Interrogative sentence. Reverse braid: weaving technique, features and recommendations Secrets of beautiful hair for creating the perfect hairstyle

The Russians are very mistaken when they criticize the Federation. More than ever, the saying “It’s good where we are not” and the understanding that Russians judge the rest of the “countries of their dreams” by tourist brochures, by feature films and by their own logic will be apt. worse than Russia there is hardly any place on Earth...

“Undoubtedly, Paris is one of the most elegant capitals in the world.
Through the centuries, Paris was able to carry the romanticism of the present and evidence
of its glorious past. Any traveler will find in Paris
entertainment according to your taste. Best time Spring is the best time to visit Paris.
In the spring, everything comes to life in Paris, and the scent of love is in the air.”

(c) From a travel brochure.

The misconceptions of Russians include the very word Europe, Paris is a sign of quality of life, culture and cleanliness, D'Artagnan and croissants. But what is really there? Let's discuss the taste of pineapples not with empty-headed dreamers from the Russian Federation, but with the one who ate them - a resident of Paris:

Arriving in Paris, I experienced deep disappointment.

I expected to see romantic French people, but I saw something completely different. Well, first of all, the French are no more romantic than you and I. And, secondly, it seemed to me that more than half of the population of Paris are dark-skinned. There are a lot of Africans and Arabs. I can give you an example. In the morning I took the subway to work, and in seven cases out of ten, there were 2-5 white people in the entire carriage, the rest were dark-skinned. A third of Paris are areas where a white person is afraid to enter.

I once had the courage to take a walk during the day in the Barbès and Chateau Rouge area; the walk, I can tell you, was not pleasant and not entirely safe. The fact is that no one remembers any tolerance in such places, but White color The skin really stands out in such places. If not to say “hurts the eyes.” Moreover, these areas are located a few steps from Moulin Rouge, so this is far from a suburb or outskirts. Out of curiosity, I once invited my friend, who has been living in Paris for 12 years, to give me a car tour of the criminal outskirts of Paris, inhabited by Arabs and Africans. He flatly refused, saying that such trips could end badly.

Why doesn't anyone tell how many homeless people there are in Paris?

Homeless people are everywhere in Paris, the number of them is simply depressing. Some live in the metro, some live in tents on the street, others just spend the night anywhere. I have repeatedly seen people sleeping in telephone booths in back streets. I personally turned away from the “shopping”, elite street (Opera district) and came across about 15 people located on cardboard boxes with blankets.

And nearby, a white man was washing his clothes in the water that is released in the evenings along the sides of the roads to wash away garbage; his son, who looked about 6 years old, stood nearby. This picture was strongly etched in his memory. I know that almost all abandoned houses and factories are inhabited. Homeless people, immigrants, hippies often live there... Moreover, there are real illegal settlements.

Gypsies, for example, build their camps from available materials: tents, cars, boards. Others occupy abandoned factories. Until some time, the police were afraid to enter their camps. But last year these settlements began to be evicted and dispersed.

There is also plenty of crime on the streets.

Under my window (in the Chateau Rouge area), there were mass fights twice, about 30 to 40 people came together. It’s just not worth talking about fights in the streets. They can “punch you in the face” at any time of the day, in almost any area of ​​Paris. The exception is probably elite residential areas.

Pickpockets work in all tourist areas of Paris, wherever there are large crowds of people. I myself was robbed by a pickpocket who took all the money from my wallet that was in the inner pocket of my jacket. I was robbed in the Opera area, this is a rich, prestigious area. On the Rue Pigalle, where Moulin Rouge is located, I have repeatedly observed thimblebreads.

The three of them worked - two men and a woman. Surprisingly, people still fall for their tricks. Near the Sacry-Coeur church cathedral, a company of 10-15 young, strong Africans is constantly working. They surround the victim and offer to tie a thread on his hand - you will have to pay for it. Moreover, they offer more than intrusively. And they don't look very friendly. The Odessa phrase immediately comes to mind: “Buy a brick.”

Well, those who offer to buy gold, perfume, hashish, a girl...... there are plenty of them too, but at least they do not threaten health. I didn’t make a reservation - hashish, you can buy it right at the Barbes metro station, there are guys there who are open all day long, offering: “Marlboro, hashish”?

Is Paris the capital of fashion?

First of all, do not confuse tourists in Paris and people living in it! In fact, there are not so many fashionably dressed people in Paris. Africans and Muslims walk around Paris very often in their national clothes. You feel more in Africa than in Europe, given their number. Most French people dress rather modestly and not fashionably. Although, of course, there are rich people who are fashionably and beautifully dressed.

The main thing that catches your eye is that men often look more fashionable and beautiful than women. Gays are almost always dressed stylishly and beautifully. So if you think that everyone in Paris is fashionista, then you should know that this is a story!

Cafes and restaurants....

Cafes in Paris at every turn. Why doesn't anyone talk about how dirty these cafes are? Of course, there are chic restaurants, but there are also ordinary cafes where people come to have a cup of coffee. In these cafes you can often find that the entire floor is covered with sugar packets and “croissant” crumbs. I myself witnessed how my friends threw bags on the floor and crumbled the “croissant” not on a saucer, but on the floor.

The remark I made was answered - “that’s how it is done here.” They also told me that when it was possible to smoke in these cafes, they also threw cigarette butts on the floor. They say that this is how you can determine a good cafe: the more garbage on the floor, the more people there, the better the coffee. By the way, in Parisian cafes they don’t really like to let people into the toilet. First you need to buy something, then they will only let you in.

Service in Parisian restaurants and cafes is a separate topic for discussion. For some reason, rude waiters and salespeople are mentioned only with the phrase “Soviet Union.” But I assure you that in modern Paris the service is no better. The waiter can easily be rude, the owner of a shop or cafe can easily kick you out if you demand an apology for poor service. Moreover, this can happen both in a cafe where Muslims or Africans gather, and in a restaurant near the Eiffel Tower. So, when going to Parisian restaurants, be prepared for rudeness.

Is the air saturated with the aroma of perfume and flowers?

The smells near the Eiffel Tower and Sacry-Coeur Cathedral are simply fantastic. There are always street souvenir sellers near these two tourist sites. And they, naturally, stay there for 8 hours. Guess where they go to relieve themselves? Into the nearest bushes. And considering that in the summer they work there every day, the stench is serious.

And being at these two attractions, you can only inhale the smell of urine, but not perfume or flowers. The smells in the subway are no better. Homeless people live in the metro, so they often relieve themselves there. Well, probably, the subway itself gives off smells that are not very pleasant.

The life of our immigrants.

Most of the Russian-speaking men with whom I managed to communicate worked on construction sites. Most of them work illegally, because... People in Paris don't really like paying taxes. Well, in general, in Paris there are a lot of illegal immigrants from all over the world, and this is probably why the natives are accustomed to using their cheap labor. Moreover, this is more financially profitable for the Parisians themselves. Why should they hire legal workers who have some rights, when there is a queue of those who are ready to work for a lower salary and do not have any rights.

By the way, in Paris, job seekers often go to “Platform” construction stores, like our ABC, and there they gather near the stores and wait for someone to drive up and use their services. Everyone who wants to hire a builder or cleaner for a while knows about this place, goes there and chooses a worker, sometimes even haggles over the price of the services provided.

Immigrant women are more likely to work as cleaners and nannies for families. At least this kind of work is safer than working as a waitress in some Arabic cafe. Take my word for it, having worked as a waitress in an ordinary cafe (especially for those who speak French poorly), you can get a good idea of ​​how “cultured” people are in France. And, of course, when working as a cleaner, don’t expect much respect for yourself either.

In France, the bourgeois culture is still alive, and they look down on their servants or servants. In my personal opinion, rich people who have servants treat less rich people, and especially those who depend on them, like dogs. Those. Just as most of us look at a dog, rich people look at their staff.

I came to this conclusion after talking personally with some similar rich people, and with many people who worked for the rich as a security guard, driver, butler, and cleaner. And in general, the attitude of employers towards employees is very unfriendly; they do not value the worker there. And it seems to me that this is because there are too many people who want to get a job (I mean immigrants), and many are ready to put up with poor working conditions, pay, etc. Probably the same situation with Tajiks in Moscow.

So, when going to France to work, don’t think about an apartment with a view of the Eiffel Tower; most likely you will find a communal apartment and a job according to the principle “if you don’t like it, leave.” By the way, deception by an employer of an employee is very common if the employee works illegally. Even millionaires do not consider it shameful not to pay the cleaning lady’s salary in full, or even not to pay for the month at all. I'm not talking about small firms or employers.

About the cleanliness of the French.

I want to give these short facts. In the summer, when it's hot, you can often see a French woman in light dress and wearing leather boots. In the south of France, the French don’t wear socks, I tried walking like this - my feet sweat, and the sweat is no longer absorbed into the sock, but directly into the shoes. I doubt the French wash their sneakers or sandals every week. The smell, you yourself understand, is what such shoes have. They walk around the house barefoot, and can even go out “quickly” barefoot.

Lice in schools are common in Paris. All pharmacies advertise a remedy for lice, and not a remedy for colds, like ours. Many French working-class families hire a cleaner once a week. And all week they don’t clean their house, they don’t clean at all, sometimes they don’t even remove their underwear from the floor... because soon the cleaning lady will come and remove everything.

The French walk their dogs in the city, and the dogs relieve themselves right on the sidewalks, sometimes between parked cars next to the sidewalk. And, believe me, no one cleans up after their dog, although of course there are exceptions. You can go into almost any cafe and restaurant with a dog; I personally saw a man with a bull terrier in a large hardware store and with a Rottweiler in a restaurant, not to mention decorative dogs.

By the way, most dogs are without muzzles. Smoking hashish and cannabis is very common in France. At least in the south and in Paris. I don't know if this is related to big amount Muslims, or for some other reason. But many people smoke drugs, regardless of their financial situation and nationality.


There are many different nationalities living in France. Naturally, they all have different cultures. But I would like to talk about Muslims and Africans, because... They make up the majority of the population of Paris, and perhaps even the whole of France. There is no talk of any tolerance on their part. It is believed that only a person with white skin can insult a person with dark skin because of racial hatred. But in fact, everything is quite the opposite. Let me give you some striking examples from practice.

I was standing in line at the store, two black drunken madams come up, stand in front of me and wait for the cashier to serve them. I, knowing their customs and speaking little French, stand silently. The cashier says that I was the first and therefore he will serve them only after me. These women raised a cry of discrimination, with the typical cry of “is it because we are black?” Stories like this happen very often, believe me.

If an African cannot win with physical strength, he will definitely start screaming about discrimination. And if there is a trial, I'm afraid he has a better chance of proving that he was wronged than a person with white skin. Another example - a black person can safely walk in a “white area”, a “white” person in a “black area” is rare, and it is not safe for him to walk in such an area.

Muslims in Paris are mainly from Arab countries. Their tolerance can be judged by how they reacted to the fact that two Arab teenagers, fleeing from the police, climbed into a transformer box and died from electric shock. If you remember, in response to this, the Arab population began pogroms in the city and arson. Arabs, like the Afro-French, fundamentally do not pay for metro travel. They believe that their grandfathers worked hard enough to build this metro. And they have the right not to pay for travel.

When Muslims pray in the city, they block the sidewalks to avoid being disturbed by passers-by. At the same time, Arabs, blacks, and the French themselves, of course, constantly gather on the steps to the existing Sacry-Coeur church. Arabic music can be played there, alcohol can be drunk, hashish can be smoked. I wonder if they would allow the same to be done at their mosque? In general, apart from financial division, in Paris people are also divided by skin color and religion. Moreover, tolerance here is only in words, in reality it is better for a white person not to meddle in an area where whites do not live.

In general, “non-tourist” Paris left the impression of a dirty, noisy, crime-ridden city...

If you follow the rules and instructions offered on this page, you can create a luxurious evening and everyday hairstyle with your own hands. The French ponytail is a styling option for everyday life and holidays.

How to weave reverse French braids and their photos

Reverse French braids look very elegant and original; you can create many hairstyles based on them, you just need to get a little creative. The instructions below tell you how to weave the reverse french braid. Also shown is a reverse French braid in the photo, which illustrates the grace of this hairstyle.

1. Select a section of hair near the forehead line on the right and divide it into three strands.

2. Place the right strand under the central one, place the left strand under the central one, as when weaving a simple reverse braid.

3. Place the right strand under the center one and add part of the hair to it on the right.

4. Place the left strand under the center one and add part of the hair on the left to it.

5. Continue braiding, adding hair to the outer strands on the left and right.

6. Braid the ends into a simple reverse braid, weaving the outer strands under the central one. Secure the ponytail with an elastic band. To give the braid volume, pull it slightly along the edges, holding it at the base.

7. Braid the braid on the left side in the same way.

Weaving a reverse French braid “Shell”

Braids curled inward in loops are the classic Shell hairstyle. Its variation is interconnected loops resembling a shell in shape. The instructions will tell you about weaving a reverse French braid in more detail:

1. Make four diagonal partings. Temporarily secure your hair with clips.

2. Starting from the parietal area, braid a regular French braid and secure its end with an elastic band to match your hair.

3. Braid the rest of your braids in the same way.

4. Tuck each braid with a loop inward and secure with hairpins.

5. Connect the loops together using bobby pins or pins.

How to braid a reverse French braid "Basket"

A convenient “Basket” hairstyle that allows you to remove interfering curls and at the same time maintain their volume. The following are instructions on how to do a reverse French braid with an elegant basket style:

1. Part your hair diagonally.

2. Separate a strand on the right parallel to the parting, divide it into three parts. Start braiding from the top strand.

3. At each turn, add hair from the side of the face to the strand near the face.

4. Braid the ends into a simple braid, secure with an elastic band, and hide the ends under the elastic.

5. Tuck the tip of the left braid towards the parting, and then in the opposite direction, under the braid. Secure with pins.

6. Tuck the tip of the right braid towards the parting. Then tuck it in the opposite direction, under the braid. Secure with pins.

7. Hide the tip of the left braid in the same way. Place the middle of the left braid under the right braid and secure with hairpins. Secure the entire basket in the same way. If desired, pull strands out of the braid and decorate it with a flower.

How to make a French tail - photos and instructions

French tail - evening hairstyle made from braids looks very elegant and does not require complex actions.

After all, every fashionista should know how to braid hair! Read the instructions below on how to make a French tail with your own hands. Look at the photo of the finished French tail.

1. Select a strand in the parietal area and secure with a clip. Divide the remaining hair with a vertical parting into two equal parts, fix one of them.

2. Start doing a reverse French braid on the left side.

3. Pull the strands slightly while braiding to give volume to the braid. When you have braided all the hair in the selected area, secure the strands with clips.

4. Braid your hair on the right side in the same way. Remove the clips, gather both braids into a ponytail and secure with an elastic band.

5. Remove the clip from the hair in the parietal area. Part the strands parallel to the hairline and backcomb them.

6. Smooth the strands of the parietal area and fix them at the base of the tail.

7. Fix the comb with varnish. Remove the clamp. Secure the strand with bobby pins, wrap the free end around the ponytail and secure.

To braid a French braid, you need to follow these steps step by step:

  1. Comb your hair, select a wide strand from the hairline on the top of your head. The wider the strand, the more voluminous the braid will be.
  1. Divide the selected strand of hair into three equal parts. All subsequent strands involved in weaving must be of the same volume. Arrange the strands as if weaving a regular braid: place the right one over the middle one, and then place the left one on top.

  1. Holding the left strand together with the middle one, grab a new strand of hair from the right side and connect it to the right strand of the main part of the braid.

  1. Weave the resulting right part with the middle main part, proceeding similarly to weaving a simple braid.

  1. Take all three resulting strands with your right hand.

  1. With your left hand, take a new strand of hair from your left side.

  1. Weave a new strand of hair with the leftmost strand and place it on top of the middle strand of the main part.

  1. Repeating the steps above, bring the braid up to the base of your neck, then braid the loose hair into a simple braid.

  1. Secure the resulting hairstyle with an elastic band or a hairpin.

The entire process is presented in even more detail in the video below:

Next step-by-step master class will show you how to weave a French braid with a bun. In order for the hairstyle to turn out neat, you will need a special hair donut.

  1. The braid can be braided in any area of ​​the head. Having chosen a place on the head, select three equal strands of hair and make several braids, as in a regular braid.

  1. As you move up the head, grab additional strands of hair and weave them into the main part of the future braid so that the French braid is fixed on the head.
  2. Braid and secure.

  1. Tie the remaining loose hair into a ponytail with an elastic band, putting a special bun roller on it.

  1. Comb the hair gathered into a ponytail and tuck it inside the roller, forming a voluminous bun.

  1. Twist the previously braided braid onto the base of the bun.

Romantic hairstyle is ready!

Weaving "French Falls"

The hairstyle received its name “French Falls” for its resemblance to falling streams of water. It is quite simple to perform; after a little practice, you can easily braid it not only for your friend or daughter, but also for yourself.

Scheme for creating a braid

This hairstyle looks especially impressive on curly hair. Naturally straight hair can be slightly curled at the ends using a curling iron to make the braid more voluminous and voluminous.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Make a deep side parting on the head and separate three equal small strands of hair from the larger combing area.

  1. Make several classic braids with additional strands taken along the head, then braid the braid in such a way that the lower strands remain free and do not participate in further braiding. Instead of the released lower strand, take a new one, moving around the circumference of the head.

  1. Having reached the ear, take a strand above it and tightly fix the weave with it.

  1. Having reached the other side of the head, secure the finished braid with an invisible thin elastic band.

The hairstyle is complete!

The finished braid can be decorated with hairpins with flowers or rhinestones.

Next step-by-step instruction allows you to master the technique of weaving an inverted French braid:

  1. Separate a wide strand of hair from the forehead and divide it into three equal parts.
  2. Bring the left strand under the middle one, crossing them.
  3. Bring the right strand under the left.
  4. Add a thin new strand of hair from the left temple to the left strand.
  5. Similarly, we weave the right strand with an additional one taken from the right temple. Continue braiding until all the hair at the temples is woven into a braid.
  6. Finish the braiding by tying the remaining loose hair into a ponytail, or braiding it to the very ends.

The technique of creating an inside-out French braid is presented in even more detail in the following video:

In the same way, you can create a hairstyle using two inverted French braids at the same time.

Braiding diagonally

  1. The braid is made of five strands. We start just above the right ear and end under the left. Select a strand of hair and divide it into three equal parts (each strand is numbered in the photo).

  1. Throw strand 1 over strand 2. Throw strand number 3 over 1.

  1. To the left of the main part, select the fourth strand.

  1. Place strand 4 under strand 2, and then pass over strand 3 so that they form a pattern like on a chessboard.

  1. Select the fifth strand above the right temple and draw it under 1 and over strand 4. Thus, the main part will be created by strands numbered 2, 3 and 5.

  1. Now place 2 strands under 3 and above strand 5.

  1. Bring the third inverted strand up.

  1. Pick up a new strand on the left.

  1. Add a hook to 2 strands.

  1. Release strand 3. Take a part from strands 2, 4 and 1.

  1. Move strand 4 up.

  1. Pick up a new strand on the right and add it to the first section. Bring strand 1 over strand 2 and under strand 3. Lower section 4.

  1. We repeat the steps from the fifth step until all the strands from the head are in the braid.

  1. Having completely finished braiding, pull out the sides of the braid for a lace effect until the braid is secured.

  1. Braid the braid to the end and secure with a transparent silicone rubber band. If desired, it can be additionally decorated with flowers or rhinestones.

French braids

Small French braids that fit tightly to the head, also called braids, are one of the varieties of Afro hairstyles. The technique of weaving French braids is no different from creating ordinary spikelets; the difference lies in the width of the braid and its tighter weaving.

Some time ago they could only be seen on african hair. Today, this type of braiding is also popular among representatives of other races.

For creating french braids very often they use a special material - kanekalon, which is woven together with the strands for greater density and longevity of the hairstyle.

Brades with Kanekalon, provided they are properly cared for, can be worn for up to 1 month, while without them they can be worn for only 1-2 weeks.

Such braids can be woven with hair lengths of 10 cm or more, and the pattern created by the finished braids can be absolutely anything - it all depends on the client’s imagination and the talent of the artist.

Braided hair gives the hairstyle neatness and grace, which always attracts admiring glances and the attention of others. Spice up your everyday look with a braided hairstyle and you will feel the difference!

Questions with inversion

Many people studying French have come across such a term as “inversion” and it has puzzled many, since in the school course foreign languages it is practically not used.
"Inversion" is the reverse order of words in a sentence.
In French There are two types of inversion: “simple” and “complex”.

Simple inversion
[verb – predicate + pronoun (subject function) + object]?

Ecrivez – vous la dictée? Are you writing a dictation?

1.Questions with inversion are ALWAYS written with a hyphen;
2. The verb must agree with the pronoun, verb conjugation “write – ecriver”- for pronoun "You are Vous" will "ecrivez".

Complex inversion
When constructing a question with complex inversion, we need to start the question with the subject.

[subjects (noun) + verb (predicate) + pronoun (subject function) + object]?

Julie, va-t-elle a l`universite chaque jour? Does Julie go to university every day?
1. Complex inversion, like simple inversion, is written with hyphens;
2.After the subject Julie a comma is required;
3.Name Julie corresponds to the French pronoun "elle";
4. The verb agrees with the subject. Verb "aller - go" for pronoun she - (Julie) will "va".
5.According to the rules of the French language, words ending in a vowel and starting with the same letter cannot stand next to each other, so a letter is placed to separate "t". A similar rule applies to pronouns "Il - he" And “ils\elles – they (for male and female gender)”;

NOTA BENE! In simple inversion, also when using pronouns beginning with a vowel, a separating letter is used "t".

Complex inversion with negation

[subject (noun) + negation + verb (predicate) + pronoun (subject function) + negation + object]?

Julie, ne va-t-elle pas a l`universite; chaque jour? Doesn't Julie go to university every day?

1. After the subject Julie a comma is required;
2. Negation in French consists of two parts "ne" And "pas" and the first part "ne" is placed before the verb, in this example "va", and the second part "pas" placed after the pronoun - "elle".

[negation + verb (predicate) + pronoun (subject function) + negation + subjects + object]?

Ne va-t-elle pas, Julie, a l`universite; chaque jour? Doesn't Julie go to university every day?
1. Negation is placed around the verb and pronoun - ne va-t-elle pas.
2. After a negative construction ne va-t-elle pas follows subjects – Julie. Both of these members of the interrogative sentence are separated by commas.

The French braid can easily be called one of the most popular hairstyles.

The huge variety of its types allows you to create a unique stylish image.

At the same time, you will look equally elegant, regardless of whether you are braiding your hair for a business meeting, a party, or just for a walk in the park.

Let's consider all the options for weaving a French braid, such as: reverse and classic, headband, waterfall, zigzag, fishtail and several openwork ones.

Step-by-step photos and videos will help you understand and repeat weaving on the model and on yourself.

The French braid can easily be called one of the most popular hairstyles. The huge variety of its types allows you to create a unique stylish image. At the same time, you will look equally elegant, regardless of whether you are braiding your hair for a business meeting, a party, or just for a walk in the park.

Where exactly this style of weaving came from, as well as the name, is not known for certain. Perhaps the authorship belongs to French hairdressers, and therefore the braid is also French.

Manipulations with the selection of strands from different sides are called, which allows you to create more sophisticated and beautiful options braid Click on the photo or highlighted link to find out the weaving: with top, bottom or 2-sided tie.

The ability to weave braids will also come in handy when creating a donut. Secret techniques of all methods are described

For everyone who wants a chic voluminous braid, but without braiding, we recommend that you learn how to braid a braid from ponytails with elastic bands in detail at the link.

How to weave correctly?

Today, there are many weaving techniques. The basis of all of them is the same - the classic French braid. It is woven using classic or new methods using hairdressing tricks.

Secrets of braiding: Hairdressers recommend having clean, dried hair.
Those who braid their own hair are convinced that it will hold up and look great when it’s day 2 after washing your hair.

If they are unruly, leave them slightly damp, or use styling products. Mousse, gel and hair wax will make your curls softer and more pliable.

Step-by-step instructions (photo + diagram)

How to weave a braid: at the back of the head, from the tail, without tie-ins?

Classic, regular, 3-strand - it's all about the braid. Look at the diagram to get an idea of ​​what needs to be done next. This braid is suitable even short haircuts, but not shorter than a square.

Weaving pattern

You will need: comb and elastic band.

Detailed step-by-step video on braiding:

For beginners, it is better to practice on a friend or ribbons, look at the photo to make it easier to repeat on your own hair.

Any bulky items will do, such as children's tights or doll hair; it doesn't have to be long; the task is to practice the weaving technique itself.

On the parietal zone with tacks it is woven like this:

  • select a fairly large strand on the crown of the head;
  • divide it into three equal strands (insert your index and middle fingers into the strand);
  • transfer the outer strands to the central one, alternately from the right to the left;
  • Having made 2 weaves, start adding thinner strands to the main strands.

Secret: pay attention to the pattern of weaving a French braid, it is important to understand that after adding strands from the sides, there are always 3 strands left.

When the braid reaches the base of the neck or all the hair has been picked up, continue braiding further if desired, or secure the braid at this level.

You can use tape or an elastic band to secure it.

See the photo for the result of this weaving.

Have you decided to choose a braid for school or kindergarten?

How to use braiding for a holiday hairstyle? We invite you to look at weaving with ribbon for a Christmas tree costume or as an elegant styling option for a matinee; all models of weaving, as well as videos with instructions, are waiting for you.

Often in school and kindergarten, in addition to positive aspects, there are also well-known difficulties. As a result, many parents want to know how to get rid of lice and nits in 1 day forever, discussed in detail in

What is the difference between weaving on yourself and on another person?

To braid a braid yourself on another person, it is enough to understand the scheme and principle, so you will get a good result the first time.

It's easier to weave on someone because:

  1. both hands are free and you hold them in a comfortable position;
  2. you see the whole picture of weaving at once;
  3. you can easily straighten or remove defects in weaving;
  4. just tighten the braid tighter or loosen it, it’s easy to adjust the tension of the strands;
  5. your hands will not have time to get tired before you reach the place where you need to tie the elastic band.

To get the same type of braid on yourself you need:

  1. 2 large mirrors facing opposite;
  2. training and ease of braiding, without hesitation;
  3. Place the comb and other necessary accessories nearby so as not to move to the side;
  4. carefully train your hands so that they do not have time to get tired from just 1 braid;
  5. accept help from loved ones if they can help;
  6. We do it on unwashed hair.

It’s also more difficult to do on yourself because you rely on your hands, they are your eyes. You see the picture only partially and not in full.

Video with instructional explanations for French braiding on another person:

Detailed step-by-step video instructions in Russian on how to braid your own hair

On the contrary or inverted, reverse

The reverse French braid has become popular in recent years. It looks stylish and original, and is woven a little more complicated than the classic one.
The principle is the same as that of a classic braid, but the difference is that the strands should be placed under the middle strand.
The preparatory steps are the same as in the classic French braid.

Step by step:

  1. Separate 3 strands.
  2. We place the outer strand under the central one.
  3. The other extreme one is under the central one.
  4. We begin to pick up thin strands from the side and lay them under the central one.
  5. We repeat the operation until we reach the base of the neck.
  6. If desired, we continue weaving under the central one without picking up any more strands.

Video instructions for doing a reverse braid on another person.

Detailed video tutorial on how to braid a reverse French braid on yourself.


Many people believe that the traditional French braid is braided not exactly vertically, but slightly obliquely. The technique does not change depending on the location; you can weave both a classic and a reverse French braid.

Difference: to begin with, you should take the curls located just above the temple and weave through the back of the head to the other side.

With ribbon

An elegant option that is perfect for a party or gala dinner. A braid, complemented by a ribbon, is made no more difficult than a French braid.
You can easily braid it yourself without resorting to anyone's help. The braid with a ribbon is braided both vertically and to the side.

We will study in detail how to braid a braid with a ribbon in video tutorials and thanks to step-by-step study, you will be able to master the skill faster.

Step-by-step instructional video on braiding with ribbon


A charming hairstyle that fashion-conscious girls like.

To braid a braid - a headband, you need:

  1. separate part of the hair along the growth line;
  2. the parting will run from ear to ear;
  3. Gather the rest of the hair not involved in the hairstyle with an elastic band.
  4. The principle of weaving a reverse French braid, when the side strands are placed under the central one.
  5. We add strands only on one side (bottom), during the weaving process we select thin strands and braid them into a braid.

Secrets: when you braid for yourself, make sure that the braid lies closer to the parting you made.

Instructions for braiding a headband on another person

Weaving a headband on yourself, detailed instructions in the video.

Pre-lubricate your hair with wax or use mousse, this makes braiding easier because the strands will not fall out.

When the braid is braided and there are no strands left to add, secure it with an elastic band, or leave it without fastening.

The secret to keeping the braids from falling apart: using hairspray, wet the ends of your hair and fingers with it, thus securing the ends of the braid.

Disband earlier collected hair. You will get an original, delicate image.

Another option is to braid the braid all the way to the end and then carefully wrap it around the base of the previously tied ponytail. We hide the tip under beautiful elastic band or a hairpin, or simply secure it with bobby pins.

We also do another hairstyle with a braided headband. Form a bun from the tail, the base of which is also braided. Detailed instructions Here.


An incredibly beautiful hairstyle that will suit owners of hair of any length. Its peculiarity is the lightness and simplicity of weaving. It is ideal for tender, sensual and romantic girl, is also suitable for those who do not like their hair to fall on their face.

How to braid a waterfall?

About how to weave a braid - a waterfall in different options and we’ll look at the secrets in detail with photos and video tutorials in.

About all the options from waterfalls of 3 curls and 2, as well as many videos and photos, will help even beginners master waterfalls.

It's time to start creating a simple and at the same time elegant and sophisticated hairstyle, and it will suit both loose curls and a braided braid.

Make a horizontal parting from ear to ear. The weave is quite loose. The peculiarity of such a braid is that it is necessary not only to add strands to the braid, but also to release them.

Once you start weaving, you carefully add new, thin strands to each strand. At the same time, you release the part of the strand that is directed downwards.

The thickness of your braid does not change. When the braiding is finished, the braid should be secured with the original hairpin or just bobby pins. If desired, the waterfall can be made complex.

When one braid is braided, just below it take another wide horizontal strand, divide it into three thinner ones, and braid the second tier to make the hairstyle look more delicate, curl the lower strands using a curling iron.

Vivid video with detailed steps of weaving a waterfall braid from Lily Moon

Master and start using it now to surprise your friends and try to add a new product to your assortment.


A zigzag or snake braid is an original and stylish hairstyle that will make you simply irresistible.

Make a parting on the side, take a strand from the thinner side, divide it by three, and begin to weave, gradually shifting.
When you reach the other side, make a gentle turn. In this case, you should stop grabbing the strands from the side you are turning. If your hair length allows, you can perform another turn.

If the hair middle length, then after braiding the braid to the base of the neck, simply form a bun from the remaining hair.

The video shows all the stages of creating a zigzag hairstyle.


It is not at all necessary that the French braid be dense and have clear contours. With a simple technique you can create incredible beautiful hairstyle. An openwork braid quite often becomes the choice of brides. She looks very stylish and elegant. Nothing is required to create it.

All you need to do is do a reverse French braid. At the same time, it should be quite soft - that is, it should not be woven tightly. After braiding is completed, carefully pull out thin curls from the side strands. That is, the braid significantly increases in volume, acquires lightness and delicacy.

An important secret: for openwork braids they often use baby oil or wax, then the curls are more elastic and easily take on the desired shape.

There are several different principles for weaving an openwork braid. After familiarizing yourself with them, you can easily create original and beautiful hairstyles, spending very little time on it.

Types of openwork braids and rules for weaving them in this video.

Video tutorial on how to weave two braids on the sides with strands released

Did you like braiding and would like to try to make a masterpiece? For example, a crown made of hair on New Year or a wedding. Detailed master classes they will tell you and photos and videos will help you master weaving quickly and repeat it now.

The larger and wider the braid, the more impressive it looks. How to make any braid look voluminous? Find out all the secrets on this

Sometimes braiding starts with the ponytail, how to make it chic and reliable at this link.

From the tail

Some girls find it uncomfortable to braid their own hair when their hair is down. They fall apart, and it can be quite difficult to style unruly strands into a beautiful hairstyle. To avoid discomfort, pre-gather your hair into a high ponytail. Then apply one of the many weaving techniques.

The video shows in detail how to make a French braid from a ponytail.

Air spikelet?

This type of French braid looks best on straight hair. If your curls are even a little curly, you should use a flat iron before braiding. The peculiarity of this braid is its lightness. To braid an air spikelet:

select a thin strand above any temple and begin weaving. At the same time, add strands only from the side that is larger. From the temple above which you took the strand, a thin braid goes down.

It is convenient to weave such a braid: from the side, in the middle or from the tail, the main thing is to maintain lightness.

Air spit braid with step-by-step explanations in this video:

Fish tail

Perhaps this type of weaving can be called the most original and unusual. Distinctive feature The braid is that it is woven from two main strands, to which thinner auxiliary strands are added. A fishtail braid looks great either alone or as part of a more complex hairstyle.

All the nuances and secrets of this weaving, with recommendations, photos and diagrams, can be found in a separate article. Directions are discussed in as much detail and precision as possible, as well as recommendations on weaving for yourself and your child.
With step by step videos, which will be useful for beginners.

Detailed video on how to braid a fishtail braid:


The braid is an excellent basis for any hairstyle. Quite often it is the braid that becomes the best option bride's hairstyles. And not surprisingly, it helps create amazingly beautiful, elegant look. Plus, the braid goes well with any decorative elements. These can be hairpins with rhinestones, small thin elastic bands, fresh flowers or hairpins with a beautiful head.

Video on how to create a braided hairstyle:

Familiar to many of us since childhood, the braid is currently one of the most fashionable hairstyles. It has several advantages: you can easily do it yourself, without resorting to the services of a master or the help of a friend.

A huge number of weaving styles will allow you to create a charming and stylish look every day. The main thing is just to practice a little.