Pattern of a fluffy skirt for a 5 year old girl. DIY tulle skirt for a girl. How to sew a skirt for a girl for a beginner

From early childhood, the wardrobe of most girls consists of a variety of dresses and skirts, because, despite their age, all representatives of the fairer sex are great fashionistas. One of the things that every little princess has in her closet is a circle skirt, as it looks festive and does not hinder the child’s movements. Today we will talk about how to make patterns for children's skirts for beginners.

How to sew a skirt with your own hands?

The pattern for a nursery is so simple that even a novice craftswoman can make it. In addition, the models are easier to make, so it is recommended to master the sewing technique on them.

The main step in creating any item is creating a pattern. In order to do it, you must first take measurements. In the case of a circle skirt, we are only interested in two parameters: the length of the product and the waist circumference. The length can be different, depending on your preferences - short, medium or long.

What does a child's skirt pattern look like? First we build a diagram. To do this you will need to draw two circles. The inner side is the waist circumference (add 2-3 cm for allowance). Accordingly, the outer side is the length of the product. Based on the available data, it is necessary to calculate the radius of the circle as follows: the circumference is divided by 2, and the resulting sum is multiplied by Pi (3.14). Calculating the radius of the circle from the outside is even easier; it corresponds to the expected length of the skirt (plus a few centimeters for the hem).

After the calculations, the pattern of the children's skirt is drawn onto the fabric.


You can cut out a circle skirt either from a solid piece of fabric or from several parts, depending on your imagination and the size of the fabric.

  • Fold the material into four times for convenience. Using a tailor's meter, measure the radius of the inner side of the circle from the central angle.
  • Moving the meter in a circle, apply markings to the woven fabric.
  • Next, use the same method to mark the second radius (the hem of the skirt).

Advice! To ensure that the fabric does not slip and is comfortable to work with, it is recommended to fasten the fabric along the edges with safety pins.

  • The next step is to cut out the parts.
  • Installing the elastic band (the process will be described in more detail below).
  • Processing the bottom. Most often, the edge of the skirt is processed using the hem method, but it will be quite difficult to process the bottom hem of this model. An alternative option is to sew a decorative ribbon to the hem.

The process of sewing a skirt with elastic

A circle skirt can be made in two ways: fitted with a “yoke” (high belt) or with an elastic band. The second option is much simpler, so we will disassemble it, because sewing a “yoke” requires certain sewing skills.

  • The elastic band can be selected to any width (the main thing is that it is comfortable for the child).
  • The length of the elastic should be 4-5 cm less than the waist circumference.
  • The upper part of the skirt needs to be folded inwards to the width of the elastic, and then the hem should be seamed so that there is a distance of 1-1.5 cm for the elastic to pass through.
  • Thread the elastic band inside the waistband.
  • Sew the ends of the elastic together.
  • Sew up the unfinished stitch.

  • Take a thick elastic band and sew its ends together.
  • Place the elastic along the top edge of the product, pinning it at four points.
  • Pull it up and sew it to the fabric with a decorative stitch.

Cotton summer skirt for girls

The indicated volumes are suitable for a child with a height of 104-110 cm (for other sizes it is necessary to slightly adjust the belt up or down).

The pattern of a children's skirt and its sewing is as follows:

  • Main fabric - 100% cotton. You need to cut two strips 60 -70 cm wide, depending on how much fluffy skirt you wish. You can choose any length.
  • For the belt you will need any knitted material (the main thing is that it stretches well), for example, cashhorse. You will also need two strips of this fabric. Their length is the waist circumference, and the width is 15-20 cm (the belt can be made thicker or thinner, at your discretion).
  • Sew the belt pieces on the sides.
  • Sew the main parts along the side seams.
  • Sew the upper and lower parts of the skirt together, folding the lower part so that folds are formed.
  • Sew the upper part of the belt on sewing machine or hand fold it inwards to insert the elastic.
  • Fold the hem of the skirt and sew.
  • Insert elastic at waist.

The skirt is ready!

This is how you can make children's skirts with your own hands very simply with patterns. Any mother can repeat it, even one who decided to take up needlework for the first time.

Being a mother is not the easiest job, because you also have to become a personal makeup artist, stylist and designer. It often happens that a little fashionista needs to sew a skirt either for school or kindergarten, for a walk. If such a request makes you panic, then don’t worry, because in order to sew a beautiful skirt for a girl, you don’t need to be a first-class designer. It is enough to have imagination and desire.

How to sew a skirt for a girl for a beginner

Sewing a Tatyanka skirt does not even include a pattern drawing. All you need is an elastic band, threads and fabric of any color.

  1. The fabric is laid out on a flat surface (it is best to take a rectangular sheet).
  2. To correctly calculate the amount of fabric you will need, use the following formula: sum up the length of the skirt, the width of the belt and the hem.
  3. The pieces are cut out and the side seams are fastened.
  4. The cut is sewn with a wide stitch using an overlocker.
  5. The seam is ironed on one side.
  6. To take the desired size of elastic, you need to measure your waist circumference and subtract 5 centimeters from the measurement, but in general you need to start from the density of the elastic.
  7. The elastic joint needs to be sewn (to get a neat seam, it is sewn on a machine).
  8. Using an overlocker, you need to overcast the top and bottom edges of the skirt.
  9. The skirt is turned inside out and inserted into the elastic. The elastic is sewn to the fabric using a zigzag. And that’s it, the “Tatyanka” skirt is ready!

How to sew a skirt with an elastic band for a girl

In fact, sewing a skirt with an elastic band is not difficult. First you need to take measurements: waist size and product length.

  1. The pattern is transferred to the folded fabric and cut out.
  2. The fabric is folded and the side seams are sewn down. Seam allowances are pressed.
  3. To make a drawstring, you need to measure 3 centimeters from the top edge.
  4. A small hole is made at the seam and an elastic band is pulled through it with a pin and sewn to the skirt.
  5. Finally, the bottom of the skirt is processed.

How to sew a flounced skirt for a girl

Very often this style of skirt is required at theater or choreography clubs. In order not to spend a lot of money, you can sew a beautiful skirt with flounces for your baby yourself.

  • First you need to process the yoke. To do this, you need to fold all the parts right side inward and, aligning the cuts, process all the seams. The rubber also needs to be ground off.
  • The bottom of the flounces is folded and stitched. Do not forget that the seam is ironed.

  • You need to retreat a couple of millimeters from the bottom edge of the shuttlecock and baste a satin ribbon.
  • The flounces must be folded in half and sewn along the side edges.
  • Then the “matryoshka” principle works - a shorter one is put on a longer shuttlecock, and so on. The details are sewn along the top edge.
  • A yoke is placed on the flounces at the top and sewn to the flounces along the bottom edge. Then the elastic is put on the yoke in the same way.

How to sew a school skirt for a girl

The principle of sewing a school skirt is no different from the “Tatyanka” style, so it is sewn using a similar technique. Usually, school skirts are sewn with pleats. The main thing is to correctly calculate the number of folds. To determine how many there will be, you need to divide your hip circumference by 4 (this is the approximate distance between them). The number that turns out will ultimately be the number of folds.

In order to sew a school skirt, it is better to choose fabric with a checkered pattern. This product does not require additional patterns, as it is a fairly conservative outfit.

How to sew a pleated skirt for a girl

The prepared fabric must be laid out on a flat surface. The width is divided by the distance between the folds (it is selected depending on the volume).

  • From the edges you need to subtract 1 centimeter for the seams.
  • Folds are folded from the outer marks to the center and secured with pins. And after that, counter folds are laid. They are fastened from the masonry with a seam (basting) and carefully ironed.
  • At the end, the main seam is sewn, a zipper is inserted into it and the lower edges are processed.

  • At the end, the main seam is sewn, a zipper is inserted into it and the lower edges are processed. The same principle applies when sewing. long skirt with folds.

How to sew an organza skirt for a girl

Such skirts are now at the peak of popularity. Since organza (tulle) is used for production, you don’t even have to sew it.

  • Tulle is cut into rectangles, their length should be equal to the length of the intended product.
  • The elastic can be knitted or sewn. Before the tulle is put on it, the elastic is placed on the back of a chair or other object.
  • Organza ribbons are hung in knots with an elastic band. They should fit closely to each other, so the skirt will be fuller. It can be decorated with ribbons, beads, flowers and other accessories.

How to sew a balloon skirt for a girl

A balloon skirt is quite easy to sew. You can look for patterns for a very long time, but the easiest way is to use the half-sun skirt pattern.

  • One skirt is cut out on the main fabric, and the second on the lining, which will be 4-5 centimeters shorter in length.
  • Everything is ground down along the bottom edge and taken under the elastic. It is advisable to sew a belt and place an elastic band in it.

This is a fairly simple, but very popular way of sewing a balloon skirt for a girl. Be sure that your little one will appreciate this outfit.

How to sew a ruffled skirt for a girl

First you need to create a pattern. You don’t even need to cut it out; it is drawn with chalk directly on the fabric. Frills are cut out of the fabric and processed at the ends.

  • The darts must be closed at the front and back of the fabric.
  • The side seams are sewn and the bottom is hemmed.
  • The bottom edge of the frills is hemmed. Only after this are they sewn to the main yoke according to the flounce principle.
  • A zipper is sewn into the back, or an elastic band is pulled in.

How to sew a multi-layered skirt for a girl

  • The top, or main, layer of such a skirt is made on the basis of a simple pattern for a sun or half-sun skirt.

  • The skirts of the lower layer are cut out according to the same pattern, but flounces and frills can be added to them. Another feature is that several flounces can be sewn onto the petticoats (for fullness).
  • It looks very good when the petticoats are the same length and sewn to the yoke. Everything is carefully sewn on a machine and processed using an overlocker.

If you are planning a full skirt, it is best to make the base from durable fabric so that it is not see-through and is dense.

How to sew a skirt for a 1 year old girl

Sun skirts, which are sewn according to the pattern indicated above, are perfect for little ones.

Examples of simple skirts for 1 year old babies:

How to sew a skirt for a 2 year old girl

Suitable for girls 2 years old simple skirts various styles.

  • The skirt pattern is transferred to the fabric. These are some of the most simple ways sewing skirts for little fashionistas.

  • The front and back panels are sewn together by machine.
  • The upper edge of the skirt is folded and stitched. A small cut is made in it through which the elastic will be pulled.

How to sew a skirt for a 3 year old girl

For girls three years old, it is best to use lightweight fabrics. Most often, the basis is a sun skirt, and instead of a belt, take a wide elastic band.

How to sew a skirt for a 5 year old girl

For 5-year-old children, it is best to use sun skirt patterns. It is advisable to sew a hidden zipper into the belt, it will be much more comfortable.

How to sew a skirt for a 7 year old girl

Seven-year-old girls already consider themselves big because they go to school. It is best to sew school skirts for them using the method indicated above. And for the summer you can sew a skirt of any style from light and airy fabric.

How to sew a skirt for a 2 year old girl: video

It is well known that children from an early age need to develop a sense of beauty. This also applies to clothing. It is necessary for children to have it not only practical and comfortable, but also beautiful. This especially applies to small women. Girls always watch their mothers and try to copy their way of dressing, learn to combine individual details and present themselves.

Young princesses already at their age want to be fashionable and stylish. You can start with the skirt. Today in stores, children's skirts are presented in a fairly wide assortment, and choosing the right option is not difficult. But it’s even easier to sew this wardrobe element with your own hands.

How to sew a skirt yourself

Undoubtedly, any little girl loves to dress fashionably. Besides, sometimes you urgently need an outfit for children's matinee, a skirt for amateur concerts, etc. Instead of running around shopping centers, looking for the right thing, it is better to sew it with your own hands.

Helpers in this matter will be personal talent and optimism, as well as the child’s eyes filled with hope.

Don't forget also detailed master classes“how to sew a baby skirt with your own hands”, which can be found on the Internet.

Making a pattern

As you can see in the photo of children's skirts, different models require different patterns. But the process of building them is generally the same:

  • Taking measurements. You will need only three - waist size, hip size, and the length of the future skirt. The waist should be measured at the narrowest part of the torso, and the hips should be measured at the widest part. You should record the results obtained in half the value, and do not forget to add 1 - 2 cm for allowances. The length of the product depends on the desire of the little fashionista.
  • Constructing a pattern on whatman paper in accordance with the data.
  • Creating a fabric blank. For this ready-made pattern We lay it on the material chosen for the skirt and cut out the details of the future product.

Jeans skirt

Even ordinary jeans can be turned into a stylish item for your baby. Here brief instructions how to sew a children's skirt from jeans:

  • We take measurements and make a pattern.
  • Draw a horizontal line on whatman paper with a length equal to ½ the volume of the hips plus 2 cm for the seams.
  • We measure the middle of the drawn segment and draw a vertical line - its length is equal to the length of the skirt.
  • We draw two side lines, and they should widen slightly towards the bottom.
  • Cut the pattern in half along the center line and transfer it to the material.
  • We sew the cut out elements of the skirt. We cut out the belt, thread an elastic band into it and process the bottom cut. The product is ready!

Stylish tulle skirt

Tulle is a light, airy fabric that can be worn different color. Sewing a children's skirt from tulle with your own hands is not at all difficult.

Approximately 1.5 m of material will be required. It needs to be cut into strips 0.2 m wide and a length equal to the desired length of the product. Then each of them must be secured with an elastic band.

Here you can use double knot or stapler. Alternation of tulle of different shades is allowed. Ready-made skirt can be decorated with a satin ribbon, artificial flowers, or a bow.

Skater skirt for a child from 3 to 5 years old

Prepare the following:

  • fabric – 0.5 m;
  • decorative elastic band 5 cm wide - 0.6 m.

The advantage of this model is that there is no need to make a pattern on whatman paper; you can immediately make it on fabric.

The waist radius is 14 cm, the length of the skirt is 25 cm. After cutting out 2 halves of the future product from the material, we mark the waist lines - stepping back from the edge 1.5 cm, we draw a line for sewing the elastic. Fold each part of the skirt in half and mark the middle. Then we sew all the cuts.

The next step is assembling the skirt. Here you will need a sewing machine. Please note that the second side of the skirt will be sewn last, after sewing on the belt.

Now let's move on to the elastic band. Having decided on its required length, we divide it into 4 equal parts and put marks. We combine the marks on the belt with the marks on the waistline of the skirt and secure with pins.

Next we sew the elastic onto sewing machine and connect the remaining side of the skirt. Iron all side seams. We bend the bottom of the product and also iron it. All that remains is to sew the hem of the skirt hem along the wrong side.

We hope that you understand from this review that sewing a children's skirt yourself is not such a difficult task. Try, and the resulting result will please not only your baby, but also you.

Photo of a children's skirt with your own hands

Currently, schools are quite relaxed about uniforms. They require you to adhere to the rules, wear school uniform, but there are no strict restrictions, girls can wear skirts, sundresses, blouses, jackets or light sweaters, boys trousers, jackets, shirts, knee socks or light sweaters. Each school has its own charter. Today's master class suggests sewing a skirt for a schoolgirl with your own hands.

To work we need:

Fabric (preferably black or dark gray, dark brown, or checkered fabric)

Sewing machine

Pattern paper

Tape measure

First step. We take measurements: waist circumference, hip circumference, skirt length.

Second step. We are making a pattern. Based on the obtained measurements, basic pattern We draw without loose fit and without seam allowance. We take a sheet of paper that is 10 cm longer than the waist circumference and 10 cm longer than the length of the skirt.

We retreat 5 cm from the top edge, and put point A, draw a line perpendicular from it, from the side edge. We write - waist line. Below will be the hip line. We measure the bottom line from the waist line.

Third step. Transfer the pattern to the fabric. When cutting, you need to focus on the direction of the grain thread and the weft thread, because fabric stretches differently.

Straight skirt.

Side grooves

Front grooves

Rear undercuts


Skirt sun

A-line skirt

Girls of any age love bright fluffy skirts. And the model that we want to invite you to sew in this lesson is simply amazing! In addition to the wide hem and soft pleats that create the silhouette of an open flower, this model is made of fabric with a print that teenage girls will surely appreciate. After all, no one will refuse bright comics on the hem, especially if all the heroines are real beauties. To match the skirt is a bright short T-shirt, the pattern for which we will give in the next lesson.

To calculate the folds for the skirt you will need to take 2 measurements ():

  1. Waist 59.5 cm
  2. Skirt length 40 cm

Note! There are 4 bow (counter) pleats on the front and back panels of the skirt. The finished depth of each fold is 3 cm; each fold requires 2 depths. Therefore, we calculate the increase in fabric for folds as follows:

Calculation of folds for the front panel of the skirt: 8 folds (4 bow) x 6 cm (2 depths of each fold) = 48 cm.

The location of the folds in the product. In order for the folds to be evenly and symmetrically located in the product relative to the middle of the front and back panels, as well as the side line, it is necessary to calculate their location relative to the waist line.

Layout of the front panel of the skirt

Draw a rectangle 30.75 cm wide (1/2 waist circumference + 1 cm) and 40 cm long (measured skirt length). Divide the width of the rectangle by 4: 30.75/4=7.7 cm. Thus, parts (1a+1b), 2, 3, 4 (marked in the drawing with white circles) will have a width of 7.7 cm. Set aside from the top left corner of the rectangle sequentially: 3.85 cm (1/2 of 7.7 cm) - 7.7 cm - 7.7 cm - 7.7 cm - 3.85 cm (1/2 of 7.5 cm) and draw vertical lines to the bottom of the front panel. Cut the part along the marked lines and spread it into folds as shown in the figure. 2.

Rice. 1. Marking the folds on the front panel of the skirt

In our case, the depth of each fold in the finished form is 3 cm, each fold requires 2 depths, so we add 6 cm in each direction from the center of the bow fold (Fig. 2). Cut out the front panel in one piece.

Take the back panel of the skirt from the pattern of the front panel to the vertical marking Middle of front/back panel. The back panel of the skirt is cut in two parts with a seam in the center of the back.

IMPORTANT! If the width of the fabric allows, align the parts of the front and back panels of the skirt along the side lines and cut out the skirt without side seams in one piece.

Rice. 2. Marking folds on the skirt pattern

Additionally, create a pattern for a stitched belt with length AB = Waist circumference + 2 cm, BB1 = 3 cm (addition for fastener) and width 6 cm (3 cm in finished form).

How to cut a pleated skirt

Satin, poplin, as well as any bright colors are suitable for sewing this wonderful skirt. cotton fabrics, keep their shape well.

From the main fabric you need to cut:

  1. Front and back panels of the skirt - 1 piece without side seams (or 1 piece of the front panel and 2 pieces of the back panel);
  2. Belt - 1 piece.

Seam allowances on all sides are 1 cm, along the bottom of the skirt - 3 cm.

To make the skirt fluffy, you need to additionally sew a petticoat from white calico or poplin. The petticoat pattern is shown in Fig. 3.

Fold the fabric in 4 folds - in half and in half again - as shown in the pattern. Draw a notch for the waist with a radius of R1=(Waist circumference + 2)/6.28. Petticoat length 25 cm + 10 cm (width of the frill at the bottom of the sun). Cut out the petticoat, cut along the middle seam line of the back halves (zipper).

Rice. 3. Pattern of a petticoat for the skirt

A 10 cm wide frill is sewn along the bottom of the petticoat. The frill will create additional volume at the hem of the skirt. Measure the length of the bottom edge of the petticoat and cut out the frill 1.5 times longer. Seam allowances are 1 cm on all sides.

How to sew a pleated skirt

If you have cut out a skirt with side seams, then first you need to sew the side seams, overcast the allowances and press them. In the directions indicated by the arrows, lay and sweep the folds, iron the folds from the top a short distance. Sew a hidden zipper along the back seam. Fold the seam allowance at the bottom of the skirt and stitch close to the edge.

How to sew a petticoat

Fold the frill for the petticoat along the bottom and stitch. Gather the frill along the top edge, stitch it to the circle skirt piece along the bottom, and sew the seam allowances together. Sew the back seam of the petticoat down to the zipper opening, stitching each seam allowance separately. Fold the skirt with a petticoat wrong sides to each other, sweep along the traveling cut. Baste the petticoat allowances along the zipper to the fastener braids by hand using blind stitches.

Double the belt with interlining and sew it to the skirt. Sweep out the loop and sew on the button.

The wonderful skirt is ready! All that remains is to sew a combi partner for it - a cropped T-shirt. We will tell you how to do this in one of the following lessons.