To give to a girl for the New Year. What can you give your girlfriend for the New Year? Interior decoration

The beloved is approaching winter holiday. And, probably, all men think about what to give a girl on her birthday. New Year. There are a lot of options to suit every taste and budget. You just need to use your imagination, and you will definitely find inexpensive New Year's gifts for a young girl or unusual and original ones for yours.

How not to get lost in this diversity and find exactly the one and only gift that will light up the eyes of your beloved girl with fire.

Men are heroes who are ready to accomplish a feat, fly to the moon and create real miracles, but often give in to such a test as choosing a gift for a holiday. Really, what gift will your girlfriend like?

What you need to know to like a gift, where to buy it and what rules to follow so as not to make a mistake. Let's look at these questions in more detail. For an additional list of gifts you can.

The last month before the New Year is always fussy and fleeting. Before you know it, it’s time to give gifts. Have you already purchased everything? Or still don’t know what to give your girlfriend for New Year? I offer you a list of the most universal gifts, divided into categories. First, decide what you need to consider when choosing a gift for the New Year.

The gift should bring joy to the girl, and therefore be desired. But we must immediately note that all people are different. The type of gift you choose directly depends on your character.

Conventionally, all girls can be divided into two categories - PRACTICAL and ROMANTIC.

The first, completely down-to-earth, prefer useful and necessary gifts that can be used in life. They may even offer you a list of items they would be happy to see as gifts.

Such persons will be delighted:

  • kitchen appliances
  • humidifier
  • professional curling iron or hair dryer
  • fondue set
  • warm blanket with sleeves
  • aroma lamp and selection of essential oils
  • home textiles and other useful little things.

But beautiful candles, souvenirs and Gift Baskets will be considered outright stupidity.

But romantic ladies will be delighted with beautiful, albeit useless things, and will be angry with more practical gifts. For example, my friend was mortally offended by her beloved, who gave her a luxurious, expensive frying pan! Not only the present itself is important here, but also the way it is presented - beautiful design, words, time of giving (do not leave this solemn moment for the morning of January 1st).

It is also worth considering the level of the relationship. Eg, New Year's gift for a colleague should be a small, inexpensive token of attention:

  • box of candies
  • New Year's ball
  • decorative candles
  • soap self made
  • souvenirs based on the theme of the year.

A female leader can buy a more expensive universal gift:

  • quality stationery
  • a bottle of good wine
  • scarf
  • writing instrument
  • solid organizer
  • beautiful picture.

In the first few months after meeting a girl, choose more discreet things. For example, a set of underwear may be considered a hint. But your beloved girlfriend or wife is allowed to give everything that can bring her joy.

If you are planning to give a gift ex-girlfriend, then think about why you need this? If you are going to renew your relationship with her, then remember everything that she loves so as not to make a mistake in your choice. In this case, a romantic gift would be a win-win option.

Another important criterion is the budget for the holiday. You shouldn’t jump over your head and get into debt. Wrinkle your brow and come up with inexpensive gifts that are affordable to your pocket. Read about the options below.

What not to give a girl for New Year

  • You should not give cosmetics for the New Year if you do not know exactly the preferences of your loved one, since it is very difficult to guess the brand, color, texture. The same applies to perfumes, because everyone has different tastes. But here you can cheat by placing a certificate for a purchase under the Christmas tree. good store cosmetics.
  • It is also difficult to choose the right underwear. It is very difficult to figure it out the first time, and you can make mistakes with the dimensions. I remember my husband “underestimated” me, it was nice, but where should I put the laundry? They don't accept it back, after all. True, the problem will be solved if you discreetly take a photo of the label on the girl’s favorite set in advance.
  • You shouldn’t get carried away with soft toys; although they look cute, they are absolutely useless, they just collect dust in the room. Such gifts are allowed to be given for the New Year to young girls who have a special love for various kinds of bears and bunnies. I had a friend who was a panda lover. There is a plus to this - her husband knew how to please his beloved.
  • Naturally, counterfeit, low-quality items are prohibited - real woman will immediately distinguish a fake from the original and the impression will be spoiled. Also, you should not choose things that could be perceived as a hint of imperfection, for example, presenting an epilator, shapewear or acne toner.

List of original gifts

I have prepared for you a list of original, creative and unusual gifts that you can give your girlfriend for the New Year.

  • Decorations. What girl would refuse earrings, a beautiful bracelet or even... a ring! Such an elegant gift will definitely create a bright and romantic atmosphere for this festive night. The good news is that, depending on the budget, the age of your beloved and her tastes, you don’t have to limit yourself to gold and diamond items; silver and even beautiful jewelry will do just fine.
  • If time is short, but you really want to surprise and please your beloved, then you can return her to childhood. She will definitely remember the video greeting from Grandfather Frost, when he addresses her by name, praises her for something good and wishes her happiness and love in the New Year.
  • Electronics. New mobile phone, an original flash drive, a wireless mouse, a tablet, an e-reader, cute headphones - the list of modern gadgets is huge, and in it you can find the perfect present for both your wife and an ordinary girlfriend.
  • Sweet. Well, who doesn't love sweets and chocolate? Only ladies who are on strict diets, but even they are ready to sacrifice their figure in new year holidays. Therefore, a box of good chocolates is a universal gift for colleagues and acquaintances, but it’s better to give it to your girlfriend original bouquet from sweets. You can order various options for sweet gifts with your photos and even a chocolate IPAD. This gift is more suitable for a teenage girl.
  • Pear chair or soft ottoman
  • Shopping with a stylist
  • Thai massage session
  • Night tour of the rooftops
  • Photo session and romantic dinner on the roof at night
  • A wonderful gift option would be a portrait on canvas. Only choose for portrait favorite photo girls. Otherwise, you risk running into trouble.

Top unusual gifts for girls

Unusual gifts will appeal to a romantic or practical girl. Couple items will help you emphasize your feelings and show everyone that you are a couple. For example, identical T-shirts, pendants, cups. This is an inexpensive but memorable product.

Give your loved one not a thing, but an experience.

It could be:

Top creative gifts

Creative gifts will definitely be appreciated by a smart and adventurous girl.

A rather unusual but memorable present is a calendar or an entire magazine with a picture of a girl. Fortunately, now such things can be ordered for little money or even made independently in simple programs and printed at the nearest printing office.

If you are computer friendly, then present the girl with her personal website. For example, a blog in which she can share her thoughts with others is definitely a creative option!

If you have imagination, you can turn New Year's Eve into real action. To do this, buy several small but necessary gifts, think in advance and draw a “treasure” map, place clues around the room and hide gifts, and such an original pastime will be remembered by your beloved for many years.

You can take part in the quest - choose any topic that interests both of you and go on to adventure.

More options:

  • arrange fireworks or launch Chinese lanterns
  • magic ball of predictions for making decisions
  • decorative fountain with flowers
  • Feng Shui gift. The list includes decorative panels or amulets, wind chimes. Anything that creates a certain atmosphere at home.

Romantic gift ideas

Does your girlfriend like romance? Dreaming of spending New Year's Eve together? Then give her a romantic gift.

  • Can be arranged romantic evening, decorating the room in an original way or even inviting your beloved to some unusual place, for example, in a winter garden.
  • Go away for the holidays to a secluded house (depending on the budget, this could be a mountain base or a neighboring holiday home). Perhaps New Year's Eve in cozy home among the mountains - my best memory!
  • Attending a real New Year's ball is an unforgettable gift for a girl who dreams of playing the role of Cinderella.
  • Taking your loved one for a ride in a carriage or carriage is a great romantic present!
  • Organize a photo shoot for a girl or go with her to capture your feelings.

DIY gifts for your girlfriend

Don't be scared! Now in stores big choice handmade gizmos. You can also look at the Crafts Fair, where creative people live.

So, gift options:

  1. Kit New Year's balls. This option is suitable if you decide to congratulate the girl’s mother or her parents.
  2. Felt paintings for any winter theme.
  3. Pictures embroidered with beads
  4. Cool Christmas trees: made of beads, felt, wood. My son's girlfriend will definitely love the Christmas tree made from candies
  5. Felt home slippers
  6. Jewelry box made using decoupage technique. You can choose a box that matches the interior of the girl’s room.
  7. Soap in the shape of a Christmas tree or Santa Claus. A wonderful gift For the New Year 2020, a 15-year-old girl will have soap in the shape of a Snow Maiden or the symbol of the New Year - a mouse
  8. Panel embroidered with ribbons
  9. Felt toys
  10. Decoration from polymer clay. The main thing here is not to get confused. Send your girlfriend, as if by chance, a website with jewelry and remember what she liked. Imagine how happy she will be to receive an almost perfect gift
  11. Original New Year's wreaths and unusual jewelry for interior
  12. Try to surprise a girl - bake a cake. You can ask your or her mother for help. Such a gift, especially if she has a sweet tooth, will definitely be appreciated.

What to give a creative girl

If you still haven’t figured out what to give your girl for the New Year, then you can choose the ones that I have selected for you.

  1. Decide what type of creativity your girl is into, and give her a certificate for a course that she has long wanted to take, but did not have the opportunity. Or a certificate to a craft store where she can fully enjoy the selection of craft supplies.
  2. Your girlfriend loves music - buy a ticket to a concert of her favorite performers.
  3. If a girl is interested in dancing, purchase a subscription to a dance school. In this case, keep in mind that you will most likely have to go there too. Especially if it's pair dancing.
  4. A girl won’t part with her camera – give her the necessary accessories for it or a training master class.
  5. The girl dreams of learning to draw - a certificate for studying at school.

Inexpensive gift ideas

Your budget is limited, but you need a lot of gifts. Choose from the list:

  1. Handmade chocolate with photo or New Year theme
  2. Candy sets
  3. Bright mittens or socks with New Year's symbols
  4. A couple of teas along with a pack of good tea or coffee
  5. Inexpensive jewelry
  6. A soft toy only if you are sure that she will be happy with such a gift
  7. Soft blanket

What to give a girl for New Year 2020

Under no circumstances give mouse-themed souvenirs. At best, they will tell you - thank you. Such gifts are usually either thrown into the far corner or thrown away. Alternatively, it remains on the desktop if the girl works in an office. Such gifts do not bring pleasure, but are perceived as an excuse. You don't want to ruin your relationship, do you?

There are now a lot of online stores specializing in original gifts. For example, give your girl a chocolate New Year. In this store you can order various chocolate options, issued in New Year's style, and even with a photo of your favorite girl. Moreover, the layout can be created directly on the website.

You can buy it in another store christmas balls with a surprise. What kind of surprise it is is up to you to decide. There are also sets of magic cookies “New Year's fun” and gift sets "Tea party with Santa Claus." An unusual gift for a girl would be a video letter from Santa Claus.

Of course, these are only the most common options. But I strongly advise you to take a closer look at your beloved, think about her character, taste, habits, desires, and proceed from this when purchasing.

And listen to her carefully. Often we, girls and women, gently tell our other half about our preferences, mentioning “a luxurious dress in the window,” “a cool phone number,” or “a friend’s cute ring.” Now you know what you can give a girl for the New Year. If the information was useful to you, share it on social networks. See you soon, I sincerely wish you a great 2020!

Before the New Year we all rush to the shops for traditional gifts. Every winter you want to choose the best for your loved ones, but this doesn’t always work out. If you don’t know what to give your loved one, our list of gifts for a girl for the New Year will help. It contains the most successful gifts depending on the tastes and interests of the lady of the heart.

List of bad gifts for a girl for the New Year

In order not to ruin the girl’s holiday, and, consequently, yourself, you should avoid deliberately unsuccessful gifts, such as:

  • Clothes or linen, not suitable in style or size, or not matching the girl’s tastes. When choosing a gift, be guided only by her tastes, and not by your ideas of beauty. If you are not sure about the size, please choose gift Certificate from a clothing or lingerie store.
  • Things, which can be understood as a hint of physical defects. If a guy suddenly, on his own initiative, gives him an epilator or a weight loss belt, the girl may be offended, thinking that she is considered fat or unkempt.
  • Low quality cheap fakes. It is better to take an item of an unknown brand, but of normal quality, than a counterfeit.

Also, don't forget about packaging. Even if you have chosen the best present, packing it in a crumpled bag from the supermarket will ruin the whole impression.

List of romantic gifts for girlfriend

If a girl is a gentle and romantic person, she will like a gift that hints at your feelings and allows you to feel like the heroine of a fairy tale, for example:

  • Handmade postcard with a declaration of love and personalized chocolate;
  • Calendar for the next year with your general photos;
  • A poem composed by you;
  • A film made from your shared photos and videos;
  • An electronic moth in a jar that repeats the movements of a living insect;
  • Crystal glasses on which you can play a melody, like the heroine of the movie “Miss Congeniality”;
  • An original gel scented candle or aroma lamp with a set of essential oils;
  • Blooming orchid;
  • Author's interior doll;
  • A ceramic mug with a surprise on the bottom, for example, a bright red heart or a confession from you;
  • Bouquet of cute soft toys, tied with a scarlet ribbon and complemented by a heart card.

A very good present is a romantic dinner. If you organize everything and invite a girl to spend the evening in a special atmosphere, she will definitely be happy. Be sure to carefully consider the decor of the room, food and music. Don't forget to invite the girl to dance and hug her at the most solemn moment.

Romantic and inexpensive gift- a bag embroidered with flowers, in which there will be small notes written in your hand. Each one should have something pleasant - compliments, wishes and recognition.

If your financial situation allows, a romantic gift can be more expensive and extravagant, for example:

  • A few days in a secluded house in the Swiss Alps or at least at a country camp site;
  • A festive show with fireworks in honor of your girlfriend;
  • Attending a New Year's ball in a luxurious place;
  • Walk around the city in a real carriage;
  • Flight to hot-air balloon with champagne and refreshments.

Beauty Gift List

Usually girls take care of their appearance and try to look their best, so any gifts for beauty are perceived favorably. The exception is the things that we have already mentioned, everything that hints at physical disabilities.

Nice gifts for girls:

  • Jewelry. If finances allow, he can buy something expensive - made of gold and precious stones. A girl will be happy with a beautiful pendant, bracelet, chain or earrings. But rings are usually associated with engagement, so if you are not sure of the seriousness of your intentions, it is better not to give them.
  • Bijouterie. Beautiful decoration doesn't have to be from precious metals. High-quality jewelry can be much brighter and will help emphasize the style and independence of a girl. You can give jewelry famous brands or handmade. You should not buy inexpensive imitation jewelry - it is ugly.
  • Cosmetics and perfumes. It’s worth buying such things only if you and the girl are in a very close relationship, and she herself hinted at what she wants. If not, choose a universal option - a gift certificate. You can also choose something neutral, such as salt or bath bombs, or a set of essential oils.
  • Visiting a beauty salon or spa. This is a great present if you want to please a girl, but don’t know exactly what to choose. She will be able to choose the necessary procedures based on the amount you paid.

Modern gadgets are the best New Year's gift for a young girl

Young people cannot imagine their life without a variety of gadgets and modern digital devices. Therefore, the girl will be glad if she receives as a gift:

  • MP3 player in stylish design;
  • An original computer speaker, for example, with a waterfall inside;
  • Unusual headphones, for example, fur or with cat ears;
  • The outer disk is bright red;
  • USB flash drive in the form of lipstick, a pendant or a stylish keychain with rhinestones;
  • Flexible keyboard for tablet;
  • A cool heated cup powered by a USB port;
  • A small and bright keyboard vacuum cleaner.

List of gifts for car ladies

Many modern girls spend no less time behind the wheel than guys. If you are looking for a gift for such a car lady, pay attention to:

  • Car coffee maker. It is suitable for a coffee lover who often travels outside the city where there are no coffee shops.
  • Protective pads for shoes with heels (autoheels). Such a gift will help protect a girl’s favorite shoes from abrasion on the back, which is what all motorists suffer from.
  • Organizer for trunk or seat. It will help keep a bunch of necessary little things in perfect order.
  • Holder for your mobile phone. You should definitely choose something stylish and feminine.
  • Anti-slip mat for dashboard. It will help you not to worry that something will roll and fall during the trip.
  • Car clothes hanger. Girls are very worried about things getting wrinkled in the car, but such a device will allow them to be transported without problems.

If it is not possible to give something expensive, the girl will be happy even with a car air freshener or a keychain with a flashlight. The main thing is to present them from the heart and with truly sincere wishes.

List of practical New Year's gifts for girls

If your beloved is a practical girl who appreciates gifts that are useful in everyday life, try not to disappoint her. But don’t forget that romance and originality are also important. The most successful useful gifts for the new year:

  • A cozy blanket with microfiber or velor sleeves that will keep your loved one warm on winter evenings;
  • A rug-bedspread that is suitable for both fitness classes and the sofa;
  • An original animal hat or a set of a hat (fur earmuffs) and mittens;
  • Stylish sofa cushions, for example from the “Love is...” series;
  • A real chef's set consisting of stylish apron and a funny cap or scarf, as well as a huge wooden ladle;
  • A stylish umbrella, for example, with a photo of a girl, in the shape of a katana or in a banana case;
  • Compact home exercise machine, for example, hanging or folding;
  • A projector night light that creates the appearance of a starry sky or ocean depths in the room;
  • Desktop notepad with backlight;
  • Multicolored silicone molds for baking;
  • Case for gadget.

Try to make even the most practical gift festive. Even if the girl directly said that she wants a frying pan or a slow cooker, try to wrap the gift beautifully, supplement it with a postcard, sweets and best wishes.

List of universal New Year gifts for girls

Sometimes there is not enough time to choose something unique and ideal for the girl you love. Then you have to give preference universal options. Such a gift may not cause delight, but it certainly will not disappoint:

  • Leather gloves or mink mittens;
  • Branded cosmetic bag;
  • Curling iron or hair straightener depending on the girl’s hairstyle;
  • Powerful hair dryer with different attachments;
  • Funny house slippers, for example, with the image of the animal symbol of the year;
  • Selfie monopod,
  • Folding laptop table;
  • Handmade Christmas tree decoration.

Sweets are also considered universal gifts. A cake or a box of chocolates with a bottle of champagne looks too banal. Therefore, having decided to choose for a girl sweet gift, give preference to a composition of sweets and fruits, a chocolate bouquet or a Christmas tree made of marmalade or marzipan. You can also try original oriental sweets, sets of good chocolate or comic “sweet medicines”. Be sure to wish the girl a sweet life next year and make general wishes as the chimes strike.

On New Year's Day, girls expect special gifts from their lovers, which plunges them into heavy thoughts. Every guy wants to surprise his beloved with a wonderful present, but how not to “miss” and choose something that she will definitely be happy about? The easiest way out of the situation is to ask her herself what she would like to find under the New Year tree.

This will save you from unnecessary hassle regarding finding a gift, but if you want to surprise a girl and really please her, you will have to make some efforts. We are ready to help you with this and offer a selection of ideas, what to give your girlfriend for New Year 2017.

Win-win options

Cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, outfits - these options are not trivial at all, they are win-win. Any girl will confirm that there is no such thing as too many beauty products in a cosmetic bag, and too many dresses or accessories in a wardrobe.

By choosing a gift from one of these categories, you can’t go wrong and will definitely please your loved one. However, for a gift to really bring a lot of joy, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Cosmetics and perfumes - everyone knows that girls can distinguish a dozen shades of pink nail polish, which guys, in turn, will call the same. Therefore, if you are already dizzy from the variety of cosmetics, then it’s better not to torture yourself and buy a gift certificate to a good store so that your loved one can choose what she needs. The same applies to perfumes. Just make sure that the certificate is beautifully designed, plus you can add a set of sweets or a cute toy to it.

  • Jewelry - first, take a closer look at what style of jewelry your girl prefers, then you can purchase the appropriate option. If you are not going to propose marriage to your loved one, then you should refuse to buy a ring, even if it is simple jewelry; instead, it is better to choose a beautiful pendant, earrings or bracelet. You can use it to make a gift a beautiful box or gift bag.
  • Outfits - if you want to give a girl a dress or, for example, a blouse for New Year, then the main difficulty will be to guess the size. If you are sure that your loved one will like the outfit you have chosen, then you can simply take one of her clothes with you to the store so that the consultant can select a similar size. You can also agree with the seller about the possibility of replacing the item you purchased with a different size if it turns out that it is too small or large.

Gifts for the soul

An excellent gift option for a girl would be tickets to a concert of her favorite musical group. To do this, you can go to the group’s official page on the Internet, check out the performance schedule and immediately order tickets. If you yourself are not delighted with the songs of these musicians, then it doesn’t matter - let the girl take a friend with her to the concert.

  • romantic dinner in a restaurant or on the roof of a high-rise building;
  • a serenade under her window (performed by you, of course);
  • a trip for two, for example, to the mountains or to the sea;
  • fireworks;
  • going to a masquerade ball (if one is held in your city).

The impressions from such a gift will last a long time, plus with its help you can express your attitude towards your loved one, and this is the main purpose for which the gift is selected.

Inexpensive gift

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to give a girl jewelry or trips abroad. However, even with a limited budget you can make a wonderful gift, for example, you can buy:

  • jewelry box;
  • a beautiful album or frame for your photos together;
  • a cup with her photo and a cute inscription;
  • cosmetic bag;
  • soft toy;
  • gift set of sweets.

Add a little romance to your gift in the form of a bouquet of flowers, a poem you wrote or beautiful postcard, and then your gift will bring your beloved even more joy.

If you want to buy a funny gift for a girl, for example, a cartoon, a box with a monster jumping out of it, or a T-shirt with a funny inscription, then make sure that she has a positive attitude towards practical jokes and will not be offended by you, otherwise it is better to leave jokes for the first person April. If the idea of ​​playing a prank on your loved one does not leave you, then at least prepare a plan “B” in the form of another more traditional gift.

On the eve of the New Year, try to be more attentive. As a rule, girls understand that it is difficult for a guy to decide on a gift option, and they often themselves hint at the desired item. Therefore, watch for phrases such as: “Again, my curling iron is not heating well! And when am I going to buy a new one?” - and you will get an idea for a present.

In anticipation New Year's Eve every girl is waiting unusual gift from a loved one, which brings some inconvenience. Each of the young people wants to give a nice present, but what can be given? The easiest way out of the situation is to ask her what she would like to receive for the holiday. There will be no need to worry, but when you want to surprise your loved one and bring her joy, you need to make an effort. Next we will study possible options what to give a girl for New Year.

A universal gift for a girl for the New Year

Perfumery, cosmetical tools and decorations are not banal options, they are universal. Every girl will agree that her cosmetic bag is always short of products for personal care and applying makeup, and her wardrobe is always short of dresses and accessories.

Each of the gifts in this category will please your loved one. However, in order for the surprise to bring a lot of joy, you must follow several main rules:

  • Decorations. First, carefully study the style of jewelry the girl wears, this will allow you to purchase the desired option. When you are not planning to propose marriage, it is better not to purchase a ring, even if it is jewelry. Opt for a beautiful pendant, bracelet or earrings. To decorate a gift, you can use a bright box or gift bag;
  • Perfumes and cosmetics. Everyone knows that girls can tell the difference between many shades of nail polish, but guys cannot see the difference in them. For this reason, when the assortment of cosmetics makes your head spin, it is better to make your task easier and buy a gift certificate. This will allow your loved one to independently choose what she needs. At the same time, it is important not to forget that the gift should be beautifully decorated and that you can put a set of sweets or several small soft toys;
  • When it comes to what to give your girlfriend for the New Year, don’t forget about outfits. When you plan to give a girl a dress, the main difficulty is guessing the size. You can take one of the girl’s clothes with you to the store so that the store employee can pick out a similar outfit.

What to give a girl for the New Year from the heart

A gift from the heart

An excellent option for what to give your girlfriend for the New Year are tickets to the concert of her favorite band. All that remains is to go to the official page of the group and see the schedule of performances and order tickets. When you don’t want to go to a concert with your significant other, you can let her go with a friend.

The next option that you can give a girl for the New Year is spa membership or beauty salon. The girl you love is guaranteed to appreciate the opportunity to enjoy cosmetic procedures and feel like you're on vacation. And when purchasing a gym membership, it is important to be careful.

If you think about what gift to give a girl for the New Year, then it will only be suitable if the girl herself spoke about her desire to start visiting the gym. Otherwise, it is better to abandon such an idea so that the girl does not think that she is being hinted at the need to lose weight.

Useful gifts

Useful gifts for a girl for the New Year

This is quite rare, but there are still girls who love practical gifts. When your other half is one of them, you can choose:

  • Useful accessories for your computer;
  • Coffee maker;
  • Blender;
  • Freezer;
  • Table lamp with big amount functions.

Plus, even such a gift as an iron can be easily wrapped beautifully and presented with sincere congratulations.

Romantic mood

Romantic gift for the New Year

Every girl loves romance, and always expects its manifestations from a young man. For them better than a gift can not found:

  • Fireworks;
  • Traveling for two;
  • Attending a masquerade ball;
  • A beautiful song under the window;
  • Romantic dinner in a restaurant.

The impressions received will remain in your memory for a long time, and will also help you express your attitude towards your beloved girl, and this is the main purpose for choosing a gift. And she, in turn, will repay you in kind by showing her feelings.

What to give a girl for the new year inexpensively

An inexpensive gift for a girl for the New Year

It is not always possible to buy your significant other an expensive present or a trip to another country. But if you have a limited amount of funds, you can make a good gift:

  • jewelry box;
  • a lovely album or photo frame;
  • a mug with a photo or a beautiful inscription;
  • soft toy;
  • a set of sweets;
  • cosmetic bag;
  • with your own hands and fill it with sweets.

Add a little romance to your chosen gift in the form of a bouquet of flowers, a poem of your own composition and an attractive postcard, then the gift will bring even more positive emotions.

When you want to buy for a girl cool gift, for example, a cartoon or a box from which a monster jumps out, then you need to make sure that she understands this joke and will not be offended.

What gifts should you refuse?

What you shouldn't give a girl for the New Year

No matter how close you are to your loved one, there are some gifts that should not be given:

  • Perfumery. There is a high probability of not guessing with the aroma;
  • Watch. Superstitious people believe that they are harbingers of separation;
  • Cash. Unoriginal and hints at a lack of imagination;
  • Napkins, scarves and towels. Signs say that this is a sign of separation;
  • Household or household supplies;
  • Books. The chosen subject may differ from the girl's interest.

For car lovers

Gift for car lady

A representative of the fair sex will always find various attributes useful when driving, which increase comfort in the cabin. The most common:

  • Small coffee maker;
  • Mobile phone stand;
  • Set of notepad and pen with Velcro;
  • Organizer that is installed on the seat;
  • A kit for ladies to clean the salon;
  • Automatic clothes hanger or small pillow;
  • Mat for women's shoes.

When a girl doesn’t yet have a DVR or anti-theft equipment, you can please her and buy one thing.

Expensive gift

An expensive gift for a girl in the New Year

Every girl strives to follow new fashion trends and constantly monitors the latest trends. You can make a mistake with things - the wrong size or shade, but an expensive accessory that matches any outfit will truly please any girl. For example:

  • Bag or clutch from a well-known manufacturer;
  • Suitcase;
  • Wallet;
  • Gloves;
  • Strap;
  • Shawl or scarf;
  • Umbrella.

The cost of branded items can be shocking, but high-quality copies will cost less, plus only a specialist can see the difference.

Unforgettable emotions

Quest as a gift

You can please a girl with a truly extraordinary gift:

  • Extreme driving lesson;
  • Horseback riding for two;
  • Snowmobile safari;
  • Quest in reality;
  • Extreme trampoline for two.

Tickets to the premiere of her favorite film, which you will go to together, will leave a pleasant impression for the next year.

Professional photo shoot

Photo session as a gift for the New Year

The present can be considered universal, as it can be used for professional photo shoot, for filming during a holiday or at the moment romantic date. Each of the bright moments will be captured, and you will be able to view the photos at any convenient time. And if you put photographs in frames or photo books, you can make the gift especially valuable and memorable.

Before the start of a holiday like New Year, you need to be especially careful. Most often, girls understand that young man It’s not easy to decide on the choice of gift, and often they themselves hint at the desired thing. Therefore, be especially attentive to what your significant other says. It is enough to remember all her hints and there will be no difficulties in choosing a gift.

When thinking about what to give your beloved girl for the New Year, focus on her age, activities, and hobbies. So, a soft toy would be appropriate for a young lady, especially if you met her recently and still don’t know her well. This is a universal sign of sympathy, such as flowers and sweets. An older lady who already has life experience and works will most likely prefer something more practical to a toy.

On our list there are things that are original and traditional, fabulous and funny, cheap and not so - it’s up to you to choose.

  1. Beautiful candles or aroma lamp. On New Year's holidays, even a not very romantic person will want to decorate her house and table. Buy a set with a dish and floating lights in it, or a candle in a glass that changes color.

    A young man once gave me a round aroma lamp alarm clock with a USB cable: when you plug it in, it shimmers different colors, A essential oil in the container on top it heats up and aromatizes the room. It also shows time - a cool thing!

  2. A ball for the Christmas tree with a picture of a girl or the two of you. Made to order.

    The alternative is beautiful Christmas decorations from a regular store.

  3. A transparent ball with a house, fir trees, and falling snowflakes inside. A jar with a hovering electronic moth or a flowering bush (or an eternal rose that does not wither for 5 years).

  4. A star projector lamp that creates a magical atmosphere.

  5. Mink mittens, a scarf or warm socks with New Year's symbols - warm and beautiful. You can choose a funny animal hat.

    Fur headphones - if a young lady likes to show off without a headdress, you will also take care of her health.

  6. Bag or backpack. Leather is not budget-friendly, but for a Hare Krishna, hippie follower, lover ethnic style You can find an interesting fabric item.

  7. Jewelry box, ring stand, cosmetics case.

  8. A plaid robe with sleeves is a must-have item in winter. A heart pillow or just a pillow with a picture of the two of you on it.

  9. Calendar for 2020 with your photos together. If you order, provide the designer with high-quality material with good resolution.

    Other souvenir options are a T-shirt, bandana, keychain, dishes. In principle, the image can be applied anywhere.

  10. Paired items: a pendant, one half of which she wears and you wear the other; T-shirts with complementary inscriptions, etc. If a girl is not embarrassed to publicly demonstrate her feelings, she will appreciate such a romantic gesture.

  11. A mug, the design on which appears when you pour hot water, is magical for New Years!

    Make a sketch yourself or bring a flash drive with a photo to a souvenir company. The designer will add a New Year's background to the photo, and the image will be applied to the mug.

  12. Singing glasses are an unusual and cool gift. There is a scale on the glass to determine the water level for each note.
  13. A touching bouquet of soft toys. Handmade doll (interior doll). Or order a miniature of your loved one from a craftswoman.

  14. Skates - good New Year's gift for an active girl. And be prepared to keep her company on the ice.
  15. Book or CD. You can present something magical like Harry Potter, but be consistent with her tastes.
  16. Wallet, passport cover, clutch, business card holder, cosmetic bag - if you are a student, choose a cool, inexpensive option.

  17. A beautiful notepad or notebook.

    If the object of adoration is already working, perhaps a solid diary, a stylish pen and other items with which she will appear at planning meetings, press conferences, etc. will not hurt her.

  18. A set of makeup brushes, a professional palette with eye shadow, blush - if you know color scheme. Although, in my opinion, it is more pleasant to receive it from relatives or friends.
  19. Shower gel, bubble bath, handmade soap - not new, but always necessary.
  20. Wristwatch - let him give you a ruble if he believes in omens. Monopod + selfie remote.

  21. Jewelry - silver, gold, ethnic, romantic and luxurious... A pendant bottle with hearts and a key to them, or discreet but expensive diamonds... Give only if you know your friend well and have studied her taste.
  22. A paid photo shoot - the result of a professional’s work will please any woman! And “likes” on social networks are guaranteed.
  23. Gift certificate - to a cosmetics, lingerie, handmade (handicraft) store, to a beauty salon or for a massage. And there is no need to rack your brains in thought.

  24. Tickets to the theater, to an organ concert or to her favorite performer.
  25. For those of a creative nature (writes poetry, stories, weaves flowers and beaded jewelry, designs, photographs, etc.), create a website to keep a blog or post works for sale.
  26. Tea in beautiful packaging, may be personal; candies, painted gingerbread cookies are a great addition to the main gift.

PocketBook reader (from 6,900 rubles)

We create a magical atmosphere

Figuring out what gift to give a girl for New Year is still half the battle. Everything is determined by the mood, because - Organize a fabulous New Year's Eve.

Stock up sparklers, take care of the interior, background music, games, and other fun - bring joy to the masses!

If funds allow, buy fireworks and Chinese lanterns. After the chimes strike, launch them into the sky with your beloved.

Imagine how to present the treasured package

  • Prepare and write compliments and confessions on them: “I love you!”, “You are the most feminine,” “I want to celebrate every New Year with you,” etc. Lay out the path to the gift with snowflakes. The young lady will collect and read your tender words- a pleasant process! At the end you will discover a hidden surprise. You can use our snowflake templates, just print them out and cut them out!