Journey to sweet country. Journey to a sweet country New Year's party scenario. Middle group New Year's journey to a sweet country

« New Year in Sweet Fairyland"

New Year's holiday for children of middle groups.

MADOU d / s No. 78

Musical director

Batanova Olga Viktorovna


Characters: Adults: Host, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Princess Caramel, Chupa Chups

Children: Sweets - girls, sugar bunnies, chocolate bears, cockerel lollipops - boys

Props: Christmas tree, shiny basket, candy wrappers, Caramel Palace, big bottomless bag, musical instruments, small candy, big candy, gifts.

The hall is decorated with multi-colored lanterns, garlands of sweets. There is a tree in the center of the hall.

Cheerful music sounds (song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, music by L. Beckman, lyrics by R. Kudashev), the children enter the hall.


What a miracle in our hall!

As if we were in a fairy tale:

There is a Christmas tree in the hall, everything sparkles and glitters.

That's the Christmas tree, the green needle!

Christmas tree beauty! Do you guys like it?

1st child:

Our tree is just amazing!

How elegant! How beautiful!

High - amazing!

Good - look out!

2nd child:

Christmas tree-beauty, green branches,

And gilded beads sway on them.

1st leader.

A wonderful winter brought us a holiday,

The green Christmas tree came to the guys.

She was dressed up, toys were hung,

Everyone will have a lot of fun at the Christmas tree!

Round dance “Oh, snowflakes are flying” r.n.m. ( around the tree)


Happy New Year

And I invite all the children to dance

New Year's dance choreographer

the children sat on chairs.


Happy New Year

We wish you all good health!

I hear the ringing of bells,

Someone is visiting us.

That's right, Santa Claus is standing at the entrance.

Shakes off the snow from the hat.

Let's shout loudly and call Santa Claus.

Children call Santa Claus Voices are heard from behind the door: “Au-u-u-u!”

To the music of the song "Snowstorm" (music by N. Potolovsky)

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden enter the hall.


Hello, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

Santa Claus:

Hello kids!

Girls and boys!

How many people are in the hall!

A glorious holiday will be here.

So they told me right

What is waiting for me here?

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year

We wish you all good health!


Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, our guys have been waiting for you.

Songs and dances were taught for the holiday.

Santa Claus:

I love to sing songs. I ask you to stand in a circle, sing a song.

Children perform the song "Santa Claus" music. Vitlin.

Santa Claus:

I am a cheerful Santa Claus.

I walked towards you for a long time past pines and birches.

I love kids, I love funny laughter

I love to play with kids

The game "And it's cold outside."

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus was playing with the children, look. You lost your mitt.


Or this glove?

Santa Claus:


The game "Catch the mitten."

Santa Claus:

Oh, finally got her.


New Year is very sweet

It's made from chocolate

And from various sweets,

New Year's joys.

Only here is the question:

Where does Santa Claus take them?


Grandfather Frost, do you always come to the guys for a holiday with sweet gifts?

Santa Claus: Yes.


Tell us a secret, tell us where you get these gifts?

Santa Claus:

Are you interested?

The children answer.

Then sit down and listen...

Santa Claus:

Far to the north is the Sweet Country.

There, instead of snow - gingerbread, cookies, marshmallow.

There are candy houses, marmalade trees,

There are sugar bunnies and chocolate bears,

I collect gifts there all year round,

Princess Caramel helps me there.

But this country is not simple, but magical.

All sweets, cookies, waffles and gingerbreads are talking there.

They are very much looking forward to being put into colorful boxes.

And they will take it to the children for the New Year.


Is that possible?

Santa Claus:


No, Santa Claus, we don't believe you. Today is the New Year, make sure that all the guys get into a fabulous candy country. Well, at least fifteen minutes. (Turns to the children.) Do you really want to?

Santa Claus:

Well, in the New Year, as you know, all wishes come true. Now we will go with you to my sweet fairy tale.

The magic begins. To my sweet country we go

Magical music sounds.

Santa Claus: Close your eyes, and I will conjure.

howl blizzard

Santa Claus:

Do you hear, blizzard?

Do you hear snow?

Take us all, all, all.

You carry us to the Candy sweet country,

Drop near the tree. Let's go children with you to the sweet caramel country.

The light goes out. Children holding flashlights

Take hold of your hands tightly and look out of the way, don’t get lost, follow me.

Music sounds. K. Khachaturian sl. G. Sapgir "Song of Chocolates" from the film "Sweet Tale" The lights go out Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden lead the children go to the palace with a snake, first in front of the Christmas tree, then leads the children to the palace .. Santa Claus:

Check out this sweet sugar palace.

Princess Caramel lives in it.

Lanterns are lit in the palace.

With your sweet friends.

Before I knock on the palace

You sit down after a long journey to rest,

Children sit on chairs.

Santa Claus comes to the palace and knocks.

Santa Claus:

Who lives in the palace, show yourself on the porch

Princess Caramel dances to the music

The music stops. Princess Caramel leaves the palace in the middle of the hall so that the children can see her and be able to consider her.

Princess Caramel(surprised). Grandfather Frost, why did you return to the sweet land on New Year's Eve? Maybe you forgot the gifts of caramel and chocolates?

Santa Claus. No, Princess Caramel, I haven't forgotten anything.

I brought the kids here

Bold cute kids.

Show them quickly sweet all your friends

Princess Caramel:

Hello my friends!

I'm happy for sweet tooth!

I hasten to welcome dear guests

In the kingdom of miracles and sweets.

I am a caramel princess.

Caramels live here. But I can’t introduce you to my sweet friends, an overseas guest Chupa-Chups appeared in my kingdom, took all the sweets from me and does not want to share with anyone.

Yes, here he is, an overseas guest.

Chupa Chups comes in.

Dance "Chupa Chups"

Song "Chupa-Chupsa" music. To Lvov

Guten morgen gram merci.

Here I am an overseas guest!

Elegant and beautiful

I lean on a cane

I always say "OK"

I will be surprised to call out "Oops"

I want to hit the kids

I'm a great lollipop"

Princess Caramel:

You are really good.

Even if it's just a lollipop. But where are my sweets?

Chupa Chups:

They fled. Here, only candy wrappers remain.

Take wrappers, dance with them.

"Dance-game with Fantiki"

Princess Caramel:

You see, Santa Claus, all the sweets have fled from my palace.

How can we celebrate the New Year?

Santa Claus:

Don't be upset Princess Caramel. I'm a magician, and now I'll fix everything. I will conjure, I will conjure and I will turn these candy wrappers of our children into sweets. Closed all eyes, I begin to conjure.

Santa Claus conjures, music sounds. With a wand in his hands, he approaches the girls and turns them into candy.

Santa Claus:

Look, our children are not children, but delicious and sweet sweets.

Princess Caramel:

Oh, really, here they are my sweets. Sweetie girlfriends, come out and show your outfit.

sweets come out

1-ya Candy: We are mischievous sweets, tasty and sweet.

Look at us - how smart we are.

2-ya Candy: We were wrapped in shiny and bright candy wrappers.

We tied bows. We are very, very sweet!

3rd Candy: Caramels, marmalades, chocolates, lollipops.

We are also a meal, oh, what good fellows!

4th Candy: There is no New Year's Eve without sweets,

To take us as a gift - we dream very much!

5th Candy: Caramel, marmalade, lollipops and chocolate,

We are standing at the Christmas tree, rustling with candy wrappers.

6th Candy: We, Sweets, in the New Year

The people came to cheer.

Aren't we good?

Here we dance from the heart.

Dance "Candy"

Chupa Chups: Oh, what beautiful sweets,

I'll catch you all now. And I'll take it with me.


You catch us first. And then take it!

The game "Catch up"».

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, well done, you pleased us with sweets. And now go crazy and turn our boys into bears and bunnies.

Santa Claus conjures

Princess caramel:

Here come the sugar bunnies

They run to our Christmas tree

chocolate bears

not one step behind

"Dance of sugar bunnies and chocolate bears."

Chupa Chups:

What delicious sugar bunnies and how fragrant chocolate bears!

I just need these.

Get into my bag.

Bunnies and bears climb into the bag. But since the bag is without a bottom, all the bunny boys crawl out of the bag on the other side, rise to their feet and run to their chairs. Chupa-Chups picks up the bag, but the bag is empty.

Chupa Chups:

Oh, and where are the bears and hares. There are no rabbits and cubs in the bag. Did I let them in? (He is surprised, feels in the bag, looks at the bag. And he is with a hole) Ah, now everything is clear to me, they ran into the hole. Well, I was left without delicious sugar bunnies and chocolate bears. (disappointed goes behind the Christmas tree)

Princess Caramel:

Well, here again dispersed everyone

Somewhere there were my glorious friends lollipops - cockerels on sticks.

They are also very good at dancing.

"Dance of the cockerels". music To Lvov

Chupa Chups: Chick-chick cockerel caramel lollipops.

I brought toys for you.

And the toys are not just musical ones.

Take toys, play with them

Yes, cheer up Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus come out

Show your prowess!

Stomp your feet harder

Hit your hands more fun!

Santa Claus. Hey guys, what are you hiding?

I love to dance very much!

Dance of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden orchestra of muses. "Lady" r. n. m.

Santa Claus:

Oh, friends are tired of dancing!

And now I will rest and listen to poetry.

Snow Maiden:

No, Grandfather Frost, the Christmas tree does not burn for us to rest.

Santa Claus:

How is it not on fire?

Snow Maiden:

I invite you to look at the lights on the Christmas tree or not?

(Children stood by the Christmas tree)

3rd child:

There are no lights on the Christmas tree - why is that?

Today we need a bright light for fun!

Santa Claus:

Ay-ya-yay! Here's the mess!

Green beauty, light the lights!

The guys together shout "Christmas tree, burn!"

(Children do.)

Nothing works out

The lights don't light up!

Come on girls and boys

We threaten the Christmas tree with a finger,

(Children do.)

And now we all clap

(Clap hands.)

And let's all stomp our feet. (Stomp.)

Santa Claus :

You probably

Make your eyes better

It is necessary to say the words

To not dare to refuse!

Snow Maiden: Ah, the beautiful Christmas tree!

Ah, everyone loves the Christmas tree!

Please turn on the lights

On a New Year's dress.

We will stroke you affectionately (stroking)

Let's blow a light breeze, (blow)

And we'll sing a song for you.

The round dance "Christmas Tree - Forest Aroma" is performed

Santa Claus:

Here, it's a completely different matter!

All my soul sang!

Everything is ready for the holidays!

I fulfill your request

I light the fires on the Christmas tree! ( The lights are on.)

Chupa Chups: (claps hands, children support):

It worked, it worked!

The tree is lit up!

We will sing and play

To celebrate the New Year near the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:

Yes, guys, let's sit down quietly,

It's time to rest now

And under the elegant Christmas tree

Children sit down

1st child:

Mother El to daughter Yolka

Combed all the needles

Bought fashionable shoes

The dress is brand new!

I dressed up my daughter Yolka,

She patted her bangs with a branch:

“Get in the garden with the guys!

The children will be very happy!

2th child:

Get on the road, baby

Don't forget the decorations!

In a new dress for a miracle

You will look beautiful!”

3th child:

The Christmas tree ran into the garden,

There are many guests and children!

She brushed off the branches, got up,

Here is the beginning of the holiday!


Granddad. The kids want to play with you.

Santa Claus:

play? Why not play.

Are you afraid of frost?

Beware, beware

Come on, show me your hands

Yes, put it behind your back

Who will I touch

I will freeze without a joke.

Presenter:"We'll see this now! Our guys are fast and nimble, it’s not so easy to freeze them!” We play next to the chairs.

Game "Freeze"

Rules of the game:

Participants stand in a circle and stretch their arms forward. Santa Claus stands in the center of the circle and shouts: "I'll freeze! I'll freeze!" tries to catch the outstretched palms of the players, and when Santa Claus approaches, they all remove their hands behind their backs. The caught player Santa Claus scolds a little: "Ai-yay-yay! Santa Claus froze you!"

Santa Claus:

Oh, well done guys - well played.

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus, do some more magic with your magic wand.

Santa Claus:

So this is me in a moment. (Looks at the Christmas tree. Finds a candy.)

Treat you with candy?


Santa Claus, but she is so small. Not enough for all the kids.

Santa Claus:

Now I will wave my magic wand and make a big one out of a small candy. But I also need your help guys. Blow harder on the candy. The harder you blow, the bigger the candy will be.

We blow on candy

We will conjure together with you.

You, sweetie, grow

Bring gifts to everyone.

(Walks around the Christmas tree and exchanges a small candy for a large one.)

Look guys, what a big candy it turned out!

Chupa Chups:

Oh, what a big candy, I want this candy. Give it to me.

Santa Claus:

Chupa Chups don't bother us, this candy is for the guys.

Chupa Chups:

I want too, give me candy.

Santa Claus:

No, it's for kids.

Chupa Chups:

That one candy is not enough for all the children. You conjure a little and also conjure gifts for all the children.

Santa Claus conjures at this moment the candy starts to move and runs away, Santa Claus and Chupa-Chups run after her out the door.

Santa Claus and Chupa Chups are already returning back with a big candy, they are being taken on a sled)

Santa Claus: Oh, somehow caught up.

Santa Claus: Here are the gifts for the guys. Okay guys, we've been to Sweet Fairyland, but it's time for you to head back to Kindergarten, and our heroes in a sweet fairytale palace.

The soundtrack "Snowstorms" sounds

Guys, close your eyes and in a minute you will be in kindergarten.

(Children close their eyes.)

Blizzard pick us all up

IN kindergarten take it!

Sounds like magic music Chupa Chups and Caramel go to the palace

So we returned to our kindergarten.

Guys, did you like Sweet Fairyland? Here are your gifts. Unfolds a big, big candy there are gifts.

Distribution of gifts.

Santa Claus: Have you received all the gifts? Guys, did you like Sweet Fairyland? Next year we will definitely go somewhere else, and now other guys are waiting for me. Our holiday has come to an end. Goodbye (Exits.)

The holiday ends.

Batanova Olga Vuktorovna

Scenario new year holiday"New Year visiting Caramel"

Migunova Ludmila Vasilievna
Material Description: The material will be interesting music directors, kindergarten teachers.
Target: Creating a festive, fabulous atmosphere.
- develop an emotional response to music in the process of songs, dances, games.

The course of the holiday

The Snow Maiden enters the hall with a basket of toys. Spinning in dance.
Snow Maiden:
Quiet, no one in the hall, the children have not come yet.
Santa Claus instructed me to decorate the Christmas tree
And give the children a Christmas tree on holiday.
It is necessary to try here - everything is removed in 5 minutes.
decorates the Christmas tree, admires
Well, isn't she a beauty? ... to her parents
Do you like the tree?
Everything shines, burns with lights, I am very glad to meet you.
comes closer to parents
Our dear guests, but where are your children?
Why aren't they in the room? Where is the mystery, what is the secret?
Fanfares sound, magic music
Sounds of magical music
Sounded in silence
Finally the time has come
Invite the guys to me!
Entrance "Winter's Tale"
Snow Maiden.
Would you tell me in unison what kind of guest is in our hall?
Christmas tree!
Snow Maiden.
Are the needles of an elegant Christmas tree good?
Snow Maiden
Answer from the heart: are all toys good?
Snow Maiden.
Go around the Christmas tree, look at all the toys!
To the music, children inspect the Christmas tree
1 child
Why do we have a Christmas tree in bright lights?
Because it's coming to us
winter holiday
New Year!
Hello tree, fluffy friend,
Silvery frost in the branches!
Hello music and laughter.
This holiday is the best!
sing, have fun
Today everyone is happy
Faces shining with happiness
In adults and children.
Snow Maiden.
Do you understand what the song tree is waiting for from you now?
Snow Maiden.
Our tree calls everyone to the New Year's round dance!
4 Child
We will stand near the Christmas tree
Let's start round dances
Happy New Year to all,
Let's sing the song together.
The song "Round dance" music. Berlyakova
Snow Maiden.
Our Christmas tree is amazing and slender and large for everyone.
Let's sit quietly and look at her from afar.
The children sit down.
Snow Maiden
Near the Christmas tree today
Miracles happen
Voice of Santa Claus
I hear from afar!
Video clip of Santa Claus

Snow Maiden.
Well, of course, Santa Claus
Got it all wrong again
After all, the road to kindergarten
Grandpa is not familiar.
Hey snowflakes,
Hurry up and dance!
Need Santa Claus
Show us the way!
Dance "Snowflakes and Snow Maiden"
Snow Maiden:
Santa Claus, a-y, a-.u-u-u!
Hear, I'm calling you-u-u!
Guys, let's help the Snow Maiden.
Let's call Santa Claus
Let's sing a song out loud!
Song-game "Santa Claus, we call you"

Video clip "Russian Santa Claus"
The hall includes Santa Claus.
I know everyone was waiting for me here,
Heard, heard, loudly called,
Glad to meet you again.
After all, I love all the guys.
So let's have some fun
Play near the Christmas tree.
Well, children, you are sitting
Go boldly to the tree,
Music sounds, children build a circle
5 Child
Our tree is fluffy,
Slim and green.
Just something with lights
It does not burn with us!
Santa Claus:
We'll fix the mess
Let's make the fires burn!
Let's say out loud:
"One, two, three - Come on, Christmas tree, burn!"
Children(together with adults).
One, two, three - Come on, Christmas tree, burn!
/The lights don't light up.
Snow Maiden
Nothing works:
The lights don't light up!
Santa Claus:
Come on girls and boys
We threaten the Christmas tree with a finger
(threaten with finger)
And now we all clap
(clap hands)
And let's all stomp our feet.
(stomp. Lights do not light up.).
Snow Maiden.
Nothing works: The lights don't light up!
What's happened? How so?
It doesn't work, no way!
Light up the lights on the tree
We tried - all to no avail!
Santa Claus.
We all did it wrong!
And do not stomp, and do not clap,
And don't point fingers.
Just need our Christmas tree
Ask very loudly.

Santa Claus:
Christmas tree-beauty, play with us.
Christmas tree-beauty, light up with lights!
Let's say together:
"One two Three! Our Christmas tree, burn!
Children (together with adults).
One two Three! Our Christmas tree, burn!
The lights on the tree are on.
Snow Maiden.
It worked, it worked:
Our tree is lit up!
Look, all lights
The tree lights up for us.
Santa Claus
under the green branches
Let's all spin now.
Get into a round dance
All the people are waiting for fun.
Round dance "Santa Claus"

Santa Claus.
Well I played with you
Danced near the Christmas tree
It's time for me to move on...
Snow Maiden
What are you, Grandpa, you can’t!
Once you got into our circle
Stay here
Do not leave you Frost
How not to get out.
Game "We won't let go"
Snow Maiden
Grandpa, there is another game!
The kids love her
Like Santa Claus That's such a beard!
The game "Like Santa Claus has such a beard"
The children sit down.
A child approaches Santa Claus
Child(middle group).
Santa Claus, can I
Read a poem for you?
Santa Claus.
Why not, come on.
Get up here and get started.
I love Santa Claus very much.
I will give my smile to my grandfather.
Kiss you on the cheek, look into your eyes.
And I'll say in my ear: "I've been waiting for you."
1 child(middle group)
This grandfather has many grandchildren,
Grandchildren often grumble at their grandfather.
On the street, grandfather sticks to them,
It grabs by the fingers, pulls by the ears.
2 child
But a happy evening comes in the year -
I'm waiting for an angry grandfather to visit.
Brings gifts and kind in appearance,
And everyone is having fun - no one grumbles.
1 child(middle group)
Snow covered the tree in the forest
I hid the tree from the guys.
Christmas tree at night
I ran to kindergarten.
2 child
And we have fun in the garden,
A noisy round dance is dancing.
Under our beautiful spruce
We are celebrating the New Year!
3.Child(younger group).
My years are growing.
I will be 17.
I will be Santa Claus
Let everyone be surprised.
Santa Claus.
I am very happy for you.
There will be two of us with you.
1 child.(younger group)
They say that he is gray
With a long white beard.
2 child.
They say he gets angry
Only I can't believe it.
3 child.
I do love him so much.
I'll hug you tightly.
4 child.
I'm just afraid, my friends.
Suddenly melted from the heat.
Children love the New Year holiday very much, because it is the sweetest holiday! After all, you, Grandpa, always bring sweet gifts!
But we have a question, where does Santa Claus take gifts? Tell us a secret, tell us where you get so many sweets?
Santa Claus.
I will tell you a secret.
Far to the north is the Sweet Country.
There, instead of snow, gingerbread, cookies, marshmallow,
And delicious sweets, marshmallows and chocolate
Enter the Country magical child everyone is happy!
No, Santa Claus, we don't believe you. Such a country does not exist.
Can you make sure that all the guys see the Sweet Land!
Santa Claus
Well, look!
Video clip Candy country.
We would like to live in such a country,
We would be friends with sweets there!
Santa Claus:
Well, in the New Year All wishes come true!
I invite all guests
To the Kingdom of Sweets!
Snow Maiden
The magic clock will strike
We'll be in it, me and you!
Dance "Watch"
The chimes are heard, the lights go out in the hall
Santa Claus
Do you hear, blizzard? Do you hear snow?
Take us all, all, all.
Bring Sweet into the fairy tale, put it down near the Christmas tree.
The music stops.
Snow Maiden.
Here we have arrived.
It's beautiful, isn't it guys?
Santa Claus:
This is a sugar palace - Caramel house!
Snow Maiden
He's sweet like candy
And on guard - Gnome!
Who lives in the palace?
Show up on the porch!
Princess Caramel appears in the hall
Hello sweet guests.
I'm very happy for you guys
I know you love candy!
I am Princess Caramel!
I'm waiting for you all week!
Look at the dress -
Caramels hang here. (circling, pointing)
Wanna see my sweet friends?
Snow Maiden
Sweet sugar friends?
Show them quickly!
I will show you all my friends and tell you about them.
And about delicious marmalade,
Delicate sweet chocolate.
chocolate bears,
Refined hares!
Do you want to get to know them?
Caramelva waves her wand (music). The boys of the younger group run out
1 bunny
We are sugar bunnies
We jump like balls.
We are sweet sweets!
What, don't you believe? Look!
2 bunny
And I have ears
On the very top.
They are from cotton candy
And on the nose - sweets!
3 bunny
And instead of an eye - chocolate.
Everyone is happy to eat!
1 bear
I'm not a simple bear
All of chocolate
Get to know me
All the guys are happy!
2 bear
To the Christmas tree for the New Year
We were in a hurry.
Look at us all
How we dressed up!
Santa Claus
Tops, tops, jump and jump,
They got up in pairs,
Near the Christmas tree
They danced together!
T enance of "Sugar Bunnies and Chocolate Bears" muses A.A. Evtodieva
(boys junior group)
D.M: Oh, what delicious sugar bunnies and cubs,
So I would eat them! (recording of laughter)
What are these miracles?
I hear someone's voices!
These are sweet candies
My little kids.
Everyone run to me
Show your bright wrappers to everyone!
Sweets run out - girls of the middle group
Every sweet has its own secret
And the most interesting thing is candy!
1 candy
They came running to you for the holiday
Delicious sweets.
Let's sing and have fun
With you kids.
2 sweetie
We were wrapped in candy wrappers
Shiny and bright.
We tied bows.
We are very, very sweet!
3 sweetie
Can't be without sweets
New Year's Eve
To take us as a gift -
We dreamed a lot!
4 sweetie
We are naughty sweets
We love to have fun.
Near the Christmas tree
We will circle.
Dance "Candy"

Santa Claus:
What delicious sweets!
I just need candy for the kids.
Get in my bag...
Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!
Snow Maiden
What candy melt?
Santa Claus
We will make a blizzard, we will blow,
We'll tinker a little.
Children blow, wave their hands
We wave our hands more and more
And we, grandfather, will dance
Dance "It's cold, hands are frozen"
Thank you, help
Saved my people!
I'll introduce you then
I'm with the gnomes now!
Gingerbread gnomes run out
1 gnome
We are gingerbread gnomes
From fairyland
We have sweet shirts
And sweet pants!
2 gnome
We have raisin eyes
And a sideways hat!
Dancing at our Christmas tree
We can all day!
Dance of the Gingerbread Gnomes
Snow Maiden
Grandpa, hurry up
Let's invite everyone to the round dance
Santa Claus:
In every house, kingdom
Let Meet the New Year!
Dance "Polechka-baby" music by A. Chugaikina
Santa Claus:
And now hurry for the grandfather
We'll go in wagons!
New Year's locomotive -
Steam locomotive Santa Claus!!!
Snow Maiden
Everyone get in the wagons
And hold on to your shoulders
Shout out "Choo-choo!"
Santa Claus
I'll pick you up right away!
Song - game "New Year's locomotive"
Everyone looked great!
No doubt they are all adorable!
Gift ready for the kids!
Santa Claus, are you happy?
Santa Claus:
Come on, Caramel, let's ask the guys?
Are you guys happy?
Amazing! Then
You bring me here
What is more than anything in the world
Little kids love it!
No candy or honey!
Please bring in the cake!
Music sounds. A small cake is brought into the hall.
Snow Maiden:
Ah, Princess Caramel,
Fix it fast!
The cake will be too small!
It's not enough for the kids!
Santa Claus:
Don't worry guys!
My magical staff
Let the miracle happen!
And caramel cake -
Turn into gifts!
Magical music sounds, Santa Claus takes out a gift from their cake
Distribution of gifts.
Santa Claus:
Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye!
We will return to the winter forest!
Well, next year
I will visit you again!
Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year
We wish you happiness and joy.
Festive fun, fun,
Happy New Year to all-all-all! It doesn't work and that's it.

New Year "Candy Country"

Holiday for the middle group. 2015
Sounds magical music and voice in the recording

Opens New Year fabulous doors!
Let the one who believes in a fairy tale enter here now!
How nice that today the guests came to us here,
And without looking at the worries, everyone found a free hour.
A wonderful day is coming, the New Year is coming,
A holiday of laughter and inventions, a holiday of happiness for children.

The Snow Maiden enters the hall to the music.
Snow Maiden:
Slept in a box for a whole year
Christmas toys.
Long in the dark bored
Bunnies, Bears and Parsley.
But nothing faded
Their outfit is just as bright.
We invite them to the Christmas tree
Let them sparkle and burn!
Children dressed as various animals, snowflakes enter the hall, stop in front of the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Hello my little ones!
I came from a good fairy tale.
To play with you.
Let's have fun together.
Let's celebrate the New Year!
You toys, hurry up.
Smile more cheerfully.

We need to hold hands

Shout: "Christmas tree burn"

And the tree will light up

Golden lanterns.

We say all together "1-2-3 Christmas tree burn" ( does not light up)

Nothing happens, the Christmas tree does not light up.

Moms, dads, help, speak loudly together

1-2-3 - Christmas tree burn!

(Everyone says the Christmas tree lights up)

That's the tree! Just a miracle!
We didn't see this one!
All in flashlights, toys
And sparkles with tinsel.
Balls hanging on branches
Magic lanterns.
And beads and snowflakes
And blue ice.

funny toys
Meet the New Year.
funny buddies
Start a round dance.

And today is a wonderful day
Let's start a round dance

Let's sing a song together

Hello hello,

New Year!
Song "New Year"

Children sit on chairs to the music.

Snow Maiden

The children all came to the Christmas tree

The guests are here, but here's the question

Where does our cheerful

Good Santa Claus

How can the holiday continue?

Santa Claus is nowhere to be seen!

And let's call Santa Claus guys.

Santa Claus we are waiting for you and call us for a holiday (they call 2 times)
Phone ring.
Snow Maiden: Hello! Kindergarten is listening!
Hello Grandpa!

Well, well, in the New Year, all wishes come true! You can go to Sweet Candy!
Let's take our sledges
And let's go with the wind!
Song-game "Sanochki" (in a circle).

Snow Maiden: Look, children! And here is Confetti! And this is the Gingerbread House. Santa Claus works there. Before I knock on the door, sit on the chairs, rest after a long journey.

The children sit down to the music, the Snow Maiden comes up to the house and knocks.
sounds "Gingerbread song".
Santa Claus
: Who's there?
Snow Maiden: It's me, Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus:
/surprised/ Snow Maiden, why did you come back? Maybe you forgot something?
Snow Maiden: No, Santa Claus, I haven't forgotten anything. Today I will introduce you to the guys for whom you are preparing your new Year gifts.
Santa Claus:/surprised./ With the guys? Where are they?
Snow Maiden: Here they are! We came to visit you as a gift, we brought songs!
Children greet.
Santa Claus. Hello my relatives!
Hello my dear!
(for guests): I hasten to welcome and lovely guests
In Wonderland and Sweets!

Now, everyone turn around!
You will turn into sweets!
I see - delicious marmalade,
I see sweet chocolate
Flavored waffles
And mint gingerbread!
We open a sweet ball -
Let's start the carnival!

And dance with me!

Now it's a game for you

Have fun kids
Game "Magic Staff"

I walk, I wander through the forest,
I have a magic staff.
Knock loudly three times
And I will turn everyone into bunnies!

I walk, I wander through the forest,
I have a magic staff.
Knock loudly three times
And I will turn everyone into a hedgehog!
(Santa Claus knocks with a staff, the children perform the corresponding movements).
I walk, I wander through the forest,
I have a magic staff.
Knock loudly three times
And I'll turn everyone into horses!
(Santa Claus knocks with a staff, the children perform the corresponding movements).
I walk, I wander through the forest,
I have a magic staff.
Knock loudly three times
I will turn everyone into bear cubs!

D. Frost. Played, made friends

And I was amused.

Snow Maiden Let's continue the holiday

Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden
a lot in the world.
Let's listen to them guys
long, long, long time.
The bells were ringing:


We all like them.
Santa Claus

Like our guys
Spoons clattered in a row.
Tuki-tuki, ah-luli -
We all like them.
spoons sound.

Snow Maiden.

And the bells are ringing

They make the kids happy

Ding, ding, tru-la, li

We all like them.

The bells are playing.

Santa Claus.

The maracas are dancing

Sing a resounding song, ah. Liu-li

We all like them.

Maracas are playing.

The instruments played.

And the boys danced

Ai-lu, li, Ai-lu, li,

We all like them.

Snow Maiden

Collect tools.

Santa Claus.

I, friends, while playing
I lost my mitten.
That's so sad, that's the trouble!
Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus, here she is!
Smile more cheerfully
Hurry up with her!

Santa Claus.

Ooh, did it! Ooh, got it!
Still got you.
I'm wearing gloves now!
Snow Maiden.
You did not work in vain!
Santa Claus.

». Santa Claus -

Snow Maiden

Children: Santa Claus for the New Year,

I brought this tree.

She stands next to us

All lights are on fire.

He brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

And while I went to the garden

Mom decorated the tree.

3. And on the Christmas tree with us

Snow is not real

But the same as in the forest -

White and shiny.

4. Santa Claus came to us,

Dancing with us!

How good is

Everyone on our Christmas tree.

Candy girls run out.
1st: We, sweets are not simple, all the wrappers are golden.

2nd: I am a snow candy and they call me "Snowball"
3rd: I am sweetie "Snow White" - the sweetest friend of all.
4th: I am a candy "Squirrel", "Squirrel" is a beauty!
5th: And I'm chocolate - and everyone likes it!

Santa Claus: What delicious sweets I got! I just need these! Get in my bag!
Candies are scattered.

Snow Maiden:
Well, you have tricky sweets, Grandfather Frost, everyone ran away! Well, who else would you like to introduce us to?
Santa Claus: Have you ever seen sugar bunnies? Now I will introduce you to them!

♫ The Sugar Bunny boys run out.
Bunnies: We are sugar bunnies, we jump like balls.

We don't want to get into the bag
Let's run away!
They run to the chairs.
Santa Claus: And now I announce a sweet dance,
And I invite everyone to the Christmas tree!

♫ Dance of sweets with "Chupa Chups" (Song of the sweet tooth).

Santa Claus: Thank you, friends! Have amused me!

Who steps on the rug
The dance starts right away!

♫ Dance marathon for parents.

Santa Claus: And now, my sweet people,
Let's have a friendly dance!
♫ Round dance

Snow Maiden:
Grandfather Frost, Sweets danced, Sugar bunnies performed, our parents helped them!

Santa Claus: I love children very much

Put all your hands up
And get gifts!

He leaves for the house.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus! There is only one cake, but there are many of us. How will we share?

Santa Claus: Don't worry guys
Now my magic staff

We love sweets. Am!
We eat them fast. Am!
Delicious and sweet. Am!
New Year gifts. Am!

Snow Maiden: It was good for us in Confetti, but it's time for us to go home.
Santa Claus: Come all to me. Close your eyes, and in a minute you will find yourself in your own kindergarten.
Blizzard pick us all up
Take us to kindergarten!

Snow Maiden
: So we returned to kindergarten. Do you guys like traveling? Next year we will definitely go somewhere else, but now our holiday has come to an end,

Santa Claus: Once again, congratulations to all
We wish you happiness, joy
So that you grow and get smarter
They had fun, they sang songs,
May your laughter always ring!

Santa Claus enters

D.M. I'm coming! I'm coming!

Hello kids! Girls and boys!

Santa Claus I'm real

From a deaf dense thicket

Where they stand in the snowdrifts of spruce

Where are the snowstorms and snowstorms!

Where the forests are dense

Yes, loose snow!

Glad you came to visit

Have fun from the heart!

Together with you, even now I am ready to start dancing!

Sing a song about me, I'll be so pleased!

/ «Round dance with Santa Claus»/

D. Frost. They sang a song, made friends,

And I was amused.

Snow Maiden Let's continue the holiday

Have fun and play, and we will play with you in a cheerful orchestra!

Each of you will now receive a musical instrument.

Santa Claus. What instruments the Snow Maiden and I will sing about, they will play for us.
Performance of children's noise orchestra.
Snow Maiden (sings):
There are musical instruments
a lot in the world.
Let's listen to them guys
long, long, long time.
The bells were ringing:


We all like them.
children enter with bells.
Santa Claus

Like our guys
Spoons clattered in a row.
Tuki-tuki, ah-luli -
We all like them.
spoons sound.

Snow Maiden.

And the bells are ringing

They make the kids happy

Ding, ding, tru-la, li

We all like them.

The bells are playing.

Santa Claus.

The maracas are dancing

Sing a resounding song, ah. Liu-li

We all like them.

Maracas are playing.

The instruments played.

And the boys danced

Ai-lu, li, Ai-lu, li,

We all like them.


Snow Maiden
(praises the guys): What a fun orchestra we have!

Collect tools.

Santa Claus.

I, friends, while playing
I lost my mitten.
That's so sad, that's the trouble!
Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus, here she is!
Smile more cheerfully
Hurry up with her!
The game "Catch the mitten" is being played. Children pass Santa Claus's mitten in a circle. Santa Claus tries to catch up with her, finally, he succeeds.
Santa Claus.

Ooh, did it! Ooh, got it!
Still got you.
I'm wearing gloves now!
Snow Maiden.
You did not work in vain!
Santa Claus.
Well, the bastards! Outwitted Santa Claus.
Santa Claus- I am a gray-haired ruddy grandfather. They say I'm a hundred years old! As soon as I get out of bed - blizzards rise! As I shake my sleeve - everything will be covered with snow! Are you afraid of frost?
Children- Not!
Santa Claus- Now I'll check it out!
Freeze game:
Santa Claus- I go, I go, I go! Looking for a small nose! Who has not hidden this nose? Freeze!
(freezes noses)
Santa Claus- I go, I go, I go! I'm looking for the ears of the guys! Who hasn't hidden their ears? Freeze!
(freezes ears)
Santa Claus- I go, I go, I go! I'm looking for children's hands! Who hasn't hidden their pens? Freeze!
(freezes hands, then legs can be)
Santa Claus - Well you have fun and are not afraid of frost! I blow with a breeze, sit quietly, friends!

Oh, I love listening to poetry, I have already prepared my ears!

Snow Maiden. I'll help you Santa Claus, here I have a magic wand, whomever I touch with it, then the poem will go to read.

Children: Santa Claus for the New Year,

I brought this tree.

She stands next to us

All lights are on fire.

2. To us for the holiday Santa Claus

He brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

And while I went to the garden

Mom decorated the tree.

3. And on the Christmas tree with us

Snow is not real

But the same as in the forest -

White and shiny.

4. Santa Claus came to us,

Dancing with us!

How good is

Everyone on our Christmas tree.

5. Without Santa Claus, snowflakes do not fly,

And there is no fun for the guys without Frost!

6. Sledges rush forward with white powder.

Come to us every year, Santa Claus is good! /DM praises the guys/

Snow Maiden Santa Claus, do you always come to the holiday to the guys with sweet gifts?

Tell us a secret, tell us where you get so many sweets?

D-M: Are you interested? /response of children/. Then listen.

/beautiful tender music sounds, against its background the DM says:/

Far to the north is the Sweet Country.

There, instead of snow, gingerbread, cookies, marshmallow,

And delicious sweets, marshmallows and chocolate

Everyone is happy to get into the Magic Land!

The country is not easy, all the magic is full,

She is decorated with bright candies!

Candy is dancing here, and gingerbread is singing

You are unlikely to be served such a treat!

Dragee instead of flashlights, ice cream is innumerable!

You can eat bunnies and bears and ice cubes!

Snow Maiden Is this possible guys? Do candies know how to dance? /children's answer/

Santa Claus: That's right, guys, candy can't dance!

But am I a wizard - or not? I have my own secret!

I - magical grandfather Freezing! I brought a miracle to the children! /takes out a star/

Brought a magic star - and if I say the word -

In an instant, a wish will come true, Frost's prediction!

I will revive sweets in a gift today

I will call them to the children for the New Year's holiday!

Want to? Then wait!

And to us for a noisy holiday - CANDIES invite!

/ sweets come running /

sweets: 1. They ran to you for the holiday

Delicious sweets.

Fragrant sweets are very fond of children.

2. We, sweets are not simple, all wrappers are golden.

Look at us, let's start a merry dance.

"Candy Dance"

D.M: What delicious sweets.

These are just what our kids love.

/Sweets scatter/

D.M: What cunning sweets, everyone ran away.

I continue to conjure, sweets revive everything!

There is no end to the goodness in the Kingdom.

Whatever you want - everything is there!

Very tasty marmalade

Soft, sweet chocolate

chocolate bunnies,

Sugar gummies

Do you want to get to know them?

Hey, magic star, light your rays!

Invite sugar bunnies to the holiday!

/Sugar Bunnies come out)

Bunnies: We are sugar bunnies, we jump like balls.

Fragile and sweet, tasty, pleasant.

"Dance of the Sugar Bunnies"

Snow Maiden. Eh

D.M: Oh, what delicious sugar bunnies and bear cubs, I would have eaten them!

Winter: What are you, grandfather! Sweets and sugar bunnies with teddy bears are magical, and you can’t eat them.

D-M: Well, then .. I call the people to a cheerful round dance!

Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree, let's start a round dance!

“Christmas Song” / children after the round dance remain in a circle near the Christmas tree /


D-M: With you I want to play the power of Santa Claus show!

Are you afraid of the cold, guys?

Handles - legs then hide from me!

"Frost pinches our cheeks"/ DM catches up at the end of the children /

D-M: With you, children, I am friends! I love you guys!

And I call you to dance ice cream to the Christmas tree!

Hey, magic star, light your rays!

Invite sweet ice cream for the holiday!

"Ice Cream Dance"

D-M: All children love caramel and sweet marmalade.

Marshmallow, halva and marshmallow, milk chocolate

But more than anything… what do our children love?

Big and round, with cream, and with a cherry, like honey -

All kids love big and round CAKE!

In a magical fairyland, I don’t feel sorry for the children of the cake!

Hey, bring the cake, and give it to the children!

/bring a small cake/

Winter: Santa Claus! You brought a little cake!

Not enough for all the kids, girls and boys!

Snow Maiden: Take a star, grandfather, and perform a miracle!

And this cake is small - turn it into a huge one!

D-M: Well, what a magical star! You have always helped me!

Hey, magic star, light your rays!

And turn this small cake into a huge one!

/ they bring in a big cake / (as if a cut piece of cake is pulled out in it - inside the cake - gifts /

D-M: Children, the best in the world - these gifts are for YOU!

/ distribution of gifts /

Winter: Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye! We will return to the winter forest!

D-M: Well, next year I will visit you again!

Snow Maiden: So our Christmas tree is lit! And there is no Santa Claus!
Maybe he got lost along the way?
And let's shout to him: Grandfather Frost, AU!!!
Everyone calls, parents help children.
Phone ring.
Snow Maiden: Hello! Kindergarten is listening!
Hello Grandpa!
Good! Will wait! See you!
Guys, Santa Claus is a little late, he has a lot of work today. And now he is preparing his sweet gifts for you. Do you want to know where Santa Claus takes them? -YES! Listen!
Far, far to the north there is a country - Sweet Confetti, and my Grandfather Frost rules in it. Delicious chocolates, caramels, marmalade and other sweets are made in this country. And all of them are very much looking forward to being put into boxes and taken to the children for the New Year.
Do you want to visit this country? -YES!
But this is a magical land! Everyone who gets there also turns into sweets! Do you want to be a little sweets, chocolates, sugar cookies? -YES!
Well, well, in the New Year, all wishes come true! Just let's and we will take a gift to Santa Claus! What can we give him? (Answers of children).
Let's make some delicious jam for him! He has no berries, no fruit there, in the north.
Do you agree? -YES!
Then we call our assistant Mishka, let him carry the largest pan!

♫ Dance "Jam" ("Song about jam") with fruits.
Snow Maiden: Oh, how fragrant! Sweet, pleasant!
You can go to Sweet Candy!
Let's take our sledges
And let's go with the wind!

♫ Song-game "Sanochki" (in a circle). Or "Bubentsy"???

The music stops. The inscription "Sweet Confetti". House.

Snow Maiden: Look, children! And here is Confetti! And this is the Gingerbread House. Santa Claus works there. Before I knock on the door, sit on the chairs, rest after a long journey.
♫ The children sit down to the music, the Snow Maiden comes up to the house and knocks.
"Gingerbread Song"
Santa Claus: Who's there?
Snow Maiden: It's me, Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus goes to the middle of the hall so that he can be seen.

Santa Claus: / surprised / Snow Maiden, why did you come back? Maybe you forgot something?

Snow Maiden: No, Grandfather Frost, I haven't forgotten anything. Today I will introduce you to the guys for whom you are preparing your New Year's gifts.

Santa Claus: / surprised. / With the guys? Where are they?
Snow Maiden: Here they are! We came to visit you and brought a gift!
Guys, say hello to Santa Claus!
Children greet.
Santa Claus. Hello my relatives!
Hello my dear!
(To guests): I hasten to welcome dear guests
In Wonderland and Sweets!
Magic transformations await you here
And everyone will find something to their liking.
Now, everyone turn around!
You will turn into sweets!
I see - delicious marmalade,
I see sweet chocolate
Flavored waffles
And mint gingerbread!
We open a sweet ball -
Let's start the carnival!
I ask EVERYONE to stand in my circle,
And dance with me!

♫ Magic staff game - kids and parents.
I walk, I wander through the forest,
I have a magic staff.
Knock loudly three times
And I will turn everyone into bunnies!
(Santa Claus knocks with a staff, the children perform the corresponding movements).
I walk, I wander through the forest,
I have a magic staff.
Knock loudly three times
And I will turn everyone into a hedgehog!

(Santa Claus knocks with a staff, the children perform the corresponding movements).

I walk, I wander through the forest,
I have a magic staff.
Knock loudly three times
And I'll turn everyone into horses!

(Santa Claus knocks with a staff, the children perform the corresponding movements).

I walk, I wander through the forest,
I have a magic staff.
Knock loudly three times
I will turn everyone into bear cubs!

Santa Claus: Here they danced!
Oh-oh-oh! What is this??? I think I'm melting!
Save! Help! Cool down quickly!
Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, do not be afraid,
Sit down and calm down.
We know how to help you:
Like a snowball we will fly!

♫ Dance with fabric (2 circles) "Oh, snowflakes are flying."

Santa Claus: Thank you! Made it easy! Nicely chilled!
And now it's time to get acquainted with the inhabitants of my Candy country!
Once! Two! Three! Sweet candies, run to me!

♫ Candy girls run out.
1st: We, sweets are not simple, all wrappers are golden.
Admire from the heart - how good we are!
2nd: I am a snow candy and my name is "Snowball"
3rd: I am sweetie "Snow White" - the sweetest friend of all.
4th: I am a candy "Squirrel", "Squirrel" is a beauty!
5th: And I'm a chocolate bar - and everyone likes it!

Santa Claus: What delicious sweets I got! I just need these! Get in my bag!
Candies are scattered.

Snow Maiden: Well, you have tricky sweets, Grandfather Frost, everyone ran away! Well, who else would you like to introduce us to?
Santa Claus: Have you ever seen sugar bunnies? Now I will introduce you to them!
Come on, Bunnies, come out, stretch your legs!

♫ The Sugar Bunny boys run out.
Bunnies: We are sugar bunnies, we jump like balls.
Fragile and sweet, tasty, pleasant.
We don't want to get into the bag
Let's run away!
They run to the chairs.
Santa Claus: And now I announce a sweet dance,
And I invite everyone to the Christmas tree!

♫ Dance of sweets with "Chupa Chups" (Song of the sweet tooth).
Santa Claus: Thank you, friends! Have amused me!
There has never been such fun in my Confetti!
What are the parents up to? Or have you played a little?
An interesting game and I have one for you!
I'll get the magic rugs now,
Choose your partner and start dancing! (Lays out the rugs in front of the carpet).
Here they are, my magic rugs!
Who steps on the rug
The dance starts right away!

♫ Dance marathon for parents.

Santa Claus: And now, my sweet people,
Let's have a friendly dance!
♫ Round dance

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, Sweets danced, Sugar bunnies performed, our parents helped them!
We all amused you, but did you deserve the gifts?

Santa Claus: I love children very much
I will give gifts to everyone! Where is my Morozov gauntlet?
Put all your hands up
And get gifts!

Puts Chupa-Chups in the palm of each child.

Snow Maiden: How? And that's it? Such small gifts do not exist. Really, kids?
Santa Claus: Fu-you, the old one has completely become! Forgot! I have, in gingerbread house, the most important one is being prepared new year surprise! Run Run! And you meet me with a huge gift!

He leaves for the house.
♫ Surprise brings out a fake cake with lit candles to the music.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost! There is only one cake, but there are many of us. How will we share?

Santa Claus: Don't worry guys
Now my magic staff
New Year's cake will also work a miracle
Turn into gifts! And you help me!

We love sweets. Am!
We eat them fast. Am!
Delicious and sweet. Am!
New Year gifts. Am!

The word "Am!" must be pronounced with a stretch, amplifying the sound from low to high.

Snow Maiden: It was good for us in Confetti, but it's time for us to go home.
Santa Claus: Come to me. Close your eyes, and in a minute you will find yourself in your own kindergarten.
Blizzard pick us all up
Take us to kindergarten!

♫ Music is playing, children are spinning.

Snow Maiden: So we returned to kindergarten. Do you guys like traveling? Next year we will definitely go somewhere else, but now our holiday has come to an end,

Santa Claus: Once again, congratulations to everyone,
We wish you happiness, joy
So that you grow and get smarter
They had fun, they sang songs,
May your laughter always ring!
Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!

new year trip to sweet land

Children, holding hands, enter the hall to the music.

Dance "New Year"

Presenter: What a miracle in our hall!

As if we were in a fairy tale:

There is a Christmas tree in the hall, everything sparkles and glitters.

That's a Christmas tree, a green needle!

Christmas tree beauty! Do you guys like it?

(Children answer.)

1st child: Our Christmas tree is amazing!

How elegant! How beautiful!

High - amazing!

Good - for a feast for the eyes!

2nd: Christmas tree-beauty, green branches,

And gilded beads sway on them.

3rd: A There are no lights on the Christmas tree - why is that?

Today we need a bright light for fun!

Presenter: Green beauty, light the lights!

The guys shout in unison: “Christmas tree, burn!”

(Children do.)

Nothing works out

The lights don't light up!

Come on girls and boys

We threaten the Christmas tree with a finger,

(Children do.)

And now we all clap

(Clap hands.)

And let's all stomp our feet. (Stomp.)

You probably joked

Make your eyes better

It is necessary to say the words

To not dare to refuse!

Presenter: Ah, the beautiful Christmas tree!

Ah, everyone loves the Christmas tree!

Please turn on the lights

On a New Year's dress.

We will caress you tenderly

Let's blow a light breeze

And a song about snowflakes

We will sing for you.

Song "First Snow"

Christmas tree: Here, it's a completely different matter!

All my soul sang!

Ready for the holidays now!

I fulfill your request

I turn on my lights! (Lights come on.)

presenter(claps hands, deri support):

It worked out, it worked out

Our tree is lit up!

We will sing and play

Dancing near the Christmas tree.

The song "What a miracle"

Presenter: Wizard Frost to us comes to the holiday

Fun, he brings gifts to children.

We want to know Santa Claus secret:

Where does he get so many delicious sweets from?

Christmas tree: Far to the north is the Sweet Country.

There, instead of snow - gingerbread, cookies, marshmallow.

There are candy houses, marmalade trees,

There are sugar bunnies and chocolate bears,

There Grandfather Frost collects gifts all year round,

Princess Caramel helps him there.

Presenter: To get into a caramel fairy tale,

Together, guys, close all your eyes,

You need to stomp, turn around,

Clap your hands and smile (children perform actions)

Presenter: Miraculous transformations have taken place

We found ourselves in a sweet fairy tale.

Princess Caramel lives here

It has been waiting for us for a long time.

Princess Caramel comes out to the music.

Caramel: Hello my friends!

I'm happy with the sweet tooth.

I hasten to welcome dear guests

In the kingdom of miracles and sweets!

In our kingdom, there is no counting of goodness,

Whatever you want - everything is there!

Very tasty marmalade

Soft, sweet chocolate

Waffles and cookies, jams and preserves.

Wanna see my sweet friends?

(Children answer.)

Then help me quickly.

(claps hands): One two Three!

And where are my girlfriends, candy-laughers?

Hurry to the Christmas tree, cheer the children!

The "candy girls" come out.

1 Candy: We, Sweets, in the New Year

The people came to cheer.

Aren't we good?

Here we dance from the heart.

2 candy Caramels, marmalade, lollipops and chocolate.

We are standing at the Christmas tree, rustling with candy wrappers.

3 Candy: Hurry, friend, do not yawn and choose a candy!

Look at us all, we will dance for you

Candy dance

Presenter: What sweet friends!

We need these as gifts!

The "sweets" run away, leaving the "wrappers".

Presenter: Oh look, run away!

Only fanfiction remains...

Caramel: These miracle wrappers

I will turn into bows.

(Puts the candy wrappers in the basket, passes his hand over it.)

Everything is ready, get it!

Play with bows!

"Dance with candy wrappers"

Presenter: Dear Caramel, we have a question for you: Where did you stay for so long

Good Santa Claus

Caramel: I put gifts in a bag, and then dressed up,

And in the garden by the Christmas tree the guys have been waiting for a long time.

Presenter: What to do? How can we be?

How can we return Santa Claus to a fairy tale?

Caramel: Let me tell you a secret guys:

We need to call the musicians.

Let them take the tools

And Santa Claus will be called here!

Presenter: We have talents, wonderful musicians!

(Children come out with instruments.) The orchestra plays the polka.

Caramel: Here come the sugar bunnies

They run to our Christmas tree.

chocolate bears

Not one step behind.

I really, really want

chocolate bears

Help in the New Year

Girls and boys.

"Dance of chocolate bears and sugar bunnies

Santa Claus enters to the music.

Santa Claus: Oh ho ho ho ho...

Finding you wasn't easy

Came to you in the morning in kindergarten

And in the hall I found a Christmas tree,

But the grandfather's children did not wait,

Rushed off to the land of sweets.

I followed you -

And so I found you, friends!

Hello! Everyone - good evening!

I am very glad to our meeting!

Presenter: Everyone has changed today!

Look how the kids are dressed up!

Marmalade sweets, chocolate bears,

Sugar bunnies, mint caramels.

Spin around, spin around

Show yourself to Frost! (Children spin around.)

Good Santa Claus, we have been waiting for you.

They dreamed of singing a song by the Christmas tree for you.

The song "Santa Claus started to dance"

Santa Claus: If I'm so good

Put all your hands up

But first for beauty

I'll freeze everyone's noses!

Presenter: Very fond of Santa Claus

Pinch the guys on the nose!

Children: And we are not afraid, we will spin in the dance!

The game "I'll Freeze": children dance in a circle to the music, whom Santa Claus touches, freeze.

Santa Claus: Almost turned the kids into ice cubes

And beautiful snowflakes.

And now I'll rest

FROM poison, I will translate the spirit.

And you don't just sit there

Read me poetry now.

Presenter: Now let's sit down quietly

It's time, children, to rest,

And under the elegant Christmas tree

Children read poetry.

1 child: Very fond of sweets

Chocolates and nuts

All kinds of candy

Eat in winter and summer.

2 child: Us strawberry jam

lifts the mood,

Instead of cabbage soup and semolina porridge,

We will always eat it.

3 child: Chocolate candies

We will replace all the cutlets,

Only adults we talk about it

We will never tell!

4 child: New Year is very sweet

It's made from chocolate

And from various sweets,

New Year's joys.

Only here is the question:

Where does Santa Claus take them?

Santa Claus: Hey guys, girls and boys!

I was amused, gifts deserved.

Caramel, hurry up, kids are waiting for gifts!

(Caramel leaves behind the bag.)

For now, for the sake of order, for the mind, I will start exercising.

I'll tell you a secret guys.

I have riddles for you

Sweet, pleasant, understandable to children.

Santa Claus (thinks "Sweet riddles"):

I am Tula, mint,

Chocolate and printed.

I'm not a bun and not a mannik,

They call me... (gingerbread)

There is such a wonderful house

Children settled in it.

How similar to each other

colorful girlfriends

And their fellow brothers -

Caramel... (Lollipops)

In bright bright dresses

We are always happy to surprise

All marmalade filling

And walnut fondant

And also with snow cherries,

And with a crispy waffle tender.

Children love everything

Chocolate... (Candies)

It's tile, but not in the bathroom

Not sweet, though sweet,

Here without any deception:

It's simple... (Chocolate)

Caramel pulls out a sack from which champing is heard.

Caramel: Santa Claus!

Do you hear it?

Someone is eating your candy.

Who is in your bag?

Who rustles with wrappers?

Comic soundtrack of laughter, the Presenter approaches the Caramel.

Presenter: Candy, toys messed up in the bag? (Looks into the bag.)

Yes, there settled candy zhrushka!

She is a great friend to everyone.

She loves cakes and sweets

More chocolate, marmalade and rolls.

And he loves jam with semolina.

And ate gifts at your holiday.

There was only one pillow left in the bag. (Pulls out a pillow.)

Such a glutton candy crunch!

Santa Claus: Don't be upset, kids.

I'll conjure you candy

I just need a pot.

Presenter: We have one trick - a magic pot

(Brings out the "sly-pot".)

Caramel, do not yawn, Santa Claus help!

Caramel serves Santa Claus what he calls.

Santa Claus:

I'll put smiles in it (collects from children)

Fanfiction, ( candy wrappers from a basket)

Cookies - "fish", (cookies in a bag)

I'll add some snowballs...

Mix everything with a spoon (bring spoon for Santa Claus

And mess around a little (conjures).

Phonogram hissing, gurgling.

presenter(peeks): Yeah!

All the wrappers are cooked -

And they turned into gifts.

Santa Claus:

Get, kids, delicious sweets (Santa Claus distributes gifts)

Presenter: What a beauty! What a deliciousness!

We will say thank you to the pan - our cunning!

Children: Thanks!

Santa Claus: Well, it's time for us to say goodbye

We'll say goodbye to each other

And again we will part for a whole year

And a year later the blizzard will howl again

And Santa Claus will come again.

Presenter: And it's time for us to go back

The kindergarten has been waiting for us for a long time.

Goodbye Caramel

Goodbye, Santa Claus!

Svetlana Russkikh
Scenario of the New Year's holiday "Journey to the Sweet Country"

Russian S. G. Kirovo-Chepetsk.

Journey to sweet country. (cf. gr)

(children on sleds enter the hall, dance)


VED. What a miracle in our hall! It's like we're in a fairy tale.

There is a Christmas tree in the hall, everything sparkles and glitters.

So the Christmas tree - Christmas tree, green needle!

Christmas tree beauty! Do you guys like it?


1. Our tree is just amazing! How elegant! How beautiful!

High - amazing! Good - look out!

2. Christmas tree-beauty, green branches,

And gilded beads sway on them.

3. And there are no lights on the Christmas tree - why is that?

Today we need a bright light for fun!

VED. Green beauty, light the lights!

The guys together will shout Christmas tree


VED. Nothing happens, the lights do not light up!

Come on girls and boys

We threaten the Christmas tree with a finger (they threaten with a finger,

And now we all clap (clap hands)

And let's all stomp our feet (stomp).

CHRISTMAS TREE: You must have been joking, the children asked badly.

And say the words so that your head is spinning.

VED. Ah, the Christmas tree is beautiful! Oh, Christmas tree, dresser!

Please turn the lights on New Year's dress.

We will caress you tenderly (stroking)

Let's blow with a light breeze (blowing)

And we will sing a song about snowflakes for you.


CHRISTMAS TREE: That's a completely different matter! All my soul sang!

TO the holiday is now ready!

I fulfill your request, I turn on my lights (lights go on)

VED. It worked, it worked, our Christmas tree lit up! (clapping)

We will sing and play, dance near the Christmas tree


VED. Wizard Frost to us on holiday is coming,

Fun, he brings gifts to children.

We want to know, Santa Claus is a secret.

Where do you get so many delicious sweets from?

CHRISTMAS TREE: Far north there is sweet country.

There, instead of snow, gingerbread, cookies, marshmallow.

There are candy houses, marmalade trees.

There are sugar bunnies, chocolate bears

There, Santa Claus collects gifts all year round.

Princess Caramel helps him there.

VED. Let's go, friends, to a caramel fairy tale!

There we will rush on a fast sleigh!

We will walk along the paths in winter

AND sweet we will find the kingdom.


VED. We raced very, very fast, oh, and where did we end up?

We ended up in the store, here are the toys in the window!

A GAME: "A TOY SHOP". (mix I.P. Parakhnevich)

VED. We visited the store, but we did not see sweets there!

We sit down in the sleigh again, we will merrily rush down the hill. (sit down, ride sitting)


VED. We rode on sleds, sweet fairy tale found themselves.

Princess Caramel lives here and has been waiting for us for a long time.

(Princess Caramel comes out to the music)

CARAMEL. Hello my friends! I'm happy for sweet tooth.

I hasten to welcome dear guests

In the Kingdom of Wonders and Sweets!

I have innumerable good things in my kingdom.

Whatever you want - everything is there!

Very tasty marmalade, tender, sweet chocolate,

Waffles and cookies, jams and preserves.

Do you want to see my sweet friends?

CARAMEL. Then help me quickly. (claps hands) One two Three!

And where are my girlfriends, sweets - laughter?

You hurry to the Christmas tree, amuse the children.

(candy girls come out)

1. We are mischievous sweets, tasty and sweet.

Admire - how smart we are on us.

2. You can't live without sweets new year's eve,

To take us as a gift - we dream very much!

BOTH: And for this, now we will sing a song for you.


1. We candy in the New Year came to cheer the people.

Aren't we good? Here we dance from the heart.

(losing - knocking with a heel)

2. Caramels, marmalade, lollipops and chocolate.

We are standing at the Christmas tree, rustling with candy wrappers

(losing - playing candy rattles)

3. Hurry up, friend, do not yawn and choose candy.

Look at us all, we'll dance again.

(losing - spinning)

VED. What kind sweet girlfriends to us such, a gift is needed. (candies run away)

Oh look, run away! Only wrappers remained ....

CARAMEL: I will turn these miracle candy wrappers into bows.

(puts candy wrappers in a basket, runs his hand over it)

Everything is ready, get it! Play with bows!

DANCE: "DANCE WITH WANDPAPERS".(mix I.P. Parakhnevich)

VED. Dear Caramel, we have you question:

Where did the good Santa Claus stay for so long?

CARAMEL: In the morning he dressed up, put gifts in a bag.

And in the garden by the Christmas tree, the guys have been waiting for a long time.

VED. What to do? How can we be?

How can we return Santa Claus to our fairy tale?

CARAMEL. I'll tell you a secret guys. We need to call the musicians.

Let them take the tools in their hands and call Santa Claus here.

VED. We have talents, miracle musicians! (children come out with tools)

ORCHESTRA: "HERE ARE BALLS".(V. Blaga. orange. E. Kuryachiy)

CARAMEL. So sugar bunnies are running to our Christmas tree.

Chocolate bears are not far behind.

Very, very want sweet playful

In the New Year, help girls and boys.


FATHER FROST'S ENTRANCE (phonogram exit D-M)

D-M. Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho…. Finding you was not easy!

I came to your kindergarten in the morning and found a Christmas tree in the hall.

But the grandfather's children did not wait, on a sled to sweets sped off.

I followed you, and now I found you, my friends.

Hello! Everyone - good evening! I am very glad to our meeting!

VED. Everyone has changed today. Look how the kids are dressed up!

Marmalade sweets, chocolate bears,

Sugar bunnies, mint caramels.

Spin around, spin around and show yourself to Frost! (circling)

Good Santa Claus, we have been waiting for you.

They dreamed of singing a song by the Christmas tree for you.

SONG: "SANTA CLAUS". (L. Oliferova)

D-M. If I'm so good, put all your hands up.

And first, for beauty, I’ll freeze everyone’s noses!

VED. Santa Claus loves to pinch guys on the nose!

CHILDREN: And we are not afraid, we will quickly scatter.

A GAME: "FREEZE". (children run near the Christmas tree to the music, whom D-M touches, freeze)

D-M. He turned the kids into ice floes and into beautiful snowflakes.

It's time for me to relax and take a nap by the Christmas tree.

(D-M sits down, falls asleep, comes to life, approaches him and clap)

Oh, witchcraft is gone ... This, children, is mischief!

Beware, friends! I'll catch up with you now! (running to chairs)

I will rest on a stump, sit down, take a breath.

And you don’t just sit there, read me poetry now.

POEMS. (L. Nekrasova)

1. If the frost ends,

Snow melts white

What is Santa Claus

The poor will do?

Water will run from it

Brooks on the floor

2. From his beard then

Will it drip too?

Dear Santa Claus,

Sweetheart, darling!

Hide, Santa Claus,

In our fridge! 1. I am a sugar hare,

My tail is very small.

And I have ears on the very top of my head.

They are from cotton candy, and on the nose of sweets.

2. I am not a simple bear - all of chocolate.

All the guys are happy to meet me.

My elder brother is a dandy!

Yes, and the youngest is a dandy!

My suit is just class!

And a bow around the neck!

D-M. oh yeah kids: girls and boys!

I was amused, gifts deserved.

Caramel, hurry up, kids are waiting for gifts.

(Caramel leaves behind the bag)

In the meantime, for the sake of order, I start my mind - exercises.

I'll tell you a secret, guys, I have riddles for you.

Sweet pleasant, understandable to children.

1. I am Tula, mint, chocolate and printed.

I am not a bun and not a mannik, they call me .... (Gingerbread)

2. There is such a wonderful house. Children settled in it.

So similar to each other colorful girlfriends

And their brothers well done caramel (CANDIES)

3. In bright elegant dresses, we are always happy to surprise everyone

Marmalade filling, and walnut fondant,

And also, with snow cherries and delicate crispy waffles.

Children love everything in the world chocolate (CANDIES)

4. It's tile, but not in the bathroom, not candy, though sweet,

There's no cheating here, it's just... (CHOCOLATE)

(Caramelka takes out the bag, champing is heard from it)

CARAMEL. Santa Claus! Do you hear it? Someone is eating your candy.

Who is in your bag? Cellophane who rustles (funny laugh)

(the presenter approaches Caramel)

VED. Sweets and toys were messed up in the bag (looks into bag)

Yes, there settled candy zhrushka!

She is a great friend to everyone.

She loves cakes and sweets, also chocolate, marmalade and rolls.

And he loves jam with semolina. And ate presents your holiday.

There was only one pillow left in the bag. (pulls out pillow)

Such a glutton candy crunch!

D-M. Not get upset, children, I will treat you all with candy.

I just need a pot.

VED. We have one Cunning! (takes out the pan - cunning)

VED. Caramel, do not yawn, Santa Claus help!

(caramel gives dm. what he says)

D-M. I'll put smiles in it (collects from children)

Wrappers (candy wrappers from a basket)

fish biscuits (cookies in a bag)

I'll add some snowballs.

VED. Mix everything with a spoon. (VED. brings a spoon to D-M)

And mess around a little. (D-M conjuring, gurgling and magic)

VED (peeks). Yeah! All wrappers are cooked! And they turned into gifts.

D-M. Get, kids, a magic candy. (takes out a big candy, treats the children)

VED. What a beauty! What a deliciousness!

We will say thank you to Khitryulya!


VED. It's time, it's time to head back. And the sledges have been waiting for us for a long time.

Goodbye Caramel, goodbye Santa Claus.

(children leave the hall to the song “Sanochki, Caramel and D-M wave after them)