Original tie knots. Tie knots: types. Classic tie knot: step-by-step instructions. How to tie a tie with a double knot. Basic rules for wearing a tie

Last time we told you about how to tie a men's scarf in a beautiful and elegant way. Today I would like to take a little break from outerwear and talk about the elements men's wardrobe independent of the season. About people like classic suit. And the most main accessory any men's suit- This is definitely a tie. A tie, in turn, is necessary be able to tie and tie beautifully.

Fortunately, since the invention of the tie, countless tie knots have been invented. Today we will teach you how to easily tie a tie... with a simple knot! This knot, also called “Four-in-Hand”, has perhaps the simplest tying pattern. What you need for beginners or in situations where there is no time for more complex knots.

Simple knot, in fact, is very simple and therefore very popular. Later in the article you will see step by step diagram of this node with photographs, and we are thinking about mastering this easy way tying a tie will not be a problem for any man. So, read on how to easily tie a tie.

Features of a simple node

Simple knot appeared around the 19th century. Its other name is “ Four-in-Hand", which literally translates as "four in hand." This was the name of a carriage drawn by four horses and driven by one person. That is, the coachman held the reins of all four horses in one hand. In addition, this name was given to one of the London clubs, the gentlemen of which wore ties tied in exactly this way.

It is worth noting that a simple knot is also called the “Quad Knot,” “Italian Knot,” “Quad Knot,” “Four Knot,” “Fore-in-Hand,” etc.

The main feature of this knot is that it allows you to quickly and easily tie a tie. The knot is thin, conical in shape - tapering downwards. This shape gives it a slight negligence, but it is an elegant negligence. Absolutely any tie and shirt will do. And this versatility is another advantage of a simple knot.

Below is step by step description How to easily tie a tie with this knot. If some points are not clear to you, pay attention to the photographs below.

So, men, look at the diagram and tie a tie with a simple knot:

  1. We “hang” the tie around the neck, with the seam to the collar of the shirt (shirt). In this case, the wide end of the tie should hang to the left, and the narrow end, respectively, to the right. Wide end of tie should be a little lower.
  2. Place the wide end of the tie OVER the narrow part to the right, that is, cross its ends.
  3. Next, place the wide end of the tie UNDER the narrow part to the left. Now the wide part of the tie is located front side on the shirt, with the seam facing out.
  4. We again bring the wide end of the tie to the right, placing it ABOVE the narrow end.
  5. We pull the wide end of the tie from the inside and from the bottom up into the neck loop.
  6. Then we thread the wide end of the tie into the small transverse loop we formed before.
  7. Tighten the knot, adjust the tie (the lengths of the ends should match) and the collar of the shirt.

Congratulations, you've just tied your tie in a simple knot! Agree that this is quite easy, right?!

Now you know how to tie a tie with the simplest knot. Next time we will show you more complex, but also more interesting ways to tie a tie.

Remember that the tie should be long enough that its wide end reaches your belt buckle.

And, as always, a useful video on how to tie a tie with a simple knot!

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The ability to tie a tie is like knowing Mandarin - there is no urgent need for this, but demonstrating this skill always turns out to be impressive. Helping your dad or husband get ready for a meeting, or helping your brother get ready for a friend's wedding - you never know when sleight of hand and how to tie a tie might come in handy. Even if your male environment does not favor you classic style, the ability to tie a tie may come in handy for you - the knots on fashionable thin scarves came from men's fashion. ELLE has prepared a variety of patterns on how to tie a tie.

Quarter knot

The most popular and easiest way to tie a tie is a four or quarter tie. In some families, the skills of how to tie this knot are passed down from generation to generation, from father to son. With all the advantages of the ease of this technique, there is one small disadvantage - you definitely won’t be able to stand out from the crowd with such a knot. But in this case, you can always choose a tie with an interesting texture, pattern or color combination.

Windsor knot

This method and type of knot is named after the Duke of Windsor, who apparently preferred it to all others. In addition to the fact that it is ideal for special occasions, this knot is also the most comfortable - it does not tighten the collar of the shirt, allowing it to be easily loosened and removed without untying. The main thing you need to know about this method is that the tie for it must be 4 centimeters longer than the standard one, so that it can go down almost to the belt.

Half Windsor knot

Why do you need a Windsor knot when there is a half-Windsor knot? - British gentlemen often joke. The whole point is that the half-Windsor is not only simpler than its “big brother”, it also looks much more elegant - mainly due to the fact that it is asymmetrical and less voluminous. However, this knot is still formal, suitable for most types of collars and shirts and can be used on all types of ties.

Victorian knot

This knot is often called a "four" knot with an extra turn - simply because the end of the tie is wrapped around the knot four times and then tucked inside. The result is an asymmetrical and wide knot, but still simple enough to be used in Everyday life– it is ideal for office suits and shirts.

Knot "Oriental"

This knot is tied in just three steps, so it is considered one of the simplest. But here lies the main problem of this method - since the knot is not very tight, ties made of thin materials simply will not hold their shape and will hang on the collar. So for such a knot you need to specially select a tie made of dense material, for example, wool. Another catch is that this tie is easy to take off, but it comes out just as easily. Therefore, it is better not to forget about it and correct it during the day. Oriental is completely unsuitable for special occasions, but it will look harmonious in the office.

Diagonal knot

If you have already learned how to tie all the previous knots, you can safely move on to the diagonal one - this will require all the skill and sleight of hand. This knot consists of two layers, it is asymmetrical and, unlike many others, it cannot be easily removed - it must be untied. But the diagonal knot looks impressive and elegant - especially if you choose a deep-colored tie from light fabric.

Kelvin knot

This knot bears the name of the inventor of the temperature school, mathematician and physicist Lord Calvin - and all because the scientist developed the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure of atoms from knots. Lord Calvin has nothing to do with the technique of the knot itself, although tying such a knot is not much easier than understanding his theories. Due to its oblong shape, this knot will look great on thin cotton or wool ties, but it is better to wear it not to the office, but to special events.

Knot "Baltus"

One of the widest knots, the Balthus knot was invented by the Swiss artist Balthasar Klossowski in the 1930s. The artist wore it in an eccentric way, leaving the wide end short and the narrow end long. It is not recommended to repeat this today, and it is better to tie such a knot on light silk ties. This method is ideal for short men - it hides the length of ties and evens out the proportions of the suit.

Cavendish knot

This knot is an interlacing of two quarter notes - it sounds difficult, but in practice it is quite easy to handle. It does not look solemn and is perfect for office everyday life - and it will be immediately noticeable that some effort was put into the image. It is better to tie such a knot on ties made of lightweight materials and combine them with a wide-spaced collar.

Onassis knot

It was invented, as you might guess from the name, by Aristotle Onassis, a Greek businessman and second husband of Jackie Kennedy. He modified the classic quarter tie by loosely wrapping the wide end of the tie rather than securing it. This knot looks very eccentric and suits men with the style of someone like Liberace. But at the same time it fits perfectly into women's fashion. Ties for such a knot should be chosen bright and with interesting prints, but made of light fabrics.

Prince Albert Knot

One of the most beautiful knots, the Prince Albert knot resembles the bud of an unopened flower. It is not easy to create, but it is worth all the effort - the main thing is to form the final knot using the back loop. Since this knot requires a little more length than usual, it is suitable for short men.

Pratt knot

The most popular knot in America, it appears on almost all ties of local businessmen and politicians. It is unpretentious and is tied quite simply, the only thing you need to take into account is that it is tied with the seam facing out, and at the end the collar of the shirt hides this seam.

Nikki knot

Pratt's younger brother, the Nikki knot, by its origin, has nothing to do with America or Nicholas II (as you know, the Russian emperor was sometimes affectionately called “Cousin Nikki”). This knot was invented by the owner of a Milanese tie factory, Ernesto Kurami - he specially made it so that the tie would not fray and could last for a long time. For such a knot, it is better to use textured ties - a shape reminiscent of a pyramid will emphasize the beautiful texture of the fabric.

Cape Knot

A very rare and beautiful knot that will immediately make you stand out from the crowd of “men in black” at any event. Thanks to the complex shape of the knot itself, it will look beautiful on ties with unobtrusive prints deep colors. But under no circumstances should you do it on striped ties - this will create an insane visual effect that will give the tie owner’s interlocutors a headache.

Cross knot

Initially, this knot really resembled a cross, which is why it got its name. It can also be found under the name "Christensen" after the Swedish tie manufacturer Amanda Christensen. This knot looks most beautiful and elegant on thin ties and is suitable for thin men; on large ones it will look ridiculously small.

Eldridge knot

This knot challenges the standard knots of the business world - it is complex, braid-like and yet quite formal. For such a knot, you need to choose a tie that is not too short and not colorful, and combine it with the same neutral color scheme of the suit. This method of tying a tie is very new, so you can’t see it very often – which, of course, is a plus for anyone who wants to make an impression.

St. Andrew's Knot

A reason for pride - the author of this knot was a woman, artist Lisa Van Wijk. It comes from the Prince Albert knot, but is even wider and more elongated. It's better to tie it on light-colored ties - dark fabrics simply won't show all the hard work you've done. At the same time, stripes and ornaments on such a knot, on the contrary, work very well.

How to tie a tie in the easiest way?

How to tie a tie - the easy way

A classic tie knot is tied at the raised collar. Follow the step-by-step algorithm:

  1. You need to place the narrow end so that it ends halfway through the wide one. Right-handers find it easier to have the tight end on the left, left-handers on the right. The following instructions are given for right-handed people.
  2. Wrap the wide part around the thin one from right to left, bring it through the loop from the outside to the inside and tighten slightly.
  3. Repeat the operation with the wide end from left to right and again thread the wide half into the loop, only in reverse - from the inside to the outside.
  4. If you managed to complete all the steps carefully, straighten and tighten the knot to the end. It should be approximately 2.5 centimeters from the edge of the collar.
  5. The final stage is to lower the collar and adjust the knot so that it is strictly in the middle.


The Windsor knot forms a symmetrical convex triangle. This shape is well suited for a shirt with a soft medium or wide collar. This type of tie knot was invented in England in imitation of the style of the Duke of Windsor. How to tie a tie with a Windsor knot step by step:


  1. Place the tie over with the wide end on the right and cross the two ends.
  2. Pass the wide end over the collar formed by the tie, wrap it once and pull it to the left.
  3. Pass under the narrow end from left to right. Then pull the wide half towards your neck and thread it under the tie.
  4. Pull the wide end to the right. Move the wide part from right to left, forming a knot.
  5. Pass the wide end under the collar of the tie again. Thread through the loop at the front of the knot. Tighten your tie.

How to tie a tie with a quarter knot?

The quarter knot is one of the most famous ways to tie a tie. It has become popular due to its simplicity and versatility. The cone-shaped, slightly asymmetrical knot will fit any collar.

  1. Place the tie so that the wide end is on the right and the narrow end is on the left. Pull out the tip of the narrow half, and place the wide part of the tie over the narrow one.
  2. Wrap the narrow end around the wide end from left to right. Form the right side of the knot by moving the wide end from left to right.
  3. Pull the wide end towards your neck and thread it under the resulting collar of the tie.
  4. Thread the wide end through the loop on the front of the knot.
  5. Pull the wide end, tightening the knot. Ready!

The butterfly is ideal for special occasions with an evening dress code. Paired with a tuxedo, it creates a classic gentleman's look. How to form a neat butterfly?

  1. Place the tie around your neck so that its right end is one third longer than the left.
  2. Cross both ends at the narrowest point of the tie, placing the long end over the short end.
  3. Cross the right end from the inside to the outside. Don't over-tighten.
  4. The end that is now on the left will be folded in half, forming a butterfly.
  5. Wrap the right end around the butterfly in the center. Extend the other end to form a second butterfly wing.

How to tie a children's tie with an elastic band?

For children, manufacturers offer a simplified version - a tie with an elastic band. It is much easier for a child to handle such an accessory.

Best materials for children's ties with elastic: silk, satin, jacquard, wool. These fabrics look good and high quality.

An elastic tie is practical because the knot is fixed and does not require daily tying. However, if the tie does come loose, it is important to know how to resuscitate the item.

  1. Place the tie wrong side up and pass it over the elastic towards you.
  2. Move the thin end to the left and pass it under the elastic band downwards.
  3. Tie a strong knot.
  4. The bottom of the knot should form an inverted triangle.
  5. Secure the knot with threads. If everything is securely fastened, the tie should not lose its shape even after washing.


Better nice tie It can only be a properly tied tie. Even the most elegant tie that matches the color and pattern of a suit can be clumsily tied in such a way that it ruins the whole look. To avoid this situation, you need to learn how to tie a tie correctly. This is not the most difficult art and you can learn it quickly by following step-by-step instructions.

Basic Rules

Tying ties, as well as wearing them, has its own immutable rules. In order to look respectable and not make others feel that something is wrong with him, a man should take into account not only techniques, but also rules for tying a tie.

  1. The knot should not be tight, but the tie should not hang either. Many men do not like to wear ties because of the feeling of a noose on their neck. To do this, you should loosen the knot a little and after a while you will get rid of the feeling of discomfort.
  2. The tie is not tied on a jumper or T-shirt, only on the collar of the shirt.
  3. It is recommended to tie knots not on the neck, but in the hands; the tie is only tightened on the neck.
  4. The wide end of the tie should not be higher or lower than two centimeters from the belt. To do this, you need to stretch the tie under the collar so that the narrow end hangs down to half the length of the wide one.
  5. To make the knot harmonious, you need to take into account the width, fabric and texture of the tie. Great amount methods for tying a tie were invented taking into account the fact that not every knot will suit ties made of different fabrics, different widths and varying degrees fabric slipping. Thus, the most universal knot for any type of tie is considered to be “Quadruple” (four-in-hand), knitted, woolen and thick ties are best tied with “Kent”, and narrow and flat ones - with “Victoria” or “Prince Albert”.
  6. In addition to the appearance of the tie, you should consider the type of event you are wearing the tuxedo to. Simple or classic knot Perfect for wearing a tie every day in the office, but for a formal event it is better to choose a more elegant knot.

Techniques for tying a tie

The types of tie knots are comparable to knowing Albanian - it is not used in everyday life, but if the opportunity to shine has presented itself, there will be no competitors. Every man appreciates a woman who can create an impeccable tie knot on his neck with a slight movement of her hand... appreciates and is secretly a little afraid.

There are many techniques for tying a tie, but the article shows the most basic and easiest for beginners to learn: a simple knot, a classic knot, a Windsor knot, and a Pratt knot.

Simple knot: step-by-step instructions

This node is the basis of the foundations, simplest method, which is passed on by fathers from generation to generation. Most easy way also called “quadruple” or “four-in-hand” because it is performed in four movements.

The simplest quadruple knot: step by step instructions.


  1. Place the tie around your neck so that the wide end is on the left and the narrow end is on the right.
  2. Place the wide end over the narrow end and wrap underneath.
  3. Immediately make a turn on top.
  4. Bring the end of the tie inward and upward, straighten it and push it down.
  5. Adjust height and tighten.

Easy classic knot: step-by-step instructions

The lightest of the classic knots is called the “half-Windsor”. This is the first step towards truly complex tie knots. A tie tied in this way is perfectly worn in everyday life, but commands respect in society: a light classic with a twist.

It goes like this:

Easy classic knot (half Windsor) step by step instructions
  1. Place the tie around your neck so that the wide end hangs below the narrow end.
  2. Place the wide end over the narrow end.
  3. Pass the wide end under the narrow one.
  4. Insert the wide part overlapping into the neck loop.
  5. Swipe down and to the right.
  6. Wrap the resulting loop overlapping.
  7. From the bottom left, pull the wide end inward into the neck loop.
  8. Insert the wide end into the resulting pocket.
  9. Pull the tie at the bottom end.

Windsor knot

Classic "Windsor"- the simplest of the most complex ones, looking dignified and solid due to the voluminous tie loop, which is made by a few additional turns. This knot works great on ties made of thin fabric, on a dense one it will look too pretentious. In addition, it is better to tie medium-width ties with a Windsor knot: it will look tacky on too narrow and too wide.

Instructions for tying a tie with a Windsor knot:

Windsor knot step by step instructions
  1. Wrap the tie around your neck.
  2. Place the wide end over the narrow one.
  3. Thread the wide end through the loop.
  4. Pull it down and to the right.
  5. Pass the wide end under the narrow one.
  6. Repeat the loop.
  7. Pull the wide end down and to the left.
  8. Wrap it around the narrow end.
  9. Thread the wide end of the tie through the neck loop again.
  10. Tuck the tie into the pocket.
  11. Tighten.

Pratt knot

This knot was invented by US Chamber of Commerce employee Jerry Pratt, which is why the knot is also called “American”. Sometimes it is found under the name "Shelby". This knot is very popular in America due to its versatility and elegance, which has made it popular both in office life and at social events.

The Pratt knot is tied in the following way:

Pratt knot - step-by-step instructions
  1. The tie is placed around the neck with the seams facing out, the wide end on the right, the narrow end on the left. The left end is extended to the level of the navel, the main movements are made wide.
  2. Pass the wide end under the narrow end, forming a cross.
  3. From this position, pass the wide end under the tie loop on your collar.
  4. Wrap it under the collar and pull it to the left.
  5. Move the wide end from left to right, forming the front side of the knot.
  6. Thread the wide end through the collar loop again.
  7. Thread the wide end into the pocket.
  8. Tighten your tie.

Thus, there is nothing difficult about tying ties. The basic movements are simple and vary in number of revolutions. With these simple instructions You can easily learn how to tie a tie with the most classic knots.

Everyone can benefit from knowing how to tie a tie. This is a simple skill that is useful in case of a sudden invitation to a celebration, business meeting, party or fashion show. It is enough to master 10 simple knots, and the question of how to tie a tie will disappear by itself. Each step-by-step instruction includes only a few basic steps.


Knot “Four-in-Hand”, which is literally translated from in English means “four in hand”, appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and was named after the Gentlemen's Club. This is the classic and most common version of taming a tie: versatile, unpretentious and easy to perform. This knot is a slightly asymmetrical cone and is suitable for men going to a business meeting or corporate evening. A tie tied with a quadruple knot looks great with both a thin and thick shirt: it holds its shape, gives the image laconicism and severity. If you do not plan to master all existing knot variations, learn how to tie a quadruple knot, and that will be enough. The technique is simple: place the tie behind the collar of your shirt so that its ends hang evenly, make a full circle with one part of the tie around the other and pull the triangular end through the resulting knot. Now just carefully tighten the knot.


The Windsor knot is much more interesting than the modest classics. Its name appeared thanks to the Duke of Windsor, who preferred this option to all others. The Windsor knot has many advantages: it looks neat, but not boring, and is suitable for a party, date, meeting with colleagues or investors in an informal setting. With such a knot, you can wear a tie all evening, loosening it at the right time or, on the contrary, tightening it as necessary. The tie can be removed in two seconds without untying the knot, which is also very convenient, especially if you have to spend a lot of time in a stuffy room. When making such a knot, pay attention to the length of the tie - it should be slightly longer than the classic one so that the tie can reach the belt. The knot is tied in almost the same way as a quadruple, but before you pull the triangular end through the knot, you need to make not a single, but a double loop.


If you plan to tie a tie suitable for office style, and at the same time add a little variety, choose a knot like this: it is asymmetrical, but looks neat and is suitable for dress shirts. The Victorian knot is also used to create an informal look, but in this case you need to play with the colors of the tie and add details that will dilute your look. Tying a tie is easy: just wrap the end of the tie around the knot four times. The technique resembles the standard one with one extra turn.


TO The diagonal knot should be started if you have learned how to easily and naturally tie quadruple, Windsor and Victorian knots. A diagonal knot requires more dexterity and dexterity, but as a result you will get an asymmetrical knot and a stylish accent to your look. To create a diagonal knot, a tie made of light fabric in a rich shade is suitable. The deep color will help draw others' attention to the result and draw their attention to the custom knot, which will consist of two layers and look impressive but elegant.


This node has a telling name: it could come either from the word" cross " , since the node really resembles this geometric figure, or from the name of a tie manufacturer and Swedish businesswoman- Amanda Christensen. This is a small elegant knot that looks laconic and fits any discreet style. It looks perfect on slender men and does not really suit obese people, as it will be too small on them. Tying a tie can only be done with a certain amount of dexterity, since one end needs to be wrapped around the other several times and only then tightened.

Knot "Oriental"

To tie an Oriental knot,choose a tie from thick fabric, otherwise it will not keep its shape. Here it is important not so much to master the technique as to ensure that the accessory does not dangle on the collar, but sits clearly in the middle. This issue will be decided by the quality of the tie and the strength of the fabric. Also note that the tie becomes loose and untied very easily, and this can happen on its own and at the wrong time. In general, such a knot requires an eye and an eye. If you still prefer this option, choose it for everyday office life, but don’t commit it to special occasions and evenings that will last more than one hour. Tying a knot is quite simple: turn the tie outward and perform manipulations similar to tying a quadruple knot.

Kelvin knot

The knot is named after Lord Kelvin, but not because the British physicist and mathematician was fond of fashion and invented in his free time from scientific activities unusual options design of neckerchiefs, but because he gave an idea about the nodal structure of the atom. Perhaps the name of the knot is due to Kelvin and because tying it is quite difficult, just like understanding the theories of an outstanding scientist the first time. But with the help of step-by-step instructions, this can be done: you need to turn the tie inside out and wrap one end around the other, then make two turns and pull the triangle through the resulting knot. The result will please you: the knot will be moderately magnificent and original. "Kelvin" will decorate your image at public events of various formats: holidays, speeches, corporate evenings, conferences, meetings with investors, partners and customers. The knot will look especially elegant if you choose a tie made of wool or any other dense fabric.

Onassis knot

If you know how to tie a quadruple knot, you will succeed in the Onassis knot on the first try: to do this, it is enough not to fasten the free end of the tie, but to freely throw the wide part of the tie over the other end. This method was invented by Aristotle Onassis- Greek entrepreneur and shipping magnate, who became the husband of US President Kennedy's widow, Jacqueline.The Onassis knot is suitable for men who prefer an elegant and slightly extravagant style, since it reconciles foppishness and classics, helping to create a moderately catchy and moderately laconic image. This tie is perfect for girls who prefer men's style in clothes, but want to remain feminine."Shelby" It is very popular in America: big businessmen, politicians and Hollywood stars can be seen wearing this knot on their tie.

When creating the knot, you need to lay the tie on the collar from the wrong side. It is important that the part of the tie that remains upside down is carefully hidden by the collar. The peculiarity of the knot is that it is tied simply, looks elegant and is easy to wear. This is the one universal option when the tie holds perfectly, but does not squeeze the neck. This is especially important at business meetings and special events that stretch over a long period of time.

Nikki knot

Knot "Nikki" resembles "Pratt", although it was invented by the owner of a tie factory in Milan. The creator's name is Erneste Kurami. He specially made the knot so that the fabric would not fray, and the accessory would retain its original appearance and served the owner for a long time. To make your tie look stylish, choose textured fabric, geometric patterns and deep, rich colors.