never a burden.
Let love not perish in life,
Let the beautiful muse bloom!

Eighty is just a possibility
To summarize carefully
What did come true?
What happened in fate?
What remains to be decided
Or maybe even change it.
So celebrate the holiday
Accept wishes!
For many years of work for the good
We are also very happy to celebrate.
Wrote congratulations
Read it right on time.

Today is your anniversary,
You are 80 years old
A very solid anniversary,
But there is no place for sadness!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
You have reached great heights -
You are a grandfather, father, husband
And very loyal good friend!
We wish you on this day
Health and warmth,
And so that, without knowing evil and troubles,
Life flowed like a river.
Great happiness, many years to come,
Hello from family and friends!

Eightieth anniversary -
Success multiplied by so many years!
And how many important days there were
And how long have you lived?
Such a date without a trace
It can't get through, that's clear!
Let them be bright years
And everything will be fine for you!

You have become wiser, you have become even more valuable,
For us. We give you this congratulations
We wish you younger every day,
Feel happier, grandpa.

The date suddenly crept up unsung -
Anniversary, another threshold;
But just in time for his eightieth birthday
We can sum it up.
You are both the hero of the day and the elder;
Let the silver shine in your temples -
You are a charming woman
And you won’t find such beauty!
There is no clear age limit for you -
There is no need for you to think about her...
Happy anniversary! I wish you happiness and vigor,
And health, and nice days!

I congratulate you on your anniversary,
Today is my 80th birthday!
I wish you good health,
Reveal the secret that worries you!
And you can do a lot more,
You will remember your youth!
So let the road be bright and clear,
The road where your dreams live!

Lucky are those who live to see their eightieth birthday! Moreover, remaining sane and of good memory, finding the strength to serve oneself and enjoy all manifestations of life. A person at this age is happy that he lives in the world, that he sees his continuation in the form of a family nearby, that there are still like-minded people, friends and acquaintances left. And on the anniversary day, probably, most of all he will be glad to hear words of sincere gratitude and pure love for everything he has done for those around him. If you don’t know what words to choose, our wonderful site with his congratulations will help you. Come in and choose to suit your taste and the joy of the birthday boy!

You are eighty today,
You wouldn't say so at first glance,
You are energetic, cheerful, wise,
Full of self-confidence.
Congratulations on your wonderful anniversary,
We sincerely wish you the best health,
May you be valued, loved, respected,
Let your relatives surround you with care and affection.

On your anniversary birthday,
With all our hearts we wish you joy, goodness,
Let your heart not feel tired,
May the Lord always protect you.
Let your wisdom, experience, instructions,
They always help us in life,
Let life give you only guidance,
May the eightieth spring bring you good luck.

We are happy to congratulate you on your eightieth anniversary,
Meeting you is a huge reward for us,
Today all compliments and warm words to you,
Be healthy and happy always.
May spring always sing in your soul,
Let your years be wealth,
We wish to be in in great shape Always,
May fate be favorable to you.

You, my dear, have lived for eight decades
And this, I tell you, is not little.
And if you could return everything, you would change something,
But nothing can be started over.
After all, in life you had everything on your way:
Both black and white stripes.
I wish you to live to be a hundred and only move forward,
May everything you have in mind come true!

Our grandfather, you are not old at all,
Well, let’s just say he’s elderly.
You write your memoirs in the evenings,
How young you were once.
There are many, many wrinkles on the face,
Well, the look is as mischievous as before.
Happy holiday! Live long, our dear one,
80 is a long way!

Today is your significant anniversary -
You are 80! Congratulations on that!
Today guests toast at the table
They will only do it for you! Well, I wish
Good Siberian health to you!
Happy days, kindness and warmth!
Tender smiles, sunshine like in May!
More time with your family.

And at eighty years old they are full of health,
Energy, vigor, and strength!
We wish you peace of mind,
May every day bring only joy!
For your grandchildren you are a role model,
And for children - a loved one,
Please accept this wish from the bottom of your heart:
May your happy life be long!

Eightieth anniversary -
Success multiplied by so many years!
And how many important days there were
And how long have you lived?
Such a date without a trace
It can't get through, that's clear!
May the years be bright
And everything will be fine for you!

Eighty years is such a date
What cannot be ignored.
How rich you are in soul and heart,
And today the whole family is nearby!
We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
And wish you good health,
To glorify your valor on this day,
So that you don’t want to be discouraged!

May 80 years of health
They only bring you strong things,
Meet every day with love,
And all worries will go away!
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Live many bright years,
Happy birthday to you!
I wish you many victories!

Please accept congratulations on your anniversary,
You are eighty years old today!
This is an age that is worthy of respect,
And I want to wish you a life without troubles!
I want you to look back at the past,
You never knew regrets
And so that you rejoice every day when you wake up,
Knowing that life is not lived in vain!

Today the anniversary brings two letters,
One is about happiness and the other is joy.
And the holiday, like tenderness and sincerity itself,
Brings many different gifts to the house.
Today you are 80, but you don’t believe the number,
And believe the path behind the slightly open door
There will be no sadness, sorrow and loss in life.
To do this, just believe in happiness.
And congratulations will tell everyone about spring,
Where white flowers bloom without melting
In the sunny wind. And the truth is in the wine
Today he reveals his secrets.

Congratulations on the anniversary!
A whole 80 years
You warm your loved ones with a smile
And I’m ready to give advice.

May you have joyful days
Your life will be filled
And happy news
More often than not, friends make you happy.

May goodness be with you
Warmth and magic
If the heart is young -
It's always easy to love!


Eighty years! What is the date!
Noble, worthy of praise.
So let it begin to come true now,
What everyone wished for today.

On my own behalf I just want to add,
May you enjoy your years of enjoyment.
They have so much experience and worldly wisdom.
I also only wish to become younger.


Today we congratulate one wonderful and wise woman on her anniversary. Eighty years is not just an age, it is actually a reason to be proud. A whole era has passed since the moment you were born. May today's birthday bring you only positive emotions. Happy holiday!


Here, celebrating your anniversary,
The family gathered at the table,
And three generations included
Your home is cozy and kind.

After all, the 80th anniversary,
Worthy of love and respect,
Health, goodness, long life
We all want to wish you well.

Great-grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers -
The honorary titles are yours.
Let your soul be at peace,
And the house will be a full cup.


80 to you today,
Relatives gathered around.
A glorious and worthy age,
The whole family congratulates.

Wisdom of life wishes you
Pass it on to your children.
And a big family hearth,
As before, keep it.

Poems for a woman's 80th birthday


On a day like this there is no need to remember
About years of lived moments.
We want to write poetry for you
Eighty different congratulations.

May your health be eighty times greater
It will only get stronger every year.
And wrinkles in cheerful eyes -
This is the joy of your people.

May your father's House protect you,
Weight doesn't bother you.
Let sorrows melt into a dark sleep,
There will be joy from any work.

And may the years be solid
We rushed somewhere eighty times,
Never try your best,
May summer always be with you.


Your age is worthy of respect -
Eight dozen have already passed!
Let me on the anniversary day,
Congratulations sincerely, warmly.

I wish you health and peace,
Warmth and comfort all around,
May everything be sweet to your heart
Let your leisure time be pleasant.

May the sun and birds please you,
And happiness flows from the eyes,
Let youth be an airy girl
There's a dance in your soul!


80 is great
So, they didn’t live in vain.
So we want to wish you
Never lose heart.

You visit resorts
Never forget,
Life requires work and sport,
And of course a delicious cake.

Always be cheerful
And, forget about the years.
Love jokes, songs, laughter,
To be everyone's favorite.


Celebration in honor of the anniversary,
You have overcome seven dozen.
We sincerely love you,
May God protect you from troubles!

You are a pride for children and grandchildren,
And your experience is science for them
To live like you, I grieve for goodness,
And to know that you didn’t live in vain.

May all wishes come true
There is peace and understanding in the family.
Live, don't let the flowers wither
Five more decades!


On your 80th birthday
More bright, bright days.
I wish you warmth and love,
I appreciate and respect you.

So stay like this,
Healthy and with a mischievous smile.
You enjoy every day.
Let all adversity be nothing!

Happy 80th birthday to a woman


Happy anniversary! Let there be health
Stronger than the mountains, the mood is wonderful.
There will be plenty of kindness and warmth,
The sky will be bright and clear!

And fate will try its best for you
In the future, give only joy and happiness,
So that you smile like you do now,
And all the worries and bad weather went away.

After all, you are only 8 tens
Performed on a wonderful holiday,
May everything in life be in order,
Stay simple and charming!


That's it! What an anniversary!
It's already a few hundred left,
But appearance twice as young
And there is still plenty of gunpowder left.

Let your health only get stronger,
Let illnesses go irrevocably,
And I congratulate you on such an event,
And I wish you a fun, wonderful life!


Happy 80th birthday to a respected and wonderful woman. May your years be your pride, may life go calmly and smoothly, may happiness and love surround you. I wish you to always be in excellent health and a joyful mood.


80 years is your glorious anniversary,
In honor of you today
The toast sounds healthy.
Years we are yours
We count in tens,
Good health
On your anniversary we wish you
So as not to get sick,
To live in peace,
Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren
Were there to be with you.
We wish you happy
There were quite a few days
On the 100th anniversary,
So that you call us.


So many years have passed in a moment,
And you're just as young
And successful, and skillful.
The soul writes with vigor.

Congratulations on the anniversary!
Eighty is so little...
Look at life more boldly!
Remember everything you dreamed of.

And do what's left.
Then come up with something new.
So that everything works out!
Never be sad!

Always smile
And let your health grow stronger,
Beauty Blooms
And everyone around me respects you!

Happy 80th birthday to a woman


Not everyone is given the same -
Celebrate your eightieth birthday.
But we wish you all the same
Celebrate as many holidays as possible.

Don't be discouraged, don't lose your courage,
Don't let your health worry you.
Still love and dream.
And don’t let anything upset you anymore.


You've become a year older today
The anniversary has arrived today,
But in our eyes you are only more beautiful,
And we want to congratulate you!

Smile with a bold smile
Happiness and health for centuries,
Let reality vacillate for everyone,
But today we want to wish:

Joy, good luck and luck,
So that your family will always be with you,
So that the fun does not stop,
May you remain yourself!


You are elegant and wise
Gray whiskey suits your face,
You are so beautiful and kind
Young at heart!

You are exactly 80 years old,
We congratulate you on the holiday!
Let the sun give bright light,
And we hug you!


80 to you today,
You woman is simply wow.
Charm, mystery and charisma
Let them always sparkle in your eyes.

You look at your passport less
It's a miracle how good they are.
I wish to save further
This facet of your soul.

Convey great wisdom
Knowledge is significant luggage.
It stirs the heart just as much
Well done, your courage.


You are eighty today -
Your anniversary is wonderful.
You are still so beautiful
Your mind is clean and clear.

We wish such a woman
Health, more strength,
Well-being in the family,
Live on earth longer!

80 years old woman


Eyes shine with beauty
And at eighty years old;
Fire in the soul, and sadness in it
As it was not, it is not.

Age doesn't matter if you
I’m just as in love with life;
Flowers bloom in your soul:
You are full of joy.

We wish you love,
Be broad-minded;
Let luck be with friends
And it will be great.


You are eighty years old today,
Let this anniversary be bright!
I wish you to live happily and without troubles,
Let them add five zeros to your pension!

May your health grow stronger and not be empty,
Let loved ones, friends be nearby,
May luck always be like a magnet,
Haunts you obsessively!


Congratulations on the anniversary!
A whole 80 years
You warm me with your smile
And I’m ready to give advice.

Let life warm you with warmth,
It will surprise you with a bright miracle,
And let there be time
To make your dreams come true!


Congratulations on your anniversary
And we wish you victories in life,
Although we are all slowly aging,
But at your eighty years
We wish you to be always
Healthy, strong, young,
Let all your wishes come true
They perform themselves.


Happy 80th birthday to a wonderful woman. May your every day be happy and joyful, may grace and good luck come to your home, may your loved ones love and appreciate you deeply, may there be much in your life. happy Holidays and memorable events.


Happy eighty anniversary
I congratulate you with all my heart.
Happiness let the magic light
Gives a sea of ​​lightness and peace.

Let every moment be sweet
And let your health grow stronger,
So that joy reigns in the soul
And sadness did not arise for centuries.


A special anniversary has come to you,
Open the door for him quickly.
That's it! Eight tens
We all need this kind of life!

We wish your health not to end,
Luck smiled for you every day,
Happiness, luck, love, achievements,
Once again we wish you a happy birthday!


I hasten to congratulate you very gladly
You are eighty years old!
Today is your anniversary,
And in honor of him on this day this banquet!

I wish you good health,
May you live to be at least a hundred!
May any of your dreams come true,
To paint life in bright colors!


Let the wrinkles live on your face,
Let your temples be covered with gray hair,
We wish you only the best,
We give roses and a lot of cards.

Your anniversary has come today,
Well, you are as good as before.
But eighty is not the limit,
After all, there is still so much hope in my soul!


What a wonderful anniversary!
You are 80! Congratulations!
There is no one kinder and wiser than you!
We wish you very happiness!

Always a beautiful woman
And this age is not a hindrance,
Let all these years become
Your springboard for success!


Happy anniversary,
You're 80 now.
You are the best among women,
There are none more beautiful among the ladies.

Be happy and healthy.
Smile as always
Let it be beautiful and worthy
The bright years fly by.

May your family give you warmth,
Let comfort reign in the house,
The world is beautiful and huge
Let it always be open.


Youth is a property of the soul, I believe that you have always been young and beautiful with your pure soul: at 18, at 30, at 50... and today, when you turn 80. I hope that this anniversary will be one of many that you will celebrate with joy, happiness and health. Happy holiday to you!


ABOUT! What a wonderful moment
You're as young as eighteen
You are like a beautiful vision
Your age doesn't mean anything.

Happy birthday to you,
And we are waiting for a smile in return,
We wish you a happy mood,
You are 80 years old today!


Today we congratulate one wonderful and wise woman on her anniversary. Eighty years is not just an age, it is actually a reason to be proud. A whole era has passed since the moment you were born. May your birthday bring you only positive emotions. Happy holiday!


I congratulate you on your anniversary,
Happiness, joy, health,
Wonderful years await you,
Forget about all the bad things!

80 years is a great date,
Great happiness awaits ahead,
There is no need to look into the past,
Take care of your beauty and charm!


Eighty years - what a birthday!
I congratulate you with great pleasure.
Health, laughter, jokes, fun every day,
May you not know sadness and let laziness not come.


Congratulations on your anniversary,
I wish you happiness and a sea of ​​flowers,
Let it not be a reason for you
Sorrows and sorrows are your 80th birthday.

Let a smile on your face
Never goes away and let
It will be great for your health
Your journey will be long.


The beauty that blossomed
When the ninth suddenly turned ten,
And she took away all the attention of the men,
This caused a wave of female attacks.
Happy eightieth birthday to you,
After all, this holiday is just for starters,
Two more times at the same time
You can live happily without refueling!


You always have order in everything.
Life has taught me to be like this.
What a trifle - eighteenth decade!
No worse than the second one.

You have only become wiser.
A little gray, no problem!
Congratulations on your anniversary!
And always be happy!


For a woman, age is not the main thing,
Let them not talk nonsense!
And the date is so glorious
Gives us all a powerful boost.

You are like an electric shock,
Youthful energy is full.
Let eighty historically,
You are always on the crest of the wave.

We sing anniversary odes to you.
Their trills are for you today.
Congratulations to all of you
Accept it now with a smile.


I congratulate you on your dear date,
I wish you health and peaceful skies.
Reveal the secret of longevity to all of us,
Have fun, dance and sing to your heart's content.

Let your grandchildren and children surround you,
They wish you all the best and health.
May all your wishes come true!
And in a year we’ll make a date here.


Living eight decades is a feat!
Low bow to you, honor and praise!
We, without a doubt, on this wonderful day
Let's say our warmest words!

There is no longer, as in youth, the former liveliness,
Thoughts are increasingly looking back.
But you didn’t smile less often -
The tenderness of children and grandchildren pleases!

Everyone would like to learn longevity from you,
Wisdom, will, patience, work.
Live a hundred years! Wait for your great-grandchildren!
Give your kindness to your loved ones!


The years have flown by like gentle cranes,
They rushed by as if they were in a hurry to go south.
You took everything from life in full,
And we have always been proud of you.

We would like to wish you on your anniversary,
Home warmth, peace.
Let the years fly by.
After all, 80 is just a victory!


And we want to wish
Stay cheerful
Still eighty years -
It's not twenty.