Development of a newborn child in the first month of life. What a baby can do in the first month of his life What an infant should be able to do in the first month

It seems that very little time has passed since the birth of the little man, and your beloved baby is already a year old. All parents are proud of their little ones, but they are worried about what a 1-year-old child should be able to do from the point of view of specialists. All parents want their child to develop, keeping up with other children.

Pediatricians and psychologists say that each baby develops according to its own calendar. The kids are not alike. There are common points in development that are inherent in every baby, but the speed of learning, mastering new skills and abilities largely depends on the parents. A calendar for the development of a child’s skills is needed, first of all, to promptly correct minor delays in the development of the baby. Or sound the alarm and contact specialists if the time lag is large enough.

The first months of a child’s life are filled with many successes and achievements of the baby. From a small sniffling lump at 1 year old, your child turns into an independent person with his own character and emerging preferences. The development that a fidget demonstrates upon reaching 12 months is the basis for the child’s further growth.

Physical indicators

WHO has released its tables with the average parameters with which a baby should approach its first year of birth:

  • The baby's weight should increase approximately 3 times from birth.
  • The growth of the baby should add 50% of the initial indicators.
  • A one-year-old baby can stand, walk, and squat with the help of adults.
  • Climb onto adult chairs, armchairs, sofas, and also descend from them to the floor independently.
  • Can roll a stroller and press toys to make sounds.

These requirements refer to the minimum skills and physical condition of the baby at 1 year. Weak, sickly infants may lag somewhat behind these indicators. Children with additional training from their parents can show results much higher than WHO requirements. At 1 year of age, the development of children is striking in the enormous intellectual and physical changes in recent infants.

Psycho-emotional achievements of the baby

In 12 months of life, the baby has learned a lot:

  • Build a pyramid from several large rings.
  • Build a tower from cubes.
  • Eat from a spoon, drink from a mug.
  • Carry small objects nearby - toys, plastic bottles.
  • Show emotions. Demonstrate your agreement or disagreement with sounds, gestures, and facial expressions. Hugging, kissing mom, dad, loved ones. Enjoy gifts, be afraid of strangers.
  • Know your name, respond to it.
  • Recognize the voices and faces of relatives and loved ones. Be able to find and highlight your family members in photographs with your finger.
  • Flip through the pages of a book, look at the pictures. Show animals in pictures, depict them: cat - “meow”, dog - “woof”.

He understands almost everything that adults say, can pronounce from 2 to 10 words, and fulfill simple requests: give it, show me where, take it.

  • Understands the words “no” and “cannot”.
  • For a few minutes he can concentrate his attention on a book or cartoon.
  • Imitates adults: can clap his hands, comb his hair, dance, put on lipstick, talk on the phone.
  • He loves to play with his peers, imitate them: roll a car, a ball, pour sand into a bucket with a scoop.

Represented skills and abilities specialists children's education are considered mandatory skills. Caring, attentive parents can help accelerate the psychomotor development of children.

Development of psychomotor skills

How a child develops at 1 year of age depends on the activities of the parents. We need to work more with children, strengthen and develop their abilities. There is a group of skills that a little person will master independently, without training, at about 2-3 years of age. With daily exercise, these skills will appear by the age of 1 year. So what can your child do:

  • Ask to go to the potty.

If the baby is always in diapers, then the child will not have the desire to ask to go to the potty. From 10-11 months, the baby should not be left in diapers all day. 15-20 minutes after each meal, you need to put the baby on the potty. It's filling time Bladder child. With the help of certain sounds “psss...”, which the baby can easily repeat, you can begin to form the habit of sitting on the potty. It's okay if it doesn't work out right away. But at the age of one, it will be easier for your baby to tell you about his physiological needs.

  • The ability to take small objects not with the palm, but with two fingers appears, to open jars, close lids, remove lids from boxes, put toys in them, and take them out. Place small round balls, no larger than the palm of your hand, through the round holes in educational toys.
  • The baby can pronounce not only the words “mom” and “dad”, but also comes up with his own words to denote certain objects. The kid knows how to generalize and find a logical connection. So, the word “Lala” will mean both a doll and another little toddler. Seeing a kitten in the picture, the baby will say “meow.” The baby will make the same sounds when he hears a kitten meowing from the bushes on the street.
  • The ability to perform fairly complex game actions develops. The baby bathes the doll, feeds it with a spoon, takes off its clothes, and puts it to bed. He opens and closes the car doors and rolls the equipment into the garage. The skills of playing ball become more complicated: not only rolling on the floor, but tossing the ball, throwing it to another person, catching the thrown ball with your hands.
  • The ability to draw with fingers and palm - the baby can knead and roll out plasticine. These skills have a positive effect on children's motor skills.
  • Developing the ability to dance and sing along. Buy a special collection of children's songs. Light rhythmic music, easy to remember words - all this will more encourage the baby to dance and try to reproduce what he heard.

As you can see, a child’s skills at 1 year are more developed when parents take an active part in the child’s development. You need to understand: what a child can do at 1 year old will be the main basis for the further development of the baby.

Development of household skills by 1 year

Children already understand what cleanliness and neatness are: a dirty dress can upset a girl. The foolish child, having dirty his palms, will run to look for his mother to wash his hands. Get into the habit of washing your face daily and brushing your emerging teeth. The baby himself puts his hands under the running water, wipes his face and hands with a towel. The baby should have his own towel for washing - not too large so that the baby can independently hold it in his hands.

Kids know how to bite and chew crackers, bagels, cookies, drink from their bottle independently, and try to eat independently with a spoon. They try to get dressed or help their relatives: they put their hand into the sleeve of a blouse or jacket, or put their foot into a shoe. It’s worth setting aside more time to prepare for going outside. Let your child try to dress, don’t do all the work for him. Help unobtrusively: your little one’s ability to dress independently will come in handy more than once.

Sleep time and dietary habits

By this time, one-year-old children are already refusing morning sleep. The main time of sleep occurs at night. Night rest lasts at least 10 hours. But little fidgets still need the so-called “quiet hour” during the day. Sleeping during the day will help the baby rest and gain strength to accomplish the next feat.

If the baby doesn’t listen and doesn’t want to sleep, the baby needs to be prepared for afternoon rest:

  • take a relaxing bath;
  • give a light massage;
  • When going to bed, sing a song or read a fairy tale.

You can put your baby to bed at night in the same way. Calming procedures will have a beneficial effect on mental state baby.

After a year, some children experience night terrors in their sleep. The child may scream, cry, push, or scratch the parents who woke him up. Experts do not advise waking the baby. A sudden awakening can provoke even greater fear. Be sure to record the time when the child had a nightmare, and a few days, 10-15 minutes before this time, try to wake up the baby. If the nightmares don't go away, you need to show up child psychologist, pediatrician.

The peculiarity of nutrition is the gradual refusal breastfeeding, transition to a variety of healthy foods. Breast milk should be replaced with high-quality infant formulas with a high proportion of fat. It is not recommended to give low-fat foods to children of these years. For the growth of the baby, the formation of his mental and physical abilities, all groups of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are necessary.

You should not offer your baby popcorn, chips, or snacks, which not only have a negative effect on the baby’s stomach, lead to nutritional problems for the baby, but can also get stuck in the baby’s throat. Grapes, pomegranate, and seeds are also contraindicated for small children due to their small seeds.

The diet of babies one year of age should consist of more fruits and vegetables. This is the time when children listen to their parents and take their example. At one year old, you can already begin to form the habit of eating healthy foods: you should not buy carbonated drinks, and when feeding your baby, you should eat as little sweets as possible.

Character and behavior of a 1 year old child

By 12 months, observant parents and relatives know what kind of character the baby has. It is already clear whether the baby is calm or likes to be capricious. The baby loves to sit quietly in a corner, play one game for a long time, or have to run after the restless one throughout the apartment, closing cabinets and drawers opened by the baby.

One year is the time when the baby begins to fear separation from loved ones, especially his mother. The baby’s anxiety and concern about her mother who has gone somewhere is quite understandable and justified. The little one remembers her smell from birth; from the first feeding, a special closeness between mother and child is established. All year his mother did not leave his side, played with him, fed him, taught him to sit, crawl, and walk. Mom is the most significant person in a little person’s life. Everything that your little one knew and can do was brought about by his mother’s efforts and her love.

Therefore, when the mother disappears from the baby’s field of vision, she is not in the room or apartment, the little man begins to fearfully look for his mother, cry, call loudly, and throw a tantrum. It is necessary to accustom children to the need for separation. Talk to the child, explain that mom will be back soon. Do not leave secretly, be sure to give notice of your departure.

1 year is the time when children stop obeying their parents. Children are trying to prove their independence. A 1-year-old child does not obey his parents. Checks what can be done and what cannot be done. You should immediately tell the baby in a firm voice (children are good at picking up the intonation of loved ones) that he is behaving badly, this is not the way to behave. If the baby continues to not listen, it is worth considering methods of emotional influence on the child. Children perceive it painfully when an offended mother refuses to talk to a fidget. It is necessary to explain to the little man why exactly he is being punished, what action caused such a reaction in his mother.

Alena is a regular expert on the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about psychology, education and learning and games for children.

Articles written

What can a 1 month old baby do? The mother can independently assess the development of the baby, knowing about the skills and reflexes that the baby acquires during the first weeks of life. But you need to remember that such a study at home does not replace consultation and examination by a pediatrician.

The baby will sleep most of the time during the first month of life. This he can do perfectly. But between sleeping and feeding there are short periods of wakefulness. This time can be used to communicate with the baby, as well as to monitor its development, reflexes, and new skills.

What skills can you observe?

What can a 1 month old baby do?

Congenital reflexes and their meaning

Reflexes are the inheritance of our ancient ancestors. Many reflexes disappear by 4 months, but some, very important ones, remain for life. For example: sneezing, coughing, swallowing, breathing. A neonatologist checks the newborn's reflexes. What can mom see?

Reflexes help develop motor skills and are the foundation for crawling, rolling over, and walking. Also, their absence or weak manifestation helps to recognize any developmental problem. If the baby has not yet developed a skill, there is no need to sound the alarm in advance. Need to take into account individual characteristics. Small and premature babies develop skills later. You should be alarmed when the baby is lethargic all the time and does not respond to sound and light.

Signals for help

Interaction with the outside world occurs through grimaces, screaming, grunting, motor activity, and smiling. These methods of communication are necessary for a baby who does not yet have communication skills.

  • Scream. If the baby experiences hunger, cold, discomfort, or pain, he signals this with a loud cry. Babies at this age can often cry due to the onset of colic. A baby's cry is characterized by strangled, nasal sounds.
  • Calms down when held. If the baby is not hungry and nothing hurts, then in his arms loved one it usually subsides quickly. It is important to hold the baby close to you; it is the warmth of the body that soothes babies.
  • Sounds. In the first month of life, the baby can already “talk”: it makes the sounds “e”, “a”, something in between. Also, vowel sounds can already be combined with the consonants “x”, “g”.
  • Grunting. The grunting sounds that the baby makes may indicate some kind of discomfort, most often in the intestines. Sniffling and snorting at this age is considered normal and is explained by narrow nasal passages.
  • Arching of the body. If arching the body is not accompanied by constant crying, this can be a training exercise for the muscular system, turning over onto the stomach. But if a child cries, this may indicate intestinal colic. Also, arching of the back may indicate hypertonicity of the muscles of the neck and back. In this case, you need to consult a neurologist.

During wakefulness, a 1-month-old baby experiences many chaotic movements of the arms and legs. This is fine. If you pick up the baby, the movements disappear. The motor activity of the limbs is explained by the fact that the child instinctively seeks the boundaries that he had before, in the womb. During the first three months of life, the baby will gradually get used to the new environmental conditions.

The first year of a baby’s life is the most important and eventful. Never in life will there be such dramatic changes, such progress in the development of the baby, as in these 12 months.
During this time, the child’s weight triples, 8-12 teeth appear, he can walk (on his own or with the support of adults)…
Despite such dramatic changes, many parents wonder whether their child’s development meets generally accepted standards, or whether such standards exist at all. Today we’ll talk about what a child should be able to do at 1 year old.

Physical indicators: what is considered normal?

Each child, starting his life's journey, has different starting opportunities and conditions. It’s not strange if by the end of the first year children arrive with different indicators. A baby is a blank slate, and what is written on it depends on many factors.

But, despite the individual characteristics, according to WHO, by the first year of life the child should arrive with the following physical indicators and have the following motor skills:

  • Approximately tripled weight gain;
  • With height increased by half that at birth;
  • Ability to stand, walk (with assistance), squat and climb;
  • Climb stairs (crawling or with the help of adults);
  • Perambulate;
  • Climb onto a chair, sofa;
  • Click on toys that create sounds.

Height and weight parameters are not constant However, in pediatrics there is a table with approximate indicators of the physical parameters of a baby’s development. A balanced approach is important here: if the parents are of a fragile constitution, it is difficult to demand from the child full compliance with accepted standards.

It is important to ensure that your baby’s diet is varied and includes enough foods with calcium and vitamin D.

Cognitive development of the baby: activity and fine motor skills of the hands

The one-year age of a baby is a period of discovery and knowledge of the world, individual phenomena, awareness of the properties and purpose of objects. It is extremely important that during this period the child has the opportunity to fully communicate with parents, older children, and peers. This makes it possible to observe, compare, and repeat actions.

Rita, mother of Yegor, 1 year old: “It turns out that there can be competition between babies. The neighbor’s nine-month-old son knew how to show with his fingers that he would soon be one year old, and mine was one year old, but I didn’t teach him this. The baby learned instantly, and on the same day he not only showed how old he was, but also learned to say “ding” (one in translation).”

Psychologists believe that one year old baby can independently perform the following manipulations:

  • Fold and disassemble the pyramid;
  • Collect small toys in a box or other voluminous toy(bucket, etc.);
  • Build a tower from cubes;
  • “Find” fun for yourself from everyday things (dishes, shoes).
  • Reproduce “life” situations: feeding a doll, combing a dog’s hair, praising or scolding someone in your own language;
  • Take small objects with your fingers and give them back when asked;
  • Roll the ball, roll it to your playing partner;
  • Imitate the actions of adults “like grandfather coughing, dad reading the newspaper, mom putting on lipstick”;
  • Be interested in the contents of drawers, cabinets, open and close them;
  • Imitate the behavior of older children or repeat after peers: squeak, clap, jump.

The mother of eight-month-old Rostislav shared her son’s “invention”: “My son sat in the playpen and laughed loudly. When I approached, I saw an interesting picture: the kid put a pencil (with edges) in a cup, tilted it a little, and the pencil rolled along the walls of the cup, making a clicking sound as it rolled from edge to edge. This sound made the baby laugh merrily, and when the pencil stopped, he tilted the cup again, and the movement continued by inertia.”

Social skills and habits

A one-year-old child, whom parents do not limit in communication and walks, is distinguished from overprotected peers by active behavior, sociability and the desire to try everything, constantly move. Having gained access to an object of interest, the baby pays attention to it, explores it, and tests it with all possible ways, brags to others.

For a one-year-old child, the following behavior is typical:

  • Show your feelings for mom, dad, and favorite toys. To the question “How do you love your mother?” kiss and hug, even bite the adored object;
  • React joyfully to the appearance of a new toy;
  • Rejoice at the arrival of people he knows;
  • Show family members in photos;
  • Be afraid of strangers;
  • Be interested in books, enthusiastically leaf through them, point your finger at familiar animals, objects, and fairy-tale characters;
  • Sing and dance (reaction to playing music);
  • “Be indignant” at the prohibitions or strict tone of elders with the help of facial expressions, grumpy muttering, squeaking, screaming;
  • Imitate many of the actions of adults; vacuuming, talking on the phone, getting ready for work;
  • Praise yourself, look at yourself in the mirror.

The more attention the baby was given, adult “conversations” were had with him, books were “read”, the more knowledge and skills the baby will have by the age of one.

Speech and its understanding

According to neurologists, one of the main skills that a child should be able to do at the age of one year is to understand the speech of others and begin to pronounce his first words. The most important indicator of the normal development of a baby is his reaction to the request of others: “Show me where your ear is, bring the ball, feed the doll, etc.” If there is no reaction, there is cause for concern: the baby may have hearing problems (this is often discovered earlier than a year) or is developmentally delayed.

So a 1-year-old child should know what “ lexicon"is considered normal by 12 months of age?

  • Pronounce ten separate words;
  • Imitate the sounds made by animals, vehicles, show how the baby himself sings or talks on the phone;
  • Copy the intonation of adults;
  • Pronounce individual words or their substitutes when communicating with other children;
  • Follow the requests of adults, understand the prohibitions;
  • Point to interior items listed by adults;
  • React to your name;
  • Perform game manipulations “okay, peek-a-boo, bye.”


By the age of one year, parents are already well oriented towards the baby’s personal characteristics: calm or capricious, assiduous or too active. This is inherent in nature, and as the wise men of this world said, we can only change a few percent through educational measures.
12 months of age is the period when the child begins to realize that separation from his mother is bad, and the first childhood fears appear. Wise parents- those who patiently explain, where is he going for how long, knows how to negotiate with the baby and does not give in to screams and hysterics (at one year old this is already clearly evident).
It is important to teach your child correct reaction for a ban: a serious tone and a calm explanation will eventually develop the baby’s understanding of the word “impossible.”

Household skills

By the age of one year, the child should have mastered some everyday skills:

  • Hold and bite hard food;
  • Drink on your own;
  • Try to eat on your own (with your hands or a special spoon);
  • Understand and actively participate in hygiene procedures: give hands and face to wash, wipe hands;
  • Making the first attempts to dress, reacting to mom’s words “give me one leg, and now the other”;
  • Realize the connection between wet pants and his needs, show that he is uncomfortable because his clothes are wet or he wants to go to the potty.

Is it possible to speed up a baby's development?

The list of what a 1-year-old baby should know and be able to do is quite extensive. How to achieve such a result with only 12 months to spare?
Nature is wise, the child receives basic skills at the genetic level, but regarding psycho-emotional development, there is scope for raising a little prodigy.

Naturally, natural gifts are extremely important, but communication and early development can bring amazing results. Having started teaching a baby to swim at the age of several months, by the age of one year we get a result that is inaccessible to 99% of peers. It is wrong to say that a child does not know how to do anything; it is more correct to admit that his parents did not teach him anything.

How to speed up development: games, activities, travel

How to help your child grow active, smart and inquisitive? The answer is simple: offer him new objects, impressions, communication not after the child is interested in it, but before that moment, that is, act according to the method of advanced development. This does not require huge financial investments, nannies and tutors. Enough attention, love and desire of the parents themselves.

There are frequent cases when a child sees scissors for the first time and tries to cut with them. kindergarten at the age of 5 years. The story is similar with watercolor paints, glue, colored paper and plasticine. And there are other cases when a one and a half year old child deftly wields scissors, draws with paints using his own palms and, together with adults, glues tear-off appliqués.

Champions, scientists, inventors grow up in those families where the child was offered something new, interesting, and exciting from the cradle. But there is nothing complicated about this: a children's horizontal bar, gymnastics equipment, an encyclopedia, paints and paper, joint travel and constant conversations with the baby - this will give results, and then even at the age of one, the baby will delight you with his successes.

Video on the topic

There will be hundreds of months and dozens of years in the life of this person, but the FIRST month is four weeks of special responsibility and attention of parents, thirty days of new sensations and recognition of this world by the baby, new extraordinary impressions and experiences of mom and dad.

Physical development

There will be hundreds of months and dozens of years in the life of this person, but the first month is four weeks of special responsibility and attention of parents, thirty days of new sensations and recognition of this world by the baby, new extraordinary impressions and experiences of mom and dad. This is the month when new life in direct and figuratively flows into your home. IN maternity hospital, like the shot of a starting pistol, the cry of a new citizen of our planet is heard. The start has been given, and ahead is a marathon distance of a lifetime.

During the first month after birth, the baby is usually called a newborn. Only after being born, after a difficult first breath and a deafening birth catharsis, the baby’s organs and systems begin to actively adapt to extrauterine life. Immediately in the maternity hospital, according to the rules, in the first 12 hours of life, the newborn is given the first vaccination against viral hepatitis in his life, and within 3–7 days he is vaccinated against tuberculosis (BCG). The next vaccination will be a booster vaccination against hepatitis B at 1 month of age.

The circulatory system is significantly reconstructed, red blood cells with the fetal type of hemoglobin (also called fetal), which are now irrelevant for the body, are rapidly destroyed, activated the immune system, the child’s kidneys, digestive and endocrine systems solve their first problems, and his skin, respiratory tract and intestines for the first time encounter previously unfamiliar microbes.

It is possible that in the first week after birth, the baby will lose about ten percent of its body weight. This is a consequence of the newborn’s body adapting to the extrauterine environment. Parents should not panic or worry about this. In the future, the baby will quickly recover and gain weight. In the first week, the entire body of the newborn works under great stress, and a more stable and calm state occurs only at the beginning of the second week.

Indicators of a child from birth to 1 month

Growth chart and

And a weight chart


3.330-3.530 kg

Head circumference

Chest circumference

The baby spends a significant part of the day (up to 20 hours) sleeping during the first month. A newborn, as a rule, sleeps in the frog position, that is, lying on his back, with his arms bent at the elbows and raised up, and with his legs bent at the knee joints and spread apart.

During this period, a newborn has five sleep states:

  • deep sleep, when the baby is absolutely relaxed, breathing slowly and evenly, eyes closed and face relaxed;
  • <
  • shallow sleep, when the child has more rapid, not quite even breathing, possible twitching of the arms and legs, you can see how the eyeballs move under the eyelids;
  • a drowsy state that occurs during feeding or before falling asleep, characterized by half-closed eyes;
  • wakefulness, when the baby is active, makes movements with the whole body, arms and legs;
  • Crying to indicate that the newborn is in discomfort, such as being hungry, scared, or wet.
  • In the first month, the baby exhibits the following motor skills: lying on his stomach, he tries to raise his head, and sometimes he even manages to hold it in this state for several seconds. In the first thirty days, the newborn will add about 600 grams to its initial weight and grow by approximately 3 centimeters, the head circumference will increase by 1.5 - 2 centimeters.


    In the first month it is very important to establish feeding the baby

    Obviously, the best food for him is mother's milk. In the first days of a child's life, the amount of milk in women gradually increases, but for some (especially first-time mothers) this increase is not enough. In this regard, doctors’ recommendations for stimulating lactation are relevant. One of the main ways to stimulate lactation is to put the baby to the breast more often at the first sign of the baby's anxiety. This method is called “free feeding mode” or “feeding on demand”. Thus, some mothers get 10–12 feedings per day.

    It is important to place the nipple correctly in the baby's mouth- it should cover the entire isola. It has been established that the baby sucks out the bulk of breast milk in the first 5 to 10 minutes of feeding. However, there are children who quickly get tired and fall asleep at the breast; they need to be encouraged to suck by lightly patting their cheeks, removing the nipple from their mouth and reinserting it. When sucking, the baby swallows not only milk, but also air, which the baby tries to get rid of, along with the nutrient fluid. Therefore, the procedure of regurgitation, when excess accumulated air is released, is very important. When breastfeeding, burping is optimal every 5 minutes (or when changing breasts) and every 50 g when bottle feeding. This is usually done in three ways - upright on your shoulder, face down on your lap or in a sitting position - and it's a good idea to try all three ways to see which works best for you and your baby.

    Bloating, intestinal cramps, colic- frequent companions in the first months of life even in practically healthy children. Home ways to help a child with these conditions: light massage of the tummy in a clockwise direction; vertical position in the arms of an adult or the so-called “skin to skin” contact - the baby is placed with his tummy on the bare chest of the mother, reclining in a chair, covered with a blanket on top, the mother strokes his back; using a gas tube, laying the baby on his stomach for 3-5 minutes, taking Plantex (containing dill). All these methods help prevent “colic” by promoting the removal of gases from the intestines.

    A very important moment in the first weeks of a child’s life is the healing of the umbilical wound. When discharged from the maternity hospital at the usual time (fifth - seventh day), the umbilical wound does not have time to heal completely.

    Traditionally, it is customary to treat the navel with a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green). And this must be done daily, until the wound becomes completely dry in the morning when the child goes to the toilet and in the evening after daily bathing. Until the crust falls off, it is recommended to add a faint pink solution of potassium permanganate, an infusion of chamomile or St. John's wort to the bathing water. The temperature of the water for swimming is 37–37.5°C, the duration of swimming is no more than 5–7 minutes. If your child has discharge from the umbilical wound or redness and swelling of the umbilical ring, you should consult a doctor. You should also consult a doctor if the crust from the umbilical wound does not fall off when the child reaches 14–15 days of age.

    Mental development

    Innate reflexes contribute to the baby’s adaptation to the extrauterine environment. Some of them disappear in the first months of life, others transform into acquired reflexes, reaching the level of consciousness. Such innate reflexes as the reflex of sneezing, wincing, blinking, yawning, and knee-jerk reflexes are preserved in the baby for life. During the first month of life, a child has seven main reflexes:

    • Prehensile- appears when stroking or lightly touching the child’s palm. Reflexively, the baby grabs and holds everything that touches his palm.
    • Search- the baby turns his head if his cheek is touched or stroked. This reflex is a necessary component of the instinct to search for food and nutrition.
    • Sucking- the baby has noticeable sucking movements of the lips if you run a finger or pacifier around the mouth. The sucking reflex, like the search reflex, is firmly connected with the feeding instinct.
    • Babinski reflex- when running a finger along the outer edge of the foot, the toes diverge in different directions along with the rotation of the foot.
    • Mohr's reflex- the newborn spreads and closes his arms and legs, reacting to a loud and sudden sound.
    • Babkin reflex- when pressing on the baby’s palm, he turns his head and opens his mouth.
    • Swimming reflex- the baby makes movements similar to swimming if you put him on his stomach.
    • Walking Reflex- a newborn makes movements that imitate walking if you support him under his arms so that his legs touch any surface.

    How do the senses develop during this period?

    By the middle of the second week of life, many newborns are able to hold a moving object in their field of vision, for example, a bright rattle with a diameter of about ten centimeters. If you place a bright toy at a distance of 40–50 cm from a baby lying on his back and begin to slowly move it left and right, the child will fixate the toy with his gaze for a few seconds. A three-week-old baby is usually already able to fix with his gaze more or less large stationary objects, for example, the face of mom or dad. If you approach a newborn lying on his back at a distance of 40–50 cm and attract his attention by talking, and then fall silent, remaining motionless, the baby will also freeze, carefully peering into your face. By the fourth week, the movements of the baby's eyeballs are already smoother and more coordinated.

    At this age, children, as a rule, already have the basic abilities that are so necessary for further knowledge of the world around them. For this reason, in order to promptly detect a delay in the development of their baby, it is extremely important for parents to know what a child should be able to do at the age of 1, what skills he should have by this time. Find out more about this period of baby growing up.

    Child development at 1 year

    Loving parents treat with great trepidation the first manifestations of a conscious perception of life in their children. At the same time, some mothers and fathers, in an effort to give their baby the best, sometimes go too far, which is usually expressed in the requirement that the child master skills that are not typical for his age. Remember that each baby is unique in its own way and you cannot turn the baby into an “object” of self-affirmation. With all this, you need to understand that there is a certain average set of skills that a toddler should have by the age of 12 months.

    One should approach this kind of development indicators calmly and without fanaticism. Often, what a child can do at 1 year old depends entirely on the parents. The only exception is any pronounced symptoms of a baby’s developmental delay. In addition to these points, it is worth paying attention to the norms of the child’s weight and height. So, a one-year-old baby should triple its initial weight and grow by 25 cm. It is important to say that the indicated values ​​​​cannot be applied to premature children or those with problems with excess body weight.


    By the age of one year, children, as a rule, already know how to stand, holding onto pieces of furniture or an adult, sit, and actively crawl. Some especially nimble kids can even walk. For the most part, children move around the house along a support or with support from one or two arms. At the same time, do not underestimate the little one and think that he will not be able to climb onto the windowsill or pull sharp objects off the table. By this time, the children are already quite smart and, if necessary, can substitute a chair.

    When answering what a child of 1 year should be able to do, experts note that the rate of development of physical abilities completely depends on the degree of independence of the baby. For this reason, it is extremely important that the baby does the main “work” himself, but with parental support. By the way, if your little one wants to learn to walk, then give him the opportunity to take the first steps on his own, while not forgetting about safety nets.


    One-year-old children, regardless of individual development rates, actively explore the world around them. Kids, as a rule, are very interested in taking objects from inaccessible places and mastering the skills of building a simple construction set. The last activity is very useful for the little one, as it allows them to develop fine motor skills. Regarding what a one-year-old child should be able to do from the point of view of psychological development, it is worth saying that by this time the baby already has the following basic skills:

    • knows how to assemble a pyramid from several rings;
    • plays with dishes and pretends to eat with a spoon or drink from a mug;
    • can build a tower from two cubes;
    • shows interest in unfamiliar objects;
    • feeds the dolls, combs them and puts them to bed;
    • can grasp small objects with two fingers;
    • imitates adults;
    • dances to music;
    • tries to open and close cabinet doors independently;
    • collects toys.

    Baby skills at 1 year

    Most babies can walk independently by 12 months. However, some one-year-old children still need their mother's help while moving around the house or playground. In addition, by this time the little one should be able to squat and freely rise from this position. The little man is becoming more and more independent every day, so parents need to pay him as much attention as possible. Based on communication with the mother, by the baby’s first birthday, one or another attitude towards the world around him is formed.

    Required skills and abilities

    When listing what a one-year-old child should be able to do, pediatricians often name, at first glance, completely unnecessary and inappropriate abilities. Nevertheless, these skills are an indicator of the success of the baby’s further development as a person. In a situation where a toddler cannot do any of the skills specified by experts, this should become a reason for parents to adjust the child’s upbringing. As for the required skills, a one-year-old toddler should be able to:

    • comply with adults' requests;
    • confidently hold light objects in your hands;
    • show emotions without hysterics and crying;
    • recognize familiar people;
    • react adequately emotionally to different situations;
    • show in pictures the objects in question;
    • through joint play, contact with peers;
    • speak at least a couple of words;
    • imitate adults, imitating their gestures and facial expressions.

    How should a one year old child walk?

    At this point, the baby is actively exploring the world around him. At the same time, the main skill that the toddler “works on” is walking. Most children by this time can move along a support or with the help of adults. Some children begin to walk early, but skip the crawling stage. With all this, it is worth paying attention to how the child walks. In a situation where the baby, while moving, places emphasis on his toes or spreads his legs too wide, you should seek advice from a pediatric orthopedist.

    Self-care skills

    The one-year-old toddler strives for independence with all his being. By this time, the baby is learning to eat on his own, which in no case excludes the mother’s participation in the process. Some children even try to dress themselves. Do not neglect this emotional impulse of the little one. Give your child clothes and give him the opportunity to practice as much as he can while watching this action from the side. Among other things, one-year-old children should be able to:

    • drink independently from a sippy cup or mug;
    • bite and chew solid food;
    • eat independently;
    • sit on the potty (essentially, the baby should ask to go to the potty and understand what it is for);
    • to wash hands.

    Speech development in a 1 year old child

    By 12 months, the toddler should understand speech addressed to him and fulfill simple requests from adults. One-year-old children react very sensitively to intonation, so it is extremely important not to overdo it when raising a baby. The baby should receive mostly positive emotions from communicating with his mother. There is no need to worry if the toddler does not know something from the list of what a child should say at 1 year old. In this situation, it is much more important that the baby understands the speech of adults and correctly perceives its emotional side.

    How many words should a child speak per year?

    The development of speech skills in children occurs in completely different ways. Some babies can already talk at one year old, while other toddlers are just learning to pronounce words. You can speed up your child’s speech development if you constantly have a lively conversation with him.. At the same time, it is very important to comment on everything that is happening around. The vocabulary of a one-year-old child includes only 2-10 words, which also includes onomatopoeia. In a situation where your baby cannot pronounce the simplest words and does not understand adult speech, he must be shown to a child psychologist.

    What words should a child say per year?

    By the age of one year, the baby has a limited vocabulary, so some children try to master onomatopoeia. I must say that many succeed in this. In the arsenal of toddlers by the age of one year, as a rule, there are two-valued words: mother, father, woman, grandfather. Most children are only capable of babbling and only understandable sounds. When answering what a one-year-old toddler should be able to do, pediatricians, moving on to speech development, usually name words like: bee-bee, give, ta-ta, mu-mu, la-la, dyad-dya, am-am.

    Child behavior at 1 year

    At this age, children still cannot control their emotions, often expressing them by crying, screaming and other unsightly actions. This kind of protest should be perceived as a completely normal phenomenon for this stage of the baby’s development. Correct behavior can be achieved solely through affection and encouragement. In addition, at one year old children begin to realize their isolation from their parents. They may cry because their mother has gone and left them alone. The baby must remember that although his mother is away, she is nearby and ready to come to his aid at any moment.
