1 year old baby's birthday. Scenario for celebrating a boy's first birthday. or this dance...

As a rule, the first such holiday is celebrated at home. Parents should decorate the room where the celebration will take place in advance with balloons, design a poster or wall newspaper, which shows everyone the achievements of the birthday boy from the day of his first breath to the day of his first anniversary. In the wall newspaper you can place funny photos of the child, corresponding to each month of his growing up, for example, in the form of daisy petals or the trailers of a toy train, and also indicate some funny incidents from the life of the family that happened this year. It is more rational if the baby’s mother delegates the right to be the host at the holiday to someone close to her: a grandmother or a friend. After all, she herself will most likely have to periodically leave the room where the celebration will take place due to troubles with the child.

Exactly a year ago a miracle happened:
A new man was born.
And since then the family has changed,
You will never find them happier.
Let's have fun from the heart
On a wonderful birthday baby.
Any pranks are good today:
Either throw a ball or peel a piece of candy!

The song performed by the Barbarika Group “Happy Birthday!”

Those gathered around the table begin to celebrate the holiday. During this action, the presenter unobtrusively highlights interesting information.

I will be happy to share with you interesting facts about the history of birthday celebrations. This tradition was introduced by the ancient Egyptians. Initially, this day had the right to celebrate exclusively by pharaohs, kings, their heirs, and only men. When a girl was born, this day was not even recorded in the documents. The first woman to earn such a privilege was Queen Cleopatra II (2nd century BC). The tradition of lighting candles on cakes originated in Greece. On the birthday of the moon goddess Artemis, they brought to her temple as a sacrifice round honey cakes, like the moon, which contained several wax candles. North American Indians loved to celebrate not only the child's birthday, but also the days when he first sat down and walked. In the Northern Hemisphere, the most common birthday is October 5th, and the rarest is May 22nd.

The song “Birthday” performed by the “Giant” Children’s Choir plays in the background.

How our baby was born
I only ate milk.
But growing up without vitamins
It soon became difficult.
He is happy with new delicacies,
The orchard helped us!

I invite everyone to the circle. Let's play fun game called “Fruit Round Dance”!

Game "Fruit round dance"
Game conditions: Each participant is dressed up with a certain fruit. You can prepare masks or cardboard costumes in advance. Several characters take part in the fruit dance. These are banana, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, peach, apricot, pear, apple. The birthday boy is in the center of the circle, if he can’t walk yet, then in his mother’s arms, and during the game he chooses one of the fruits. Each participant tries to please the baby. After choosing, the fruit is sent to an improvised basket. To do this, you can arrange a place, for example, on the sofa. After the competition is completed, all the fruits are photographed along with the birthday person as a keepsake. For this game, you can use a song that is available on Internet resources containing children's educational cartoons. It sounds like this: “There are very different fruits in this world! And, of course, adults and children love them!” This work very cheerfully sings about each of the fruits listed above.

Guests, praise the young mother.
I worked for a whole year to raise the baby.
I listened to the advice of experienced mothers:
How to bathe, how to entertain and what to feed.
Boiled porridge, steamed mashed potatoes,
I tried to please my child.
Dad is very brave, he tried to help.
I nursed this baby and had no peace.
I did everything together with the child: crawled and bit,
One day, by mistake, he finished the puree.

Dear men, tell me, are any of you capable, like our young father of the family, of such feats? I invite you to take part in the competition.

Conditions of the competition: 2 men are invited to participate. It is necessary to involve those who do not yet have children of their own, or whose offspring are already adults. Each participant is given treats from several jars of baby food to try. Better to use broccoli cauliflower, meat purees with additional ingredients, for example, buckwheat, since unsalted sterilized purees are more difficult for an inexperienced person to recognize. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes when identifying products wins. During the competition, everyone should be amused by how men will wince and twist their mouths at such a peculiar children's food.

This congratulation will remain in the memory of the family for many years. Dear friends, I would like each of you to give the birthday boy today a congratulation as a keepsake. I invite those who wish to participate in the next competition called “Let’s put together puzzles.”

Competition "Let's put together puzzles"
Competition conditions: 2 teams participate. A team of adults versus a team of children. Puzzle blanks must be made in advance. For adults, these are parts of a big heart; for children, the picture is simpler, for example, a sun with rays or a bun. Participants must write a wish for the hero of the occasion on each piece and assemble the whole figure. Children who cannot write can simply draw a picture. The team that combines all the puzzles the fastest wins.

After this competition it is time for tea and a traditional cake with candles.

Wonderful cake! There are candles on the cake
Will light up with fiery fire.
This evening will not be repeated
But we will not forget about him.
Years will pass, there will be a reason
Guests will rush to this house.
And the child will grow up
With love, happiness and goodness.

Parents bring in the cake and blow out the candles together with the birthday boy. The song of Gena the Crocodile sounds. All participants in the celebration sing a song, eat food and take pictures.

In fact, there is one correct answer that lies right on the surface, you know it. Celebrate your child's first birthday the way you want, the way you see fit. And, believe me, it will be the best holiday.

Although the baby has grown up, he still cannot express his opinion. The main thing for him is that his mom and dad are nearby, who take care of him and love him with all their hearts. So don't worry. As you decide, so it will be. There is no universal way to celebrate a child’s first birthday; each holiday is good in its own way.

But when organizing your child's first birthday, remember the following general recommendations.

You don't need to invite too many people to your baby's first birthday. This is not a wedding. The baby will be cozier and more comfortable among several well-known people than in a crowd of all his relatives, half of whom he doesn’t even know. And don’t be afraid to offend anyone by not inviting your child to your birthday party. I think your relatives and friends are adults and will understand your decision.

  • Please pay attention Special attention menu. Remember that this is your child's first holiday, and he will be pleased to see cheerful guests. Cheerful, not drunk. So don't overdo it alcoholic drinks. This can ruin the whole holiday, or even scare the baby.

  • Most likely, there will be other children at your child’s first birthday – brothers, sisters, godparents’ children. Make sure your children don't get bored. Prepare toys in advance, inflate balloons. In the end, kids come to the holiday not to eat, but to play with each other. And it will be much easier for parents when children are busy with toys, and not running around the house.

Your baby is already so big, but at the same time still so small. How to make him understand that this is his little holiday?

I will share my experience. And based on this, you can decide how you will congratulate your baby. Since Nastaska is a sleepyhead, my husband and I decided to prepare a surprise for her when she goes to bed in the morning. We inflated many, many balloons (10-15 pieces), bought a beautiful cake, a candle in the shape of the number “1” and made a festive cap. There was more than enough for this. You should have seen how surprised she was when she saw so many balls and how she played with them. The cap remained out of use because Nastya stubbornly took it off. Then we lit a candle on the cake and blew it out together. And I mentally made a wish.

In fact, this is the minimum. But the child doesn’t need any more now. He still doesn’t understand why mom and dad suddenly brought so many balloons, bought a cake and asked him to blow on a candle. The child doesn't care what you give him. He is happy with any gift. And the baby is even more glad that you are nearby.

A child's first birthday is an important day. But don't worry, everything will go just as you dreamed. Remember this day. He is so important in your life. Just a year ago you were lying in the maternity ward, afraid of childbirth, worried. And today your baby is already walking towards you on his own!

I sincerely wish that your holiday becomes amazing and memorable, so that even your guests remember it for a long, long time. Make a wish on this day, believe me, it will come true. After all, this is your holiday too. You gave life to a charming baby. Do everything to make him the happiest!

“1 year old child’s birthday” and “How to celebrate a 1 year old child’s birthday” are among the most common and popular search queries on the Internet today. And this phenomenon is quite understandable. Every loving parent wishes to make this day memorable and joyful for himself and especially for his child. Some mothers and fathers believe that this holiday should not be celebrated, since the baby will not remember anything anyway. Others, on the contrary, oversaturate the baby’s first birthday with events and impressions.

As for the first category of parents, they are wrong. Yes, the baby really won’t remember the first celebration in his life in the usual sense, but he will “remember,” or rather, feel the love, affection and care that his mom, dad and other family members gave him. The second category, as you understand, also acts incorrectly. You can use the recommendations presented in this article, modifying them at your discretion in accordance with personal needs and your own vision of your baby’s very first holiday.

How to prepare for your child's first birthday?

To get started, get a special organizer or notebook where you will write down the holiday ideas you like or your own memories of the birthdays your parents gave you. Later, you will be able to select specific points from this list. They will help make your baby's first birthday a bright and unforgettable moment in your life. It is also worth writing down recipes for preparing children's dishes, competitions, addresses of stores and companies, by contacting which you can get help in organizing the holiday: decorations, costumes and other holiday accessories.

A celebration for a child must be carefully planned and various lists drawn up. But it is not at all necessary to strictly adhere to a specific plan. Leave room for creativity, unexpected surprises and spontaneous actions. After all, it is they that lead to the funny moments that can happen at the holiday, and it is these that you, your family members, and all the guests invited to the birthday party will later remember.

Where to celebrate a child’s 1st birthday?

Before the celebration, decorate the apartment and give the baby the opportunity to take part in this activity as much as possible: invite him and you to hang garlands, balls and other items around the house to decorate the room.

When the child falls asleep, place on one of the walls of the room where the holiday will take place a homemade poster with photographs of the birthday boy for each month: everyone will be pleased to see how the baby has changed throughout the year. In the morning, lay out several outfits in front of the hero of the occasion, let him choose the one that suits him. Don’t move the rest too far; you may have to change your child’s clothes several times during the celebration.

Alternate the feast with outdoor games and a cultural program. If, in the midst of the fun, you feel that the baby is already tired, and there is still so much interesting things to do, take him to a separate room and stay with him in a quiet and calm environment; dad can entertain the guests at this time.

How to celebrate a child’s birthday - 1 year (sample scenario)

At its core, the first birthday is special not only because it is the first significant date in a child’s life, but also because in terms of the way it is organized, it differs from both the birthday of an adult and the birthday of other children. age categories. There is no need to turn a holiday for your baby into the usual gatherings at the table. There is no need to involve your baby in competitions with excessive activity. You just need to show the birthday boy the love that you have felt for him since he was born. Surround the baby with your attention, warmth and care.

Before the guests arrive (if you expect them to be present at the party), take a photo of the child while he is in a good and cheerful mood and has not had time to stain his elegant clothes. Perhaps after and during the celebration, the little birthday boy will no longer want to take part in a family photo shoot.

Refuse to buy an expensive cake with an abundance of rich cream, since the intake of such food is contraindicated for the baby. It’s better to make your own fruit pudding or a regular pie, such as fish or charlotte. The tradition of blowing out a candle can be introduced from the first birthday; the baby himself will not be able to cope with this difficult task, but you can put it out yourself or help the child do it.

Measure the height and weight of the birthday person; this moment can be solemnly captured using a camera and video camera. Draw the baby's arms and legs on paper or make casts using special plaster kits, which are now in abundance on sale. Present the results of your labors in the form of a colorful poster with the inscription: “Our baby is one year old.” After the celebration, keep the poster for a long-lasting memory.

Competitions for guests on a child's first birthday

Due to his age, the birthday boy cannot take an active part in competitions, but you still shouldn’t forget about the guests of the holiday; they should also get maximum pleasure and positive emotions from the holiday. You can entertain adult guests of the celebration with the help of interesting and funny competitions. But there shouldn't be too many of them. Five games would be a perfectly acceptable norm.

"Maternal instinct"

Place in front of the guests photographs of the hero of the occasion's mother and father, his own photos, as well as photographs of other babies. Tell those invited that any mother among thousands of similar children will recognize her own. Invite the competition participants to check how developed their maternal instinct is. The guests' task is to select only photographs of the birthday boy.

"Culinary delights"

The essence of this have a fun competition is that guests are invited to taste a teaspoon from different jars of baby food, from which the labels have previously been removed and a serial number has been assigned. It’s better not to take too many jars; three will be enough. Players take turns tasting the puree from each and determining what it is made from. You must write down the answers of each contestant and at the end count the number of correct ones.

This children's fun will appeal to everyone. Give the participants a pacifier and explain the conditions of the competition: you need to take the pacifier in your mouth and spit it so that it flies as far as possible. After each attempt, you need to sterilize the pacifier in glasses of hot water, placed in advance on the table next to each competitor. The places where the nipples fall can be marked with a small strip of paper. The winners are awarded symbolic comic prizes.

"What is the baby thinking about"

Take a hat, put small pieces of paper in it, rolled into a tube, on which phrases like this will be written: “My mouth often waters, but you don’t. Why? Have you run out of saliva? “Oh my God, you are so big! How does your mother lift you up?”; "People! Help our family with money! No salt, no sugar, I eat unleavened porridge! I’m already sick.”; “Mmmm, you smell so delicious, I just want to lick you”; "My God! If your joke makes me laugh, it doesn’t mean that it needs to be repeated a hundred times in a row!”; “Why are you looking at my mom like that? Do you also want to take a sip of delicious milk?”; “Hey, get your hands off my rice pudding! Eat your vinaigrette!” etc. Invite guests to find out what the birthday person is really thinking about when he looks at them. Let them take turns taking leaves from the hat and reading out their contents. Everyone will laugh.

Games in which the birthday boy can take part

"We bring toys to life"

Take your baby's favorite toy, such as a teddy bear. The bear must come to life with the help of an adult. Teddy bear will walk, fall, go to bed, eat, put on a bib, and jump around the room. Involve everyone present in this game and organize an impromptu puppet theater performance.

Give the birthday boy a balloon. Invite everyone to take part in this game. First, the hero of the occasion kicks the ball, then all the other players. The task of adult participants is quite funny and unusual - not to kick the ball further than the baby.

"Tower of cubes"

Explain the task to the adult participants in the game: they will need to quickly build towers from cubes, and at this time the child will destroy them. To play, you need two adults and the birthday boy himself. The winner is the adult who manages to build a tower from the most cubes before the toddler destroys it. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize, for example, a pacifier.

"Dance with Me"

Play a funny children's song and invite guests to dance with the baby, but not just dance, but compete in the art of dancing. Place the baby in the center of the room (of course, if he doesn’t mind this), invite an adult participant in the game to stand next to him and watch how they dance. There may be several who want to compete with the hero of the occasion. The winner of this competition, of course, is the birthday boy.

Menu for a child's birthday

The menu for the adult part of the family and invited guests may be no different from the traditional one. But it’s worth considering a separate “table” for the baby. Should be drawn up sample list products allowed for feeding a one-year-old baby, and already build on it when preparing holiday dishes. Such a list should contain the following food products: crackers in the shape of fish, letters, numbers and animals; bagels or dryers; berries; fruits; cheese; unsweetened muffins; vegetables; juices; fruit drinks and more. Focus on the birthday person’s taste preferences and his food tolerance for certain foods.

The main dish for the hero of the occasion could be, for example, a cat made from mashed potatoes or sweet rice porridge. In order to make such a cat, you will need rice or potatoes, carrots and olives. Then everything is simple: on a flat plate you need to place potatoes or rice, as well as grated boiled carrots. Use olives to make eyes, nose, mouth and antennae. You can decorate the cat with your favorite brightly colored vegetables.

You shouldn’t get too carried away with cooking on your birthday. You will get tired, but the child still won’t be able to eat and try all the treats. In addition to the main hot dish, prepare any tasty salad, for example, beets with apples. To do this, boil the beets, peel them, grate them on a fine grater, add a little sugar and vegetable oil, mix with grated apple. A delicious salad for the birthday boy is ready.

What to give to a 1 year old child?

The best birthday gift one year old baby there will be a toy. Clockwork animals, musical instruments, simple wooden mosaics of four parts, construction sets, nesting dolls, sorters, pyramids, labyrinths, “wheels” and “laces” are an excellent option. Any educational toys fine motor skills, attention, thinking and imagination, will not only entertain the baby in the future, but will also make a significant contribution to his development. Also, one-year-old children really like various rocking horses, balls, bicycles with a parent's handle, tent houses with dry balls, inflatable pools and tolocars. Gender also plays a role, so if you have a daughter, then buy for her rag doll(she can take the other one apart and break it), if it’s a son, then a typewriter.

Don't ignore books with cardboard pages. Why with cardboard ones? Because there are babies who, at the age of one year, still love to tear the paper pages of books. The birthday boy will undoubtedly enjoy books with nursery rhymes, children’s poems by Agnia Barto, as well as such first children’s fairy tales as “Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip” and the like. Books should contain bright illustrations. Before buying a gift for your child, do not forget to check the products not only for quality, but also for safety for the baby. The gift should be wrapped in bright colorful packaging.

Feel free to voice your wishes regarding gifts for your baby to your guests. If those invited to the holiday do not have children of their own, then they may not know what exactly should be given to a one-year-old baby for his birthday. Don't over order expensive gifts. Think in advance about what your child needs right now and what will be useful in the future. For example, clothes for growing up, certificates for shoe stores, online stores for children's goods, a certificate for a family photo shoot, and of course, toys.

Creating traditions on a child's first birthday

For your little one’s birthday, you can create a family tree and the coat of arms of your family, because the tree has been replenished with one more little person. This moment definitely needs to be immortalized. On a large Whatman paper or right on the wall of your apartment, hang photographs of all your relatives, even those who have left you. Next to the photographs, place short stories with a brief biography of these people. Place the family coat of arms in the center of the “tree”.

Seize the moment and cut a small lock of hair from the birthday boy’s head, which you then put in an envelope and keep for a long memory. This tradition has come to us since ancient times. Previously, during baptism, the first cut hair of babies was rolled into wax and then thrown into the water. This modified custom has survived to this day: a lock of a child’s hair is preserved for good luck.

Place one of the small gifts that you give to your baby in a small canvas bag. Put the number “one” there or stick it on the bag. After the holiday, save it for your baby's subsequent birthdays. And every holiday you present one of the gifts in exactly this form. You can also add a number to your gift every year.

Print out a photo of each of your relatives and friends photographed with the birthday boy during his first year of life (if any). Paste photos into beautiful frames. At the end of the holiday, present these lovely surprises to your guests. They will be delighted and pleasantly surprised.

How to end a birthday

The traditional round dance and blowing out the candles on the birthday cake are always in demand. Therefore, it is worth including this moment in the course of the holiday. Turn off the lights, bring in the cake to the solemn applause of everyone present, make a wish for the baby and blow out his first candle with him. Songs in honor of a baby’s birthday should only be sung if the birthday boy himself is not against it, since children react differently to loud sounds.

Take photos of everyone present at the party. Afterwards, if desired, hand out memorable photographs to your guests. Invite those invited to leave their wishes for the baby on the pages of a specially prepared notebook. You can save it and read all these to your child in the future. nice words, written by people who care about him. Give your guests a balloon.

Depending on the time of year, you can move some events outside. This way, guests get the opportunity to unwind and change their surroundings, and the child gets a chance to breathe fresh air and frolic with more free space. If your little one was born in late autumn-winter, then take it with you for a walk sparklers and serpentine. It is better to refuse fireworks, as this can frighten the baby. If the celebration takes place in spring and summer, then you can launch a large number of balloons or sky lanterns. The baby will be delighted!

In parting, here’s an example of how some caring parents framed their story of their baby’s first year of life.

Elena Smernykh
Women's legs.ru

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Children grow up very quickly, before you know it, it’s time for parents to choose a scenario for their 1st birthday. But how to plan it so that it is interesting for both adults and children? After all, this is often very difficult, especially since the baby can get very tired from the noise and large number of guests that day. That's why we decided to collect best ideas first birthday celebrations, give useful tips planning, write a list of the most exciting and funny competitions, interesting to any generation.


The best place to celebrate your child's first birthday is at home. A cafe or a children's room is not yet interesting at this age. In addition, this is not entirely convenient for parents; the child may want to sleep, eat, or simply be capricious. However, even at home, you can create a festive, fairy-tale atmosphere for a birthday, think through a scenario, and decorate the room.

So, what interesting ideas Can it be used for a first birthday party?

  1. Balloons. 1 year old babies love colorful air balloons, so you should definitely use them for decoration. For example, you can make unusual airy flowers. For this you will need 4 large hot air balloon(petals) and 1 small (middle). Simply tie them together with ribbon and carefully tape or pin them to the wall. You can make other figures, for example, fairy-tale characters, a unit symbolizing the child’s 1st year, a pacifier made of balloons, and the sun.
  2. Big one. The huge number 1 looks very impressive at a party and makes for great family photos. You can make it from anything - balls, napkins, fabric, children's photographs, mirror paper, etc. As a rule, the selected elements are attached to a base frame (wire, cardboard), and the bottom of the unit is made heavier so that the kids during the celebration of the day birth it was not accidentally knocked over.
  3. Garlands, flags, caps and whistles. Such decorations can be bought ready-made or made yourself. For example, a garland can be made from photographs of a child. Such a thing can be used from year to year, each time replenished with new photographs. Well, where would we be without the “Happy Birthday” inscription, funny caps and whistles? They will decorate any scenario, creating a festive atmosphere throughout the day.
  4. Wall newspaper. Usually, until a child is one year old, parents often take photographs of their child. These pictures can be designed in an interesting way by drawing a wall newspaper (or printing them out in any printing house or photo salon). Drawings in the form of a calendar with 12 months of a baby’s life, a carriage in which the little birthday girl is riding, an old film with frames, a clock dial look interesting. For a boy, you can use a rocket in space or a train with 12 carriages. And somewhere on the side you can place a palm tree with the dynamics of the baby’s height and weight.
  5. Presentation. A slide show accompanied by children's songs will not leave any of the guests indifferent. Presentations look especially interesting together with photographs of close relatives (when they were only one year old). Or you can just make a clip from best photos and videos of the baby, arranging them from the day of birth to one year as they grow.
  6. Musical selection. Cheerful children's music, songs, and cartoon clips will help bring any scenario to life. They will help adults plunge into the world of childhood, and kids will be able to move and dance funny.

Party plan

Regardless of the number of guests and the size of the party, it is better to plan the first birthday celebration in advance. If everything happens in turmoil, then there will be neither time nor energy left for the script. It is very important to decide in what sequence the meal, congratulations, presentation of gifts, holding competitions, etc. will take place. It should also be taken into account that at one year old the baby will not be able to stay awake and have fun throughout the day, so the time for the party should be chosen immediately after his birthday. sleep.

When planning a birthday scenario, you don’t need to schedule everything down to the minute. Don't forget to leave room for unexpected moments and surprises, they are sometimes the ones that leave the best memories


It’s best to start the entertainment part with a presentation; this will put the guests in the right mood. Next, you can move on to the official address to the guests. Thank them for all being here today. Tell us a few funny moments from your child's life. You can find out which famous people was born on the same day as the baby, and it’s interesting to present this. For example, if this is a great composer, you can say: “Sasha probably has excellent hearing and a sense of rhythm...”

Then you can proceed directly to the competitions, but before that, do not forget to take an oath from the guests. It sounds something like this: “I swear on this day to have fun with all my heart, not to refuse, so that they don’t offer me, not to shout “what kind of kindergarten” or “I don’t play like that.” In the name of pacifiers, rattles and delicious porridge!

Fortune-telling competition for the baby's future

It is better if the competition begins the scenario when the child is not yet tired and in a good mood. You need to spread a small blanket on the floor, arrange various objects around its perimeter, and place the baby in the center. The essence of the competition is for the child to choose 1 or 2 things that can be used to predict his future. To make the scenario even more exciting, you can invite each guest to guess what the child will choose (write it down on a piece of paper and then check it).

Item Values:

  • money - will become a millionaire, banker, accountant, economist;
  • comb - hairdresser, stylist, makeup artist;
  • spoon - cook, owner of a restaurant business;
  • tablets – medic, doctor;
  • computer mouse - programmer;
  • brush - famous artist;
  • photograph - photographer;
  • toy tank or pistol - military;
  • matches - fireman;
  • gavel - judge, lawyer, jurist;
  • glasses – scientist, teacher;
  • dog figurine – veterinarian, dog handler;
  • car - driver, car dealership owner;
  • flashlight - policeman;
  • telephone – manager;
  • ring - a good family man;
  • mirror – handsome man (beauty), model;
  • a ball of thread - the baby will live a long time;
  • ball – football player, sports career.

The tradition of cutting a child's hair at age 1 arose so long ago that almost no one remembers why it was done. The fact is that previously a large number of children were born in each family, but many of them died, so the hair (the source of strength) was not cut for the first year. It was believed that until the child was 1 year old, he could decide to leave the family. In one year, the first lock of hair was ceremoniously cut off from the top of his head, leaving the rest of his hair untouched. This was a sign that the child had been accepted into the family and was now under its protection.

Today, as before, the first lock of hair is cut God-parents baby. This must be done quickly and carefully, in the shape of a cross. The hairs are placed in a beautiful envelope and carefully stored along with the baptismal shirt. If desired, after the ceremony the child can be shaved bald.

Attentiveness competition

You should prepare for this competition in advance. You need to cut out large daisy petals from white paper and write a question about the birthday person on each one. In this case, there should be as many questions as there are guests invited (one for each). Then they are attached with double-sided tape to the yellow center.

The questions can be anything, for example:

  1. What weight was the birthday boy born with?
  2. How tall was he?
  3. What does your baby like to eat?
  4. What time did his first tooth come out?
  5. On what day of the week was he born?
  6. When did he take the first step?
  7. At what time was he born?
  8. When was he baptized?
  9. How many months did he start sitting?
  10. What is your baby's favorite toy?
  11. What is his zodiac sign?
  12. What color are your eyes?
  13. What affectionate name do parents call a child?
  14. Who is his first friend?
  15. How many teeth does he have now?
  16. What is the birthday boy's favorite fairy tale?
  17. What does he like more, drawing or dancing?

Fun, funny competitions

Everyone loves to have fun, even grandparents will be delighted with such games. But it is worth considering that 1-year-old children will not be captivated by such a spectacle for long. Therefore, during the competitions for younger guests need to come up with something exciting activity: take out the paper and Finger paint, plasticine, colored pencils, etc. While the kids are busy, adults can play.

  1. Competition "Guess by Taste". Participants are tightly blindfolded and asked to try baby food. Based on taste, they should determine the contents of 5-6 jars (vegetable, fruit, meat purees). Who will give large quantity correct answers, then he won.
  2. Competition "Who can drink faster?" Participants are poured adult drinks into baby bottles and asked to drink at speed through a nipple with a large hole.
  3. Competition "Dress the Child". Participants need to quickly, and most importantly, swaddle the doll correctly. Whoever completes the task first must notify everyone with a rattle. The same task can be organized with a diaper, adding socks, a hat and other items of clothing.
  4. Competition "Sliders". For this competition you need to sew large rompers or simply tie the legs of your trousers. Participants must cover the distance from one end of the room to the other. Whoever comes first is the fastest slider.
  5. Competition "Whim of the Day". Participants are given pacifiers, which they must spit out as far as possible. The winner must be awarded a prize (otherwise he will be upset and capricious).
  6. Soap Bubbles Competition. Let bubble loved not only by children, but also by adults. You can compete a little and find out who can blow the biggest bubble and who releases them great amount at a time.

End of the entertainment program

Any script must have a spectacular ending. Therefore, pay special attention to the final part. You can record a congratulatory clip for your child’s birthday. To do this, all guests are given a small candle, the light is slightly dimmed. Then the child’s mother or father lights each person’s candle in turn, after which the guest says a wish to the baby. Touching children's or classical music can play quietly in the background. At the final stage, when all the candles are lit and the guests have spoken, everyone will once again say “Happy birthday to you!” It will be a pleasure to watch such a video with your family year after year.

You can also make a family tree together with your relatives. You need to print out small photographs of your loved ones in advance, and also prepare a mock-up tree. You should start from the very bottom, with a photograph of the birthday boy, then there are photographs of the parents, even higher – of the grandparents, etc.

In order for everyone to be happy and remember your 1st birthday party scenario for a long time, you need to take into account several important points.

  1. Food should not only be tasty and satisfying, but also beautiful. Don't forget about the kids, they will probably get hungry and also want to eat. You can even make a special cake for them. To do this, fruit is cut into pieces in the middle of the plate, and children's cookies are laid out along the edges in a fence; when finished, the cake is tied with a bright ribbon. Other dishes can be served in the form of funny animals - bunnies, pigs, dogs or bear cubs.
  2. Ask guests to place gifts in a specific place. If they give them right away, it will create chaos; numerous new toys will greatly excite the baby. It is better to show them to him a little later, for example, during competitions.
  3. Gifts and souvenirs. A large number of competitions in the scenario presupposes the presence of many winners waiting for their reward. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on chocolate coins, delicious sweets, and you can make souvenirs for relatives with the image of a child. These could be mugs, calendars, refrigerator magnets, keychains and anything else that comes to mind.
  4. It is worth remembering that a baby’s birthday is a holiday for parents too. Therefore, some responsibilities can be entrusted to relatives. And so that after the birthday you don’t have to spend a long time cleaning up the house, decorations should be given to little guests. It’s useful for you and pleasant for them.

A baby's birthday is a very exciting holiday for parents; you need to prepare for it in advance so as not to miss anything. After all, the first year is remembered stronger and brighter than the rest. Photos taken on this day are viewed many times, so you need to make every effort to ensure that it is filled with happiness, fun and joyful laughter.

Throw in some ideas. Almost everyone brings juice and barney + candy or waffle. At school they are not allowed to eat this; the children take the treat home. My children rarely drink juice, and when they come home, they have water and tea on hand, so the only edibles left are “cake.” What interesting things can you bring in individual packaging for each child? (We don’t eat Chocopais) And isn’t it harmful?

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